ES1260066U - Filtering system for Split with UV-C (Machine-translation by Google Translate, not legally binding) - Google Patents

Filtering system for Split with UV-C (Machine-translation by Google Translate, not legally binding) Download PDF


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ES1260066U ES202031648U ES202031648U ES1260066U ES 1260066 U ES1260066 U ES 1260066U ES 202031648 U ES202031648 U ES 202031648U ES 202031648 U ES202031648 U ES 202031648U ES 1260066 U ES1260066 U ES 1260066U
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Gómez Angel Luis Pérez
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  • Filtering Of Dispersed Particles In Gases (AREA)


A filtering system for Split with UV-C comprising: a core (1) that carries: a joint joint (2) that is located between the filtering system and the Split, some wall mounting brackets (3), a core cover (4) through which we access its interior by removing the screws (5); Inside the core (1) carries the lamp holders (6), where the 254 nm ultraviolet lamp (7) is connected, connected to current through the lamp power ballast (9), which in turn is connected to the current input connection terminal (8), it also has a safety button (10), which is installed between the terminal (8) and the lamp power ballast (9) and carries the filter holder (11) and the filter Hepa (12). The filtering system also carries the diffuser cover (13) that is attached to the core (1) through screws (15) between the parts, it has a sealing gasket (16), on the diffuser cover (13) they go installed the diffusers (14) which are adjustable, it also has two side covers (17), and they are fixed through the screws (18). In the upper part of the Split air conditioner, the filter holder (19), the filter (20), the filter extraction handle (21) and the filter coupling rails (22) are installed in the air inlet. (Machine-translation by Google Translate, not legally binding)





Es sabido que, en el interior de los Split de aire acondicionado, se acumula una gran cantidad de polvo y suciedad que se percibe a simple vista, debido al paso del aire por su interior.It is known that, inside the air conditioning Split, a large amount of dust and dirt accumulates that is perceived with the naked eye, due to the passage of air through its interior.

Sumado a la oscuridad y humedad, hacen proliferar mohos, hongos y bacterias en su interior, pudiendo producir alguna enfermedad respiratoria debido a su acumulación y distribución a través del aire.Added to the darkness and humidity, they cause mold, fungi and bacteria to proliferate inside, which can cause some respiratory disease due to their accumulation and distribution through the air.

A parte de esto tenemos que tomar en cuenta que mientras tenemos encendido el Split, sea verano o invierno, tenemos las ventanas cerradas para más eficiencia y menor consumo de electricidad.Apart from this we have to take into account that while we have the Split on, be it summer or winter, we have the windows closed for more efficiency and lower electricity consumption.

Por lo tanto, el aire está en constante recirculación cargando el ambiente y distribuyendo el aire entre todas las personas que estén en la estancia.Therefore, the air is constantly recirculating, charging the environment and distributing the air among all the people in the room.

Esto hace que si hay patógenos en el ambiente se distribuyan entre todas las personas contagiando a cuantas halla presentes.This means that if there are pathogens in the environment, they are distributed among all people, infecting all those present.

Para esto he pensado en este sistema de filtrado para Split que purifica el aire, mediante filtros que atrapa polvo, ácaros y todo tipo de patógenos que pueda haber en el aire.For this I have thought of this Split filtering system that purifies the air, using filters that trap dust, mites and all kinds of pathogens that may be in the air.

También a medida que pasa el aire es irradiado por una lámpara de luz ultravioleta de onda corta UV-C de 254 nm de efecto germicida.Also, as the air passes, it is irradiated by a 254 nm UV-C short wave ultraviolet light lamp with a germicidal effect.

La luz UV-C además incide en todo momento sobre los filtros y sobre el interior del Split, para evitar la proliferación de patógenos en su interior.UV-C light also affects the filters and the interior of the Split at all times, to prevent the proliferation of pathogens inside.


Desde hace años se llevan utilizando filtros HEPA y luz UV-C en sistemas de climatización, principalmente en grandes instalaciones, en torres de refrigeración en azoteas, y filtros HEPA generalmente en salas blancas de hospitales, laboratorios, y almacenes de medicamentos.For years, HEPA filters and UV-C light have been used in air conditioning systems, mainly in large facilities, in rooftop cooling towers, and HEPA filters generally in clean rooms of hospitals, laboratories, and medicine warehouses.

El presente modelo pretende hacer llegar a todas las casas y establecimientos públicos y lugares donde se instale un Split.This model aims to reach all houses and establishments public and places where a Split is installed.

