HRP20000433A2 - Hot and cold water distributors in a solar system (without tank-exchanger) being a combination of the existing and new installation - Google Patents

Hot and cold water distributors in a solar system (without tank-exchanger) being a combination of the existing and new installation Download PDF


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HRP20000433A2 HR20000433A HRP20000433A HRP20000433A2 HR P20000433 A2 HRP20000433 A2 HR P20000433A2 HR 20000433 A HR20000433 A HR 20000433A HR P20000433 A HRP20000433 A HR P20000433A HR P20000433 A2 HRP20000433 A2 HR P20000433A2
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Mačukat Emil
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Industrijska Obrtnička Uekola Eibenik
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Application filed by Industrijska Obrtnička Uekola Eibenik filed Critical Industrijska Obrtnička Uekola Eibenik
Priority to HR20000433A priority Critical patent/HRPK20000433B1/en
Publication of HRP20000433A2 publication Critical patent/HRP20000433A2/en
Publication of HRPK20000433B1 publication Critical patent/HRPK20000433B1/en



    • Y02E10/00Energy generation through renewable energy sources
    • Y02E10/40Solar thermal energy, e.g. solar towers


  • Domestic Hot-Water Supply Systems And Details Of Heating Systems (AREA)
  • Heat-Pump Type And Storage Water Heaters (AREA)


Područje na koji se izum odnosi The field to which the invention relates

Ovaj izum odnosi se na razvodnike u daljnjem tekstu "Kruška" (3L, 3T, 2L, 2T) koji imaju ugrađene odgovarajuće standardne tropute ventile sl. 13, sl. 14, sl. 15. Izum je i sustav za solarno grijanje vode u daljnjem tekstu" Iris" a predstavlja spoj nove i stare instalacije. Novi dio sustava "Iris" se nadograđuje na postojeću vodovodnu instalaciju, a njegovi najvažniji dijelovi su: direktni solarni kolektor-spremnik i razvodnik "Kruška". Sustav "Iris" je sustav za solarno grijanje vode bez dodatnog spremnika-izmjenjivača topline. This invention refers to manifolds hereinafter referred to as "Pear" (3L, 3T, 2L, 2T) which have built-in corresponding standard three-way valves Fig. 13, Fig. 14, Fig. 15. The invention is also a system for solar water heating in the following to the text "Iris" and represents a combination of new and old installation. The new part of the "Iris" system is being upgraded to the existing plumbing installation, and its most important parts are: the direct solar collector-tank and the distributor "Kruška". The "Iris" system is a system for solar water heating without an additional tank-heat exchanger.

Pojmom Direktni kolektor spremnik- nazivat ću direktni kolektor izrađen po principu uradi sam sl.9, ili direktni kolektor maksimalnog volumena koji se može naći na tržištu. By the term Direct collector tank - I will refer to a direct collector made according to the do-it-yourself principle fig.9, or a direct collector of the maximum volume that can be found on the market.

Tehnički problem Technical problem

Godinama i godinama prisutan je problem kako na klasičnu postojeću vodovodnu instalaciju u kućama jednostavno priključiti optimalan solarni sustav. Priključenje je do sada zahtijevalo velike radove na objektu, nabavu spremnika-izmjenjivača tople vode te kompliciran način upravljanja ili uporabu skupe regulacije. Novi spremnik-izmjenjivač, zidarski poslovi, i crpke s regulacijom iznose najveći dio ukupnih troškova. For years and years there has been the problem of how to easily connect an optimal solar system to the classic existing water installation in houses. Until now, connection has required major works on the building, procurement of a hot water tank-exchanger, and a complicated management method or the use of expensive regulation. A new tank-exchanger, masonry works, and pumps with regulation account for the largest part of the total costs.

Stanje tehnike State of the art

U postojećoj tehnologiji prisutan je ogroman broj rješenja solarnog sustava u kombinaciji s postojećom tehnologijom klasičnog načina zagrijavanja vode uz pomoć elektro- energije (u daljnjem tekstu "bojler", B) bilo u "Direktnom sustavu" (direktni kolektor, direktni spremnik -izmjenjivač) ili u "Indirektnom sustavu" (indirektni kolektor, indirektni spremnik-izmjenjivač), uz upotrebu crpki ili bez njih, i ogroman broj načina upravljanja ili regulacije ukupnog sustava, s velikim brojem elemenata u sustavu. In the existing technology, there is a huge number of solar system solutions in combination with the existing technology of the classic way of heating water with the help of electricity (hereinafter referred to as "boiler", B) either in the "Direct system" (direct collector, direct tank - exchanger) or in the "Indirect system" (indirect collector, indirect tank-exchanger), with or without the use of pumps, and a huge number of ways of managing or regulating the overall system, with a large number of elements in the system.

