DK145849B - Wheel Lock - Google Patents

Wheel Lock Download PDF


Publication number
DK145849B DK186574A DK186574A DK145849B DK 145849 B DK145849 B DK 145849B DK 186574 A DK186574 A DK 186574A DK 186574 A DK186574 A DK 186574A DK 145849 B DK145849 B DK 145849B
Prior art keywords
locking body
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Danish (da)
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DK186574A (en
O J Skytte
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Basta Laasefab As
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Application filed by Basta Laasefab As filed Critical Basta Laasefab As
Priority to DK186574A priority Critical patent/DK145849B/en
Publication of DK186574A publication Critical patent/DK186574A/da
Publication of DK145849B publication Critical patent/DK145849B/en



  • Lock And Its Accessories (AREA)


(19) DANMARK (W)(19) DENMARK (W)

|j| (12) FREMLÆGGELSESSKRIFT (H) 11(581+9 B| J | (12) PRESENTATION (H) 11 (581 + 9 B


(21) Ansøgning nr. 1865/74 (51) Int.CI.3 B 62 H 5/14 (22) Indleveringsdag 4. apr. 1974 E 05 B 71/00 (24) Løbedag 4. apr. 1974 (41) Aim. tilgængelig 9· okt. 1975 (44) Fremlagt 21 . mar. 1985 (86) International ansøgning nr. -(86) International indleveringsdag -(85) Videreførelsesdag -(62) Stamansøgning nr. -(30) Prioritet - (71) Ansøger BASTA LÅSEFABRIK A/S, Korsør, DK.(21) Application No. 1865/74 (51) Int.CI.3 B 62 H 5/14 (22) Filing Date 4 Apr. 1974 E 05 B 71/00 (24) Race day Apr 4 1974 (41) Aim. available Oct. 9 1975 (44) Presented 21. March 1985 (86) International application no. - (86) International filing day - (85) Continuation day - (62) Master application no. - (30) Priority - (71) Applicant BASTA LÅSEFABRIK A / S, Korsør, DK.

(72) Opfinder Ole Jørgen £>kytte, DK.(72) Inventor Ole Jørgen £> kytte, DK.

(74) Fuldmægtig Patent agen tf irmaet Magnus Jensens Eftf.(74) Associate Patent Agent on behalf of Magnus Jensen's Eftf.

<54) Hjullås.<54) Wheel lock.

Den foreliggende opfindelse angår en hjullås, især til cykler, af den art, hvor et låselegeme kan føres ind mellem to eger i et hjul og derved hindre at hjulet drejes forbi en fast del af det hjulet bærende stel, idet låselegemet er bevægeligt med en nøgle lejret i et låsehus, der er fastgjort til stellet på den ene side af hjulet og drejelig mellem en første stilling, hvor QQ låselegemet strækker sig gennem hjulet mellem to eger til en lå- ^ seklods, der har en boring til optagelse af låselegemet og en an- X) den stilling, hvor låselegemet går fri af hjulet.The present invention relates to a wheel lock, especially to bicycles, of the kind in which a locking body can be inserted between two spokes in a wheel, thereby preventing the wheel from rotating past a fixed part of the wheel bearing frame, the locking body being movable by a key. mounted in a locking housing attached to the frame on one side of the wheel and rotatable between a first position, wherein the QQ locking body extends through the wheel between two spokes to a locking pad having a bore for receiving the locking body and a an- X) the position where the locking body is released from the wheel.

f2 Den mest anvendte hjullås til cykler består af et i det væ- -•ΞΓ t— sentlige U-formet hus, der er fastgjort til stellet med sine tof2 The most widely used wheel lock for bicycles consists of a central U-shaped housing, which is attached to the frame with its two


2 145849 krumme og hule ben strækkende sig ind mod hjulakselen på hver sin side af hjulet og et låselegeme, der kan forskydes fra en åben stilling i det ene ben til en lukket stilling, hvor legemet forbinder de to ben og strækker sig mellem to eger i hjulet. I den lukkede stilling fastholdes legemet af en kodelåsmekanisme i huset.Curved and hollow legs extending towards the wheel shaft on either side of the wheel and a locking body which can be displaced from an open position in one leg to a closed position where the body joins the two legs and extends between two spokes in the wheel. In the closed position, the body is held by a code locking mechanism in the housing.

Selv om kodelåsmekanismerne giver stor sikkerhed mod tyveri, har denne art af hjullåse ikke været i stand til at hindre en stadig stigning i antallet af cykeltyverier. Dette skyldes, at låsens hus og låselegemet er fremstillet af profileret, forholdsvis tynd plade, således at låsen kan ødelægges ved forholdsvis ringe overlast, eksempelvis ofte blot ved et kraftigt slag i åbnende retning mod en betjeningsknast på låselegemet. Skal hus og låselegeme på en sådan lås dimensioneres og udformes til at modstå sådanne overgreb, bliver den uforholdsvis dyr.Although the code lock mechanisms provide great security against theft, this kind of wheel lock has not been able to prevent a steady increase in the number of bicycle thefts. This is due to the fact that the lock housing and the lock body are made of profiled, relatively thin plate, so that the lock can be damaged by relatively low overload, for example often only by a forceful blow in the open direction towards an operating knob on the lock body. If the housing and locking body of such a lock are to be dimensioned and designed to withstand such assaults, it becomes disproportionately expensive.

