FI92562C - Plasma torch shielding gas nozzle - Google Patents

Plasma torch shielding gas nozzle Download PDF


Publication number
FI92562C FI920007A FI920007A FI92562C FI 92562 C FI92562 C FI 92562C FI 920007 A FI920007 A FI 920007A FI 920007 A FI920007 A FI 920007A FI 92562 C FI92562 C FI 92562C
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FI920007A (en
FI920007A0 (en
FI92562B (en
Tom Ahola
Kari Ahola
Original Assignee
Rotaweld Oy
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Application filed by Rotaweld Oy filed Critical Rotaweld Oy
Priority to FI920007A priority Critical patent/FI92562C/en
Publication of FI920007A0 publication Critical patent/FI920007A0/en
Publication of FI920007A publication Critical patent/FI920007A/en
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of FI92562B publication Critical patent/FI92562B/en
Publication of FI92562C publication Critical patent/FI92562C/en



  • Plasma Technology (AREA)
  • Arc Welding In General (AREA)



Plasmapolttimen suojakaasusuutin Tåmån keksinnon kohteena on patenttivaatimuksen 1 johdanto-osan mukainen 5 plasmapolttimen suojakaasun syottosuutin.The present invention relates to a plasma torch shielding gas inlet nozzle according to the preamble of claim 1.

Plasmakaaripolttimessa hitsaukseen kåytettåvå ns. pååvalokaari palaa polttimen elektrodin ja tyokappaleen vålillå. Polttimen suutinosa koostuu kahdesta sisåk-kåin olevasta kammiosta. Sisemmån kammion keskellå on volframelektrodi, ja 10 kammion pååsså on reikå elektrodin kårjen kohdalla. Plasmakaasu syotetåån tåhån kammioon. Sisemmån kammion ympårillå on toinen kammio, joka avautuu sisemmån kammion reiån ympårille. Tåhån ulompaan kammioon syotetåån valo-kaarta ympåroivå suojakaasu.The so-called welding arc used in a plasma arc torch the main arc illuminates between the torch electrode and the workpiece. The nozzle part of the burner consists of two inward chambers. There is a tungsten electrode in the middle of the inner chamber, and there is a hole in the top of the chamber 10 at the tip of the electrode. Plasma gas is fed into this chamber. There is another chamber around the inner chamber that opens around the hole in the inner chamber. A shielding gas surrounding the light arc is fed to this outer chamber.

15 Koska plasmakaaripolttimen valokaari palaa tyokappaleen ja elektrodin vålillå olevassa kaasussa, on kaasua ionisoitava ennen pååvalokaaren sytyttåmistå jotta kaasu johtaisi såhkoå ennen pååvalokaaren sytyttåmistå. Ionisointi tapahtuu sisemmån kammion muodostaman suuttimen ja elektrodin vålillå palavan apuva-lokaaren avulla. Apuvalokaari ionisoi plasmakaasua, jolloin tyokappaleen ja 20 elektrodin vålille muodostuu såhkoå johtava ionisilta ja pååvalokaari voi syttyå.15 Since the arc of the plasma arc torch burns in the gas between the workpiece and the electrode, the gas must be ionized before the main arc is ignited in order for the gas to conduct electricity before the main arc is ignited. Ionization takes place by means of an auxiliary arc burning between the nozzle formed by the inner chamber and the electrode. The auxiliary arc ionizes the plasma gas, forming an electrically conductive ionic bridge between the workpiece and the 20 electrodes, and the main arc can ignite.

