CA2203937A1 - Force, displacement/torque converter - Google Patents

Force, displacement/torque converter


Publication number
CA2203937A1 CA 2203937 CA2203937A CA2203937A1 CA 2203937 A1 CA2203937 A1 CA 2203937A1 CA 2203937 CA2203937 CA 2203937 CA 2203937 A CA2203937 A CA 2203937A CA 2203937 A1 CA2203937 A1 CA 2203937A1
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Application number
CA 2203937
Other languages
French (fr)
Dan Anghel
Current Assignee (The listed assignees may be inaccurate. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of the list.)
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Application filed by Individual filed Critical Individual
Priority to CA 2203937 priority Critical patent/CA2203937A1/en
Publication of CA2203937A1 publication Critical patent/CA2203937A1/en
Abandoned legal-status Critical Current



    • F03G3/00Other motors, e.g. gravity or inertia motors


  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Chemical & Material Sciences (AREA)
  • Combustion & Propulsion (AREA)
  • Mechanical Engineering (AREA)
  • General Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Friction Gearing (AREA)


Dans la technique actuelle, une force de traction ou de sustentation (portance) est obtenue par interaction avec le milieu environnant (hélice, rotor à pales, aile, dislocation d'un volume de fluide) ou avec un support (roue motrice, roue), ou par réaction avec ou sans perte de m asse (moteur fusée ou aéroréacteur). Le dispositif qui fait l'objet de la présente demande de breve t, dénommé "convertisseur force, déplacement / couple", permet l'obtention d'une force de t raction ou de sustentation (portance) dans un mode inertiel. Le convertisseur force, déplaceme nt / couple attribue un vecteur force au mobile sur lequel il est installé, sans interactionner avec le milieu environnant dans lequel ou avec le support sur lequel se trouve le mobile et sans utiliser l 'effet de réaction avec la possible perte de masse afférente. Le vecteur force devient ainsi un attribut ca ractéristique du convertisseur force, déplacement / couple et du mobile sur lequel celui-ci est i nstallé. Ce vecteur force est indépendant du milieu dans lequel ou du support sur lequel le mobile e t le convertisseur se trouvent.In the current technique, a pulling or lifting force (lift) is obtained by interaction with the surrounding environment (propeller, rotor with blades, wing, dislocation of a volume of fluid) or with a support (driving wheel, wheel) , or by reaction with or without loss of mass (rocket motor or jet engine). The device which is the subject of the present patent application, called "force, displacement / torque converter", makes it possible to obtain a traction or lift force (lift) in an inertial mode. The force, displacement / torque converter assigns a force vector to the mobile on which it is installed, without interacting with the surrounding environment in which or with the support on which the mobile is located and without using the reaction effect with possible loss of related mass. The force vector thus becomes a characteristic characteristic of the force, displacement / torque converter and of the mobile on which it is installed. This force vector is independent of the medium in which or the support on which the mobile and the converter are located.


le Convertisseur Force, Deplacement I Couple Auteur: Dan Anghel MÉMOIRE DESCRIPTIF

Ce document contient 44 pages:
- Memoire descriptif: 23 pages, de 1 à 23 ~nnÇxps 19 pages, de 24 à 42 - Revendications: 2 pages, 43 et 44 Avril 1997 ¦ }e C~ ~.1 Force, ~)'p! - 1~ / Couple ~ r - ¦ Auteur~ Dan Anghel ~ page 1 de 44 MÉMOIRE DESCRIPIIF

La pré~nte invention se rapporte à un dispositif dcnullllllé "convertis~ur force, d.,pl~c~ / couple" qui produit une force de traction ou de ~ ji/;"~ ~pol~ce) comme un attribut caractéristique du ~ positif Dans la technique actuelle, une force de traction ou de ~I! t ~ if~ (po~ ce) peut etre obtenue en deux modes:
a) par interaction avec le milieu cnvi~ l dans lequel évolue ou avec le suppo~t sur lequel ~
-- déplace le mobile, et b~ par réaction avec ou sans perte de masse.
Ies deux modes plesen~ des débd~ ,~,es.
Dans le l-~lb~ll terrestre, la valeur de }a force de traction qui produit le m~,u~lnenl du mobile, de meme que la stabilité du mobile sur sa llnj~ e~ ne d~.ldel~t pas seulement des c~ ~ du mobile. En grande mesure, elles df~ lul~i.l de l'i-.t~ ;lion du mobile avec le support (sol, .~ ée, rail de chemin de fer, etc.) sur lequel il se déplace par l'adhérence entre les roues motrices (pour la traction) et les roues en général (pour la stabilité) et le support. Or l'adhérence est une caractéristique de 1' r~Lion des surfaces de la roue et du support en contact et elle est variable en fonction de l'usure, des pre~;ipi~ , etc., en général dans un mode aléatoire. Peuvent aussi app~ des phello"lelles de ~gr~1qtion du support, par eA~mple l'utilisation des tr~rte~ agticoles dans un terrain humide aura cornme co~7.~l~ e la d~la~l~Lion de la c~lh~ n du sol. Un autre dé~v~llage est la n~ce~ite de l'utilisation de la boîte de vitesses pour assurer le dc-rr~qin~ optimal de fonctivll~ ,nl du moteur thermique d'~ ;.. n.. l ind~ .1 de la vitesse de déplacement du mobile.
Dans le ~ aérien, la force de ~ ion ~,t~ce) est produite par l'i.ltel~.;lion entre les ailes de l'avion ou les pales du rotor de l~élicoptère et l'air ambiant. Dans le cas de l'avion la pol~-ce peut etre obtenue se-llement en IllOu~,nl~l}l.Ld densité de l'. ir étant réduite, les ailes de l'avion sont des or~anes de grande sutface et par cul~qu~ e, pour des raisons de r~istqnce mécanique, de sec~on ~ dlc applé~iable. Vaincre la r~i~qn~ à l'a~ .ce...en1 des ailes, de la derive et des stabilisateurs impose une c~,l~"~l"d~ion énergétique appréciaUe durant le vol. Pendant les m~ m~.nt~ critiques du point de vue de la s~écurité - le dccolla~ et ¦ le C~ er- Force, D~tl'r I /Couple ¦ r~r . ~ d~.;"til ¦
¦ Auteur: Dan Anghel ¦ page 2 de 44 ¦
I'atterrissage, il est nécessaire que la vitesse de l'avion soit la plus réduite possible et pour réaliser la portance nécessaire on doit utiliser des dispositifs de hypr~xl~x~ ion pour modifier le profil de l'aile, donc des complications constructives. Dans le cas de l'hélicoptère, meme pour le maintien dans une position stationnaire, donc théoriquement sans consommation d'énergie, on a une consommation énergétique appréciable parce qu'il faut vaincre la résistance à l'avance-ment des pales et mettre en mouvement des gros volumes d'air.
Dans le transport spatial (extra-atmosphérique), la force de propulsion est produite par réaction avec perte de masse utilisant les gaz éjectés par le moteur fusée. Une partie im~~ e de la masse initiale du véhicule spatial, jusqu'à 90%, sera utilisée par éjection pour atteindre la vitesse nécessaire par la charge utile. Dans le cas du moteur fusée thermochimique, les gaz éjectés sont le résultat final de la réaction chimique ca 1,~-1 - con.b~alll, donc des porteurs d'énergie et ils ne sont pas une charge supplement~ire transportée avec l'unique role d'être éjectée. Dans le cas du moteur fusée therrnoatomique, lequel représente l'étape suivante de développement du moteur fusée, devient inévitable le ll~.l, par le véhicule spatial, de la matière dont l'unique role sera l'éjection après son échauffement dans le réacteur nucléaire.
Étant donné que les vitesses d'éjection des gaz des moteurs fusée thermochimique et thermo-atomique sont comparables et tenant compte de la masse appréciable du réacteur nucléaire, cette voie de développement ne peut conduire à des résultats en progrès révolutionnaire par rapport à
la situation actuelle malgré la densité énergétique énorme des combustibles nucléaires. Un autre désavantage du mode actuel de conception du transport spatial est l'~xi~ten~e de l'impondérabili-té au bord du véhicule spatial sur une grande partie de la durée de vol. Ce fait peut avoir des effets néfastes sur la santé de l'équipage humain.
Pour éviter ces inconvénients, je suis arrivé à la conclusion qu'il est nécessaire que le vecteur force soit lié au dispositif qui le produit. En mécanique théorique les seules forces de ce type sont les pseudo-forces ou les forces d'inertie. Elles se n.~.irexlen~ au changement de l'état de mouvement ou de repos d'un corps et elles sont toujours proportionnelles avec sa masse. J'ai considéré comme étant intéressante pour utilisation une des n.~i~lalions des forces d'inerlie -la force centrifuge, force qu'on doit compenser pour pouvoir réaliser les mouvements curvi-lignes. Cette force agit dans la direction de la normale à la courbe, dans le sens opposé à la position du centre de courbure et tend inscrire le corps en mouvement sur la trajectoire de la tangente à la courbe. En réalité cette force centrifuge est apparente, le corps en mouvement tente, dans chaque point de sa trajectoire curviligne, continuer son mouvement dans la direction du vecteur vitesse, donc tangent à la courbe, à cause de l'inertie. Pour continuer le mouvement sur la courbe est nécessaire l'intervention d'une force agissant dans la direction de la normale vers le centre de courbure, dénommée force cel.llipele. Cette force produit, dans chaque point de la courbe, le déplacement infinitésimal du corps de la tangente à la courbe sur la courbe, avec une accélération dénl-mm~e accélération normale ayant la direction et le sens de la force centripète. La valeur absolue (le module) de l'accélération normale est donnée par le rapport entre le carré du module de la vitesse et le module du rayon de courbure.
Pour provoquer la manifestation des forces d'inertie, il est nécessaire que le mobile qui se meut sous leur action contienne sous la forme d'un stator la matérialisation de la courbe sur laquelle puisse se déplacer le corps dont on désire utiliser l'inertie. Cette courbe doit etre une courbe fermée qui doit etre palcoul-le continuellement par le corps en mouvement. Pour éviter , ¦ le C. ~ Force, D.p! - /Coople ~ descriptif ¦
Auteor: Dan Anghel ¦ page 3 de 44 les cl~.~~ nt~ l~l~u~ de direction, cette courbe doit être convexe vue de l/~A~ ul, avec d'autres mots que les centres de coull,ul~ c~ ~n~ s à chaque point de la courbe doivent se trourer du même coté de la courbe durant son pal~oul~
La courbe fermée, conveAe vue de l'eA~ ~ de la surface ~ itnil~ par elle, la plus facile a réali~r d p d v technologique, est le cercle et la m~téri~ ~tion de la courbe sera un stator de section l.a-~ .~le citculaire Les corps en Illou~ellh,lll sur la courbe, cotps dont on désire utiliser l'inertie, seront des n~ulea.~A cylin~riqnes qui roulent sur la surface intp~iellre du stator ~'e~ . ble c~ ~ par le stator et les rouleaux formera le d;~ ;r d~ m,~, convertisseur force, déplacemelll / couple On peut considérer que durant le l-~ollv~ ,nl sur la courbe, le rouleau est soumis à une action - la force f~nlliruge et à une ~éaction - la force ce.-l~ La force de traction ou de ~ ~jt. ~ ion ~po-l~n~e) développee par le convertisseur force, ~ f ~ . 1 / couple installé sur un mobile va l~pr~ l'action, donc la force ce.llliruge Les forces oppo~es à la traction seront l'inertie du mobile, la force de friction et la ~ fe à l'avalhe~ nl opposée par le fluide dans lequel se déplace le mobile et elles lcpl~s~,l-len~ -l pour le cun~e,li~;eul la réaction, donc la force cel-l ipc~. A la force de ~ ion (po.~lce) s'oppose le poids du mobile ou le poids et l'inertie du mobile ~nfiion avec vitesse accélérée), qui rcp~ elullt la réaction - la force ce ~ h.
Les éléments plill~ipa~ du d;~,~ilir ~lel~ cunvclli~eul force, dépl~ er.
couple présenté dans la figure 1 sont:
- le stator ~1) de section l.~ ale ~ ;ulaile;
- le rotor (2) composé de deux brides ~2.2) assemblées sur l'axe du rotor (2.1). Les brides sont réalisées avec fentes radiales (2.3) munies de glissières (2.4);
- les rouleaux cylindnqll~s (3) (I'a~e du rouleau - 3. l) qui roulent sur la surface intérieure du stator. Les rouleaux ~ "c.-l dans des paliers (3.2) installés dans les patins (3.33 qui glissent raclial~r.~int sur les glissières des brides.
On n'a pas l~,p~f~ u~p. les ressorts de rappel, qui agissant sur les patins obligent les rouleaux a ~..Aill~ ir un contact ~IIl~ l avec la surface intérieure du stator, pour éviter les chocs de contact au d~ .L~ee du ll;xL~nxilir Le mode de fixage du col~ ul sur le mobile, le système d'e.~ dl~ ~roues dentées, courroie, etc.) et le support du rotor (paliers, etc.) seront r~solus par des ~ es m~c~n~ es c~ u~ Pour réduire les pertes par ventilation, le cul~,e-~u~ sera fermé dans un boitier sous vacuum ce qui impose la résolution des problèmes d'étanchéité et de lubrifica-tion des paliers et des g~ s On n,.naL~ue l'exctnlJici~ de l'axe du rotor ~le point O) par rapport à l'axe du statûr (le point O'~. Cette exc~nl~ , dont la ~ d~ est le segment OO', est la c~T~cteri~tique qui cl~le....;..e le fonctionnement du con~ i~ul force, d~pl7~c~ nt / couple, donc la production d'une force de traction ou de ~ n ~ Ce).
-¦ le C ~ Force, Dep' . ' i Couple ~ descripfff ¦
~-- I Auteur: Dan Anghel I . page 5 de 44 ¦
Par la rotation du rotor, les rouleaux sont en~ ~ et obligés à rouler sur la surface ...lélieule du stator. A cause de l'excentncité, la distance entre le centre de rotation O et le cercle le~ t~ la surface intPri~nre du stator est variable. Donc, les IvuleawL exécuteront aussi un mouvement radial de rapproc~..l~nl ou d'éloi~ ,f l-l du centre de rotation O. Ce déplacement radial des rouleaux est permis par les patins qui glissent sur les glissières. La variation de la distance entre le centre de rotation et la position occupée par le rouleau a comme con~équence une variation de la vitesse avec laquelle le rouleau se déplace sur la courbe. Étant donné que le cercle sur lequel se déplace le rouleau a m rayon de courbure c--n~tant, la variation de la vitesse de dép1 ~em~nt sur le cercle produit la variation de la force centrifuge et de l'accélération normale. La relation entre la force eentrifuge et l'accélération normale est:
Fc=-m~an (1) où: Fc - la force c~ iÇuge m - la masse du rouleau an - I'accélération normale Étant donné que le rouleau peut se déplacer librement en direction radiale, la force centrifuge exercée sur lui sera l.;~ ...;se au stator et donc au mobile sur lequel le convertisseur est fixé.
Pour l'analyse du mouvement des rouleaux sur le stator et des forces qui ~ JAi~ l on fait les SUiVdlll~ notations:
M - la masse du mobile m - la masse du rouleau, patins inclus ~m<<M) Rs - le rayon intérieur du stator (2Rs=Ds) Rr - le rayon du rouleau (2Rr~Dr) R=Rs-Rr - le rayon du cercle sur lequel se déplace le centre du rouleau - la vitesse ~-~ulaile (=const.) du m~u~,e~ t du centre du rouleau par rapport au cen~ de rotation (I'axe du rotor- le point O) e - I'eY~.o.ntricite = la distance entre l'axe du rotor et l'axe du stator (le segment OO~
On fait l'analyse du mouvement sur le cercle de rayon R ayant le centre O' dans l'axe du stator. L'origine du système de cou~k.~ e~ cart~-ci~nnes re~tan~l~ires on la f~e dans l'axe du rotor O. On analyse le mouvement du centre d'un seul rouleau (le point m) sur le cercle de y a~, .. - n rayon R. Ces cl~m~l~ sont pl~se--lés dans la figure 2. Le m.,uv~lllel-t se fait dans le sens ~L~ trigonometrique (~r~tihnr~ire) en pa~nt de l'axe ~am des ab~i~ où les points m et A se confon-/~X \ dent. Les angles mar~ués sur la figure ont la o~t ~ /R ~ suivante signific~tion:
,~ ,,~ -~t - (~*t) I'angle décrit par le rayon vecteur ~' T ' R 'A Om pendant le d~placell~l-l du point m -a - I'angle au centre décrit sur le cercle de rayon R par le déplacement du point m -B - I'angle entre le rayon vecteur Om et le rayon O'm du cercle pour une position quelconque du point m sur le cercle de _ FlgUre 2 rayon R

.t~ .. ~ Force, D.p'll /Coup}e ~ de~.~ f -i Auteur: Dan Anghel I .page 6 de 44 Dans le triangle OO'm on peut écrire les relations:
-entre les angles: ~t+~=a ( 2 ) . . sin~t sin~
-la lol des smus: ~2 e ~ 3 ) Donc: sin~= R*sin~t=~*sin~t (4) Où: c=e/R estl'~ re~tive (5) Donc: ~=arcsin(c*sin~t) (6) Les équations l~a-a~ iques du cercle de rayon R ayant le centre en O' sont:
x=e+R*cos[~t+arcsin(~*sin~t)] ~7a) y=R*sinl~t+arcsin(6*sin~t)] (7b) Les vitesses sont:
dx R* *~1+ 6*cos~t ¦*sin~t+arcsin(~*sin~t)](8a) dt ~ 2*sin2~t dy ~ ~*cos~t l*cos[~t+arcsin(~*sin~t)] (8b) dt L ~l-62*sin2~t~

Le carré du module de la vitesse est:
=vx2+vy2=R2*~2*~1+ ~*cos~t ]2 ll-62$sin2~)t Le module de l'accélération normale est:

lanl=l~=R*~2*[1+ 6*Cos~l)t ~2 (10)
the Force, Displacement I Torque Converter Author: Dan Anghel DESCRIPTIVE MEMORY

This document contains 44 pages:
- Descriptive memory: 23 pages, from 1 to 23 ~ nnÇxps 19 pages, from 24 to 42 - Claims: 2 pages, 43 and 44 April 1997 ¦} e C ~ ~ .1 Force, ~) 'p! - 1 ~ / Couple ~ r - ¦ Author ~ Dan Anghel ~ page 1 of 44 DESCRIPTIVE MEMORY

The pre ~ nte invention relates to a device dcnullllllé "converted ~ ur strength, d., pl ~ c ~ / couple "which produces a pulling force or ~ ji /;" ~ ~ pol ~ ce) as a characteristic attribute of ~ positive In the current technique, a tensile force or ~ I! t ~ if ~ (po ~ ce) can be obtained in two modes:
a) by interaction with the medium cnvi ~ l in which evolves or with the suppo ~ t on which ~
- move the mobile, and b ~ by reaction with or without loss of mass.
Ies two plesen modes ~ debs ~, ~, es.
In the terrestrial l- ~ lb ~ ll, the value of} has the pulling force which produces the m ~, u ~ lnenl du mobile, just as the stability of the mobile on its llnj ~ e ~ does not ~ .ldel ~ t not only c ~ ~ of the mobile. To a large extent, they df ~ lul ~ it of the i-.t ~; lion of the mobile with the support (ground,. ~ ée, railway rail, etc.) on which it moves by the adhesion between the driving wheels (for traction) and the wheels in general (for stability) and the support. Gold grip is a feature of 1 r ~ Lion wheel surfaces and support in contact and it is variable according to wear, pre ~; ipi ~, etc., in general in a random mode. Can also app ~ phello "lelles of ~ gr ~ 1qtion of the support, by eA ~ mple the use of tr ~ rte ~ agricoles in a wet ground will have corme co ~ 7. ~ l ~ e la d ~ la ~ l ~ Lion de la c ~ lh ~ n du sol. Another die ~ v ~ llage is the n ~ ce ~ ite of the use of gearbox to ensure the optimal dc-rr ~ qin ~ of operivll ~, nl of the heat engine of ~; .. n .. l ind ~ .1 of the moving speed of the mobile.
In the air ~, the force of ~ ion ~, t ~ ce) is produced by the i.ltel ~.; Lion between the wings of the airplane or the rotor blades of the helicopter and the ambient air. In the case of the plane pol ~ -ce can be obtained se-llement in IllOu ~, nl ~ l} l.Ld density of. ir being reduced, the wings of the aircraft are gold ~ donkeys with a large sutface and an ass ~ that ~ e, for reasons of r ~ mechanical istqnce, dry ~ on ~ dlc applé ~ iable. Overcome r ~ i ~ sb ~ at a ~ .ce ... en1 wings, fin and stabilizers imposes a c ~, l ~ "~ l ~ energy ion appriaUe during the flight. During critical m ~ m ~ .nt ~ from a security point of view - the dccolla ~ and ¦ the C ~ er- Force, D ~ tl'r I / Couple ¦ r ~ r. ~ d ~.; "til ¦
¦ Author: Dan Anghel ¦ page 2 of 44 ¦
Landing, it is necessary that the speed of the airplane be as low as possible and for achieve the necessary lift we must use hypr ~ xl ~ x ~ ion devices to modify the wing profile, therefore constructive complications. In the case of the helicopter, even for maintaining in a stationary position, therefore theoretically without energy consumption, we has a significant energy consumption because it is necessary to overcome resistance in advance-blades and set in motion large volumes of air.
In space transport (outer), the propelling force is produced by reaction with loss of mass using the gases ejected by the rocket engine. A part im ~~ e of the spacecraft's initial mass, up to 90%, will be used by ejection to reach the speed required by the payload. In the case of the thermochemical rocket engine, the gases ejected are the final result of the chemical reaction ca 1, ~ -1 - con.b ~ alll, therefore carriers of energy and they are not an additional charge transported with the sole role of being ejected. In the case of the therrnoatomic rocket engine, which represents the next step in development of the rocket engine, becomes inevitable on ll ~ .l, by the spacecraft, of the matter whose sole role will be ejection after heating in the nuclear reactor.
Since the gas ejection speeds of thermochemical and thermo rocket engines atomic are comparable and taking into account the appreciable mass of the nuclear reactor, this path of development can only lead to results in revolutionary progress compared to the current situation despite the enormous energy density of nuclear fuels. Another disadvantage of the current mode of conception of space transport is the ~ xi ~ ten ~ e of the impondérabili-on board the spacecraft for a large part of the flight time. This fact may have harmful effects on the health of the human crew.
To avoid these drawbacks, I have come to the conclusion that it is necessary that the force vector is linked to the device that produces it. In theoretical mechanics the only forces of this type are pseudo-forces or inertial forces. They are n. ~ .Irexlen ~ when the state changes movement or rest of a body and they are always proportional to its mass. I have considered to be interesting for use one of the n. ~ i ~ lalions of inertial forces -the centrifugal force, force which must be compensated to be able to realize the curvi-lines. This force acts in the direction of the normal to the curve, in the opposite direction to the position of the center of curvature and tends to register the body in movement on the trajectory of the tangent to the curve. In reality this centrifugal force is apparent, the body in motion tries, in each point of its curvilinear trajectory, to continue its movement in the direction of the velocity vector, therefore tangent to the curve, because of the inertia. To continue the movement on the curve is necessary the intervention of a force acting in the direction of normal towards the center of curvature, called force cel.llipele. This force produces, in each point of the curve, the infinitesimal displacement of the body from the tangent to the curve on the curve, with acceleration denl-mm ~ e normal acceleration having the direction and the direction of the force centripetal. The absolute value (the modulus) of normal acceleration is given by the ratio between the square of the velocity module and the module of the radius of curvature.
To cause the manifestation of inertial forces, it is necessary that the mobile which moves under their action contains in the form of a stator the materialization of the curve on which can move the body whose inertia you want to use. This curve must be a closed curve which must be continuously weighed by the moving body. To avoid , ¦ the C. ~ Force, Dp! - / Coople ~ description ¦
Auteor: Dan Anghel ¦ page 3 of 44 the cl ~. ~~ nt ~ l ~ l ~ u ~ direction, this curve must be convex seen from l / ~ A ~ ul, with other words than the centers of coull, ul ~ c ~ ~ n ~ s at each point of the curve must be trourer on the same side of the curve during his pal ~ oul ~
The closed curve, conveAe seen from eA ~ ~ of the surface ~ itnil ~ by it, the most easy to realize ~ technological rdpdv, is the circle and the m ~ téri ~ ~ tion of the curve will be a stator of section la- ~. ~ the vascular The bodies in Illou ~ ellh, lll on the curve, cotps which one wants to use inertia, will be n ~ ulea. ~ A cylin ~ riqnes which roll on the intp ~ iellre surface stator ~ 'e ~. ble c ~ ~ by the stator and the rollers will form the d; ~; rd ~ m, ~, force, displacement / torque converter We can consider that during the l- ~ ollv ~, nl on the curve, the roller is subjected to a action - the force f ~ nlliruge and a ~ éaction - the force ce.-l ~ The force of traction or ~ ~ jt. ~ ion ~ po-l ~ n ~ e) developed by the force converter, ~ f ~. 1 / couple installed on a mobile goes l ~ pr ~ action, so the force ce.llliruge The forces oppo ~ es tensile will be the inertia of the mobile, the friction force and the ~ fe downstream ~ nl opposed by the fluid in which the mobile moves and they lcpl ~ s ~, l-len ~ -l for the cun ~ e, li ~; eul the reaction, therefore the strength cel-l ipc ~. The force of ~ ion (in. ~ Lce) opposes the weight of the mobile or the weight and inertia of the mobile ~ nfiion with accelerated speed), which rcp ~ elullt the reaction - the force this ~ h.
The elements plill ~ ipa ~ of d; ~, ~ ilir ~ lel ~ cunvclli ~ eul force, deploy ~ er.
couple presented in figure 1 are:
- the stator ~ 1) of section l. ~ ale ~; ulaile;
- the rotor (2) composed of two flanges ~ 2.2) assembled on the axis of the rotor (2.1). The flanges are made with radial slots (2.3) provided with slides (2.4);
- cylindnqll ~ s rollers (3) (the a ~ e of the roller - 3. l) which roll on the inner surface of the stator. The rollers ~ "ie in bearings (3.2) installed in the pads (3.33 which slide raclial ~ r. ~ int on the flange slides.
We don't have the ~, p ~ f ~ u ~ p. the return springs, which acting on the pads force the rollers to ~ ..Aill ~ ir contact ~ IIl ~ l with the inner surface of the stator, to avoid shocks from contact at d ~ .L ~ ee du ll; xL ~ nxilir The method of fixing the neck ~ ul on the mobile, the system of e. ~ Dl ~ ~ wheels teeth, belt, etc.) and the rotor support (bearings, etc.) will be solved by ~ es m ~ c ~ n ~ es c ~ u ~ To reduce ventilation losses, the ass ~, e- ~ u ~ will be closed in a vacuum housing which imposes the resolution of sealing and lubrication problems tion of bearings and g ~ s On n, .naL ~ ue exctnlJici ~ of the axis of the rotor ~ the point O) compared to the axis of the statûr (the point O '~. This exc ~ nl ~, whose ~ d ~ is the segment OO', is the c ~ T ~ cteri ~ tique which cl ~ le ....; .. e the operation of the con ~ i ~ ul force, d ~ pl7 ~ c ~ nt / couple, so the production a tensile force or ~ n ~ Ce).
-¦ C ~ Force, Dep '. 'i Couple ~ descripfff ¦
~ - I Author: Dan Anghel I. page 5 of 44 ¦
By the rotation of the rotor, the rollers are in ~ ~ and forced to roll on the surface ... the stator base. Because of the eccentricity, the distance between the center of rotation O and the circle the ~ t ~ the inner surface of the stator is variable. So the IvuleawL will run also a radial movement of approximation ~ ..l ~ nl or eloi ~, f ll of the center of rotation O. Ce Radial movement of the rollers is allowed by the shoes which slide on the slides. The variation of the distance between the center of rotation and the position occupied by the roller has as con ~ equence a variation of the speed with which the roller moves on the curve. Being given that the circle on which the roller moves am radius of curvature c - n ~ tant, the variation of the speed of dep1 ~ em ~ nt on the circle produces the variation of the centrifugal force and of normal acceleration. The relation between the eentrifugal force and the normal acceleration is:
Fc = -m ~ year (1) where: Fc - the c ~ iÇuge force m - the mass of the roller an - normal acceleration Since the roller can move freely in the radial direction, the centrifugal force exerted on it will be l.; ~ ...; se to the stator and therefore to the mobile on which the converter is fixed.
For the analysis of the movement of the rollers on the stator and the forces which ~ JAi ~ l on does the SUiVdlll ~ notations:
M - the mass of the mobile m - the mass of the roller, pads included ~ m << M) Rs - the internal radius of the stator (2Rs = Ds) Rr - the radius of the roller (2Rr ~ Dr) R = Rs-Rr - the radius of the circle on which the center of the roller moves - the speed ~ - ~ ulaile (= const.) of the m ~ u ~, e ~ t of the center of the roller relative to the rotation center (the axis of the rotor - point O) e - I'EY ~ .o.ntricite = the distance between the rotor axis and the stator axis (the segment OO ~
We make the analysis of the movement on the circle of radius R having the center O 'in the axis of the stator. The origin of the neck system ~ k. ~ E ~ cart ~ -ci ~ nnes re ~ tan ~ l ~ ires on the f ~ e in the axis of the rotor O. We analyze the movement of the center of a single roller (point m) on the circle of there are ~, .. - n radius R. These cl ~ m ~ l ~ are pl ~ se - les in the figure 2. The m., uv ~ lllel-t is done in the direction ~ L ~ trigonometric (~ r ~ tihnr ~ ire) in pa ~ nt of the axis ~ am des ab ~ i ~ where the points m and A meet / ~ X \ dent. The angles mar ~ ués in the figure have the o ~ t ~ / R ~ following meaning:
, ~ ,, ~ - ~ t - (~ * t) the angle described by the vector radius ~ 'T' R 'A Om during the displacement of point m -a - the center angle described on the circle of radius R by the displacement of point m -B - the angle between the vector radius Om and the O'm radius of the circle for a position any point m on the circle of _ FlgUre 2 radius R

