DK151124B - ROOT FRUIT RECORDER - Google Patents



Publication number
DK151124B DK506384A DK506384A DK151124B DK 151124 B DK151124 B DK 151124B DK 506384 A DK506384 A DK 506384A DK 506384 A DK506384 A DK 506384A DK 151124 B DK151124 B DK 151124B
Prior art keywords
support arm
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Danish (da)
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DK506384A (en
DK151124C (en
DK506384D0 (en
Henning Norlyk
Original Assignee
Norlyk & Soenner As
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Application filed by Norlyk & Soenner As filed Critical Norlyk & Soenner As
Priority to DK506384A priority Critical patent/DK151124C/en
Publication of DK506384D0 publication Critical patent/DK506384D0/en
Priority to GB08525978A priority patent/GB2165733B/en
Priority to DE19853537589 priority patent/DE3537589C2/en
Priority to SE8504959A priority patent/SE456063B/en
Publication of DK506384A publication Critical patent/DK506384A/en
Publication of DK151124B publication Critical patent/DK151124B/en
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of DK151124C publication Critical patent/DK151124C/en



    • A01D25/00Lifters for beet or like crops
    • A01D25/04Machines with moving or rotating tools


  • Life Sciences & Earth Sciences (AREA)
  • Environmental Sciences (AREA)
  • Harvesting Machines For Root Crops (AREA)
  • Handcart (AREA)


i 151124 5 Opfindelsen angår et optageapparat til anbringelse på en rodfrugtoptager, hvilket optageapparat har et antal optageenheder hver omfattende to i forhold til bevægelsesretningen bagud og nedad mod hinanden spidsende optagehjul, der under deres rotation klemmer 10 rodfrugterne op af jorden.The invention relates to a recording apparatus for mounting on a root fruit picker, said recording apparatus having a plurality of recording units each comprising two rearward and downwardly pointing recording wheels which, during their rotation, squeeze the root fruits out of the ground.

Sådanne optageapparater anvendes som regel flere ved siden af hinanden ved høstning af for eksempel roer. Når de to optagehjul passerer på hver side 15 af en roe, vil denne løftes op af jorden og kastes bagud, for eksempel på et transportbånd til videre behandling.Such recording devices are usually used side by side when harvesting, for example, beets. When the two pickup wheels pass on either side 15 of a beet, it will be lifted off the ground and thrown backwards, for example on a conveyor belt for further processing.

Fra dansk fremlæggelsesskrift nr. 147.331 kendes 20 et sådant apparat, hvor optagehjulene (også kaldet oppel-hjul) er anbragt på hver sin gren af en i det væsentlige U-formet fjedrende bøjle. Optageapparatet kan tilpasses rodfrugter af forskellig størrelse med en stagbolt, der kan spænde bøjlens grene mere 25 eller mindre sammen.From Danish Patent Specification No. 147,331, 20 such an apparatus is known in which the take-up wheels (also called the pick-up wheels) are arranged on each branch of a substantially U-shaped resilient hanger. The recorder can be adapted to different root vegetables with a stag bolt that can clamp the bracket branches more 25 or less together.

Hvis der kommer en tilpas stor sten ind mellem optagehjulene, vil disse simpelthen stå stille. Det er så nødvendigt at køre baglæns for at få stenen ud.If a large stone comes in between the casters, these will simply stand still. It is then necessary to drive backwards to get the stone out.

30 Derved tabes der høsttid, ligesom nogle roer uvægerligt vil tabes.30 Thereby, harvest time is lost, just as some beets will inevitably be lost.

Et forsøg på en løsning af dette problem er fjedrende stenudløsere, men disse har den ulempe, at jord og i 2 151124 1 sten kan komme i klemme efter hjulenes adskillelse.Attempts to solve this problem are springy stone triggers, but these have the disadvantage that soil and in rocks can get trapped after the wheels are separated.

Derfor vil hjulene ikke gå helt sammen til arbejdsstilling igen, så afstanden mellem dem bliver for stor.Therefore, the wheels will not go all the way to the working position again, so the distance between them becomes too large.


Ligeledes kendes konstruktioner, der til fastlæggelse af mindste afstand mellem optagehjulene bruger mellemlægsskiver. Dette er en langsommelig måde at tilpasse optageapparatet til den aktuelle rodfrugtstørrelse 10 på.Also known are structures which use spacers to determine the minimum distance between the recording wheels. This is a slow way of adapting the recorder to the actual root fruit size 10.