Pååvalokaari saa palaa ainoastaan elektrodin ja tyokappaleen vålillå, koska elektrodin ja suuttimen vålillå palava suuritehoinen valokaari tuhoaa nopeasti suuttimen. Normaalisti suuttimen jååhdytys ja polttimessa vallitsevat såhkoiset ja mag-neettiset voimat eståvåt pååvalokaaren syttymisen elektrodin ja suuttimen vålille. 25 Tålloin kuitenkin elektrodin kåijen on sijaittava tarkasti suuttimen såhkoisesså keskiosså. Såhkoisiå låpilyontejå ei saisi esiintyå polttimen suojakaasukuvun ja runko-osan vålillå.The main arc must only burn between the electrode and the workpiece, as the high-power arc burning between the electrode and the nozzle quickly destroys the nozzle. Normally, the cooling of the nozzle and the electrical and magnetic forces in the burner prevent the main arc from igniting between the electrode and the nozzle. 25 In this case, however, the electrode handle must be located exactly in the electronic center of the nozzle. There should be no electronic penetrations between the shielding gas hood and the body.

Suojakaasu johdetaan tunnetuissa polttimissa plasmakaasusuuttimen ja suoja-30 kaasukuvun våliseen tilaan joko suoraan suutinta ympåroivållå kanavalla, jolloin tåsså tilassa on huokoista, kaasua låpåisevåå eristeainetta, tai yleisemmin plasmakaasusuuttimen ympårille on kierretty erillinen suojakaasusuutinosa. Suojakaasu *' johdetaan tålloin suutinosan ylåpååhån ja kaasu virtaa suojakaasukammioon 2 92562 pienten suutinosan pitkittåisakselin suuntaisten porausten kautta. Suutinosa valmistetaan låhes aina messingistå sen sopivien fysikaalisten ominaisuuksien ja helpon tyostettåvyyden takia.In known burners, the shielding gas is introduced into the space between the plasma gas nozzle and the shielding gas hood either directly in the duct surrounding the nozzle, in which space there is a porous, gas-permeable insulating material, or more generally a separate shielding part is wound around the plasma gas nozzle. The shielding gas * 'is then led to the top of the nozzle part and the gas flows into the shielding gas chamber 2 92562 through small bores along the longitudinal axis of the nozzle part. The nozzle part is almost always made of brass due to its suitable physical properties and easy workability.

5 Kuvatun kaltaisella suojakaasusuuttimella on kuitenkin useita heikkouksia. Suoja- kaasureiåt ovat erittåin pieniå, niiden halkaisija on yleenså alle 2 mm ja useimmi-ten η. 1 mm. Useiden nåin pienten reikien poraaminen taikka valmistaminen muulla tavalla on vaikeaa ja kallista. Suutinosa valmistetaan lastuamalla, mikå vaatii monia tyovaiheita ja johtaa pitkåån kappalekohtaiseen valmistusaikaan ja 10 siten suurin tyostokustannuksiin. Koska suutinosa valmistetaan messingistå, se voidaan kiinnittåå kupariseen plasmasuuttimeen kåytånnosså ainoastaan me-kaanisesti, esimerkiksi kierteellå, tai kovajuottamalla. Kummassakin tapauksessa liitos on erittain vaikea saada tiiviiksi edes valmistettaessa ja vuotoja esiintyy varmasti polttimen kåyton aikana. Tållainen suutinosa on lisåksi suurikokoinen, 15 joten se kasvattaa turhaan polttimen ulkomittoja.5 However, a shielding gas nozzle as described has several weaknesses. Shielding gas holes are very small, usually less than 2 mm in diameter and most often η. 1 mm. Drilling or otherwise making several such small holes is difficult and expensive. The nozzle part is manufactured by machining, which requires many work steps and results in a long production time per piece and thus the highest labor costs. Since the nozzle part is made of brass, it can in practice be attached to the copper plasma nozzle only mechanically, for example by means of a thread, or by brazing. In either case, the joint is very difficult to seal even during manufacture and leaks are certain to occur during use of the burner. In addition, such a nozzle part is large in size, 15 so that it unnecessarily increases the external dimensions of the burner.

