DK156448B - Shaft seal - Google Patents

Shaft seal Download PDF


Publication number
DK156448B DK265781A DK265781A DK156448B DK 156448 B DK156448 B DK 156448B DK 265781 A DK265781 A DK 265781A DK 265781 A DK265781 A DK 265781A DK 156448 B DK156448 B DK 156448B
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shaft seal
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DK265781A (en
DK156448C (en
Philip Andrew Davy
Original Assignee
Apv Co Ltd
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Application filed by Apv Co Ltd filed Critical Apv Co Ltd
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Publication of DK156448B publication Critical patent/DK156448B/en
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of DK156448C publication Critical patent/DK156448C/en



    • F16K41/00Spindle sealings
    • F16K41/02Spindle sealings with stuffing-box ; Sealing rings
    • F16K41/08Spindle sealings with stuffing-box ; Sealing rings with at least one ring provided with axially-protruding peripheral closing-lip
    • F16J15/00Sealings
    • F16J15/16Sealings between relatively-moving surfaces
    • F16J15/32Sealings between relatively-moving surfaces with elastic sealings, e.g. O-rings
    • F16J15/3204Sealings between relatively-moving surfaces with elastic sealings, e.g. O-rings with at least one lip
    • F16J15/3232Sealings between relatively-moving surfaces with elastic sealings, e.g. O-rings with at least one lip having two or more lips
    • F16J15/00Sealings
    • F16J15/16Sealings between relatively-moving surfaces
    • F16J15/32Sealings between relatively-moving surfaces with elastic sealings, e.g. O-rings
    • F16J15/3248Sealings between relatively-moving surfaces with elastic sealings, e.g. O-rings provided with casings or supports
    • F16J15/3252Sealings between relatively-moving surfaces with elastic sealings, e.g. O-rings provided with casings or supports with rigid casings or supports


  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • General Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Mechanical Engineering (AREA)
  • Sealing With Elastic Sealing Lips (AREA)
  • Lift Valve (AREA)
  • Sealing Of Bearings (AREA)


DK 156448 BDK 156448 B

Opfindelsen angâr en akseltætning, hvori et elastisk tætnings-organ, der er understettet af et indlæg, har et par tætnings-læber, som er indrettet til at kunne anbringes med indbyrdes afstand langs en aksel, og hvor tætningsorganet har et cen-5 trait nav, der bærer de med indbyrdes afstand liggende læber.The invention relates to a shaft seal in which an elastic sealing member supported by an insert has a pair of sealing lips which are arranged to be spaced apart along a shaft and the sealing means having a central hub wearing the spaced lips.

Sàdanne tætninger er almindeligt brugte, blandt andet omkring stromningsventilers reguleringsaksler. Brugen af læber er for-delagtig, da tætningskraften forages med driftstrykket. Det er 10 ogsâ muligt at tilvirke læbetætningen som en hygiejnisk revne-fri konstruktion, som er -egnet til anvendelse i fedevareindu-strien. For at undgâ, at hele tætningen deformerer til bælg-form, er læberne almindeligvis udformet som et tætningsorgan, der er stebt pâ et métalindlæg.Such seals are commonly used, including around the flow shafts of the control valves. The use of lips is advantageous as the sealing force is reduced by the operating pressure. It is also possible to make the lip seal as a hygienic crack-free construction suitable for use in the food industry. In order to prevent the entire seal from deforming into a bellows shape, the lips are generally designed as a sealing member embedded in a metal insert.


Hensigtsmæssigt fremstilles læbetætningen ved sammentrykning af gummi pâ et rustfrit stâlindlæg, som i forvejen er blevet behandlet ved affedtning, glaskugleblæsning og til slut ©ver-fladebehandling med et passende bindemiddel for at tilveje-20 bringe god vedhæftning mellem gummiet og indlægget.Conveniently, the lip seal is prepared by compression of rubber on a stainless steel insert which has already been treated by degreasing, glass ball blowing and finally surface treatment with an appropriate binder to provide good adhesion between the rubber and the insert.