Ni jedan sustav ne daje jednostavnost priključka na postojeću instalaciju, jednostavnost upravljanja te način korištenja od prije postojećih el. bojlera kao sustav "Iris". Korištenje postojećih bojlera u kombinaciji s direktnim kolektorom-spremnikom omogućava izgradnju solarnog sustava bez izmjenjivača-spremnika. Not a single system provides the ease of connection to the existing installation, the ease of management, and the way of using it than the pre-existing electricity. boiler as the "Iris" system. The use of existing boilers in combination with a direct collector-tank enables the construction of a solar system without an exchanger-tank.

Razvodnike "Kruška" ne treba uspoređivati s ventilima za miješanje (miš), bilo kojeg tipa i proizvođača. Kruške (3L, 3T, 2L, 2T) ne miješaju vodu, već je razvode. Oni su razvodnici. Kad bi ih usporedili s razvodnicima u hidraulici, bili bi oznake 6/3 ili 5/3, iako im je funkcija i svrha različita sl.6, sl.7. "Pear" distributors should not be compared with mixing valves (mouse), of any type and manufacturer. Pears (3L, 3T, 2L, 2T) do not mix water, but separate it. They are splitters. If they were to be compared with hydraulic distributors, they would be labeled 6/3 or 5/3, although their function and purpose are different fig.6, fig.7.

Izlaganje suštine izuma Presentation of the essence of the invention

Razvodnikom uz pomoć različitih kombinacija položaja međusobno povezanih troputih ventila sl.16 a,b,c,d, postižemo tri realna redoslijeda protoka vode od izvora, kao hladne (V), do potrošača (P), kao tople. Dobar poznavalac će uočiti još veći broj mogućih kombinacija različitih položaja troputih ventila u "Kruškama" (3L. sl. 11, 2L sl. 12, 3T sl. 13, 2T sl. 14), koje u biti možemo postići pomicanjem (otklanjanjem) graničnika na troputim ventilima. Mogućih kombinacija položaja troputih ventila ima više nego nam realno treba. With the manifold, with the help of different combinations of the positions of interconnected three-way valves fig.16 a,b,c,d, we achieve three realistic water flow sequences from the source, as cold (V), to the consumer (P), as hot. A good connoisseur will notice an even greater number of possible combinations of different positions of the three-way valve in "Kruške" (3L. Fig. 11, 2L Fig. 12, 3T Fig. 13, 2T Fig. 14), which can essentially be achieved by moving (removing) the stop on three-way valves. There are more possible combinations of three-way valve positions than we realistically need.

Originalnost izuma jeste i smještaj te spoj razvodnika "Kruška" u odnosu na staru instalaciju sl.2. The originality of the invention is also the placement and connection of the distributor "Kruška" compared to the old installation fig.2.

a) Primami cilj: a) Attracts the target:

Primami cilj izuma je omogućavanje sve tri realne mogućnosti proizvodnje tople vode, u kombinaciji solarnog i električkog zagrijavanja, korištenje već postojećih bojlera kao protočnih spremnika solarno zagrijane vode te mogućnost parcijalnog održavanja (popravka) sustava, ako je to potrebno. Isplativost je velika čak i s nisko produktivnim kolektorima tipa uradi sam. The primary goal of the invention is to enable all three realistic possibilities of hot water production, in a combination of solar and electric heating, the use of already existing boilers as flow tanks of solar heated water and the possibility of partial maintenance (repair) of the system, if necessary. Profitability is high even with low-productivity do-it-yourself collectors.

b) Sekundarni cilj: b) Secondary objective:

Sekundarni cilj izuma jest ostvarenje male cijene solarnog dijela sustava i male cijene spajanja na postojeću vodovodnu instalaciju. Jednostavna izrada solarnog dijela sustava koji se sastoji samo od direktnog solarnog kolektora-spremnika jednostavne instalacije (izolirani vodovi od razvodnika do kolektora-spremnika) i jednostavnost ugradnje čine da je cijena solarnog dijela sustava i spoja solarnog dijela sustava na postojeću instalaciju višestruko manja nego kod poznatih sustava na tržištu jer ne treba spremnik-izmjenjivač, a za jednostavnu ugradnju i spoj koristimo neki od razvodnika "Kruška". The secondary goal of the invention is to achieve a low cost of the solar part of the system and a low cost of connection to the existing water installation. The simple design of the solar part of the system, which consists only of a direct solar collector-tank with a simple installation (insulated lines from the distributor to the collector-tank) and the ease of installation make the price of the solar part of the system and the connection of the solar part of the system to the existing installation many times lower than with known system on the market because it does not need a tank-exchanger, and for simple installation and connection we use one of the "Kruška" manifolds.

