
Publication number
DK162681B DK187789A DK187789A DK162681B DK 162681 B DK162681 B DK 162681B DK 187789 A DK187789 A DK 187789A DK 187789 A DK187789 A DK 187789A DK 162681 B DK162681 B DK 162681B
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Danish (da)
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DK187789D0 (en
DK162681C (en
DK187789A (en
Joergen Rasmussen
Original Assignee
Joergen Rasmussen
Priority date (The priority date is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the date listed.)
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Application filed by Joergen Rasmussen filed Critical Joergen Rasmussen
Priority to DK187789A priority Critical patent/DK162681C/en
Publication of DK187789D0 publication Critical patent/DK187789D0/en
Priority to AU54474/90A priority patent/AU5447490A/en
Priority to PCT/DK1990/000103 priority patent/WO1990012498A1/en
Priority to DD33989390A priority patent/DD295968A5/en
Priority to PL28484190A priority patent/PL284841A1/en
Publication of DK187789A publication Critical patent/DK187789A/en
Publication of DK162681B publication Critical patent/DK162681B/en
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of DK162681C publication Critical patent/DK162681C/en



    • A01K27/00Leads or collars, e.g. for dogs
    • A01K27/007Leads or collars, e.g. for dogs with insecticide-dispensing means
    • A01K13/00Devices for grooming or caring of animals, e.g. curry-combs; Fetlock rings; Tail-holders; Devices for preventing crib-biting; Washing devices; Protection against weather conditions or insects
    • A01K13/003Devices for applying insecticides or medication
    • A01M31/00Hunting appliances
    • A01M31/002Detecting animals in a given area


DK 162681 BDK 162681 B

Den foreliggende opfindelse angår en indretning til forebyggelse af pyogenesmastitis hos kvier. Denne sygdom er en alvorlig yverbetændelse, der også kaldes fluema-stitis eller sommermastitis, idet den optræder om somme-5 ren hos græssende kvier og skyldes en bakterieinfektion stammende fra den såkaldte plantageflue. Sygdommen rammer navnlig drægtige kvier af sortbroget race, og det anslås at sygdommen koster det danske landbrug et beløb af størrelsesordenen 100 millioner kroner om året. Der 10 har af samme grund været udfoldet endog meget store bestræbelser på at komme sygdommen til livs, men hidtil uden særligt mærkbare resultater.The present invention relates to a device for the prevention of pyogenes mastitis in heifers. This disease is a severe udder inflammation, also known as flu-stitis or summer mastitis, as it occurs in the summer in grazing heifers and is caused by a bacterial infection originating from the so-called plantation fly. The disease particularly affects pregnant heifers of black-bred breed, and it is estimated that the disease costs Danish agriculture an amount of the order of DKK 100 million per year. For the same reason, 10 have even made great efforts to bring the disease to life, but so far without particularly noticeable results.

Anstrengelserne har omfattet forsøg på vaccinationer, som hidtil ikke er faldet heldigt ud, men har el-15 lers samlet sig om to former for indsatser, nemlig baseret henholdsvis på fysisk afskærmning af angrebsområdet, som især er pattespidserne, og på anbringelse af hurtigvirkende insektgift nær de relevante områder. En fysisk tildækning af pattespidserne er en reel mulighed, men 20 blandt de mange foreslåede løsninger er der ingen som har kunnet finde udbredelse i praksis; en lokal anbringelse af beskyttelseshylstre på patterne har ikke kunnet praktiseres på sikker måde uden alvorlig beskadigelse af patterne, og en fastholdelse af hylstrene ved hjælp af 25 holdedele på en større del af dyrekroppen, f.eks. et yverdække fastholdt med remme eller en netbeklædning på dyrene, har vist sig at være uhensigtsmæssig og/eller ineffektiv af flere forskellige grunde.Efforts have included attempts at vaccinations that have not been successful so far, but have, however, gathered two types of efforts, namely based respectively on physical screening of the attack area, which is particularly the teat tip, and on the application of fast-acting insecticides near the relevant areas. A physical covering of the teat tips is a real possibility, but 20 among the many proposed solutions, none have been able to find dissemination in practice; a local application of protective sleeves to the teats could not be safely practiced without serious damage to the teats, and retention of the sleeves by means of 25 holding parts on a larger portion of the animal body, e.g. an outer cover retained with straps or a mesh cover on the animals has been found to be inappropriate and / or ineffective for a variety of reasons.