Jos suojakaasu johdetaan suoraan plasmasuuttimen ja suojakaasukuvun våliin, suojakaasukupu tulee erittain låhelle polttimen runkoa. Tålloin såhkoinen låpi-lyontimatka jåå erittåin pieneksi ja låpilyontejå pååsee tapahtumaan erityisesti, 20 jos polttimessa tai hitsattaessa esiintyy håirioitå. Keraamista suojakaasukupua kåytettåesså ei tåtå ongelmaa esiinny, mutta keraamien hauraus ja muut me-kaaniset ominaisuude tekevåt niiden kåyton hankalaksi.If the shielding gas is led directly between the plasma nozzle and the shielding gas hood, the shielding gas hood will be very close to the torch body. In this case, the electric penetration distance remains very small and penetration can occur, especially if there are disturbances in the torch or during welding. This problem does not occur when using a ceramic shielding gas hood, but the brittleness and other mechanical properties of the ceramics make their use difficult.

Tåmån keksinnon tarkoituksena on saada aikaan suojakaasusuutin jonka avulla 25 plasmapolttimen suojakaasukuvun ja polttimen rungon vålistå såhkoistå låpilyon- •: timatkaa voidaan kasvattaa ja polttimen rakennetta yksinkertaistaa.The object of the present invention is to provide a shielding gas nozzle by means of which the electric distance between the shielding gas hood of the plasma torch and the torch body can be increased and the structure of the torch can be simplified.

Keksinto perustuu suuttimen erityiseen vaippaosaan, joka valmistetaan kuparista muovaamalla siten, ettå sen sisåpinnalla on pitkittåissuntaisia uria. Vaippaosa 3 0 kiinnitetåån plasmakaasusuuttimen tai runko-osan, johon plasmakaasusuutin on kiinnitetty, ympårille siten, ettå urien harjat koskettavat plasmakaasusuuttimen tai runko-osan ulkopintaan, jolloin vaippaosan ja runko-osan våliin muodostuu kana-The invention is based on a special jacket part of a nozzle, which is made of copper by molding so that its inner surface has longitudinal grooves. The jacket portion 30 is attached around the plasma gas nozzle or body portion to which the plasma gas nozzle is attached so that the brushes of the grooves contact the outer surface of the plasma gas nozzle or body portion, thereby forming a channel between the jacket portion and the body portion.


3 92562 via suojakaasua vårten.3 92562 via shielding gas.

Tåsmållisemmin sanottuna keksinnon mukaiselle suojakaasusuuttimelle on tun-nusomaista se, mitå on esitetty patenttivaatimuksen 1 tunnusmerkkiosassa.More specifically, the shielding gas nozzle according to the invention is characterized by what is stated in the characterizing part of claim 1.


Keksinnon avulla saavutetaan huomattavia etuja.The invention provides considerable advantages.