.t ~ .. ~ Force, D.p'll / Coup} e ~ de ~. ~ f -i Author: Dan Anghel I. page 6 of 44 In the triangle OO'm we can write the relations:
-between angles: ~ t + ~ = a (2) . . sin ~ t sin ~
-the lol of smus: ~ 2 e ~ 3) So: sin ~ = R * sin ~ t = ~ * sin ~ t (4) Where: c = e / R estl '~ re ~ tive (5) So: ~ = arcsin (c * sin ~ t) (6) The l ~ aa ~ ics equations of the circle of radius R having the center in O 'are:
x = e + R * cos [~ t + arcsin (~ * sin ~ t)] ~ 7a) y = R * sinl ~ t + arcsin (6 * sin ~ t)] (7b) The speeds are:
dx R * * ~ 1 + 6 * cos ~ t ¦ * sin ~ t + arcsin (~ * sin ~ t)] (8a) dt ~ 2 * sin2 ~ t dy ~ ~ * cos ~ tl * cos [~ t + arcsin (~ * sin ~ t)] (8b) dt L ~ l-62 * sin2 ~ t ~

The square of the velocity module is:
= vx2 + vy2 = R2 * ~ 2 * ~ 1 + ~ * cos ~ t] 2 ll-62 $ sin2 ~) t The module of normal acceleration is:

lanl = l ~ = R * ~ 2 * [1+ 6 * Cos ~ l) t ~ 2 (10)

2 * s in2 c~) t avec les composantes:
anx=R*~2*[l+ 6*cos~t ] *cos[~t+arcsin(~*sin~t)] ~lla) Jl -62*sin2~t a =R*~2*~l+ 6*cos~t ] *sin[~t+arcsin(6*sin~t)] (llb) ll-62*sin2~

¦ b C~ Force, D',~r l -ntf Couple ~of .; descrip~f I
- I Auteur: I)an An8hd ¦page 7 de 44 ¦
La force cenl,ifu~e exercée sur le rouleau ~ra:
m*anl=m*R*~2*[1+ ~ cos6~t ¦
2*sin2~t Cette force i~ -i...e au mobile M une accélération:

a = IFcl = _ *R*~2*[1+ J 2 n2~t~ (13) On remarque que les premie~s quatre facteurs de la relation (13) sont des Cu1~ tCS
c~ ,u~ives (m, M et R~ ou qui d~pel~del~l du régime de fonctio~ m~nl du convertisseur (~).
Donc, pour l'analy~ ~ludli~li~re du ~ul,~u~nl on peut utiliser exclusivement le dernier facteur noté nan" (sans indice), nommé accéleration normale ~a~ e.
Donc: an=[l+ e*cos~,~t 12 (14) t2*s in2~t avec les com~n~e~

anx=[l+ ~*cos~t ] *cos [~t+arcsin ~*sin~t) 3 (15a) 2*sin2c~t ..
any ~1+ ~*cosot 1 *sin[~t+arcsin (~*sin~t) 3 (15b) E2 * s in2 ~

La co-op-~-~e verticale any et donc aussi la col,-posa~Le associée de la force cci.~L,il~e ont des valeurs égales en valeur absolue et de signes cwlL~ es pour des points situés symetri-.l par rapport à l'axe des ~ s. Pour ce motif, leur i~ sur une période et doncleur ~ù~el~,e sur une p~riode, seront nulles. En plus, la CUlm~lte verticale de la force cen -trif~ge est cu ns~ dans les ~ ~c I et n (y>o) par le poids du mobile - on a supposé
M~>m, et dans les qllad7~n~ III et IV (y<0) par la réaction du sol. Donc le mobile ne va pas uel des d~plac~,.,c;..b sur la direction de l'on~l~

. ~

¦ le C~ Force, DSp! -/Couple ~ c descrip~f ¦
- I Auteur: Dan Anghel I page 8de 44 Sur la direction de l'a~e des ab:~i~es 1 4 anx0 agit la C~ e anx et la cc ~ te asso-1. 2 - ~ f ciee de la force centnf~l~. La courbe de la va-1. 0 - \ riation sur une période et les valeurs ~ ~s 0.8 - ~ J co~ s de la c.~ le anx sont pré-O, 6 ~ ~ J sent~es dans la figu~e 3 et l'a~exe 1. La com-~~ 4 ~ ~ ~ posante est symbolisée an~0, zéro ayant la signi-0 0 - \ J fication de la position initiale zero degrés du -0 2 - ~ I centre du rouleau. On, que le maxi-_0.4 ~ ~ mum est de 1.44 pour 0~ (360~) et le If.i.,i.. ~
-0,6 ~ ~t est de ~.64 pour 180~. La ~aleur zéro est attein-0 100 200300 400 ~t=2*n~ arctan(~-1) (16) ~es calculs ont été erîe~lués pour la va}eur de l'eYc~ntriritr relative: ~=e/R=0.2. Donc pour ~t=2 *n*rl~ 1.3734rad(78.69~), c'est-à-dire: 78.69~ et 281.31~ dans la première période, anxO=0.
L'action de }a c.,...~ .te de la force XO c~ u~e associée à an~0 sur un mobi}e ayant - ~o le rapport M/m=20 est pl~.h~ dans la figure 4 et l'annexe 2. Sont lepl~ tr~; les courbes et :; r ~ ~ ~ les valeursnumériq7~es pouran~O, VxO et XO, où: VxO - la vitesse du mobile M soumis xO à une accé}ération anxO/20 7;. - ~ XO - la position du point A (fig. 2) f ~ f durant le d~p~ ~e~n.7 ~I du mobile J ~J V C~t M avec la vitesse VxO
"O" en VxO et XO ont la même ~i~nific7~tion û.O0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 qu'enanxO.LerapportM~m=20aetéchoisi tThwsands) pour avoir }e meme dom~ul~ de valeurs nu7mé-nques po~ les trois courbes et pour pouvoir }es l~pleS~It~l avec un l~ \.. d'i.. le~ e~ nc réciproques - pour la clarté de la figure. XO, VxO
et an~O sont des caractéri~iq~ es ~ )ol~ees et elles visent la ~; r~ ~tion g~n~r~le, gualitative, du ph~lu~ e. De plus:
VxO= 210*Janxo*d~t (17) X0-1.2=¦VxO*d~t (18) CA 02203937 l997-04-29 ¦ le C~ Force, ~é2~ - - /Couple ~ d~3~ f ¦
Aut~ur: Dan ~ page 9 de 44 ¦
Pour utiliser ces valeurs calculées dans des situations réelles, il est n~ceC~ire d'intro-duire les C~ cv~ructives et de foncti~ ,. mv,ll du mobile et du cv.l~,.li~ur force, dépl~ eul / couple. Les valeurs reelles sont:
aM= M*R*~2*(anX0) (l9 VM= M*R*~*(20*VxO~ ~20) XN= M*R*[20*(X0-1.2)] (21) où: aN - I'accélération du mobile M
VN ~ la vitesse du mobile M
XM - le dépl~cçmPnt du mo~ile M
1.2 dans les relations (18) et (21) le~ l'abscisse du point A (fig.2) pour ~t=0, en valeurs ves, pour ~=0.2:
1.2= (R+e) ~R= (R+~*R) /R=(l~)/l (22~
Donc, la CO..~ * d'après l'axe des ahsci~ses de la force CC;llllifUge ill~lhlle au mobi-le M une accélération capable de le déplacer su~ une direction privilégiée - la ligne qui unit les axes du stator et du rotor, la c~ n~ ayant le sens de l'axe du rvtor vers l'axe du stator. Ce fait s'P~pliqn~ par une moyenne non-nulle sur une pé~iode de la cvl~ te d'après l'axe des r~'i~S de la force centrifuge et donc de la cv.llpo~.le anx. La valeur de la mv.~vl~l v de anx sur une période - anxmoy, est:
2~ (n+l) ~n anxmoy= 21 * J anx*d~t (23) 2~n~n L'intégrale indéfinie de anx est:
Janx*d~t= ~1 ~ *arctan~ ~ *tan~t) + ~*sin~2*~t) +
+ 2*~ 2*sin2~t*sin~t- 1 ~ *[~t+arcsin(~*sin~] + Const. 124) Pour l'inte~valle d'integration défini on obtient:
2 ~ (n~ n J anx*d~ 2~ *2*n (25) 2 ~n~n D~nc: anxmoy= ~ -(1- ~2) (26) Donc, la valeur moyenne de anx dépend ceUl~m~nt de ~ - I'el.cell~ é relative, qui est un palalll~lle constructif. Pour ~=0.2 on obdent ~ y-0.098979486.
_, CA 02203937 l997-04-29 ¦ le C .~ For~e, D~ / Couple ~ ; d~...... ,J~r ¦
- I Auteur: Da~ Anghel I page 10 de 44 Dans la figure S sont p~ es la 0.16 - anxR~Y~ courbe et les valeurs numériques pour an~moy 0.14 - / en r~ cl,ul~ de ~. Les valeurs de ~ ont éte choi-0.12 - / sies dans le domaine 0.01.. 0.33, des valeurs ~ ~~ . / faciles à réaliserte~hniq~,e.~ .1 On le~ ue la 0.08 ~ n~1~nre prati~lu~dll linéaire de anxmoy 0~06 - / par rapport à ~. Ce fait a une imp~, ~ ce prati-0 02 - / que particulière patce qu'il imrliqll~ une relation pratiquement linéaire entre l'exçentri<;ité et la O. oo ~ J ~
.01 .05 .09 .13 .17 .21 ,zs .zg ,33 force de tractionoude ~ tion. L'~ Pntn~d-té peut être modifiée c."~ .ollement, par des moy ~ I ar~ solutic~ns co~ tiYes classiques, déplac~ant .01 .004999 .12 .059782 .23 .113438 I'axe du rotor sur la direction pri~ giée.
.02 .oossss .13 .064723 .24 .118220 .03 .014997 .14 .069654 .25 .122983 .04 .019992 .15 .074573 .26 .127725 Dans le cas du mobile et du conver-.05 .024984 .16 .079481 .27 .132446 tisseur avec les cara~ ques ~ u~-~ives et .06 .029973 .17 .084376 .28 .137142 .07 .034957 .18 .08925g .29 .141816 de f~nctl~ M, m, R et ~7 la valeur .08 .039936 .19 .094127 .30 .146464 ~e~le de l'accélération du mobile est:
.os .044909 .20 .098979 .31 .151086 .lo .049874 .21 .103816 .32 .155680 ~ 2- ~- 2 .11 .054833 .22 .108636 .33 .160245 aMmed= ( ~ ) * m*R*~2 (27 Figure 5 -- La valeur moyenne de la co,.. p~ d'après l'axe des ~ (la direcdon privilégiée) de la force ce~ ;ruge qui i~ c ceKe accéleration au mobile est:

Fcxm~d= - (l-~ ) *m*R*~2 (28) Pour les valeurs n-lm~riques: ~=0.2; m=lkg; R=0.lm; et pour 3600roymin c'est-a-dire ~=2*~*60=120*~(rad/s), on obtient FCxmed=l4o6.72 N=143.4kgf.
L'utilisation d'un se~ll rouleau présente les suivants désa~ tages.
~ lâ force obtenue est variable dans le temps et ne peut être utilisee comme force de ~u~ n. Sa ~ltili~tion comme force de traction est incul~vl~ble.
- I'espace ~c,pvl~le dans le stator est peu utilisé, la pa~e acdve étant seulement la zone de contact rouleau - stator.
La solution pour éviter ces d~a~ ~ est l~tilisatian d'un rotor avec plusieurs rvuleaux. La figure 1 présente un convertisseur avec un rotor ayant six rouleau~. Les rouleaux étant déphas~s entre eux de 60~ t360~ 6), les forces développées par les rouleaux seront elles aussi d~phasé~
avec le meme angle.

_, ¦ le C .~l Force, Dép! ~ / Couple ~ descrip~f ¦ Auteur: Dan Anghel ¦ page 11 de 44 ¦

1.6 L'effet de l'action c~l~c~mi~l~e des 1,4 - ~ S12anx ~anx~ forces produites par plusieurs rouleaux en 1.2 - ~ 1 . f mouvement est pr~ènte dans la figure 6 et 1,0 - ~/ $2anxO l'annexe 3. Sont pr~se 1~ 'es les courbes et les 0. 8 ~ valeurs numériques des comp~es anx des f J accélér~ti~ -- -l~srapportéespourdes 0 2 ~ ~ ~,~41 ~a convertisseurs ayant 1; 2; 3; 4; 6 et 12 rouleaux.
0 0 ~ / J nx1 Les calculs ont été effectués pour l'excentricité
-0.2 ~ ~ relative ~=0.2.
-0 6 ~ t Dans un e- ~!e de rouleaux, les 0 100 200 300 400 forces centrifu~es plùd~u~s par les rouleaux en ~igure 6 lllW~m~ ~itionnent g~n~tli~u~.lle.. o Les CO-~ S de ces forces d'après les axes de coordormées s~a~litirmnent algébriquement. Les cu..lpo~lles anx des aceel~ ivns norm~l~
l~pul~s s'~d-lit;~ rvlll elles aussi algébri4ue.,l~ n~ Utilisant les relations (12) et (lSa), on peut -écrire:
F~rx= ~ FCX(i)=m*R*~2* ( ~ anxi~ =m*R*~2*S~n)anx(p) ~2g) i=l i=l OU: FT~ - la force produite par le cvll.elli~ sur la direction privilégiée Fc~ - la force produite par un rouleau de l'e~ le sur la direction privilégiée n - le nomb~e de rv~le~ de l'en~mble - I'indice d'é.lull~,~on des r~
S(n~anx(p) - la somme (S~ des c~mp~te,s anx des accélérations normales rapportées (valeurs ~;,....11 ,nf~) des rouleaux de l'el~ml)!e, pvur n Ivul~u~, p étant la co lific~ti<!n de la pvsition initiale du premier rouleau de l'ensemble en sens antihoraire.
On a pris en calcul un nom~re ~ de douze loL~I~ ayant un d~p!u Ive de 360~:12=30~
entre eux. La position initiale du premier rouleau des dou~e est p=O donc 0*30~=0~ et du douzième rouleau est p= l l donc 11 *30~=330~. La fonction anx devient anx(p). Cw~ à
cette position initiale, I'~r~ de la fonction anx(p) relative au rouleau avec la position p devient:
~t+p*300 (30) S'additionnent les valeurs x;.. ~ (le meme ~t) des anx pour tous les rouleaux d'un ell$e Ll_, en o7~s~ 1 ainsi la variation dans le temps de S~n)anxf~O - la somme des compo santes anx des ar~ '...lions n~ es lap~l~s. Le d~ e entre deux rouleaux c~ n~cutif~
d'un ayant n rouleaux est de 360~:n. Si le premier rouleau d'un co~Yt;l~eLIL ayant trois rouleaux occupe la position 1, c'est-a-dire 30~, le suivant occu~la la position 30~~360~:3=1~0~ c'est-à~ire 150~:30~=5, donc la position 5 et le troisième rwleau la position 9.
Dans la ~ll~se à la fin du tableau (annexe 3) colde~ll les valeurs numériques pour dirré~nLes S(n~anx(p), on ~ ldn~u~ les valeurs prati~u~n~ .h~s des celles-ci pour les co~ ayant 4; 6 ou 12 ro~ Dans la ~,I~Lèse est ple~ t~ la différence entre le mi~ .. ou le ~ .,.. de S~n)anx~p) et une valeur moyenne obtenue par la mllltil)lic~ion de CA 02203937 l997-04-29 ¦ le C~ Force, D.,~r; ~ / Couple ¦ ~ d~s~.;t,til' ¦
¦ Auteur: Dan Anghel ¦ page 12 de 44 ¦
-anxmoy (voir la relation 26) produit par un rouleau avec le nombre de rouleaux du conver-tisseur. Ce mode de calcul de la valeur moyenne est possible parce que les effets des rouleaux sont cumulatifs. Les valeurs obtenues pour la moyenne par cette méthode (moy(int)) sont identiques avec celles obtenues par le calcul statistique de la moyenne ~AVG). ~n pourcentage, I'ordre de grandeur de la différence entre le m~ximllm ou le ~..illil..,,l.~ de S(n)anx(p) et la valeur moyenne ainsi ~1ele, est de:
- + 1% pour 4 rouleaux - + 1*102% pour 6 rouleaux - + 1*108% pour 12 rouleaux donc des valeurs prati~lu~ nl con~t~ntes.
En conclusion, la solution de l'utilisation de plusieurs rouleaux résout les deux desiderata: forces pratiquement c()l~ e~ dans le temps et une conlplele utilisation de l'espace disponible dans le stator.
Pour le convertisseur ayant les caractéristiques: ~=0.2; m=lkg; R=0.lm; ~,~=2*n*60rad/s et n rouleaux, on obtient, par multiplication avec n de la valeur calculée avec la relation (28), les valeurs suivantes:
- pour 4 rouleaux Ftot= 4*FC7~ d= 573,6kgf - pour 6 rouleaux Ftot= 6*FC,~,n,d= 860,4kgf - pour 12 rouleaux Ftot=12*FC,nn~d=1720,8kgf Donc, avec un convertisseur ayant douze rouleaux, qui peut être inscrit dans un cylindre ayant le diamètre de 0.3m, la hauteur de 0.2m et le poids d'environ 0. ltt, on obtient une force de traction ou de ~ eJ~ ion pratiquement constante dans le temps, de 1.7tf, liée au dispositif.
L'action de la force FTX produite par le com~e~ seul (voir relation 29), engendre le déplacement du mobile M sur la direction de l'axe des ~hscicees et en même temps, la force FT7~
produit un travail mécanique de translation lequel doit être égal à l'énergie fournie par le moteur df~;n~ Glllbll~ On peut écrire:
tf tf tf Wif=¦ dt*dt=JFTx* dt*dt=Eif=fT(t~* d~*dt (31) ti ti ti où: Wif - le travail mécanique de translation produit par la force FT~ qui entraîne le mobile M
i,f - initial, final (indices) ti~tf - le moment initial respectivement hnal Elf - I'énergie mécanique de rotation produite par le moteur d'ell~ ellle x~t) - le déplacement ~la translation) du mobile M
T(t) - le couple moteur d(t, - le déplacement angulaire (la rotation) de l'arbre moteur Étant donné que:
dW/dt=P(t) - la puissance nécessaire pour effectuer le travail mécanique dx/dt=vM(t) - la vitesse de translation du mobile M sur la direction de l'axe des abscisses d~/dt=~(t) - la vitesse angulaire de rotation de l'arbre moteur le C~ Force, n~p~ / Couple ¦ l''' .- .; d~
Auteur: Dan Anghel ¦ page 13 de 44 J
on peut écrire: P(t~=FT~vM(~='l'(t~*(l)(t~ (32) ou sous forme ~ fe~ ielle: P(t)*dt=FT~*d~=T(tl*d~ (33) Donc, pour que la force FTX produise le déplacemell~ du mobile M, il est nécessaire que par l'il~lnl...c~ re du convertisseur, le déplact;l--c-ll de la force PT~ génère un couple "-T(t,"
opposé au couple moteur "T(t,", d'où le nom de conve-Lib~eul force, déplacement / couple. On doit le~ uer que le facteur ~=dfl/dt ne peut etre infln.on~ é parce qu'on peut prendre en considération seulement des régimes de rol~c~ r l.,n~ statior~aires du moteur, donc avec d~/dP~=const, et non pas des régimes llal~LOil~,~. D'ail~eurs, en mo lifi~nt ~ on modifie la force FT~ genérée par le CUn~
L'élément actif du cùl~v~ force, d~placeme,~t / couple est le rouleau. Il utilise l'énergie mécanique de rotation foumie par le moteur pour effectuer un travail m~c~niqll~ de tr~n~l~ti~n par le d~plac~ t du mobile M. Le rouleau se déplac~/a sur une ~ oi~e l~ul~-de la cv..~ )n des mouvements de rotation du rouleau sur le stator et de translation du mobile M.
Les n~t~i~s utilisées dans le p~r~phe qui suit n'ont aucune cu le~ n~e formelle dans d'autres p~r~gr~phec de cette d~ ;on et les relations l"~lh~ iq~es ne sont pas null~ aulées.
On étudiera le mouvement d'un point maténel m sur une ~ .ilt; dé~mie par l'éq Y=Y(x) ou x=~c(t3 et Y=Y(~) en r~ é~.,~ n E~ liqlle en fonction du temps.
On définit:
- v"- dx et v = dy les projectians de la vitesse sur l'axe des ~1~ i~ dt r dt respectivement des ordonnées dv~ d2x d5 d2 ~ les projections de l'accélération sur - a,= dt =--2 et ap= d =--2 I'axe des ~ es respe~;tivem~n~ des Des relations précé~le..l~s on déduit:
dy= v~ et la relation inverse dx= v~
dx v" dy r~, d2y v~*a,~,- vr$a~ dQX v,~,$a~- r~a,~
d~ V3 et d~2 v~r .

¦ le Cr ~.tiw Force, DIépr - / Couple ¦ r~ d~ t~f ¦
¦ Auteur: Dan Anghel ¦ page 14 de 44 ¦
y La représentation graphique de la courbe y=y(") est présentée dans la figure 7. Les notations ont la suivante signification:
C - le centre de c~,u,b~ co.l~n~l~-l à la position du point m ~, ~ Flt~ Rc - le rayon de Coulbul~ correspondant à la R / position du point m Xf, C Rc~; Rcy - les projections du rayon de C~lUIbUl~;
~ / RCy x sur l'axe des abs-:i~s respectivement des y ~a ordonnées RCX XC; YC - les coordonnées du centre de courbure o - I'angle d'inclinaison du rayon de coulbule Figure 7 par rapport à l'axe des a~i~ses F(t) - force associée au point m, parallèle à l'axe des abscisses Le rayon de courbure et les coordonnées du centre de c~ulbule C se d~rmi~elll.

(dy) (dy) (dy) ¦K¦ - d2X ; C X d2 ; YC=Y- dy dy2 dy2 dy2 _ où: - K est la COUIl~Ule de la courbe y(x) coll~ndante à la position du point m. - x et y sont les coordonnées du point m.
D'après la figure 7 on déduit:
RCx X-X = _ l +(dX /d~2 _ VX2+V2 d * /dy2 vy* ax- Vx* ay RC =y-y= (dX /dy)* [l+(dx /d~2] vx2+vy2 d2X /dy2 Vy* aX- VX* ay Le déplacement du point m sur la courbe y(,~ est en fait une succession de rotations ;~f.'ill;le~
males autour des centres i~ f~i~s de rotation, qui sont les centres de courbure de la courbe y(") coll~ d~nts à chacune des p~xitions du point m sur la courbe. Le travail mécarique effectué par la force F(t) associée au point m est une somme de travaux m~c~niqutos de rotation il~lilexi~..,...~ autour des centres i..~ s de rotation. La force F(t) étant parallèle avec l'axe des abscisses, le bras de levier de la force ~ra la projection du rayon de courbure sur l'axe des ord--nnee~, donc R~". Le déplacement angulaire du point m autour du centre de CV~bUlC est donné par la modification de l'angle d'incli,. i~ -l. du rayon de coull,ul~ par rapport à l'axe des ahsci~, donc l'angle o, le déplacelllt;lll i,.ii..i~i...~l étant d~.

¦ le C~ ti~ Foroe, Dét~'~ / Couple ¦ I~f~ ~ t d~l;"tir ¦
I Auteur: Dan Angbel ¦ page 15 de 44 1 ~

Le moment de la force F(t) correspondant à une position det~ ée du point m est:
~t)= ~t) *R~
, L'angle o peut etre défini: a=arctan--=arctan _ x R~x V
~, ~ r~
donc: ~=- darctan-- $dt=- V~*ax vx*a,~df df v~, v2~ v2 Le travail mécanique infinit~imz-1 sera:
dW= ~t) * do=~t) ~R~* do= - ~t)* V~ dt= - ~t)* dX

Donc le travail mécanique effectué par la rotation de la force F(t) autour du centre i~ de rotation, c'est-à-dire T(t~*da, est égal au travail mécanique effectué par la translation, correspon-dante à la rotation, de cette force sur une direction parallèle à elle meme, c'est-à-dire F(t)*dx.
Donc d.p.d.v. énergétique, le mouvement du point m et de la force associée a un caractère dual:
de rotation et de tr~n~1~ti~n Le signe "-" est dû aux collvelllions mathématiques collc~ tll la variation des abscisses et des angles.
, ~. , Le mouvement du rouleau repré~nte un cas particulier de la situation générale decrite dans le p;~ra~r~ph~ précédent. La trajectoire du rouleau résulte de la combinaison des mouve-ments de rotation du rouleau sur le stator et de translation du mobile M. La conclusion concer-nant la dualité d.p.d.v. énergétique d'un mouvement quelconque est donc applicable dans le cas du mouvement effectué par le rouleau. Donc, le travail mécanique effectué par la translation du rouleau et de sa force associée est saisi à l'arbre du convertisseur comme étant produit par un moment (d'une force) qui effectue un mouvement de rotation autour des centres i~ ss de rotation. Le déplacement du mobile sur lequel est installé le cwlv~ i~ul induira donc à l'arbre du convertisseur un couple résistant, opposé au couple moteur, d'où le nom de c~lv~lli~u force, déplacement J couple.
La puissance nécessaire à l'arbre du convel~i~ul force, déplacement / couple pour que le rouleau puisse effectuer un travail m.-c~nique, conformément à la conclusion déduite précédemment, est:
P tx =dW~X/dt=Fcx*vrx (34) OU:
Ptx - la puissance nécessaire pour le déplacement du mobile M au long de l'axe des abscisses wtx - le travail mécanique effectué par le même déplacement du mobile M
FCX- la composante d'après l'axe des abscisses de la force centrifuge développée par le rouleau vrx - la composante d'après l'axe des abscisses de la vitesse du rouleau Conformément aux relations (12); (14) et (lSa) on peut écrire:
Fcx=m*R*~2*anx (35) ¦ le C~ L Force, Dtp~- / Couple ¦ ~ d~s~.;"til ¦
I Auteur: Dan Anghel I page 16 de 44 1 -La composante '/vr,~'/ de la vitesse du rouleau, peut etre définie:

VrX = VM + VX ( 3 6 ) OU:
VM - la vitesse de déplacement du mobile le long de l'axe des abscisses v,~ - la c<,~ e d'après l'axe des abscisses de la vitesse du rouleau dans son mouvement sur le stator, cc~ e définie par la relation (8a) La relation (34) devient:

P,~ - la ~ ~i~.ce nec.~ite pour le déplacement du mobile sous l'action de la force développée par le rouleau Pl,~ - la puissance n~ces~ire pour le mouvement du rouleau sur le stator quand le mobile M est en repos Pour VM=O, donc le mobile M en état de repos, on peut écrire:
PtX=Prx=Fcx*vx Le mobile M étant en repos, pour réaliser le mouvement du rouleau sur le stator il n'est pas nécessaire un apport continu d'énergie de l'extérieur, s'~gi~nt, dans un régime stationnaire (~=const.), d'une oscillation de la puissance sur la durée d'une période (rotation), I'intégrale sur une période (I'énergie, le travail mécanique) étant nulle.
2(n+11n 2(n+1)n 2(n+1)n Donc, en repos: Wtx= J PtX*dt= J PrX*dt= J Fcx*vx*dt=o 2nn 2nn 2nn En conclusion, la puissance n~ce~ire pour déplacer le mobile sous l'action d'un rouleaux est donnée par le premier terme:
PX= FCX*VM ( 3 8 ) et elle dépend seulement de la force générée par le rouleau et de la vitesse de déplacement du mobile M sur lequel est installé le convertisseur.
Dans la pratique on ~ tingll~ les suivants états du mobile M:
- de repos - de mouvement à vitesse co~ e - de mouvement uniformément accéléré
Dans le régime de repos, I'énergie qu'on doit fournir au mobile est nulle. Le régime de mouve-ment à vitesse c~ est un cas particulier, avec accélération nulle, du régime de mouve-ment u---ronllément accéléré. A cause de son caractère général, on dé~~ inel~ l'expression de la puissance nt~c~ire à l'arbre du convelli~w pour ce den~ier cas.

