DK168892B1 - DNA sequence which encodes proteins which are immunologically reactive with antibodies against LAV/HTLV- III, a recombinant plasmid which contains the DNA, a bacterial cell which is transformed with a plasmid, a process for preparing the protein, and the use of the protein in analyses - Google Patents

DNA sequence which encodes proteins which are immunologically reactive with antibodies against LAV/HTLV- III, a recombinant plasmid which contains the DNA, a bacterial cell which is transformed with a plasmid, a process for preparing the protein, and the use of the protein in analyses Download PDF


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DK168892B1 DK589586A DK589586A DK168892B1 DK 168892 B1 DK168892 B1 DK 168892B1 DK 589586 A DK589586 A DK 589586A DK 589586 A DK589586 A DK 589586A DK 168892 B1 DK168892 B1 DK 168892B1
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DK589586A (en
DK589586D0 (en
Susan Mitsue Watanabe
Wesley Cosand
Susan Mcardle
Bruce Mcfarland Travis
Pamela June Ward
Original Assignee
Genetic Systems Corp
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Priority claimed from PCT/US1986/000716 external-priority patent/WO1986006099A1/en
Application filed by Genetic Systems Corp filed Critical Genetic Systems Corp
Publication of DK589586D0 publication Critical patent/DK589586D0/en
Publication of DK589586A publication Critical patent/DK589586A/en
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of DK168892B1 publication Critical patent/DK168892B1/en



  • Preparation Of Compounds By Using Micro-Organisms (AREA)
  • Micro-Organisms Or Cultivation Processes Thereof (AREA)
  • Peptides Or Proteins (AREA)
  • Medicines Containing Antibodies Or Antigens For Use As Internal Diagnostic Agents (AREA)


i DK 168892 B1in DK 168892 B1

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Opfindelsen angår et DNA-sekvens, der koder for proteiner, som er immunologisk reaktive med antistoffer mod LAV/HTLV-III, rekombi-nant plasmid indeholdende DNA'et, bakteriecelle transformeret med 5 pi asmi det, fremgangsmåde til fremstilling af proteinet og anvendelse af proteinet ved analyser.The invention relates to a DNA sequence encoding proteins that are immunologically reactive with antibodies against LAV / HTLV-III, recombinant plasmid containing the DNA, bacterial cell transformed with 5 µm of asthma, method for producing the protein and using the protein by assays.


Erhvervet immundefektsyndrom (AIDS) er en defekt i den cellulæ-10 re immunitet, som kan overføres, og som er karakteriseret ved opportionistiske infektioner og visse sjældne sygdomme. De dominante risikogrupper for AIDS inkluderer homoseksuelle mænd, intravenøse stofmisbrugere, modtagere af transfusioner og blodprodukter og heteroseksuelle partnere og børn af personer med høj risiko, hvilket 15 lader formode, at der er involveret et smitsomt agens overført ved intim kontakt eller med blodprodukter.Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is a defect in the transmissible cellular immunity that is characterized by opportunistic infections and certain rare diseases. The dominant risk groups for AIDS include gay men, intravenous drug users, transfusion recipients and blood products, and heterosexual partners and children of high-risk individuals, which suggests that an infectious agent transmitted through intimate contact or blood products is involved.

Nylig evidens indikerer, at det smitsomme agens, som er ansvarlig for overføring af sygdom, er en ny lymfotropisk retrovirus, kendt som lymfadenopati-associeret virus (LAV) (Barré-Sinoussi et 20 al., Science 220: 868 (1983)). Lignende vira er blevet rapporteret af andre videnskabsgrupper (Popovic et al., Science 224: 497 (1984); Levy et al., Science 225: 840 (1984); Vilmer et al., Lancet 1:753 (1983) ) og har fået betegnelsen human-T-celle lymfotropiske virus type III (HTLV-III), AIDS-associeret retrovirus (ARV) eller immun- 25 defektassocieret virus (IDAV). Endnu nyere resultater indikerer, at LAV, HTLV-III, ARV og IDAV deler adskillige vigtige karakteristika inklusiv væsentlig nukleotidhomologi (Wain-Hobson et al., Cell 40: 9 (1985); Muesing et al., Nature 313: 450 (1985); Sanchez-Pescador et al., Science 227: 484 (1985)), og at de bør betragtes som i sol ater 30 af den samme virus, skønt der er en sandsynlighed for, at der er stamme-til-stamme variationer blandt de virale isolater. Ud over at udvise væsentlig nukleotidhomologi ligner isolaterne hinanden med hensyn til morfologi, cytopatologi, krav for optimal revers trans-skriptaseaktivitet, og de deler i det mindste nogle antigene egen-35 skaber (Levy, se ovenfor; Schupbach et al., Science 224: 503 (1984) ).Recent evidence indicates that the infectious agent responsible for the transmission of disease is a new lymphotropic retrovirus known as lymphadenopathy-associated virus (LAV) (Barré-Sinoussi et al., Science 220: 868 (1983)). Similar viruses have been reported by other science groups (Popovic et al., Science 224: 497 (1984); Levy et al., Science 225: 840 (1984); Vilmer et al., Lancet 1: 753 (1983)) and have have been designated human T-cell Lymphotropic virus type III (HTLV-III), AIDS-associated retrovirus (ARV) or immunodeficiency-associated virus (IDAV). Even more recent results indicate that LAV, HTLV-III, ARV and IDAV share several important characteristics including essential nucleotide homology (Wain-Hobson et al., Cell 40: 9 (1985); Muesing et al., Nature 313: 450 (1985). ; Sanchez-Pescador et al., Science 227: 484 (1985)), and that they should be considered in the Sun 30 of the same virus, although there is a likelihood of strain-to-strain variations among the viral isolates. In addition to exhibiting substantial nucleotide homology, the isolates are similar in morphology, cytopathology, requirements for optimal reverse transcriptase activity, and at least share some antigenic properties (Levy, see above; Schupbach et al., Science 224: 503 (1984)).

Som anført ovenfor er det kendt, at virusset kan overføres gennem blodprodukter (blod, blodserum, blodplasma og fraktioner heraf), hvilket gør det vigtigt at screene blodprodukter for at 2 DK 168892 B1 bestemme, om donoren har været udsat for virus. Dette kan gøres på en hvilken som helst måde ud af adskillige metoder, inklusiv enzymbundet immunosorbent assay (ELISA) til påvisning af antistoffer mod LAV og beslægtede vira. Personer, hvis blod indeholder antistoffer 5 mod LAV, siges at være "seropositive". Blod fra seropositive donorer kan ved påvisning blive elimineret fra blodforsyningen, hvorved man hjælper med til at forhindre, at sygdommen spredes.As stated above, it is known that the virus can be transmitted through blood products (blood, blood serum, blood plasma and fractions thereof), making it important to screen blood products to determine if the donor has been exposed to the virus. This can be done in any way by several methods, including enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for the detection of LAV antibodies and related viruses. People whose blood contains antibodies 5 against LAV are said to be "seropositive". Blood from seropositive donors can by detection be eliminated from the blood supply, thereby helping to prevent the spread of the disease.

Enkeltpersoners immunrespons mod LAV er varierende. Antistoffer kan produceres overfor adskillige virale proteiner, inklusiv pl3, 10 pl8, p25, p36, gp43, p55, gpllO osv. (Schupbach et al., N.Enol .J. Med. 312: 265 (1985)). Ikke alle personer vil frembringe antistoffer mod de samme proteiner eller mod det samme epitop på et bestemt protein.Individuals' immune response to LAV varies. Antibodies can be produced against several viral proteins, including p13, 10p18, p25, p36, gp43, p55, gp110, etc. (Schupbach et al., N.Enol. J. Med. 312: 265 (1985)). Not all individuals will produce antibodies against the same proteins or against the same epitope on a particular protein.

Påvisning af seropositive personer, som det udføres for tiden, 15 har adskillige iboende problemer. Mest fremtrædende blandt disse problemer er behovet for at isolere antigen fra hele vira til immunologiske analyser. Denne isolering kræver håndtering af store voluminer af levende, potentiel smitsom virus og udgør som sådan en væsentlig sikkerhedsrisiko. Ydermere er der problemer i relation til 20 udbytte, renhed og reproducerbarhed af virus fra den ene præparation til den næste. Dette kan resultere i et uacceptabelt antal falske positiver og/eller negativer. Følgelig er der inden for fagområdet behov for alternative metoder til fremstilling af virale antigener, som er brugbare ved blodscreeningsanalyser, og som ydermere giver 25 andre lignende fordele.Detection of Seropositive Persons As Currently Performed, 15 have several inherent problems. Most prominent among these problems is the need to isolate antigen from whole viruses for immunological assays. This isolation requires the handling of large volumes of live, potentially infectious virus and as such poses a significant security risk. Furthermore, there are problems in relation to the yield, purity and reproducibility of viruses from one preparation to the next. This can result in an unacceptable number of false positives and / or negatives. Accordingly, in the art, alternative methods are needed to produce viral antigens which are useful in blood screening assays and further provide 25 similar advantages.

Forklaring af opfindelsen I korthed angår den foreliggende opfindelse DNA-sekvenser, som omfatter en del af det gruppespecifikke antigenområde (gag) af 30 LAV-genomet, den del, som i alt væsentligt er pGAG-1, pGAG-2 eller pGAG-3, og som koder for et protein, der er immunologisk reaktiv med antistoffer mod LAV/HTLV-III.EXPLANATION OF THE INVENTION Briefly, the present invention relates to DNA sequences comprising a portion of the group-specific antigenic region (gag) of the LAV genome, the portion which is essentially pGAG-1, pGAG-2 or pGAG-3. and encoding a protein that is immunologically reactive with antibodies against LAV / HTLV-III.

Opfindelsen angår ligeledes et rekombineret plasmid, som er i stand til at replikere i bakterielle værtsceller, og som inkluderer 35 prokaryotiske transkriptions- og translationssignaler for ekspressi on, efterfulgt i læsefase af den ovenfor beskrevne DNA-sekvens.The invention also relates to a recombined plasmid capable of replication in bacterial host cells, which includes 35 prokaryotic transcription and translation signals for expression, followed by the read phase of the DNA sequence described above.

I en foretrukken udførelsesform udvælges signaler fra en operon, såsom trp-operonen. som kan induceres og/eller undertrykkes.In a preferred embodiment, signals are selected from an operon such as the trp operon. which can be induced and / or suppressed.

Opfindelsen angår desuden bakterieceller, såsom E.coli, som er 3 DK 168892 B1 blevet transformeret med det ovenfor beskrevne rekombinerede plasmid.The invention further relates to bacterial cells, such as E. coli, which have been transformed with the recombined plasmid described above.

Opfindelsen angår endvidere en fremgangsmåde til fremstilling af proteiner, som er immunologisk reaktive med antistoffer mod 5 LAV/HTLV-III, hvilken fremgangsmåde omfatter, at der i en bakterie værtscelle indføres det ovenfor beskrevne rekombinante plasmid. Efter indføring af pi asmidet dyrkes bakterieværten i et egnet medium. Ekspression af proteinet induceres derefter, og proteinproduktet med sekvensen isoleres fra bakterieværten. Proteinproduktet 10 kan derefter oprenses efter isolering, f.eks. ved gel kromatografi.The invention further relates to a method for producing proteins that are immunologically reactive with antibodies against LAV / HTLV-III, which comprises introducing into the bacterial host cell the recombinant plasmid described above. After introduction of the p ismid, the bacterial host is grown in a suitable medium. Expression of the protein is then induced and the protein product with the sequence is isolated from the bacterial host. The protein product 10 can then be purified after isolation, e.g. by gel chromatography.

Et yderligere aspekt ved opfindelsen er en fremgangsmåde til bestemmelse af tilstedeværelsen af antistoffer mod LAV/HTLV-III i en biologisk væske. Fremgangsmåden omfatter, at den biologiske væske inkuberes med et protein frembragt af bakterieceller, der er trans-15 formeret med et ovenfor beskrevet rekombineret plasmid, hvorved der frembringes en reaktionsblanding, og hvorefter reaktionsblandingen analyseres for at bestemme tilstedeværelsen af antistofferne. I en foretrukken udførelsesform omfatter analysetrinnet af reaktionsblandingen, at reaktionsblandingen kontaktes med en mærket specifik 20 bindingspartner til antistoffet.A further aspect of the invention is a method for determining the presence of LAV / HTLV-III antibodies in a biological fluid. The method comprises incubating the biological fluid with a protein produced by bacterial cells transformed with a recombinant plasmid described above to produce a reaction mixture and then analyzing the reaction mixture to determine the presence of the antibodies. In a preferred embodiment, the analysis step of the reaction mixture comprises contacting the reaction mixture with a labeled specific binding partner to the antibody.

Endnu et aspekt af opfindelsen angår en fremgangsmåde til bestemmelse af tilstedeværelsen af LAV/HTLV-III-antigen i en biologisk væske, hvilken fremgangsmåde omfatter, at den biologiske væske inkuberes med et mærket protein frembragt af bakterieceller, som er 25 transformeret med det ovenfor beskrevne rekombinerede plasmid, og enten sekventielt eller samtidigt med et antistof for proteinet, således at specifik binding finder sted. Derefter analyseres den reaktionsblanding, som er dannet under inkuberingen, for at bestemme mængden af mærkning, som er tilknyttet antistoffet.Yet another aspect of the invention relates to a method for determining the presence of LAV / HTLV-III antigen in a biological fluid, which method comprises incubating the biological fluid with a labeled protein produced by bacterial cells transformed with the above described recombined plasmid, and either sequentially or simultaneously with an antibody for the protein so that specific binding occurs. Then, the reaction mixture formed during the incubation is analyzed to determine the amount of labeling associated with the antibody.

30 I et yderligere aspekt af opfindelsen omtales en fremgangmåde til bestemmelse af tilstedeværelsen af antistoffer mod LAV/HTLV-III i en biologisk væske, hvilken fremgangsmåde omfatter, at latex-kug-ler konjugeres med et protein frembragt af bakterieceller transformeret med et rekombineret plasmid, som er i stand til at replikere i 35 bakterieværtsceller, hvilket plasmid inkluderer prokaryotiske transskriptions- og translationssignaler for ekspression. Signalerne efterfølges af en DNA-sekvens, som omfatter en del af gag-området af LAV-genomet, den del, som koder for et protein, der er immunologisk reaktivt med antistoffer mod LAV/HTLV-III. Herefter inkuberes den 4 DK 168892 B1 biologske væske med latex-kugle/protein-konjugatet, hvorved der dannes en reaktionsblanding. Reaktionsblandingen analyseres derefter for at bestemme tilstedeværelsen af antistofferne.In a further aspect of the invention, there is disclosed a method for determining the presence of antibodies against LAV / HTLV-III in a biological fluid, which comprises latex spheres conjugated with a protein produced by bacterial cells transformed with a recombined plasmid. capable of replicating in 35 bacterial host cells, which plasmid includes prokaryotic transcriptional and translational signals for expression. The signals are followed by a DNA sequence comprising a portion of the gag region of the LAV genome, the portion encoding a protein that is immunologically reactive with antibodies against LAV / HTLV-III. The biological fluid is then incubated with the latex sphere / protein conjugate to form a reaction mixture. The reaction mixture is then analyzed to determine the presence of the antibodies.

Andre aspekter af opfindelsen vil fremgå af den efterfølgende 5 detaljerede beskrivelse med tilhørende tegning.Other aspects of the invention will become apparent from the following detailed description and accompanying drawings.

Kort beskrivelse af tegningenBrief description of the drawing

Fig.l illustrerer konstruktionen af pSS-5 og pBS-5 fra AJ19.Fig. 1 illustrates the construction of pSS-5 and pBS-5 from AJ19.

Fig.2 illustrerer trp-E-eksoressionsvektorerne pJH12 og pJH14 10 inklusiv polylinkersekvenserne.Figure 2 illustrates the trp-E exorcation vectors pJH12 and pJH14 including the polylinker sequences.

Fig.3 illustrerer oprindelsen af LAV-indføjelserne i pGAG-2 og pGAG-3.Fig. 3 illustrates the origin of the LAV insertions in pGAG-2 and pGAG-3.

Fig.4 illustrerer konstruktionen af pGAG-2 fra pJH12 og pSM002. Fig.5 illustrerer konstruktionen af pGAG-3 fra pJH14 og pBPB14.Fig. 4 illustrates the construction of pGAG-2 from pJH12 and pSM002. Fig. 5 illustrates the construction of pGAG-3 from pJH14 and pBPB14.

15 Fig.6 illustrerer trp-E-ekspressionsvektor pATHIO inklusiv læserammerne for spaltningsstederne i polylinkerområdet.Fig. 6 illustrates the trp-E expression vector pATH10 including the reading frames for the cleavage sites in the polylinker region.