Keksinnon mukaisen ratkaisun avulla suojakaasukuvun ja polttimen rungon såh-koistå låpilyontimatkaa voidaan kasvattaa riittåvån suureksi, jotta suuijaksolåpi-10 lyonneiltå våltytåån. Polttimen rakenne yksinkertaistuu, jolloin hyvån eristyksen jarjestaminen on helppoa. Suojakaasusuuttimen vaippaosan massa on erittain pieni ja suuri osa sen pinta-alasta koskettaa vesijååhdytettyyn plasmasuuttimeen. Siten vaippaosa ei kuumene liikaa ja polttimen kuumeneminen mutenkin våhe-nee jååhdyttåmattomån massan pienentyesså. Koska vaippaosan massa on pieni 15 ja sen lammonjohtavuus hyvå, se ei sula, vaikka suurjaksokipinointia tapahtuisi- kin. Kaasureiåt ovat plasmasuuttimen pinnan suuntaisia ja niita on erittain pal-jon, joten tåmån rakenteen avulla saadaan ohjattua erittain tasainen ja laminaari-nen suojakaasuvirta suoraan oikeaan kohteeseen valokaaren alueelle pienellåkin suojakaasun kulutuksella. Suojavaikutus on siten hyvå. Erillista keraamisintteria, 20 lasivillaa tai metalliverkkoja ei tarvita virtauksen laminarisointiin. Vaippaosan valmistaminen on erittain halpaa ja koska se voidaan valmistaa kuparista, polttimen runko voidaan koota elektronisuihkuhitsaamalla ja polttimesta saadaan tiivis.By means of the solution according to the invention, the electrical penetration distance of the shielding gas hood and the burner body can be increased large enough to avoid the mouthpiece-10 lyons. The structure of the burner is simplified, making it easy to arrange good insulation. The mass of the shield portion of the shielding gas nozzle is very small and a large portion of its surface area contacts the water-cooled plasma nozzle. Thus, the jacket part does not overheat and the heating of the burner decreases as the uncooled mass decreases. Since the jacket part has a small mass 15 and good lamp conductivity, it does not melt even if large cycle stacking occurs. The gas holes are parallel to the surface of the plasma nozzle and are very large, so this structure allows a very even and laminar shielding gas flow to be directed directly to the right target in the arc area, even with a small shielding gas consumption. The protective effect is therefore good. Separate ceramic sinter, 20 glass wool, or metal mesh is not required to laminate the flow. The sheath part is very inexpensive to manufacture and since it can be made of copper, the torch body can be assembled by electron beam welding and the torch is sealed.

25 Keksintoå selostetaan seuraavassa lahemmin oheisten piirustusten avulla.The invention will now be described in more detail with reference to the accompanying drawings.

Kuvio 1 on kaaviokuva plasmapolttimesta, jossa on keksinnon mukainen suoja-kaasusuutin.Figure 1 is a schematic diagram of a plasma torch with a shielding gas nozzle according to the invention.

3C Kuvio 2 on suurennettu halkileikkaus kuvan 1 plasmasuuttimen kårjestå.3C Figure 2 is an enlarged cross-section of the tip of the plasma nozzle of Figure 1.

Kuvio 3 on poikkileikkaus kuvan 1 plasmasuuttimen kårjestå.Figure 3 is a cross-section of the tip of the plasma nozzle of Figure 1.

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Kuvio 4 on halkileikkaus suojakaasusuuttimen vaippaosan yhdestå suoritusmuo-dosta.Figure 4 is a cross-sectional view of one embodiment of the shield portion of the shielding gas nozzle.

Kuviossa 1 on esitetty plasmapoltin, jossa on tåmån keksinnon mukainen suoja-5 kaasusuutin. Tåsså kuviossa on jååhdytysveden virtausta kuvattu pitkillå valkoisil- la nuolilla 11, plasmakaasun virtausta mustilla nuolilla 10 ja suojakaasun virtausta lyhyillå valkoisilla nuolilla 9. Polttimen jååhdytystå ja plasmakaasun virtausta ei kåsitellå seuraavassa tarkemmin, koska nåiden virtausten toteuttaminen plasma-kaaripolttimessa on hyvin tunnettua eikå virtausjåijestelyillå ole vaikutusta kek-10 sinnon soveltamiseen. Kuviossa esitetyn polttimen rakennetta om kuvattu tarkem min hakijan aikaisemmassa hakemuksessa FI 910883.Figure 1 shows a plasma torch with a shielding gas nozzle according to the present invention. In this figure, the cooling water flow is illustrated by the long white arrows 11, the plasma gas flow by the black arrows 10 and the shielding gas flow by the short white arrows 9. The cooling of the burner and the plasma gas flow kek-10 application. The structure om of the burner shown in the figure is described in more detail in the applicant's previous application FI 910883.