Formålet med opfindelsen er derfor at anvise en rodfrugtoptager uden ovennævnte ulemper, idet optageapparatet skal kunne fungere på trods af sten mellem 15 optagehjulene og tillige være let at justere.The object of the invention is therefore to provide a root fruit picker without the aforementioned disadvantages, since the pickup device must be able to operate despite stones between the pickup wheels and also be easy to adjust.

Dette opnås ifølge opfindelsen, når det ene optagehjul er roterbart lejret på en fra rodfrugtoptageren udragende bærearm, når det andet optagehjul er roterbart 20 lejret på en svingarm, som ved sin modsatte ende er således vandret drejeligt lejret på bærearmen, at afstanden i vandret plan mellem optagehjulene kan varieres, og når der mellem svingarmens mod optagehjulet vendende ende og bærearmen er anbragt en 25 med en fjederkraft aksialt sammentrykkelig forbindelsesarm.This is achieved according to the invention when one take-up wheel is rotatably mounted on a supporting arm projecting from the root fruit picker, when the second take-up wheel is rotatably mounted on a pivot arm, which at its opposite end is thus rotatably mounted on the support arm, so that the distance in the horizontal plane between the take-up wheels may be varied, and when an end with the spring force axially compressible connecting arm is arranged between the end of the pivoting wheel and the support arm.

Hvis en sten kommer ind mellem optagehjulene, vil det forskydelige hjul på svingarmen bevæge sig ud 30 til. siden. Enten vil stenen falde ud mellem hjulene, eller også vil den blive trukket gennem hjulene og kastet bagud som en roe.If a rock comes in between the pickup wheels, the sliding wheel on the swing arm will move out to 30 more. since. Either the stone will fall out between the wheels or it will be pulled through the wheels and thrown backwards like a beet.

Det er således ikke nødvendigt at standse optagningen 3 151124 1 af rodfrugter.Thus, it is not necessary to stop the uptake 3 151124 1 of root vegetables.

Af samme årsag kræves der mindre kraft til drift af optagehjulene, der roterer udelukkende på grund 5 af friktion mod jorden.For the same reason, less force is required for the drive wheels to rotate solely due to ground 5 friction.

Det er hensigtsmæssigt, hvis optageapparatet er udformet som omhandlet i krav 2, hvor svingarmens bort fra hjulet vendende ende er lejret drejeligt til 10 bærearmen ved dennes mod det andet hjul vendende side, idet omdrejningsaksen for svingarmen i det væsentlige forløber vinkelret på bærearmen, og hvor forbindelsesarmens bort fra hjulet vendende ende er vandret drejeligt lejret til bærearmens modsatte.It is convenient if the recording apparatus is configured as claimed in claim 2, wherein the pivot arm facing away from the wheel is pivotally mounted to the support arm at its side facing the other wheel, the pivot axis of the pivot arm substantially extending perpendicular to the support arm, and wherein the end of the connecting arm away from the wheel is horizontally pivotally mounted to the opposite of the support arm.

15 langsgående side, altså den side, der vender mod hjulet, idet denne konstruktion har vist sig at fungere udmærket i praksis samtidig med, at den er forholdsvis enkel at fremstille.The longitudinal side, that is, the side facing the wheel, since this construction has proven to work very well in practice while being relatively simple to manufacture.

20 Hvis forbindelsesarmen, som omhandlet i krav 3, er en hydraulisk cylinder forbundet til en trykakkumulator, opnås, at hjulene af cylinderen vil presses mod hinanden. Når det forskydelige hjul har bevæget sig til side for en sten, vil optagehjulene altså 25 af sig selv og uden problemer finde tilbage til udgangsstillingen .If the connecting arm as claimed in claim 3 is a hydraulic cylinder connected to a pressure accumulator, it is achieved that the wheels of the cylinder will be pressed against each other. Thus, when the sliding wheel has moved aside for a rock, the recording wheels will move 25 by themselves and easily return to the starting position.

Det er hensigtsmæssigt, hvis optageapparatet, som omhandlet i krav 4, har et stop, idet der herved 30 på en enkel måde fastlægges en veldefineret mindsteafstand mellem optagehjulene.It is expedient if the recording apparatus as claimed in claim 4 has a stop, thereby simply determining a well-defined minimum distance between the recording wheels.