c) Daljnji cilj: c) Further goal:

Daljnji cilj izuma jest omogućavanje korištenja solarne energije s "ulaznim" troškovima koji se vraćaju za nekoliko puta kraće vrijeme jer je omjer uložene vrijednosti i vrijednosti dobivene energije 3-4 puta manji od istoga najpovoljnijeg omjera kod postojećih sustava na tržištu. A further goal of the invention is to enable the use of solar energy with "input" costs that are returned in several times shorter time, because the ratio of the invested value and the value of the obtained energy is 3-4 times lower than the same most favorable ratio for existing systems on the market.

d) Dodatni ciljevi su: d) Additional goals are:

1. jednostavna veza novih solarnih kolektora kvalitetne izvedbe na već postojeću kućnu vodovodnu instalaciju jer nije potrebno izvoditi građevinske zahvate. 1. simple connection of new high-quality solar collectors to the already existing home water installation because it is not necessary to carry out construction interventions.

2. jednostavna veza već postojećih i upotrebljavanih solarnih kolektora niske iskoristivosti iz "kućne radinosti" koji do sada nisu bili vezani na kućnu vodovodnu instalaciju. Na području Dalmacije ih je ogroman broj. 2. simple connection of already existing and used solar collectors of low utilization from "homework" which until now have not been connected to the home water installation. There are a huge number of them in the area of Dalmatia.

3. zbog jednostavnosti priključivanja "Kruške", taj posao je moguće ostvariti u kućnoj radinosti po principu "uradi sam". 3. due to the simplicity of connecting the "Pear", this work can be done at home using the "do-it-yourself" principle.

Kratki opis crteža Brief description of the drawing


a) smještaj razvodnika "Kruška" 3L a) location of distributor "Kruška" 3L

b) unutrašnjost razvodnika "Kruška" 3L b) the inside of the distributor "Kruška" 3L


Sl. 1. Mogući smještaj sunčanih kolektora Sl. 1. Possible placement of solar collectors

Sl. 2. Smještaj kolektora i razvodnika u odnosu na postojeći bojler. Sl. 2. Location of the collector and distributor in relation to the existing water heater.

Sl. 3. Troputni ventili T i L Sl. 3. Three-way valves T and L

Sl. 4. Funkcionalni prikaz troputnog L- ventila Sl. 4. Functional view of the three-way L-valve

Sl. 5. Funkcionalni prikaz troputnog T- ventila Sl. 5. Functional view of the three-way T-valve

Sl. 6. Funkcionalni prikaz razvodnika "Kruška" 3L Sl. 6. Functional view of the distributor "Kruška" 3L

Sl. 7. Funkcionalni prikaz prednje ploče, ručnih hvatača troputnih L- ventila razvodnika "Kruška" 3L Sl. 7. Functional view of the front panel, manual grippers of the three-way L-valve of the manifold "Kruška" 3L

Sl. 8. Prikaz upotrebe razvodnika kao spoja stare i nove instalacije kod: Sl. 8. Presentation of the use of the distributor as a connection between the old and the new installation at:

a) sustava s direktnim kolektorom i direktnim izmjenjivačem - spremnikom a) system with direct collector and direct exchanger - tank

b) sustava s indirektnim kolektorom, indirektnim izmjenjivačem spremnika, bez crpke b) system with indirect collector, indirect tank exchanger, without pump

c) sustava "Iris" (sustav bez izmjenjivača) s direktnim kolektorom - spremnikom. c) "Iris" system (system without exchanger) with direct collector - tank.

