CH149189A - Device intended to facilitate the starting of internal combustion engines. - Google Patents

Device intended to facilitate the starting of internal combustion engines.


Publication number
CH149189A CH149189DA CH149189A CH 149189 A CH149189 A CH 149189A CH 149189D A CH149189D A CH 149189DA CH 149189 A CH149189 A CH 149189A
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Limited L Gardner Sons
Gardner Joseph
Stott Gardner Joseph Hugh
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Gardner & Sons Limited L
Gardner Joseph
Stott Gardner Joseph Hugh
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Application filed by Gardner & Sons Limited L, Gardner Joseph, Stott Gardner Joseph Hugh filed Critical Gardner & Sons Limited L
Publication of CH149189A publication Critical patent/CH149189A/en



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Dispositif destine ä faeiliter 1e lancement des moteurs ä combustion interne. La presente invention a pour objet un dispositif destine ä faciliter 1e lancement des moteurs ä combustion interne du type de ceuh pompe d'injection, caracterise par 1e fait qu'il comporte, conjointement avec 1e meca- nisme du r@gulateur proportionnant 1e vo- lume de combustible liquide injecte dans un cylindre au moins, des moyens qui permet- tent d'y admettre temporairement une quan- tit6 de carburant superieure ä celle intro- duite, sous pleine charge, par 1'organe de dis- tribution sous 1'influence. dudit regulateur, mais qui dans la position d'attente, autorise ce dernier ä, reprendre son contröle d'alimen- tation normal. Device intended to facilitate the starting of internal combustion engines. The subject of the present invention is a device intended to facilitate the starting of internal combustion engines of the injection pump type, characterized by the fact that it comprises, together with the mechanism of the regulator providing the A liquid fuel pump injects into at least one cylinder means which allow the temporary admission therein of a greater quantity of fuel than that introduced, under full load, by the distribution member under the cylinder. influence. of said regulator, but which in the standby position, authorizes the latter to resume its normal power supply control.

Par preference, ce dispositif comprend une pike, qui, dans la marche normale, sert A, limiter la course d'un organe, sous 1'in- fluence du regulateur, ayant pour objet d'ein- pAcher, sous pleine charge, 1'introduction dans un cylindre au moins du moteur dune quan- tite de combustible superieure ä, un volume maximum determine d'avance et qui, lor-,- qu'elle est deplack, autorise ledit organc. sous 1'influence du regulateur, ä introduire dans 1e cylindre en cause une quantite de combustible depassant 1e maximum determin(@ d'avance afin que soit facilite 1e lancement du moteur, kant entendu que 1e regulateur reprend automatiquement 1e contröle d'ali- mentation normal des que cette piece revient de sa position deplack ä, sa position d'attente. Preferably, this device comprises a pike which, in normal operation, serves to limit the stroke of a member, under the influence of the regulator, having the object of inhibiting, under full load, 1 introduction into at least one cylinder of the engine of a quantity of fuel greater than a maximum volume determined in advance and which, when it is moved, authorizes said organc. under the influence of the regulator, to introduce into the cylinder in question a quantity of fuel exceeding the maximum determined in advance so as to facilitate the starting of the engine, provided that the regulator automatically resumes fuel control normal as soon as this piece returns from its moved position to its standby position.

Le dispositif considere s'emploiera avec avantage dans les moteurs ä combustion in terne dopt 1e reglage est assure par la varia- tion du volume de combustible introduit sen- siblement ä, la fin de la course de compres- sion. The device under consideration will be used with advantage in internal combustion engines where the adjustment is ensured by the variation of the volume of fuel introduced substantially at the end of the compression stroke.

Dans la planche de dessins ei-annexee re- presentant, ä titre d'exemple,-une forme d'W- cution de 1'objet de 1'invention: La fig. 1 est une vue schematique du dis- positif de lancement subsidiaire; La fig. 2 montre celui-ei Jans la position qu'il doit occuper Jans la marche normale du moteur auquel il est adapte. In the attached sheet of drawings representing, by way of example, a form of execution of the object of the invention: FIG. 1 is a schematic view of the subsidiary launching device; fig. 2 shows the latter ei Jans the position it must occupy Jans normal operation of the engine to which it is adapted.