Pâ trods af denne forbehandl ing og pâ trods af iod#®rte ekspe-rimenter med forskellige gummisammensætninger ©g bindemidlef for at opnâ optimal bindingsvirkning, er der ferekommet f©jl 25 ved læbetætningerne pâ grund af blæredannelse tst ved gua5si=/ bindemiddelgrænselaget ved temperaturer over 9C®€,Despite this pretreatment and despite iodine-rich experiments with various rubber compositions and g binding agents to obtain optimum binding effect, there has been folio 25 of the lip seals due to blister formation at the gua5si / binder interface at temperatures. over 9C® €,

Dette blæredannelsesfænomen vedvarede under fors®g m®d en sprojtestobt konstruktion, selvom bindemidlet var blevet for-30 bedret.This blistering phenomenon persisted during trials with a spray-blunt construction, although the binder had been improved.

For at afhjælpe dette blæredannelsesprob.lem har man gjort for-seg med at anvende gummisammensætninger med hoj permeabi1itet, bindemidler med lav vedhængningskraft og sintredé og derfor 35 porese indlæg.To alleviate this blistering problem, high permeability rubber compositions, low adhesive bonding agents and sintered nails have been proposed to use porous inserts.

Fra beskrivelsen til engelsk patentskrift GB 1.518.751 kendes en tætning, som har et centrait nav, der bærer to med indbyr-From the specification of British Patent Specification GB 1,518,751, a seal is known which has a centrait hub carrying two interconnecting hubs.

DK 156448 BDK 156448 B

2 des afstand anbragte læber og en tynd flange. Den tynde flange er imidlertid bundet fil overfladen af en spændeskive eller et indlæg.The lips and a thin flange are placed at the same distance. However, the thin flange is bonded to the surface of a washer or insert.

5 Man har imidlertid fundet, at det bedste résultat opnâs ved at man undgâr en binding imellem tætningsorganet og indlsgget og i stedet sætter sin lid til mekanisk fastholdelse.5 However, it has been found that the best result is obtained by avoiding a bond between the sealing member and the seal and relying instead on mechanical retention.

Akseltætningen ifolge opfindelsen er ejendommelig ved hen-10 holdsvis en snæver og en vid radial flange, der aftageligt kan indgribe med indlægget, og med den vide flange passende direkte mod og dakkende en side af indlagget. Herved opnâs, at tætningsorganet under driftstryk slutter tæt til sàvel akselen som indlægget, og at det let kan udskiftes uden udskiftning af 15 indlægget, sâledes at udskiftningen billiggores. Desuden kan gummiet eller andet elastisk materiale, som anvendes som tæt-ningsorgan, da ogsà let vælges med hensyn til forenelighed med eller bestandighed mod specielle driftsvæsker, for hvilke tætningen sandsynligvis udsættes.The shaft seal according to the invention is characterized by a narrow and a wide radial flange, respectively, which can be removably engaged with the insert, and with the wide flange suitably directly towards and roofing one side of the insert. Hereby, the sealing means is obtained under operating pressure close to both the shaft and the insert, and it can be easily replaced without replacing the insert, thus making the replacement cheap. In addition, the rubber or other resilient material used as a sealant may also be readily selected for compatibility with or resistance to special operating fluids to which the seal is likely to be exposed.


Idet det elastomere materiale ikke længere skal være bundet til indlægget, er valgmulighederne betydeligt bredere. Tæt-ningsorganerne kan nu ogsâ fremstilles adskilt fra indlæggene, hvilket forenkler fremsti11ingsmâden og fjerner mulige flaske-25 halse i produktionen som folge af mangel pâ indlæg.As the elastomeric material no longer has to be bound to the insert, the options are considerably wider. The sealing means can now also be manufactured separately from the inserts, which simplifies the manufacturing process and removes possible bottlenecks in production due to the lack of inserts.