Sl. 9. Solarni kolektori - spremnici s reflektorom serijski vezani (V=160 l) upotrebljenih u autokampu Sl. 9. Solar collectors - tanks with reflectors connected in series (V=160 l) used in the motorhome

Sl. 10. Prikaz upotrebe razvodnika 2L i 2T kao spoja nove instalacije i stare u sustavima s 4 postojeća bojlera. Sl. 10. Illustration of the use of the distributor 2L and 2T as a connection between the new installation and the old one in systems with 4 existing boilers.

a) sustav s direktnim kolektorom i direktnim izmjenjivačem - spremnikom. a) system with direct collector and direct exchanger - tank.

b) sustav s indirektnim kolektorom, indirektnim izmjenjivačem - spremnikom bez crpke. b) system with indirect collector, indirect exchanger - tank without pump.

c) sustav "IRIS" (sustav bez izmjenjivača) s direktnim kolektorom - spremnikom. c) "IRIS" system (system without exchanger) with direct collector - tank.

Sl. 11. Montažni prikaz razvodnika "Kruška" 3L Sl. 11. Assembly view of distributor "Kruška" 3L

Sl. 12. Montažni prikaz razvodnika "Kruška" 2L Sl. 12. Assembly view of distributor "Kruška" 2L

Sl. 13. Montažni prikaz razvodnika "Kruška" 3T Sl. 13. Assembly view of distributor "Kruška" 3T

Sl. 14. Montažni prikaz razvodnika "Kruška" 2T Sl. 14. Assembly view of distributor "Kruška" 2T

Sl. 15. Neki od većeg broja mogućih drukčijih načina montaže i upravljanja razvodnika. Sl. 15. Some of the larger number of possible different ways of mounting and managing the distributor.

a) razvodnik "Kruška" 3T a) distributor "Kruška" 3T

b) razvodnik "Kruška" 2T b) distributor "Kruška" 2T

Sl. 16. Međusobni položaj: kugli ventila, ručki ventila i "hvatača" ručki na razvodnicima Sl. 16. Mutual position: valve balls, valve handles and handle "catchers" on the manifolds

a) "Kruška" 3L a) "Pear" 3L

b) "Kruška" 2L b) "Pear" 2L

c) "Kruška" 3T c) "Pear" 3T

d) "Kruška" 2T d) "Pear" 2T

Sl. 17. Prikaz hvatača i mehanizama za upravljanje na razvodnicima: ''Kruška" 3L i 3T Sl. 17. Display of catchers and control mechanisms on distributors: "Pear" 3L and 3T

Sl. 18. Prikaz programskih "pločica" na razvodnicima: "Kruška" 3L i 3T Sl. 18. Display of program "plates" on distributors: "Pear" 3L and 3T

Sl. 19. Prikaz hvatača ručki na razvodnicima 2T i 2L Sl. 19. View of handle catchers on distributors 2T and 2L

Sl. 20. Način upotrebe PVC kanala i PVC izolacije za glavne i pomoćne vodove Sl. 20. How to use PVC ducts and PVC insulation for main and auxiliary lines

Detaljni opis najmanje jednog od načina ostvarenja izuma A detailed description of at least one way of realizing the invention

Sljedeći opis upotrebe izuma odnosi se na sl.10 c, odnosno na upotrebu razvodnika "Kruška" (2T), sa dva T troputa ventila, u sustavu sa 4 već postojeća el. bojlera u objektu koji raspolaže s 4 apartmana za iznajmljivanje, izvedbom kolektora-spremnika iz kućne radinosti sa vodovima (ulaz i izlaz) dimenzija 3⁄4" ili Ø 20. Daljnji opis načina ostvarenja izuma i njegove primjene može se odnositi i na sustav solarnog grijanja vode sa "starim bojlerom" i: direktnim kolektorom i posebnim spremnikom-izmjenjivačem sl.10 a; indirektnim kolektorom i spremnikom-izmjenjivačem sl.10 b, i to sa crpkom ili bez nje, čiji novi dijelovi su spojeni na stare uz pomoć "Kruške" (3L 3T) sl.8a,b. The following description of the use of the invention refers to fig. 10 c, that is, to the use of the distributor "Kruška" (2T), with two T three-way valves, in a system with 4 already existing electric. water heater in a facility that has 4 apartments for rent, home-made collector-tank design with lines (inlet and outlet) measuring 3⁄4" or Ø 20. Further description of the method of realization of the invention and its application may also refer to the solar heating system water with "old boiler" and: direct collector and special tank-exchanger fig.10 a; indirect collector and tank-exchanger fig.10 b, with or without a pump, the new parts of which are connected to the old ones with the help of "Pear " (3L 3T) fig. 8a,b.