Le dispositif en cause comprend un bras a. articule ä une tige b, qui est influenck par 1e regulateur c et agit Sur une pompe au moins injectant du combustible dans 1e mo- teur sous la dependance cludit regulateur. Normalement, ce bras a appuie Sur un butoir fixe d quand 1e moteur est sous pleine eharge et qu'un cylindre au moins r egoit la quantite de carburant maximum cletermink d'avance; ce bras <I>a</I> et ce butoir <I>d</I> ont ainsi pour effet de limiter 1e mouvement, dans 1e sens indi- qu6 par la flkhe, de la tige b qui est influen- c6e par 1e regulateur et accroit 1e volume de combustible injecte dans 1e moteur. A la mise en route, Je bras <I>a</I> et 1e butoir <I>d</I> sont en con- tact, de Sorte que la. pompe introduirait dann 1e cylindre la quantite de combustible maxi- mum normale; mais, en pressant, par exem- ple, Sur la tete dune tige f, qui est soumise ä 1'effort d'un ressort de rappel et revient automatiquement ä la position d'attente quand an 1'abandonne ä elle-meme, an peut karter 1e bras <I>a.</I> du butoir <I>d,</I> comme 1e mon- tre la fig. 1, et permettre ä la tige b, influen- cee par 1e regulateur, quelle accomplisse un mouvement plus ample et produise 1'admis- sion dans 1e cylindre dun volume de com- bustible superieur ä la quantite maximum normale; par 1ä, an facilite 1e lancement du moteur. 0n se rend compte en examinant la fig. 2, que, lorsque 1e bras <I>a</I> et 1e butoir <I>d</I> sont en contact, la Bosse g du levier lt ne sau- rait, ä 1'arret du moteur, obeir absolument ä la tige i, entraink par les Boules j du r6gula- teur et, en considkant la fig. 2, que, des que 1e bras a est eloigne du butoir <I>d,</I> la Bosse y vient toucher 1'extremite de la tige i. The device in question comprises an arm a. articulated to a rod b, which is influenced by the regulator c and acts on at least one pump injecting fuel into the engine under the control of said regulator. Normally, this arm presses on a fixed stop when the engine is under full load and at least one cylinder receives the maximum quantity of fuel determined in advance; this arm <I>a</I> and this stopper <I>d</I> thus have the effect of limiting the movement, in the direction indicated by the arrow, of the rod b which is influenced by the 1st regulator and increases the 1st volume of fuel injected into the 1st engine. On start-up, the arm <I>a</I> and the stopper <I>d</I> are in contact, so that the. pump would introduce the normal maximum amount of fuel into the cylinder; but, by pressing, for example, On the head of a rod f, which is subjected to the force of a return spring and automatically returns to the waiting position when an leaves it to itself, an can kart the arm <I>a.</I> of the backstop <I>d,</I> as shown in fig. 1, and allow the rod b, influenced by the regulator, to achieve a greater movement and produce the admission into the cylinder of a volume of fuel greater than the normal maximum quantity; by 1a, an facilitates the cranking of the engine. 0n realizes by examining fig. 2, that, when the arm <I>a</I> and the stopper <I>d</I> are in contact, the bump g of the lever lt cannot, when the engine stops, obey absolutely to the stem i, driven by the Balls j of the regulator and, considering fig. 2, that, as soon as the arm a is moved away from the stopper <I>d,</I> the Boss y comes to touch the end of the rod i.