CA 02203937 l997-04-29 ¦ le C~ .~.; . Force, D~p ~1 /Couple ¦ A~ de~criptif ¦
¦ Auteur: Dan Anghel ¦ page 17 de 44 ¦
C~c n~ ons que sous l'action d'un conv~ r avec plusieurs rouleaux, qui génère une force de traction pr~ e~ nl cor~nt~, le mobile se déplace ul~ir~ e~ accéléré avec l'ac-céleration aM=const. La vitesse du mobile est:
vM=a~*t=a~*(~t)*(~-l) (39) o~:
t - la durée de déplac~ h,t du mobile avec l'acc~lér~ion aM
~*t=~t - l'angle décrit par l'arbre du convertisseur ou un rouleau quelconque (voir figure 2) A partir des relations (35); (383 et (39), o~ obtient la puissance necec~ire pour l'entrai-nement d'un seul rouleau:
Px=~*R*~*au*(~t)*anx (40) On rell~l~ue que m et R sont des c~ t~-l~ cv~ ives du convertisseur et ~ et aM sont des cv~ s de régime de foncti~~ nL Pour l'analyse qualitative de la ~ e P,~ l~ece pour l'~ntra1n~m.~nt d'un rouleau, on introduit la notion de p~lifi~nce l<lppullee "px":
px=(~t)*anx (41) donc:Px=m~R*~*au*px (4 25 - px0~ La figure 8 et l'annexe 4 ~ bcnlenl la ~~ courbe et le tableau des valeurs numériques de 20 - la pni~n( e ~ e px pour le rouleau ayant / ~ la position inidale 0 c'est-à-dire 0~, donc px0. La t0 - f~, f ~ valeur de l'excentricité relative prise en calcul J 1~ f ~ est ~=0.2. L'intervalle de calcul est de tr~is pé-~ \ ,1 ~ riodes, donc 1080~. On ~ al4ue l'au~llL.l~lior -5 - ~ de l'~ml~lihldç de la pni~nre l~pul~e px0 -10 - ~f ~ d'une période à l'autre. Cette ~ ion -15 ~ s'ç~rliqllr par l'~u~ ti~n proportionnelle à0 0. 2 0. 4 0. 6 0. 8 1 la vitesse de la plli~nr~ nr~e~ite pour le Flgure 8 déplacement du mobile M.
Dans le cas du mouvement à vitesse c~ , VM=C~hSt., la relation ~40) devient:
Px=m*R*~2*v~*anx ~3) I,es pl~licl~ quatre facteurs étant c~ t~, la variation dans le temps de la ~ r~nrcç~ e pour l~e~ r~el~l du rouleau est donnée par anx. Donc, I'~plilude de la pl~i~nce ne variera plus d'une période à l'aut~e, anx étant décrite par une fonction périodique. D.p.d.v.
physique, un mvu~,~."elll à vitesse c~ impliq~l~ une p li~nce n~cç~ire pour le d~ cerl,~,.,l du mobile, c~

¦ le Cc~ Force, D~' f Couple ¦ r~ ~ ~ d~.i,Jtir ¦
Auteur: Dan Anghel¦ page 18 de 44 ¦
l~tant donné que le CO~ dispose de plusieurs rouleaux, les pllie.~s~nces n~e~ es pour leur ~nl et donc l'~ a~.l~,menl du mobile M, s'additionnent. Cette somme de p~lie~e~nr,ç~, qui sont déphas~es dans le temps, lepl~elll~ la p~ e n~e totale PT~
nécessaire à l'arbre du convertisseur pour le déplacement du mobile M:
n ~ n PTX ~ Px(i) m R*~ aM ~ PXiJ

où: n - le nombre de rouleaux du convertisseur i - indice d'r....~n~ ion des rouleaux Les premiers quatre facteur~s de la relation (44) étant c. ,~ .t~j, on peut faire l'analyse qualita-tive de la pui~C~nre. totale PT~ en analysant le dernier facteur qui lepr~ e la somme des p~ res rapportées (valeurs e~imlllt~n~es) collei,~l~.1A-.t~s aux rouleaux du convertisseur et qu'on note "S(n)px(p)":
S(n)pX(P)=~PXi ( où: i = 1 S - somme (S) de px p - la c~1ific~tion de la position initiale du premier rauleaux de l'el~m~!e (voir la relation 29) Donc:
P~x=m*R*~*aM*s (n) px (pl (4~ ) En déveIoppant S(n)px(p) conformément aux relations (41) et (45) on obtient:
n n S(n)px(p)=~ (~t) *anx(p)i=((,~t) *~anx(p)i=(~t) *S(n1anx(p) (47) i=l i=l donc une relation linéaire en fonction du temps entre la somme des COlllpO~dnleS anx des accé-lérations normales lappult~,~,S S(n)an~(p) et la somme des ~ r~ pOll~;~ S(n)px(p).
Donc: PTx=m*R*~*aM* (~3t) *s (n) anx (p) (48) En tenant compte des relations (29) et (39) on oWent:
P~x=m*R*~2*S (n) anx (p) *aM* (~*t) * (c.~-l ) =F~X*VM (4g ) c'est-à-dire la relation générale qui l~pl~sellle la plli~nre n~cec~?;re à l'arbre du convertisseur en fonction de la force développée par le convertisseur et de la vitesse du mobile M entraîné
par le convertisseur.
La figure 9 et l'annexe 5 plé~ll~l~l les courbes et le tableau avec les valeurs numéri-ques des S(n)px(p) pour deux groupes de trois rouleaux et pour le groupe résultant de six uul~ ~. L'excentricité relative prise en calcul est ~=0.2. On rell~L~uc que la somme des p~ ~nl~es l~ltées pour le c)l~elLis~lJl avec six r~ ,au~ S6px(p) a une a~ ion p~ti~l~.e.l,e.~1 linéaire dans le temps. Ce fait s'explique par la valeur prati~luemell~ co~ de I le C~ .t Force, D~p' /Couple ~ dcc l.~t ¦
Auteur: Dan Anghel¦ page 19 de 44 ¦
S6anx(p). Col~.. f.\.ent a la relation ~47), la 4 S6px1 variation dans le temps de S6px(p) êst donnée / par le facteur (~t) q~i varie lilleailelllelll dans lê
2 * s in2 c ~) t with the components:
anx = R * ~ 2 * [l + 6 * cos ~ t] * cos [~ t + arcsin (~ * sin ~ t)] ~ lla) Jl -62 * sin2 ~ t a = R * ~ 2 * ~ l + 6 * cos ~ t] * sin [~ t + arcsin (6 * sin ~ t)] (llb) ll-62 * sin2 ~

¦ b C ~ Force, D ', ~ rl -ntf Couple ~ of.; description ~ f I
- I Author: I) an An8hd ¦page 7 of 44 ¦
The force cenl, ifu ~ e exerted on the roller ~ ra:
m * anl = m * R * ~ 2 * [1+ ~ cos6 ~ t ¦
2 * sin2 ~ t This force i ~ -i ... e to the mobile M an acceleration:

a = IFcl = _ * R * ~ 2 * [1+ J 2 n2 ~ t ~ (13) We notice that the first four factors of the relation (13) are Cu1 ~ tCS
c ~, u ~ ives (m, M and R ~ or which d ~ pel ~ del ~ l of the operating regime ~ m ~ nl of the converter (~).
So, for the analysis ~ ~ ludli ~ li ~ re du ~ ul, ~ u ~ nl we can exclusively use the last factor noted nan "(without clue), called normal acceleration ~ a ~ e.
So: an = [l + e * cos ~, ~ t 12 (14) t2 * s in2 ~ t with the com ~ n ~ e ~

anx = [l + ~ * cos ~ t] * cos [~ t + arcsin ~ * sin ~ t) 3 (15a) 2 * sin2c ~ t ..
any ~ 1 + ~ * cosot 1 * sin [~ t + arcsin (~ * sin ~ t) 3 (15b) E2 * s in2 ~

The co-op- ~ - ~ e any vertical and therefore also the neck, -posa ~ The associated of the force bcc. ~ L, it ~ e have equal values in absolute value and of signs cwlL ~ es for points located symmetri-.l relative to the axis of ~ s. For this reason, their i ~ over a period and donor ~ ù ~ el ~, e over a period, will be zero. In addition, the CUlm ~ lte vertical force cen -trif ~ ge is cu ns ~ in ~ ~ c I and n (y> o) by the weight of the mobile - we assumed M ~> m, and in qllad7 ~ n ~ III and IV (y <0) by the reaction of the soil. So the mobile is not going uel des ~ pl ~,., c; .. b on the direction of on ~ l ~

. ~

¦ the C ~ Force, DSp! - / Couple ~ c descrip ~ f ¦
- I Author: Dan Anghel I page 8 of 44 On the direction of the a ~ e of ab: ~ i ~ es 1 4 anx0 acts C ~ e anx and cc ~ te asso-1. 2 - ~ f ciee de la force centnf ~ l ~. The curve of the va-1. 0 - \ riation over a period and the values ~ ~ s 0.8 - ~ J co ~ s from c. ~ The anx are pre-O, 6 ~ ~ J sent ~ es in figure 3 and a ~ exe 1. The com-~~ 4 ~ ~ ~ posante is symbolized year ~ 0, zero having the signi-0 0 - \ J fication of the zero degrees initial position of the -0 2 - ~ I center of the roller. On ~ ~, that the maxi-_0.4 ~ ~ mum is 1.44 for 0 ~ (360 ~) and the If.i., i .. ~
-0.6 ~ ~ t is ~ .64 for 180 ~. The ~ zero value is reached 0 100 200 300 400 ~ t = 2 * n ~ arctan (~ -1) (16) ~ he calculations have been done ~ read for the value of the relative eYc ~ ntriritr: ~ = e / R = 0.2. So for ~ t = 2 * n * rl ~ 1.3734rad (78.69 ~), i.e.: 78.69 ~ and 281.31 ~ in the first period, anxO = 0.
The action of} a c., ... ~ .te de la force XO c ~ u ~ e associated with an ~ 0 on a mobi} e having - ~ o the ratio M / m = 20 is pl ~ .h ~ in the figure 4 and appendix 2. Are most widely used; the curves and :; r ~ ~ ~ the numerical values7 ~ es foran ~ O, VxO and XO, where: VxO - the speed of the mobile M subject xO to an acceleration} anxO / 20 7 ;. - ~ XO - the position of point A (fig. 2) f ~ f during the d ~ p ~ ~ e ~ n.7 ~ I of the mobile J ~ JVC ~ t M with speed VxO
"O" in VxO and XO have the same ~ i ~ nific7 ~ tion û.O0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 that inxO.LerapportM ~ m = 20aetéchoisi tThwsands) for having the same dom ~ ul ~ of nu7mé values nques po ~ the three curves and to be able} es l ~ pleS ~ It ~ l with a l ~ \ .. of i .. the ~ e ~ nc reciprocal - for clarity of the figure. XO, VxO
and an ~ O are characters ~ iq ~ es ~) ol ~ ees and they target the ~; r ~ ~ tion g ~ n ~ r ~ le, gualitative, ph ~ lu ~ e. Moreover:
VxO = 210 * Janxo * d ~ t (17) X0-1.2 = ¦VxO * d ~ t (18) CA 02203937 l997-04-29 ¦ the C ~ Force, ~ é2 ~ - - / Torque ~ d ~ 3 ~ f ¦
Author: Dan ~ page 9 of 44 ¦
To use these calculated values in real situations, it is necessary to introduce duuct the C ~ cv ~ ructives and functi ~,. mv, ll mobile and cv.l ~, .li ~ ur force, displ ~ eul / couple. The actual values are:
aM = M * R * ~ 2 * (anX0) (l9 VM = M * R * ~ * (20 * VxO ~ ~ 20) XN = M * R * [20 * (X0-1.2)] (21) where: aN - the acceleration of the mobile M
VN ~ the speed of the mobile M
XM - the plan ~ cçmPnt du mo ~ ile M
1.2 in relations (18) and (21) the ~ the abscissa of point A (fig.2) for ~ t = 0, in values ves, for ~ = 0.2:
1.2 = (R + e) ~ R = (R + ~ * R) / R = (l ~) / l (22 ~
Therefore, the CO .. ~ * according to the axis of the ahsci ~ ses of the force CC; llllifUge ill ~ lhlle au mobi-the M an acceleration capable of moving it su ~ a privileged direction - the line that unites axes of the stator and the rotor, the c ~ n ~ having the direction of the axis of the rvtor towards the axis of the stator. This does s'P ~ pliqn ~ by a non-zero mean over a period of the cvl ~ iode according to the axis of r ~ 'i ~ S of the centrifugal force and therefore of the cv.llpo ~. the anx. The value of the mv. ~ Vl ~ lv of anx over a period - anxmoy, is:
2 ~ (n + l) ~ n anxmoy = 21 * J anx * d ~ t (23) 2 ~ n ~ n The indefinite integral of anx is:
Janx * d ~ t = ~ 1 ~ * arctan ~ ~ * tan ~ t) + ~ * sin ~ 2 * ~ t) +
+ 2 * ~ 2 * sin2 ~ t * sin ~ t- 1 ~ * [~ t + arcsin (~ * sin ~] + Const. 124) For the inte ~ integration valley defined we obtain:
2 ~ (n ~ n J anx * d ~ 2 ~ * 2 * n (25) 2 ~ n ~ n D ~ nc: anxmoy = ~ - (1- ~ 2) (26) So the average value of anx depends on what ~ ~ ~ nt of ~ - the relative cell, which is a constructive palalll ~ lle. For ~ = 0.2 we obdent ~ y-0.098979486.
_, CA 02203937 l997-04-29 ¦ the C. ~ For ~ e, D ~ / Couple ~; d ~ ......, J ~ r ¦
- I Author: Da ~ Anghel I page 10 of 44 In figure S are p ~ es the 0.16 - anxR ~ Y ~ curve and numerical values for an ~ avg 0.14 - / in r ~ cl, ul ~ de ~. The values of ~ have been chosen 0.12 - / sies in the range 0.01 .. 0.33, values ~ ~~. / easy to make ~ hniq ~, e. ~ .1 We ~ ue the 0.08 ~ n ~ 1 ~ nre prati ~ lu ~ linear dll of anxmoy 0 ~ 06 - / compared to ~. This fact has an imp ~, ~ this practice 0 02 - / that particular because it imrliqll ~ a relationship practically linear between the eccentricity and the O. oo ~ J ~
.01 .05 .09 .13 .17 .21, zs .zg, 33 pulling force ~ tion. The ~ Pntn ~ d-tee can be modified c. "~.
moy ~ I ar ~ solutic ~ ns co ~ tiYes classics, displac ~ ant .01 .004999 .12 .059782 .23 .113438 the axis of the rotor on the direction pr ~ gié.
.02 .oossss .13 .064723 .24 .118220 .03 .014997 .14 .069654 .25 .122983 .04 .019992 .15 .074573 .26 .127725 In the case of mobile and conver-.05 .024984 .16 .079481 .27 .132446 weaver with the charms ~ u ~ - ~ ives and .06 .029973 .17 .084376 .28 .137142 .07 .034957 .18 .08925g .29 .141816 f ~ nctl ~ M, m, R and ~ 7 the value .08 .039936 .19 .094127 .30 .146464 ~ e ~ the acceleration of the mobile is:
.os .044909 .20 .098979 .31 .151086 .lo .049874 .21 .103816 .32 .155680 ~ 2- ~ - 2 .11 .054833 .22 .108636 .33 .160245 aMmed = (~) * m * R * ~ 2 (27 Figure 5 - The average value of the co, .. p ~ according to the axis of ~ (the direcdon privileged) of the force ce ~; ruge which i ~ c ceKe acceleration to the mobile is:

Fcxm ~ d = - (l- ~) * m * R * ~ 2 (28) For n-lm ~ rique values: ~ = 0.2; m = lkg; R = 0.lm; and for 3600roymin that is to say ~ = 2 * ~ * 60 = 120 * ~ (rad / s), we get FCxmed = l4o6.72 N = 143.4kgf.
The use of a se ~ ll roller has the following désa ~ tages.
~ the force obtained is variable over time and cannot be used as a force ~ u ~ n. Its ~ ltili ~ tion as tensile force is incul ~ vl ~ ble.
- the space ~ c, pvl ~ the in the stator is little used, the pa ~ e acdve being only the area of roller - stator contact.
The solution to avoid these d ~ a ~ ~ is l ~ tilisatian of a rotor with several revs. The Figure 1 shows a converter with a rotor having six roll ~. The rollers being out of phase between them 60 ~ t360 ~ 6), the forces developed by the rollers will also be phased ~
with the same angle.

_, ¦ the C. ~ L Force, Dep! ~ / Couple ~ description ~ f ¦ Author: Dan Anghel ¦ page 11 of 44 ¦

1.6 The effect of the action c ~ l ~ c ~ mi ~ l ~ e des 1,4 - ~ S12anx ~ anx ~ forces produced by several rollers in 1.2 - ~ 1. f movement is pr ~ ene in Figure 6 and 1.0 - ~ / $ 2anxO appendix 3. The curves and the 0. 8 ~ numerical values of the comps anx of f J accelerated ~ ti ~ - -l ~ srapportéespourdes 0 2 ~ ~ ~, ~ 41 ~ has converters having 1; 2; 3; 4; 6 and 12 rolls.
0 0 ~ / J nx1 The calculations have been made for the eccentricity -0.2 ~ ~ relative ~ = 0.2.
-0 6 ~ t In an e- ~! E of rollers, the 0 100 200 300 400 forces centrifu ~ es plùd ~ u ~ s by the rollers ~ igure 6 lllW ~ m ~ ~ itionnent g ~ n ~ tli ~ u ~ .lle .. o Les CO- ~ S of these forces according to the axes of coordinates s ~ a ~ litirmnent algebraically. Les cu..lpo ~ lles anx des aceel ~ ivns norm ~ l ~
l ~ pul ~ s s ~ d-lit; ~ rvlll also algebri4ue., l ~ n ~ Using relations (12) and (lSa), we can write:
F ~ rx = ~ FCX (i) = m * R * ~ 2 * (~ anxi ~ = m * R * ~ 2 * S ~ n) anx (p) ~ 2g) i = li = l OR: FT ~ - the force produced by the cvll.elli ~ on the preferred direction Fc ~ - the force produced by a roller of the e ~ le on the preferred direction n - the number of rv ~ the ~ of the whole - I'ull index ~, ~ on r ~
S (n ~ anx (p) - the sum (S ~ of c ~ mp ~ te, s anx of reported normal accelerations (values ~;, .... 11, nf ~) of the rolls of the el ~ ml)! e, pvur n Ivul ~ u ~, p being the co lific ~ ti <! n of the initial pvsition of the first roll of the assembly counterclockwise.
We took in calculation a name ~ re ~ of twelve loL ~ I ~ having a d ~ p! U Ive of 360 ~: 12 = 30 ~
between them. The initial position of the first roller of the dou ~ e is p = O therefore 0 * 30 ~ = 0 ~ and of the twelfth roller is p = ll so 11 * 30 ~ = 330 ~. The function anx becomes anx (p). Cw ~ to this initial position, I '~ r ~ of the function anx (p) relative to the roller with the position p bECOMES:
~ t + p * 300 (30) Add the values x; .. ~ (the same ~ t) of the anx for all the rollers of a ell $ e Ll_, in o7 ~ s ~ 1 thus the variation in time of S ~ n) anxf ~ O - the sum of the compo health anx of ar ~ '... lions born ~ ~ ~. The d ~ e between two rollers c ~ n ~ cutif ~
of a ~ having n rolls is 360 ~: n. If the first roll of a co ~ Yt; l ~ eLIL having three rollers occupies position 1, i.e. 30 ~, the next occu ~ la position 30 ~~ 360 ~: 3 = 1 ~ 0 ~ that is ~ ire 150 ~: 30 ~ = 5, so position 5 and the third rwleau position 9.
In the ~ ll ~ se at the end of the table (appendix 3) colde ~ ll the numerical values for dirré ~ nLes S (n ~ anx (p), we ~ ldn ~ u ~ the values practi ~ u ~ n ~ .h ~ s of these for co ~ having 4; 6 or 12 ro ~ In the ~, I ~ Lèse is ple ~ t ~ the difference between the mi ~ .. or the ~., .. of S ~ n) anx ~ p) and an average value obtained by the mllltil) lic ~ ion of CA 02203937 l997-04-29 ¦ C ~ ~ .li ~ Force, D., ~ r; ~ / Couple ¦ ~ d ~ s ~.; T, til '¦
¦ Author: Dan Anghel ¦ page 12 of 44 ¦
-anxmoy (see relation 26) produced by a roller with the number of rollers of the conver-weaver. This method of calculating the average value is possible because the effects of the rollers are cumulative. The values obtained for the mean by this method (avg (int)) are identical with those obtained by the statistical calculation of the mean ~ AVG). ~ n percentage, The order of magnitude of the difference between the m ~ ximllm or the ~ ..illil .. ,, l. ~ Of S (n) anx (p) and the value average thus ~ 1ele, ~ e is:
- + 1% for 4 rolls - + 1 * 102% for 6 rolls - + 1 * 108% for 12 rolls therefore values practi ~ lu ~ nl con ~ t ~ ntes.
In conclusion, the solution of using multiple rollers solves both desiderata: forces practically c () l ~ e ~ in time and a conlplele use of space available in the stator.
For the converter having the characteristics: ~ = 0.2; m = lkg; R = 0.lm; ~, ~ = 2 * n * 60rad / s and n rolls, we obtain, by multiplying with n the value calculated with equation (28), the following values:
- for 4 rolls Ftot = 4 * FC7 ~ d = 573,6kgf - for 6 rolls Ftot = 6 * FC, ~, n, d = 860,4kgf - for 12 rolls Ftot = 12 * FC, nn ~ d = 1720.8kgf So with a converter having twelve rollers, which can be inscribed in a cylinder having the diameter of 0.3m, the height of 0.2m and the weight of about 0. ltt, we obtain a force of traction or ~ eJ ~ ion practically constant over time, 1.7tf, linked to the device.
The action of the FTX force produced by the com ~ e ~ alone (see relation 29), generates the displacement of the mobile M on the direction of the axis of the ~ hscicees and at the same time, the force FT7 ~
produces mechanical translation work which must be equal to the energy supplied by the motor df ~; n ~ Glllbll ~ We can write:
tf tf tf Wif = ¦ dt * dt = JFTx * dt * dt = Eif = fT (t ~ * d ~ * dt (31) ti ti ti where: Wif - the mechanical translation work produced by the force FT ~ which drives the mobile M
i, f - initial, final (indices) ti ~ tf - the initial moment respectively hnal Elf - the mechanical energy of rotation produced by the motor of it x ~ t) - displacement ~ translation) of the mobile M
T (t) - the engine torque d (t, - angular displacement (rotation) of the motor shaft Given that:
dW / dt = P (t) - the power required to perform the mechanical work dx / dt = vM (t) - the translation speed of the mobile M on the direction of the abscissa axis d ~ / dt = ~ (t) - the angular speed of rotation of the motor shaft C ~ Force, n ~ p ~ / Couple ¦ l '''.-.; d ~
Author: Dan Anghel ¦ page 13 of 44 J
we can write: P (t ~ = FT ~ vM (~ = 'l' (t ~ * (l) (t ~ (32) or in the form ~ fe ~ ielle: P (t) * dt = FT ~ * d ~ = T (tl * d ~ (33) So, for force FTX to produce the displacement of mobile M, it is necessary that by the ~ lnl ... c ~ re of the converter, the displacement; l - c-ll of the force PT ~ generates a torque "-T (t,"
opposite to the motor torque "T (t,", hence the name of conve-Lib ~ eul force, displacement / torque.
must ~ uer that the factor ~ = dfl / dt cannot be infln.on ~ ed because one can take into consideration only of rpm ~ c ~ r l., n ~ statior ~ areas of the engine, therefore with d ~ / dP ~ = const, not llal ~ LOil ~, ~ regimes. Moreover, in mo lifi ~ nt ~ we modify the force FT ~ generated by the CUn ~
The active element of cùl ~ v ~ force, d ~ placeme, ~ t / couple is the roller. He uses the mechanical energy of rotation provided by the motor to perform a work m ~ c ~ niqll ~ of tr ~ n ~ l ~ ti ~ n by the move of mobile M. The roller moves ~ / a on a ~ oi ~ el ~ ul ~ -of the cv .. ~) n rotational movements of the roller on the stator and translation of the mobile M.
The n ~ t ~ i ~ s used in the p ~ r ~ phe which follows have no cu le ~ n ~ e formal in other p ~ r ~ gr ~ phec of this d ~; on and the relations l "~ lh ~ iq ~ es are not null ~ aulgated.
We will study the movement of a material point m on a ~ .ilt; dice ~ by the eq Y = Y (x) or x = ~ c (t3 and Y = Y (~) in r ~ é ~., ~ n E ~ liqlle as a function of time.
We define:
- v "- dx and v = dy the projectians of the speed on the axis of ~ 1 ~ i ~ dt r dt respectively ordinates dv ~ d2x d5 d2 ~ projections of acceleration on - a, = dt = - 2 and ap = d = - 2 the axis of ~ es respe ~; tivem ~ n ~ des Preced relations ~ le..l ~ s we deduce:
dy = v ~ and the inverse relation dx = v ~
dx v "dy r ~, d2y v ~ * a, ~, - vr $ a ~ dQX v, ~, $ a ~ - r ~ a, ~
d ~ V3 and d ~ 2 v ~ r .

¦ Cr ~ .tiw Force, DIépr - / Couple ¦ r ~ d ~ t ~ f ¦
¦ Author: Dan Anghel ¦ page 14 of 44 ¦
y The graphical representation of the curve y = y (") is shown in Figure 7. The ratings have the following meaning:
C - the center of c ~, u, b ~ co.l ~ n ~ l ~ -l at position of point m ~, ~ Flt ~ Rc - the radius of Coulbul ~ corresponding to the R / position of point m Xf, C Rc ~; Rcy - the projections of the radius of C ~ lUIbUl ~;
~ / RCy x on the axis of abs-: i ~ s respectively of ordered RCX XC; YC - the coordinates of the center of curvature o - the angle of inclination of the coulbule radius Figure 7 with respect to the axis of a ~ i ~ ses F (t) - force associated with point m, parallel to the axis abscissa The radius of curvature and the coordinates of the center of cell C is defined.

(dy) (dy) (dy) ¦K¦ - d2X; CX d2; YC = Y- dy dy2 dy2 dy2 _ where: - K is the COUIl ~ Ule of the curve y (x) coll ~ ndante at the position of the point m. - x and y are the coordinates of point m.
From Figure 7 we deduce:
RCx XX = _ l + (dX / d ~ 2 _ VX2 + V2 d * / dy2 vy * ax- Vx * ay RC = yy = (dX / dy) * [l + (dx / d ~ 2] vx2 + vy2 d2X / dy2 Vy * aX- VX * ay The displacement of the point m on the curve y (, ~ is in fact a succession of rotations; ~ f.'ill; le ~
males around the centers i ~ f ~ i ~ s of rotation, which are the centers of curvature of the curve y (") coll ~ d ~ nts at each of the p ~ xitions of point m on the curve.
performed by the force F (t) associated with the point m is a sum of work m ~ c ~ niqutos of rotation it ~ lilexi ~ .., ... ~ around the centers i .. ~ s of rotation. The force F (t) being parallel with the axis abscissa, the lever arm of the force ~ ra the projection of the radius of curvature on the axis of ord - nnee ~, therefore R ~ ". The angular displacement of the point m around the center of CV ~ bUlC is given by the modification of the inclination angle ,. i ~ -l. of the radius of coull, ul ~ relative to the axis of ahsci ~, therefore the angle o, the displacelllt; lll i, .ii..i ~ i ... ~ l being d ~.

¦ le C ~ ti ~ Foroe, Dét ~ '~ / Couple ¦ I ~ f ~ ~ td ~ l; "tir ¦
I Author: Dan Angbel ¦ page 15 of 44 1 ~

The moment of the force F (t) corresponding to a det ~ ed position of the point m is:
~ t) = ~ t) * R ~
, The angle o can be defined: a = arctan - = arctan _ x R ~ x V
~, ~ r ~
therefore: ~ = - darctan-- $ dt = - V ~ * ax vx * a, ~ df df v ~, v2 ~ v2 The infinite mechanical work ~ imz-1 will be:
dW = ~ t) * do = ~ t) ~ R ~ * do = - ~ t) * V ~ dt = - ~ t) * dX

So the mechanical work done by the rotation of the force F (t) around the center i ~ of rotation, that is to say T (t ~ * da, is equal to the mechanical work carried out by the translation, correspon-dante to rotation, of this force on a direction parallel to itself, that is to say F (t) * dx.
So energetic dpdv, the movement of the point m and the associated force has a dual character:
of rotation and tr ~ n ~ 1 ~ ti ~ n The sign "-" is due to the collvelllions mathematics collc ~ tll la variation of abscissa and angles.
, ~. , The movement of the roller represents a particular case of the general situation described in the previous p; ~ ra ~ r ~ ph ~. The trajectory of the roller results from the combination of the movements-rotation of the roller on the stator and translation of the mobile M. The conclusion concerning nant the energetic dpdv duality of any movement is therefore applicable in the case of the movement made by the roller. So the mechanical work done by translating the roller and its associated force is gripped at the converter shaft as being produced by a moment (of a force) which performs a rotational movement around the centers i ~ ss of rotation. The movement of the mobile on which the cwlv ~ i ~ ul is installed will therefore induce the tree of the converter a resistant torque, opposite to the engine torque, hence the name of c ~ lv ~ lli ~ u force, displacement J torque.
The power necessary for the convel shaft ~ i ~ ul force, displacement / torque so that the roller can perform m.-c ~ nique work, in accordance with the deduced conclusion previously, is:
P tx = dW ~ X / dt = Fcx * vrx (34) OR:
Ptx - the power required to move the mobile M along the x-axis wtx - the mechanical work carried out by the same movement of the mobile M
FCX- the component along the abscissa axis of the centrifugal force developed by the roller vrx - the component along the x-axis of the roller speed In accordance with relations (12); (14) and (lSa) we can write:
Fcx = m * R * ~ 2 * anx (35) ¦ the C ~ L Force, Dtp ~ - / Couple ¦ ~ d ~ s ~.; "Til ¦
I Author: Dan Anghel I page 16 of 44 1 -The component '/ vr, ~' / of the roller speed, can be defined:

VrX = VM + VX (3 6) OR:
VM - the speed of movement of the mobile along the x-axis v, ~ - the c <, ~ e along the abscissa axis of the speed of the roller in its movement on the stator, cc ~ e defined by the relation (8a) The relation (34) becomes:

PtX = FCX * (VM + VX) = FCX * VM + FCX * VX = PX + PrX (3) OR:
P, ~ - la ~ ~ i ~ .ce nec. ~ Ite for moving the mobile under the action of force developed by the roller Pl, ~ - the power n ~ these ~ ire for the movement of the roller on the stator when the mobile M is on a break For VM = O, therefore the mobile M in the rest state, we can write:
PtX = Prx = Fcx * vx The mobile M being at rest, to carry out the movement of the roller on the stator it is not necessary a continuous supply of energy from the outside, s ~ gi ~ nt, in a stationary regime (~ = const.), of an oscillation of the power over the duration of a period (rotation), the integral over a period (energy, mechanical work) being zero.
2 (n + 11n 2 (n + 1) n 2 (n + 1) n So, at rest: Wtx = J PtX * dt = J PrX * dt = J Fcx * vx * dt = o 2nn 2nn 2nn In conclusion, the power n ~ ce ~ ire to move the mobile under the action of a roller is given by the first term:
PX = FCX * VM (3 8) and it only depends on the force generated by the roller and the speed of movement of the mobile M on which the converter is installed.
In practice, the following states of the mobile M are ~ tingll ~:
- rest - of movement at speed co ~ e - of uniformly accelerated movement In the rest regime, the energy that must be supplied to the mobile is zero. The movement regime ment at speed c ~ is a special case, with zero acceleration, of the motion regime ment u --- drastically accelerated. Because of its general character, we de ~~ inel ~ the expression of the power nt ~ c ~ ire to the shaft of the convelli ~ w for this den ~ ier case.