Opis se temelji i na iskustvu dobivenih vrijednosti parametara izgrađenog sustava za zagrijavanje vode u privatnom auto-kampu "Iris", na Srimi, kraj Vodica čiji sam vlasnik. Instalirani sustav je s upotrebom razvodnika "Kruška" (3L). Preko razvodnika vrši se direktno napajanje dva kolektora- spremnika hladnom vodom, sl.9, serijski vezana i postojećim el. bojlerom volumena 80 1, te postojećom instalacijom sa 3 potrošača tople vode preko slavina miješalica (dva tuša i jedan slivnik). The description is also based on the experience of the obtained parameter values of the water heating system built in the private auto-camp "Iris", on Srima, near Vodice, of which I am the owner. The installed system is using the distributor "Kruška" (3L). Through the distributor, two collectors-tanks are directly fed with cold water, fig.9, connected in series with the existing electricity. boiler with a volume of 80 1, and the existing installation with 3 consumers of hot water via mixer taps (two showers and one sink).

Na sl.10 a, b, c, prikazana su 3 sustava s 4 bojlera.Za spoj koristi se razvodnik "Kruška" 2L ili 2T: Fig. 10 a, b, c show 3 systems with 4 boilers. The "Kruška" 2L or 2T manifold is used for connection:

a) s direktnim kolektorom i s izmjenjivačem-spremnikom, sa ili bez crpke. a) with a direct collector and with an exchanger-tank, with or without a pump.

b) s indirektnim kolektorom i izmjenjivačem-spremnikom sa ili bez crpki. b) with indirect collector and exchanger-tank with or without pumps.

c) s direktnim kolektorom-spremnikom (bez crpke i bez izmjenjivača) c) with direct collector-tank (without pump and without exchanger)

Zimi navedeni sustavi na sl.10 c, imaju dovoljno površine na kolektorima za iskorištavanje sunčane energije samo od strane vlasnika objekta. Nadograđivanje instalacije po objektu treba izvesti uz pomoć PVC cijevi i PVC kanala u kombinaciji sa nosačima cijevi unutar kanala kao što je prikazano na sl.20.b. Za prolaze kroz objekt treba maksimalno koristiti ventilacijske otvore koje ima većina objekata. U slučaju primjera na sl.10 c, kolektor-spremnik (uradi sam) je postavljen sl. 1, pod optimalnim kutem i okrenut prema jugu sa ukupno 160 l. volumena, napajani npr. cijevi 3⁄4" pocinčanih s glavnim vodom od 3⁄4", te pomoćnima od 1⁄2" (ne bi smjeli biti duži od dva metra), a ako je potrebno i povratnim vodom od 1⁄2", te crpkom vrlo malog kapaciteta. Uz dobar odabir toplotne izolacije glavnih i pomoćnih vodova, te male udaljenosti potrošača, nije potrebno instalirati navedenu crpku, što još više pojednostavljuje, pojeftinjuje sustav i čini ga neovisnim od elektro-instalacije. Ako instaliramo crpku ona će biti upravljana termostatom koji je instaliran ispred zadnjeg potrošača-bojlera u sustavu te će uključivati crpku ako je razlika u temperaturi između navedenog mjesta i vršne vode u kolektoru, veća od 10 stupnjeva. Sve cijevi su izolirane standardnim pvc izolacijama. Topla voda iz kolektora teče glavnim vodom i u primjeru s crpkom vraća se u kolektor (gornji topli sloj) a ako je razlika temperature veća od 10 stupnjeva, u slučaju aktiviranja, npr. potrošača bojlera 1, a razvodnik je postavljen na položaj, V-S-B-P koji je najčešći položaj, (ostali položaji se zauzimaju u slučaju potrebe ispražnjenja bojlera ili kolektora), topla voda će iz solarnog dijela instalacije kroz razvodnik teći u bojler 1 te će tu, u slučaju da je dovoljno topla (u odnosu na željenu temperaturu zadanu termostatom bojlera koju postavljamo "optimalno", a po mom iskustvu to je (30 stupnjeva), nadoknađivat potrošenu vodu s vrha bojlera. Ulazna voda u bojler, u ovom slučaju topla iz kolektora-spremnika, će brzo zauzeti gornji nivo u bojleru. Na ovaj način svaki već instalirani i postojeći bojler ponaša se kao spremnik tople vode dobivene u direktnom kolektoru-spremniku. Kolektori, bojleri, razvodnik ispod svakog bojlera, te svi popratni elementi čine sustav "Iris". U cijelom prikazanom sustavu imamo 4 parcijalna spremnika s mogućnošću dogrijavanja (postojeći bojleri) tople vode, ako je to potrebno. In winter, the systems shown in Fig. 10 c have enough surface area on the collectors for the use of solar energy only by the owner of the building. Upgrading the installation per building should be done with the help of PVC pipes and PVC channels in combination with pipe supports inside the channels as shown in Fig. 20.b. For passages through the building, maximum use should be made of the ventilation openings that most buildings have. In the case of the example in fig. 10 c, the collector-tank (do it yourself) is placed fig. 1, at an optimal angle and facing south with a total of 160 l. volume, fed, for example, by 3⁄4" galvanized pipes with a 3⁄4" main line and 1⁄2" auxiliary lines (they should not be longer than two meters), and if necessary, a 1⁄2" return line , and a very small capacity pump. With a good choice of thermal insulation of the main and auxiliary lines, and a short distance to consumers, it is not necessary to install the specified pump, which simplifies the system even more, makes it cheaper and makes it independent of the electrical installation. If we install a pump, it will be controlled by a thermostat that is installed in front of the last consumer-boiler in the system, and it will turn on the pump if the difference in temperature between the specified place and the peak water in the collector is greater than 10 degrees. All pipes are insulated with standard PVC insulation. The hot water from the collector flows through the main water and in the example with the pump it returns to the collector (upper warm layer) and if the temperature difference is greater than 10 degrees, in case of activation, for example, of boiler 1 consumer, and the distributor is set to the position, V-S-B-P which is the most common position, (the other positions are taken in case of the need to empty the boiler or collector), hot water will flow from the solar part of the installation through the distributor to boiler 1 and there, if it is warm enough (in relation to the desired temperature set by the boiler thermostat which we set the "optimal" setting, and in my experience it is (30 degrees), to compensate for the used water from the top of the boiler. The water entering the boiler, in this case warm from the collector-tank, will quickly occupy the upper level in the boiler. In this way, each already the installed and existing boiler acts as a tank of hot water obtained in the direct collector-tank. Collectors, boilers, the distributor under each boiler, and all accompanying elements make up the "Iris" system. with the boiler system, we have 4 partial tanks with the possibility of additional heating (existing boilers) of hot water, if necessary.