Brugen af insektgift har været en mere realistisk 30 mulighed, men det er vanskeligt at anbringe giften i egnede bæremidler på strategisk velegnede steder. Umiddelbart vil der herved være tale om områderne ved pattespidserne, men en giftbærer vil her være ligeså vanskelig at anbringe som et dækhylster, og man har så kunnet 35 forsøge at anbringe en giftbærer i rimelig nærhed af det prekære område, nemlig på dyrets halespids, hvor anbrin- 2The use of insecticides has been a more realistic option, but it is difficult to place the poison in suitable carriers in strategically suitable locations. Immediately, these will be the areas at the teat points, but a poison carrier here will be as difficult to place as a cover sleeve, and one has then been able to try to place a poison carrier in close proximity to the precarious area, namely at the tip of the animal, where affix- 2

DK 162681 BDK 162681 B

gelsesmuligheden er udmærket, men hvorfra det af forskellige grunde er vanskeligt at holde pattespidsområderne effektivt dækket af giftdampe.The possibility of application is excellent, but from which it is difficult for various reasons to keep the teat areas effectively covered by poison vapors.

Antagelig med lidt større held har man forsøgt at 5 anbringe giftbærere et helt andet sted på dyrene, nemlig i øremærker på disse. Umiddelbart kan dette virke ejendommeligt, men man har naturligvis studeret den pågældende flueart indgående og har derved fundet, at fluerne har en udtalt tilbøjelighed til ved deres første kontakt 10 med kvien at slå sig ned i kviens hovedregion og så derfra flytte sig til yveret. Dette er en gammel viden, hvilket kan illustreres ved, at den pågældende flueart på engelsk benævnes 'head fly' og på tysk 'Kopffliege'.Probably with a little more luck, 5 attempts have been made to place poison carriers in a completely different place on the animals, namely in ear tags on these. Immediately this may seem peculiar, but one has of course studied the particular fly extensively and thereby found that the flies have a pronounced tendency, at their first contact 10 with the heifer, to settle in the heifer's main region and then move to the udder. This is an old knowledge, which can be illustrated by the fact that the fly in question is referred to in English as 'head fly' and in German 'Kopffliege'.

Det viser sig, at det kun er hunfluerne, som er aktive i 15 den betragtede sammenhæng, og det er videnskabeligt accepteret, at det for disse fluers vedkommende drejer sig om at skaffe protein til æglægningssystemet. Netop i kviens hovedregion forekommer protein i lettilgængelig form, på slimhinder og i tåreflåd. Her er proteinet nok 20 let tilgængeligt, men i tynd koncentration, og snart søger fluerne en mere koncentreret proteinkilde, hvor altså pattespidserne er det udvalgte mål. Det skal nævnes, at visse observationer tyder på, at angrebet mod pattespidserne først sættes ind efter at der allerede har væ-25 ret en eller flere stikfluer på spil i disse områder, samt at det er en gammelkendt erfaring, at det normalt kun går ud over en enkelt af de fire patter. Dette er dog tilstrækkeligt til, at kvien ikke vil udvikle sig til en rentabel malkeko.It turns out that only the female flies are active in the considered context, and it is scientifically accepted that for these flies it is about providing protein for the egg-laying system. Precisely in the main region of the heifer, protein occurs in easily accessible form, on mucous membranes and in tear ducts. Here the protein is probably 20 readily available, but in thin concentration, and soon the flies are looking for a more concentrated source of protein, so the teat tips are the chosen target. It should be mentioned that some observations indicate that the attack on the teats only starts after one or more jellyfish have been at stake in these areas, and that it is an old experience that it usually only goes out over a single of the four teats. However, this is sufficient that the heifer will not develop into a profitable dairy cow.

30 Der er således god mening i at anbringe et giftde- pot netop ved kviens hovedregion, omend anbringelsen i øremærket næppe er fuldt hensigtsmæssig; kvien kan bevæge ørerne i hurtige ryk til bortdrivning af besøgende insekter, og man skal så forlade sig på, at giftstoffet 35 fra depotet spreder sig ud over hele hovedregionen og eventuelt over hele dyrets nære omgivelser for at være30 It is thus appropriate to place a poison depot at the heifer's main region, although the placement in the ear tag is hardly appropriate; the heifer can move its ears in rapid jerky to drive away visiting insects, and one must then rely on the toxin 35 from the depot to spread over the entire main region and possibly over the entire animal's surrounding environment to be

DK 162681 BDK 162681 B

3 virksom mod angrebsaktiviteten imod pattespidserne, hvor den ofte fatale bakterieoverførsel finder sted.3 acts against the attack activity against the teat tips, where the often fatal bacterial transmission takes place.