CA 02203937 l997-04-29 ¦ the C ~. ~ .; . Force, D ~ p ~ 1 / Torque ¦ A ~ of ~ descriptive ¦
¦ Author: Dan Anghel ¦ page 17 of 44 ¦
C ~ cn ~ ons that under the action of a conv ~ r with several rollers, which generates a pulling force pr ~ e ~ nl cor ~ nt ~, the mobile moves ul ~ ir ~ e ~ accelerated with ac-celeration aM = const. The speed of the mobile is:
vM = a ~ * t = a ~ * (~ t) * (~ -l) (39) o ~:
t - travel time ~ h, t of the mobile with acc ~ lér ~ ion aM
~ * t = ~ t - the angle described by the converter shaft or any roller (see Figure 2) From relationships (35); (383 and (39), where ~ obtains the necessary power for training single roll operation:
Px = ~ * R * ~ * au * (~ t) * anx (40) We rell ~ l ~ eu that m and R are c ~ t ~ -l ~ cv ~ ives of the converter and ~ and aM are cv ~ s of operating mode ~~ nL For the qualitative analysis of the ~ e P, ~ l ~ ece for the ~ ntra1n ~ m. ~ nt of a roll, we introduce the notion of p ~ lifi ~ nce l <lppullee "px":
px = (~ t) * anx (41) therefore: Px = m ~ R * ~ * au * px (4 25 - px0 ~ Figure 8 and appendix 4 ~ bcnlenl la ~~ curve and the table of numerical values of 20 - the pni ~ n (e ~ e px for the roller having / ~ the initial position 0 i.e. 0 ~, therefore px0. The t0 - f ~, f ~ value of the relative eccentricity taken in calculation J 1 ~ f ~ is ~ = 0.2. The calculation interval is very ~
~ \, 1 ~ riodes, so 1080 ~. On ~ al4ue au ~ llL.l ~ lior -5 - ~ from ~ ml ~ lihldç from pni ~ nre l ~ pul ~ e px0 -10 - ~ f ~ from one period to another. This ~ ion -15 ~ s'ç ~ rliqllr by the ~ u ~ ti ~ n proportional to 0 0. 2 0. 4 0. 6 0. 8 1 the speed of the plli ~ nr ~ nr ~ e ~ ite for the Flgure 8 moving the mobile M.
In the case of movement at speed c ~, VM = C ~ hSt., The relation ~ 40) becomes:
Px = m * R * ~ 2 * v ~ * anx ~ 3) I, es pl ~ licl ~ four factors being c ~ t ~, the variation over time of the ~ r ~ nrcç ~ e for the ~ e ~ r ~ el ~ l of the roller is given by anx. So the plilude of pl ~ i ~ nce will not vary more than one period to the other, anx being described by a periodic function. Dpdv physics, a mvu ~, ~. "elll at speed c ~ impliq ~ l ~ a p li ~ nce n ~ cç ~ ire for the d ~ cerl, ~,., l mobile, c ~

¦ le Cc ~ Force, D ~ 'f Couple ¦ r ~ ~ ~ d ~ .i, Jtir ¦
Author: Dan Anghel¦ page 18 of 44 ¦
as the CO ~ has several rollers, the pllie. ~ s ~ nces n ~ e ~ es for their ~ nl and therefore the ~ a ~ .l ~, menl of the mobile M, add up. This sum of p ~ lie ~ e ~ nr, ç ~, which are out of phase ~ es in time, lepl ~ elll ~ la p ~ en ~ e total PT ~
necessary for the converter shaft for moving the mobile M:
n ~ n PTX ~ Px (i) m R * ~ aM ~ PXiJ

where: n - the number of rollers of the converter i - index of r .... ~ n ~ ion of the rollers The first four factors of relationship (44) being c. , ~ .t ~ j, we can do the qualitative analysis tive of the pui ~ C ~ nre. total PT ~ by analyzing the last factor which lepr ~ e the sum of p ~ res reported (values e ~ imlllt ~ n ~ es) collei, ~ l ~ .1A-.t ~ s to the converter rollers and that we write "S (n) px (p)":
S (n) pX (P) = ~ PXi ( where: i = 1 S - sum (S) of px p - the c ~ 1ific ~ tion of the initial position of the first rolls of the el ~ m ~! e (see relation 29) Therefore:
P ~ x = m * R * ~ * aM * s (n) px (pl (4 ~) By developing S (n) px (p) in accordance with relations (41) and (45) we obtain:
nn S (n) px (p) = ~ (~ t) * anx (p) i = ((, ~ t) * ~ anx (p) i = (~ t) * S (n1anx (p) (47) i = li = l therefore a linear relation as a function of time between the sum of the COlllpO ~ dnleS anx of the acces-lappult normal lerations ~, ~, SS (n) an ~ (p) and the sum of ~ r ~ pOll ~; ~ S (n) px (p).
So: PTx = m * R * ~ * aM * (~ 3t) * s (n) anx (p) (48) Taking into account relations (29) and (39) we oWent:
P ~ x = m * R * ~ 2 * S (n) anx (p) * aM * (~ * t) * (c. ~ -L) = F ~ X * VM (4g) that is to say the general relation which l ~ pl ~ sellle the plli ~ nre n ~ cec ~?; re to the converter shaft as a function of the force developed by the converter and the speed of the mobile M driven by the converter.
Figure 9 and Annex 5 pl ~ ll ~ l ~ l the curves and the table with the numerical values ques des S (n) px (p) for two groups of three rolls and for the group resulting from six uul ~ ~. The relative eccentricity taken in calculation is ~ = 0.2. We rell ~ L ~ uc that the sum of p ~ ~ nl ~ es l ~ ltées for c) l ~ elLis ~ lJl with six r ~, au ~ S6px (p) has a ~ ion p ~ ti ~ l ~ .el, e. ~ 1 linear in time. This fact is explained by the value prati ~ luemell ~ co ~ of I le C ~ .t Force, D ~ p '/ Couple ~ dcc l. ~ T ¦
Author: Dan Anghel¦ page 19 of 44 ¦
S6anx (p). Col ~ .. f. \. Ent a la relation ~ 47), la 4 S6px1 variation in time of S6px (p) is given / by the factor (~ t) q ~ i varies lilleailelllelll in lê

3 - / temps, le deuxième facteur S6anx(p) étant prati-2.5 - / ~luel~ c~-n~t~nt D.p.d.v. physique, le déplace-2 - / f~S3px1 ment unifoll~l~,.llellt acceléré du mobile M impli~
A ) que l'all~n~ iol~ linéaire dans le temps de la 1 /~ j J p~ n~e nécessaire pour son déplacêment.
O 5 /~7~ Dans lê cas du mouvement avec vitesse O ~ c.~ le, vM=const., la relation (46) deviênt:

Figure 9 PTx=m*R*~2*v~*S~n)anx(p~ (50~
Dans le cas des convertisseurs avec six ou douze rouleaux, parce que S6anx(p) respe~i-ve~,nl S12anx(p) sont prati(lue.ll~.ll c~ es dans le temps, la plli~n~e nécessaire pour le déplace-ment du mobile M et donc l'en~ ,nlelll des rouleaux est Co~ dans le temps. Dans le cas des convertisseurs avec 2; 3 et 4 rouleaux, S2~3;4)anx(p) sont des fonctions periodiques, leur valeurs ~ répétant d'une période à l'autre. D.p.d.v. physique, un muuve~ nL a vites~ c~n~nte, implique une puissance nécessaire pour l'e.lLI~llt;lllèlll du mobile, c~
Le n-ou~nl~,nl d'un mobile impose aussi des décelérations pour réduire la vites~ de del)lacement ou pour l'arrêt du mobile. La force produite par le convertisseur devra freiner le mobile, danc lui i~ r une accélération négative, une decél~,tatinn, ayant le sens OppOSe à la vitesse d'avancement du mobile. Oa peut écrire:
vu= v0-aM*t (5 où: v0 - la vitesse du mo~ile M au début de la décélération L'énergie cinétique du mobile M qui se ~)la~l avec la vitesse v0 sera ~ ....C~ à une valeur cc,ll~,s~ldante à la nouvelle vitesse VM par l'évacuation de l'énergie ~u~ t. L'énergie évacuée est l'énergie produite par le freinage du mobile M. Apparâit donc une p~ qr~e de freinage qui lè~ ,~nle la variation dans le temps de l'énergie cinétique du mobile M, respecti-vement de l'énergie évacuée.
L'énergie cinétique du mobile M est: E= 2*M*VM2= 2*M* (vo-aM* t~ 2 (52) La pui~ lce de freinage sera:

PfX= dE= 2*M* ddt (vO-aM*t)2=M* (vO-a~5*t) * (-a~) =-F~*VM (53 OU: FT - la force totale qui agit sur le mobile M en lui implill~ll une accélération aM, force produite par N c.~ icientiqll~
Donc: F~=M*aMr N~F~ t54) où: FT~ - la force totale produite par les rouleau~ d'un convertisseur (voir la relstion 29) ¦ le C~ Force, Dépr ~ /Couple ~ d~
Auteur: Dan Anghel ¦ page 20 de 44 ¦
La puice~n~e. de freinage à l'arbre d'un convertisseur est:

PTX N = F~*VM (55) c'est-à-dire la relation g~nérale (49), qui .~ip~ e la puix~nce à l'arbre du con~el~i~ul en fonction de la force développée par le c~)l v~lli~ et de la vitesse du mobile M sur lequel est installé le convertisseur.
La p~ ~nce ~ de la relation (55) étant néga~ve, à l'arbre du cvnvelli~eul onaura une énergie disponible qui devra être évacuée pour réaliser le processus de freinage. Cette énergie devra être évacuée par ~ .a~i-.n ou par ~t- rL .~e. Dans la te~hniqu~ actuelle il existe une grande variété de procédés mécaniques, hydrauliques, pn~.lm~tiques, électriques, électro-magnétiques, électl~ l~ e~ etc. de t~ tif)n ou de ~ ~e de l'énergie, ayant des per-form~ncPfi, des le~ m.,ll~ et des prix dans une large gamme de valeurs. Quelques-uns de ces procédés peuvent imposer l'in. l~ n du moteur d'e~ aî~l~lllcllt du convertisseur dans la chaîne énergétique qui produit le freinage.
En conclusi~n, le c~nvelli~;e~ force, d~placG.Ilell~ / couple est un .~ r m~ni inertiel qui produit une force ptatiquement c~ et de direction définie, liee au d;xl,.~i~ir Cette force est ~l~luit~ sans interaction avec le milieu dans lequel ou le support sur lequel évolue le mobile équipé d'un convelli~w et sans réaction avec ou sans perte de masse. La valeur de cette force peut être variée lin~il.,.llcinl en mot1;fi~nt l'.o~c~entri- it~ ou selon une loi du carré en vatiant la vitesse de rotation. Le convertisseur est un dispo~itif téversible, la force ptoduite pouvant etre utilisee tant pour le déplacement ou l'a~e~ion du mobile que pour son freinage ou sa ~lçsc~nt~. Le convertisseur peut assurer au mobile une position stationnaire à
n'.nl~lte quelle distance du sol, p" ~ l.le.ll sans ~n~ n d'énetgie (à l'exception des pettes par ftictions intetnes~. La technologie de fabrication sera similaire à celle des roul~
spécialement en ce qui c~ cellle la précision de l'usinage et le ll~;t. --~<-.l des .~ltf~s Dans toutes les situations d'utili~ti. n d l, il est absolument nécessaire de re~r la relation ...~ . entre la ~ ~... e à l'arbre du conve.~ , la force développée par le convertisseur et la vitesse du mobile. Au~l~n~ , par l'emballement ou la décélération du rotor, le f )nr,tiol~ nl~ du cu..~,elli~eul est c~ ,, de même que la stabilit~é du mobile. Cette nPce.e~;itP impliqu~ra une tres forte i~ l;~l;on du processus de evl~ de et de contrôle du fonctionnement de l'ensemble des c~,llvelli~;~ qui é4ui~l~ t le mobile dans le cas des applications aér~pa~iales, mais ces applirati~ns sont déjà fortement i~o....~i~es Dans le ~ll terrestre le convertisseur sera utilisé pour p~ ; la force de traction n~ce~ pour le d~lac~lnelll du véhicule. I~tant donné que le vecteur force doit etre orien-table en fonction de la llaj~Oilc~ suivie par le véhicule, il est nPcP~ire que le plan dans lequel roulent les rouleaux soit en permanence parallèle au plan des roues directrices. Ce desiderata compliquera d'une façon in~ irl~ e la châ~ne ~ Sm&tique de tran~mi~ion de la p~ ce du moteur d~pl~n~ r~t au c~ ve.l~u.. La grandeur de la force de traction n'est plus limitée par l'a.ll e~-ce avec le SUPP~It de dépl~rem.ont et elle pourra être variée Ih~ilelllenl en modi-fiant l'excentricité. Le moteur thPrmi~l~ à pistons foncti~ nnpra à vitesse co~ e d~nc à des p~~ ,s optimaux et la boite de vitesses ne sera plus nécessaire. I~a p~ c~nce n'etant plus ¦ le Con~Al~ Force, D~pr / Couple ¦ M~ ~ d~;yt;r ¦
Auteur: Dan Anghel I page 21 de 44 L~ c aux roues, le ~irr~rellliel n'est plus n~ce~ire. ~a possibilité de fonctionnement à
vitesse de rotation co~ e ~Imctllà l'utilisation de la turbine comme moteur thermique d'~ntr~1n~ment donc l'utilisation d'un moteur thermique de grand ren-1em~nt, plus simple d.p.d.v. cu ~u;~r, fiable, robuste, avec réponse rapide et à c.. i.x.. -~;on spécifique de combustible reduite. Dans la production de grande série, le coût de production de la turbine sera inférieur au coût de production du moteur th~-rmiqn~ à pistons. En resumé, les avantages de l'utilisation du con-ve~ cul pour les véhicules lcl~ es sont:
a) des coûts de fabrication illrclie.~l~ à cause de la ~ rition de la boîte de vitesses et du di~clcnliel et par l'lltili~tion de la turbine;
b) des coûts d'exploitation illfc.;~ par la réduction de la cu~onl~ ion de c....-b..x~ihle (I'utilisation de la turbine ou du moteur th~rmique à pistons à des paramètres Oplillla~L) et la réduction de l'usure des pneus;
c) la possibilité de Co~ e des véhicules tout-terrain à grande capacité de ~l~h~Lion en terrain accidenté à cause de l'indépen-l~n-~e de la force de traction de l'adhérence au sol;
d) la réduction de la polluti~ par la réduction de la cc~n~omm~tion de cu-nb~tible et le fonctionnement du moteur à des paramètres v~
e) la p.~vaLion des lc~,uul~ énergétiques.
Dans le ~l'dlbpOIl aérien le convertisseur sera utilisé dans une première étape pour ~luile la force de traction (I)loLul~i~)ll) I'hélice ou le jet du moteur aclolcaclir. Les ~IV~IlllageS sont: la simplification de la construction de l'aéronef, une construction plus comra~ te et la réduction de la col~ AI ion de co ~-~1~.
, Dans un dévelu~.~mc;.ll ultérieur, le convertisseur sera utilisé pour produire la force de nli~lion et la force de traction. A cause des ~lifficnlt~s liées à la production d'un couple antagoniste au couple moteur, pour la stabilité de l'aéronef est n~cçs;~ire le foncti~ el--~nl des c~ vcllisseurs à deux, en paires, en montage anticouple (sens de rotation opposé). En fonction de leur longueur et du mode d'application de la force de x..xle~ ion, on distingue deux types d'aclu. cr~;
a) aéronefs courts avec un mode conccl-lle d'app!ic~tinn de la force de ~ r ~ ion, équivalents à l~élicoptère, et b) aélol~f~ longs avec un mode distriW d'~pplir~ti-)n de la force de ~ n, équivalents à l'avion.
Dans le cas des ~rol~cf~, courts on peut utiliser la ~ ion directe, mécanique, de la puissance, des moteurs aux convertisseurs, chaque moteur ~ un converLisseur. Apparaît la neceseité7 que les moteurs CUI1~D~II~Il~7 à la paire de co.lvc-li~,eul~ en ~ e anticouple, fonctionnent ~im~ r,~,ll à la même vitesse de rotation et avec le même couple mais avec des sens de rotation opposes. Cette n~ceceit~ ov~ ,~L~ le dévelop~ clll~nl d'unenouvelle catégorie de moteurs turbine birotors avec l'équipa.~lion de la charge par l'égalisation des débits de fluide sur les deux rotors, ayant le moment total nul. Pour simplifier la construction de l'aéronef, la variation de la valeur de la force de xllxlr~ tion et de traction ~
réali~ra de plcrclcllce par la variation de la vitesse de rotation. ~'avantage de l~nili~ti~n des convettisseurs est la disparitiorl du rotor à pales, ce qui COI~ ~lnd à la ré~ c~ion de la consom-mation de combustible pour l'ascer sion, le m~intien en position et le d~pl~;el-~.-l de l'aéronef.
La c~uction de l'aér~ef ~ra plus Culllpa~lc et plus robuste que celle de l'hélicoptère.

¦ le C~ Force, I~ / Couple ~ r ~ ~e d~
Auteur: I)an Anghe} ¦ page 22 de 44 ¦
Dans le cas des acr~ ,r~ longs, la foroe de ~ e~ ion sera produite par plusieurspaires de conver~sseurs dis~ibuées au lor~ de l'aéronef. La ~ ;;nn ~.f~ P de la plJi~n~e dès moteurs aux COI~ w~i est in~cept~ t~hni.l.,P~c..l. Il devient necessaire d'e .~/,.. r les ~ pat des moteurs éle~ ; Pour le contrôle rigoureux de la vitesse de rotation, ces moteurs doivent être de type synchrone, pol~ylla~. La chaîne énergé-tique plub~le sera: turbines - ,~,..él~s synchrones - ~ d;~ on en courantcontinu - nndllle~lrs - moteurs ~~ es - convertisseurs. Les tu*~ines, les générateurs, les moteus et les c~ e,~ seront couplés en paires en mc~t~g~ anticouple, fnncti~nnant à la mêrne vitesse de rotation, au même couple mais avec des sens de rotation opposés. Chaque paire de moteurs sera Atj~" ~ par un onduleur. Ln fonction du dé~ I du centre de poids de l'aéronef et des forces pel~wl,all;ces qui peuvent app~~ durant le vol ~co~
ascension~els ou dP~ u.l - -~), cha~que paire de c~ devra ~ lir.( ~ la valeur de la force produite, ind~ ..u.~ des aut~s paires. La variation de la force se léalis~a en modi-fiant la vitesse de rotation, donc en ~orlir; --l la fré~uence de sortie de l~ r~l. La force de traction sera pr~duite par des paires de COl~ ictin-~t~ de celles qui produisent la force de ~u~lentati~. Pour varier la force de traction, on ~odir~ la rl~(~uel~e de sortie de ~ ndlllp~lr ou l'el~centricité du c~ r. Pour le contrôle des mou~e.l.en~ et de l'assiette de l'aéronef et pour contrecarrer l'effet ~ des rafales de vent, I'aéronef sera équipé avec des paires de c~lvel(i~eul~ agissant h.J.i~ l k et ver~cale.llenl, pel~ lic~ nl sur la direction de déplacernent. Ces c~xl"el~ devront avoir une réponse rapide et ~ q~ ate à
la valeur de la COI~ ou de la pe~ tion. Leur rotor sera co~ ellemPn~ en mou~m~;lll, le ~ e.l~ du sens et de la v~leur de la force pr~ui~ sera réalisé par la m~ifi~ati~)n de I'excentricite. Toutes ces exigences imposent une très forte ild~ 1;on de la c~ -de de l'aéronef. L~ltili~ffon des cvll-,e.~ presente les suivar~s a~lt~
a) la possibilité de réaliser des ~rwl. ~ de grande capacité et de g~ande vitesse à décollage et ~t . . ;.wa~ vertical;
b~ les ~.~ ltS qui peuvent l~cevoir des ael~l~f~ à décollage et A~ ~ge ver~ical peuvent etre situés dans le proche v~ age ou même à l'intérieur des a~ m~l~li~ls urbaines à
cause de l'absence des pistes de déc~)llae~ ll~e. Donc fin~lRm~nt la r~duction des swfaces de terrain et des in~e~ nRce~ires pour la réalisation de l'aéroport, la réduction du temps de d~lacelllcll~ en~e l'~lggl~"..~'..,~ion u~aine et 1'~ ' ~ll qui la dessert et du temps total ~ce~ e pour un d~pl~eelnf ~-t avec l'aéronef;
c~ la reduction de la c~l..,...1~on énergétique à cause de la ré~ n de la section lldn;~ ~ de l'aéronef par l'absence des ailes, des ~tAbili~ r.~ et de la dérive;d~ la po~ibilit~ de réaliser des s~r~ s de très grande vitesse d cause de la c~ ;lion compacte et de la ~limin-~tion des surfaces sol-mi~s à l~éch .rr~ cinetique (en moins les bords d'attaque des ailes, des ~ ~a~ l - et de la dérive);
e~ I'au ll.~nldlion de la sécurité de vol dans les moments criti~lRs, tels que le ~lf cc.lla~P et l'dt~ par le fait qu'ils ont lieu à une vitesse de ~lfplv~e~ très réduite, meme nulle.
Pour l'utilisation de l'e.ll.Aîll~ élcc~ il faudra résoudre les problèmes a) le grand poids spécifique (5... lOkgf/l~ .f s f Ic~ u~, b) I'imprécision de la réponse en rl~u~llce (erreur 1...3%~ et le contenu riche en ha~noniqlles du courant foumi par les ~nlPllr~
Les derniers dével~ppel.,~;l~ dans le (k~ ;"e des moteurs à courant con~inu sans collPc~ellr (puissances jusqu'à 450kw) et l'utilisation des ~ ia~ cér~miqu~ dans la construc~ion des nl~inP~ élf~~ ~u~h.Jnl ces deux problèmes et élil.lillelw~l les nrullllellr~

¦ le C ~.~eur Foroe, De,~! / Couple ¦ r~ ;t Auteur: Dan Anghel I page 23 de 44 Dans le llal)~yOll spatial (extra-atmosphérique) le c~ e.~ sera utilisé comlne élément de p~ ion ge~ la force nPce~ire à l'ascension du navire. La conception du navire spatial sera similaire aux ~..~ longs. Les avantages de l'utilisation des cu,l~.Lisseurs, en dehors de ceux menti~nnés pour les a'.~,lle~ longs, sont les suivants:
a) la possibilité de l'utilisation de l'énergie nucléaire pour assurer l'énergie élçctriqu.~ n~c~ec~ire pour l'~"~ .r...çl)l des,~" avec l'a~ l~ de l'a~ n de plusieurs ordres de gl~ldeul de l'énergie disy~ible au bord du navire;
b) la possibilité du p~eitio~ l gé~t~ti()nn~ine du navire à n illly~l~ quelle hauteur au~essus de la planète par la c~,...~l;on du poids du navire par la force de ~ ;t~ ion générée par les c~ el~beul~. Ce fait rendra po,esible le m~intiPn de la gravité au bord du navire, à une valeur del~..;-.Pe;
c) l'P~i~tPn-e d'un vecteur force lié au navire rendra possible le choix des ~ .ir~,s spatiales qui ~.n~ t le m~intiPn de la gravité au bord du navire durant le vol spatial.


Suite: - S ~nnex~, de 1 à 5 (19 pages, de 24 à 42) - Revendications (2 pages~ 43 et 44) Auteur: Dan Anghel Avril 1997 _, CA 02203937 l997-04-29 le Convertisseur Force, Dép'~A~ -nt / Couple ¦Mémoire de~r;lllir Auteur: Dan Anghel ¦page 24 de 44 ~NN~ 1 page 1 de 1 a~t¦ anxo c~tlanxO ~tJanxo ~tl anxO ~tl anxO ~Dt¦ anxO
a~ .44~QO~O~O~Q~60~ 0~.~415512~B 120~0~.~5~18~60~56~18~0~0~.~64~0~0~aO0 24D~ 0~.~51~8~6~0563~00~ 0.415512~B
1.4396140 61 0.3913712 121 -0.5246799 181-0.6399844 241 -0.5122903 301 0.4397841 2 1.4384565 62 0.3673745122 -0.5305191182 -0.6399375242 -0.5057280302 0.4641694 3 1.4365287 63 0.3435375123 -0.5361294183 -0.6398592243 -0.4989126303 0.4886525
3 - / time, the second factor S6anx (p) being practical 2.5 - / ~ luel ~ c ~ -n ~ t ~ nt Physical Dpdv, moves it-2 - / f ~ S3px1 ment unifoll ~ l ~, .llellt accelerated mobile M impli ~
A) that the all ~ n ~ iol ~ linear in time 1 / ~ j J p ~ n ~ e necessary for its movement.
O 5 / ~ 7 ~ In the case of movement with speed O ~ c. ~ Le, vM = const., The relation (46) becomes:

Figure 9 PTx = m * R * ~ 2 * v ~ * S ~ n) anx (p ~ (50 ~
In the case of converters with six or twelve rollers, because S6anx (p) respe ~ i-ve ~, nl S12anx (p) are practi (read.ll ~ .ll c ~ es over time, the plli ~ n ~ e necessary for the move-ment of the mobile M and therefore the en ~, nlelll of the rollers is Co ~ over time. In the case converters with 2; 3 and 4 rolls, S2 ~ 3; 4) anx (p) are periodic functions, their values ~ repeating from one period to another. Physical dpdv, a muuve ~ nL a quick ~ c ~ n ~ nte, implies a power necessary for the e.lLI ~ llt; lllèlll of the mobile, c ~
The n-or ~ nl ~, nl of a mobile also imposes decelerations to reduce the speed ~ of del) lacement or for stopping the mobile. The force produced by the converter will have to brake the mobile, danc lui i ~ r a negative acceleration, a decél ~, tatinn, having the sense OppOSe to the moving speed of the mobile. Oa can write:
vu = v0-aM * t (5 where: v0 - the speed of the mo ~ island M at the start of deceleration The kinetic energy of the mobile M which is ~) the ~ l with the speed v0 will be ~ .... C ~ at a value cc, ll ~, s ~ ldante at the new speed VM by the evacuation of energy ~ u ~ t. Energy evacuated is the energy produced by the braking of the mobile M. Therefore appears a p ~ qr ~ e of braking which le ~, ~ nle the variation over time of the kinetic energy of the mobile M, respecti-evacuation of energy.
The kinetic energy of the mobile M is: E = 2 * M * VM2 = 2 * M * (vo-aM * t ~ 2 (52) The braking power will be:

PfX = dE = 2 * M * ddt (vO-aM * t) 2 = M * (vO-a ~ 5 * t) * (-a ~) = -F ~ * VM (53 OR: FT - the total force which acts on the mobile M in it implill ~ ll an acceleration aM, force produced by N c. ~ icientiqll ~
So: F ~ = M * aMr N ~ F ~ t54) where: FT ~ - the total force produced by the rollers ~ of a converter (see relstion 29) ¦ C ~ Force, Depr ~ / Torque ~ d ~
Author: Dan Anghel ¦ page 20 of 44 ¦
The pu ~ n ~ e. braking at the shaft of a converter is:

PTX N = F ~ * VM (55) that is to say, the general relationship (49), which. ~ ip ~ e la puix ~ nce to the cone tree ~ el ~ i ~ ul en function of the force developed by the c ~) lv ~ lli ~ and the speed of the mobile M on which is installed the converter.
The p ~ ~ nce ~ of relation (55) being nega ~ ve, at the tree of cvnvelli ~ eul there will be available energy which will have to be evacuated to carry out the braking process. This energy must be removed by ~ .a ~ i-.n or by ~ t- rL. ~ e. In the current te ~ hniqu ~ there exists a wide variety of mechanical, hydraulic, pn ~ .lm ~ ticks, electrical, electro-magnetic, electl ~ l ~ e ~ etc. of t ~ tif) n or of ~ ~ e of energy, having per-form ~ ncPfi, le ~ m., ll ~ and prices in a wide range of values. Some of these processes can impose the in. l ~ n of the e ~ senior motor ~ l ~ lllcllt of the converter in the chain energy that produces braking.
In conclusion, the c ~ nvelli ~; e ~ force, d ~ placG.Ilell ~ / couple is a. ~ Rm ~ ni inertial which produces a force p ~ statically c ~ and of defined direction, related to d; xl ,. ~ i ~ ir This force is ~ glow ~ without interaction with the environment in which or the support on which evolves the mobile equipped with a convelli ~ w and without reaction with or without loss of mass. The value of this force can be varied lin ~ il.,. llcinl in mot1; fi ~ nt l'.o ~ c ~ entri- it ~ or according to a law of square by changing the rotation speed. The converter is a teversible device, the force ptoduite can be used both for moving or a ~ e ~ ion of the mobile for its braking or its ~ lçsc ~ nt ~. The converter can provide the mobile with a stationary position at ~ lte what distance from the ground, p "~ l.le.ll without ~ n ~ n energy (with the exception of petted by internal fictions ~. The manufacturing technology will be similar to that of the rolls ~
especially with regard to the precision of the machining and the ll ~; t. - ~ <-. l des. ~ ltf ~ s In all useful situations. ndl conv ~ .li ~ ul, it is absolutely necessary to re ~ r relationship ... ~. between the ~ ~ ... e at the shaft of the conve. ~, the force developed by the converter and mobile speed. At ~ l ~ n ~, by the runaway or deceleration of the rotor, the f) nr, tiol ~ nl ~ of the cu .. ~, elli ~ eul is c ~,, as well as the stability of the mobile. This nPce.e ~; itP implic ~ ra very strong i ~ l; ~ l; one of the process of evl ~ de and control of operation of all c ~, llvelli ~; ~ which é4ui ~ l ~ t the mobile in the case of aer applications ~ pa ~ iales, but these applirati ~ ns are already strongly i ~ o .... ~ i ~ es In the terrestrial ~ ll the converter will be used for p ~; tensile force n ~ this ~ for the d ~ lac ~ lnelll of the vehicle. I ~ given that the force vector must be orient-table depending on the llaj ~ Oilc ~ tracked by the vehicle, it is nPcP ~ ire that the plane in which roll the rollers is permanently parallel to the plane of the steered wheels. This wish will complicate in a way in ~ irl ~ e the ch ~ ne ~ Sm & tick of tran ~ mi ~ ion of the p ~ ce du motor pl ~ n ~ r ~ t at c ~ ve.l ~ u .. The magnitude of the pulling force is no longer limited by the a.ll e ~ -ce with the SUPP ~ It depl ~ rem.ont and it can be varied Ih ~ ilelllenl in modi-trusting eccentricity. The thPrmi ~ l ~ piston engine works ~ nnpra at speed co ~ ed ~ nc at p ~~, s optimal and the gearbox will no longer be necessary. I ~ ap ~ c ~ nce no longer being ¦ the Con ~ Al ~ Force, D ~ pr / Torque ¦ M ~ ~ d ~; yt; r ¦
Author: Dan Anghel I page 21 of 44 L ~ c at the wheels, the ~ irr ~ rellliel is no longer n ~ ce ~ ire. ~ can be operated at rotation speed co ~ e ~ Imctllà the use of the turbine as a heat engine of ~ ntr ~ 1n ~ ment therefore the use of a large ren-1em ~ nt thermal engine, simpler dpdv cu ~ u; ~ r, reliable, robust, quick response and so on. ix. - ~; on specific of reduced fuel. In mass production, the production cost of the turbine will be lower than the production cost of the th ~ -rmiqn ~ piston engine. In summary, the advantages of the use of con-ve ~ ass for lcl ~ es vehicles are:
a) illegal manufacturing costs. ~ l ~ because of the ~ rition of the gearbox and di ~ clcnliel and by the lltili ~ tion of the turbine;
b) illfc operating costs; ~ by reducing the cu ~ onl ~ ion of c ....- b..x ~ ihle (The use of the turbine or the thermal piston engine with Oplillla parameters ~ L) and reducing tire wear;
c) the possibility of Co ~ e all-terrain vehicles with large capacity of ~ l ~ h ~ Lion in uneven terrain because of the indépen-l ~ n- ~ e of the traction force of the grip on the ground;
d) the reduction of the polluti ~ by the reduction of the cc ~ n ~ omm ~ tion of cu-nb ~ tible and the motor operation at parameters v ~
e) the p. ~ vLion of energetic lc ~, uul ~.
In the aerial ~ dlbpOIl the converter will be used in a first step to ~ oil traction force (I) loLul ~ i ~) ll) l ~ ... pl ~ the propeller or the jet of the motor aclolcaclir. The ~ IV ~ IlllageS are: the simplification of the construction of the aircraft, a more comra ~ te construction and reducing the col ~ AI ion of co ~ - ~ 1 ~.
, In a subsequent ~. ~ Mc; .ll, the converter will be used to generate the force of nli ~ lion and tensile force. Because of the ~ lifficnlt ~ s linked to the production of a couple antagonist to the engine torque, for the stability of the aircraft is n ~ cçs; ~ ire the functi ~ el-- ~ nl des c ~ vcllisseurs two, in pairs, in anti-torque mounting (opposite direction of rotation). Depending of their length and of the mode of application of the force of x..xle ~ ion, there are two types aclu. cr ~;
a) short aircraft with a conccl-lle mode of app! ic ~ tinn of ~ r ~ ion force, equivalent to the helicopter, and b) aelol ~ f ~ long with a distriW mode of ~ pplir ~ ti-) n of the force of ~ n, equivalent to the plane.
In the case of ~ rol ~ cf ~, short we can use the direct, mechanical ion of the power, from motors to converters, each motor ~ a converter. Appears neceseité7 that the engines CUI1 ~ D ~ II ~ Il ~ 7 to the pair of co.lvc-li ~, eul ~ en ~ e anticouple, operate ~ im ~ r, ~, ll at the same rotation speed and with the same torque but with opposite directions of rotation. This n ~ ceceit ~ ov ~, ~ L ~ the develop ~ clll ~ nl of a new category of twin-turbine turbine engines with the equipa. ~ Lion of the load by equalization fluid flow rates on the two rotors, having the total moment zero. To simplify the construction of the aircraft, the variation in the value of the force of xllxlr ~ tion and traction ~
real ~ ra of plcrclcllce by varying the speed of rotation. ~ 'advantage of nili ~ ti ~ n des is the disparitiorl of the paddle rotor, which COI ~ ~ lnd to the re ~ c ~ ion of consumption mation of fuel for ascension, the m ~ intien in position and the d ~ pl ~; el- ~.-l of the aircraft.
The c ~ uction of the aer ~ ef ~ ra more Culllpa ~ lc and more robust than that of the helicopter.