Tætningsorganet antager sâledes struktur af en krans med en vid og en snæver flange. Den vide flange har en hel flade vendt mod driftsvæsken og er sâledes revnefri og kan rengores 30 fuldstændigt. Dette gor tætningen egnet til anvendelse i fode-varei ndustrien.The sealing member thus assumes the structure of a wreath with a wide and a narrow flange. The wide flange has an entire surface facing the operating fluid and is thus crack-free and can be completely cleaned. This makes the seal suitable for use in the food industry.

Det indses ogsâ, at fraværet af et bindemiddel imellem tætningsorganet og indlægget gor, at man undgâr problemet med 35 blæredannelse mellem tætningsorganet og indlægget.It will also be appreciated that the absence of a binder between the sealing member and the liner causes the problem of blistering between the sealing member and the liner to be avoided.

Opfindelsen forklares nærmere under henvisning til tegningen, hvor 3The invention is explained in more detail with reference to the drawing, in which 3

. DK 156448 B. DK 156448 B

fig. 1 viser et indlæg som udgor en del af en foretrukken ud-forelsesform for akseltætningen ifolge opfindelsen, set fra den ene ende, 5 fig. 2 et diametralsnit gennem indlægget ifolge fig. 1, og fig. 3 et radialsnit gennem tætningsorganet i felge opf i ndelsen.FIG. 1 is a view of a post forming part of a preferred embodiment of the shaft seal according to the invention, seen from one end; FIG. 2 is a sectional view through the insert according to FIG. 1, and FIG. 3 shows a radial section through the sealing means in rims of the invention.

10 I fig. 1 og 2 er vist et forstærkningsindlæg, som har en central âbning 1 til modtagelse af en reguleringsaksel, f.eks. i en luftdreven stromningsreguleringsventil med en forholdsvis lille klaring. Pâ âbningen l's driftsside er der en indfo-ringsoverflade 2, og pâ den modsatte side eller atmosfæresiden 15 er der tilvejebragt en fais 3.10 In FIG. 1 and 2 are shown a reinforcing insert having a central opening 1 for receiving a control shaft, e.g. in an air-driven flow control valve with a relatively small clearance. On the operating side of the aperture 1 there is an insertion surface 2 and on the opposite side or the atmospheric side 15 a phase 3 is provided.

Fig. 3 viser i en noget forsterret mâlestok et delvist snit gennem et tætningsorgan, som skal passe til âbningen 1 for tiIvejebringel se af et par tætningslæber 4 og 5, som er i ind-20 greb med reguleringsakselen, hvis akse er vist stiplet. Læber-ne 4 og 5 er udformet som en del af et centrait nav 6 af tætningsorganet og fra dette nav udgâr der en forste og snæver radial flange 7, som passer ind i falsen 3. En anden og videre radial flange 8 passer til og dækker indlæggets driftsvæske-25 side og har en skrâtliggende indre overflade 9, som passer til indforingsoverfladen 2. Det ses, at det elastiske tætningsorgan i fig. 3 ganske let kan indpasses omkring og aftages fra indlægget i fig. 1 og 2, idet det centrale nav kan deformeres ti 1 strækkeligt til at tillade, at den snævre flange 7 passerer 30 igennem hullet 1 og derpâ udvider sig til indgreb med falsen 3. Den videre flange 8 passer derpâ direkte mod og dækker den hosliggende overflade af indlægget og giver ogsà mod drifts-væsken en overflade, der kan renses og er fri for revner. En rundtgâende zone 10 med formindsket tykkelse er indrettet til 35 at kunne fastholdes i et ventilhus i forbindelse med indlægget.FIG. 3 shows, in a somewhat enlarged scale, a partial section through a sealing member which is to fit the opening 1 for two-way view of a pair of sealing lips 4 and 5 which are in engagement with the control shaft whose axis is shown dashed. The lips 4 and 5 are formed as part of a centrait hub 6 of the sealing member and from this hub there is a first and narrow radial flange 7 which fits into the socket 3. A second and further radial flange 8 fits and covers the operating fluid side of the insert and has an inclined inner surface 9 which fits the insert surface 2. It can be seen that the elastic sealing member of FIG. 3 can easily be fitted around and removed from the insert of FIG. 1 and 2, the central hub being sufficiently deformed to allow the narrow flange 7 to pass 30 through the hole 1 and then expand to engage with the socket 3. The further flange 8 directly adheres to and covers the adjacent surface. of the insert and also gives the operating fluid a surface that can be cleaned and free from cracks. A circumferential thickness 10 zone is arranged to be retained in a valve housing in connection with the insert.