Fig.7 illustrerer oprindelsen af LAV-indføjeiserne i pGAGl.Fig. 7 illustrates the origin of the LAV insertions in pGAG1.

Fig.8 illustrerer konstruktionen af pGAGl fra pBS-5, pUC18 og pATHIO.Fig. 8 illustrates the construction of pGAG1 from pBS-5, pUC18 and pATH10.

20 Fig.9 er et histogram over værdier for optisk densitet opnået fra serumprøver.Fig. 9 is a histogram of optical density values obtained from serum samples.

Bedste udførelsesform for opfindelsenBest Embodiment of the Invention

Forud for fremførelsen af opfindelsen kan det for at forstå 25 denne være en hjælp at fremføre definitioner af visse udtryk, som anvendes herefter.Prior to carrying out the invention, in order to understand it, it may be helpful to present definitions of certain terms used herein.

Lvmfadenopati-associeret virus (LAVI: En human T-lymphotropisk retrovirus. Med hensyn til den foreliggende opfindelse antages et 30 virus at være de samme eller ækvivalent med LAV, hvis det stort set opfylder følgende kriterier: (a) virusset er tropisk for T-lymphocytter, navnlig T-hjælper- celler (CD4+, ifølge den internationale nomenklatur defineret iLymphadenopathy-associated virus (LAVI: A human T-lymphotropic retrovirus.) For the purposes of the present invention, a virus is believed to be the same or equivalent to LAV if it meets substantially the following criteria: (a) the virus is tropical for T lymphocytes, especially T helper cells (CD4 +, according to the international nomenclature defined in

Bernard et al., Leucocyte Typing. New York: Springer Verlag (1984)).Bernard et al., Leucocyte Typing. New York: Springer Verlag (1984)).

35 (b) virusset er cytopatisk for inficerede CD4+-celler (snarere end transformerende, hvilket gælder HTLV-I og II); (c) virusset koder for en RNA-afhængig DNA-polymerase (revers 2+ transkriptase), som er Mg -afhængig (optimal koncentration 5 mM, optimal pH 7,8, kan ikke hæmmes af aktinomycin D) og kan anvende 5 DK 168892 B1 oligo 12-18 som en Primer for revers transkription fra dets 3'-LTR; (d) virusset danner i en sucrosegradient bånd med en densitet på ca. 1,16; o 5 (e) virusset kan mærkes med [ H]-uridin; (f) virusset kan ved hjælp af immunologiske og nukleotid-sekvenskriterier skelnes fra medlemmer af HTLV-I/II familien af vira (med dette kriterie skal HTLV-III ikke betragtes at være et medlem af HTLV-I/II-fami li en); 10 (g) virusset krydsreagerer i væsentlig grad immunologisk med de proteiner, der kodes af gag- og env-områderne af LAV; og (h) virusset deler væsentlig nukleotidhomologi (75-100%) og aminosyresekvenshomologi (75-100%) med LAV.(B) the virus is cytopathic for infected CD4 + cells (rather than transforming, as for HTLV-I and II); (c) the virus encodes an RNA-dependent DNA polymerase (reverse 2+ transcriptase) which is Mg-dependent (optimal concentration 5 mM, optimal pH 7.8, cannot be inhibited by actinomycin D) and can use 5 DK 168892 B1 oligo 12-18 as a primer for reverse transcription from its 3'-LTR; (d) the virus forms in a sucrose gradient band having a density of ca. 1.16; o (e) the virus may be labeled with [H] -uridine; (f) the virus can be distinguished by members of the HTLV-I / II family of viruses by immunological and nucleotide sequence criteria (with this criterion HTLV-III should not be considered a member of the HTLV-I / II family); ; (G) the virus cross-reacts substantially immunologically with the proteins encoded by the gag and env regions of LAV; and (h) the virus shares substantial nucleotide homology (75-100%) and amino acid sequence homology (75-100%) with LAV.

15 Immunologisk reaktiv; Et antigen og et antistof siges at væreImmunologically reactive; An antigen and an antibody are said to be

"immunologisk reaktive", hvis de er i stand til at binde specifikt til hinanden, typisk med en affinitet på mindst 106M_1, hyppigere mindst 10®M"immunologically reactive" if they are able to bind specifically to each other, typically having an affinity of at least 106 µm, more frequently at least 10 µm

20 Transformeret eller transformation: processen til stabil og arvelige ændring af genotypen af en modtagerceller eller organisme ved indføring af oprenset DNA.Transformed or transformed: the process of stable and hereditary modification of the genotype of a recipient cell or organism by introduction of purified DNA.

Lymfadenopati-associeret virus (LAV) kan isoleres fra patienter med AIDS eller lymfadenopati syndrom. Lymfeknuder fra sådanne pati-25 enter underkastes typisk biopsi og anbringes i dyrkningsmedie suppleret efter behov for at give vækst. Der kan inkluderes et mitogen, såsom interleukin-2 (IL-2) eller phytohemagglutinin (PHA); antiserum mod human interferon kan også inkluderes. Revers trans-skriptaseaktivitet kommer typisk til syne efter ca. 15 dages dyrk-30 ning, hvilket indicerer tilstedeværelsen af virus. Virusset kan koncentreres fra dyrkningssupernatanten under anvendelse af et ikke-ionisk detergent efterfulgt af bånddannelse i en sucrosegradient. Disse og andre metoder til oprensning er velkendte inden for fagområdet og beskreves f.eks. i Montelaro et al., J.Virology 42: 1029 35 (1982).Lymphadenopathy-associated virus (LAV) can be isolated from patients with AIDS or lymphadenopathy syndrome. Lymph nodes from such patients are typically subjected to biopsy and placed in culture medium supplemented as needed to produce growth. A mitogen such as interleukin-2 (IL-2) or phytohemagglutinin (PHA) may be included; antiserum against human interferon may also be included. Reverse transcriptase activity typically appears after ca. 15 days of culture, indicating the presence of virus. The virus can be concentrated from the culture supernatant using a nonionic detergent followed by banding in a sucrose gradient. These and other methods of purification are well known in the art and are described e.g. in Montelaro et al., J. Virology 42: 1029 (1982).

LAV kan opformeres på en hvilken som helst af en række måder.LAV can be propagated in any of a number of ways.

Den kan dyrkes i T-lymfocytter hidrørende fra navlestrengen eller fra perifer blod eller fra benmarv. Alternativt kan den opformeres i døde T-celler eller B-celler; se f.eks. Popovic et al., Science 224: 6 DK 168892 B1 497 (1984) og Montagnier et al., Science 225: 63 (1984). Vækst af virusset måles sædvanligvis ved tilstedeværelse af revers transkrip-taseaktivitet.It can be grown in T lymphocytes derived from the umbilical cord or from peripheral blood or from bone marrow. Alternatively, it can be propagated in dead T cells or B cells; see e.g. Popovic et al., Science 224: 6 DK 168892 B1 497 (1984) and Montagnier et al., Science 225: 63 (1984). The growth of the virus is usually measured in the presence of reverse transcriptase activity.

En genomisk klon af LAV kan fremstilles ved en hvilken som 5 helst af adskillige velkendte metoder inden for området, inklusiv men ikke begrænset til dem, der er beskrevet af Hahn et al., Nature 312: 166 (1984); Alizon et al., Nature 312: 757 (1984); Luciw et al., Nature 312: 760 (1984); og Muesing et al., Nature 313: 450 (1985).A LAV genomic clone can be prepared by any of several well known methods in the art, including but not limited to those described by Hahn et al., Nature 312: 166 (1984); Alizon et al., Nature 312: 757 (1984); Luciw et al., Nature 312: 760 (1984); and Muesing et al., Nature 313: 450 (1985).

10 I korthed er en af disse metoder følgende (Alizon et al.): DNABriefly, one of these methods is the following (Alizon et al.): DNA

isoleres fra LAV-inficerede T-celler hos en sund donor, fordøjes delvis med en restriktionsendonuklease, såsom Hindlll, og den fremkomne fordøjelsesblanding fraktioneres elektroforetisk. Fragmenter, som i størrelse svarer til størrelsen af hele LAV-genomet (ca. 9,2 15 kb) elueres fra gelen, præcipiteres, resuspenderes og ligeres ind i enderne i en vektor behandlet med et egnet restriktionsenzym. Ligeringsblandingen pakkes i bakteriofagpartikler. Bakterier transformeres med bakteriofagen, og klonerne screenes in si tu for LAV-indføje! se under anvendelse af en egnet probe (såsom cDNA fremstillet ud 20 fra LAV-RNA). Fra en positiv klon kan det ønskede område af LAV subklones i en bakteriel plasmid-vektor, såsom pUC 18. Yderligere subkloning kan være ønskelig for at fjerne uønskede sekvenser og tilføje yderligere angrebssteder (i form af en polylinker) i begge ender med det formål at lette kloning i en ekspressionsvektor.isolated from LAV-infected T cells in a healthy donor, partially digested with a restriction endonuclease such as HindIII, and the resulting digestion mixture is electrophoretically fractionated. Fragments corresponding in size to the size of the entire LAV genome (about 9.2 15 kb) are eluted from the gel, precipitated, resuspended and ligated into the ends of a vector treated with a suitable restriction enzyme. The ligation mixture is packed in bacteriophage particles. Bacteria are transformed with the bacteriophage and the clones are screened for LAV insert! see using a suitable probe (such as cDNA prepared from LAV RNA). From a positive clone, the desired region of LAV may be subcloned into a bacterial plasmid vector such as pUC 18. Additional subcloning may be desirable to remove unwanted sequences and add additional attack sites (in the form of a polylinker) at both ends for the purpose of facilitate cloning in an expression vector.

25 LAV-sekvenserne kan subklones i en inducerbar ekspressions vektor. Der kendes en række ekspressionsvektorer inden for fagområdet, og de inkluderer Agt 11 :Tn5 (Hall et al., Nature 311: 379 (1984); trp E (Paul et al., Eur.J.Cell .Biol 31: 171 (1983); pINIII (Masui et al., Biotechnology Jan.1984 s.81).The LAV sequences can be subcloned into an inducible expression vector. A number of expression vectors are known in the art, and they include Eight 11: Tn5 (Hall et al., Nature 311: 379 (1984); trp E (Paul et al., Eur. J. Cell. Biol 31: 171 (1983) pINIII (Masui et al., Biotechnology Jan.1984 p.81).

30 De fremkomne proteiner kan delvis oprenses og anvendes som antigener i immunoanalyser. Til brug som antigener i immunoanalyser kan proteinerne anvendes i mærket eller umærket form. Når de er mærkede, kan mærkningerne inkludere radioisotoper, fluorphorer, enzymer, selvlysende stoffer eller partikler. Disse og andre mærk-35 ninger er velkendte inden for fagområdet og beskrives i f.eks. følgende US patenter: 3.766.162, 3.791.932, 3.817.837, 3.996.345 og 4.233.402.The proteins obtained can be partially purified and used as antigens in immunoassays. For use as antigens in immunoassays, the proteins can be used in labeled or unlabeled form. Once labeled, the labels may include radioisotopes, fluorophores, enzymes, luminescent substances or particles. These and other labels are well known in the art and are described in e.g. the following US patents: 3,766,162, 3,791,932, 3,817,837, 3,996,345 and 4,233,402.

Analyser, som udnytter de rekombinerede proteiner ifølge den foreliggende opfindelse, kan være heterogene (dvs. kræve et separationstrin) eller homogene. Hvis analysen er heterogen kan . der 7 DK 168892 B1 anvendes en række separationsmetoder, inklusiv centrifugering, filtrering, kromatografi eller magnetisme.Assays utilizing the recombined proteins of the present invention may be heterogeneous (i.e., require a separation step) or homogeneous. If the analysis is heterogeneous can. a number of separation methods, including centrifugation, filtration, chromatography or magnetism, are used.

En foretrukken analyse til screening af blodprodukter eller andre fysiologiske væsker for tilstedeværelsen af antistoffer er en 5 ELISA. Typisk adsorberes antigen (i dette tilfælde et rekombineret protein eller en kombination af rekombinerede proteiner) til overfladen af en mi krotiterbrønd. Resterende proteinbindingssteder på overfladen blokeres derefter med et egnet middel, såsom bovinserum-albumin (BSA), varmeinaktiveret, normal gedeserum (NGS) eller BLOTTO (en bufret opløsning af tørmælk uden fedt, som også indeholder et konserveringsmiddel, salte og et antiskumningsmiddel). Brønden inkuberes derefter med en prøve, som mistænkes for at indeholde specifikke antistoffer. Prøven kan tilsættes ublandet eller, oftere, kan det fortyndes, sædvanligvis i en bufret opløsning, som indeholds der en lille mængde (0,1-5,0 vægt%) protein, såsom BSA, NGS eller BLOTTO. Efter inkubering i en tilstrækkelig tid til at tillade specifik binding at finde sted, vaskes brønden for at fjerne ubundet protein, og den inkuberes med mærket antihuman immunoglobulin (Q!-Hulg). Mærkningen kan vælges blandt en række enzymer, inklusiv 20 peberrodperoxidase (HRP), /J-galactosidase, alkalisk phosphatase og glucoseoxidase. Der tillades tilstrækkelig tid for at specifik binding kan finde sted, hvorefter brønden vaskes igen for at fjerne ubundet konjugat, og substratet for enzymet tilsættes. Farven får lov til at udvikle, og den optiske densitet af indeholdet i brønden 25 bestemmes visuelt eller ved hjælp af et instrument.A preferred assay for screening blood products or other physiological fluids for the presence of antibodies is an ELISA. Typically, antigen (in this case, a recombined protein or a combination of recombined proteins) is adsorbed to the surface of a microtiter well. Residual protein binding sites on the surface are then blocked with a suitable agent such as bovine serum albumin (BSA), heat-inactivated normal goat serum (NGS) or BLOTTO (a buffered solution of fat-free dry milk which also contains a preservative, salts and anti-foaming agent). The well is then incubated with a sample suspected of containing specific antibodies. The sample can be added unmixed or, more often, it can be diluted, usually in a buffered solution containing a small amount (0.1-5.0% by weight) of protein such as BSA, NGS or BLOTTO. After incubation for a sufficient time to allow specific binding to take place, the well is washed to remove unbound protein and incubated with labeled anti-human immunoglobulin (Q-Hulg). The label can be selected from a variety of enzymes, including horseradish peroxidase (HRP), β-galactosidase, alkaline phosphatase and glucose oxidase. Sufficient time is allowed for specific binding to take place, after which the well is washed again to remove unbound conjugate and the substrate for the enzyme is added. The color is allowed to develop and the optical density of the contents of the well 25 is determined visually or by means of an instrument.

Af bekvemmelighedsårsager kan reagenser til ELISA tilvejebringes i form af kit. Disse kit kan inkludere mikrotiterp!ader, til hvilke virale proteiner fremstillet ved rekombinantmetoder kan være præadsorberede, adskillige fortyndingsmidler og buffere, mærkede 30 konjugater til påvisning af specifikt bundne antistoffer og andre signal udvi kl ende reagenser, såsom enzymsubstrater, cofaktorer og chromogener.For convenience, reagents for ELISA can be provided in the form of kits. These kits may include microtiterpads to which viral proteins produced by recombinant methods may be preabsorbed, several diluents and buffers, labeled 30 conjugates for the detection of specifically bound antibodies, and other signal-derived reagents such as enzyme substrates, cofactors and chromogens.

Sera af LAV-inficerede individer indeholder antistoffer mod mange LAV-proteiner, inklusiv pl3, pl8, p25, p36, gp43, p55, gpllO 35 m.fl. Skønt ikke alle personer frembringer antistoffer mod de samme proteiner, er individuelle sera mest konsekvent reaktive med antistoffer mod gag-proteinerne, p25 og pl8, og mod env-proteinerne, gp43 og gpllO. Forskelle mellem personer kan skyldes adskillige faktorer, inklusiv sygdommens fremskriden. Der er f.eks. noget 8 DK 168892 B1 evidens for at antistoffer mod kerneproteiner er dominerende i de tidlige stadier af sygdommen, men aftager med fremskriden af immunundertrykkelse. I modsætning hertil antages antistoftiter mod hylsterglycoproteinerne at vare ved under de senere trin af syg-5 dommen.Sera of LAV-infected individuals contain antibodies to many LAV proteins, including p13, p18, p25, p36, gp43, p55, gp110, and others. Although not all individuals produce antibodies against the same proteins, individual sera are most consistently reactive with antibodies against the gag proteins, p25 and p18, and against the env proteins, gp43 and gp110. Differences between people can be due to several factors, including the progression of the disease. There are e.g. Some evidence that antibodies to nuclear proteins are dominant in the early stages of the disease, but decreases with the progress of immune suppression. In contrast, antibody titer against the envelope glycoproteins is thought to persist during the later stages of the disease.