Selv efter at der er taget forholdsregler som her omtalt står dog alene det danske landbrug med en omkost-5 ning på omkring de nævnte 100 millioner kroner om året som følge af den betragtede sygdom, dvs. bekæmpelsen af sygdommen har trods meget intensive studier været temmelig ineffektiv.However, even after measures have been taken as mentioned here, only Danish agriculture stands at a cost of around the said 100 million a year as a result of the illness considered, ie. The fight against the disease, despite very intensive studies, has been rather ineffective.

Nærværende opfindelse har til formål at angive en 10 indretning, som med stærkt forøget effektivitet kan virke forebyggende for den betragtede alvorlige yversygdom. Opfindelsen bygger primært på den betragtning, at fluernes angreb på pattespidserne kan reduceres mærkbart, hvis der sørges for at tilbyde fluerne en øget mængde af 15 let tilgængeligt og rimeligt koncentreret protein på anden måde, nemlig i nærheden af fluernes første angrebsområde, dvs. ved kviernes hovedregion. Herved vil fluernes behov for efterfølgende at hjemsøge pattespidserne blive reduceret, og den herved tilstræbte virkning 20 kan så øges yderligere ved at tilføje giftstof til den ekstra proteinkilde ved hovedregionen, således at der kan opnås en yderligere reduktion i antallet af flueindivider, som har behov for og livskraft til at fortsætte proteinsøgningen ved hjemsøgning af pattespidserne.The present invention has for its object to provide a device which, with greatly increased efficiency, can prevent the considered serious udder disease. The invention is primarily based on the fact that the attack of the flies on the teat can be markedly reduced if it is provided to offer the flies an increased amount of readily available and reasonably concentrated protein in other ways, namely in the vicinity of the first attack area of the flies, ie. at the heifer's main region. Thus, the need for the flies to subsequently haunt the teat tips will be reduced, and the desired effect 20 may then be further increased by adding toxin to the additional protein source at the main region, so that a further reduction in the number of fly individuals in need can be achieved. and vitality to continue the protein search by teasing the teat tips.

25 Det kunne herved være en mulighed, at den kunstige kilde for let tilgængeligt protein kunne anbringes i et øremærke, men i henhold til opfindelsen vil det være langt at foretrække, at proteinkilden anbringes i et halsbånd på dyret. Et halsbånd eller en tilhørende ho-30 vedgrime er i praksis den eneste 'dyrebeklædning', som kan tages i anvendelse på helt problemfri måde, og det er for så vidt en heldig omstændighed, at der her netop er tale om hovedregionen, hvor det første flueangreb sættes ind.Hereby it could be a possibility that the artificial source of readily available protein could be placed in an ear tag, but according to the invention it would be far preferable for the protein source to be placed in a collar on the animal. In practice, a collar or associated high-30 timber is the only 'animal clothing' that can be used in a completely hassle-free manner, and it is a fortunate circumstance that this is precisely the main region where the first fly attacks are deployed.

35 Ifølge opfindelsen er der på et hoved- eller hals bånd, som kvien bærer i sommerperioden, anbragt depoter 4According to the invention, depots 4 are arranged on a head or neck band which the heifer wears during the summer period.

DK 162681 BDK 162681 B

af proteinstof i en form, som er let tilgængelig for plantagefluen, hvilke depoter udgøres af perforerede beholdere med et indhold af et tyktflydende, ikke-stiv-nende bæremateriale såsom sirup, der er blandet med et 5 egnet proteinstof såsom blodmel. Insekterne kan have adgang til den proteinholdige masse direkte ved perforationerne, men det kan være at foretrække, at der på træg måde afgives dråber af massen fra nedre perforationer i beholderne; sådanne dråber vil være klæbrige, hvorved de 10 kan sætte sig på underliggende dele og dér være ekstra åbent tilgængelige.of protein in a form readily available to the plantation fly which is made up of perforated containers containing a viscous, non-stiffening carrier material such as syrup mixed with a suitable protein such as blood meal. The insects may have access to the proteinaceous mass directly at the perforations, but it may be preferable to drop droplets of the mass from lower perforations into the containers; such drops will be sticky, allowing the 10 to settle on underlying parts and be extra open there.

Fortrinsvis bør benytes proteinkilder, der kan være virksomme gennem hele sommerperioden. Et foretrukket arrangement er brugen af f.eks. cylindriske plastbeholde-15 re, der er perforeret i bunden og indeholder den sejtflydende masse. Massen kan også indeholde et egnet tiltrækkende duftstof såsom smørsyre eller indol samt et passende insekticid. Beholderne kan være anbragt i halsbåndet på let udskiftelig måde, f.eks. indlejret bag et 20 passende stormasket net.Preferably, protein sources that can be effective throughout the summer period should be used. A preferred arrangement is the use of e.g. cylindrical plastic containers which are perforated at the bottom and contain the viscous mass. The pulp may also contain a suitable attractant fragrance such as butyric acid or indole as well as a suitable insecticide. The containers may be disposed in the collar in an easily interchangeable manner, e.g. embedded behind a 20 suitable large mesh.