Un sistema que se acopla en los Split para que purifiquen el aire que circula a través de ellos y no se conviertan en una fuente de infección ni de propagación de enfermedades de transmisión aérea.A system that is attached to the Split so that they purify the air that circulates through them and does not become a source of infection or the spread of airborne diseases.


El sistema de filtrado para Split con UV-C, está creado para purificar el aire según va circulando por él, para ello lleva un pre filtro (20) que se sitúa en un porta filtros (19) que va pegado, alrededor de la rejilla de la entrada de aire del Split.The filtering system for Split with UV-C, is created to purify the air as it circulates through it, for this it has a pre filter (20) that is located in a filter holder (19) that is glued around the grid from the air inlet of the Split.

Este filtro (20) va a filtrar el polvo para que no entre al Split.This filter (20) will filter the dust so that it does not enter the Split.

A la salida de aire, en la parte inferior del Split, va situado el dispositivo.At the air outlet, in the lower part of the Split, the device is located.

Este va atornillado a la pared a través de dos soportes (3) que van en el núcleo (1) donde se aloja la lámpara UV-C (7) y el filtro HEPA (12), la tapa de núcleo (4), portalámparas (6), porta filtros (11), clema de conexión de entrada de corriente (8), balastro de alimentación (9) y pulsador de seguridad (10).This is screwed to the wall through two supports (3) that go in the core (1) where the UV-C lamp (7) and the HEPA filter (12), the core cover (4), lamp holder are housed. (6), filter holder (11), current input connection terminal (8), power ballast (9) and safety button (10).

También lleva una tapa de difusores (13) que va atornillado al núcleo (1), donde van alojados los difusores (14).It also has a diffuser cover (13) that is screwed to the core (1), where the diffusers (14) are housed.

Los Split de aire acondicionado convencionales, sólo llevan un filtro de polvo normal situado en su interior, antes de la salida de aire.Conventional air conditioning Split, only have a normal dust filter located inside, before the air outlet.

Este filtro es insuficiente para filtrar ácaros, polen y micro organismos patógenos que pueden estar presentes en el aire y que son dañinos para el organismo.This filter is insufficient to filter mites, pollen and pathogenic microorganisms that may be present in the air and that are harmful to the body.

A parte, dentro de los Split, debido a la humedad y la oscuridad en su interior proliferan hongos, mohos y bacterias en las paredes y serpentines, que se van a distribuir por el aire recirculando por la estancia.In addition, inside the Split, due to the humidity and darkness inside, fungi, mold and bacteria proliferate on the walls and coils, which are going to be distributed through the air recirculating through the room.

Con el sistema de filtrado para Split con UV-C, no permitimos que entre polvo al interior (del Split), ya que lleva un pre filtro (20) externo.With the filter system for Split with UV-C, we do not allow dust to enter the interior (of the Split), since it has an external pre-filter (20).

En la parte interior del núcleo (1) lleva una lámpara UV-C (7) que actúa sobre el aire a su paso y su luz incide sobre el interior del Split y sobre los filtros (20) y (12).Inside the core (1) there is a UV-C lamp (7) that acts on the air as it passes through and its light falls on the interior of the Split and on the filters (20) and (12).

El filtro HEPA (12) se sitúa antes de la salida del núcleo, para evitar así que salgan al exterior, a través de los difusores (14) las pequeñas partículas como, bacterias y virus y las respiremos. The HEPA filter (12) is placed before the exit of the core, in order to prevent small particles such as bacteria and viruses from going out through the diffusers (14) and we breathe them.

El sistema de filtrado para Split con UV-C está formado por varios componentes.The filter system for Split with UV-C consists of several components.

Alrededor de la entrada de aire de Split, (por la parte exterior), colocamos un porta filtros (19) que va pegado. En su interior lleva un pre filtro de polvo (20) con un tirador (21) para facilitar su desmontaje, la porta filtros (19) lleva unas correderas (22) para facilitar el montaje del filtro.Around the Split air inlet (on the outside), we place a filter holder (19) that is glued. Inside it has a dust pre filter (20) with a handle (21) to facilitate its removal, the filter holder (19) has slides (22) to facilitate the assembly of the filter.