Yderligere variation i respons kan skyldes polymorfi i de gener, der koder for virale proteiner. Forskellige isolater af LAV udviser væsentlige ændringer i env-proteinet. Det er interessant, at gag-proteinsekvenserne er meget konserverede.Further variation in response may be due to polymorphism in the genes encoding viral proteins. Various isolates of LAV exhibit significant changes in the env protein. Interestingly, the gag protein sequences are highly conserved.

10 I enhver undersøgt seropositiv prøve er der blevet set anti stoffer mod mindst ét af gag-proteinerne (pl8 eller p25) eller et af env-proteinerne (gp43 eller gpllO). Ingen af disse proteiner genkendes imidlertid universelt af seropositive individer. Det synes derfor essentielt, at blod screenes for antistoffer mod mindst ét 15 gag-protein og ét env-protein. I en tidligere patentansøgning, US nr. 721.237, med titlen "Ekspression of Immunologically Reactive Viral Proteins" udnyttes i den omtalte opfindelse dele af hylsterområdet (env) af LAV-genomet, som koder for et protein, som er immunologisk reaktivt med antistoffer mod LAV. Ved den foreliggende 20 opfindelse anvendes dele af gag-området af LAV-genomet, som koder for et protein, som også er immunologisk reaktivt med antistoffer mod LAV. I en kombination kan proteiner, der kodes af gag- og env-områderne anvendes til at påvise seropositive personer med en høj følsomhedsgrad.In any seropositive sample tested, anti-substances have been seen against at least one of the gag proteins (p18 or p25) or one of the env proteins (gp43 or gp10). However, none of these proteins is universally recognized by seropositive individuals. Therefore, it appears essential that blood be screened for antibodies to at least one 15 gag protein and one env protein. In a previous patent application, U.S. Patent No. 721,237, entitled "Expression of Immunologically Reactive Viral Proteins," the present invention utilizes portions of the envelope region (env) of the LAV genome encoding a protein that is immunologically reactive with LAV antibodies. . In the present invention, portions of the gag region of the LAV genome that encode a protein that is also immunologically reactive with LAV antibodies are used. In a combination, proteins encoded by the gag and env regions can be used to detect high-sensitivity seropositive individuals.

25 I det efterfølgende eksempel blev to overlappende områder af LAV-gag (figur 3) og en anden del af gag-området, inkluderende det meste af pl8 og dele af p25 (figur 7) udvalgt for ekspression. Valget blev påvirket af det fund, at pl8 og p25 var de gag-proteiner, som mest reproducerbart var reaktive med sera fra LAV-infi-30 cerede personer. Vor udvælgelse inden for disse sekvenser var dikteret af lokaliseringen af hydrofile områder og proteaseangrebs-steder (som begge kan være eksponeret ved overfladen af proteinet og immunogene) såvel som størrelsesbegrænsningen for effektiv ekspression i de valgte vektorer (trg_E).In the following example, two overlapping regions of LAV gag (Figure 3) and another part of the gag region, including most of p18 and parts of p25 (Figure 7), were selected for expression. The choice was influenced by the finding that p18 and p25 were the gag proteins that were most reproducibly reactive with sera from LAV-infected individuals. Our selection within these sequences was dictated by the localization of hydrophilic regions and protease attack sites (both of which may be exposed to the surface of the protein and immunogenic) as well as the size limitation of effective expression in the selected vectors (trg_E).

35 Den genomiske LAV-klon, betegnet AJ19, blev subklonet i den bakterielle plasmidvektor, pUC18. Den fremkomne subklon, betegnet pBT-1, blev yderligere subklonet til frembringelse af pSS-5 og pBS-5, som hovedsagelig indeholdt gag- og nol-sekvenser.The LAV genomic clone, designated AJ19, was subcloned into the bacterial plasmid vector, pUC18. The resulting subclone, designated pBT-1, was further subcloned to generate pSS-5 and pBS-5, which mainly contained gag and null sequences.

I en procedure (eksempel I) blev gag-sekvenserne yderligere DK 168892 B1 g subklonet i pIC19R (dannende pi asmider pSM002 og pBPB14), og områder af gag-sekvensen blev overført i den trp E-inducible ekspressionsvektor. gag-DNA'et blev indsat i læseramme nedenstrøms trp E-genet, hvilket resulterede i ekspressionen af et trp E-gag fusionsprotein, 5 når E.coli blev transformeret med denne konstruktion. De fremkomne proteiner blev delvis oprenset og karakteriseret ved deres reaktivitet i ELISA med sera fra kendte seropositive og kendte seronegative personer. Der blev identificeret to nyttige konstruktioner, betegnet pGAG-2 og pGAG-3.In one procedure (Example I), the gag sequences were further subcloned into pIC19R (forming pi azimides pSM002 and pBPB14) and regions of the gag sequence were transferred into the trp E-inducible expression vector. The gag DNA was inserted into the reading frame downstream of the trp E gene, resulting in the expression of a trp E-gag fusion protein when E. coli was transformed with this construct. The resulting proteins were partially purified and characterized by their reactivity in ELISA with sera from known seropositive and known seronegative subjects. Two useful constructs, designated pGAG-2 and pGAG-3, were identified.

10 I en anden procedure (eksempel II) blev en del af gag-sekvensen (bp 375-547) yderligere subklonet i pUC18amp (dannende plasmid 0674-14-10). Et andet område af gag-sekvensen (bp 505-961) blev overført i plasmid 0674-14-10), dannende plasmid 0674-27-38. gag-Sekvenserne (gp 347-961) blev overført i den tro-E-inducible eks-15 pressionsvektor pATHIO. gag-DNA'et blev indsat i læseramme nedenstrøms tro E-aenet. hvilket resulterede i ekspression af et tro E-gag fusionsprotein, når E.coli blev transformeret med denne konstruktion. De fremkomne proteiner blev delvis oprenset og karakteriseret ved deres reaktivitet i ELISA med sera fra kendte seropositive 20 og kendte seronegative personer. Der blev identificeret en nyttig konstruktion, betegnet pGAG-1.In another procedure (Example II), part of the gag sequence (bp 375-547) was further subcloned into pUC18amp (forming plasmid 0674-14-10). Another region of the gag sequence (bp 505-961) was transferred into plasmid 0674-14-10), forming plasmid 0674-27-38. The gag sequences (gp 347-961) were transferred into the tro-E-inducible expression vector pATH10. The gag DNA was inserted into the reading frame of the downstream faith E-a. resulting in expression of a true E-gag fusion protein when E. coli was transformed with this construct. The resulting proteins were partially purified and characterized by their reactivity in ELISA with sera from known seropositive 20 and known seronegative subjects. A useful construct, designated pGAG-1, was identified.

De efterfølgende eksempler er angivet til illustration, men er ikke på nogen måde begrænsende.The following examples are provided for illustration only, but are not limiting in any way.

25 Eksempel IExample I

A. Konstruktion af trp-gag-ekspressionsvektorerneA. Construction of the trp-gag expression vectors

Der kan anvendes en hvilken som helst af adskillige bakterieekspressionssystemer til at udtrykke fremmede .proteiner, trp E- systemet blev valgt til ekspressionen af LAV-gag-sekvenser, fordi 30 den indeholder en stærk inducibel promoter, men dens ekspression kan også undertrykkes, således at fremmed (og potentiel toksisk) protein ikke akkumulerer i bakterierne i lange tidsperioder.Any of several bacterial expression systems can be used to express foreign proteins, the trp E system was chosen for the expression of LAV gag sequences because it contains a strong inducible promoter, but its expression can also be suppressed so that foreign (and potentially toxic) protein does not accumulate in the bacteria for long periods of time.

Ekspressionsvektorer er begrænset af typen og læseramme i deres restriktionssteder. F.eks. kræver tro E-eksoressionsvektorer, at DNA-indføjelsen har termini, som er kompatible med genkendelsesstederne for Barn HI, Hindlll eller EcoRI. Større diversitet kan indføres ved først at subklone området af interesse i en mellemliggende vektor, som har et bredere område og en ændret opbygning af restriktionssteder. Området af interesse kan derefter indføres i en 10 DK 168892 B1 ekspressionsvektor under anvendelse af restriktionssteder tilvejebragt af den mellemliggende vektor.Expression vectors are restricted by type and reading frame in their restriction sites. Eg. believe E-excitation vectors require that the DNA insert have termini which are compatible with the recognition sites of Barn HI, HindIII or EcoRI. Greater diversity can be introduced by first subcloning the region of interest into an intermediate vector which has a wider region and an altered structure of restriction sites. The region of interest can then be introduced into an expression vector using restriction sites provided by the intermediate vector.

Vores strategi var derfor først at subklone det meste af sagområdet af LAV-genomet i en transfer-vektor, pIC19R. Derefter blev 5 forskellige fragmenter af disse subkloner ligeret ind i en af to trp-ekspressionsvektorer (pJH12, pJH14), som kun adskilte sig i læseramme i restriktionsstederne i polylinkerområdet (se figur 2).Our strategy was therefore to first subclone most of the case domain of the LAV genome into a transfer vector, pIC19R. Then, 5 different fragments of these subclones were ligated into one of two trp expression vectors (pJH12, pJH14), which differed only in reading frame at the restriction sites in the polylinker region (see Figure 2).

1. Subkloninq af LAV-aenomet 10 a. Fremstilling af fag-DNA.1. Subcloning of the LAV Aenome 10 a. Preparation of Phage DNA.

Hele LAV-genomet blev opnået fra Pasteur-instituttet i form af g-fagpartikler indeholdende en 9,2 kb lang genomisk DNA-indføjelse i HindiII-genkendelsesstedet i fag AL47.1. Denne klon omtales som AJ19 og beskrives i Wain-Hobson et al., Cel! 40: 9 15 (1985). AJ19-fagpartikler blev transficeret ind i Q359-stammen af E.coli K-12 (genotypen af Q359 er hsdRk", hsdMk+, supF, $80, P2) ifølge proceduren af Maniatis et al., Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual. New York: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, 1982, s.64.The entire LAV genome was obtained from the Pasteur Institute in the form of g-phage particles containing a 9.2 kb genomic DNA insert at the HindiII recognition site in phage AL47.1. This clone is referred to as AJ19 and is described in Wain-Hobson et al., Cel! 40: 9 (1985). AJ19 phage particles were transfected into the Q359 strain of E. coli K-12 (genotype of Q359 is hsdRk ", hsdMk +, supF, $ 80, P2) according to the procedure of Maniatis et al., Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual. New York : Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, 1982, p.64.

Der blev opsamlet en enkelt plaque, og fagen blev multipliceret ved 20 pladelysatmetoden (Maniatis, se ovenfor, s.65). Efter 9 timers inku-bering ved 37°C blev pladerne (100 mm diameter) indeholdende sammenflydende plaques overlagt med 5 ml 100 mM NaCl/20 mM MgS04/50 mM Tris, pH 7,5. Efter inkubering i 12 timer ved 4°C blev væsken opsamlet og ekstraheret to gange med et lige så stort volumen 25 chloroform.A single plaque was collected and the phage was multiplied by the 20 plate lysate method (Maniatis, see above, p.65). After 9 hours of incubation at 37 ° C, the plates (100 mm diameter) containing confluent plaques were overlaid with 5 ml of 100 mM NaCl / 20 mM MgSO 4/50 mM Tris, pH 7.5. After incubation for 12 hours at 4 ° C, the liquid was collected and extracted twice with an equal volume of chloroform.

Til 10 ml af den fremkomne vandige fase indeholdende fagpartikler tilsattes 2 ml 0,25 M EDTA/2,5% SDS/0,5M Tris, pH 9, og suspensionen blev inkuberet ved 70°C i 15 minutter for at åbne fagen. Der blev tilsat 2,5 ml 8M kaliumacetat, og opløsningen blev 30 inkuberet på is i 15 minutter, derefter centrifugeret i 10 minutter ved 12.000 x g ved 4°C for at pelletere protein. Supernatanten blev overført til et 50 ml polypropylencentrifugegi as og ekstraheret med et lige så stort volumen phenol (pH 8, ækvilibreret med 1 M Tris, pHTo 10 ml of the resulting aqueous phase containing phage particles was added 2 ml of 0.25 M EDTA / 2.5% SDS / 0.5M Tris, pH 9, and the suspension was incubated at 70 ° C for 15 minutes to open the phage. 2.5 ml of 8M potassium acetate was added and the solution was incubated on ice for 15 minutes, then centrifuged for 10 minutes at 12,000 x g at 4 ° C to pellet protein. The supernatant was transferred to a 50 ml polypropylene centrifuge gel and extracted with an equal volume of phenol (pH 8, equilibrated with 1 M Tris, pH

8) ved 20°C. Den vandige fase blev derefter ekstraheret med et lige 35 s§ stort volumen chloroform:isoamylal kohol (24:1) ved 20°C. Til den vandige fase tilsattes 2,5 voluminer 95% ethanol for at præcipitere DNA'et. Efter centrifugering blev DNA-pelleten tørret og resuspende-ret i 10 mM Tris HC1, pH 7,4/lmM EDTA.8) at 20 ° C. The aqueous phase was then extracted with an equal 35 s volume of chloroform: isoamylal carbon (24: 1) at 20 ° C. To the aqueous phase, 2.5 volumes of 95% ethanol were added to precipitate the DNA. After centrifugation, the DNA pellet was dried and resuspended in 10 mM Tris HCl, pH 7.4 / lMM EDTA.

b. Subkloning af gag-området.b. Subcloning of the gag region.

11 DK 168892 B111 DK 168892 B1

Cirka 12 mg AJ19-DNA fremstillet i A.l.a. ovenfor blev fordøjet fuldstændig med restriktionsenzymet Sst I (Bethesda Research Labs, Bethesda, MD), som kun skærer i LTR-områderne i dette i sol at af LAV. Fordøjelsesblandingen blev underkastet elektroforese 5 ved 1 V/cm gennem 0,9% agarose i 0,089 M Tris-borat/0,089 M borsy-re/lmM EDTA. Positionen af det 9,1 kb lange fragment blev bestemt i forhold til molekylvægtsstandarder efter farvning med ethidiumbro-mid. Dette bånd blev elektroelueret i NA45-papir (Schleicher og Schuell, Keene, NH). DNA'et blev udvundet fra papiret ifølge in-10 struktionerne givet af leverandøren.About 12 mg of AJ19 DNA prepared in A.l.a. above was digested completely with the restriction enzyme Sst I (Bethesda Research Labs, Bethesda, MD), which intersects only in the LTR regions of this in the sol of LAV. The digestion mixture was subjected to electrophoresis 5 at 1 V / cm through 0.9% agarose in 0.089 M Tris-borate / 0.089 M boric acid / µM EDTA. The position of the 9.1 kb fragment was determined relative to molecular weight standards after staining with ethidium bromide. This band was electroeluted in NA45 paper (Schleicher and Schuell, Keene, NH). The DNA was recovered from the paper according to the instructions given by the supplier.

Det 9,1 kb lange Sstl-fragment blev ligeret ind i den Sstl-for-døjede vektor pUC18 i et forhold på 10 indføjede molekyler: 1 vektormolekyle. E.coli stamme HB101 blev transformeret med lige-ringsblandingen ved CaClg-proceduren ifølge Maniatis et al., (se 15 ovenfor), og udpladet på LB plus ampicillin (200 mg/ml) agarplader.The 9.1 kb Sstl fragment was ligated into the Sstl pre-digested vector pUC18 in a ratio of 10 inserted molecules: 1 vector molecule. E. coli strain HB101 was transformed with the ligation mixture by the CaClg procedure of Maniatis et al. (See above 15) and plated on LB plus ampicillin (200 mg / ml) agar plates.

Enkeltkolonier blev opsamlet og fortyndet i 3 ml LB plus ampicill inmedium og dyrket natten over ved 37°C under konstant omrystning. Plasmid-DNA blev fremstillet ved den alkaliske lyseringsmetode (Maniatis et al., se ovenfor, s.368). Der blev udvalgt 1 koloni, som 20 indeholdt den 9,1 kb lange Sstl-indføjelse i en sådan orientering, at EcoRI-genkendelsesstedet i polylinkeren var nærmest 5'-enden af LAV-genomet, som bestemt ved restriktionsanalyse af plasmid-DNA'et. Denne subklon blev betegnet pBTl (ATCC deponeringsnummer 53069) (figur 1).Single colonies were collected and diluted in 3 ml of LB plus ampicillium medium and grown overnight at 37 ° C with constant shaking. Plasmid DNA was prepared by the alkaline lysis method (Maniatis et al., Supra, p.368). 1 colony was selected which contained the 9.1 kb Sstl insert in such orientation that the EcoRI recognition site in the polylinker was closest to the 5 'end of the LAV genome, as determined by restriction analysis of the plasmid DNA . This subclone was designated pBT1 (ATCC deposit number 53069) (Figure 1).