Hvis stoppet, som omhandlet i krav 5, består af en skrue eller lignende, der er anbragt i den ene arm, 4 151124 1 og den anden arm har en stopplade til anlæg mod skruen i stopstilling, opnås, at afstanden mellem hjulene kan justeres meget enkelt. Forbindelsesarmen vil nemlig altid sørge for at trykke optagehjulene sammen 5 mod stoppet, så den ønskede afstand kan indstilles blot ved at justere på skruen.If the stop as claimed in claim 5 consists of a screw or the like arranged in one arm, and the other arm has a stop plate for abutment against the screw in the stop position, it is achieved that the distance between the wheels can be adjusted very much. single. The connecting arm will always make sure that the pickup wheels 5 are pressed together against the stop, so that the desired distance can be adjusted simply by adjusting the screw.

Endelig opnås en kompakt og solid konstruktion, hvis optageapparatet er udformet som omhandlet i krav 10 6.Finally, a compact and solid construction is obtained if the recording apparatus is designed as claimed in claim 10 6.

Opfindelsen vil i det følgende blive nærmere beskrevet under henvisning til tegningen, hvor 15 fig. 1 viser et længdesnit gennem et optageap parat ifølge opfindelsen, fig. 2 viser optageapparatet set ovenfra i pilenes retning langs linien I-I på 20 fig. 1, og fig. 3 viser optagehjulet på samme måde som på fig. 2, idet det forskydelige hjuls bevægelse er vist punkteret.The invention will now be described in more detail with reference to the drawing, in which: FIG. 1 is a longitudinal section through a recording aperture according to the invention; FIG. 2 is a top plan view of the recording apparatus in the direction of the arrows along line I-I of FIG. 1, and FIG. 3 shows the take-up wheel in the same way as in FIG. 2, the movement of the sliding wheel is shown punctured.

25 På fig. 1 ses, hvorledes en bærearm 5 er fastgjort til rodfrugtoptagerens bom 1 med forbindelsesdele 2, 3, 4. Det forskydelige hjul 17 er med en aksel 15 anbragt på en svingarm 12. Svingarmen 12 består 30 af to dele, der er parallelle og omslutter bærearmen 5, idet svingarmen 12 er drejeligt lejret til bærearmen 5 ved et hængsel 6. Alle dele i optageapparatet er fortrinsvis fremstillet i metal, isser jern.25 In FIG. 1 shows how a support arm 5 is attached to the root fruit boom 1 with connecting parts 2, 3, 4. The displaceable wheel 17 is provided with a shaft 15 on a swing arm 12. The swing arm 12 consists of two parts which are parallel and enclose the support arm 5, the pivot arm 12 being pivotally mounted to the support arm 5 by a hinge 6. All parts of the recording apparatus are preferably made of metal, iron-free.

5 151124 1 Til indersiden af bærearmen 5, der har et U-formet tværsnit# er en hydraulisk cylinder 13 lejret med et hængsel 11.To the inside of the support arm 5 having a U-shaped cross-section # is a hydraulic cylinder 13 mounted with a hinge 11.

5 I den modsatte ende er cylinderen 13 forbundet med det forskydelige hjuls 17 aksel 15 ved et hængsel 14.5 At the opposite end, the cylinder 13 is connected to the shaft 15 of the sliding wheel 17 by a hinge 14.

Endelig ses en stopplade 16, der sammen med skruen 10 9 bestemmer mindste-afstanden mellem optagehjulene 10, 17.Finally, there is seen a stop plate 16 which together with the screw 9 9 determines the minimum distance between the take-up wheels 10, 17.

Hydraulikcylinderen 13 står i forbindelse med en ikke vist trykakkumulator, hvis funktion skal uddybes 15 nærmere i det følgende.The hydraulic cylinder 13 communicates with a pressure accumulator not shown, the function of which is to be elaborated on in greater detail in the following.

Fig. 2 og 3 viser, hvorledes det forskydelige hjul 17 kan bevæge sig i forhold til det faste hjul 10.FIG. 2 and 3 show how the sliding wheel 17 can move with respect to the fixed wheel 10.

Det fremgår, at hængslerne 6, 11 er anbragt på mod-20 satte sider af bærearmen 5, således at hængslet 6 ligger på den side af bærearmen 5, der vender mod det faste hjul 10.It will be seen that the hinges 6, 11 are disposed on opposite sides of the support arm 5, so that the hinge 6 lies on the side of the support arm 5 facing the fixed wheel 10.