Polttimen rungon kuoriosa 8 on epoksimuovia ja se jatkuu kahvaksi, jonka sisållå kulkee tarvittavat såhko-, kaasu-, ja vesijohdot. Kuoriosan 8 sisållå on vesijååhdy-15 tetty poltinpåån runko, jossa on tarvittavat elektrodin 1 sååtomekanismit ja vir- tauskanavat muodostavat elimet. Plasmasuutinta 2 ympåroi poltinrungon pååsså suojakaasukupu 4, joka on kiinnitetty polttimen kuoriosaan 8 kiinnitysmuhvilla 5. Polttimen rungossa on muhvia vårten kiinnityspinta 12, joka on eristetty polttimen runko-osista paksulla eristekerroksella 14 (kuvio 2). Itse plasmasuutin 2 on 20 kiinnitetty polttimen rungon alapååsså olevaan vesijååhdytettyyn alarunkoon 6.The shell part 8 of the burner body is made of epoxy plastic and it continues as a handle, inside which the necessary electrical, gas and water pipes pass. Inside the shell part 8 there is a water-cooled burner head body with the necessary electrode 1 release mechanisms and flow channel forming members. The plasma nozzle 2 is surrounded at the end of the torch body by a shielding gas hood 4 fixed to the torch shell part 8 by a mounting sleeve 5. The torch body has a sleeve shaft mounting surface 12 insulated from the torch body parts by a thick insulating layer 14 (Figure 2). The plasma nozzle 2 itself is attached to a water-cooled lower body 6 at the lower end of the torch body.

Elektrodin 1 kårki on plasmasuuttimen 2 reiån keskellå. Alarungon 6 påå on kartiokas ja sitå ympåroi suojakaasusuuttimen vaippaosa 3.The tip of the electrode 1 is in the middle of the hole in the plasma nozzle 2. The end of the lower body 6 is conical and is surrounded by the jacket part 3 of the shielding gas nozzle.

Vaippaosa 3 on kuparista valmistettu pyoråhdyskappale, joka koostuu lierion 25 muotoisesta rungosta 18 ja katkaistun kartion muotoisesta kanavaosasta 15.The jacket part 3 is a circular body made of copper, consisting of a body 18 in the form of a li-25 and a channel part 15 in the shape of a truncated cone.

Rungon 18 sisåpinta on sileå ja kanavaosan 15 sisåpinnassa on pituusakselin « suuntaisia haijanteita 13, joiden våliin muodostuu uria 16. Vaippaosan 3 rungon 18 sivulle on sovitettu suojakaasuyhde 7. Vaippaosa 3 on erittåin kevytrakentei-nen, kåsipolttimissa kanavaosan 15 harjojen 13 ja vaippaosan ulkopinnan vålinen H 0 paksuus on η. 1 mm ja runko-osan 18 ainepaksuus voi olla noin puolet tåstå mitasta. Vaippaosan 3 mitoitus riippuu polttimen koosta, mutta suurillakin poltti-·' milla haijojen 13 ja kanavaosan ulkopinnan vålisen ainepaksuuden, eli vaippa- 11 S2562 5 osan suurimman ainepaksuuden, tulisi olla alle 3 mm., sopivimmin kuitenkin alle 1,5 mm. jotta vaippaosan 3 terminen massa saataisiin pysymåån alhaisena. Run-ko-osan 18 ainepaksuus on valmistusteknisistå syistå yleenså pienempi kuin kana-vaosan 15 ainepaksuus, mutta runko-osan 18 materiaalivahvuudella ei ole merki-5 tystå keksinnon soveltamisen kannalta. Niinpå runko-osa voidaan mitoittaa halu- tulla tavalla. Sellaisissa polttimissa, joissa kåytetåån keraamista suojakaasukupua, vaippaosan 3 runko-osan on oltava riittåvån paksusta materiaalista, jotta siihen voidaan tyoståå kuvun kiinnityspinta, esimerkiksi kierre. Urien 16 syvyys, leveys ja lukumåårå voidaan valita vapaasti, mutta suurella uramåårållå pååståån edulli-10 sempaan suojakaasuvirtaukseen. Tållainen vaippaosa 3 voidaan valmistaa esimer kiksi kuparisesta putkiaihiosta tuumaa vasten painamalla. Edellå o le vie n mittojen mukaiset vaippaosat 3 valmistetaan aihiosta, jonka seinåmåpaksuus on kanava-osan suurin paksuus. Tålloin muovaavilla tyostomenetelmillå saadaan kuvatun kaltainen vaippaosa 3. Suojakaasuyhde 7 liitetåån vaippaosaan 3 esim. elekt-15 ronisuihkuhitsauksella.The inner surface of the body 18 is smooth and the inner surface of the duct part 15 has longitudinal axial diffusers 13 between which grooves 16 are formed. 0 thickness is η. 1 mm and the material thickness of the body part 18 can be about half of this dimension. The dimensioning of the jacket part 3 depends on the size of the burner, but even with large burners the material thickness between the shells 13 and the outer surface of the duct part, i.e. the maximum material thickness of the jacket part 1125, should be less than 3 mm, preferably less than 1.5 mm. in order to keep the thermal mass of the jacket part 3 low. For technical reasons, the material thickness of the run part 18 is generally smaller than the material thickness of the chicken part 15, but the material thickness of the body part 18 is not relevant for the application of the invention. Thus, the body part can be dimensioned as desired. In burners using a ceramic shielding gas hood, the body part of the jacket part 3 must be made of a material of sufficient thickness to allow a working surface, for example a thread, to be inserted into it. The depth, width and number of grooves 16 can be freely selected, but with a large number of grooves the lower-shielding gas flow can be achieved. Such a jacket part 3 can be made, for example, of a copper pipe blank by pressing against an inch. The jacket parts 3 according to the above dimensions are made of a blank whose wall thickness is the maximum thickness of the channel part. In this case, a jacket part 3 as described is obtained by molding working methods. The shielding gas connection 7 is connected to the jacket part 3, e.g. by electron-beam welding.