25 Der blev fremstillet 2 subkloner fra plasmid pBT-1 (se figur 1). For det første (pSS-5) blev pBT-1 fordøjet med Sal-I og derefter genligeret. For det andet, pBS-5, blev pBT-1 fordøjet med Barn HI og Bglll og derefter genligeret. I begge tilfælde blev 5'-enden af LAV-genomet bevaret i vektoren. HBlOl-celler blev transformeret med 3° det ligerede DNA, og kolonier indeholdende pSS-5- og pBS-5-indføj-elserne blev identificeret ved restriktionsanalyse af det oprensede plasmid-DNA.25 Two subclones from plasmid pBT-1 were prepared (see Figure 1). First, (pSS-5), pBT-1 was digested with Sal-I and then ligated. Second, pBS-5, pBT-1 was digested with Barn HI and BglII and then ligated. In both cases, the 5 'end of the LAV genome was retained in the vector. HB101 cells were transformed with 3 ° the ligated DNA and colonies containing the pSS-5 and pBS-5 insertions were identified by restriction analysis of the purified plasmid DNA.

Områder af pSS-5 og pBS-5 blev derefter subklonet i den inter-mediære vektor, pIC19R. Som ovenfor diskuteret tilvejebragte dette 35 de nødvendige restriktionssteder i den korrekte læseramme for overføring til ekspressionsvektorerne.Areas of pSS-5 and pBS-5 were then subcloned into the intermediate vector, pIC19R. As discussed above, this provided the necessary restriction sites in the correct reading frame for transfer to the expression vectors.

Specifikt blev HindiII-fragmentet af pBS-5 (bp 631 til bp 1258 af LAV-genomet; nummereret ifølge Wain-Hobson et al., Cel! 40: 9 (1985)) ligeret ind i Hindlll og pIC19R fordøjet med 12 DK 168892 B1 kalvetarmphosphatase (figur 4). Det ligerede DNA blev taget op af CaClg-chokbehandlede E.coli TB-1. Under anvendelse af det chromagene substrat 5-brom-4-chlor-3-indolyl-/}-galactosid (Sigma) blev ampicillinresistente kolonier screenet for inaktivering af 5 /}-gal actosidase på grund af indføjelse af gag-sekvensen.Specifically, the HindiII fragment of pBS-5 (bp 631 to bp 1258 of the LAV genome; numbered according to Wain-Hobson et al., Cell 40: 9 (1985)) was ligated into HindIII and pIC19R digested with 12 DK 168892 B1. calf intestinal phosphatase (Figure 4). The ligated DNA was taken up by CaClg shock-treated E.coli TB-1. Using the chromogenic substrate 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl - /} - galactoside (Sigma), ampicillin-resistant colonies were screened for inactivation of 5 /} -gal actosidase due to insertion of the gag sequence.

Orienteringen af indføjelsen blev bestemt ved at fordøje plasmid-DNA med Pvu II. Det fremkomne plasmid omtales som pSM002.The orientation of the insert was determined by digesting plasmid DNA with Pvu II. The resulting plasmid is referred to as pSM002.

PvuII-BglIl-fragmentet (bp 691 til bp 1642 af LAV-genomet) blev ligeret ind i Smal- og BglII-fordøjet pIC19R (figur 5). Det ligerede 10 DNA blev taget op af E.coli HB101, og de fremkomne ampicillinresi-stente kolonier blev screenet med det ovenfor beskrevne chromogen.The pvuII-BglII fragment (bp 691 to bp 1642 of the LAV genome) was ligated into SmaI and BglII digested pIC19R (Figure 5). The ligated DNA was taken up by E. coli HB101, and the resulting ampicillin-resistant colonies were screened with the chromogen described above.

Der blev yderligere screenet for egnede kolonier ved restriktionsanalyse af plasmid-DNA. Det fremkomne plasmid omtales som pBPB14.Suitable colonies were further screened by restriction analysis of plasmid DNA. The resulting plasmid is referred to as pBPB14.

15 2. Indsættelse af gag-sekvensen i trp-vektorer.2. Inserting the gag sequence into trp vectors.

Ekspressionsvektorerne indeholdt E.coli trp operonpromoter, operator og trp E genet indsat i pBR322 (figur 2). trp E-genet blev trunkeret ved dets Bgl-II genkendelsessted nærmest 5'-enden ved indføjelse af en polylinkersekvens (Konopka et al., J.Virol. 51: 223 20 (1984)). De forskellige trp-vektorer (pJH12 og pJH14) adskilte sig med hensyn til læseramme i restriktionsstederne i polylinkerområdet.The expression vectors contained the E. coli trp operon promoter, the operator and the trp E gene inserted into pBR322 (Figure 2). The trp E gene was truncated at its Bgl-II recognition site closest to the 5 'end by insertion of a polylinker sequence (Konopka et al., J. Virol. 51: 223 20 (1984)). The different trp vectors (pJH12 and pJH14) differed with respect to reading frame at the restriction sites in the polylinker region.

Indføjelse af en åben læseramme i den passende vektor resulterede i frembringelsen af et fusionsprotein med trp_E-sekvenser ved den aminoterminåle ende (Spindler et al., J.Virol. 49: 132 (1984)).Insertion of an open reading frame into the appropriate vector resulted in the generation of a fusion protein with trp_E sequences at the amino terminal end (Spindler et al., J. Virol. 49: 132 (1984)).

pGAG-2 (ATCC deponeringsnummer 53111) blev konstrueret ved at fordøje HindIII-gag-subklonen (pSM002, figur 4) med BglII og BamHI.pGAG-2 (ATCC deposit number 53111) was constructed by digesting the HindIII gag subclone (pSM002, Figure 4) with BglII and BamHI.

BglII og BamHI angrebsstederne blev lokaliseret inden i det omgivne polylinkerområde af pIC19R. gag-fragmentet bley_ gel oprenset og ligeret ind i BamHI-fordøjet pJH12 (figur 4). Ligeret DNA blev taget 30 op af CaCl2-chokbehandlet E.coli HB101, og kolonier blev dyrket i nærværelse af ampicillin (100 /ig/ml) og tryptofan (40 mg/ml). Tryptofan blev anvendt til at undertrykke ekspression af det fremmede protein, hvor akkumulering af dette ville have været ødelæggende for bakterierne. Egnede ampicillinresistente kolonier blev identificeret ved hybridisering med en radioaktivt mærket gag-DNA-probe. Restriktionsanalyse af minilysater blev anvendt for at bekræfte tilstedeværelsen og orienteringen af indføjelsen.The BglII and BamHI attack sites were located within the surrounding polylinker region of pIC19R. The gag fragment was purified and ligated into BamHI digested pJH12 (Figure 4). Ligated DNA was taken up by CaCl2 shock-treated E. coli HB101, and colonies were grown in the presence of ampicillin (100 µg / ml) and tryptophan (40 mg / ml). Tryptophan was used to suppress expression of the foreign protein, where accumulation of this would have been destructive to the bacteria. Suitable ampicillin-resistant colonies were identified by hybridization with a radiolabeled gag DNA probe. Restriction analysis of minilysates was used to confirm the presence and orientation of the insert.

pGAG-3 (ATCC deponeringsnummer 53112) blev konstrueret ved EcoRI-fordøjel se af pBPB14, som indeholder gag-området mellem PVU-IIpGAG-3 (ATCC accession number 53112) was constructed by EcoRI digestion of pBPB14, which contains the gag region between PVU-II

13 DK 168892 B1 (bp 691) og Bgl-II (bp 1642), som vist på figur 5. EcoRI-angrebs-stederne ligger i polylinkersekvenserne, som omgiver gag-sekvenserne. gag-Fragmentet blev gel oprenset og ligeret ind i pJH14 behandlet med EcoRI og kalvetarmphosphatase. E.coli HB101 celler blev trans-5 formeret med det ligerede DNA, udpladet som ovenfor beskrevet og screenet ved restriktionsanalyse for at bekræfte tilstedeværelsen og orienteringen af gag-sekvensen i pJH14.13 DK 168892 B1 (bp 691) and Bgl-II (bp 1642), as shown in Figure 5. The EcoRI attack sites are in the polylinker sequences surrounding the gag sequences. The gag fragment was gel purified and ligated into pJH14 treated with Eco RI and calf phosphatase. E. coli HB101 cells were transformed with the ligated DNA, plated as described above, and screened by restriction analysis to confirm the presence and orientation of the gag sequence in pJH14.

B. Proteinekspression 10 1. Transformation af E.coli med trp-gag-konstruktionerneB. Protein Expression 10 1. Transformation of E. coli with the trp-gag constructs

Hver af rekombinant trp-gag-ekspressionsplasmiderne blev overført fra E.coli HB101 til E.coli C600, fordi sidstnævnte er en bedre vært for proteinproduktion. Overføring indvolverede transformation af CaCl,,-chokbehandlet C600 med supercoil-DNA fra mini-15 2 lysater af HB101. Bakterier blev udpladet i nærværelse af ampicillin og tryptophan som beskrevet (Konopka et al., J.Virol 51: 223 (1984)). Ampici11 i nresi stente kolonier blev screenet ved minilysater for at bekræfte tilstedeværelsen af det passende plasmid.Each of the recombinant trp-gag expression plasmids was transferred from E. coli HB101 to E. coli C600, because the latter is a better host for protein production. Transfer involved transformation of CaCl2 - shock treated C600 with supercoil DNA from mini-15 2 lysates of HB101. Bacteria were plated in the presence of ampicillin and tryptophan as described (Konopka et al., J. Virol 51: 223 (1984)). Ampici11 in nresi stent colonies were screened by minilysates to confirm the presence of the appropriate plasmid.

^ 2. Ekspression af trp-gag-proteiner Vækst og induktion af E.coli C600 transformeret med trp-eks-pressionsvektorerne blev udført som beskrevet (Spindler et al., J.Virol. 49: 132 (1984); Konopka et al., J.Virol. 51: 223 (1984)). I 25 korthed blev minimal medium indeholdende tryptophan (40 mg/ml) og ampicillin (100 /zg/ml) inokuleret med transformerede bakterier fra glycerolstamkulturer. Kulturerne blev dyrket med beluftning ved 37°C natten over. Natkul turerne blev derefter inokuleret ved 1:100 i frisk minimal medium indeholdende ampicillin (10O-^g/ml), men ikke 3Q tryptophan. Disse kulturer blev dyrket med beluftning i 2-3 timer (op til tidlig log-fase) ved 37°C. Induceren, 3-jS-indolacrylsyre (Sigma), blev tilsat til en slutkoncentration på 20 /zg/ml fra frisk fremstillede stamopløsninger ved 20 mg/ml i 95¾ ethanol.2. Expression of trp-gag proteins Growth and induction of E. coli C600 transformed with the trp expression vectors was performed as described (Spindler et al., J.Virol. 49: 132 (1984); Konopka et al. , J. Virol. 51: 223 (1984)). In brief, minimal medium containing tryptophan (40 mg / ml) and ampicillin (100 / zg / ml) were inoculated with transformed bacteria from glycerol strain cultures. The cultures were grown with aeration at 37 ° C overnight. The overnight cultures were then inoculated at 1: 100 in fresh minimal medium containing ampicillin (10 ° -g / ml) but not 3Q tryptophan. These cultures were grown with aeration for 2-3 hours (up to early log phase) at 37 ° C. The inducer, 3β-indolacrylic acid (Sigma), was added to a final concentration of 20 µg / ml from freshly prepared stock solutions at 20 mg / ml in 95¾ ethanol.

Inducerede kulturer blev dyrket ved 37°C med beluftning i fra 35 4-5 timer og derefter pelleteret og eventuelt frosset. Proteinud bytte fra pGAG-2 og pGAG-3 lå typisk mellem 10-30 mg/liter.Induced cultures were grown at 37 ° C with aeration for from 35 to 4-5 hours and then pelleted and optionally frozen. Protein exchange from pGAG-2 and pGAG-3 was typically between 10-30 mg / liter.

14 DK 168892 B1 C. Isolering og oprensning af trp-gag-proteiner14 Isolation and purification of trp-gag proteins

Fusionsproteiner blev delvis oprenset fra cellepelleter som beskrevet. (Konopka et al., J.Virol. 51: 223 (1984)). I korthed blev ^ bakterier resuspenderet i 100 ml 50 mM Tris, pH 7,5/0,5 mM EDTA/ 150 mM NaCl (TNE) pr. liter induceret kultur. Der blev tilsat lysozym (Sigma) til en slutkoncentration på 1 mg/ml. Efter 15 minutter ved 0°C blev NP40 tilsat til blandingen til en slutkoncentration på fra mellem 0,05% og 0,2% i 10 minutter ved 0°C. Der blev derefter tilsat 10 1-2 mg DNase (Sigma) med 150 ml DNase buffer (1,5 M NaCl/12 mMFusion proteins were partially purified from cell pellets as described. (Konopka et al., J. Virol. 51: 223 (1984)). Briefly, bacteria were resuspended in 100 ml of 50 mM Tris, pH 7.5 / 0.5 mM EDTA / 150 mM NaCl (TNE) per ml. liter of induced culture. Lysozyme (Sigma) was added to a final concentration of 1 mg / ml. After 15 minutes at 0 ° C, NP40 was added to the mixture to a final concentration of between 0.05% and 0.2% for 10 minutes at 0 ° C. 10 1-2 mg of DNase (Sigma) was then added with 150 ml of DNase buffer (1.5 M NaCl / 12 mM

MgClg). Reaktionsblandinger blev inkuberet, indtil de ikke længere var viskøse, sædvanligvis fra adskillige timer til natten over. Uopløselige proteiner blev derefter pelleteret ved centrifugering i 15 minutter ved 8000 x g ved 0°C. Pelleter blev vasket 2 gange i TNE og derefter analyseret for tilstedeværelsen af uopløselige proteiner ved denaturerende polyacrylamidgel elektroforese. Proteiner blev visualiseret ved farvning med Coomassie brilliant blue.MgClg). Reaction mixtures were incubated until they were no longer viscous, usually from several hours to overnight. Insoluble proteins were then pelleted by centrifugation for 15 minutes at 8000 x g at 0 ° C. Pellets were washed 2 times in TNE and then analyzed for the presence of insoluble proteins by denaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Proteins were visualized by staining with Coomassie brilliant blue.

Alternativt blev den uopløselige pellet denatureret og reduceret ved resuspention af pelleten fra ca. 200 ml celler i 180 /il 0,14 20 M Tris HC1, pH 7,8/6% SDS og 20 ml b-mercaptoethanol og opvarmning ved 95°C-100°C i 20 minutter. Prøven blev derefter tørret i en SpeedAlternatively, the insoluble pellet was denatured and reduced by resuspension of the pellet from ca. 200 ml cells in 180 µl 0.14 20 M Tris HCl, pH 7.8 / 6% SDS and 20 ml b-mercaptoethanol and heating at 95 ° C-100 ° C for 20 minutes. The sample was then dried in a Speed

Vac koncentrator (Savant Instruments, Hicksville, NY). For at fjerne SDS'en blev prøven ekstraheret på følgende måde: Pelleten blev resuspenderet i 1 ml acetone/triethylenamin/eddikesyre/vand 25 (17/1/1/1) og blev kraftigt behandlet på vortex, suspensionen blev afkølet på is i 1 time, centrifugeret og supernatanten blev bortkastet. Denne ekstraktion blev gentaget to gange med 0,4 ml af ovennævnte acetoneblanding og derefter 2 gange me.d 0,4 ml acetone alene. Pelleten blev derefter tørret i Speed Vac koncentratoren.Vac concentrator (Savant Instruments, Hicksville, NY). To remove the SDS, the sample was extracted as follows: The pellet was resuspended in 1 ml of acetone / triethylenamine / acetic acid / water 25 (17/1/1/1) and vigorously treated on vortex, the suspension was cooled on ice for 1 hour. hour, centrifuged and the supernatant was discarded. This extraction was repeated twice with 0.4 ml of the above acetone mixture and then twice with 0.4 ml of acetone alone. The pellet was then dried in the Speed Vac concentrator.