Man har derfor foreslået såkaldte kædelåse, hvor hjulet ved hjælp af en kæde, der føres ind mellem to eger på hjulet, fastlåses til stellet ved at kædens ender sammenholdes af en løs hængelås eller en fast i enderne af kæden monteret lås .Therefore, so-called chain locks have been proposed in which the wheel is locked to the frame by means of a chain inserted between two spokes by holding the ends of the chain together by a loose padlock or a lock at the ends of the chain.

En sådan kædelås er meget sikker, da kædematerialet og den benyttede lås kan gøres så kraftig som ønsket. Kædelåsen er imidlertid uhåndterlig og skal opbevares løst, når den ikke er i brug.Such a chain lock is very safe as the chain material and the lock used can be made as strong as desired. However, the chain lock is unmanageable and must be stored loosely when not in use.

Fra beskrivelsen til dansk patentansøgning nr. 6553/73 kendes en lås, hvor låselegemet omfatter en bom, der kan svinges ind mellem to hjuleger og indeholder en med nøgle forskydelig låsestift til samvirke med låseklodsen. Denne lås er, fordi låsestiften er forskydelig i bommen, forholdsvis kompliceret.From the specification of Danish Patent Application No. 6553/73, a lock is known in which the locking body comprises a boom which can be swung in between two wheel bearings and contains a key which can be slidably displaceable to cooperate with the locking pad. This lock is relatively complicated because the lock pin is slidable in the boom.

Formålet med opfindelsen er at anvise en enklere og billigere lås af denne type.The object of the invention is to provide a simpler and cheaper lock of this type.

Dette opnås ifølge opfindelsen ved at den frie ende af låselegemet,der ved hjælp af nøglen er indrettet til at blive drejet i huset, har et langstrakt, eksempelvis rektangulært eller ellipseformet tværsnit, og at låseklodsen har en slids, gennem hvilken legemet føres til og fra boringen, hvilken slids har en bredde der er større end den mindste afstand mellem to begrænsningsflader på legemets frie ende, men mindre end afstanden mellem de to herpå vinkelrette begrænsningsflader.This is achieved according to the invention in that the free end of the locking body, which is arranged by means of the key to be rotated in the housing, has an elongated, for example rectangular or elliptical cross-section, and that the locking block has a slot through which the body is moved to and from the bore, which slot has a width greater than the smallest distance between two bounding surfaces on the free end of the body, but less than the distance between the two bounding surfaces perpendicular thereto.

Ved denne udformning er låselegemet altså massivt og udgøres af eksempelvis et i enden passende tildannet stykke rundstål, der blot skal kunne drejes, men ikke forskydes med den nøglebetjente lås.In this embodiment, therefore, the locking body is massive and is made up of, for example, an end-shaped piece of round steel which should be rotatable but not displaced by the key operated lock.

3 145849 Når låsen er åben, kan låselegemets frie ende eksempelvis fastholdes i en clips, der er fastgjort til stellet under låsehuset. Når låsen skal lukkes, vippes låsehuset således, at låselegemet føres ind gennem hjulets plan til låseklodsen. Herefter føres låselegemet gennem slidsen i klodsen op i boringen, hvor legemet fastholdes, når det drejes med nøglen, således at det står på tværs af og over slidsen. Efter udtagning af nøglen kan låselegemet ikke drejes fri af låseklodsen.For example, when the latch is open, the free end of the latch body may be retained in a clip attached to the frame under the latch housing. When the lock is to be closed, the lock housing is tilted so that the lock body is inserted through the plane of the wheel to the lock pad. Thereafter, the locking body is guided through the slot in the block into the bore, where the body is retained as it is rotated with the key so that it stands across and above the slot. After removing the key, the locking body cannot be turned free of the locking block.

Ifølge opfindelsen er det fordelagtigt, at låselegemet og låseklodsen har samvirkende organer, der hindrer aksial bevægelse af låselegemet i boringen. Eksempelvis kan der i låseklodsens boring findes en radial tap eller et frempring, der griber ind i radial indskæring i låselegemets frie ende, eller der kan på enden af låselegemet være anbragt en stopplade, der ikke kan trækkes gennem boringen.According to the invention, it is advantageous that the locking body and the locking block have cooperating means which prevent axial movement of the locking body in the bore. For example, in the bore of the locking block there may be a radial pin or a protrusion which engages radially cut in the free end of the locking body, or a stop plate which cannot be pulled through the bore may be arranged at the end of the locking body.