Vaippaosa 3 sovitetaan kuvion 1 suoritusmuodossa polttimen vesijååhdytetyn alarungon 6 påån ympårille. Tåmå alarunko 6 muodostaa plasmakaasukammion, joka pååttyy vaihdettavaan suuttimeen 2. Alarungon 6 påå on kartiomainen ja 20 vaippaosan 3 kartiomainen kanavaosa 15 on tåmån kartion ulkopintaa vasten siten, ettå urien 16 haijat 13 ovat alarunkoa 6 vasten. Tålloin urat 16 muodosta-vat yhdesså alarungon 6 ulkopinnan kanssa kaasunsyottoreikiå, jotka pååttyvåt vaippaosan 3 kåijesså 17. Vaippaosan 3 runko on tålloin pienen vålimatkan pååsså alarungon 6 seinåmåstå. Vaippaosa 3 on kiinnitetty runko-osan 18 ylå-25 reunasta alarunkoon 6, jolloin runko-osa 18 muodostaa alarungon ympårille kammion 19. Jos alarunko 6 ja vaoppaosa 3 on valmistettu kuparista, liitokset voidaan tehdå elektronisuihkuhitsauksella. Tålloin urien 15 haijat 13 voidaan hitsata vaippaosan 3 kårjesså 17 alarunkoon 6, mutta se ei ole vålttåmåtontå.In the embodiment of Figure 1, the jacket part 3 is arranged around the end of the water-cooled lower body 6 of the burner. This lower body 6 forms a plasma gas chamber which terminates in a replaceable nozzle 2. The end of the lower body 6 is conical and the conical channel part 15 of the jacket part 3 is against the outer surface of this cone so that the shafts 13 of the grooves 16 are against the lower body 6. In this case, the grooves 16, together with the outer surface of the lower body 6, form gas intake holes which end in the housing 17 of the casing part 3. The body of the casing part 3 is then a small distance from the wall of the lower body 6. The sheath part 3 is attached from the upper-25 edge of the body part 18 to the lower body 6, whereby the body part 18 forms a chamber 19 around the lower body. In this case, the sticks 13 of the grooves 15 can be welded at the tip 17 of the jacket part 3 to the lower body 6, but this is not necessary.