¦ the C ~ Force, I ~ / Couple ~ r ~ ~ ed ~
Author: I) an Anghe} ¦ page 22 of 44 ¦
In the case of acr ~, r ~ long, the foroe of ~ e ~ ion will be produced by several pairs of conver ~ sseurs dis ~ ibues at lor ~ of the aircraft. La ~ ;; nn ~ .f ~ P de la plJi ~ n ~ e from COI engines ~ w ~ i is in ~ cept ~ t ~ hni.l., P ~ c..l. It becomes necessary of e. ~ /, .. r the ~ pat of the high motors ~; For rigorous control of the speed, these motors must be synchronous, pol ~ ylla ~. The energy chain tick plub ~ will be: turbines -, ~, .. el ~ s synchronous - ~ d; ~ oncurrent - nndllle ~ lrs - motors ~~ es - converters. The tu * ~ ines, the generators, the moteus and c ~ e, ~ will be coupled in pairs in mc ~ t ~ g ~ anticouple, fnncti ~ nnant to the same speed of rotation, at the same torque but with opposite directions of rotation. Each pair of motors will be Atj ~ "~ by an inverter. Ln function of the die ~ I of the center of weight of aircraft and forces pel ~ wl, all; those which can app ~~ during flight ~ co ~
ascent ~ els or dP ~ ul - - ~), each pair of c ~ should read. (~ the value of force produced, ind ~ ..u. ~ of other pairs. The variation of the force is carried out ~ a in modi-trusting the speed of rotation, so ~ orlir; --l the frequency ~ uence of output of ~ r ~ l. The strength of traction will be produced by pairs of COlicting ones which produce force from ~ u ~ lentati ~. To vary the tensile force, we ~ odir ~ la rl ~ (~ uel ~ e outlet ~ ndlllp ~ lr or el ~ centricity of c ~ r. For the control of slack ~ elen ~ and the trim of the aircraft and to counteract the ~ .lu. ~ ~ effect of gusts of wind, the aircraft will be equipped with pairs of c ~ lvel (i ~ eul ~ acting hJi ~ lk and ver ~ cale.llenl, pel ~ lic ~ nl on management move. These c ~ xl "el ~ should have a quick response and ~ q ~ ate to the value of the COI ~ or the pe ~ tion. Their rotor will be co ~ ellemPn ~ in slack ~ m ~; lll, the ~ el ~ of meaning and v ~ their strength pr ~ ui ~ will be achieved by the m ~ ifi ~ ati ~) n of Eccentricity. All these requirements impose a very strong ild ~ 1; on the c ~ -de the aircraft. L ~ ltili ~ ffon des cvll-, e. ~ Presents the followers ~ sa ~ lt ~
a) the possibility of making ~ rwl. ~ large capacity and high speed takeoff and ~ t. . ; .wa ~ vertical;
b ~ les ~. ~ ltS which can receive ael ael ~ l ~ f ~ at takeoff and A ~ ~ ge ver ~ ical can be located in the near v ~ age or even inside a ~ m ~ l ~ li ~ urban ls because of the lack of dec tracks ~) llae ~ ll ~ e. So end ~ lRm ~ nt the reduction of field swfaces and in ~ e ~ nRce ~ ires for the realization of the airport, the reduction of the d ~ lacelllcll ~ time in ~ e ~ lggl ~ ".. ~ '.., ~ ion u ~ groin and 1 ~' ~ ll which serves it and total time ~ this ~ e for a d ~ pl ~ eelnf ~ -t with the aircraft;
c ~ the reduction of the c ~ l .., ... 1 ~ on energy due to the re ~ n of the section lldn; ~ ~ of the aircraft by the absence of the wings, ~ tAbili ~ r. ~ and of the fin; d ~ la po ~ ibilit ~ to achieve s ~ r ~ s of very high speed due to the c ~; lion compact and the ~ elimination- ~ tion of sol-mi ~ s surfaces on the scale .rr ~ kinetics (in less the leading edges of the wings, ~ ~ a ~ l - and the fin);
e ~ I'au ll. ~ nldlion of flight safety in critical moments ~ lRs, such as ~ lf cc.lla ~ P and l'dt ~ by the fact that they take place at a speed of ~ lfplv ~ e ~ very reduced, even zero.
For the use of the e.ll.Aîll ~ élcc ~ it will be necessary to solve the problems a) the large specific weight (5 ... lOkgf / l ~ .fsf Ic ~ u ~, b) the imprecision of the response in rl ~ u ~ llce (error 1 ... 3% ~ and the content rich in ha ~ noniqlles of the current supplied by the ~ nlPllr ~
The latest develop ~ ppel., ~; L ~ in the (k ~; "e of con ~ inu current motors without collPc ~ ellr (powers up to 450kw) and the use of ~ ia ~ cer ~ miqu ~ in the construction of nl ~ inP ~ élf ~~ ~ u ~ h.Jnl these two problems and élil.lillelw ~ l les nrullllellr ~

¦ the C ~. ~ Eur Foroe, De, ~! / Couple ¦ r ~; t Author: Dan Anghel I page 23 of 44 In the llal) ~ yOll space (outer) the c ~ e. ~ Will be used comlne p ~ ion element ge ~ force nPce ~ ire to the rise of the ship. The design of the spacecraft will be similar to long ~ .. ~. The advantages of using cu, l ~ .Smoothers, apart from those lied ~ nnes for a '. ~, lle ~ long, are:
a) the possibility of using nuclear energy to ensure electrical energy. ~ n ~ c ~ ec ~ ire for the ~ "~ .r ... çl) l des cull ~ ~., ~" with the a ~ l ~ of the a ~ n of several orders gl ~ ldeul of disy ~ ible energy at the edge of the ship;
b) the possibility of p ~ eitio ~ l gé ~ t ~ ti () nn ~ ine of the ship at n illly ~ l ~ which height to ~ the top of the planet by the c ~, ... ~ l; one of the weight of the ship by the force of ~; t ~ ion generated by the c ~ el ~ beul ~. This fact will make po, esible the m ~ intiPn of gravity at the edge of ship, at a value of ~ ..; -. Pe;
c) the P ~ i ~ tPn-e of a force vector linked to the ship will make it possible to choose the spatial ~ .ir ~ s which ~ .n ~ t the m ~ intiPn of gravity at the edge of the ship during space flight.


Continuation: - S ~ nnex ~, from 1 to 5 (19 pages, from 24 to 42) - Claims (2 pages ~ 43 and 44) Author: Dan Anghel April 1997 _, CA 02203937 l997-04-29 the Force Converter, Dep '~ A ~ -nt / Torque ¦Memory of ~ r; lllir Author: Dan Anghel ¦page 24 of 44 ~ NN ~ 1 page 1 of 1 a ~ t¦ anxo c ~ tlanxO ~ tJanxo ~ tl anxO ~ tl anxO ~ Dt¦ anxO
a ~ .44 ~ QO ~ O ~ O ~ Q ~ 60 ~ 0 ~. ~ 415512 ~ B 120 ~ 0 ~. ~ 5 ~ 18 ~ 60 ~ 56 ~ 18 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~. ~ 64 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ aO0 24D ~ 0 ~. ~ 51 ~ 8 ~ 6 ~ 0563 ~ 00 ~ 0.415512 ~ B
1.4396140 61 0.3913712 121 -0.5246799 181-0.6399844 241 -0.5122903 301 0.4397841 2 1.4384565 62 0.3673745122 -0.5305191182 -0.6399375242 -0.5057280302 0.4641694 3 1.4365287 63 0.3435375123 -0.5361294183 -0.6398592243 -0.4989126303 0.4886525

4 1.4338325 64 0.3198745 124 -0.5415167 184-0.6397492 244 -0.4918382 304 0.5132168 1.4303710 65 0.2963992125 -0.5466870185 -0.6396070245 -0.4844988305 0.5378454 6 1.4261477 66 0.2731250126 -0.5516464186 -0.6394321246 -0.4768887306 0.5625209 7 1.4211670 67 0.2500646127 -0.5564008187 -0.6392238247 -0.4690020307 0.5872256 8 1.4154343 68 0.2272302128 -0.5609562188 -0.6389814248 -0.4608330308 0.6119412 9 1.4089556 69 0.2046335129 -0.5653183189 -0.6387040249 -0.4523761309 0.6366494 1.4017377 70 0.1822858130 -0.5694930190 -0.6383906250 -0.4436257310 0.6613315 11 1.3937881 71 0.1601976131 -0.5734861191 -0.6380399251 -0.4345765311 0.6859683 12 1.3851152 72 0.1383791 132 -0.5773033 192-0.6376509 252 -0.4252231312 0.7105406 13 1.3757281 73 0.1168397133 -0.5809502193 -0.6372219253 -0.4155605313 0.7350287 14 1.3656366 74 0.0955885134 -0.5844323194 -0.6367517254 -0.4055837314 0.7594130 15~354~8~510~75~0~ 0746339135~ 0~5~7~75~51195~-0.63~6Z38~5~255 ~-0~.~3~952B793~15~ 0.7836735 16 1.3433828 76 0.0539838136 -0.5909240196 -0.6356806256 -0.3846684316 0.8077899 17 1.3312436 77 0.0336455 137 -0.5939443 197-0.6350761257 -0.3737209317 0.8317421 18 1.3184460 78 0.0136258 138 -0.5968211 198-0.6344231 258 -0.3624412318 0.8555097 19 1.3050032 79 -0.0060689139 -0.5995596199 -0.6337193259 -0.3508252319 0.8790722 1.2909289 80 -0.0254331140 -0.6021647200 -0.6329627260 -0.3388693 320 0.9024090 21 1.2762375 81 -0.0444614 141 -0.6046414 201-0.6321507 261 -0.3265700321 0.9254997 22 1.2609438 82 -0.0631493 142 -0.6069944 202-0.6312810262 -0.3139241322 0.9483237 23 1.2450634 83 -0.0814924 143 -0.6092285203-0.6303509 263 -0.3009287323 0.9708604 24 1.2286123 84 -0.0994874144 -0.6113481204 -0.6293577264 -0.2875812324 0.9930895 1.2116068 85 -0.1171308145 -0.6133577205 -0.6282984265 -0.2738794325 1.0149906 26 1.1940640 86 -0.1344202 146 -0.6152616 206-0.6271702 266 -0.2598214 326 1.0365434 -- 27 1.1760013 87 -0.1513533 147 -0.6170642 207-0.6259699 267 -0.2454054 327 1.0577278 28 1.1574363 88 -0.1679284 148 -0.6187693 208-0.6246943 268 -0.2306303 328 1.0785240 29 1.1383875 89 -0.1841442 149 -0.6203811209-0.6233399 269 -0.2154954 329 1.0989122 3~Q~8~87~3~ 90~ 0~.~2~0~0~000150~-0~.621903~421Q~ 0~6~21~9~034~27~0~ 0~.200~0~Q~033~0~ 8~873 311 0989122 91-0.2154954151 -0.6233399211 -0.6203811271 -0.1841442331 1.1383875 32 1.0785240 92 -0.2306303 152 -0.6246943 212-0.6187693 272 -0.1679284 332 1.1574363 33 1.0577278 93 -0.2454054 153 -0.6259699 213-0.6170642 273 -0.1513533 333 1.1760013 34 1.0365434 94 -0.2598214154 -0.6271702214 -0.6152616274 -0.1344202334 1.1940640 1.0149906 95 -0.2738794155 -0.6282984215 -0.6133577275 -0.1171308335 1.2116068 36 0.9930895 96 -0.2875812156 -0.6293577216 -0.6113481276 -0.0994874336 1.2286123 37 0.9708604 97 -0.3009287 157 -0.6303509 217-0.6092285 277 -0.0814924 337 1.2450634 38 0.9483237 98 -0.3139241 158 -0.6312810218-0.6069944 278 -0.0631493 338 1.2609438 39 0.9254997 99 -0.3265700159 -0.6321507219 -0.6046414279 -0.0444614339 1.2762375 0.9024090100 -0.3388693160 -0.6329627220 -0.6021647280 -0.0254331340 1.2909289 41 0.8790722 101 -0.3508252 161 -0.6337193 221-0.5995596 281 -0.0060689341 1.3050032 42 0.8555097102 -0.3624412162 -0.6344231222 -0.5968211282 0.0136258342 1.3184460 43 0.8317421 103 -0.3737209 163 -0.6350761 223-0.5939443 283 0.0336455343 1.3312436 44 0 . 8077899 104 -0 . 3846684 164 -0 . 6356806 224-0 . 5909240 284 0 . 0539838 344 1 . 3433828 ~4~5~O~ q~8367~35~105~ Q~.~3~952879165~ 0~.~6~3623852~2~5~ 0~ 5~8~7~7~5~5128~5~ ~ o.~a74~63~393~4s~ .354~8510 46 0.7594130106 -0.4055837166 -0.6367517226-0.5844323286 0.0955885346 1.3656366 47 0.7350287107 -0.4155605167 -0.6372219227-0.5809502287 0.1168397347 1.3757281 48 0.7105406 108 -0.4252231 168 -0.6376509 228-0.5773033 288 0.1383791348 1.3851152 49 0 . 6859683 109 -0 . 4345765 169 -0 . 6380399 229-0 . 5734861 289 0 . 1601976 349 1 . 3937881 0.6613315 110 -0.4436257 170 -0.6383906 230-0.5694930 290 0.1822858 350 1.4017377 51 0.6366494 111 -0.4523761 171 -0.6387040 231-0.5653183 291 0.2046335 351 1.4089556 52 0.6119412 112 -0.4608330 172 -0 .6389814 232-0.5609562 292 0.2272302 352 1.4154343 53 0 .5872256 113 -0 .4690020 173 -0 .6392238 233-0 .5564008 293 0 .2500646 353 1 .4211670 54 0 . 5625209 114 -0 . 4768887 174 -0 . 6394321 234-0 . 5516464 294 0 . 2731250 354 1 . 4261477 0 .5378454 115 -0.4844988 175 -0.6396070 235-0 .5466870 295 0.2963992 355 1.4303710 56 0.5132168 116 -0.4918382 176 -0.6397492 236-0.5415167 296 0.3198745 356 1.4338325 57 0 .4886525 117 -0 .4989126 177 -0 .6398592 237-0 .5361294 297 0 .3435375 357 1.4365287 58 0.4641694118 -0.5057280178 -0.6399375238-0.5305191298 0.3673745358 1.4384565 59 0 .4397841 119 -0.5122903 179 -0.6399844 239-0.5246799 299 0.3913712 359 1.4396140 60~ 0 .41~55~128 120~ -~0~.5I~86~0;56 180-0 . 6404000 3~4~0~ -0 .~518605~6 3~00~ 0 .~4155~12~8 360~ .4400~0~0~0 le Convertisseur Force, Dép' - 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0~ 4~*000 ~0~ 0~00~0~0~ 2~4~0~4~0~ 6~0~ 0.41551~ 0~.~05~5~l~8~ 2~3~3~8~5~l24~-0.~51~8~6~ O~ Q47~9~ 2~9~184 1 1.43961 0.00126 1.20001 61 0.39137 0.05553 1.23482 121 -0.52468 0.04694 1.29267 2 1.43846 0.00251 1.20004 62 0.36737 0.05586 1.23579 122 -0.53052 0.04648 1.29348 3 1.43653 0.00377 1.20010 63 0.34354 0.05617 1.23677 123 -0.53613 0.04601 1.29429 4 1.43383 0.00502 1.20018 64 0.31987 0.05646 1.23775 124 -0.54152 0.04554 1.29509
4 1.4338325 64 0.3198745 124 -0.5415167 184-0.6397492 244 -0.4918382 304 0.5132168 1.4303710 65 0.2963992125 -0.5466870185 -0.6396070245 -0.4844988305 0.5378454 6 1.4261477 66 0.2731250126 -0.5516464186 -0.6394321246 -0.4768887306 0.5625209 7 1.4211670 67 0.2500646127 -0.5564008187 -0.6392238247 -0.4690020307 0.5872256 8 1.4154343 68 0.2272302128 -0.5609562188 -0.6389814248 -0.4608330308 0.6119412 9 1.4089556 69 0.2046335129 -0.5653183189 -0.6387040249 -0.4523761309 0.6366494 1.4017377 70 0.1822858130 -0.5694930190 -0.6383906250 -0.4436257310 0.6613315 11 1.3937881 71 0.1601976131 -0.5734861191 -0.6380399251 -0.4345765311 0.6859683 12 1.3851152 72 0.1383791 132 -0.5773033 192-0.6376509 252 -0.4252231312 0.7105406 13 1.3757281 73 0.1168397133 -0.5809502193 -0.6372219253 -0.4155605313 0.7350287 14 1.3656366 74 0.0955885134 -0.5844323194 -0.6367517254 -0.4055837314 0.7594130 15 ~ 354 ~ 8 ~ 510 ~ 75 ~ 0 ~ 0746339135 ~ 0 ~ 5 ~ 7 ~ 75 ~ 51195 ~ -0.63 ~ 6Z38 ~ 5 ~ 255 ~ -0 ~. ~ 3 ~ 952B793 ~ 15 ~ 0.7836735 16 1.3433828 76 0.0539838136 -0.5909240196 -0.6356806256 -0.3846684316 0.8077899 17 1.3312436 77 0.0336455 137 -0.5939443 197-0.6350761257 -0.3737209317 0.8317421 18 1.3184460 78 0.0136258 138 -0.5968211 198-0.6344231 258 -0.3624412318 0.8555097 19 1.3050032 79 -0.0060689139 -0.5995596199 -0.6337193259 -0.3508252319 0.8790722 1.2909289 80 -0.0254331140 -0.6021647200 -0.6329627260 -0.3388693 320 0.9024090 21 1.2762375 81 -0.0444614 141 -0.6046414 201-0.6321507 261 -0.3265700321 0.9254997 22 1.2609438 82 -0.0631493 142 -0.6069944 202-0.6312810262 -0.3139241322 0.9483237 23 1.2450634 83 -0.0814924 143 -0.6092285203-0.6303509 263 -0.3009287323 0.9708604 24 1.2286123 84 -0.0994874144 -0.6113481204 -0.6293577264 -0.2875812324 0.9930895 1.2116068 85 -0.1171308145 -0.6133577205 -0.6282984265 -0.2738794325 1.0149906 26 1.1940640 86 -0.1344202 146 -0.6152616 206-0.6271702 266 -0.2598214 326 1.0365434 - 27 1.1760013 87 -0.1513533 147 -0.6170642 207-0.6259699 267 -0.2454054 327 1.0577278 28 1.1574363 88 -0.1679284 148 -0.6187693 208-0.6246943 268 -0.2306303 328 1.0785240 29 1.1383875 89 -0.1841442 149 -0.6203811209-0.6233399 269 -0.2154954 329 1.0989122 3 ~ Q ~ 8 ~ 87 ~ 3 ~ 90 ~ 0 ~. ~ 2 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 000150 ~ -0 ~. 621 903 ~ 421Q ~ 0 ~ 6 ~ 21 ~ 9 ~ 034 ~ 27 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ .200 ~ 0 ~ Q ~ 033 ~ 0 ~ 8 ~ 873 311 0989122 91-0.2154954151 -0.6233399211 -0.6203811271 -0.1841442331 1.1383875 32 1.0785240 92 -0.2306303 152 -0.6246943 212-0.6187693 272 -0.1679284 332 1.1574363 33 1.0577278 93 -0.2454054 153 -0.6259699 213-0.6170642 273 -0.1513533 333 1.1760013 34 1.0365434 94 -0.2598214154 -0.6271702214 -0.6152616274 -0.1344202334 1.1940640 1.0149906 95 -0.2738794155 -0.6282984215 -0.6133577275 -0.1171308335 1.2116068 36 0.9930895 96 -0.2875812156 -0.6293577216 -0.6113481276 -0.0994874336 1.2286123 37 0.9708604 97 -0.3009287 157 -0.6303509 217-0.6092285 277 -0.0814924 337 1.2450634 38 0.9483237 98 -0.3139241 158 -0.6312810218-0.6069944 278 -0.0631493 338 1.2609438 39 0.9254997 99 -0.3265700159 -0.6321507219 -0.6046414279 -0.0444614339 1.2762375 0.9024090100 -0.3388693160 -0.6329627220 -0.6021647280 -0.0254331340 1.2909289 41 0.8790722 101 -0.3508252 161 -0.6337193 221-0.5995596 281 -0.0060689341 1.3050032 42 0.8555097102 -0.3624412162 -0.6344231222 -0.5968211282 0.0136258342 1.3184460 43 0.8317421 103 -0.3737209 163 -0.6350761 223-0.5939443 283 0.0336455343 1.3312436 44 0. 8077899 104 -0. 3,846,684 164 -0. 6356806 224-0. 5,909,240 284 0. 0539838 344 1. 3433828 ~ 4 ~ 5 ~ O ~ q ~ 8367 ~ 35 ~ 105 ~ Q ~. ~ 3 ~ 952879165 ~ 0 ~. ~ 6 ~ 3623852 ~ 2 ~ 5 ~ 0 ~ 5 ~ 8 ~ 7 ~ 7 ~ 5 ~ 5128 ~ 5 ~ ~ o. ~ a74 ~ 63 ~ 393 ~ 4s ~ .354 ~ 8510 46 0.7594130106 -0.4055837166 -0.6367517226-0.5844323286 0.0955885346 1.3656366 47 0.7350287107 -0.4155605167 -0.6372219227-0.5809502287 0.1168397347 1.3757281 48 0.7105406 108 -0.4252231 168 -0.6376509 228-0.5773033 288 0.1383791348 1.3851152 49 0. 6859 683 109 -0. 4 345 765 169 -0. 6380399 229-0. 5,734,861 289 0. 1601976 349 1. 3937881 0.6613315 110 -0.4436257 170 -0.6383906 230-0.5694930 290 0.1822858 350 1.4017377 51 0.6366494 111 -0.4523761 171 -0.6387040 231-0.5653183 291 0.2046335 351 1.4089556 52 0.6119412 112 -0.4608330 172 -0 .6389814 232-0.5609562 292 0.2272302 352 1.4154343 53 0 .5872256 113 -0 .4690020 173 -0 .6392238 233-0 .5564008 293 0 .2500646 353 1 .4211670 54 0. 5625209 114 -0. 4,768,887 174 -0. 6394321 234-0. 5,516,464 294 0. 2731 250 354 1. 4261477 0 .5378454 115 -0.4844988 175 -0.6396070 235-0 .5466870 295 0.2963992 355 1.4303710 56 0.5132168 116 -0.4918382 176 -0.6397492 236-0.5415167 296 0.3198745 356 1.4338325 57 0 .4886525 117 -0 .4989126 177 -0 .6398592 237-0 .5361294 297 0 .3435375 357 1.4365287 58 0.4641694118 -0.5057280178 -0.6399375238-0.5305191298 0.3673745358 1.4384565 59 0 .4397841 119 -0.5122903 179 -0.6399844 239-0.5246799 299 0.3913712 359 1.4396140 60 ~ 0 .41 ~ 55 ~ 128 120 ~ - ~ 0 ~ .5I ~ 86 ~ 0; 56 180-0. 6404000 3 ~ 4 ~ 0 ~ -0. ~ 518605 ~ 6 3 ~ 00 ~ 0. ~ 4155 ~ 12 ~ 8 360 ~ .4400 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 the Force Converter, Dep '- _ .. l / Torque ¦ Memory desc ~ read Author: Dan Anghel ¦ page 25 of 44 X ~ 2 page 1 of 6 ~ tl anxO ¦ VxO ¦ XO ~ tl anxO I VxO I XO ~ tl anxO ¦ VxO I XO
0 ~ 4 ~ * 000 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 00 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 2 ~ 4 ~ 0 ~ 4 ~ 0 ~ 6 ~ 0 ~ 0.41551 ~ 0 ~. ~ 05 ~ 5 ~ l ~ 8 ~ 2 ~ 3 ~ 3 ~ 8 ~ 5 ~ l24 ~ -0. ~ 51 ~ 8 ~ 6 ~ O ~ Q47 ~ 9 ~ 2 ~ 9 ~ 184 1 1.43961 0.00126 1.20001 61 0.39137 0.05553 1.23482 121 -0.52468 0.04694 1.29267 2 1.43846 0.00251 1.20004 62 0.36737 0.05586 1.23579 122 -0.53052 0.04648 1.29348 3 1.43653 0.00377 1.20010 63 0.34354 0.05617 1.23677 123 -0.53613 0.04601 1.29429 4 1.43383 0.00502 1.20018 64 0.31987 0.05646 1.23775 124 -0.54152 0.04554 1.29509

5 1.43037 0.00627 1.20027 65 0.29640 0.05673 1.23874 125 -0.54669 0.04507 1.29588 5 1.43037 0.00627 1.20027 65 0.29640 0.05673 1.23874 125 -0.54669 0.04507 1.29588

6 1.42615 0.00752 1.20039 66 0.27313 0.05698 1.23973 126 -0.55165 0.04459 1.29666 6 1.42615 0.00752 1.20039 66 0.27313 0.05698 1.23973 126 -0.55165 0.04459 1.29666

7 1.42117 0.00876 1.20054 67 0.25006 0.05721 1.24073 127 -0.55640 0.04411 1.29744 7 1.42117 0.00876 1.20054 67 0.25006 0.05721 1.24073 127 -0.55640 0.04411 1.29744

8 1.41543 0.01000 1.20070 68 0.22723 0.05742 1.24173 128 -0.56096 0.04362 1.29820 8 1.41543 0.01000 1.20070 68 0.22723 0.05742 1.24173 128 -0.56096 0.04362 1.29820

9 1.40896 0.01123 1.20088 69 0.20463 0.05760 1.24273 129 -0.56532 0.04313 1.29896 9 1.40896 0.01123 1.20088 69 0.20463 0.05760 1.24273 129 -0.56532 0.04313 1.29896

10 1.40174 0.01245 1.20109 70 0.18229 0.05777 1.24374 130 -0.56949 0.04263 1.29971 10 1.40174 0.01245 1.20109 70 0.18229 0.05777 1.24374 130 -0.56949 0.04263 1.29971

11 1.39379 0.01367 1.20132 71 0.16020 0.05792 1.24475 131 -0.57349 0.04213 1.30045 11 1.39379 0.01367 1.20132 71 0.16020 0.05792 1.24475 131 -0.57349 0.04213 1.30045