Ved at hindre aksial bevægelighed af låselegemet i boringen hindres, at de to faste steldele kan tvinges fra hinanden.By preventing axial movement of the locking body in the bore, the two fixed frame parts can be forced apart.

Opfindelsen skal i det følgende forklares nærmere i forbindelse med tegningen, der viser hjullåsens væsentlige dele i perspektiv.The invention will now be explained in more detail in connection with the drawing, which shows the essential parts of the wheel lock in perspective.

På tegningen er vist et låsehus 1 med aftagelig nøgle 2. Huset er lejret på en fast del af et stel på den ene side af et hjul, der bæres af stellet, og svinges mellem en første stilling, hvor dets akse er parallel med hjulaksen, og en anden stilling, hvor den er i det væsentlige parallel med hjulets plan.The drawing shows a locking housing 1 with removable key 2. The housing is mounted on a fixed part of a frame on one side of a wheel carried by the frame, and pivoted between a first position where its axis is parallel to the wheel axis. and another position where it is substantially parallel to the plane of the wheel.

I låsehuset er drejelig ved hjælp af nøglen 2 lejret et låselegeme 3. Låselegemet, der eksempelvis kan være et stykke rundjern med passende diameter, har i sin frie ende et langstrakt tværsnit, eksempelvis frembragt ved bortslibning af materiale fra to diametralt modstående sider.In the locking housing, a locking body is mounted pivotally by the key 2. The locking body, which may, for example, be a piece of round diameter of suitable diameter, has at its free end an elongated cross section, for example produced by grinding material from two diametrically opposed sides.

Låsen omfatter endvidere en låseklods 4, der fastgøres på en fast del af stellet på den anden side af hjulet. Klodsen 4 har en boring 5 vinkelret på hjulets plan og en slids 6, der strækker sig fra boringen 5 ud til klodsens nederste flade, dvs. fladen nærmest hjulakselen.The lock further comprises a locking block 4 which is secured to a fixed part of the frame on the other side of the wheel. The block 4 has a bore 5 perpendicular to the plane of the wheel and a slot 6 extending from the bore 5 to the lower surface of the block, i. the surface closest to the wheel axle.

Slidsen 6 har en sådan bredde, at den frie ende af låselegemet 3 kan føres ind i boringen 5, men efter drejning ikke ud igen. Efter låselegemets indføring i boringen kan man således ved drejning med nøglen 2 og udtagning af denne hindre, at låselegemet 3 kan vippes bort fra den stilling,mellem to hjuleger, hvor drejning af hjulet hindres.The slot 6 has a width such that the free end of the locking body 3 can be inserted into the bore 5, but after turning it does not extend again. Thus, after insertion of the locking body into the bore, by turning with the key 2 and removing it, the locking body 3 can be tilted away from the position between two wheel bearings where rotation of the wheel is prevented.

4 145849 I endedelen af låselegemet findes en radial indskæring 7.In the end portion of the locking body there is a radial notch 7.

Når låselegemet 3 drejes i boringen, vil et fremspring 8 i boringen gribe ind i denne indskæring, således at låselegemet ikke kan føres aksialt ud af boringen.As the locking body 3 is rotated in the bore, a projection 8 in the bore will engage in this notch so that the locking body cannot be axially extended out of the bore.

Den anviste lås er simpel at fremstille på basis af en sædvanlig cylinderlås, et stykke rundjern, en metalklods og de få og simple beslag til fastgørelse på stellet. Endvidere er låsen let at håndtere, da den er fast monteret på stellet, og den giver en.rimelig sikkerhed mod tyveri, fordi godstykkelsen overalt kan være stor.The designated lock is simple to manufacture on the basis of a conventional cylinder lock, a piece of round iron, a metal block and the few and simple brackets for fastening to the frame. Furthermore, the lock is easy to handle as it is fixed to the frame and provides a reasonable security against theft, because the thickness of the goods can be large everywhere.


DK186574A 1974-04-04 1974-04-04 Wheel Lock DK145849B (en)

Priority Applications (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
DK186574A DK145849B (en) 1974-04-04 1974-04-04 Wheel Lock

Applications Claiming Priority (2)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
DK186574A DK145849B (en) 1974-04-04 1974-04-04 Wheel Lock
DK186574 1974-04-04

Publications (2)

Publication Number Publication Date
DK186574A DK186574A (en) 1975-10-09
DK145849B true DK145849B (en) 1983-03-21



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Application Number Title Priority Date Filing Date
DK186574A DK145849B (en) 1974-04-04 1974-04-04 Wheel Lock

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* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
DE3173591D1 (en) * 1980-02-12 1986-03-13 Winkhaus Fa August Lock with swingable member for a vehicle, in particular a bicycle

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DK186574A (en) 1975-10-09

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