Virkemåden er som følger. Hvis en sten kommer i klemme 25 mellem optagehjulene 10, 17, vil disse presses væk fra hinanden, hvorved cylinderen 13 trykkes sammen.The operation is as follows. If a stone enters terminal 25 between the take-up wheels 10, 17, these will be pressed away from each other, thereby compressing the cylinder 13.

Når stenen derfor enten falder ud eller kastes bagud som en roe, vil cylinderen 13 sammen med trykakkumulatoren føre hjulene tilbage til den oprindelige stil-30 ling, uden at høsten afbrydes.Therefore, when the stone either falls out or is thrown backwards as a beet, the cylinder 13 together with the pressure accumulator will return the wheels to the original position without interrupting the harvest.

Justerskruen 9 er anbragt i en gevinddel 8 i forbindelse med det faste hjul 10. Ved at skrue skruen 9 ind eller ud i delen 8 kan stoppunktet i forhold 6 151124 1 til stoppladen 16 på det bevægelige hjul 17 ændres.The adjusting screw 9 is arranged in a threaded portion 8 in connection with the fixed wheel 10. By screwing the screw 9 in or out of the part 8, the stop point in relation to 6 can be changed to the stop plate 16 on the moving wheel 17.

På grund af trykket fra hydraulikcylinderen 13 er denne enkle mekanisme nok til justering af optageap-paratet til alle størrelser rodfrugter.Due to the pressure of the hydraulic cylinder 13, this simple mechanism is sufficient to adjust the uptake apparatus for all sizes of root vegetables.


Endelig kan det tilføjes, at det faste hjul 10, ligesom det forskydelige, er lejret omkring en akse 7 fastgjort til bærearmen 5.Finally, it can be added that the fixed wheel 10, like the displaceable one, is mounted around an axis 7 attached to the support arm 5.

10 Det skal påpeges, at optageapparatet ifølge opfindelsen naturligvis kan udformes på mange andre måder end den på tegningen viste. Således kan apparatets. geometri være væsentligt anderledes uden at afvige fra opfindelsens idé, når blot idéen med det ene 15 optagehjul lejret på en svingarm bibeholdes. Desuden skal det tilføjes, at en rodfrugtoptager normalt vil være forsynet med adskillige optageapparater ^a^bragt på række.It should be noted that the recording apparatus according to the invention can of course be designed in many ways other than that shown in the drawing. Thus, the device's. geometry to be substantially different without departing from the idea of the invention, if only the idea of the one pickup wheel mounted on a pivot arm is retained. In addition, it should be added that a root fruit recorder will normally be provided with several recording apparatus ^ a ^ brought in a row.


Claims (6)