Lorsqu'on cesse de presser Sur la tete de 1a tige f, 1e bras a revient ä la position dass laquelle il peut s'appuyer Sur 1e butoir d une fois que 1e regulateur a repris Je contröle du moteur en tendant ä restreindre 1e volume de combustible injecte. De cette fagon, an a la garantie que, Jans la marche normale, 1e ey- lindre ne recevra pat une quantite de combus- tible superieure au inaximum determine d'a- vance dont il doit etre alimente sous RTI ID="0002.0278" WI="10" HE="4" LX="1803" LY="329"> pleine Charge. When the pressure on the head of the rod f is released, the arm a returns to the position in which it can rest on the stopper d once the regulator has resumed control of the motor by tending to restrict the volume of fuel injected. In this way, it is guaranteed that, in normal operation, the cylinder will not receive a quantity of fuel greater than the maximum determined in advance with which it must be supplied under RTI ID="0002.0278" WI ="10" HE="4" LX="1803" LY="329"> full Charge.

Le bras <I>a,</I> 1e butoir <I>d</I> et 1'extremite, des tin6e ä attaquer ledit bras a. de 1a, tige f, ma- naeuvree ä la main, sont loges dans 1e carter k et, de cette fagon, soustraits ä, un dereglage intentionnel; par consequent, 1e mecanicien ne saurait injecter dann 1e cy lindre une quan- tit6 de combustible acerue que lorsqu'il ecarte 1e bras <I>a</I> du butoir <I>d</I> en faisant agir la partie de la tige f reservee ä cet effet. The arm <I>a,</I> the first stopper <I>d</I> and the end, intended to attack said arm a. of 1a, rod f, operated by hand, are housed in the casing k and, in this way, protected from intentional maladjustment; consequently, the mechanic can only inject a sharp quantity of fuel into the cylinder when he removes the arm <I>a</I> from the stopper <I>d</I> by making the part of the the stem f reserved for this purpose.

ssien entendu, an peut, de maniere ä re- pondre aux diverses conditions de fonctionne- ment, varier les movens capables de fournir, ä la mise en route, 1e volume de combustibl_e excedant et restreindre la quantite de earbu- rant exigee par la marehe normale. Le choix d'un organe particulier ayant pour mission de contröler 1a. cy-lindrk depuis la tige b, in fluencee par 1e regulateur, ne comporte au- cune limite. Of course, one can, in order to meet the various operating conditions, vary the means capable of supplying, at start-up, the excess volume of fuel and restrict the quantity of fuel required by the market. normal. The choice of a particular body whose mission is to control 1a. cy-lindrk from stem b, influenced by the regulator, has no limit.

Claims (1)