En la parte inferior de Split a la salida de aire, se acopla el núcleo (1) que va atornillado a la pared a través de sus soportes regulables en altura (3), para así poder ajustar las piezas para que no salga el aire para ello nos ayudamos de la junta (2).In the lower part of the Split at the air outlet, the core (1) is attached that is screwed to the wall through its height-adjustable supports (3), in order to be able to adjust the pieces so that the air does not escape to this we help ourselves from the board (2).

El núcleo (1) se fabricará de metal pintado de blanco generalmente o del color de aparato a instalar (como opción).The core (1) will be made of metal painted generally white or the color of the appliance to be installed (as an option).

En su interior van alojados los portalámparas (6) con su lámpara UV-C (7) que va conectada eléctricamente mediante el balastro de alimentación (9) y la clema de conexión (8), al encendido del Split de tal manera que estará en funcionamiento siempre que el Split esté encendido.Inside it are housed the lamp holders (6) with its UV-C lamp (7) that is electrically connected by means of the power ballast (9) and the connection terminal (8), when the Split is turned on in such a way that it will be in operation as long as the Split is on.

Antes de la salida del núcleo (1) lleva un filtro HEPA (12) que va sujeto en su porta filtros (11).Before leaving the core (1) it carries a HEPA filter (12) that is attached to its filter holder (11).

Para cerrar el sistema lleva la tapa de difusores (13) que acopla con la salida del núcleo y alrededor de la parte baja del Split, en los laterales lleva dos tapas (17) que hacen de embellecedores.To close the system, it has the diffuser cover (13) that connects with the core outlet and around the lower part of the Split, on the sides it has two covers (17) that act as trims.

En la tapa van instalados los difusores orientables (14) arriba, abajo, derecha e izquierda.The adjustable diffusers (14) are installed on the top, bottom, right and left.

Entre el núcleo (1) y la tapa de difusores (13) lleva un pulsador de seguridad (10) que actúa sobre un micro interruptor normalmente abierto, para que, en el caso de desmontar la tapa con el Split en funcionamiento, se apague la luz UV-C para no exponer al técnico a su luz.Between the core (1) and the diffuser cover (13) there is a safety button (10) that acts on a normally open microswitch, so that, in the case of disassembling the cover with the Split in operation, the UV-C light so as not to expose the technician to its light.

El cometido del dispositivo y de cada elemento.The role of the device and of each element.

El pre filtro de polvo exterior (20) evita que entre polvo al interior del Split y hace de tapa para contener la luz UV-C dentro del Split. The external dust pre-filter (20) prevents dust from entering the interior of the Split and acts as a cover to contain the UV-C light inside the Split.

Sobre el interior del Split incide la luz UV-C para hacer de germicida, actúa sobre el aire que circula, sobre todo el interior del Split, sobre el pre filtro (20) y sobre el filtro HEPA (12), de esta manera evitamos la proliferación de hongos, mohos y bacterias en el interior del Split y del sistema de filtración.UV-C light falls on the interior of the Split to act as a germicide, acts on the circulating air, especially inside the Split, on the pre-filter (20) and on the HEPA filter (12), in this way we avoid the proliferation of fungi, molds and bacteria inside the Split and the filtration system.

Filtro HEPA (12) se ocupa de filtrar las partículas más pequeñas como virus y bacterias, antes de llegar al exterior, ahí se quedan atrapados mientras son expuestos a la luz UV-C para neutralizarlos completamente.HEPA filter (12) is responsible for filtering the smallest particles such as viruses and bacteria, before reaching the outside, there they remain trapped while they are exposed to UV-C light to completely neutralize them.

El núcleo (1) sirve para hacer de conducto y unión entre el Split y la tapa de difusores (13), hace que la luz UV-C esté contenida dentro y hace de alojamiento para alojar componentes como son la lámpara UV-C (7) y el filtro HEPA (12).The core (1) serves to act as a conduit and joint between the Split and the diffuser cover (13), makes the UV-C light to be contained within and acts as a housing to house components such as the UV-C lamp (7 ) and the HEPA filter (12).

La tapa de difusores (13) va atornillada al núcleo (1) y va ajustada sobre el Split, hace de unión y aloja los difusores orientables (14).The diffuser cover (13) is screwed to the core (1) and is fitted on the Split, acts as a union and houses the adjustable diffusers (14).

Sirve para tapar la parte inferior, para contener la luz UV-C.It serves to cover the bottom, to contain the UV-C light.

Lleva en los laterales unas tapas (17) que tienen función estética.It has covers (17) on the sides that have an aesthetic function.