151124151124 1. Optageapparat til anbringelse på en rodfrugtoptager, hvilket optageapparat har et antal optageenheder 5 hver omfattende to i forhold til bevægelsesretningen bagud og nedad mod hinanden spidsende optagehjul, der under deres rotation klemmer rodfrugterne op af jorden, kendetegnet ved, at det ene optagehjul (10) er roterbart lejret på en fra rod- 10 frugtoptageren udragende bærearm (5), at det andet optagehjul (17) er roterbart lejret på en svingarm (12) ·, som ved sin modsatte ende er således vandret drejeligt lejret på bærearmen (5), at afstanden i vandret plan mellem optagehjulene kan varieres, og 15 at der mellem svingarmens (12) mod optagehjulet (17) vendende ende og bærearmen (5) er anbragt en mod en fjederkraft aksialt sammentrykkelig forbindelsesarm (13) .A recording apparatus for mounting on a root fruit recorder, said recording apparatus having a plurality of recording units 5 each comprising two rearwardly and downwardly facing recording wheels, which, during their rotation, squeeze the root fruits out of the ground, characterized in that one recording wheel (10) ) is rotatably mounted on a support arm (5) projecting from the root picker, the second take-up wheel (17) is rotatably mounted on a swing arm (12), which at its opposite end is thus rotatably mounted on the support arm (5). that the distance in the horizontal plane between the take-up wheels can be varied, and that between the pivot arm (12) towards the take-up wheel (17) and the support arm (5), an axially compressible connecting arm (13) is arranged. 1 PATENTKRAV1 PATENT REQUIREMENT 2. Optageapparat ifølge krav 1, kendeteg net ved, at svingarmens (12) bort fra hjulet (17) vendende ende er lejret drejeligt til bærearmen (5) ved dennes mod hjulet (10) vendende side, idet omdrejningsaksen (6) for svingarmen (12) i det væsentlige 25 forløber lodret vinkelret på bærearmen (5), og at forbindelsesarmens (13) bort fra hjulet (17) vendende ende er drejeligt lejret til bærearmens (5) modsatte langsgående side, som er den side, der vender mod hjulet (17).Recording device according to claim 1, characterized in that the swing arm (12) facing away from the wheel (17) is pivotally mounted to the support arm (5) at its side facing the wheel (10), the pivot axis (6) of the swing arm ( 12) substantially 25 runs vertically perpendicular to the support arm (5) and the end of the connecting arm (13) away from the wheel (17) is pivotally mounted to the opposite longitudinal side of the support arm (5), which is the side facing the wheel (17). 3. Optageapparat ifølge krav 1-2, kendetegnet ved, at forbindelsesarmen (13) er en hydraulisk cylinder forbundet til en trykakkumulator. 30 151124Recording apparatus according to claims 1-2, characterized in that the connecting arm (13) is a hydraulic cylinder connected to a pressure accumulator. 30 151124 4. Optageapparat ifølge krav 1-3, kendetegnet ved, at det er forsynet med et stop (8, 9, 16), der er indrettet til at fastlægge en minimumafstand mellem optagehjulene. 5Recording apparatus according to claims 1-3, characterized in that it is provided with a stop (8, 9, 16) arranged to determine a minimum distance between the recording wheels. 5 5. Optageapparat ifølge krav 4, kendetegnet ved, at stoppet består af én skrue (9) eller lignende, der er anbragt i den ene arm (5 eller 12), og at den anden arm, henholdsvis (12) eller (5) har 10 en stopplade (16) til anlæg mod skruen (9) i stopstillingen .Recording device according to claim 4, characterized in that the stop consists of one screw (9) or the like arranged in one arm (5 or 12) and the other arm (12) or (5) respectively. 10 a stop plate (16) for abutting the screw (9) in the stop position. 6. Optageapparat ifølge krav 1-5, kendetegnet ved, at bærearmen (5) set fra siden forløber 15. det væsentlige radialt i forhold til optagehjulene, og set oppefra har et U-formet tværsnit, idet forbind-e3.sesorganet (13) er anbragt inde i bærearmen, og bærearmens åbning vender mod det forskydelige hjul (17).Recording apparatus according to claims 1-5, characterized in that the support arm (5) extends from the side substantially substantially radially with respect to the receiving wheels, and seen from above a U-shaped cross section, the connecting member (13) is disposed within the support arm and the opening of the support arm faces the sliding wheel (17).
DK506384A 1984-10-23 1984-10-23 ROOT FRUIT RECORDER DK151124C (en)

Priority Applications (4)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
DK506384A DK151124C (en) 1984-10-23 1984-10-23 ROOT FRUIT RECORDER
GB08525978A GB2165733B (en) 1984-10-23 1985-10-22 Root-crop lifting apparatus
DE19853537589 DE3537589C2 (en) 1984-10-23 1985-10-22 Tuber lifting device
SE8504959A SE456063B (en) 1984-10-23 1985-10-22 COLLECTION DEVICE BY A ROOT FRUIT RECORDER

Applications Claiming Priority (2)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
DK506384A DK151124C (en) 1984-10-23 1984-10-23 ROOT FRUIT RECORDER
DK506384 1984-10-23

Publications (4)

Publication Number Publication Date
DK506384D0 DK506384D0 (en) 1984-10-24
DK506384A DK506384A (en) 1986-04-24
DK151124B true DK151124B (en) 1987-11-09
DK151124C DK151124C (en) 1988-04-25



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DK506384A DK151124C (en) 1984-10-23 1984-10-23 ROOT FRUIT RECORDER

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SE (1) SE456063B (en)

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* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
GB1103220A (en) * 1964-10-26 1968-02-14 Societer Sa Improvements in or relating to a lifter for beet and other root plants
DK147331B (en) * 1975-11-28 1984-06-25 Hans Carsten Rasmussen COLLECTION CUTTERS
DE2556402C2 (en) * 1975-12-15 1985-08-29 Hans Carsten Ringe Rasmussen Beet lifter

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GB8525978D0 (en) 1985-11-27
DE3537589C2 (en) 1997-09-18
GB2165733B (en) 1988-07-27
SE456063B (en) 1988-09-05
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