26,858. Walker, G. Nov. 18. Type-wheel actions.-Relates to key-set keyoperated adding-machines with total-printing means. A full bank of keys is provided for each denomination, each key stem having a rack to engage a segment 72 loose on a shaft 69. The segments have pins to engage one way with arms fast on the shaft, so that each shaft 69 is rocked correspondingly to the value of its keys and communicates this movement by a link 50, Fig. 11, to an arm 47, the connecting- pivot 49 working in cam-slots in arms on an adding-shaft 43 and arms 129 on a shaft 127 carrying an overthrow - preventing arm 128. The differential movements of the adding-shaft 43 are communicated by an arm 41 fast thereon, and a link 39 to a universal rocking frame C carrying a cylindrical type-bearing plate 37 for printing items and a series of pawls 11 for engaging sixty-toothed wheels 1 for actuating the totalizer type-wheels 3. Each bank of keys has a column-rod 77 linked to an arm 78 on a shaft 81, one for each bank, a second arm on the shaft being connected by a link 36 to a rocking piece 25, pivoted at 26. The proper denomination pawl 11 on the universal frame C is thrown into gear with the totalizer actuating- wheel by a lever 12 pivoted at 14 and resting by a set-screw on a companion lever 13 pivoted on the same shaft and having a curved extension to engage a slide 27 carried in the rocking piece 25. Thus, on the depression of a key, the lever 13 engages a cross yoke 121 on a shaft 120 so as to rock a catch 125, Fig. 6, away from the arm of the frame C, and the lever 12 holds the pawl 11 in gear with the wheel 1, which is thus turned by the frame C until this is stopped by the arm 128. The lever 13 also initially disengages a detent 18 from the wheel 1. A setscrew 31 is arranged to engage a spring- controlled catch 29 for the slide 27, so as to allow this to be retracted by its spring 28 and allow the lever 13 to drop out of action. Several modifications are described in which the lever 13 for disengaging the detents during actuation is replaced by a link 561, Fig. 24, having a spring finger 562 for engaging a lever 18<A> which raises the detent 18 and is held set by a spring yoke 566 until a bar 567<a> linked thereto is struck by a projection on the link 561. A modified pawl 11<A> is employed, spring-pressed from the wheel 1 but adapted to be engaged therewith when struck by the lever 18<A> and held in engagement by a spring catch 11<B> until release is effected by a lever 577 actuated by links 570 from a shoulder 33<A> on the modified form of link 33 shown. The shafts 81 may be compactly arranged vertically, as shown in Fig. 24, instead of in an horizontal plane, as in the form described above. Key interlocks.-The cam slots in the arms on the shaft 43 prevent the actuation of more than one key at a time in a particular column. Further, when a key in any column is depressed, the other columns are locked against actuation by a rocking frame 152 over-riding the notched links 36. Hammer-impression arrangements.-(i) Separate printing-hammers 109 are pivoted on a shaft 110 and have slotted extensions 109', in which work levers 111 pivoted to the hammers at 112 and normally resting on a fixed bar, so that springs 114 attached to the levers 111 hold the hammers back. The springs are attached to adjusting-screws 115, which screw into a bar fitted to be moved back by a cam lever so as to increase the tension of all the springs for the manifold printing. Forwardly - extending arms of the levers 111 are tripped by latches 106 pivoted in slotted extensions of levers 103 linked to the rocking levers 25. All hammers are normally blocked by stop levers 177 unless these are tripped by their extensions 177<B> being lifted by the links 33 or by their extensions 177<C> being engaged by levers 180 under the action of their springs 181 when they drop off the transfer cams. In either case, the tripped hammer blocks 177 are held out of action by lock dogs 184 until the resetting-lever has been actuated. (2) The total key-lever is linked up to a rocking-shaft 159 having a finger 158 to engage a shouldered extension of the cradle actuating-link 39 so as to lower the item type plate 37 from the printing point, another link from the same key being connected to a rocking trip-lever similar to those 103 for the denomination and having a latch similar to the latches 106 which engages an arm on a yoke frame, of which the cross-bar 166<2> extends across all the hammer extensions 109<1>, which are therefore withdrawn and let go in unison when the total key is depressed.