12 1.38512 0.01489 1.20157 72 0.13838 0.05805 1.24576 132 -0.57730 0.04163 1.30118 12 1.38512 0.01489 1.20157 72 0.13838 0.05805 1.24576 132 -0.57730 0.04163 1.30118

13 1.37573 0.01609 1.20184 73 0.11684 0.05816 1.24678 133 -0.58095 0.04112 1.30190 13 1.37573 0.01609 1.20184 73 0.11684 0.05816 1.24678 133 -0.58095 0.04112 1.30190

14 1.36564 0.01729 1.20213 74 0.09559 0.05826 1.24779 134 -0.58443 0.04062 1.30261 14 1.36564 0.01729 1.20213 74 0.09559 0.05826 1.24779 134 -0.58443 0.04062 1.30261

15~ 35485888~0.~01~8~47 1.~20~244 7~5~ 0~.074Ç3 ~0~.0$~33 1~.~2~4~B~8~1~13~5 ~ .5~8~776~ ~0.040~1Q~ .30332 15 ~ 35485888 ~ 0. ~ 01 ~ 8 ~ 47 1. ~ 20 ~ 244 7 ~ 5 ~ 0 ~ .074Ç3 ~ 0 ~ .0 $ ~ 33 1 ~. ~ 2 ~ 4 ~ B ~ 8 ~ 1 ~ 13 ~ 5 ~ .5 ~ 8 ~ 776 ~ ~ 0.040 ~ 1Q ~ .30332

16 1.34338 0.01965 1.20278 76 0.05398 0.05839 1.24983 136 -0.59092 0.03959 1.30401 16 1.34338 0.01965 1.20278 76 0.05398 0.05839 1.24983 136 -0.59092 0.03959 1.30401