Opfindelsen forklares i det følgende nærmere under henvisning til tegningen, på hvilken fig. 1 er et perspektivbillede af en del af en indretning ifølge opfindelsen, 25 fig. 2 et perspektivbillede af et element dertil, fig. 3 et sidebillede, delvis i snit, af en del af dette element, og fig. 4 et detailleret udsnitsbillede af en del af fig. 1.The invention will now be explained in more detail with reference to the drawing, in which: FIG. 1 is a perspective view of part of a device according to the invention; FIG. 2 is a perspective view of an element thereof; FIG. 3 is a side view, partly in section, of a portion of this element; and FIG. 4 is a detailed sectional view of a portion of FIG. First

30 I fig. 1 er vist den nedre halvdel af et kviehals bånd 2, der nederst har en vægtklods 4. På hver af de to udvendige sideflader af halsbåndet er anbragt et par cylindriske beholdere 6, der indeholder protein-, duft- og giftstof. Beholderne er som vist i fig. 2 perforeret i 35 bunden ved huller 8, og substansen inde i beholderne er så passende viskøs, at den som vist i fig. 3 kan buleIn FIG. 1, the lower half of a heifer's neck band 2, which has a weight block at the bottom, is shown on each of the two outer lateral surfaces of the collar a pair of cylindrical containers 6 containing protein, fragrance and toxin are arranged. The containers are as shown in FIG. 2 is perforated in the bottom at holes 8, and the substance inside the containers is so suitably viscous that, as shown in FIG. 3 can bulge

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5 lidt ud af hullerne 8 og eventuelt også udtræde meget trægt i dråbef orm. Ved hjælp af vægtklodsen 4 sikres det, at halsbåndet normalt vil sidde i den viste stilling, hvor altså tyngden vil holde substansen ned mod 5 hullerne 8, hvor den er tilgængelig for insekterne.5 slightly out of the holes 8 and possibly also very sluggish in the drop worm. By means of the weight block 4 it is ensured that the collar will normally sit in the position shown, whereby the weight will hold the substance down to the holes 8, where it is accessible to the insects.

Beholderne kan fastholdes på enhver egnet måde, men fig. 4 viser en foretrukket mulighed. Ud for hver af beholderne er der ved kanterne af halsbåndets yderside fastgjort et åbentmasket net 10, og selve båndremmen er 10 opslidset ved en langsgående midterslidse 12, således at man som antydet kan udfolde remhalvdelene og derved få plads til indlægning og udtagning af beholderne 6 i nettet 10 fra bagsiden af remmen. Når der anvendes et stærkt net kan beholderne ikke frigøres utilsigtet, så-15 ledes at yderligere låsemidler er unødvendige. Netstykket nede under beholderne kan opfange noget af det eventuelt neddryppende materiale fra beholderne, idet materialet er klæbrigt, og fluerne kan således have adgang til materialet over et større areal end netop ud for 20 hullerne 8.The containers may be retained in any suitable manner, but fig. 4 shows a preferred option. Next to each of the containers, an open mesh net 10 is secured at the edges of the outside of the collar, and the belt strap 10 itself is slit at a longitudinal center slot 12, so that the belt halves can be unfolded and thus allow for insertion and removal of the containers 6 in the net 10 from the back of the strap. When a strong net is used, the containers cannot be released unintentionally, so additional locking means are unnecessary. The mesh piece below the containers may capture some of the possibly drip material from the containers, the material being tacky, and the flies thus being able to access the material over a larger area than just off the holes 8.

Substansen i beholderne 6 kan eksempelvis bestå af tre dele sirup og to dele blodmel samt fortrinsvis en passende mængde duftstof og giftstof. Som proteinkomponent kan eventuelt også benyttes inddampet blodserum el-25 ler fintformalet kød, men det vil forstås, at opfindelsen vil omfatte mange forskellige substanser, ligesom indretningen af depoterne kan varieres indenfor vide grænser.For example, the substance in the containers 6 may consist of three parts of syrup and two parts of blood meal, and preferably a suitable amount of fragrance and toxin. Optionally, as a protein component, evaporated blood serum or finely ground meat may also be used, but it will be understood that the invention will comprise many different substances, and the arrangement of the depots may be varied within wide limits.