Figura 1: vista frontal del núcleo (1)Figure 1: front view of the core (1)

1- Núcleo, (2) junta de unión, (3) soportes de sujeción a pared, (4) tapa del núcleo. (5) tornillos.1- Core, (2) union joint, (3) wall mounting brackets, (4) core cover. (5) screws.

Figura 2: vista frontal (sin tapa) del núcleo (1)Figure 2: front view (without cover) of the core (1)

(6) Portalámparas, (7) lámpara UV-C de 254 nm, (8) clema de conexión entrada de corriente, (9) balastro de alimentación lámpara, (10) pulsador de seguridad, (11) porta filtro, (12) filtro HEPA.(6) Lamp holder, (7) UV-C 254 nm lamp, (8) current input connection terminal, (9) lamp power ballast, (10) safety button, (11) filter holder, (12) HEPA filter.

Figura 3: Tapa de difusores (13), vista frontal.Figure 3: Diffuser cover (13), front view.

(13) Tapa de difusores, (14) difusores. (13) Diffuser cover, (14) diffusers.

Figura 4: vista lateral, lado derecho de como acopla el núcleo con la tapa de difusores.Figure 4: side view, right side of how the core is coupled with the diffuser cover.

(14) difusores, (1) núcleo, (15) tornillos, (16) junta, (13) tapa de difusores.(14) diffusers, (1) core, (15) screws, (16) gasket, (13) diffuser cover.

Figura 5: vista lateral lado izquierdo de acoplamiento de núcleo con tapa de difusores.Figure 5: Left side side view of core coupling with diffuser cover.

(1) Núcleo, (15) tornillos, (16) junta, (14) difusores, (13) tapa de difusores.(1) Core, (15) screws, (16) gasket, (14) diffusers, (13) diffuser cover.

Figura 6: Tapas laterales (17), lleva dos iguales en lado derecho e izquierdo.Figure 6: Side covers (17), it has two equal ones on the right and left side.

(17) Tapas laterales x 2 y tornillos (18) x4.(17) Side covers x 2 and screws (18) x4.

Figura 7: porta filtro y pre filtro, situado en la parte superior del Split en entrada de aire. (19) porta filtro, (20) pre filtro, (21) tirador de extracción filtro, (22) carriles de acoplamiento.Figure 7: filter holder and pre filter, located in the upper part of the Split in the air inlet. (19) filter holder, (20) pre filter, (21) filter extraction handle, (22) coupling rails.


El porta filtros (19) va fijado alrededor de la rejilla de entrada de aire de Split, se fabrica en plástico y lleva un alojamiento para el pre filtro (20).The filter holder (19) is fixed around the Split air intake grille, is made of plastic and has a housing for the pre-filter (20).

El núcleo (1) va atornillado a la pared con unos soportes regulables en altura (3).The core (1) is screwed to the wall with height-adjustable supports (3).

Se fabricará de metal e ira pintado principalmente de blanco.It will be made of metal and will be painted mainly white.

La tapa de difusores (13) que acopla con el núcleo y Split, (1) se fabricará de plástico.The diffuser cover (13) that couples with the core and Split, (1) will be made of plastic.

Las tapas laterales (17), de función estética, se fabricarán de plástico.The side covers (17), for aesthetic purposes, will be made of plastic.

El sistema de filtrado para Split con UV-C ira fabricado con diferentes materiales como metal, plástico ABS, en función de los diferentes componentes que lleve. The filter system for Split with UV-C will be made of different materials such as metal, ABS plastic, depending on the different components that it contains.

Claims (1)