Sustav "Iris" u situacijama kad se odlučujemo za samo solarno ili samo bojlersko grijanje vode, omogućava jednostavno i brzo pražnjenje kolektora-spremnika ili bojlera. The "Iris" system, in situations where we decide for only solar or only boiler water heating, enables simple and quick emptying of the collector-tank or boiler.

Pražnjenje bojlera (razvodnik "Kruška" 3L, 3T) sl.8c Boiler emptying ("Kruška" distributor 3L, 3T) Fig. 8c

Razvodnik se postavlja na položaj VBP. Zatvara se postojeći ventil A i bojler se prazni preko prekotlačnog-sigurnosnog ventila D istovremeno ozračivanje vršimo preko ventila za toplu vodu na miješalicama. Poslije pražnjenja bojlera, razvodnik postavljamo u položaj VSP i otvaramo ventil A. The distributor is placed in the VBP position. The existing valve A is closed and the water heater is emptied via the overpressure-safety valve D. At the same time, irradiation is carried out via the hot water valve on the mixers. After emptying the boiler, place the distributor in the VSP position and open valve A.

Pražnjenje kolektora - spremnika (razvodnik "Kruška" 3L, 3T) sl.8c Emptying the collector - tank (distributor "Kruška" 3L, 3T) Fig. 8c

Razvodnik se postavlja u položaj VSP. Zatvara se glavni ventil kupatila C. Na miješalici slivnika i tuša se otvore suprotni ventili (kod miješalice na većem nivou, ventil za toplu vodu, a na nižoj, za hladnu vodu). Ako su miješalice na istom nivou, voda sistema je u položaju "labilne ravnoteže". Laganim puhanjem (impuls za remećenje ravnoteže) u miješalicu kojoj je otvorena topla voda, sistem se počinje prazniti. Poslije toga razvodnik postavljamo u položaj VBP i otvaramo glavni ventil C. U slučaju s više bojlera i razvodnicima "Kruška" 2L ili 2T sl.10 a, b, c, ventil na glavnom dobavnom vodu (D) mora imati mogućnost otvaranja za ispust vode. Daljnji postupci su vrlo slični opisanima. The distributor is placed in the VSP position. The main valve of bathroom C is closed. Opposite valves are opened on the mixer of the sink and the shower (with the mixer on the higher level, the valve for hot water, and on the lower one, for cold water). If the mixers are at the same level, the system water is in a position of "labile equilibrium". By gently blowing (impulse to disturb the balance) into the mixer to which the hot water is open, the system begins to empty. After that, we place the distributor in the VBP position and open the main valve C. In the case of multiple boilers and distributors "Kruška" 2L or 2T fig.10 a, b, c, the valve on the main supply line (D) must have the possibility of opening for water discharge . Further procedures are very similar to those described.