17 1.33124 0.02082 1.20313 77 0.03365 0.05843 1.25085 137 -0.59394 0.03907 1.30470 181.31845 0.02197 1.20350 78 0.01363 0.05845 1.25187 138 -0.59682 0.03855 1.30538 l91.30500 0.02312 1.20390 79 -0.00607 0.05845 1.25289 139 -0.59956 0.03803 1.30605 201.29093 0.02425 1.20431 80 -0.02543 0.05844 1.25391 140 -0.60216 0.03751 1.30670 211.27624 0.02537 1.20474 81 -0.04446 0.05840 1.25493 141 -0.60464 0.03698 1.30735 221.26094 0.02648 1.20519 82 -0.06315 0.05836 1.25595 142 -0.60699 0.03645 1.30800 231.24506 0.02757 1.20567 83 -0.08149 0.05829 1.25696 143 -0.60923 0.03592 1.30863 241.22861 0.02865 1.20616 84 -0.09949 0.05822 1.25798 144 -0.61135 0.03539 1.30925 251.21161 0.02972 1.20667 85 -0.11713 0.05812 1.25900 145 -0.61336 0.03485 1.30986 261.19406 0.03077 1.20719 86 -0.13442 0.05801 1.26001 146 -0.61526 0.03432 1.31047 ~- 271.17600 0.03180 1.20774 87 -0.15135 0.05789 1.26102 147 -0.61706 0.03378 1.31106 281.15744 0.03282 1.20830 88 -0.16793 0.05775 1.26203 148 -0.61877 0.03324 1.31164 291.13839 0.03382 1.20889 89 -0.18414 0.05759 1.26304 149 -0.62038 0.03270 1.31222 3D~ 188~7~ 0~ 0~34~8~ 2~Q~9~4~8~ 9~Q~ -0~.~20000~ 0~ 0~s~7~4~3~ 2~6~4~0~4~1s0~ 0~ 6~2~1~9~0~ 0321~6~ 3~127g 311.09891 0.03577 1.21010 91 -0.21550 0.05725 1.26504 151 -0.62334 0.03162 1.31334 32 1.07852 0.03672 1.21073 92 -0.23063 0.05705 1.26604 152 -0.62469 0.03107 1.31389 33 1.05773 0.03766 1.21138 93 -0.24541 0.05684 1.26703 153 -0.62597 0.03053 1.31443 34 1.03654 0.03857 1.21205 94 -0.25982 0.05662 1.26802 154 -0.62717 0.02998 1.31496 35 1.01499 0.03946 1.21273 95 -0.27388 0.05639 1.26901 155 -0.62830 0.02943 1.31547 36 0.99309 0.04034 1.21342 96 -0.28758 0.05614 1.26999 156 -0.62936 0.02888 1.31598 37 0.97086 0.04120 1.21414 97 -0.30093 0.05589 1.27097 157 -0.63035 0.02833 1.31648 38 0.94832 0.04203 1.21486 98 -0.31392 0.05562 1.27194 158 -0.63128 0.02778 1.31697 39 0.92550 0.04285 1.21560 99 -0.32657 0.05534 1.27291 159 -0.63215 0.02723 1.31745 40 0.90241 0.04365 1.21636 100 -0.33887 0.05505 1.27387 160 -0.63296 0.02668 1.31792 41 0.87907 0.04443 1.21713 101 -0.35083 0.05475 1.27483 161 -0.63372 0.02613 1.31838 42 0.85551 0.04518 1.21791 102 -0.36244 0.05444 1.27578 162 -0.63442 0.02557 1.31883 43 0.83174 0.04592 1.21870 103 -0.37372 0.05412 1.27673 163 -0.63508 0.02502 1.31928 44 0.80779 0.04664 1.21951 104 -0.38467 0.05379 1.27767 164 -0.63568 0.02446 1.31971 45~ 0.783~67~ 0~a4~7~3~3~ a~20~3~3~ 05~ 0~3~9529 0.05~344~ 27~8~61 165~ 0~6~3~6~2~4~ 0~023~9~ 33~0~13 46 0.75941 0.04800 1.22116 106 -0.40558 0.05310 1.27954 166 -0.63675 0.02335 1.32054 47 0.73503 0.04866 1.22201 107 -0.41556 0.05274 1.28046 167 -0.63722 0.02280 1.32094 48 0.71054 0.04929 1.22286 108 -0.42522 0.05237 1.28138 168 -0.63765 0.02224 1.32134 49 0.68597 0.04990 1.22373log -0.43458 0.05200 1.28229 169 -0.63804 0.02169 1.32172 0.66133 0.05048 1.22460 110 -0.44363 0.05161 1.28319 170 -0.63839 0.02113 1.32209 51 0.63665 0.05105 1.22549 111 -0.45238 0.05122 1.28409 171 -0.63870 0.02057 1.32246 52 0.61194 0.05159 1.22638 112 -0.46083 0.05082 1.28498 172 -0.63898 0.02001 1.32281 53 0.58723 0.05212 1.22729 113 -0.46900 0.05042 1.28587 173 -0.63922 0.01946 1.32316 54 0.56252 0.05262 1.22820 114 -0.47689 0.05000 1.28674 174 -0.63943 0.01890 1.32349 0.53785 0.05310 1.22913 115 -0.48450 0.04958 1.28761 175 -0.63961 0.01834 1.32382 56 0.51322 0.05356 1.23006 116 -0.49184 0.04916 1.28847 176 -0.63975 0.01778 1.32413 57 0.48865 0.05400 1.23100 117 -0.49891 0.04873 1.28933 117 -0.63986 0.01722 1.32444 58 0.46417 0.05441 1.23194 118 -0.50573 0.04829 1.29017 178 -0.63994 0.01666 1.32473 59 0.43978 0.05481 1.23289 119 -0.51229 0.04784 1.29101 179 -0.63998 0.01611 1.32502 60~ 0.4~1~5~S~ 0~.~0~s518~l~2338s~120~ o~5l86~ o~o4q39 1,29184~180~ 0.~400~0~ 0~015~S5~1.3253~0 CA 02203937 l997-04-29 le Convertisseur Force, D~p' -- _..1/ Couple ¦ Mémoire des~ ,lif Auteur: Dan Anghel ¦ page 26 de 44 ~NN~ 2 page 2 de 6 ~t¦ anxO ¦ VxO ¦ XO ~t¦ anxO ¦ VxO ¦ XO ~t¦ anxO ¦ VxO ¦ XO
~180~-0.~64~000~ 0~.~Q~lS55~i~.3~2~530~240~-0,~51861~ 0~.~0~16~30~ 32441~3~0~0~ 0.~4~15g~ 0.02408~1.2~g~8~98 81 -0.63998 0.01499 1.32556 241 -0.51229 -0.01675 1.32412 301 0.43978 -0.02371 1.29856 182 -0.63994 0.01443 1.32582 242 -0.sO573 -0.01719 1.32382 302 0.46417 -0.02332 1.29815 183 -0.63986 0.01387 1.32607 243 -0.49891 -0.01763 1.32352 303 0.48865 -0.02290 1.29775 184 -0.63975 0.01331 1.32630 244 -0.49184 -0.01806 1.32321304 0.51322 -0.02246 1.29735 185 -0.63961 0.01276 1.32653 245 -0.48450 -0.01849 1.32289 305 0.53785 -0.02200 1.29697 186 -0.63943 0.01220 1.32675 246 -0.47689 -0.01891 1.32256 306 0.56252 -0.02152 1.29659 187 -0.63922 0.01164 1.32696 247 -0.46900 -0.01932 1.32223 307 0.58723 -0.02102 1.29621 188 -0.63898 0.01108 1.32715 248 -0.46083 -0.01973 1.32189 308 0.61194 -0.02050 1.29585 189 -0.63870 0.01052 1.32734 249 -0.45238 -0.02013 1.32154 309 0.63665 -0.01995 1.29550 lgo -0.63839 0.00997 1.32752 250 -0.44363 -0.02052 1.32119 310 0.66133 -0.01939 1.29516 191 -0.63804 0.00941 1.32769 251 -0.43458 -0.02090 1.32082 311 0.68597 -0.01880 1.29482 192 -0.63765 0.00885 1.32785 252 -0.42522 -0.02128 1.32046 312 0.71054 -0.01819 1.29450 193 -0.63722 0.00830 1.32800 253 -0.41556 -0.02164 1.32008 313 0.73503 -0.01756 1.29419 -0.63675 0.00774 1.32814 254 -0.40558 -0.02200 1.31970 314 0.75941 -0.01691 1.29389 ~i~95~ 0.6~3~62~ D~.~0~071~9~ 3~2~8~27~2fi5~ Q~,3g52g~ O~Q~2~23~5~ 3~193~ 3~1~5~ Q.~78~3~6~7~ 0~.~01~623~ 2~936Q
196 -0.63568 0.00663 1.32839 256 -0.38467 -0.02269 1.31892 316 0.80779 -0.01554 1.29332 197 -0.63508 0.00608 1.32850 257 -0.37372 -0.02302 1.31852 317 0.83174 -0.01483 1.29306 198 -0.63442 0.00552 1.32860 258 -0.36244 -0.02334 1.31812 318 0.85551 -0.01409 1.29280 199 -0.63372 0.00497 1.32869 259 -0.35083 -0.02365 1.31771 319 0.87907 -0.01333 1.29256 200 -0.63296 0.00442 1.32878 260 -0.33887 -0.02395 1.31729 320 0.90241 -0.01255 1.29234 201 -0.63215 0.00386 1.32885 261 -0.32657 -0.02424 1.31687321 0.92550 -0.01176 1.29213 202 -0.63128 0.00331 1.32891 262 -0.31392 -0.02452 1.31644 322 0.94832 -0.01094 1.29193 203 -0.63035 0.00276 1.32896 263 -0.30093 -0.02479 1.31601323 0.97086 -o.olO10 1.29174 204 -0.62936 0.00221 1.32901 264 -0.28758 -0.02505 1.31558 324 0.99309 -0.00925 1.29158 205 -0.62830 0.00166 1.32904 265 -0.27388 -0.02529 1.31514 325 1.01499 -0.00837 1.29142 206 -0.62717 0.00112 1.32907 266 -0.25982 -0.02553 1.31470 326 1.03654 -0.00747 1.29128 -~ 207 -0.62597 0.00057 1.32908 267 -0.24541 -0.02575 1.31425 327 1.05773 -0.00656 1.29116 208 -0.62469 0.00002 1.32909 268 -0.23063 -0.02596 1.31380 328 1.07852 -0.00563 1.29105 209 -0.62334 -0.00052 1.32908 269 -0.21550 -0.02615 1.31334 329 1.09891 -0.00468 1.29096 ~2~1Q~0~.62~19~0~ 0~001~06~ .329~Q7 27~0~ 0~20400~ O~a~2~63~3~1.31~289~33~0~ ,118~B7~ 0.00371~ 2~9~0~8~9 211 -0.62038 -0 00161 1.32904 271 -0.18414 -0.02650 1.31242 331 1.13839 -0.00273 1 29084 212 -0.61877 -0.00215 1.32901 272 -0.16793 -0.02665 1.31196 332 1.15744 -0.00172 1.29080 213 -0.61706 -0.00269 1.32897 273 -0.15135 -0.02679 1.31149 333 1.17600 -0.00071 1.29078 214 -0.61526 -0.00322 1.32892 274 -0.13442 -0.02692 1.31103 334 1.19406 0.00033 1.29077 215 -0.61336 -0.00376 1.32886 275 -0.11713 -0.02703 1.31055 335 1.21161 0.00138 1.29079 216 -0.61135 -0.00429 1.32879 276 -0.09949 -0.02712 1.31008 336 1.22861 0.00244 1.29082 217 -0.60923 -0.00483 1.32871 277 -0.08149 -0.02720 1.30961 337 1.24506 0.00352 1.29087 218 -0.60699 -0.00536 1.32862 278 -0.06315 -0.02726 1.30913 338 1.26094 0.00462 1.29094 219 -0.60464 -0.00589 1.32852 279 -0.04446 -0.02731 1.30866 339 1.27624 0.00572 1.29103 220 -0.60216 -0.00641 1.32841 280 -0.02543 -0.02734 1.30818 340 1.29093 0.00684 1.29114 221 -0.59956 -0.00694 1.32830 281 -0.~0607 -0.02735 1.30770 341 1.30500 0.00798 1.29127 222 -0.59682 -0.00746 1.32817 282 0.01363 -0.02735 1.30723 342 1.31845 0.00912 1.29142 223 -0.59394 -0.00798 1.32804 283 0.03365 -0.02733 1.30675343 1.33124 0.01028 1.29159 224 -0.59092 -0.00850 1.32789 284 0.05398 -0.02729 1.30627344 1.34338 0.01144 1.29178 ~225~ 0~.58776~ O~t~0~090~ 3~27~7~4~2~8~5~ 0~ 07469~-0~.0~272~4~ 3~05a~0~4~5~ 3~5~4~85~ 0~,~012~62~ .2~9199 226 -0.58443 -0.00952 1.32758 286 0.09559 -0.02716 1.30532 346 1.36564 0.01381 1.29222 227 -0.58095 -0.01003 1.32741 287 0.11684 -0.02707 1.30485 347 1.37573 0 01500 1 29247 228 -0.57730 -0.01053 1.32723 288 0.13838 -0.02696 1.30438 348 1.38512 0.01621 1.29275 229 -0.57349 -0.01104 1.32704 289 0.16020 -0.02683 1.30391349 1.39379 0.01742 1.29304 230 -0.56949 -0.01154 1.32684 290 0.18229 -0.02668 1.30344 350 1.40174 0.01864 1.29335 231 -0.56532 -0.01203 1.32664 291 0.20463 -0.02651 1.30298 351 1.40896 0.01987 1.29369 232 -0.56096 -0.01252 1.32642 292 0.22723 -0.02632 1.30251352 1.41543 0.02110 1.29405 233 -0.55640 -0.01301 1.32620 293 0.25006 -0.02611 1.30206 353 1.42117 0.02234 1.29443 234 -0.55165 -0.01349 1.32597 294 0.27313 -0.02588 1.30160 354 1.42615 0.02358 1.29483 235 -0.54669 -0.01397 1.32573 295 0.29640 -0.02564 1.30115 355 1.43037 0.02483 1.29525 236 -0.54152 -0.01445 1.32548 296 0.31987 -0.02537 1.30071 356 1.43383 0.02608 1.29569 237 -0.53613 -0.01492 1.32522 297 0.34354 -0.02508 1.30027 357 1.43653 0.02733 1.29616 238 -0.53052 -0.01538 1.32496 298 0.36737 -0.02477 1.29983 358 1.43846 0.02858 1.29665 239 -0.52468 -0.01584 1.32469 299 0.39137 -0.02444 1.29940 359 1.43961 0.02984 1.29716 ~24~0~ 0.5186~ -D.~Q1630~1~.3~2441 30Q 0~.41551~ 0.~02~4Q8~1.29~898~36~0~ 1.44~000~ 0.~03~110~ 2~97~6~9 CA 02203937 l997-04-29 le Conve, I;~..r Force, De~l ~ nt / Couple ¦ Mémoire de~ lir Auteur: Dan Anghel ¦ page 27 de 44 2 page 3 de 6 ~tl anxO ¦ VxO ¦ XO ~tl anxO ¦ VxO ¦ XO ~tl anxO ¦ VxO ¦ XO
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491 -0.57349 0.07323 1.46923 372 1.38512 0.04598 1.30577 432 0.13838 0.08915 1.38253 492 -0.57730 0.07273 1.47050 373 1.37573 0.04719 1.30658 433 0.11684 0.08926 1.38408 493 -0.58095 0.07222 1.47177 374 1.36564 0.04838 1.30742 434 0.09559 0.08935 1.38564 494 -0.58443 0.07171 1.47303 ~3~75~ 354~8~5~0~.~049~7~ .30~8~2~7~4~3~5~ 0~074~63~0~.089~4~3~ 3~8~7~2~0~4~9~S~-0,~87~7~6~o~o~7~l2~Q~ 474~27 376 1.34338 0.05075 1.30915 436 0.05398 0.08948 1.38876 496 -0.59092 0.07069 1.47551 377 1.33124 0.05191 1.31004 437 0.03365 0.08952 1.39033 497 -0.59394 0.07017 1.47674 378 1.31845 0.05307 1.31096 438 0.01363 0.08954 1.39189 498 -0.59682 0.06965 1.47796 379 1.30500 0.05421 1.31190 439 -0.00607 0.08954 1.39345 499 -0.59956 0.06913 1.47917 380 1.29093 0.05535 1.31285 440 -0.02543 0.08953 1.39501 500 -0.60216 0.06860 1.48037 381 1.27624 0.05647 1.31383 441 -0.04446 0.08950 1.39658 501 -0.60464 0.06808 1.48157 382 1.26094 0.05757 1.31482 442 -0.06315 0.08945 1.39814 502 -0.60699 0.06755 1.48275 383 1.24506 0.05867 1.31584 443 -0.08149 0.08939 1.39970 503 -0.60923 0.06702 1.48392 384 1.22861 0.05975 1.31687 444 -0.09949 0.08931 1.40126 504 -0.61135 0.06648 1.48509 385 1.21161 0.06081 1.31792 445 -0.11713 0.08922 1.40282 505 -0.61336 0.06595 1.48624 386 1.19406 0.06186 1.31899 446 -0.13442 0.08911 1.40437 506 -0.61526 0.06541 1.48739 387 1.17600 0.06290 1.32008 447 -0.15135 0.08898 1.40593 507 -0.61706 0.06488 1.48853 388 1.15744 0.06391 1.32119 448 -0.16793 0.08884 1.40748 508 -0.61877 0.06434 1.48966 389 1.13839 0.06492 1.32231 449 -0.18414 0.08869 1.40903 509 -0.62038 0.06380 1.49077 ~39Q~ BB?~O~.~a65~90~ 3~2~34~5 4~50~-~0~20~0~0~0~0~08~8~53~1.41a57~5~1~a~ 0~.~62190~0~D~63~2~5~ .491~8~8 391 1.09891 0.06687 1.32461 451 -0.21550 0.08834 1.41212 511 -0,62334 0.06271 1.49298 392 1.07852 0.06782 1.32579 452 -0.23063 0.08815 1.41366 512 -0.62469 0.06217 1.49407 393 1.05773 0.06875 1.32698453 -0.24541 0.08794 1.41519 513 -0.62597 0.06162 1.49515 394 1.03654 0.06966 1.32819 454 -0.25982 0.08772 1.41673 514 -0.62717 0.06107 1.49622 395 1.01499 0.07056 1.32941 455 -0.27388 0.08748 1.41826 515 -0.62830 0.06053 1.49728 396 0.99309 0.07144 1.33065 456 -0.28758 0.08724 1.41978 516 -0.62936 0.05998 1.49834 397 0.97086 0.07229 1.33191 457 -0.30093 0.08698 1.42130 517 -0.63035 0.05943 1.49938 398 0.94832 0.07313 1.33317458 -0.31392 0.08671 1.42282 518 -0.63128 0.05888 1.50041 399 0.92550 0.07395 1.33446 459 -0.32657 0.08644 1.42433 519 -0.63215 0.05833 1.50143 400 0.90241 0.07475 1.33576 460 -0.33887 0.08614 1.42583 520 -0.63296 0.05777 1.50245 401 0.87907 0.07552 1.33707 461 -0.35083 0.08584 1.42734 521 -0.63372 0.05722 1.50345 402 0.85551 0.07628 1.33839462 -0.36244 0.08553 1.42883 522 -0.63442 0.05667 1.50444 403 0.83174 0.07702 1.33973 463 -0.37372 0.08521 1.43032 523 -0.63508 0.05611 1.50543 404 0.80779 0.07773 1.34108 464 -0.38467 0.08488 1.43180 524 -0.63568 0.05556 1.50640 ~405~ 0~.783~67~0~.~07~843~ .34~2~44~4~6~ 3~9529~0~.0~845~4~ 4~3~3~2~8~5~2~5~-0~.63~62~0.~0~550~0~ 5~073~7 406 0.75941 0.07910 1.34382 466 -0.40558 0.08419 1.43476 526 -0.63675 0.05445 1.50832 407 0.73503 0.07975 1.34520 467 -0.41556 0.08383 1.43622 527 -0.63722 0.05389 1.50927 408 0.71054 0.08038 1.34660 468 -0.42522 0.08347 1.43768 528 -0.63765 0.05334 1.51020 409 0.68597 0.08099 1.34801 469 -0.43458 0.08309 1.43914 529 -0.63804 0.05278 1.51113 410 0.66133 0.08158 1.34943 470 -0.44363 0.08271 1.44058 530 -0.63839 0.05222 1.51205 411 0.63665 0.08215 1.35086 471 -0.45238 0.08232 1.44202 531 -0.63870 0.05167 1.51295 412 0.61194 0.08269 1.35229 472 -0.46083 0.08192 1.44346 532 -0.63898 0.05111 1.51385 413 0.58723 0.08321 1.35374 473 -0.46900 0.08151 1.44488 533 -0.63922 0.05055 1.51474 414 0.56252 0.08371 1.35520474 -0.47689 0.08110 1.44630 534 -0.63943 0.04999 1.51561 415 0.53785 0.08420 1.35666 475 -0.48450 0.08068 1.44771 535 -0.63961 0.04943 1.51648 416 0.51322 0.08465 1.35814 476 -0.49184 0.08025 1.44912 536 -0.63975 0.04888 1.51734 417 0.48865 0.08509 1.35962 477 -0.49891 0.07982 1.45051 537 -0.63986 0.04832 1.51819 418 0.46417 0.08551 1.36111 478 -0.50573 0.07938 1.45190 538 -0.63994 0.04776 1.51903 419 0.43978 0.08590 1.36260 479 -0.51229 0.07894 1.45329 539 -0.63998 0.04720 1.51985 ~4~2~0~0~4~1~551~0~08~62~7~ 1.45466 54~0~ 0~,64000~0~.04~6~6~4~ 5~2~067 CA 02203937 l997-04-29 le Convertisseur Force, D~p' - : 1/ Couple ¦ Mémoire dcuc. i~lir Auteur: Dan Anghel ¦ page 28 de 44 2 page 4 de 6 ~tl anxO ¦ VxO ¦ XO ~tl anxO ¦ VxO I XO ~tl anxO I VxO I XO
~540 -~a~6~400~4~ 0.~046~64~1.52067~600~ 0~.~51861~a~.Q~1480~1.5523~5 660 ~0~,41~551~ 0.0~701~ 55~94~8 541 -0.63998 0.04608 1.52148 601 -0.51229 0.01435 1.55260 661 0.43978 0.00738 1.55961 542 -0.63994 0.04553 1.52228 602 -0.50573 0.01390 1.55285 662 0.46417 0.00778 1.55974 543 -0.63986 0.04497 1.52307 603 -0.49891 0.01346 1.55309 663 0.48865 0.00820 1.55988 544 -0.63975 0.04441 1.52385 604 -0.49184 0.01303 1.55332 664 0.51322 0.00863 1.56003 545 -0.63961 0.04385 1.52462 605 -0.48450 0.01261 1.55354 665 0.53785 o.oogog 1.56018 546 -0.63943 0.04329 1.52538 606 -0.47689 0.01219 1.55376 666 0.56252 0.00957 1.56035 547 -0.63922 0.04274 1.52613 607 -0.46900 0.01177 1.55397 667 0.58723 0.01007 1.56052 548 -0.63898 0.04218 1.52687 608 -0.46083 0.01137 1.55417 668 0.61194 0.01060 1.56070 549 -0.63870 0.04162 1.52761 609 -0.45238 0.01097 1.55436 669 0.63665 0.01114 1.56089 550 -0.63839 0.04106 1.52833 610 -0.44363 0.01058 1.55455 670 0.66133 0.01171 1.56109 551 -0.63804 0.04051 1.52904 611 -0.43458 0.01020 1.55473 671 0.68597 0.01229 1.56130 552 -0.63765 0.03995 1.52974 612 -0.42522 0.00982 1.55491 672 0.71054 0.01290 1.56152 553 -0.63722 0.03939 1.53043 613 -0.41556 0.00945 1.55508 673 0.73503 0.01354 1.56175 554 -0.63675 0.03884 1.53112 614 -0.40558 o.OOg10 1.55524 674 0.75941 0.01419 1.56199 ~55~ 0~6~36~2~4~ 0~03~828~ .53~179~61~5~ 0~3~952g~ 0~.00~8q5~1.55539~6~75~ 0~7~8~367~ 0,0~}4~6~ .56224 556 -0.63568 0.03773 1.53245 616 -0.38467 0.00841 1.55554 676 0.80779 0.01555 1.56251 557 -0.63508 0.03717 1.53311 617 -0.37372 0.00807 1.55569 677 0.83174 0.01627 1.56279 558 -0.63442 0.03662 1.53375 618 -0.36244 0.00775 1.55583 678 0.85551 0.01701 1.56308 559 -0.63372 0.03606 1.53438 619 -0.35083 0.00744 1.55596 679 0.87907 0.01776 1.56338 560 -0.63296 0.03551 1.53501 620 -0.33887 0.00714 1.55609 680 0.90241 0.01854 1.56370 561 -0.63215 0.03496 1.53562 621 -0.32657 0.00685 1.55621 681 0.92550 0.01934 1.56403 562 -0.63128 0.03441 1.53623 622 -0.31392 0.00657 1.55633 682 0.94832 0.02016 1.56437 563 -0.63035 0.03386 1.53682 623 -0.30093 0.00630 1.55644 683 0.97086 0.02099 1.56473 564 -0.62936 0.03331 1.53741 624 -0.28758 0.00605 1.55655 684 0.99309 0.02185 1.56510 565 -0.62830 0.03276 1.53799 625 -0.27388 0.00580 1.55665 685 1.01499 0.02273 1.56549 566 -0.62717 0.03221 1.53855 626 -0.25982 0.00557 1.55675 686 1.03654 0.02362 1.56590 567 -0.62597 0.03167 1.53911 627 -0.24541 0.00535 1.55684 687 1.05773 0.02454 1.56632 568 -0.62469 0.03112 1.53966 628 -0.23063 0.00514 1.55693 688 1.07852 0.02547 1.56675 569 -0.62334 0.03057 1.54020 629 -0.21550 0.00495 1.55702 689 1.09891 0.02642 1.56721 $7~0~ 0~.6~21~90~ 0~03003~ 54~07~3~630~ 0~.~20000~ 0~0~a~476 1,5~5711~6~9~0~ 88~7~ 0,~0273~9~ 5~67~68 571 -0.62038 0.02949 1.54125 631 -0.18414 0.00460 1.55719 691 1.13839 0.02837 1 56816 572 -0.61877 0.02895 1.54176 632 -0.16793 0.00444 1.55727 692 1.15744 0.02937 1.56867 573 -0.61706 0.02841 1.54226 633 -0.15135 0.00430 1.55734 693 1.17600 0.03039 1.56919 574 -0.61526 0.02787 1.54275 634 -0.13442 0.00418 1.55742 694 1.19406 0.03142 1.56973 575 -0.61336 0.02734 1.54323 635 -0.11713 0.00407 1.55749 695 1.21161 0.03247 1.57029 576 -0.61135 0.02680 1.54370 636 -0.~9949 0.00397 1.55756 696 1.22861 0.03354 1.57086 577 -0.609230.02627 1.54417 637 -0.08149 0.00390 1.55763 697 1.24506 0.03462 1.57146 578 -0.606990.02574 1.54462 638 -0.06315 0.00383 1.55770 698 1.26094 0.03571 1.57207 579 -0.604640.02521 1.54506 639 -0.04446 0.00379 1.55776 699 1.27624 0.03682 1.57270 580 -0.602160.02468 1.54550 640 -0.02543 0.00376 1.55783 700 1.29093 0.03794 1.57336 581 -0.599560.02416 1.54593 641 -0.00607 0.00374 1.55789 701 1.30500 0.03907 1.57403 582 -0.596820.02364 1.54634 642 0.01363 0.00374 1.55796 702 1.31845 0.04022 1.57472 583 -0.593940.02312 1.54675 643 0.03365 0.00377 1.55803 703 1.33124 0.04137 1.57543 584 -0.590920.02260 1.54715 644 0.05398 0.00380 1.55809 704 1.34338 0.04254 1.57616 585~ 0~ 5~8~776~0~ 022~0~9~ 54~7~54 ~64~5~ 0~.07463~ 0~ 0~0~3~86~ 5~5~8~16~705~ 35~4~8~5~ 0~.~04372 ~ 57692 586 -0.58443 0.02157 1.54792 646 0.09559 0.00393 1.55823 706 1.36564 0.04490 1.57769 587 -0.58095 0.02107 1.54829 647 0.11684 0.00403 1.55830 707 1.37573 0.04610 1.57848 588 -0.57730 0.02056 1.54866 648 0.13838 0.00414 1.55837 708 1.38512 0.04730 1.57930 589 -0.57349 0.02006 1.54901 649 0.16020 0.00427 1.55844 709 1.39379 0.04852 1.58014 590 -0.56949 0.01956 1.54936 650 0.18229 0.00442 1.55852 710 1.40174 0.04974 1.58099 591 -0.56532 0.01906 1.54969 651 0.20463 0.00459 1.55859 711 1.40896 0.05096 1.58187 592 -0.56096 0.01857 1.55002 652 0.22723 0.00478 1.55868 712 1.41543 0.05220 1.58277 593 -0.55640 0.01809 1.55034 653 0.25006 0.00498 1.55876 713 1.42117 0.05343 1.58369 594 -0.55165 0.01760 1.55065 654 0.27313 0.00521 1.55885 714 1.42615 0.05468 1.58464 595 -0.54669 0.01712 1.55096 655 0.29640 0.00546 1.55894 715 1.43037 0.05592 1.58560 596 -0.54152 0.01665 1.55125 656 0.31987 0.00573 1.55904 716 1.43383 0.05717 1.58659 597 -0.53613 0.01618 1.55154 657 0.34354 0.00602 1.55914 717 1.43653 0.05842 1.58760 598 -0.53052 0.01571 1.55182 658 0.36737 0.00633 1.55925 718 1.43846 0.05968 1.58863 599 -0.52468 0.01525 1.55209 659 0.39137 0.00666 1.55936 719 1.43961 0.06093 1.58968 ~600~ 0.5~1~8~6~ 0.0148~0~5~5~2~3~5 66~0~0.~4~551~ 0~ 0~070~ 5~g94~8~7~2~0~ 440~0~0~ 0~ 0~6219~ 5~9~01~6 CA 02203937 l997-04-29 le Convertisseur Force, D~p' ~-- c..t / Couple ¦ Mémoire dcs~
Auteur: Dan Anghel I page 29 de 44 ANNEXE 2 page 5 de 6 0tl anxO ¦ VxO ¦ XO 0tl anxO ¦ VxO ¦ XO 0tl anxO ¦ VxO ¦ XO
~7~20 ~ 4~4004~ 0~0~62~1~9~ 5~9~07~6~7~8~0~ 0.~41551 0.~117~3~7~ 6~8~9~7~4g40 -0~5~1~8~61~0~ 095~8~ 8~12~8~5 721 1.43961 0.06345 1.59185 781 0.39137 0.11772 1.69179 841 -0.52468 0.10913 1.81476 722 1.43846 0.06470 1.59297 782 0.36737 0.11805 1.69385 842 -0.53052 0.10867 1.81666 723 1.43653 0.06596 1.59411 783 0.34354 0.11836 1.69591 843 -0.53613 0.10820 1.81855 724 1.43383 0.06721 1.59527 784 0.31987 0.11865 1.69798 844 -0.54152 0.10773 1.82044 725 1.43037 0.06846 1.59646 785 0.29640 0.11892 1.70005 845 -0.54669 0.10726 1.82231 726 1.42615 0.06971 1.59766 786 0.27313 0.11917 1.70213 846 -0.55165 0.10678 1.82418 727 1.42117 0.07095 1.59889 787 0.25006 0.11940 1.70421 847 -0.55640 0.10630 1.82604 728 1.41543 0.07219 1.60014 788 0.22723 0.11961 1.70630 848 -0.56096 0.10581 1.82789 729 1.40896 0.07342 1.60141 789 0.20463 0.11979 1.70838 849 -0.56532 0.10532 1.82973 730 1.40174 0.07464 1.60270 790 0.18229 0.11996 1.71048 850 -0.56949 0.10482 1.83157 731 1.39379 0.07586 1.60401 791 0.16020 0.12011 1.71257 851 -0.57349 0.10432 1.83339 732 1.38512 0.07708 1.60535 792 0.13838 0.12024 1.71467 852 -0.57730 0.10382 1.83521 733 1.37573 0.07828 1.60671 793 0.11684 0.12035 1.71677 853 -0.58095 0.10332 1.83702 734 1.36564 0.07948 1.60808 794 0.09559 0.12045 1.71887 854 -0.58443 0.10281 1.83882 ~7~3~5~ 3~54~8~5~ 0~0~8~0~6~6~ 6~094~8~7~5~ 0~.07~463~ 0~.~12~0~5~2~ 7~2~9~7~8~5~ 0~5~8~7~7~6~ 0~ 023~0~ 84~0~6 736 1.34338 0.08184 1.61090 796 0.05398 0.12058 1.72308 856 -0.59092 0.10178 1.84239 737 1.33124 0.08301 1.61234 797 0.03365 0.12062 1.72518 857 -0.59394 0.10126 1.84416 738 1.31845 0.08417 1.61380 798 0.01363 0.12064 1.72729 858 -0.59682 0.10074 1.84592 739 1.30500 0.08531 1.61527 799 -0.00607 0.12064 1.72939 859 -0.59956 0.10022 1.84768 740 1.29093 0.08644 1.61677 800 -0.02543 0.12063 1.73150 860 -0.60216 0.09970 1.84942 741 1.27624 0.08756 1.61829 801 -0.04446 0.12060 1.73360 861 -0.60464 0.09917 1.85116 742 1.26094 0.08867 1.61983 802 -0.06315 0.12055 1.73571 862 -0.60699 0.09864 1.85288 743 1.24506 0.08976 1.62139 803 -0.08149 0.12049 1.73781 863 -0.60923 0.09811 1.85460 744 1.22861 0.09084 1.62296 804 -0.09949 0.12041 1.73991 864 -0.61135 0.09758 1.85631 745 1.21161 o.oslsl1.62456 805 -0.11713 0.12031 1.74201 865 -0.61336 0.09705 1.85800 746 1.19406 0.09296 1.62617 806 -0.13442 0.12020 1.74411 866 -0.61526 0.09651 1.85969 747 1.17600 0.09399 1.62780 807 -0.15135 0.12008 1.74621 867 -0.61706 0.09597 1.86137 748 1.15744 0.09501 1.62945 808 -0.16793 0.11994 1.74830 868 -0.61877 0.09543 1.86304 749 1.13839 0.09601 1.63112 809 -0.18414 0.11978 1.75040 869 -0.62038 0.09489 1.86470 ~7~50~ 8~8~7~ 0.0970~0~ 63~28~0~81~0~-~0~.20000~ a~ 1962~1,7~524~9~8~70~ D~.~62190~ 0,~Q943~5~ .8~6~6~3~6 751 1.09891 0.09796 1.63450 811 -0.21550 0.11944 1.75457 871 -0.62334 0.09381 1.86800 752 1.07852 0.09891 1.63622 812 -0.23063 0.11924 1.75665 872 -0.62469 0.09326 1.86963 753 1.05773 0.09985 1.63796 813 -0.24541 0.11903 1.75873 873 -0.62597 0.09272 1.87125 754 1.03654 0.10076 1.63971 814 -0.25982 0.11881 1.76081 874 -0.62717 0.09217 1.87287 755 1.01499 0.10165 1.64147 815 -0.27388 0.11858 1.76288 875 -0.62830 0.09162 1.87447 756 0.99309 0.10253 1.64326 816 -0.28758 0.11834 1.76495 876 -0.62936 0.09107 1.87607 757 0.97086 0.10339 1.64505 817 -0.30093 0.11808 1.76701 877 -0.63035 0.09052 1.87765 758 0.94832 0.10423 1.64686 818 -0.31392 0.11781 1.76907 878 -0.63128 0.08997 1.87923 759 0.92550 0.10504 1.64869 819 -0.32657 0.11753 1.77112 879 -0.63215 0.08942 1.88079 760 0.90241 0.10584 1.65053 820 -0.33887 0.11724 1.77317 880 -0.63296 0.08887 1.88235 761 0.87907 0.10662 1.65238 821 -0.35083 0.11694 1.77522 881 -0.63372 0.08832 1.88389 762 0.85551 0.10737 1.65425 822 -0.36244 0.11663 1.77725 882 -0.63442 0.08776 1.88543 763 0.83174 0.10811 1.65613 823 -0.37372 0.11631 1.77929 883 -0.63508 0.08721 1.88696 764 0.80779 0.10883 1.65803 824 -0.38467 0.11598 1.78131 884 -0.63568 0.08665 1.88847 ~7~65 ~0~7~8367~ 0~}~0~952~ .6~5~9~93~8~2~5~ 4~.~3~952g~ 1156~4~ 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0.48865 0.11619 1.68362 837 -0.49891 0.11092 1.80708 897 -0.63986 0.07941 1.90731 778 0.46417 0.11660 1.68565 838 -0.50573 0.11048 1.80901 898 -0.63994 0.07886 1.90870 779 0.43978 0.11700 1.68769 839 -0.51229 0.11003 1.81093 899 -0.63998 0.07830 1.91007 ~7~80~0~41~5~51~ 0~ 1737~ 6~8~g74~840~-0~.51861~ 0~1Q~95~8~ 8~i2~8~5 900~-0~640~0~0~o.~a1774~ g~1~14~3 le Convc. 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2.01148 1074 1.42615 0.08577 2.06982 955 -0.54669 0.04822 1.97156 1015 ~.29640 0.03656 2.01211 1075 1.43037 0.08702 2.07133 956 -0.54152 0.04774 1.97240 1016 0.31987 0.03682 2.01275 1076 1.43383 0.08827 2.07286 957 -0.53613 0.04727 1.97323 1017 0.34354 0.03711 2.01340 1077 1.43653 0.08952 2.07441 958 -0.53052 0.04681 1.97405 1018 0.36737 0.03742 2.01405 1078 1.43846 0.09077 2.07599 959 -0.52468 0.04635 1.97486lols 0.39137 0.03776 2.01470 1079 1.43961 0.09203 2.07758 96~4~ 0~.51~8~6~ 0~04~5~8~9~ ,97~567~1020~ 0~.415~51~0~0~3~8~ 2~.~4153~7~08~0~1~.4~4~000~0~0~9~32~9~2~.~07~92~0 le Coll~e~ eur Force, Depldc -rt / Couple ¦Mémoire dcsc. ;"lir Auteur: Dan Anghel ¦page 31 de 44 ANNEXE 3 page 1 de 7 ~t anxO ¦ S2anxO ¦ S3anxl I S4anxO S6anxO ¦ S12anx 0 }~ 4400aO0~0000~ 0~ 8~Da~O~O~O'O~O~D0~ 2969696~96~97~ 0~.~40000000000 0~.59381443~2~9~9 ~ 187753~82693 1 1.43961402287 0.79962962425 0.29142810826 0.39999005321 0.59381477526 1.18775382693 2 1.43845650013 0.79851896535 0.28590136791 0.39996026136 0.59381579833 1.18775382692 3 1.43652865710 0.79666942763 0.28040462861 0.39991076978 0.59381749099 1.18775382690 4 1.43383253375 0.79408334955 0.27495296362 0.39984181987 0.59381983469 1.18775382689 5 1.43037098137 0.79076400039 0.26956132527 0.39975374796 0.59382280375 1.18775382686 6 1.42614765793 0.78671557575 0.26424450397 0.39964698364 0.59382636565 1.18775382684 7 1.42116702213 0.78194319179 0.25901708743 0.39952204766 0.59383048136 1.18775382681 8 1.41543432613 0.77645287812 0.25389342062 0.39937954937 0.59383510579 1.18775382678 9 1.40895560698 0.77025156950 0.24888756619 0.39922018375 0.59384018828 1.18775382676 10 1.40173767687 0.76334709631 0.24401326573 0.39904472804 0.59384567313 1.18775382673 11 1.39378811197 0.75574817368 0.23928390190 0.39885403786 0.59385150026 1.18775382671 12 1.38511524020 0.74746438961 0.23471246149 0.39864904310 0.59385760582 1.18775382669 13 1.37572812771 0.73850619168 0.23031149955 0.39843074334 0.59386392292 1.18775382667 14 1.36563656420 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17 1.33124 0.02082 1.20313 77 0.03365 0.05843 1.25085 137 -0.59394 0.03907 1.30470 181.31845 0.02197 1.20350 78 0.01363 0.05845 1.25187 138 -0.59682 0.03855 1.30538 l91.30500 0.02312 1.20390 79 -0.00607 0.05845 1.25289 139 -0.59956 0.03803 1.30605 201.29093 0.02425 1.20431 80 -0.02543 0.05844 1.25391 140 -0.60216 0.03751 1.30670 211.27624 0.02537 1.20474 81 -0.04446 0.05840 1.25493 141 -0.60464 0.03698 1.30735 221.26094 0.02648 1.20519 82 -0.06315 0.05836 1.25595 142 -0.60699 0.03645 1.30800 231.24506 0.02757 1.20567 83 -0.08149 0.05829 1.25696 143 -0.60923 0.03592 1.30863 241.22861 0.02865 1.20616 84 -0.09949 0.05822 1.25798 144 -0.61135 0.03539 1.30925 251.21161 0.02972 1.20667 85 -0.11713 0.05812 1.25900 145 -0.61336 0.03485 1.30986 261.19406 0.03077 1.20719 86 -0.13442 0.05801 1.26001 146 -0.61526 0.03432 1.31047 ~ - 271.17600 0.03180 1.20774 87 -0.15135 0.05789 1.26102 147 -0.61706 0.03378 1.31106 281.15744 0.03282 1.20830 88 -0.16793 0.05775 1.26203 148 -0.61877 0.03324 1.31164 291.13839 0.03382 1.20889 89 -0.18414 0.05759 1.26304 149 -0.62038 0.03270 1.31222 3D ~ 188 ~ 7 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 34 ~ 8 ~ 2 ~ Q ~ 9 ~ 4 ~ 8 ~ 9 ~ Q ~ -0 ~. ~ 20000 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ s ~ 7 ~ 4 ~ 3 ~ 2 ~ 6 ~ 4 ~ 0 ~ 4 ~ 1s0 ~ 0 ~ 6 ~ 2 ~ 1 ~ 9 ~ 0 ~ 0321 ~ 6 ~ 3 ~ 127g 311.09891 0.03577 1.21010 91 -0.21550 0.05725 1.26504 151 -0.62334 0.03162 1.31334 32 1.07852 0.03672 1.21073 92 -0.23063 0.05705 1.26604 152 -0.62469 0.03107 1.31389 33 1.05773 0.03766 1.21138 93 -0.24541 0.05684 1.26703 153 -0.62597 0.03053 1.31443 34 1.03654 0.03857 1.21205 94 -0.25982 0.05662 1.26802 154 -0.62717 0.02998 1.31496 35 1.01499 0.03946 1.21273 95 -0.27388 0.05639 1.26901 155 -0.62830 0.02943 1.31547 36 0.99309 0.04034 1.21342 96 -0.28758 0.05614 1.26999 156 -0.62936 0.02888 1.31598 37 0.97086 0.04120 1.21414 97 -0.30093 0.05589 1.27097 157 -0.63035 0.02833 1.31648 38 0.94832 0.04203 1.21486 98 -0.31392 0.05562 1.27194 158 -0.63128 0.02778 1.31697 39 0.92550 0.04285 1.21560 99 -0.32657 0.05534 1.27291 159 -0.63215 0.02723 1.31745 40 0.90241 0.04365 1.21636 100 -0.33887 0.05505 1.27387 160 -0.63296 0.02668 1.31792 41 0.87907 0.04443 1.21713 101 -0.35083 0.05475 1.27483 161 -0.63372 0.02613 1.31838 42 0.85551 0.04518 1.21791 102 -0.36244 0.05444 1.27578 162 -0.63442 0.02557 1.31883 43 0.83174 0.04592 1.21870 103 -0.37372 0.05412 1.27673 163 -0.63508 0.02502 1.31928 44 0.80779 0.04664 1.21951 104 -0.38467 0.05379 1.27767 164 -0.63568 0.02446 1.31971 45 ~ 0.783 ~ 67 ~ 0 ~ a4 ~ 7 ~ 3 ~ 3 ~ a ~ 20 ~ 3 ~ 3 ~ 05 ~ 0 ~ 3 ~ 9529 0.05 ~ 344 ~ 27 ~ 8 ~ 61 165 ~ 0 ~ 6 ~ 3 ~ 6 ~ 2 ~ 4 ~ 0 ~ 023 ~ 9 ~ 33 ~ 0 ~ 13 46 0.75941 0.04800 1.22116 106 -0.40558 0.05310 1.27954 166 -0.63675 0.02335 1.32054 47 0.73503 0.04866 1.22201 107 -0.41556 0.05274 1.28046 167 -0.63722 0.02280 1.32094 48 0.71054 0.04929 1.22286 108 -0.42522 0.05237 1.28138 168 -0.63765 0.02224 1.32134 49 0.68597 0.04990 1.22373log -0.43458 0.05200 1.28229 169 -0.63804 0.02169 1.32172 0.66133 0.05048 1.22460 110 -0.44363 0.05161 1.28319 170 -0.63839 0.02113 1.32209 51 0.63665 0.05105 1.22549 111 -0.45238 0.05122 1.28409 171 -0.63870 0.02057 1.32246 52 0.61194 0.05159 1.22638 112 -0.46083 0.05082 1.28498 172 -0.63898 0.02001 1.32281 53 0.58723 0.05212 1.22729 113 -0.46900 0.05042 1.28587 173 -0.63922 0.01946 1.32316 54 0.56252 0.05262 1.22820 114 -0.47689 0.05000 1.28674 174 -0.63943 0.01890 1.32349 0.53785 0.05310 1.22913 115 -0.48450 0.04958 1.28761 175 -0.63961 0.01834 1.32382 56 0.51322 0.05356 1.23006 116 -0.49184 0.04916 1.28847 176 -0.63975 0.01778 1.32413 57 0.48865 0.05400 1.23100 117 -0.49891 0.04873 1.28933 117 -0.63986 0.01722 1.32444 58 0.46417 0.05441 1.23194 118 -0.50573 0.04829 1.29017 178 -0.63994 0.01666 1.32473 59 0.43978 0.05481 1.23289 119 -0.51229 0.04784 1.29101 179 -0.63998 0.01611 1.32502 60 ~ 0.4 ~ 1 ~ 5 ~ S ~ 0 ~. ~ 0 ~ s518 ~ l ~ 2338s ~ 120 ~ o ~ 5l86 ~ o ~ o4q39 1.29184 ~ 180 ~ 0. ~ 400 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 015 ~ S5 ~ 1.3253 ~ 0 CA 02203937 l997-04-29 the Force Converter, D ~ p '- _ .. 1 / Torque ¦ Memory of ~, lif Author: Dan Anghel ¦ page 26 of 44 ~ NN ~ 2 page 2 of 6 ~ t¦ anxO ¦ VxO ¦ XO ~ t¦ anxO ¦ VxO ¦ XO ~ t¦ anxO ¦ VxO ¦ XO