Proteinpelleten blev derefter opløst i 1,4 ml 6 M guanidin-hydrochlorid/0,1 M Tris HC1, pH 8,5/10 mM DTT og inkuberet ved 37°C i 4 timer. Ethvert partikulært materiale blev derefter fjernet ved centrifugering. Prøven indeholdt i supernatanten blev sat på en 1,6 ^ x 96 cm Sephacryl S-300 søjle (PHarmacia, Piscataway, NJ) ækvili-breret i 6 M guanidinhydrochlorid/10 mM EDTA/1 mM DTT. Søjlen blev elueret med den samme buffer, og absorbansen af det eluerede materiale blev målt ved 280 nm.The protein pellet was then dissolved in 1.4 ml of 6 M guanidine hydrochloride / 0.1 M Tris HCl, pH 8.5 / 10 mM DTT and incubated at 37 ° C for 4 hours. Any particulate material was then removed by centrifugation. The sample contained in the supernatant was placed on a 1.6 x 96 cm Sephacryl S-300 column (PHarmacia, Piscataway, NJ) equilibrated in 6 M guanidine hydrochloride / 10 mM EDTA / 1 mM DTT. The column was eluted with the same buffer and the absorbance of the eluted material was measured at 280 nm.

Fraktionerne blev analyseret ved ELISA med LAV-seropositive sera og med E.coli seropositive sera for at bestemme den specifikke 15 DK 168892 B1 aktivitet henholdsvis den kontaminerende aktivitet. De fraktioner, som udviste reaktivitet med førstnævnte, men ikke med sidstnævnte serum, blev anvendt i efterfølgende ELISA på patientsera.The fractions were analyzed by ELISA with LAV seropositive sera and with E. coli seropositive sera to determine the specific activity and the contaminating activity, respectively. The fractions that showed reactivity with the former but not with the latter serum were used in subsequent ELISA on patient sera.

5 D. Immunologisk reaktivitet af trp-gag-proteiner 1. Analyse ved western blot5 D. Immunological reactivity of trp-gag proteins 1. Western blot analysis

Delprøver af de uopløselige proteinpræparationer udtrykt af pGAG-2 og pGAG-3 blev opløst i 2% natriumdodecylsulfat/100 mM Tris, pH 6,8/20% glycerol/1,5 M /?-mercaptoethanol og blev underkastet elektroforese på denaturerende polyacrylamidgel er. Proteiner blev elektrooverført på nitrocellulose (BA85, Schleicher og Schuell, Keene, NH), og filtrene blev blokeret med 5% bovinserumalbumin (Sigma). Filtrene blev derefter proberet med E.coli-adsorberede humansera pool et fra AIDS-patienter. Filtrene blev derefter udviklet med HRP-konjugeret gede-a-Hulg. Poolen var reaktiv med begge trp-gag-fusionsproteiner, men ikke med tro E protein alene.Sub-samples of the insoluble protein preparations expressed by pGAG-2 and pGAG-3 were dissolved in 2% sodium dodecyl sulfate / 100 mM Tris, pH 6.8 / 20% glycerol / 1.5 M / M mercaptoethanol and electrophoresed on denaturing polyacrylamide gel. . Proteins were electro-transferred on nitrocellulose (BA85, Schleicher and Schuell, Keene, NH), and the filters were blocked with 5% bovine serum albumin (Sigma). The filters were then probed with E. coli adsorbed human sera pool one from AIDS patients. The filters were then developed with HRP-conjugated goat-a-Hulg. The pool was reactive with both trp-gag fusion proteins but not with faith E protein alone.

2. Analyse ved ELISA2. Analysis by ELISA

Søjleoprensede GAG-2 og GAG-3 proteiner blev fortyndet i 0,05M carbonat/bicarbonat-buffer (pH 9,6) til en slutkoncentration på 0,3 /ig/ml henholdsvis 3,4 μg/m^. Der blev anvendt delprøver på 50 /il pr. brønd, og de blev inkuberet ved 4°C natten over. Plader blev derefter blokeret med BLOTTO (5% +vægt/vol umen( tørmælk uden fedt/- 0,01% thimerosol/0,01% antiskum A i 0,01 M natriumphosphat, pH 2 5 7,2/0,15 M natriumchlorid) i 1 time ved stuetemperatur. Sera blev fortyndet 1:100 med en 1:1 blanding af BLOTTO og PBS (0,01 M natri-umphosphat, pH 7,3/0,15 M NaCl), og 50 /il fortyndet sera blev tilsat pr. brønd i 1 time ved 37°C. Sera'en blev fjernet.,, og pladerne blev vasket 3 gange i vaskebuffer (0,15 M NaCl/0,05% [vægt/volumen] Tween 20) før tilsætning af 100 /ti af gede antihuman IgG/peberrodperoxida-sekonjugat (50% stamopløsning fortyndet 1:10.000 i 50 mM NaCitrat/-0,05% Tween 20/1% varme-inaktiveret normal gedeserum; opnået fra Antibodies, Inc., Davis, CA) i 1 time ved 37°C. Konjugatet blev fjernet, og pladerne blev vasket 3 gange med 0,15 M NaCl/0,05% (vægt/volumen) Tween 20. ELISA-pladen blev udviklet ved at tilsætte 100 μΐ pr. brønd af substratopløsning (10 mg 3,3',5,5'-tetramethyl-benzidin i 50 ml 0,05 M natriumcitrat, pH 7,0) i 30 minutter ved stuetemperatur. Reaktionerne blev stoppet ved at tilsætte 100 /il/brønd af 3N H2S04, og den optiske densitet ved 450 nm blev 16 DK 168892 B1 bestemt på en automatiseret ELISA-aflæser. Proteiner produceret af pGAG-2 og pGAG-3 blev begge fundet at være reaktive med et panel af kendte seropositve sera.Column-purified GAG-2 and GAG-3 proteins were diluted in 0.05M carbonate / bicarbonate buffer (pH 9.6) to a final concentration of 0.3 µg / ml and 3.4 µg / m 2, respectively. Sub-samples of 50 µl per ml were used. well and they were incubated at 4 ° C overnight. Plates were then blocked with BLOTTO (5% + w / v µm (dry milk without fat / - 0.01% thimerosol / 0.01% antifoam A in 0.01 M sodium phosphate, pH 2.5 7.2 / 0.15 M Sera were diluted 1: 100 with a 1: 1 mixture of BLOTTO and PBS (0.01 M sodium phosphate, pH 7.3 / 0.15 M NaCl), and 50 µl diluted sera was added per well for 1 hour at 37 ° C. The sera was removed, and the plates were washed 3 times in wash buffer (0.15 M NaCl / 0.05% [w / v] Tween 20) before addition of 100 / t of goat anti-human IgG / horseradish peroxide seconjugate (50% stock diluted 1: 10,000 in 50mM NaCitrate / -0.05% Tween 20/1% heat-inactivated normal goat serum; obtained from Antibodies, Inc., Davis , CA) for 1 hour at 37 ° C. The conjugate was removed and the plates washed 3 times with 0.15 M NaCl / 0.05% (w / v) Tween 20. The ELISA plate was developed by adding 100 μΐ per well of substrate solution (10 mg 3,3 ', 5,5'-tetramethyl-benzidine in 50 ml 0.05 M sodium mcitrate, pH 7.0) for 30 minutes at room temperature. The reactions were stopped by adding 100 µl / well of 3N H2SO4 and the optical density at 450 nm was determined on an automated ELISA reader. Proteins produced by pGAG-2 and pGAG-3 were both found to be reactive with a panel of known seropositive sera.

Panelet inkluderede sera fra to sunde heterosexuelle personer, 5 5 personer diagnosticeret som LAS (lymfadenopati-syndrom) og/ eller homoseksuel, 1 person med AIDS og en pool af sera fra AIDS-patien- ter. Sera fra 2 heterosexuelle blev scoret som negative i en helvi-rus-ELISA. Alle sera fra AIDS, LAS og/eller homosexuelle personer blev bekræftet at være seropositive i en helvirus-ELISA og ved 10 radiomærket immunpræcipitation af LAV-antigener. Resultaterne fra disse sera vises i tabel I. Disse fund demonstrerer, at sera, som er reaktive med LAV-antigener, også er reaktive med bakterielt udtrykte gag-proteiner.The panel included sera from two healthy heterosexuals, 5 5 people diagnosed as LAS (lymphadenopathy syndrome) and / or homosexual, 1 person with AIDS and a pool of sera from AIDS patients. Sera from 2 heterosexuals were scored as negative in a helivirus ELISA. All AIDS, LAS, and / or homosexual sera were confirmed to be seropositive in a whole-virus ELISA and by 10 radiolabelled immunoprecipitation of LAV antigens. The results from these sera are shown in Table I. These findings demonstrate that sera reactive with LAV antigens are also reactive with bacterially expressed gag proteins.

15 3. Fluorescensob.iektglastest for påvisning af serumantistof3. Fluorescence Sensor Glass Test for Detection of Serum Antibody

mod LAVagainst LOW

Opløseligt protein fremstillet som ovenfor beskrevet blev konjugeret til latex-kugler, og protein/kugle-præparationen blev ethanolfixeret på objektglas. En delprøve af patientserum inkubére-20 des med protein/kuglerne på et objektglas. Objektglassene blev vasket, og der tilsattes FITC-mærket antihuman- immunoglobulin i Evans blå modfarvning. Objektglassene blev vasket, og der blev tilsat monteringsmedium til hver samt et dækglas.Soluble protein prepared as described above was conjugated to latex beads and the protein / bead preparation was ethanol fixed to slides. A sub-sample of patient serum is incubated with the protein / beads on a slide. The slides were washed and FITC-labeled anti-human immunoglobulin was added in Evans blue counterstain. The slides were washed and mounting medium was added to each as well as a cover glass.

Alternativt anbragtes protein/kugle-præparationen i reagensglas 25 til inkubering med patientserum. Reagensglassene blev centrifugeret og vasket, og det FITC-mærkede antihuman immunoglobulin blev tilsat i Evans blå modfarve. Glassene blev centrifugeret, og supernatanten aspireret. En delprøve af kuglerne blev anbragt på et mi kroskopi-objektglas og ethanolfixeret, og der blev monteret dækglas.Alternatively, the protein / sphere preparation was placed in test tube 25 for incubation with patient serum. The tubes were centrifuged and washed and the FITC-labeled anti-human immunoglobulin was added in Evans blue counterstain. The glasses were centrifuged and the supernatant aspirated. A sub-sample of the spheres was placed on a microscopy slide and ethanol fixed and coverslips were mounted.

30 Alle objektglas blev undersøgt ved fluorescensmikroskopi. Hvis testserum er antistofpositiv fremstår kuglerne som fluorescerende grønne kugler; hvis testserum er antistofnegativ fremstår kuglerne som røde kugler.All slides were examined by fluorescence microscopy. If test serum is antibody positive, the beads appear as fluorescent green beads; if test serum is antibody negative, the beads appear as red beads.

35 535 5

Tabel 1 17 DK 168892 B1Table 1 17 DK 168892 B1

Sammenligning af GAG-2 og GAG-3 med et helviruslysat i en ELISA for påvisning af antistoffer mod LAV.Comparison of GAG-2 and GAG-3 with a whole virus lysate in an ELISA for detection of LAV antibodies.

Hel - Bekræftet virus- som sero-Whole - Confirmed virus- like sero-

Serumnr. Diagnose 1vsat GAG-2 GAG-3 positiveSerumnr. Diagnosis 1 GAT-2 GAG-3 positive

Yl/CDC positiv 2,000 1,292 1,580 ja 10 kontrol pool 124 LAS og/eller 1,189 0,762 0,396 ja homoseksuel 127 LAS og/eller 1,046 0,291 1,093 ja homoseksuel 15 130 LAS og/eller 0,912 0,420 1,200 ja homoseksuel 153 LAS og/eller 2,000 1,137 1,073 ja homoseksuel 501 AIDS 1,109 1,049 1,556 ja 20 666 Ukendt 2,000 n.d. 1,747 ja 637 Rask 0,097 0,113 0,116 Ikke sero- heterosexuel positiv 641 Rask 0,199 0,116 0,069 Ikke sero- heterosexuel positiv 25 4. Reaktivitet af kombinationen af trp-gag- og trp-env proteinerYl / CDC positive 2,000 1,292 1,580 yes 10 control pool 124 LAS and / or 1,189 0.762 0.396 yes gay 127 LAS and / or 1,046 0.291 1.093 yes gay 15 130 LAS and / or 0.912 0.420 1.200 yes gay 153 LAS and / or 2,000 1.137 1.073 yes gay 501 AIDS 1,109 1,049 1,556 yes 20 666 Unknown 2,000 nd 1,747 yes 637 Rapid 0.097 0.113 0.116 Non Sero-heterosexual Positive 641 Fast 0.199 0.116 0.069 Non Sero-heterosexual Positive 25 4. Reactivity of the combination of trp-gag and trp-env proteins

Et trp-gafl-protein blev kombineret med et trp-env protein i en mi krotiterbrønd. Der blev udført ELISA som ovenfor beskrevet for 30 GAG-2 eller GAG-3 alene. Tabel II viser, at kombinationen af GAG-3 og ENV-3 har en større følsomhed for påvisning af seropositive individer end for hver protein alene. Af de seropositive prøver blev 7/7 påvist, når proteinerne blev kombineret, medens 6/7 blev påvist med GAG-3 eller ENV-3 alene.A trp-gafl protein was combined with a trp-env protein in one ml of crotiter well. ELISA was performed as described above for GAG-2 or GAG-3 alone. Table II shows that the combination of GAG-3 and ENV-3 has a greater sensitivity for detection of seropositive individuals than for each protein alone. Of the seropositive samples, 7/7 was detected when the proteins were combined, while 6/7 was detected with GAG-3 or ENV-3 alone.

35 18 DK 168892 B1 ί α «5 ϋ > co %< 1 L 1 i 11 0 v «- o j " * <u o * <u o * *35 18 DK 168892 B1 ί α «5 ϋ> co% <1 L 1 i 11 0 v« - o j "* <u o * <u o * *

«-f -*£*-") XI XI i l w c_ tn XI«-F - * £ * -") XI XI i l w c_ tn XI

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, O O ' ' --· ' ' ' - - - ~- γ —1 in r-~h- o cm cvj o t— o o o o > XI O) -7 o c dr- cm co tn co cm co cd r- ... £ Cs ·μ· i— to "vj· C'· in co cd co, OO '' - · '' '- - - ~ - γ —1 in r- ~ h- o cm cvj ot— oooo> XI O) -7 oc dr- cm co tn co cm co cd r- .. . £ cs · µ · i— to "vj · C '· in co cd co


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19 DK 168892 B119 DK 168892 B1

Eksempel IIExample II

A. Konstruktion af tr^-gag-ekspressionsvektorerA. Construction of tr ^ -gag expression vectors

Der kan anvendes et hvilket som helst af adskillige bakterielle ekspressionssystemer til at udtrykke fremmede proteiner, trp E-sy-stemet blev valgt til ekspressionen af LAV-gag-sekvenser, fordi det indeholder en kraftig inducerbar promotor, men dets ekspression kan også undertrykkes, således at fremmed (og potentielt toxisk) protein ikke akkumulerer i bakterierne i lange tidsperioder.Any of several bacterial expression systems can be used to express foreign proteins, the trp E system was chosen for the expression of LAV gag sequences because it contains a highly inducible promoter, but its expression can also be suppressed, thus that foreign (and potentially toxic) protein does not accumulate in the bacteria for long periods of time.

Ekspressionsvektorer er begrænset af typen og læserammen i deres restriktionssteder. F.eks. kræver trp E-ekspressionsvektoren pATHIO, at DNA-indføje!sen har termini, som er forenelige med genkendelsesstederne for BamHI, Cla I, Hind III, Pst I, Sac I,Expression vectors are limited by the type and reading frame in their restriction sites. Eg. the trp E expression vector pATH10 requires the DNA insert to have termini compatible with the recognition sites of BamHI, Cla I, Hind III, Pst I, Sac I,

Sal I, Sma I, Xba I, Xma I eller EcoRI. Større di versi tet kan indføres ved først at subklone det område, der er af interesse, i en 15 mellemliggende vektor, som har et bredere område og en ændret opbygning i restriktionssteder. Det område, der har interesse, kan derefter indføres i en ekspressi onsvektor ved at anvende restriktionssteder, der tilvejebringes af den mellemliggende vektor.Sal I, Sma I, Xba I, Xma I or EcoRI. Larger diversity can be introduced by first subcloning the region of interest into an intermediate vector which has a wider region and an altered structure at restriction sites. The region of interest can then be introduced into an expression vector by using restriction sites provided by the intermediate vector.