U prosječno sunčanom danu taj opisani sustav omogućuje dovoljnu količinu tople vode za potrošnju i konačno "spremanje" u bojlerima dovoljno tople vode za noćne i jutarnje potrebe jer je najveća potrošnja prosječnog gosta: tuširanje kod povratka sa plaže, pred večernji izlazak te trošenje tople vode poslije obroka. Ako u danima smanjenja sunčane energije ne bude dovoljno tople vode koja će se zadržati u bojlerima za noć i jutro, bojler će najvjerojatnije dogrijavati vodu u vrijeme "jeftine el. energije" tijekom noći. On an average sunny day, the described system enables a sufficient amount of hot water for consumption and finally "storing" enough hot water in the boilers for night and morning needs, because the highest consumption of the average guest is: showering when returning from the beach, before going out in the evening, and spending hot water after meals. If there is not enough hot water to be kept in the boilers for the night and morning on the days of reduced solar energy, the boiler will most likely heat up the water during "cheap electricity" times during the night.

Razvodnik "Kruška" omogućava autonomno upravljanje kod svakog bojlera. Postavljanjem u položaj VSP trošit ćemo toplu vodu samo iz solarnog dijela sistema ako je npr. potreban popravak el. bojlera, (u navedenom sistemu instaliranog u praksi bilo je prošlog ljeta 70% vremena da je sustav mogao i tako funkcionirati). The distributor "Kruška" enables autonomous control of each water heater. By setting it in the VSP position, we will consume hot water only from the solar part of the system if, for example, an electrical repair is needed. boiler, (in the mentioned system installed in practice last summer 70% of the time the system was able to function that way).

Razvodnike postavljamo najčešće u položaj VSBP. U slučaju da ne možemo ili ne želimo koristiti toplu vodu iz solarnog dijela, razvodnik postavljamo u položaj VBP. Most often, we install distributors in the VSBP position. In case we cannot or do not want to use hot water from the solar part, we set the distributor in the VBP position.

Na temelju iskustva uz kvalitetne kolektore-spremnike (dobro izolirane), kapaciteta 2x80 l dobro izolirane vodove, razvodnik možemo postaviti na položaj VSBP s ugašenom sklopkom na bojleru ili postavljanjem termostata bojlera na 0 C ili maksimalno na temperaturu ugodnog tuširanja (30°C). Based on experience with high-quality collectors-tanks (well insulated), with a capacity of 2x80 l well insulated lines, we can set the distributor to the VSBP position with the switch on the boiler turned off or by setting the boiler thermostat to 0 C or maximum to the temperature of a pleasant shower (30°C).

Toplu vodu u kampu je koristilo 30 osoba tijekom cijelog dana u vremenskom trajanju od 30 dana tijekom 8 (osmog) mjeseca. U navedenom slučaju kuće za iznajmljivanje sa ukupno 4 klasična bojlera, kapacitet kuće jest max. 25, a minimum 4 osobe (gosti + vlasnik), što bi značilo da kroz predsezonu, sezonu i podsezonu ( mjesec), sustav iskorištava minimalno 12 osoba, a tijekom cijele godine vlasnik (4 osobe). Na temelju cijene novog dijela sustava i današnje cijene električne energije, ugradnja sustava omogućava vlasniku vraćanje uloženog već kroz (2-3) godine. Hot water in the camp was used by 30 people throughout the day for 30 days during 8 (eighth) months. In the aforementioned case of a house for rent with a total of 4 classic boilers, the capacity of the house is max. 25, and a minimum of 4 people (guests + owner), which would mean that during the pre-season, season and sub-season ( months), the system is used by a minimum of 12 people, and the owner (4 people) throughout the year. Based on the price of the new part of the system and today's price of electricity, the installation of the system enables the owner to return the investment within (2-3) years.