RE`'ENDCATION Dispositif destine ä faciliter 1e lancement des moteurs ä, combustion interne du type de ceux ä, pompe cl'injectioii, caracterise par 1e fait qu'il comporte, conjointement avec 1e me canisme du regulateur proportionnant le vo lume de combustible liquide injeete dans un cylindre au moins, des moyens qui permet tent d'y admettre temporaireinent une quan tite de carburant supkieure ä celle intro duite, sous pleine Charge, par 1'organe de distribution sous 1'influence dudit regulateur, mais qui, Jans la position d'attente, autorise ce dernier ä reprendre son contröle d'alimen tation normal. SOITS-RE VEND@ CATIONS 1 Dispositif selon la revendication, caracte ris6 par 1e fait qu'il comporte une pike, qui, dans la marche normale, sert k, limiter la course dun organe. sous 1'influence du regulateur, ayant pour mission d'empecher, sous pleine charge, 1'introduction Jans un cy lindre au moins du moteur dune quan- tit6 de comlaustible superieure ä un vo- lume maximum determine d'avance et qui, lorsqu'elle est deplacee, autorise ledit or- gane, sous 1'influence du regulateur, ä in- troduire dans 1e cylindre en cause une quantite de combustible depassant 1e maxi- mum determine d'avance, afin que soit fa- cilit6 1e lancement du mo-teur, kaut en- tendu que 1e regulateur reprend aütoma- tiquement 1e contröle d'alimentation nor mal des que cette pike revient de sa Po sition deplack ä sa Position d'attente. Z Dispositif selon la revendication, caracte- rise par 1e fait qu'il comporte, conjointe- ment avec 1'organe, sous 1'influence du rz- gulateur, contrölant 1'injection du combus- tible dann 1e cylindre, un butoir limitant 1e mouvement dudit organe dans un sens tendant ä accroitre la quantite de carbu- rant admise, une pike, manoeuvree ä. h main, ayant pour mission de soustraire le- dit organe au butoir en cause, enfin des RE`'ENDCATION Device intended to facilitate the starting of internal combustion engines of the type ä, injection pump, characterized by the fact that it comprises, together with the 1st mechanism of the regulator proportioning the volume of liquid fuel injected into at least one cylinder, means which allow the temporary admission therein of a quantity of fuel greater than that introduced, under full load, by the distribution member under the influence of the said regulator, but which, standby position, authorizes the latter to resume its normal feeding control. BE-RE VEND @ CATIONS 1 Device according to claim, character ris6 by the first fact that it comprises a pike, which, in normal operation, serves k, limit the stroke of a body. under the influence of the governor, the purpose of which is to prevent, under full load, the introduction into at least one cylinder of the engine of a quantity of fuel greater than a maximum volume determined in advance and which, when if it is moved, authorizes the said organ, under the influence of the regulator, to introduce into the cylinder in question a quantity of fuel exceeding the maximum determined in advance, so as to facilitate the launching of the motor, it being understood that the regulator automatically resumes normal power control as soon as this spike returns from its moved position to its standby position. Z Device according to claim, characterized by the fact that it comprises, together with the member, under the influence of the regulator, controlling the injection of fuel into the cylinder, a stopper limiting the movement of said member in a direction tending to increase the quantity of fuel admitted, a pike, maneuvered ä. h hand, having the mission of subtracting said organ from the stopper in question, finally moyens capables de placer cette pike, ma noeuvr6e a la main, Jans la Position d'at tente des quelle est abandonnk ä elle mAme. 3 Dispositif selon la revendication, caracte ris6 par 1e fait qu'il comporte, conjointr, ment avec un bras articule ä un oroanc@, sous la dependance du regulateur, co ntrö lant 1'injection du combustible dans 1e cy lindre, un butoir normalement en contaet avec ledit bras, quand la quantite de com bustible correspond au volume maximum determine d'avance qui est admis sous pleine charge, et une tige, manrnuvree ä 1:1. main, capable ä la fois d'ecarter 1e bras clci butoir et de reprendre automatiquement sa Position d'attente. 4 Dispositif selon la revendication, comme clecrit et represente au dessin. means capable of placing this pike, my work by hand, in the waiting position from which it is left to its own devices. 3 Device according to claim, character ris6 by the first fact that it comprises, joint, ment with an articulated arm to an oroanc @, under the dependence of the regulator, co ntrö lant 1'injection of fuel in the first cylinder, a stopper normally in contact with said arm, when the quantity of fuel corresponds to the maximum volume determined in advance which is admitted under full load, and a rod, operated at 1:1. hand, capable of both moving the stopper arm away and automatically returning to its standby position. 4 Device according to claim, as clecrit and shown in the drawing.
CH149189D 1929-10-12 1930-05-27 Device intended to facilitate the starting of internal combustion engines. CH149189A (en)

Applications Claiming Priority (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
GB149189X 1929-10-12

Publications (1)

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CH149189A true CH149189A (en) 1931-08-31



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Application Number Title Priority Date Filing Date
CH149189D CH149189A (en) 1929-10-12 1930-05-27 Device intended to facilitate the starting of internal combustion engines.

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CH (1) CH149189A (en)

Cited By (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
DE1109447B (en) * 1953-05-21 1961-06-22 Sebem S A Hydraulic fuel quantity regulator for internal combustion engines

Cited By (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
DE1109447B (en) * 1953-05-21 1961-06-22 Sebem S A Hydraulic fuel quantity regulator for internal combustion engines

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