Strategien var derfor først at subklone det ønskede gag-område 20 af LAV-genomet i en transfervektor, pUC18amp. Derefter blev gagsekvenserne i denne subklon ligeret ind i tro-eksoressionsvektoren pATHIO, som indeholdt et polylinkerområde med hensigtsmæssige restriktionssteder i læseramme efterfulgt af ekspression af gag-indføjelsen (figur 6).Therefore, the strategy was first to subclone the desired gag region 20 of the LAV genome into a transfer vector, pUC18amp. Then, the gag sequences of this subclone were ligated into the faith exorcation vector pATH10, which contained a polylinker region with appropriate restriction sites in the reading frame followed by expression of the gag insert (Figure 6).

25 1. Subklonina af LAV-genomet25 1. The subclonin of the LAV genome

a. Fremstilling af fag-DNA Hele LAV-genomet blev opnået fra Pasteur-insti tuttet i form af λ-fagpartikler indeholdende en 9,2 kb lang genomisk DNA-indføjelse i Hindlll-angrebsstedet i fag AL47.1. Denne klon omtales som XJ19 og beskrives i Wain-Hobson et al., Cel! 40: 9 (1985). AJ19-fagpartikler blev transficeret ind i Q359-stammen af E.coli K-12 (genotypen af Q359 er hsdRK‘, hsdMk+, supF, $80, P2) ifølge proceduren af Maniatis et al., Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual. New York: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, 1982, s.64. Der blev opsamlet en enkelt plaque, og plaquen blev multipliceret ved plade-lysatmetoden (Maniatis, se ovenfor, s.65). Efter 9 timers inkubering ved 37°C blev pladerne (100 mm diameter) indeholdende sammenflydende plaques overhældt med 5 ml 100 mM NaCl/20 mM MgS0^/50mM Tris, pHa. Phage DNA Preparation The entire LAV genome was obtained from the Pasteur Institute in the form of λ phage particles containing a 9.2 kb genomic DNA insert into the HindIII site of attack in phage AL47.1. This clone is referred to as XJ19 and is described in Wain-Hobson et al., Cel! 40: 9 (1985). AJ19 phage particles were transfected into the Q359 strain of E. coli K-12 (the genotype of Q359 is hsdRK ', hsdMk +, supF, $ 80, P2) according to the procedure of Maniatis et al., Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual. New York: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, 1982, p.64. A single plaque was collected and the plaque multiplied by the plate lysate method (Maniatis, see above, p.65). After 9 hours of incubation at 37 ° C, the plates (100 mm diameter) containing confluent plaques were poured with 5 ml of 100 mM NaCl / 20 mM MgSO 2/50 mM Tris, pH

20 DK 168892 B1 7,5. Efter inkubering i 12 timer ved 4°C blev væsken opsamlet og ekstraheret 2 gange med et lige så stort volumen chloroform.DK 168892 B1 7.5. After incubation for 12 hours at 4 ° C, the liquid was collected and extracted twice with an equal volume of chloroform.

Til 10 ml af den fremkomne vandige fase indeholdende fagpartikler tilsattes 2 ml 0,25 M EDTA/2,5% SDS/0,5M Tris, pH 9, og 5 suspensionen blev inkuberet ved 70°C i 15 minutter for at sprænge fagen. Der blev tilsat 2,5 ml 8 M kaliumacetat, og opløsningen blev inkuberet på is i 15 minutter, derefter centrifugeret i 10 minutter ved 12.000 x g ved 4°C for at pelletere protein. Supernatanten blev overført til et 50 ml polypropylencentrifugegi as og ekstraheret med 10 et lige så stort volumen phenol (pH 8, ækvilibreret med 1 M Tris, pH 8) ved 20°C. Den vandige fase blev derefter ekstraheret med et lige så stort volumen chloroform:isoamylal kohol (24:1) ved 20°C. Til den vandige fase tilsattes derefter 2,5 voluminer 95% ethanol for' at præcipitere DNA'et. Efter centrifugering blev DNA-pelleten tørret og 15 resuspenderet i 10 mM Tris HC1, pH 7,4/1 mM EDTA.To 10 ml of the resulting aqueous phase containing phage particles was added 2 ml of 0.25 M EDTA / 2.5% SDS / 0.5M Tris, pH 9, and the suspension was incubated at 70 ° C for 15 minutes to disrupt the phage. 2.5 ml of 8 M potassium acetate was added and the solution was incubated on ice for 15 min, then centrifuged for 10 min at 12,000 x g at 4 ° C to pellet protein. The supernatant was transferred to a 50 ml polypropylene centrifuge gel and extracted with an equal volume of phenol (pH 8, equilibrated with 1 M Tris, pH 8) at 20 ° C. The aqueous phase was then extracted with an equal volume of chloroform: isoamylal carbon (24: 1) at 20 ° C. To the aqueous phase, then, 2.5 volumes of 95% ethanol were added to precipitate the DNA. After centrifugation, the DNA pellet was dried and resuspended in 10 mM Tris HCl, pH 7.4 / 1 mM EDTA.

b. Subkloning af aag-området.b. Subcloning of the aag region.

Cirka 12 øg AJ19-DNA fremstillet i A.l.a. ovenfor blev fordøjet fuldstændig med restriktionsenzymet Sst I (Bethésda 20 Research Labs, Bethesda, MD), som kun skærer i LTR-områderne i dette isolat af LAV. Fordøjelsesblandingen blev underkastet elektroforese ved 1 V/cm gennem 0,9% agarose i 0,089 M Tris-borat/0,089 M borsy-re/1 mM EDTA. Positionen af det 9,1 kb lange fragment blev bestemt i forhold til molekylvægtsstandarder efter farvning med ethidiumbro-25 mid. Dette bånd blev elektroelueret i NA45-papir (Schleicher og Schuell, Keene, NH). DNA'et blev udvundet fra papiret ifølge instruktionerne fra leverandøren.About 12 increase AJ19 DNA produced in A.l.a. above was completely digested with the restriction enzyme Sst I (Bethésda 20 Research Labs, Bethesda, MD), which intersects only in the LTR regions of this isolate of LAV. The digestion mixture was electrophoresed at 1 V / cm through 0.9% agarose in 0.089 M Tris-borate / 0.089 M boric acid / 1 mM EDTA. The position of the 9.1 kb fragment was determined relative to molecular weight standards after staining with ethidium bromide. This band was electroeluted in NA45 paper (Schleicher and Schuell, Keene, NH). The DNA was recovered from the paper according to the instructions of the supplier.

Det 9,1 kb lange SstI-fragment blev ligeret i det SstI-fordøjede vektor pUC18 i et forhold på 10 indføjede molekyler: 1 vektor-30 molekyle. E.coli stamme HB101 blev transformeret med ligeringsbi andingen med CaClg-proceduren ifølge Maniatis et al. (se ovenfor) og udpladet på LB plus ampicillin (200 /ig/ml) agarplader.The 9.1 kb SstI fragment was ligated into the SstI digested vector pUC18 at a ratio of 10 inserted molecules: 1 vector-30 molecule. E. coli strain HB101 was transformed with the ligation mixture by the CaClg procedure of Maniatis et al. (see above) and plated on LB plus ampicillin (200 µg / ml) agar plates.

Der blev opsamlet enkeltkolonier, og de blev fortyndet i 3 ml LB plus ampicillin medium og dyrket natten over ved 37°C under 35 konstant omrystning. Plasmid-DNA blev fremstillet ved den alkaliske lyseringsmetode (Maniatis et al., se ovenfor, s.368). Der blev udvalgt 1 koloni, som indeholdt den 9,1 kb lange Sstl-indføjelse i en sådan orientering, at EcoRI angrebsstedet i polylinkeren var nærmest 5'-enden af LAV-genomet, hvilket blev bestemt ved 21 DK 168892 B1 restriktionsanalyse af plasmid-DNA'et. Denne subklon blev betegnet pBT-1 (ATCC deponeringsnummer 53069) (figur 1).Single colonies were collected and diluted in 3 ml of LB plus ampicillin medium and grown overnight at 37 ° C under constant shaking. Plasmid DNA was prepared by the alkaline lysis method (Maniatis et al., Supra, p.368). 1 colony was selected which contained the 9.1 kb Sstl insert in such an orientation that the EcoRI site of attack in the polylinker was near the 5 'end of the LAV genome, as determined by plasmid restriction analysis. DNA. This subclone was designated pBT-1 (ATCC deposit number 53069) (Figure 1).

pBT-1 blev fordøjet med BamHI og Bglll og blev derefter genligeret. 5'-delen af LAV-genomet blev bevaret inden i vektoren.pBT-1 was digested with BamHI and BglII and then ligated. The 5 'portion of the LAV genome was conserved within the vector.

5 HBlOl-celler blev transformeret med det ligerede DNA, og kolonier indeholdende pBS-5-indføjelsen (se figur I) blev identificeret ved restriktionsanalyse af det oprensede plasmid-DNA.5 HB101 cells were transformed with the ligated DNA and colonies containing the pBS-5 insert (see Figure I) were identified by restriction analysis of the purified plasmid DNA.

Den qaa-kodende sekvens for pGAGl blev yderligere subklonet i pUC18amp, som tilvejebragte restriktionssteder, der var nødvendige 10 for korrekt indsættelse i ΐτβ-ekspressi onsvektoren. Det var nødvendigt med to subkloningstrin for at sammenstykke den nødvendige gag-sekvens. I det første trin blev pBS-5 fordøjet med Sau3A, og det 172 bp lange fragment, som strækker sig fra bp 375 til bp 547 (nummereret ifølge Wain-Hobson et al., Cell 40:9 (1985)) blev gel -15 oprenset. Dette fragment blev ligeret i BamHI-fordøjet pUC18amp. Det ligerede DNA blev taget op i CaClg-chokbehandlet E.coli JM83, og de resulterende ampici11 i nresi stente kolonier blev screenet for tilstedeværelse af indføjelsen ved hjælp af chromagenet 5-brom-4-chlor-3-indolyl-Ø-galactosid. Der blev screenet for egnede kolonier 20 ved restriktionsanalyse af plasmid-DNA. Det fremkomne plasmid blev omtalt som 0674-14-10.The qaa coding sequence for pGAG1 was further subcloned into pUC18amp, which provided restriction sites necessary for proper insertion into the ΐτβ expression vector. Two subcloning steps were necessary to concatenate the required gag sequence. In the first step, pBS-5 was digested with Sau3A and the 172 bp fragment ranging from bp 375 to bp 547 (numbered according to Wain-Hobson et al., Cell 40: 9 (1985)) became gel-15 purified. This fragment was ligated into BamHI digested pUC18amp. The ligated DNA was taken up in CaCl 2 shock treated E. coli JM83 and the resulting ampicillas in resistant colonies were screened for the presence of the insert by the chromagen 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl-β-galactoside. Suitable colonies were screened by restriction analysis of plasmid DNA. The resulting plasmid was referred to as 0674-14-10.

I det andet trin blev 0674-14-10 behandlet med Accl og Pst! og ligeret i et 456 bp langt fragment fra pBS-5, som strækker sig fra AccI-angrebsstedet ved bp 505 til PstI-angrebsstedet ved bp 961. Det 25 ligerede DNA blev taget op af CaClg-chokbehandlede JM83, og ampicil-linresistente kolonier blev screenet ved restriktionsanalyse af plasmid-DNA. Det fremkomne plasmid, omtalt som "0674-27-38", indeholdt den gag-kodende sekvens fra bp 375 til bp 961 (se figur 7).In the second step, 0674-14-10 was treated with Accl and Pst! and ligated into a 456 bp fragment from pBS-5 extending from the AccI site of attack at bp 505 to the PstI site of attack at bp 961. The 25 ligated DNA was taken up by CaClg shock-treated JM83, and ampicillin-resistant colonies were screened by restriction analysis of plasmid DNA. The resulting plasmid, referred to as "0674-27-38", contained the gag coding sequence from bp 375 to bp 961 (see Figure 7).

30 2. Indsættelse af gag-sekvensen i trp-vektorer pGAGl (ATCC deponeringsnummer 53379) blev konstrueret ved at fordøje 0674-27-38 ved PstI- og EcoRI-polylinkerrestriktionsstederne, som omgiver gag-sekvensen. Dette fragment blev geloprenset og ligeret til EcoRI og PstI fordøjet pATHIO (se figur 8). Det ligerede 35 DNA blev taget op af CaCl2-chokbehandlede E.coli C600, og de ampi-ci11 inresi stente kolonier blev screenet ved restriktionsanalyse af plasmid-DNA for at bekræfte tilstedeværelsen af gag-sekvensen.2. Insertion of the gag sequence into trp vectors pGAG1 (ATCC accession number 53379) was constructed by digesting 0674-27-38 at the PstI and EcoRI polylinker restriction sites surrounding the gag sequence. This fragment was gel purified and ligated to EcoRI and PstI digested pATH10 (see Figure 8). The ligated DNA was taken up by CaCl2 shock-treated E. coli C600, and the ampi-ci11 intrinsic colonies were screened by restriction analysis of plasmid DNA to confirm the presence of the gag sequence.

22 DK 168892 B1 B. Proteinekspression 1. Ekspression af trp-gag-proteiner Vækst og induktion af E.coli C600 transformeret med trp-eks-pressionsvektorerne var som beskrevet (Spindler et al., J.Virol. 49· * 132 (1984), Konopka et al., J.Virol. 51: 223 (1984)). I korthed blev minimalt medium indeholdende tryptofan (40 /ig/ml) og ampicillin (100 øg/ml) inokuleret med transformerede bakterier fra glycerol stamkulturer. Kulturerne blev dyrket med beluftning ved 37°C natten over. Natkulturerne blev derefter inokuleret ved 1:100 i frisk minimalme-^ dium indeholdende ampicillin (100 /tg/ml), men ikke tryptofan. Disse kulturer blev dyrket med beluftning i fra 2 til 3 timer (op til tidlig log-fase) ved 37°C. Induceren, 3-/Mndolacrylsyre (Sigma), blev tilsat til en slutkoncentration på 20 øg/ml fra frisk fremstillet stamopløsninger ved 20 mg/ml i 95% ethanol.22 DK 168892 B1 B. Protein Expression 1. Expression of trp-gag Proteins Growth and induction of E. coli C600 transformed with the trp expression vectors was as described (Spindler et al., J. Virol. 49 · * 132 (1984) ), Konopka et al., J. Virol. 51: 223 (1984)). Briefly, minimal medium containing tryptophan (40 µg / ml) and ampicillin (100 µg / ml) were inoculated with transformed bacteria from glycerol parent cultures. The cultures were grown with aeration at 37 ° C overnight. The night cultures were then inoculated at 1: 100 in fresh minimal medium containing ampicillin (100 µg / ml) but not tryptophan. These cultures were grown with aeration for from 2 to 3 hours (up to early log phase) at 37 ° C. The inducer, 3- / Mndolacrylic acid (Sigma), was added to a final concentration of 20g / ml from freshly prepared stock solutions at 20mg / ml in 95% ethanol.

Inducerede kulturer blev dyrket ved 37°C med beluftning i fra 4 til 5 timer og derefter pelleteret og eventuelt frosset. Proteinudbytter fra pGAG-1 var typisk fra 20 til 40 mg/liter.Induced cultures were grown at 37 ° C with aeration for from 4 to 5 hours and then pelleted and optionally frozen. Protein yields from pGAG-1 were typically from 20 to 40 mg / liter.

C. Isolering og oprensning af trp-qag-proteinerC. Isolation and purification of trp-qag proteins

Fusionsproteiner blev delvis oprenset fra .cel1epelleter som beskrevet (Konopka et al., J.Virol. 51: 223 (1984)). I korthed blev bakterier resuspenderet i 100 ml 50 mM Tris, pH 7,5/0,5 mM EDTA/ 150 mM NaCl (TNE) pr. liter induceret kultur. Der blev tilsat Lysozym 25 (Sigma) til en slutkoncentration på 1 mg/ml. Efter 15 minutter ved 0°C blev NP40 tilsat til blandingen til en slutkoncentration på fra mellem 0,05% og 0,2% i 10 minutter ved 0°C. Der blev derefter tilsat 1-2 mg DNase (Sigma) med 150 ml DNase-buffer (1,5 M NaCl/12 mM MgClg). Reaktionsblandinger blev inkuberet, indttT de ikke længere 30 var viskøse, sædvanligvis fra adskillige timer til natten over. Uopløselige proteiner blev derefter pelleteret ved centrifugering i 15 minutter ved 8000 x g ved 0°C. Pelleter blev vasket 2 gange i TNE og derefter analyseret for tilstedeværelsen af uopløselige proteiner ved denaturerende polyacrylamidgel elektroforese. Proteiner blev 35 visualiseret ved farvning med Coomassie brilliantblå.Fusion proteins were partially purified from cell pellets as described (Konopka et al., J. Virol. 51: 223 (1984)). Briefly, bacteria were resuspended in 100 ml of 50 mM Tris, pH 7.5 / 0.5 mM EDTA / 150 mM NaCl (TNE) per ml. liter of induced culture. Lysozyme 25 (Sigma) was added to a final concentration of 1 mg / ml. After 15 minutes at 0 ° C, NP40 was added to the mixture to a final concentration of between 0.05% and 0.2% for 10 minutes at 0 ° C. Then 1-2 mg of DNase (Sigma) with 150 ml of DNase buffer (1.5 M NaCl / 12 mM MgClg) was added. Reaction mixtures were incubated until they were no longer viscous, usually from several hours to overnight. Insoluble proteins were then pelleted by centrifugation for 15 minutes at 8000 x g at 0 ° C. Pellets were washed 2 times in TNE and then analyzed for the presence of insoluble proteins by denaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Proteins were visualized by staining with Coomassie brilliant blue.