30 Suojakaasu tulee keksinnon mukaisella suuttimella varustetussa polttimessa polt timen kahvan kautta suojakaasuliitåntåån 7. Suojakaasuliitåntå 7 avautuu vaippa- *« ··· osan rungon 18 ja polttimen alarungon 6 rajaamaan kammioon 19. Tåstå kam- 6 92562 miosta 19 kaasu jakautuu kanavaosan 15 muodostamiin kanaviin ja virtaa alaran-gon 6 pinnan suuntaisesti kanavaosan karkeen 17.30 In the burner provided with a nozzle according to the invention, the shielding gas enters the shielding gas connection 7 via the burner handle. flows parallel to the surface of the Alaran-gon 6 into the coarse 17 of the channel part.

Edellå esitetyn lisåksi tållå keksinnollå on muitakin suoritusmuotoja. Vaippaosa 3 5 voi koostua ainoastaan kanavaosasta 15, joka on kiinnitetty polttimen runkoon, esimerkiksi alarunkoon 6, tyostettyyn suojakaasun syottokammioon. Urien 16 ja vastaavasti haijanteiden 13 lukumååråå voidaan vaihdella halutulla tavalla. Kanavaosan 15 muoto valitaan sen osan ulkopinnan mukaan, jonka påålle se sovite-taan. Vaippaosa voidaan valmistaa kuparin sijasta myos messingistå tai muista 10 metalleista. Tuurnalle muovaamisen sijasta vaippaosa voidaan valmistaa myos aventimella tyoståmållå. Polttimen alarungon 6 kårki voi muodostaa itsessåån plasmasuuttimen tai suutin voi olla irroitettava kuten yllå esitetysså esimerkisså.In addition to the above, there are other embodiments of the present invention. The jacket part 3 5 can only consist of a duct part 15 fixed to a shielding gas supply chamber pushed into the burner body, for example the lower body 6. The number of grooves 16 and diffusers 13, respectively, can be varied as desired. The shape of the duct part 15 is chosen according to the outer surface of the part on which it is fitted. Instead of copper, the sheath part can also be made of brass or other 10 metals. Instead of forming on the mandrel, the casing part can also be made by working with an avent. The tip of the torch lower body 6 may form a plasma nozzle itself or the nozzle may be removable as in the example above.

Keksinnon mukaista suutinrakennetta voidaan kåyttåå myos TIG-polttimen suoja-15 kaasun virtauksen laminarisointiin.The nozzle structure according to the invention can also be used for laminarizing the gas flow of the TIG burner shield 15.

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Claims (9)