Claims (3)

1. Akseltætning, hvori et elastisk tætningsorgan, der er un-5 derstcttet af et indlæg, har et par tmtningslæber (4,5), som er indrettet til at kunne anbringes med indbyrdes afstand langs en aksel, og hvor tætningsorganet har et centrait nav (6), der bærer de med indbyrdes afstand liggende læber (4,5), kendetegnet ved henholdsvis en snæver og en vid 10 radial flange (7,8), der aftageligt kan indgribe med en indre kant af indlsgget og med den vide flange (8) passende direkte mod og dækkende en side af indlægget.A shaft seal wherein an elastic sealing member supported by an insert has a pair of sealing lips (4,5) arranged to be spaced apart along a shaft and the sealing means having a center hub. (6) carrying the spaced lips (4,5), characterized by a narrow and a wide radial flange (7,8), respectively, which can be removably engaged with an inner edge of the inlet and with the wide flange. (8) appropriate direct facing and covering one side of the post. 2. Akseltætning ifelge krav 1, kendetegnet ved, 15 at den vide flange (8) har en rundtgâende zone (10) med for- mindsket tykkelse, som er tilpasset til at blive fastholdt i et ventilhus.Shaft seal according to claim 1, characterized in that the wide flange (8) has a circumferential zone (10) of reduced thickness which is adapted to be held in a valve housing. 3. Stremningsreguleringsventil, kendetegnet ved, 20 at den har en réguleringsaksel, som er udstyret med en aksel- tstning ifelge krav 1 eller 2. 25 30 35Flow control valve, characterized in that it has a regulation shaft equipped with a shaft seal according to claims 1 or 2. 25 30 35
DK265781A 1980-06-20 1981-06-17 Shaft seal DK156448C (en)

Applications Claiming Priority (2)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
GB8020325 1980-06-20
GB8020325A GB2078876B (en) 1980-06-20 1980-06-20 Shaft seal

Publications (3)

Publication Number Publication Date
DK265781A DK265781A (en) 1981-12-21
DK156448B true DK156448B (en) 1989-08-21
DK156448C DK156448C (en) 1990-01-22



Family Applications (1)

Application Number Title Priority Date Filing Date
DK265781A DK156448C (en) 1980-06-20 1981-06-17 Shaft seal

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DE (1) DE3123891A1 (en)
DK (1) DK156448C (en)
GB (1) GB2078876B (en)
SE (1) SE449651B (en)

Citations (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
GB1518751A (en) * 1975-04-18 1978-07-26 Allinquant F M Sealing means for a longitudinally displaceable rod

Family Cites Families (2)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
FR1024201A (en) * 1950-09-01 1953-03-30 Joint Francais Self-lubricating shutter seals
DE2743501C3 (en) * 1977-09-28 1981-01-08 Fa. Carl Freudenberg, 6940 Weinheim Sealing ring

Patent Citations (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
GB1518751A (en) * 1975-04-18 1978-07-26 Allinquant F M Sealing means for a longitudinally displaceable rod

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SE449651B (en) 1987-05-11
DK265781A (en) 1981-12-21
GB2078876B (en) 1984-05-10
DE3123891A1 (en) 1982-05-13
SE8103815L (en) 1981-12-21
DK156448C (en) 1990-01-22
GB2078876A (en) 1982-01-13

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