Alternativt blev fusionsproteiner oprenset ved SDS-polyacryl-amidgelelektroforese. Cirka 0,5 ml af uopløselig pellet, repræsenterende fusionsprotein fra ca. 200 ml celler, blev vasket 3 gange med 2 ml 2% deoxycholat/1 M KC1, og derefter vasket 2 gange med TNE. Pelleten blev derefter resuspenderet i 0,4 ml 5% SDS/100 mM Tris, pHAlternatively, fusion proteins were purified by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. About 0.5 ml of insoluble pellet, representing fusion protein from ca. 200 ml of cells, washed 3 times with 2 ml of 2% deoxycholate / 1 M KCl, and then washed 2 times with TNE. The pellet was then resuspended in 0.4 ml of 5% SDS / 100 mM Tris, pH

23 DK 168892 B1 6,8/20% glycerol/1,4 M Ø-mercaptoethanol ved vortexbehandling og opvarmning ved 100°C i 10 minutter. Spor af uopløseligt materiale blev centrifugeret ned, og supernatanten blev sat på en 8% poly-acrylamidgel. Proteinbånd blev visualiseret ved farvning af markør-5 baner i kanterne af gelen med Coomassie brilliantblå. Det område i gelen, som indeholdt fusionsproteinerne, blev skåret ud og anbragt i en dialysesæk fyldt med en puffer med 0,1% SDS/25 mM Tris, pH 8,0. Fusionsproteinet blev derefter underkastet elektroforese ud af gelen og opsamlet i pufferen.6.8 / 20% glycerol / 1.4 M β-mercaptoethanol by vortexing and heating at 100 ° C for 10 minutes. Traces of insoluble material were centrifuged and the supernatant was placed on an 8% polyacrylamide gel. Protein bands were visualized by staining marker 5 lanes at the edges of the gel with Coomassie brilliant blue. The region of the gel containing the fusion proteins was excised and placed in a dialysis bag filled with a buffer of 0.1% SDS / 25 mM Tris, pH 8.0. The fusion protein was then electrophoresed out of the gel and collected in the buffer.

10 D. Immunologisk reaktivitet af trp-gag-proteiner 1. Analyse ved westernblot.10 D. Immunological reactivity of trp-gag proteins 1. Western blot analysis.

Delprøver af de uopløselige proteinpræparationer udtrykt af pGAG-1 blev opløst i 2% natriumdodecylsulfat/100 mM Tris, pH 6,8/20% glycerol/1,5 M /3-mercaptoethanol og blev underkastet elektroforese på denaturerende polyacrylamidgel er. Proteiner blev elektrooverført på nitrocellulose (BA85, Schleicher og Schuell, Keene, NH), og filtrene blev blokeret med 5% bovinserumalbumin (Sigma). Filtrene blev derefter analyseret med E.coli-adsorberet human sera samlet fra 20 AIDS-patienter. Filteret blev derefter udviklet med HRP-konjugeret gede-aHulg. Poolen var reaktiv med pGAG-l-fusionsproteinerne, men ikke med tro E-protein alene.Sub-samples of the insoluble protein preparations expressed by pGAG-1 were dissolved in 2% sodium dodecyl sulfate / 100 mM Tris, pH 6.8 / 20% glycerol / 1.5 M / 3-mercaptoethanol and subjected to electrophoresis on denaturing polyacrylamide gels. Proteins were electro-transferred on nitrocellulose (BA85, Schleicher and Schuell, Keene, NH), and the filters were blocked with 5% bovine serum albumin (Sigma). The filters were then analyzed with E. coli adsorbed human sera collected from 20 AIDS patients. The filter was then developed with HRP-conjugated goat aHulg. The pool was reactive with the pGAG-1 fusion proteins, but not with true E protein alone.

2. Analvse ved ELISA 252. Analysis by ELISA 25

Elektroforetisk oprenset GAG-1 protein blev fortyndet i 0,05 M carbonat/bicarbonat-puffer (pH 9,6) til en slutkoncentration på 2 /xg/ml. Der blev anvendt delprøver på 50 μ\ pr. mikrotiterbrønd, og de blev inkuberet ved 4°C natten over. Pladerne blev derefter blokeret med BLOTTO (5% [vægt/volumen] tørmælk uden fedt/0,01% 30 thimerosol/0,01% antiskum A i 0,01 M natriumphosphat, pH 7,2/0,15 M natriumchlorid) i 1 time ved stuetemperatur. Sera fortyndet 1:100 med en 1:1 blanding af BLOTTO og PBS (0,01 M natriumphosphat, pH 7,3/0,15 M NaCl), og 50 /il fortyndet sera blev tilsat pr. brønd i 1 time ved 37°C. Sera'en blev fjernet, og pladerne blev vasket 3 gange i vaskepuffer (0,15 M NaCl/0,05% [vægt/volumen] Tween 20) før tilsætning af 100 øl gede anti-human IgG/peberrodperoxidase konjugat (50% stamopløsning fortyndet 1:10.000 i 50 mM NaCitrat/ 0,05% Tween 20/1% varmeinaktiveret normal gedeserum; opnået fra Antibodies, Inc,, Davis, CA) i 1 time ved 37°C. Konjugatet blev fjernet, 24 DK 168892 B1 pladerne blev vasket 3 gange med 0,15 M NaCl/ 0,05% (vægt/ volumen) Tween 20. ELISA'en blev udviklet ved til hver brønd at tilsætte 100 ml substratopløsning (10 mg 3,3',5,5'-tetramethylbenzidin i 50 ml 0,05 M natriumcitrat, pH 7,0) i 30 minutter ved stuetemperatur.Electrophoretically purified GAG-1 protein was diluted in 0.05 M carbonate / bicarbonate buffer (pH 9.6) to a final concentration of 2 µg / ml. Sub-samples of 50 μ / pr were used. microtiter wells and they were incubated at 4 ° C overnight. The plates were then blocked with BLOTTO (5% [w / v] dry milk without fat / 0.01% thimerosol / 0.01% antifoam A in 0.01 M sodium phosphate, pH 7.2 / 0.15 M sodium chloride). 1 hour at room temperature. Sera diluted 1: 100 with a 1: 1 mixture of BLOTTO and PBS (0.01 M sodium phosphate, pH 7.3 / 0.15 M NaCl), and 50 µl diluted sera was added per day. well for 1 hour at 37 ° C. The sera was removed and the plates washed 3 times in wash buffer (0.15 M NaCl / 0.05% [w / v] Tween 20) before adding 100 beer goat anti-human IgG / horseradish peroxidase conjugate (50% stock solution diluted 1: 10,000 in 50 mM NaCitrate / 0.05% Tween 20/1% heat-inactivated normal goat serum; obtained from Antibodies, Inc., Davis, CA) for 1 hour at 37 ° C. The conjugate was removed, the plates were washed 3 times with 0.15 M NaCl / 0.05% (w / v) Tween 20. The ELISA was developed by adding 100 ml of substrate solution to each well (10 mg 3). 3 ', 5,5'-tetramethylbenzidine in 50 ml of 0.05 M sodium citrate, pH 7.0) for 30 minutes at room temperature.

5 Reaktionerne blev standset med 100 ml/brønd af 3N HgSO^, og den optiske densitet ved 450 nm blev bestemt i en automatiseret ELISA-læser. Protein frembragt af pGAG-1 fandtes at være reaktiv med et panel af kendte seropositive sera.The reactions were quenched at 100 ml / well of 3N HgSO4 and the optical density at 450 nm determined in an automated ELISA reader. Protein produced by pGAG-1 was found to be reactive with a panel of known seropositive sera.

Panelet inkluderede 241 serapositive mod LAV og 270 seranega-10 ti ve mod LAV som defineret i en virionbaseret ELISA. Status forThe panel included 241 sera positive against LAV and 270 seranega-10 ten against LAV as defined in a virion-based ELISA. Status of

disse sera var blevet bekræftet ved immunopræcipitation af radioaktivt mærket LAV-antigener. Tabel III viser, at både positive og negative serumprøver blev trukket fra individer i både højrisikogruppen og lavrisikogruppen. Antistoffer reagerende med GAG1 blev 15 fundet i alle diagnosegrupper skønt i varierende grad. Reaktiviteten mod GAG1 blev navnlig fundet i færre individer, som var på et udviklingstrin med ARC og AIDS, sammenlignet med individer, som var sunde eller i tidligere trin i fremskriden mod AIDS (f.eks. PGLthese sera had been confirmed by immunoprecipitation of radiolabeled LAV antigens. Table III shows that both positive and negative serum samples were drawn from individuals in both the high-risk and low-risk groups. Antibodies reacting with GAG1 were found in all diagnostic groups, although to varying degrees. In particular, the reactivity to GAG1 was found in fewer individuals who were on a developmental stage with ARC and AIDS, compared with individuals who were healthy or in earlier stages of the progression to AIDS (eg PGL

eller persistent generaliseret lymfadenopati). Dette er i over-20 ensstemmelse med rapporter, som viser reaktivitet mod kerneproteiner tidlig efter udsættelse for LAV, men et tab af reaktivitet mod kerneproteiner efterhånden som sygdommen skrider frem. Figur 9 er et histogram over værdier for optisk densitet opnået med alle serumprøver.or persistent generalized lymphadenopathy). This is in line with reports showing reactivity to nuclear proteins early after exposure to LAV, but a loss of reactivity to nuclear proteins as the disease progresses. Figure 9 is a histogram of optical density values obtained with all serum samples.

25 Brugbarheden af pGAGl som et antigen blev yderligere afprøvet ved ELISA i en mindre analyse, hvor sera, der var svagt reaktive eller ikke-reaktive med ENV3, et env-rekombineret protein, blev testet for reaktivitet med pGAGl. I tabel IV er vist ELISA-værdier for 8 positive og 4 negative sera, som blev testet mod pENV3 og 30 pGAGl individuelt og i kombination. Tre af disse sera (14-0085, 07-3915 og 14-0100) var enten ikke-reaktive eller svagt reaktive mod pENV3, men var meget reaktive mod viruset og pGAGl. To sera (08-0030 og 10-0056), som var svagt reaktive mod virusset, var meget svagt reaktive mod pENV3 alene eller pGAGl alene. Reaktioner med begge 35 rekombinerede proteiner til stede gav imidlertid positive ELISA-værdier, der lettere kunne skelnes fra seronegative kontroller. Disse resultater indikerer, at pGAGl er nyttig til påvisning af positive sera, som har lav reaktivitet mod pENV3, og at kombinationen af pGAGl og pENV3 er mere effektiv end begge alene til at 25 DK 168892 B1 skelne mellem seropositive og seronegative individer.The utility of pGAG1 as an antigen was further tested by ELISA in a minor assay in which sera that was weakly reactive or non-reactive with ENV3, an env recombined protein, was tested for reactivity with pGAG1. Table IV shows ELISA values for 8 positive and 4 negative sera tested against pENV3 and 30 pGAG1 individually and in combination. Three of these sera (14-0085, 07-3915 and 14-0100) were either non-reactive or weakly reactive to pENV3, but were highly reactive to the virus and pGAG1. Two sera (08-0030 and 10-0056) that were weakly reactive to the virus were very weakly reactive to pENV3 alone or pGAG1 alone. However, reactions with both 35 recombined proteins present yielded positive ELISA values that were more easily distinguishable from seronegative controls. These results indicate that pGAG1 is useful for detecting positive sera that have low reactivity to pENV3 and that the combination of pGAG1 and pENV3 is more effective than both alone in distinguishing between seropositive and seronegative individuals.

26 DK 168892 B126 DK 168892 B1

Tabel IIITable III

* GAG1 reaktivitet i diaanosearuppe* GAG1 reactivity in diaanose rupture

Antal Procent Antal Procent negative ikke-reaktive positive reaktive Gruppe prøver med GAG1 prøver med GAG!Number Percent Number Percent negative non-reactive positive reactive Group samples with GAG1 samples with GAG!

Lav risikoLow risk

Dononer 105 100,0% 11 90,9%Donor 105 100.0% 11 90.9%

Autoimmun- sygdom 20 100,0% 0Autoimmune disease 20 100.0% 0

Andre 11 100,0% 5 80,0% Høj risiko Raske homoseksuelle mænd 53 96,2% 38 86,6% IV narkotikabrugere 31 90,3% 22 - 77,3%Other 11 100.0% 5 80.0% High risk Healthy gay men 53 96.2% 38 86.6% IV drug users 31 90.3% 22 - 77.3%

Bl odprodukt- modtagere 10 100,0% 11 81,8%Among product recipients 10 100.0% 11 81.8%

Seksualpartnere 10 100,0% 13 84,6% PGL 28 85,7% 62 "" 88,7% ARC 1 100,0% 31 74,2% AIDS 1 100,0% 48 56.3%Sexual partners 10 100.0% 13 84.6% PGL 28 85.7% 62 "" 88.7% ARC 1 100.0% 31 74.2% AIDS 1 100.0% 48 56.3%

Total 270 96,7% 241 77,6% * afskæringsværdi = 0,288 27 DK 168892 B1Total 270 96.7% 241 77.6% * cut-off value = 0.288 27 DK 168892 B1

3. Fluorescensob.iektqlas til test for påvisning af serumantistof mod LAV3. Fluorescence fluorescence test for detection of serum antibody against LAV

Opløselig protein fremstillet som ovenfor beskrevet blev konjugeret til latexkugler, og protein/kugle-præparationen blev ethanol -5 fixeret på mi kroskopiobjektgi as. En delprøve af patientserum blev inkuberet med protein/kuglerne på et objektglas. Objektglassene blev vasket, og der blev tilsat FITC-mærket anti-human immunoglobulin i Evans blå modfarve. Objektglassene blev vasket, og der blev til hver tilsat monteringsmedium og et dækglas.Soluble protein prepared as described above was conjugated to latex beads, and the protein / bead preparation ethanol-5 was fixed on microscopy objects. A sub-sample of patient serum was incubated with the protein / beads on a slide. The slides were washed and FITC-labeled anti-human immunoglobulin was added in Evans blue counter-color. The slides were washed and each mounting medium and a cover glass were added to each.

10 Alternativt blev protein/kugle-præparationen anbragt i reagens glas til inkubering med patientserum. Reagensglassene blev centrifugeret og vasket, og der blev tilsat FITC-mærket anti-human immunoglobulin i Evans blå modfarve. Reagensglassene blev centrifugeret, og supernatanten blev aspireret. En delprøve af kuglerne blev 15 anbragt på et mi kros kop i objektgi as og ethanol fixeret, og der blev anbragt dækglas.Alternatively, the protein / sphere preparation was placed in reagent glass for incubation with patient serum. The tubes were centrifuged and washed, and FITC-labeled anti-human immunoglobulin was added in Evans blue counterstain. The tubes were centrifuged and the supernatant aspirated. A sub-sample of the spheres was placed on a mica cup in slides and ethanol fixed and coverslips were placed.

Alle objektglassene blev undersøgt ved fluorescensmikroskopi. Hvis testserum er antistofpositive fremstår kuglerne som fluorescerende grønne kugler; hvis testserum er antistofnegative, fremstår 20 kuglerne som røde kugler.All the slides were examined by fluorescence microscopy. If test serum is antibody positive, the beads appear as fluorescent green beads; if test serum is antibody negative, the 20 spheres appear as red spheres.

4. Reaktivitet af kombinationen af trp-gag- og trp-env-pro-teiner4. Reactivity of the combination of trp-gag and trp-env proteins

Et trp-gag-protein blev kombineret med et trp-env-protein i en microtiterbrønd. Der blev udført ELISA som ovenfor beskrevet for GAG-1 eller ENV-3 alene. Tabel IV viser, at kombinationen af GAG-1 og ENV-3 har en større følsomhed for påvisning af seropositive individer end begge proteiner alene. Af de seropos.itive prøver blev 7/7 påvist, når proteinerne blev kombineret, medens 6/7 blev påvist 30 med GAG-1 eller ENV-3 alene.A trp-gag protein was combined with a trp-env protein in a microtiter well. ELISA was performed as described above for GAG-1 or ENV-3 alone. Table IV shows that the combination of GAG-1 and ENV-3 has a greater sensitivity for detection of seropositive individuals than both proteins alone. Of the seropositive samples, 7/7 was detected when the proteins were combined, while 6/7 was detected with GAG-1 or ENV-3 alone.