REIVINDICACIONES 1- Un sistema de filtrado para Split con UV-C que comprende: un núcleo (1) que lleva: una junta de unión (2) que va situada entre él sistema de filtrado y el Split, unos soportes de sujeción a pared (3), una tapa del núcleo (4) a través de la cual accedemos a su interior quitando los tornillos (5);1- A filtering system for Split with UV-C that comprises: a core (1) that carries: a joint joint (2) that is located between the filtering system and the Split, some wall mounting brackets (3 ), a core cover (4) through which we access its interior by removing the screws (5); en el interior del núcleo (1) lleva los portalámparas (6), donde se conecta la lámpara ultravioleta de 254 nm (7), conectada a corriente a través del balastro de alimentación lámpara (9), que a su vez se conecta a la clema de conexión de entrada de corriente (8), también lleva un pulsador de seguridad (10), que va instalado entre la clema (8) y el balastro de alimentación lámpara (9) y lleva él porta filtro (11) y el filtro Hepa (12). El sistema de filtrado lleva también la tapa de difusores (13) que va unido al núcleo (1) a través de unos tornillos (15) entre las partes lleva una junta de estanqueidad (16), en la tapa de difusores (13) van instalados los difusores (14) que son orientables, también lleva dos tapas laterales (17), y van fijadas a través de los tornillos (18).Inside the core (1) it carries the lamp holders (6), where the 254 nm ultraviolet lamp (7) is connected, connected to current through the lamp power ballast (9), which in turn is connected to the current input connection terminal (8), it also has a safety button (10), which is installed between the terminal (8) and the lamp power ballast (9) and has the filter holder (11) and the filter Hepa (12). The filtering system also carries the diffuser cover (13) that is attached to the core (1) through screws (15) between the parts, it has a sealing gasket (16), on the diffuser cover (13) they go installed the diffusers (14) that are adjustable, it also has two side covers (17), and they are fixed through the screws (18). En la parte superior del aire acondicionado de Split, en la entrada de aire lleva instalado el porta filtros (19), el filtro (20), tirador de extracción del filtro (21) y carriles de acoplamiento filtro (22).In the upper part of the Split air conditioner, the filter holder (19), the filter (20), the filter extraction handle (21) and the filter coupling rails (22) are installed in the air inlet. 2- El sistema de filtrado para Split con UV-C de la reivindicación 1, que se caracteriza porque lleva un porta filtros (19) y un filtro (20) instalado en la parte exterior del Split, alrededor de la rejilla de entrada de aire.2- The filter system for Split with UV-C of claim 1, characterized in that it has a filter holder (19) and a filter (20) installed on the outside of the Split, around the air inlet grille . 3- El sistema de filtrado para Split con UV-C de la reivindicación 1, que se caracteriza porque el núcleo (1) lleva unos soportes con correderas (3) que se atornillan a la pared, son regulables en altura para un perfecto ajuste del núcleo (1) con la parte inferior del Split.3- The filtering system for Split with UV-C of claim 1, characterized in that the core (1) has supports with slides (3) that are screwed to the wall, they are adjustable in height for a perfect adjustment of the core (1) with the bottom of the Split. 4- El sistema de filtrado para Split con UV-C de la reivindicación 1, que se caracteriza porque lleva una lámpara UV-C (7) colocada estratégicamente, y su luz incide sobre el interior del Split, el núcleo (1), el aire a su paso y sobre los filtros (20) y (12). 4- The filtering system for Split with UV-C of claim 1, characterized in that it carries a UV-C lamp (7) strategically placed, and its light falls on the interior of the Split, the core (1), the air as it passes through and over filters (20) and (12). 5- El sistema de filtrado para Split con UV-C de la reivindicación 1, que se caracteriza porque lleva un filtro Hepa (12), que va instalado en el núcleo (1) en su parte baja, antes de la salida.5- The filtering system for Split with UV-C of claim 1, characterized in that it has a Hepa filter (12), which is installed in the core (1) in its lower part, before the outlet. 6- El sistema de filtrado para Split con UV-C de la reivindicación 1, que se caracteriza porque lleva una tapa de difusores (13) que cierra por la parte baja y acopla con el núcleo (1) y hace de conducto a la vez que porta los difusores orientables (14).6- The filtering system for Split with UV-C of claim 1, characterized in that it has a diffuser cover (13) that closes at the bottom and couples with the core (1) and acts as a conduit at the same time that carries the adjustable diffusers (14). 7- El sistema de filtrado para Split con UV-C de la reivindicación 1, que se caracteriza porque lleva un pulsador de seguridad (10).7- The filtering system for Split with UV-C of claim 1, characterized in that it has a safety button (10). 8- El sistema de filtrado para Split con UV-C de la reivindicación 1, que se caracteriza porque lleva unos difusores (14) estratégicamente situados en la parte alta de la tapa de difusores (13), que además de dirigir el aire, hace de tapa de contención de luz UV-C. 8- The filtering system for Split with UV-C of claim 1, characterized in that it has diffusers (14) strategically located in the upper part of the diffuser cover (13), which in addition to directing the air, makes UV-C light containment cap.
ES202031648U 2020-07-26 2020-07-26 Filtering system for Split with UV-C Active ES1260066Y (en)

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