Det er naturligvis en mulighed, at indretningen 30 ifølge opfindelsen kan være virksom også overfor andre insekter end netop de nævnte, således at der f.eks. også kan opnås en svækkelse af angreb af stikkende insekter.It is, of course, a possibility that the device 30 according to the invention may also be effective against insects other than those just mentioned, so that e.g. a weakening of attacks by stinging insects can also be achieved.

Claims (5)

1. Indretning til forebyggelse af pyogenesmastitis hos kvier, kendetegnet ved, at der på et hoved- eller halsbånd (2) , som kvien bærer i sommerperioden, er anbragt depoter af proteinstof i en form, som er 5 let tilgængelig for plantagefluen, hvilke depoter udgøres af perforerede beholdere (6) med et indhold af et tyktflydende, ikke-stivnende bæremateriale såsom sirup, der er blandet med et egnet proteinstof såsom blodmel.Device for the prevention of pyogenes mastitis in heifers, characterized in that on the head or collar (2) carried by the heifer during the summer period, deposits of protein are placed in a form readily available to the plantation fly, which depots is made up of perforated containers (6) containing a viscous, non-stiffening support material such as syrup mixed with a suitable protein substance such as blood meal. 2. Indretning ifølge krav 1, kendetegnet ved, at depoterne desuden indeholder egnede tiltrækningsduf tstof fer og insekticider.Device according to claim 1, characterized in that the depots also contain suitable attractants and insecticides. 3. -Indretning ifølge krav 2, kendetegnet 15 ved, at beholderne (6) har langstrakt rørform og er udført med perforationer (8) i hovedsagen kun ved et nedre bundområde, idet beholderne er beregnet til anbringelse på højkant ved eller langs de ydre sideområder af et halsbånd (2). 20Device according to claim 2, characterized in that the containers (6) are of elongated tubular shape and are made with perforations (8) generally only at a lower bottom area, the containers being intended for high-end placement at or along the outer side regions. of a collar (2). 20 4. Indretning ifølge krav 3, kendetegnet ved, at perforationerne (8) er afstemt således i forhold til viskositeten af beholderindholdet, at der nu og da kan forekomme en dråbeudtrædning fra perforationerne, og 25 at der findes underliggende dele såsom tråde i et holdenet, der kan opfange de udtrædende, klæbrige dråber.Device according to claim 3, characterized in that the perforations (8) are so adjusted to the viscosity of the container contents that there may occasionally occur a droplet exit from the perforations, and that there are underlying parts such as threads in a holding network, that can capture the sticky, sticky droplets. 5. Indretning ifølge krav 3,kendetegnet ved, at der på siderne af halsbåndet (2) er anbragt 30 netlommer (10) til optagelse af beholderne (6), og at der i selve båndremmen er udformet en langsgående midterslids (12), som tillader indsætning og udtagning af beholderne fra remmens bagside ved udbøjning af de respektive remhalvdele.Device according to claim 3, characterized in that 30 net pockets (10) for accommodating the containers (6) are arranged on the sides of the collar (2) and a longitudinal middle slot (12) is formed in the belt itself. allows insertion and removal of the containers from the rear of the belt by deflecting the respective belt halves.
DK187789A 1989-04-19 1989-04-19 DEVICE FOR PYOGENESMASTITIS PREVENTION DK162681C (en)

Priority Applications (5)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
DK187789A DK162681C (en) 1989-04-19 1989-04-19 DEVICE FOR PYOGENESMASTITIS PREVENTION
AU54474/90A AU5447490A (en) 1989-04-19 1990-04-18 An arrangement for counteracting insect attacks on animals, primarily for preventing pyogenes mastitis in heifers
PCT/DK1990/000103 WO1990012498A1 (en) 1989-04-19 1990-04-18 An arrangement for counteracting insect attacks on animals, primarily for preventing pyogenes mastitis in heifers
PL28484190A PL284841A1 (en) 1989-04-19 1990-04-19 Method of and device for protecting animals against attacking by insects

Applications Claiming Priority (2)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
DK187789A DK162681C (en) 1989-04-19 1989-04-19 DEVICE FOR PYOGENESMASTITIS PREVENTION
DK187789 1989-04-19

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DK187789D0 DK187789D0 (en) 1989-04-19
DK187789A DK187789A (en) 1990-10-20
DK162681B true DK162681B (en) 1991-12-02
DK162681C DK162681C (en) 1992-04-21



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* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
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GB0703917D0 (en) 2007-02-28 2007-04-11 Iti Scotland Ltd A Collar for an animal

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US2808030A (en) * 1956-03-05 1957-10-01 Kathryn N Costanzo Deodorizing dog collar
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