5 DK 168892 B1 285 DK 168892 B1 28

Tabel IVTable IV

Sammenligning af ELISA-værdier under anvendelse af virus-lysat eller pGAGl- og pENV3-rekombinantproteinerne.Comparison of ELISA values using virus lysate or pGAG1 and pENV3 recombinant proteins.


Serum Hel pENV3 + ved virionSerum Whole pENV3 + by virion

nummer virus pENV3 pGAGl pGAGI RIP & EIAnumber virus pENV3 pGAGl pGAGI RIP & EIA

Yl/CDC 2,000 1,414 2,039 2,213 Seropositiv 10 501 1,109 0,882 1,754 2,008 Seropositiv 127 1,046 1,458 1,718 1,974 Seropositiv 08-0030 0,443 0,143 0,276 0,473 Seropositiv 14-0085 0,951 0,075 0,793 1,136 Seropositiv 07- 3915 2,286 0,182 0,971 1,572 Seropositiv 15 14-0100 1,581 0,372 1,290 1,628 Seropositiv 10-0056 0,378 0,188 0,144 0,435 Seropositiv 08- 0083 0,036 0,089 0,074 0,139 Seronegativ 08-0090 0,043 0,062 0,062 0,103 Seronegativ 08-0091 0,027 0,060 0,063 0,085 Seronegativ 20 08-0096 0,025 0,041 0,058 0,085 SeronegativYl / CDC 2,000 1,414 2,039 2,213 Seropositive 10 501 1,109 0,882 1,754 2,008 Seropositive 127 1,046 1,458 1,718 1,974 Seropositive 08-0030 0,443 0,143 0,276 0,473 Seropositive 14-0085 0,951 0,075 0,793 1,136 Seropositive 07-3915 2,286 0.372 1.290 1.628 Seropositive 10-0056 0.378 0.188 0.144 0.435 Seropositive 08.0083 0.036 0.089 0.074 0.139 Seronegative 08-0090 0.043 0.062 0.062 0.103 Seronegative 08-0091 0.027 0.06 0.063 0.085 Seronegative 08-0096 0.025 0.041 0.058 0.085 Seronegative

Claims (9)

29 DK 168892 B129 DK 168892 B1 1. DNA-sekvens, kendetegnet ved, at den omfatter en del af gag-området af LAV-genomet, hvilken del i alt væsentligt 5 er pGAG-1, pGAG-2 eller pGAG-3 og koder for et protein, som er immunologisk reaktiv med antistoffer mod LAV/ HTLV-III.DNA sequence, characterized in that it comprises a portion of the gag region of the LAV genome, which portion is substantially pGAG-1, pGAG-2 or pGAG-3 and encodes a protein which is immunologically reactive with antibodies against LAV / HTLV-III. 2. Rekombineret plasmid, som er i stand til at replikere i bakterielle værtsceller, kendetegnet ved, at pi asmi det inkluderer prokaryotiske transkriptionelle og translator!ske 10 signaler for ekspression, efterfulgt i læseramme af en DNA-sekvens ifølge krav 1, hvilken sekvens koder for et protein, som er immunologisk reaktiv med antistoffer mod LAV/HTLV-III.Recombinant plasmid capable of replicating in bacterial host cells, characterized in that in asthma it includes prokaryotic transcriptional and translational signals for expression, followed by reading frame of a DNA sequence according to claim 1, which sequence encodes for a protein that is immunologically reactive with antibodies against LAV / HTLV-III. 3. Rekombineret plasmid ifølge krav 2, kendetegnet ved, at signalerne hidrører fra tro-operonen.Recombined plasmid according to claim 2, characterized in that the signals originate from the belief operon. 4. Bakteriecelle, kendetegnet ved, at den er transformeret med et rekombineret plasmid ifølge et hvilket som helst af de forudgående krav 2-3.Bacterial cell, characterized in that it is transformed with a recombined plasmid according to any one of the preceding claims 2-3. 5. Transformeret celle ifølge krav 4, kendetegnet ved, at bakteriecellen er E.coli.Transformed cell according to claim 4, characterized in that the bacterial cell is E. coli. 6. Fremgangsmåde til fremstilling af proteiner, som er immu nologisk reaktive med antistoffer mod LAV/HTLV-III, kendetegnet ved, at der i en bakterieværtscelle indføres et rekombineret plasmid ifølge krav 2-3, at bakterieværten dyrkes i et egnet medium, og at proteinproduktet med denne sekvens isoleres fra 25 bakterieværten.Process for producing proteins that are immunologically reactive with antibodies to LAV / HTLV-III, characterized in that a bacterial host cell is introduced into a bacterial host plasmid according to claims 2-3, that the bacterial host is grown in a suitable medium and that the protein product of this sequence is isolated from the bacterial host. 7. Fremgangsmåde ifølge krav 6, kendetegnet ved, at proteinproduktet efter isolering oprenses ved gel gennemtrængningskromatografi.Process according to claim 6, characterized in that after isolation the protein product is purified by gel penetration chromatography. 8. Protein til brug i en analyse til bestemmelse af tilstede- 30 værelsen af antistoffer mod LAV/HTLV-III i en biologisk væske, kendetegnet ved, at det er fremstillet ifølge et hvilket som helst af kravene 6-7.Protein for use in an assay for determining the presence of LAV / HTLV-III antibodies in a biological fluid, characterized in that it is prepared according to any one of claims 6-7. 9. Protein til brug i en analyse til bestemmelse af tilstedeværelsen af LAV/HTLV-1 Il-antigen i en biologisk væske, kende- 35 tegnet ved, at det er fremstillet ifølge et hvilket som helst af kravene 6-7. DK 168892 B1 SslI (S5) Sstl(9129) / \ XJ19^-U (*B?) X. / Sstl Fordøjelse med / Xv Ssti / Ligering 0,SolI ''Bom HI all (5331) Fordøjelse med / ViTordøjelse BglE.BamHI/ \med Sal1 / Ligering Λ Ligering @{ pSS-5 i (533* .Bgll/BomH1 I ^ r 1 FIG.l DK 168892 B1 •c' Polylinkerområde ( ompr ij) Pvun FIG.2 rBamHI-] P JH12 : 5' GAG ATC CCC GGG GAT CCT CTA GAG TCG ACC f—HindHI—| TGC AGC CCA AGC TT 3' pBomHI-, pJH14 : 5' GAG ATC CCC CCG AAT TCG GGGGGATCC TCT r— HindlH—, AGA GTC GAC CTG C AG CCC A AG CTT 3' DK 168892 B1 pl8 p25 pl3 Aminosyrer ......I " 1 ‘ ‘ I ' ' ‘ ' I * * * (hundreder) 0 1 2 3 4 5 Hind Π HindlE I pGAGj2 I FIG.3 PvuH BglE I_pGAG 3_I _pi 8 _ p25__p|3 Aminosyrer I 1 1 ‘ ‘ I ' I ' ’ ' i ' ' ' __(hundreder) O l 2 3 4 5 Sau3a! (bp375) Pstl(bp96l) FIG.7 I_pGAG-Ι I DK 168892 B1 / γ HindID 4, ampr J /pICI9R j HindIII'\^^og^^/ ^omp^y I I· ,τΐτ ^Fordøjelse med / KS?,® \T Hindm J Ligering /^X/Bgl11 Bom HI f V~HindΙΠΜ224Ι ( PSM002 1 / n\ y ompr J ( ,ιμλ \\ ---'J^-HindlE(63i) I pJH12 J # ^BamHI \ ΟΓΠΡ JJ j Fordøjelse med BamHI.BglH Ligering BgH / BomHI-^^l™^‘BomHI / ^rp-Qag\ \\ ( pGAG2 )) \ ampr JJ FIG.4 DK 168892 B1 / Smol BglH Pvui-lv ampr I f)ici9R \ ^Ayoog å V ompr J BglH\ j Fordøjelse (,642} Fordøjelse N. / med Bglll.Smol med PvuI,BglII\^ / Ligerirg ^EcoRI EcoRI / ( PBPBI41 1 ©Wy T^BglUne«) / EcoRI Fordøjel- / V se med / \ IEcoRI 1 Ugerins EcoRI EcoRI\j/^^*t\ / ^Up*gogNN\ f pGAG3 j l ompr JJ FIG.5 DK 168892 Bl ^^Polylinkerområde f omp' <j) \j^/ PvuH pATHIO Spaltningssted i. forhold til Restriktionsendonuklease__læseramme _ Barn HI 3 Cla I 1 EcoRI 3 Hind III 3 Pst i' 1 Sac I * Sal I· 3 .. Sma I 3 Xba I 3 Xma I 1 FIG.6 DK 168892 B1 BamHI ( pBS'r5 ] /^ucieN Sau3al -jU amp J lampr J Sau3al (547) X Fordøjelse med / BamHI / -Ligering --Pst! S*' y i£\^Sau3al/BamHI / nRR ς \ i 0674-14 \ (547) i p°~r \ -10 1-Accl I amPr ] l ampr I (505) (505) Fordøjelse medN--^^αυ3άΙ/BamHI Accl og Pst I y (375) PstI \ PstI EcoRI (961) \igering f 1 / V~Sæ I OS7fe27 1 / PATHIO \\ . ai$ I 1 0ΠΦΓ )j \ Λacci \ I V (505) V // 0^Sau3al/BamHI .EcoRI (375) / n. / Fordøjelse med Fordøjelse \ / ps|I og med PstI og EcoRI / Ligering Sau3al/BamHI PstI (375) (961) .N^W^coRI / trp-gag FIG.8 \ ampr JJ DK 168892 B1 io :: oT® ; ;; ci® : ci® O - I pT’*’ C'j £ £ !: / -u 4-I fl m « & «: «*" r i o o) $m PH i ^ s ,; (Ν' — I D *; cj "· —v© Γ —“r· 4J 1' <” 1 . 4J I .H _ * CO «: s 1. ® ω J · ~ » ω " u Cl Cl ^PJ O j -- I. - - : - m oro μ! o ^ r o- wm . ©w ©'« —. ....... .......... o- cn ^— ------------- -- ’ (U o > I-1 t --♦— I - I I—..... iuQOOOOQ© <5 μ Ϊ CN O OO O v P< Pn *“ “ "Protein for use in an assay to determine the presence of LAV / HTLV-1 II antigen in a biological fluid, characterized in that it is prepared according to any one of claims 6-7. DK 168892 B1 SslI (S5) Sstl (9129) / \ XJ19 ^ -U (* B?) X. / Sstl Digestion with / Xv Ssti / Ligation 0, SolI '' Bom HI all (5331) Digestion with / Water Digest BglE. BamHI / \ with Sal1 / Ligation Λ Ligation @ {pSS-5 i (533 * .Bgll / BomH1 I ^ r 1 FIG.l DK 168892 B1 • c 'Polylinker region (ompr ij) Pvun FIG.2 rBamHI-] P JH12: 5 'GAG ATC CCC GGG GAT CCT CTA GAG TCG ACC f — HindHI— | TGC AGC CCA AGC TT 3' pBomHI-, pJH14: 5 'GAG ATC CCC CCG AAT TCG GGGGGATCC TCT r— HindlH—, AGA GTC GAC CTG C AG CCC A AG CTT 3 'DK 168892 B1 pl8 p25 pl3 Amino Acids ...... I "1"' I '' '' I * * * (hundreds) 0 1 2 3 4 5 Hind Π Hind I In pGAGj2 In FIG. 3 PvuH BglE I_pGAG 3_I _pi 8 _ p25__p | 3 Amino Acids I 1 1 '' I 'I' '' i '' '__ (hundreds) O l 2 3 4 5 Sau3a! (Bp375) Pstl (bp96l) FIG.7 I_pGAG -Ι I DK 168892 B1 / γ HindID 4, ampr J / pICI9R j HindIII '\ ^^ and ^^ / ^ omp ^ y II ·, τΐτ ^ Digestion with / KS ?, ® \ T Hindm J Ligation / ^ X / Bgl11 Bom HI f V ~ HindΙΠΜ224Ι (PSM002 1 / n \ y ompr J (, ιμλ \\ --- 'J ^ -HindlE (63i) I pJH12 J # ^ BamHI \ ΟΓΠΡ JJ j Digestion with BamHI.BglH Ligation BgH / BomHI - ^^ BomHI / ^ rp-Qag \ \\ (pGAG2)) \ ampr JJ FIG.4 DK 168892 B1 / Smol BglH Pvui-lv ampr I f) ici9R \ ^ Ayoog å V ompr J BglH \ j Digestion (, 642} Digestion N. / with Bglll.Smol with PvuI, BglII \ ^ / Ligerirg ^ EcoRI EcoRI / (PBPBI41 1 © Wy T ^ BglUne «) / EcoRI Digestion / V see with / \ IEcoRI 1 Week's EcoRI EcoRI \ j / ^^ * t \ / ^ Up * gogNN \ f pGAG3 jl ompr JJ FIG.5 DK 168892 Bl ^^ Polylinker region f omp '<j) \ j ^ / PvuH pATHIO Cleavage site relative to Restriction endonuclease__ reading frame _ Child HI 3 Cla I 1 EcoRI 3 Hind III 3 Pst i '1 Sac I * Sal I · 3 .. Sma I 3 Xba I 3 Xma I 1 FIG.6 DK 168892 B1 BamHI (pBS'r5] / ^ ucieN Sau3al -jU amp J lampr J Sau3al (547) X Digestion with / BamHI / -Ligation - Pst! S * 'yi £ \ ^ Sau3al / BamHI / nRR ς \ i 0674-14 \ (547) ip ° ~ r \ -10 1-Accl I amPr] l ampr I (505) (505) Digestion with N - ^^ αυ3άΙ / BamHI Accl and Pst I y (375) PstI \ PstI EcoRI (961) \ igering f 1 / V ~ Se I OS7fe27 1 / PATHIO \\. ai $ I 1 0ΠΦΓ) j \ Λacci \ IV (505) V // 0 ^ Sau3al / BamHI .EcoRI (375) / n. / Digestion with Digestion \ / ps | I and with PstI and EcoRI / Ligation Sau3al / BamHI PstI (375) (961) .N ^ W ^ coRI / trp-gag FIG.8 \ ampr JJ DK 168892 B1 io :: oT®; ;; ci®: ci® O - I pT '*' C'j £ £!: / -u 4-I fl m «&«: «*" rioo) $ m PH i ^ s,; (Ν '- ID * ; cj "· —v © Γ -“ r · 4J 1 '<”1. 4J I .H _ * CO«: s 1. ® ω J · ~ »ω" u Cl Cl ^ PJ O j - I. - -: - m oro µ! o ^ r o- wm. © w © '«-. ....... .......... o- cn ^ - ------ ------- - '(U o> I-1 t - ♦ - I - II —..... iuQOOOOQ © <5 µ Ϊ CN O OO O v P <Pn * ““ "
DK589586A 1985-04-08 1986-12-08 DNA sequence which encodes proteins which are immunologically reactive with antibodies against LAV/HTLV- III, a recombinant plasmid which contains the DNA, a bacterial cell which is transformed with a plasmid, a process for preparing the protein, and the use of the protein in analyses DK168892B1 (en)

Applications Claiming Priority (10)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
US72123785A 1985-04-08 1985-04-08
US72123785 1985-04-08
US75376985A 1985-07-10 1985-07-10
US75376985 1985-07-10
US76346085A 1985-08-07 1985-08-07
US76346085 1985-08-07
US82882886A 1986-02-12 1986-02-12
US82882886 1986-02-12
US8600716 1986-04-07

Publications (3)

Publication Number Publication Date
DK589586D0 DK589586D0 (en) 1986-12-08
DK589586A DK589586A (en) 1987-02-09
DK168892B1 true DK168892B1 (en) 1994-07-04



Family Applications (1)

Application Number Title Priority Date Filing Date
DK589586A DK168892B1 (en) 1985-04-08 1986-12-08 DNA sequence which encodes proteins which are immunologically reactive with antibodies against LAV/HTLV- III, a recombinant plasmid which contains the DNA, a bacterial cell which is transformed with a plasmid, a process for preparing the protein, and the use of the protein in analyses

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NO (1) NO864901L (en)

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DK589586A (en) 1987-02-09
NO864901D0 (en) 1986-12-05
DK589586D0 (en) 1986-12-08
NO864901L (en) 1987-02-05

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