1. Skyddsgasmunstycke fdr en plasmasvetsbrånnare, omfattende 5. ett till utsidan koniskt stycket (6), som omger plasmabrånnarens elekt- rod (1) och som bildar runt elektroden (1) en sluten inmatningskammare fdr plasmagasen, varvid spetsen av stycket år forsett med ett plasma-munstycke, och ίο - en inmatningsstuds (7) for skyddsgas, genom vilken skydds-gas kan matas in i en skyddsgasinmatningskammare (19) som år anordnad runt stycket (6) som omger elektroden (1), kånnetecknat av 15 - en manteldel (3) som till sin ovre del år gastått ansluten till stycket (6) som omger elektroden (1), varvid manteldelen omfatter åtminstone en konisk kanaldel (15), som uppvisar spår (16) och mellan spåren liggan-de åsar (13) på insidan och som år anordnad att anligga mot stycket (6) ,20 som omger elektroden (1) på sådant sått, att inre åsama ror vid styckets (6) utsida, varvid råffloma (16) utgdr inmatningskanaler fdr skyddsgasen, vilka kanaler år dppna mot stycket som omger elektroden, och 25. en till manteldelens (3) kanaldel (15) ansluten stomdel (18), vid vårs yttre kant manteldelen (3) år fåstad till stycket (6) som omger elektroden (1) och vårs inre diameter år stdrre ån diametem hos stycket (6) som omger elektroden, varvid dessa delar bildar en kammare (19) genom vilken skyddsgasen kan inmatas i kanaldelens inmatningskanal.A protective gas nozzle of a plasma welding torch, comprising 5. an outer conical piece (6) which surrounds the plasma torch electrode (1) and which forms around the electrode (1) a closed feed chamber for the plasma gas, the tip of the piece being provided with a a plasma nozzle, and ίο - a protective gas inlet nozzle (7) through which protective gas can be fed into a protective gas inlet chamber (19) arranged around the piece (6) surrounding the electrode (1), characterized by 15 - a jacket member (3) which has been gas-connected to the top part (6) surrounding the electrode (1), the casing portion comprising at least one tapered channel portion (15) which has grooves (16) and ridges (13) lying between the grooves (13). on the inside and arranged to abut against the piece (6), which surrounds the electrode (1) in such a way that the inner ridges touch the outside of the piece (6), wherein the grooves (16) comprise inlet channels for the protective gas, which channels open against the paragraph surrounding e and a body portion (18) connected to the casing portion (3) of the casing portion (15), at the outer edge of the spring casing portion (3) is attached to the piece (6) surrounding the electrode (1) and the inner diameter of the spring is larger than the diameter. of the piece (6) surrounding the electrode, these parts forming a chamber (19) through which the protective gas can be fed into the channel of passage of the channel part. 2. Munstycke enligt krav 1, kånnetecknat av att manteldelen (3) år av koppar. 30 92562Nozzle according to claim 1, characterized in that the casing part (3) is made of copper. 30 92562 3. Munstycke enligt krav 2, kånnetecknat avatt skyddsgasmunstyckets delar år kopplade till brånnarens stomme medelst elektronstrålesvetsning.3. Nozzle according to claim 2, characterized by the reduced gas nozzle parts being connected to the burner body by means of electron beam welding. 4. Munstycke enligt något av de foregående kraven, kånnetecknat av 5 att kanaldelen (15) uppvisar formen av år en kapad kon.Nozzle according to one of the preceding claims, characterized in that the channel part (15) has the shape of a cut cone. 5. Munstycke enligt krav 1, kånnetecknat av att den storsta åmnestjockle-ken i manteldelen (3) år hogst 3 mm.5. A nozzle according to claim 1, characterized in that the largest conductor thickness in the casing part (3) is not more than 3 mm. 6. Munstycke enligt krav 5, kånnetecknat av att den stbrsta åmnestjockle-ken i manteldelen (3) år hogst 1,5 mm, foretrådesvis ca 5 mm.6. A nozzle according to claim 5, characterized in that the highest atomic thickness in the jacket part (3) is at most 1.5 mm, preferably about 5 mm. 7. Munstycke enligt krav 1, kånnetecknat av en på utsidan av mantelde-lens stomdel befintllg fåstyta, till exempel en gånga, for en keramisk skyddsgashuv. 157. A nozzle according to claim 1, characterized by a low surface area, for example a passageway, for a ceramic protective gas hood, which is located on the outside of the body part of the casing. 15 8. Munstycke enligt krav 1, kånnetecknat av att manteldelen (3) år tillver-kad genom bearbetning på en dorn.Nozzle according to claim 1, characterized in that the casing part (3) is manufactured by machining on a mandrel. 9. Munstycke enligt krav 1, kånnetecknat av att manteldelen (3) år tillver-20 kad genom bearbetning med en bratsch. » II9. A nozzle according to claim 1, characterized in that the casing part (3) is manufactured by machining with a froth. »II
FI920007A 1992-01-02 1992-01-02 Plasma torch shielding gas nozzle FI92562C (en)

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FI920007A FI92562C (en) 1992-01-02 1992-01-02 Plasma torch shielding gas nozzle

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