Na temelju opisa može se točno odrediti za što tražim zaštitu intelektualnog vlasništva, a to je: Based on the description, it can be determined exactly what I am seeking intellectual property protection for, namely:

- razvodnik "Kruška" 3L sl. 11 - manifold "Kruška" 3L Fig. 11

- razvodnik "Kruška" 2L sl. 12 - distributor "Kruška" 2L Fig. 12

- razvodnik "Kruška" 3T sl. 13 - distributor "Kruška" 3T Fig. 13

- razvodnik "Kruška" 2T sl. 14 - distributor "Kruška" 2T Fig. 14

ukupni sustav solarnog grijanja tople vode "Iris": kao kombinaciju nove instalacije i stare instalacije, bez dodatnog spremnika-izmjenjivača, a s iskorištavanjem već postojećih el. bojlera kao spremnika sl.8, sl.10 a. overall solar hot water heating system "Iris": as a combination of new installation and old installation, without an additional tank-exchanger, and with the utilization of already existing el. boiler as a tank fig.8, fig.10 a.


Način primjene izuma Method of application of the invention

Navedeni izumi omogućavaju trajne i korisne naprave kao i izgradnju trajnog i korisnog sustava za solarno grijanje vode. Naprave omogućavaju bitna poboljšanja kod priključivanja solarnog dijela na staru instalaciju i kod upravljanja tim sustavom. The mentioned inventions enable permanent and useful devices as well as the construction of a permanent and useful system for solar water heating. The devices enable significant improvements when connecting the solar part to the old installation and when managing that system.

Sustav omogućava efikasno iskorištavanje solarne energije bez ugradnje dodatnog spremnika i izmjenjivača topline. Stručnjacima će biti očigledno da bi se moglo načiniti brojne preinake i promjene na samim napravama npr. sl.15 a,b, ali i sustavima za solarno grijanje vode korištenjem ovih izuma bez napuštanja opsega i duha izuma. The system enables efficient use of solar energy without installing an additional tank and heat exchanger. It will be obvious to experts that numerous modifications and changes could be made to the devices themselves, eg fig. 15 a,b, but also to solar water heating systems using these inventions without leaving the scope and spirit of the invention.

Claims (1)

1. Razvodnici tople i hladne vode u solarnom sustavu (bez spremnika izmjenjivača) koji je zbir već postojeće i nove instalacije, prema sustavu direktnog sunčanog kolektora sa ili bez direktnog izmjenjivača topline te klasičnog od prije ugrađenog sustava električnog bojlera sa svojom instalacijom, naznačen time da razvodnik sastavljen od međusobno zavisno povezanih troputih ventila mehanički upravljanih i smješten između postojećeg električnog bojlera i njegovih priključaka na zidu čini spoj koji povezuje dva sustava u jedinstveni sustav gdje postojeći električni bojler dobiva ulogu direktnog spremnika-izmjenjivača s mogućnošću elektro dogrijavanja suncem zagrijane vode, spoj (razvodnik) s određenim međusobnim položajem kugli troputih ventila omogućava i pojedinačni rad samo solarnog dijela ili samo bojlerskog (elektro) dijela te postupak pražnjenja jednog dijela sustava poslije čega preostali dio može zasebno funkcionirati.1. Hot and cold water distributors in the solar system (without the exchanger tank), which is the sum of the already existing and new installation, according to the direct solar collector system with or without a direct heat exchanger and the classic previously installed electric boiler system with its own installation, indicated that the manifold composed of mutually dependent three-way valves mechanically controlled and located between the existing electric water heater and its connections on the wall forms a connection that connects two systems into a single system where the existing electric water heater takes on the role of a direct tank-exchanger with the possibility of electric reheating of water heated by the sun, connection ( distributor) with a certain mutual position of the balls of the three-way valve enables individual operation of only the solar part or only the boiler (electrical) part and the process of emptying one part of the system, after which the remaining part can function separately.
HR20000433A 2000-06-28 2000-06-28 Hot and cold water distributors in a solar system (without tank-exchanger) being a combination of the existing and new installation HRPK20000433B1 (en)

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HR20000433A HRPK20000433B1 (en) 2000-06-28 2000-06-28 Hot and cold water distributors in a solar system (without tank-exchanger) being a combination of the existing and new installation

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HR20000433A HRPK20000433B1 (en) 2000-06-28 2000-06-28 Hot and cold water distributors in a solar system (without tank-exchanger) being a combination of the existing and new installation

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HR20000433A HRPK20000433B1 (en) 2000-06-28 2000-06-28 Hot and cold water distributors in a solar system (without tank-exchanger) being a combination of the existing and new installation

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