~ 180 ~ -0. ~ 64 ~ 000 ~ 0 ~. ~ Q ~ lS55 ~ i ~ .3 ~ 2 ~ 530 ~ 240 ~ -0, ~ 51861 ~ 0 ~. ~ 0 ~ 16 ~ 30 ~ 32441 ~ 3 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0. ~ 4 ~ 15g ~ 0.02408 ~ 1.2 ~ g ~ 8 ~ 98 81 -0.63998 0.01499 1.32556 241 -0.51229 -0.01675 1.32412 301 0.43978 -0.02371 1.29856 182 -0.63994 0.01443 1.32582 242 -0.sO573 -0.01719 1.32382 302 0.46417 -0.02332 1.29815 183 -0.63986 0.01387 1.32607 243 -0.49891 -0.01763 1.32352 303 0.48865 -0.02290 1.29775 184 -0.63975 0.01331 1.32630 244 -0.49184 -0.01806 1.32321304 0.51322 -0.02246 1.29735 185 -0.63961 0.01276 1.32653 245 -0.48450 -0.01849 1.32289 305 0.53785 -0.02200 1.29697 186 -0.63943 0.01220 1.32675 246 -0.47689 -0.01891 1.32256 306 0.56252 -0.02152 1.29659 187 -0.63922 0.01164 1.32696 247 -0.46900 -0.01932 1.32223 307 0.58723 -0.02102 1.29621 188 -0.63898 0.01108 1.32715 248 -0.46083 -0.01973 1.32189 308 0.61194 -0.02050 1.29585 189 -0.63870 0.01052 1.32734 249 -0.45238 -0.02013 1.32154 309 0.63665 -0.01995 1.29550 lgo -0.63839 0.00997 1.32752 250 -0.44363 -0.02052 1.32119 310 0.66133 -0.01939 1.29516 191 -0.63804 0.00941 1.32769 251 -0.43458 -0.02090 1.32082 311 0.68597 -0.01880 1.29482 192 -0.63765 0.00885 1.32785 252 -0.42522 -0.02128 1.32046 312 0.71054 -0.01819 1.29450 193 -0.63722 0.00830 1.32800 253 -0.41556 -0.02164 1.32008 313 0.73503 -0.01756 1.29419 -0.63675 0.00774 1.32814 254 -0.40558 -0.02200 1.31970 314 0.75941 -0.01691 1.29389 ~ i ~ 95 ~ 0.6 ~ 3 ~ 62 ~ D ~. ~ 0 ~ 071 ~ 9 ~ 3 ~ 2 ~ 8 ~ 27 ~ 2fi5 ~ Q ~, 3g52g ~ O ~ Q ~ 2 ~ 23 ~ 5 ~ 3 ~ 193 ~ 3 ~ 1 ~ 5 ~ Q. ~ 78 ~ 3 ~ 6 ~ 7 ~ 0 ~. ~ 01 ~ 623 ~ 2 ~ 936Q
196 -0.63568 0.00663 1.32839 256 -0.38467 -0.02269 1.31892 316 0.80779 -0.01554 1.29332 197 -0.63508 0.00608 1.32850 257 -0.37372 -0.02302 1.31852 317 0.83174 -0.01483 1.29306 198 -0.63442 0.00552 1.32860 258 -0.36244 -0.02334 1.31812 318 0.85551 -0.01409 1.29280 199 -0.63372 0.00497 1.32869 259 -0.35083 -0.02365 1.31771 319 0.87907 -0.01333 1.29256 200 -0.63296 0.00442 1.32878 260 -0.33887 -0.02395 1.31729 320 0.90241 -0.01255 1.29234 201 -0.63215 0.00386 1.32885 261 -0.32657 -0.02424 1.31687321 0.92550 -0.01176 1.29213 202 -0.63128 0.00331 1.32891 262 -0.31392 -0.02452 1.31644 322 0.94832 -0.01094 1.29193 203 -0.63035 0.00276 1.32896 263 -0.30093 -0.02479 1.31601323 0.97086 -o.olO10 1.29174 204 -0.62936 0.00221 1.32901 264 -0.28758 -0.02505 1.31558 324 0.99309 -0.00925 1.29158 205 -0.62830 0.00166 1.32904 265 -0.27388 -0.02529 1.31514 325 1.01499 -0.00837 1.29142 206 -0.62717 0.00112 1.32907 266 -0.25982 -0.02553 1.31470 326 1.03654 -0.00747 1.29128 - ~ 207 -0.62597 0.00057 1.32908 267 -0.24541 -0.02575 1.31425 327 1.05773 -0.00656 1.29116 208 -0.62469 0.00002 1.32909 268 -0.23063 -0.02596 1.31380 328 1.07852 -0.00563 1.29105 209 -0.62334 -0.00052 1.32908 269 -0.21550 -0.02615 1.31334 329 1.09891 -0.00468 1.29096 ~ 2 ~ 1Q ~ 0 ~ .62 ~ 19 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 001 ~ 06 ~ .329 ~ Q7 27 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 20400 ~ O ~ a ~ 2 ~ 63 ~ 3 ~ 1.31 ~ 289 ~ 33 ~ 0 ~ , 118 ~ B7 ~ 0.00371 ~ 2 ~ 9 ~ 0 ~ 8 ~ 9 211 -0.62038 -0 00161 1.32904 271 -0.18414 -0.02650 1.31242 331 1.13839 -0.00273 1 29084 212 -0.61877 -0.00215 1.32901 272 -0.16793 -0.02665 1.31196 332 1.15744 -0.00172 1.29080 213 -0.61706 -0.00269 1.32897 273 -0.15135 -0.02679 1.31149 333 1.17600 -0.00071 1.29078 214 -0.61526 -0.00322 1.32892 274 -0.13442 -0.02692 1.31103 334 1.19406 0.00033 1.29077 215 -0.61336 -0.00376 1.32886 275 -0.11713 -0.02703 1.31055 335 1.21161 0.00138 1.29079 216 -0.61135 -0.00429 1.32879 276 -0.09949 -0.02712 1.31008 336 1.22861 0.00244 1.29082 217 -0.60923 -0.00483 1.32871 277 -0.08149 -0.02720 1.30961 337 1.24506 0.00352 1.29087 218 -0.60699 -0.00536 1.32862 278 -0.06315 -0.02726 1.30913 338 1.26094 0.00462 1.29094 219 -0.60464 -0.00589 1.32852 279 -0.04446 -0.02731 1.30866 339 1.27624 0.00572 1.29103 220 -0.60216 -0.00641 1.32841 280 -0.02543 -0.02734 1.30818 340 1.29093 0.00684 1.29114 221 -0.59956 -0.00694 1.32830 281 -0. ~ 0607 -0.02735 1.30770 341 1.30500 0.00798 1.29127 222 -0.59682 -0.00746 1.32817 282 0.01363 -0.02735 1.30723 342 1.31845 0.00912 1.29142 223 -0.59394 -0.00798 1.32804 283 0.03365 -0.02733 1.30675343 1.33124 0.01028 1.29159 224 -0.59092 -0.00850 1.32789 284 0.05398 -0.02729 1.30627344 1.34338 0.01144 1.29178 ~ 225 ~ 0 ~ .58776 ~ O ~ t ~ 0 ~ 090 ~ 3 ~ 27 ~ 7 ~ 4 ~ 2 ~ 8 ~ 5 ~ 0 ~ 07469 ~ -0 ~ .0 ~ 272 ~ 4 ~ 3 ~ 05a ~ 0 ~ 4 ~ 5 ~ 3 ~ 5 ~ 4 ~ 85 ~ 0 ~, ~ 012 ~ 62 ~ .2 ~ 9199 226 -0.58443 -0.00952 1.32758 286 0.09559 -0.02716 1.30532 346 1.36564 0.01381 1.29222 227 -0.58095 -0.01003 1.32741 287 0.11684 -0.02707 1.30485 347 1.37573 0 01500 1 29247 228 -0.57730 -0.01053 1.32723 288 0.13838 -0.02696 1.30438 348 1.38512 0.01621 1.29275 229 -0.57349 -0.01104 1.32704 289 0.16020 -0.02683 1.30391349 1.39379 0.01742 1.29304 230 -0.56949 -0.01154 1.32684 290 0.18229 -0.02668 1.30344 350 1.40174 0.01864 1.29335 231 -0.56532 -0.01203 1.32664 291 0.20463 -0.02651 1.30298 351 1.40896 0.01987 1.29369 232 -0.56096 -0.01252 1.32642 292 0.22723 -0.02632 1.30251352 1.41543 0.02110 1.29405 233 -0.55640 -0.01301 1.32620 293 0.25006 -0.02611 1.30206 353 1.42117 0.02234 1.29443 234 -0.55165 -0.01349 1.32597 294 0.27313 -0.02588 1.30160 354 1.42615 0.02358 1.29483 235 -0.54669 -0.01397 1.32573 295 0.29640 -0.02564 1.30115 355 1.43037 0.02483 1.29525 236 -0.54152 -0.01445 1.32548 296 0.31987 -0.02537 1.30071 356 1.43383 0.02608 1.29569 237 -0.53613 -0.01492 1.32522 297 0.34354 -0.02508 1.30027 357 1.43653 0.02733 1.29616 238 -0.53052 -0.01538 1.32496 298 0.36737 -0.02477 1.29983 358 1.43846 0.02858 1.29665 239 -0.52468 -0.01584 1.32469 299 0.39137 -0.02444 1.29940 359 1.43961 0.02984 1.29716 ~ 24 ~ 0 ~ 0.5186 ~ -D. ~ Q1630 ~ 1 ~ .3 ~ 2441 30Q 0 ~ .41551 ~ 0. ~ 02 ~ 4Q8 ~ 1.29 ~ 898 ~ 36 ~ 0 ~ 1.44 ~ 000 ~ 0. ~ 03 ~ 110 ~ 2 ~ 97 ~ 6 ~ 9 CA 02203937 l997-04-29 le Conve, I; ~ ..r Force, De ~ l ~ nt / Couple ¦ Memory of ~ lir Author: Dan Anghel ¦ page 27 of 44 2 page 3 of 6 ~ tl anxO ¦ VxO ¦ XO ~ tl anxO ¦ VxO ¦ XO ~ tl anxO ¦ VxO ¦ XO
~ 360 ~ .4g ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 03 ~ 2 ~ 9 ~ 7 ~ 6 ~ 9 ~ 4 ~ 2 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 41551 ~ 0. ~ 086 ~ 2 ~ 7 ~ 3 ~ 64 ~ 4 ~ 8 ~ 0 ~ -0 ~. ~ 51861 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 84 ~ 9 ~ 4 ~ 546 ~ 6 361 1.43961 0.03235 1.29824 421 0.39137 0.08663 1.36562 481 -0.52468 0.07803 1.45602 362 1.43846 0.03361 1.29882 422 0.36737 0.08696 1.36713 482 -0.53052 0.07757 1.45738 363 1.43653 0.03486 1.29942 423 0.34354 0.08727 1.36865 483 -0.53613 0.07711 1.45873 364 1.43383 0.03611 1.30004 424 0.31987 0.08756 1.37018 484 -0.54152 0.07664 1.46007 365 1.43037 0.03736 1.30068 425 0.29640 0.08783 1.37171 485 -0.54669 0.07616 1.46141 366 1.42615 0.03861 1.30134 426 0.27313 0.08807 1.37324 486 -0.55165 0.07568 1.46273 367 1.42117 0.03985 1.30202 427 0.25006 0.08830 1.37478 487 -0.55640 0.07520 1.46405 368 1.41543 0.04109 1.30273 428 0.22723 0.08851 1.37632 488 -0.56096 0.07471 1.46536 369 1.40896 0.04232 1.30346 429 0.20463 0.08870 1.37787489 -0.56532 0.07422 1.46666 370 1.40174 0.04355 1.30421430 0.18229 0.08887 1.37942 490 -0.56949 0.07373 1.46795 371 1.39379 0.04477 1.30498 431 0.16020 0.08902 1.38097 491 -0.57349 0.07323 1.46923 372 1.38512 0.04598 1.30577 432 0.13838 0.08915 1.38253 492 -0.57730 0.07273 1.47050 373 1.37573 0.04719 1.30658 433 0.11684 0.08926 1.38408 493 -0.58095 0.07222 1.47177 374 1.36564 0.04838 1.30742 434 0.09559 0.08935 1.38564 494 -0.58443 0.07171 1.47303 ~ 3 ~ 75 ~ 354 ~ 8 ~ 5 ~ 0 ~. ~ 049 ~ 7 ~ .30 ~ 8 ~ 2 ~ 7 ~ 4 ~ 3 ~ 5 ~ 0 ~ 074 ~ 63 ~ 0 ~ .089 ~ 4 ~ 3 ~ 3 ~ 8 ~ 7 ~ 2 ~ 0 ~ 4 ~ 9 ~ S ~ -0, ~ 87 ~ 7 ~ 6 ~ o ~ o ~ 7 ~ l2 ~ Q ~ 474 ~ 27 376 1.34338 0.05075 1.30915 436 0.05398 0.08948 1.38876 496 -0.59092 0.07069 1.47551 377 1.33124 0.05191 1.31004 437 0.03365 0.08952 1.39033 497 -0.59394 0.07017 1.47674 378 1.31845 0.05307 1.31096 438 0.01363 0.08954 1.39189 498 -0.59682 0.06965 1.47796 379 1.30500 0.05421 1.31190 439 -0.00607 0.08954 1.39345 499 -0.59956 0.06913 1.47917 380 1.29093 0.05535 1.31285 440 -0.02543 0.08953 1.39501 500 -0.60216 0.06860 1.48037 381 1.27624 0.05647 1.31383 441 -0.04446 0.08950 1.39658 501 -0.60464 0.06808 1.48157 382 1.26094 0.05757 1.31482 442 -0.06315 0.08945 1.39814 502 -0.60699 0.06755 1.48275 383 1.24506 0.05867 1.31584 443 -0.08149 0.08939 1.39970 503 -0.60923 0.06702 1.48392 384 1.22861 0.05975 1.31687 444 -0.09949 0.08931 1.40126 504 -0.61135 0.06648 1.48509 385 1.21161 0.06081 1.31792 445 -0.11713 0.08922 1.40282 505 -0.61336 0.06595 1.48624 386 1.19406 0.06186 1.31899 446 -0.13442 0.08911 1.40437 506 -0.61526 0.06541 1.48739 387 1.17600 0.06290 1.32008 447 -0.15135 0.08898 1.40593 507 -0.61706 0.06488 1.48853 388 1.15744 0.06391 1.32119 448 -0.16793 0.08884 1.40748 508 -0.61877 0.06434 1.48966 389 1.13839 0.06492 1.32231 449 -0.18414 0.08869 1.40903 509 -0.62038 0.06380 1.49077 ~ 39Q ~ BB? ~ O ~. ~ A65 ~ 90 ~ 3 ~ 2 ~ 34 ~ 5 4 ~ 50 ~ - ~ 0 ~ 20 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 08 ~ 8 ~ 53 ~ 1.41a57 ~ 5 ~ 1 ~ a ~ 0 ~. ~ 62190 ~ 0 ~ D ~ 63 ~ 2 ~ 5 ~ .491 ~ 8 ~ 8 391 1.09891 0.06687 1.32461 451 -0.21550 0.08834 1.41212 511 -0.62334 0.06271 1.49298 392 1.07852 0.06782 1.32579 452 -0.23063 0.08815 1.41366 512 -0.62469 0.06217 1.49407 393 1.05773 0.06875 1.32698453 -0.24541 0.08794 1.41519 513 -0.62597 0.06162 1.49515 394 1.03654 0.06966 1.32819 454 -0.25982 0.08772 1.41673 514 -0.62717 0.06107 1.49622 395 1.01499 0.07056 1.32941 455 -0.27388 0.08748 1.41826 515 -0.62830 0.06053 1.49728 396 0.99309 0.07144 1.33065 456 -0.28758 0.08724 1.41978 516 -0.62936 0.05998 1.49834 397 0.97086 0.07229 1.33191 457 -0.30093 0.08698 1.42130 517 -0.63035 0.05943 1.49938 398 0.94832 0.07313 1.33317458 -0.31392 0.08671 1.42282 518 -0.63128 0.05888 1.50041 399 0.92550 0.07395 1.33446 459 -0.32657 0.08644 1.42433 519 -0.63215 0.05833 1.50143 400 0.90241 0.07475 1.33576 460 -0.33887 0.08614 1.42583 520 -0.63296 0.05777 1.50245 401 0.87907 0.07552 1.33707 461 -0.35083 0.08584 1.42734 521 -0.63372 0.05722 1.50345 402 0.85551 0.07628 1.33839462 -0.36244 0.08553 1.42883 522 -0.63442 0.05667 1.50444 403 0.83174 0.07702 1.33973 463 -0.37372 0.08521 1.43032 523 -0.63508 0.05611 1.50543 404 0.80779 0.07773 1.34108 464 -0.38467 0.08488 1.43180 524 -0.63568 0.05556 1.50640 ~ 405 ~ 0 ~ .783 ~ 67 ~ 0 ~. ~ 07 ~ 843 ~ .34 ~ 2 ~ 44 ~ 4 ~ 6 ~ 3 ~ 9529 ~ 0 ~ .0 ~ 845 ~ 4 ~ 4 ~ 3 ~ 3 ~ 2 ~ 8 ~ 5 ~ 2 ~ 5 ~ -0 ~ .63 ~ 62 ~ 0. ~ 0 ~ 550 ~ 0 ~ 5 ~ 073 ~ 7 406 0.75941 0.07910 1.34382 466 -0.40558 0.08419 1.43476 526 -0.63675 0.05445 1.50832 407 0.73503 0.07975 1.34520 467 -0.41556 0.08383 1.43622 527 -0.63722 0.05389 1.50927 408 0.71054 0.08038 1.34660 468 -0.42522 0.08347 1.43768 528 -0.63765 0.05334 1.51020 409 0.68597 0.08099 1.34801 469 -0.43458 0.08309 1.43914 529 -0.63804 0.05278 1.51113 410 0.66133 0.08158 1.34943 470 -0.44363 0.08271 1.44058 530 -0.63839 0.05222 1.51205 411 0.63665 0.08215 1.35086 471 -0.45238 0.08232 1.44202 531 -0.63870 0.05167 1.51295 412 0.61194 0.08269 1.35229 472 -0.46083 0.08192 1.44346 532 -0.63898 0.05111 1.51385 413 0.58723 0.08321 1.35374 473 -0.46900 0.08151 1.44488 533 -0.63922 0.05055 1.51474 414 0.56252 0.08371 1.35520474 -0.47689 0.08110 1.44630 534 -0.63943 0.04999 1.51561 415 0.53785 0.08420 1.35666 475 -0.48450 0.08068 1.44771 535 -0.63961 0.04943 1.51648 416 0.51322 0.08465 1.35814 476 -0.49184 0.08025 1.44912 536 -0.63975 0.04888 1.51734 417 0.48865 0.08509 1.35962 477 -0.49891 0.07982 1.45051 537 -0.63986 0.04832 1.51819 418 0.46417 0.08551 1.36111 478 -0.50573 0.07938 1.45190 538 -0.63994 0.04776 1.51903 419 0.43978 0.08590 1.36260 479 -0.51229 0.07894 1.45329 539 -0.63998 0.04720 1.51985 ~ 4 ~ 2 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 4 ~ 1 ~ 551 ~ 0 ~ 08 ~ 62 ~ 7 ~ 3 ~ 641 ~ i ~ 48Q ~ -O ~ .fi ~ 8 ~ 61 ~ 0 ~. ~ 0 ~ 7849 1.45466 54 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~, 64000 ~ 0 ~ .04 ~ 6 ~ 6 ~ 4 ~ 5 ~ 2 ~ 067 CA 02203937 l997-04-29 the Force Converter, D ~ p '-: 1 / Torque ¦ Memory dcuc. i ~ read Author: Dan Anghel ¦ page 28 of 44 2 page 4 of 6 ~ tl anxO ¦ VxO ¦ XO ~ tl anxO ¦ VxO I XO ~ tl anxO I VxO I XO
~ 540 - ~ a ~ 6 ~ 400 ~ 4 ~ 0. ~ 046 ~ 64 ~ 1.52067 ~ 600 ~ 0 ~. ~ 51861 ~ a ~ .Q ~ 1480 ~ 1.5523 ~ 5 660 ~ 0 ~, 41 ~ 551 ~ 0.0 ~ 701 ~ 55 ~ 94 ~ 8 541 -0.63998 0.04608 1.52148 601 -0.51229 0.01435 1.55260 661 0.43978 0.00738 1.55961 542 -0.63994 0.04553 1.52228 602 -0.50573 0.01390 1.55285 662 0.46417 0.00778 1.55974 543 -0.63986 0.04497 1.52307 603 -0.49891 0.01346 1.55309 663 0.48865 0.00820 1.55988 544 -0.63975 0.04441 1.52385 604 -0.49184 0.01303 1.55332 664 0.51322 0.00863 1.56003 545 -0.63961 0.04385 1.52462 605 -0.48450 0.01261 1.55354 665 0.53785 o.oogog 1.56018 546 -0.63943 0.04329 1.52538 606 -0.47689 0.01219 1.55376 666 0.56252 0.00957 1.56035 547 -0.63922 0.04274 1.52613 607 -0.46900 0.01177 1.55397 667 0.58723 0.01007 1.56052 548 -0.63898 0.04218 1.52687 608 -0.46083 0.01137 1.55417 668 0.61194 0.01060 1.56070 549 -0.63870 0.04162 1.52761 609 -0.45238 0.01097 1.55436 669 0.63665 0.01114 1.56089 550 -0.63839 0.04106 1.52833 610 -0.44363 0.01058 1.55455 670 0.66133 0.01171 1.56109 551 -0.63804 0.04051 1.52904 611 -0.43458 0.01020 1.55473 671 0.68597 0.01229 1.56130 552 -0.63765 0.03995 1.52974 612 -0.42522 0.00982 1.55491 672 0.71054 0.01290 1.56152 553 -0.63722 0.03939 1.53043 613 -0.41556 0.00945 1.55508 673 0.73503 0.01354 1.56175 554 -0.63675 0.03884 1.53112 614 -0.40558 o.OOg10 1.55524 674 0.75941 0.01419 1.56199 ~ 55 ~ 0 ~ 6 ~ 36 ~ 2 ~ 4 ~ 0 ~ 03 ~ 828 ~ .53 ~ 179 ~ 61 ~ 5 ~ 0 ~ 3 ~ 952g ~ 0 ~ .00 ~ 8q5 ~ 1.55539 ~ 6 ~ 75 ~ 0 ~ 7 ~ 8 ~ 367 ~ 0.0 ~} 4 ~ 6 ~ .56224 556 -0.63568 0.03773 1.53245 616 -0.38467 0.00841 1.55554 676 0.80779 0.01555 1.56251 557 -0.63508 0.03717 1.53311 617 -0.37372 0.00807 1.55569 677 0.83174 0.01627 1.56279 558 -0.63442 0.03662 1.53375 618 -0.36244 0.00775 1.55583 678 0.85551 0.01701 1.56308 559 -0.63372 0.03606 1.53438 619 -0.35083 0.00744 1.55596 679 0.87907 0.01776 1.56338 560 -0.63296 0.03551 1.53501 620 -0.33887 0.00714 1.55609 680 0.90241 0.01854 1.56370 561 -0.63215 0.03496 1.53562 621 -0.32657 0.00685 1.55621 681 0.92550 0.01934 1.56403 562 -0.63128 0.03441 1.53623 622 -0.31392 0.00657 1.55633 682 0.94832 0.02016 1.56437 563 -0.63035 0.03386 1.53682 623 -0.30093 0.00630 1.55644 683 0.97086 0.02099 1.56473 564 -0.62936 0.03331 1.53741 624 -0.28758 0.00605 1.55655 684 0.99309 0.02185 1.56510 565 -0.62830 0.03276 1.53799 625 -0.27388 0.00580 1.55665 685 1.01499 0.02273 1.56549 566 -0.62717 0.03221 1.53855 626 -0.25982 0.00557 1.55675 686 1.03654 0.02362 1.56590 567 -0.62597 0.03167 1.53911 627 -0.24541 0.00535 1.55684 687 1.05773 0.02454 1.56632 568 -0.62469 0.03112 1.53966 628 -0.23063 0.00514 1.55693 688 1.07852 0.02547 1.56675 569 -0.62334 0.03057 1.54020 629 -0.21550 0.00495 1.55702 689 1.09891 0.02642 1.56721 $ 7 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ .6 ~ 21 ~ 90 ~ 0 ~ 03003 ~ 54 ~ 07 ~ 3 ~ 630 ~ 0 ~. ~ 20000 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ a ~ 476 1.5 ~ 5711 ~ 6 ~ 9 ~ 0 ~ 88 ~ 7 ~ 0, ~ 0273 ~ 9 ~ 5 ~ 67 ~ 68 571 -0.62038 0.02949 1.54125 631 -0.18414 0.00460 1.55719 691 1.13839 0.02837 1 56816 572 -0.61877 0.02895 1.54176 632 -0.16793 0.00444 1.55727 692 1.15744 0.02937 1.56867 573 -0.61706 0.02841 1.54226 633 -0.15135 0.00430 1.55734 693 1.17600 0.03039 1.56919 574 -0.61526 0.02787 1.54275 634 -0.13442 0.00418 1.55742 694 1.19406 0.03142 1.56973 575 -0.61336 0.02734 1.54323 635 -0.11713 0.00407 1.55749 695 1.21161 0.03247 1.57029 576 -0.61135 0.02680 1.54370 636 -0. ~ 9949 0.00397 1.55756 696 1.22861 0.03354 1.57086 577 -0.609230.02627 1.54417 637 -0.08149 0.00390 1.55763 697 1.24506 0.03462 1.57146 578 -0.606990.02574 1.54462 638 -0.06315 0.00383 1.55770 698 1.26094 0.03571 1.57207 579 -0.604640.02521 1.54506 639 -0.04446 0.00379 1.55776 699 1.27624 0.03682 1.57270 580 -0.602160.02468 1.54550 640 -0.02543 0.00376 1.55783 700 1.29093 0.03794 1.57336 581 -0.599560.02416 1.54593 641 -0.00607 0.00374 1.55789 701 1.30500 0.03907 1.57403 582 -0.596820.02364 1.54634 642 0.01363 0.00374 1.55796 702 1.31845 0.04022 1.57472 583 -0.593940.02312 1.54675 643 0.03365 0.00377 1.55803 703 1.33124 0.04137 1.57543 584 -0.590920.02260 1.54715 644 0.05398 0.00380 1.55809 704 1.34338 0.04254 1.57616 585 ~ 0 ~ 5 ~ 8 ~ 776 ~ 0 ~ 022 ~ 0 ~ 9 ~ 54 ~ 7 ~ 54 ~ 64 ~ 5 ~ 0 ~ .07463 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 3 ~ 86 ~ 5 ~ 5 ~ 8 ~ 16 ~ 705 ~ 35 ~ 4 ~ 8 ~ 5 ~ 0 ~. ~ 04372 ~ 57692 586 -0.58443 0.02157 1.54792 646 0.09559 0.00393 1.55823 706 1.36564 0.04490 1.57769 587 -0.58095 0.02107 1.54829 647 0.11684 0.00403 1.55830 707 1.37573 0.04610 1.57848 588 -0.57730 0.02056 1.54866 648 0.13838 0.00414 1.55837 708 1.38512 0.04730 1.57930 589 -0.57349 0.02006 1.54901 649 0.16020 0.00427 1.55844 709 1.39379 0.04852 1.58014 590 -0.56949 0.01956 1.54936 650 0.18229 0.00442 1.55852 710 1.40174 0.04974 1.58099 591 -0.56532 0.01906 1.54969 651 0.20463 0.00459 1.55859 711 1.40896 0.05096 1.58187 592 -0.56096 0.01857 1.55002 652 0.22723 0.00478 1.55868 712 1.41543 0.05220 1.58277 593 -0.55640 0.01809 1.55034 653 0.25006 0.00498 1.55876 713 1.42117 0.05343 1.58369 594 -0.55165 0.01760 1.55065 654 0.27313 0.00521 1.55885 714 1.42615 0.05468 1.58464 595 -0.54669 0.01712 1.55096 655 0.29640 0.00546 1.55894 715 1.43037 0.05592 1.58560 596 -0.54152 0.01665 1.55125 656 0.31987 0.00573 1.55904 716 1.43383 0.05717 1.58659 597 -0.53613 0.01618 1.55154 657 0.34354 0.00602 1.55914 717 1.43653 0.05842 1.58760 598 -0.53052 0.01571 1.55182 658 0.36737 0.00633 1.55925 718 1.43846 0.05968 1.58863 599 -0.52468 0.01525 1.55209 659 0.39137 0.00666 1.55936 719 1.43961 0.06093 1.58968 ~ 600 ~ 0.5 ~ 1 ~ 8 ~ 6 ~ 0.0148 ~ 0 ~ 5 ~ 5 ~ 2 ~ 3 ~ 5 66 ~ 0 ~ 0. ~ 4 ~ 551 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 070 ~ 5 ~ g94 ~ 8 ~ 7 ~ 2 ~ 0 ~ 440 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 6219 ~ 5 ~ 9 ~ 01 ~ 6 CA 02203937 l997-04-29 the Force Converter, D ~ p '~ - c..t / Torque ¦ Memory dcs ~
Author: Dan Anghel I page 29 of 44 APPENDIX 2 page 5 of 6 0tl anxO ¦ VxO ¦ XO 0tl anxO ¦ VxO ¦ XO 0tl anxO ¦ VxO ¦ XO
~ 7 ~ 20 ~ 4 ~ 4004 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 62 ~ 1 ~ 9 ~ 5 ~ 9 ~ 07 ~ 6 ~ 7 ~ 8 ~ 0 ~ 0. ~ 41551 0. ~ 117 ~ 3 ~ 7 ~ 6 ~ 8 ~ 9 ~ 7 ~ 4g40 -0 ~ 5 ~ 1 ~ 8 ~ 61 ~ 0 ~ 095 ~ 8 ~ 8 ~ 12 ~ 8 ~ 5 721 1.43961 0.06345 1.59185 781 0.39137 0.11772 1.69179 841 -0.52468 0.10913 1.81476 722 1.43846 0.06470 1.59297 782 0.36737 0.11805 1.69385 842 -0.53052 0.10867 1.81666 723 1.43653 0.06596 1.59411 783 0.34354 0.11836 1.69591 843 -0.53613 0.10820 1.81855 724 1.43383 0.06721 1.59527 784 0.31987 0.11865 1.69798 844 -0.54152 0.10773 1.82044 725 1.43037 0.06846 1.59646 785 0.29640 0.11892 1.70005 845 -0.54669 0.10726 1.82231 726 1.42615 0.06971 1.59766 786 0.27313 0.11917 1.70213 846 -0.55165 0.10678 1.82418 727 1.42117 0.07095 1.59889 787 0.25006 0.11940 1.70421 847 -0.55640 0.10630 1.82604 728 1.41543 0.07219 1.60014 788 0.22723 0.11961 1.70630 848 -0.56096 0.10581 1.82789 729 1.40896 0.07342 1.60141 789 0.20463 0.11979 1.70838 849 -0.56532 0.10532 1.82973 730 1.40174 0.07464 1.60270 790 0.18229 0.11996 1.71048 850 -0.56949 0.10482 1.83157 731 1.39379 0.07586 1.60401 791 0.16020 0.12011 1.71257 851 -0.57349 0.10432 1.83339 732 1.38512 0.07708 1.60535 792 0.13838 0.12024 1.71467 852 -0.57730 0.10382 1.83521 733 1.37573 0.07828 1.60671 793 0.11684 0.12035 1.71677 853 -0.58095 0.10332 1.83702 734 1.36564 0.07948 1.60808 794 0.09559 0.12045 1.71887 854 -0.58443 0.10281 1.83882 ~ 7 ~ 3 ~ 5 ~ 3 ~ 54 ~ 8 ~ 5 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 8 ~ 0 ~ 6 ~ 6 ~ 6 ~ 094 ~ 8 ~ 7 ~ 5 ~ 0 ~ .07 ~ 463 ~ 0 ~. ~ 12 ~ 0 ~ 5 ~ 2 ~ 7 ~ 2 ~ 9 ~ 7 ~ 8 ~ 5 ~ 0 ~ 5 ~ 8 ~ 7 ~ 7 ~ 6 ~ 0 ~ 023 ~ 0 ~ 84 ~ 0 ~ 6 736 1.34338 0.08184 1.61090 796 0.05398 0.12058 1.72308 856 -0.59092 0.10178 1.84239 737 1.33124 0.08301 1.61234 797 0.03365 0.12062 1.72518 857 -0.59394 0.10126 1.84416 738 1.31845 0.08417 1.61380 798 0.01363 0.12064 1.72729 858 -0.59682 0.10074 1.84592 739 1.30500 0.08531 1.61527 799 -0.00607 0.12064 1.72939 859 -0.59956 0.10022 1.84768 740 1.29093 0.08644 1.61677 800 -0.02543 0.12063 1.73150 860 -0.60216 0.09970 1.84942 741 1.27624 0.08756 1.61829 801 -0.04446 0.12060 1.73360 861 -0.60464 0.09917 1.85116 742 1.26094 0.08867 1.61983 802 -0.06315 0.12055 1.73571 862 -0.60699 0.09864 1.85288 743 1.24506 0.08976 1.62139 803 -0.08149 0.12049 1.73781 863 -0.60923 0.09811 1.85460 744 1.22861 0.09084 1.62296 804 -0.09949 0.12041 1.73991 864 -0.61135 0.09758 1.85631 745 1.21161 o.oslsl1.62456 805 -0.11713 0.12031 1.74201 865 -0.61336 0.09705 1.85800 746 1.19406 0.09296 1.62617 806 -0.13442 0.12020 1.74411 866 -0.61526 0.09651 1.85969 747 1.17600 0.09399 1.62780 807 -0.15135 0.12008 1.74621 867 -0.61706 0.09597 1.86137 748 1.15744 0.09501 1.62945 808 -0.16793 0.11994 1.74830 868 -0.61877 0.09543 1.86304 749 1.13839 0.09601 1.63112 809 -0.18414 0.11978 1.75040 869 -0.62038 0.09489 1.86470 ~ 7 ~ 50 ~ 8 ~ 8 ~ 7 ~ 0.0970 ~ 0 ~ 63 ~ 28 ~ 0 ~ 81 ~ 0 ~ - 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1028 0.61194 0.04169 2.02092 sos -0.63870 0.07272 1.92325 969 -0.45238 0.04206 1.98257 1029 0.63665 0.04224 2.02165 slo -0.63839 0.07216 1.92451 970 -0.44363 0.04167 1.98330 1030 0.66133 0.04280 2.02240 911 -0.63804 0.07160 1.92576 971 -0.43458 0.04129 1.98402 1031 0.68597 0.04339 2.02315 912 -0.63765 0.07104 1.92701 972 -0.42522 0.04092 1.98474 1032 0.71054 0.04400 2.0239 913 -0.63722 0.07049 1.92824 973 -0.41556 0.04055 1.98545 1033 0.73503 0.04463 2.02468 914 -0.63675 0.06993 1.92947 974 -0.40558 0.04019 1.98616 1034 0.75941 0.04528 2.02547 s ~, o ~ 6 ~ 3 ~ 6 ~ 2 ~ 4 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 6 ~ s3 ~ s ~ .s3 ~ 0sa ~ s7 ~ s ~ a ~ .3s ~ 2 ~ s ~ 0 ~ .0: 3 ~ s ~ s4 ~ ss6ss ~ l03s ~ 4. ~ 7 ~ a: 3 ~ 67 ~ o ~ a4s ~ s6 ~ 2 ~ 02 ~ 626 916 -0.63568 0.06882 1.93189 976 -0.38467 0.03950 1.98755 1036 0.80779 0.04665 2.02707 917 -0.63508 0.06827 1.93309 977 -0.37372 0.03917 1.98823 1037 0.83174 0.04737 2.02789 918 -0.63442 0.06771 1.93427 978 -0.36244 0.03885 1.98891 1038 0.85551 0.04810 2.02873 919 -0.63372 0.06716 1.93545 979 -0.35083 0.03854 1.98959 1039 0.87907 0.04886 2.02957 920 -0.63296 0.06661 1.93662 980 -0.33887 0.03824 1.99026 1040 0.90241 0.04964 2.03043 921 -0.63215 0.06606 1.93778 981 -0.32657 0.03795 1.99092 1041 0.92550 0.05043 2.03130 922 -0.63128 0.06550 1.93892 982 -0.31392 0.03767 1.99158 1042 0.94832 0.05125 2.03219 923 -0.63035 0.06495 1.94006 983 -0.30093 0.03740 1.99224 1043 0.97086 0.05209 2.03309 924 -0.62936 0.06440 1.94119 984 -0.28758 0.03714 1.99289 1044 0.99309 0.05295 2.0340 925 -0.62830 0.06386 1.94231 985 - ~ .27388 0.03690 1.99353 1045 1.01499 0.05382 2.03494 926 -0.62717 0.06331 1.94342 986 -0.25982 0.03666 1.99418 1046 1.03654 0.05472 2.03589 927 -0.62597 0.06276 1.94452 987 -0.24541 0.03644 1.99481 1047 1.05773 0.05563 2.03685 928 -0.62469 0.06221 1.94561 988 -0.23063 0.03624 1.99545 1048 1.07852 0.05656 2.03783 929 -0.62334 0.06167 1.94669 989 -0.21550 0.03604 1.99608 1049 1.09891 0.05751 2.03883 ~ 93 ~ 0 ~ 6 ~ 2 ~ 1 ~ 90 ~ 0. ~ 06113 ~ g47 ~ 76 ~ 9gO 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1.95893lool -0.00607 0.03484 2.00346 1061 1.30500 0.07017 2.05216 942 -0.59682 0.05473 1.95989 1002 0.01363 0.03484 2.00407 1062 1.31845 0.07131 2.05339 943 -0.59394 0.05421 1.96084 1003 0.03365 0.03486 2.00468 1063 1.33124 0.07247 2.05465 944 -0.59092 0.05370 1.96178 1004 0.05398 0.03490 2.00529 1064 1.34338 0.07363 2.05592 ~ 94 ~ 5 ~ 0 ~ 5 ~ 8 ~ 7 ~ 76 ~ 0 ~ .05318 ~ 1.96272 ~ 1005 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 7 ~ 463 ~ D.03 ~ 4 ~ 96 ~ 2.00590 1065 ~} .3 ~ 5485 ~ 0 ~ 07 ~ 4 ~ 8 ~ 1 ~ 2 ~. ~ D ~ 5722 946 -0.58443 0.05267 1.96364 1006 0.09559 0.03503 2.00651 1066 1.36564 0.07600 2.05854 947 -0.58095 0.05216 1.96456 1007 0.11684 0.03512 2.00712 1067 1.37573 0.07719 2.05987 948 -0.57730 0.05166 1.96546 1008 0.13838 0.03523 2.00774 1068 1.38512 0.07840 2.06123 949 -0.57349 0.05115 1.96636loos 0.16020 0.03536 2.00835 1069 1.39379 0.07961 2.0626 950 -0.56949 0.05065 1.96725lolo 0.18229 0.03551 2.00897 1070 1.40174 0.08083 2.0640 951 -0.56532 0.05016 1.96813loll 0.20463 0.03568 2.00959 1071 1.40896 0.08206 2.06543 952 -0.56096 0.04967 1.96900 1012 0.22723 0.03587 2.01022 1072 1.41543 0.08329 2.06687 953 -0.55640 0.04918 1.96986 1013 0.25006 0.03608 2.01084 1073 1.42117 0.08453 2.06834 954 -0.55165 0.04870 1.97071 1014 0.27313 0.03631 2.01148 1074 1.42615 0.08577 2.06982 955 -0.54669 0.04822 1.97156 1015 ~ .29640 0.03656 2.01211 1075 1.43037 0.08702 2.07133 956 -0.54152 0.04774 1.97240 1016 0.31987 0.03682 2.01275 1076 1.43383 0.08827 2.07286 957 -0.53613 0.04727 1.97323 1017 0.34354 0.03711 2.01340 1077 1.43653 0.08952 2.07441 958 -0.53052 0.04681 1.97405 1018 0.36737 0.03742 2.01405 1078 1.43846 0.09077 2.07599 959 -0.52468 0.04635 1.97486lols 0.39137 0.03776 2.01470 1079 1.43961 0.09203 2.07758 96 ~ 4 ~ 0 ~ .51 ~ 8 ~ 6 ~ 0 ~ 04 ~ 5 ~ 8 ~ 9 ~, 97 ~ 567 ~ 1020 ~ 0 ~ .415 ~ 51 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 3 ~ 8 ~ 2 ~. ~ 4153 ~ 7 ~ 08 ~ 0 ~ 1 ~ .4 ~ 4 ~ 000 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 9 ~ 32 ~ 9 ~ 2 ~. ~ 07 ~ 92 ~ 0 le Coll ~ e ~ eur Force, Depldc -rt / Couple ¦Memoire dcsc. ; "read Author: Dan Anghel ¦page 31 of 44 ANNEX 3 page 1 of 7 ~ t anxO ¦ S2anxO ¦ S3anxl I S4anxO S6anxO ¦ S12anx 0} ~ 4400aO0 ~ 0000 ~ 0 ~ 8 ~ Da ~ O ~ O ~ O'O ~ O ~ D0 ~ 2969696 ~ 96 ~ 97 ~ 0 ~. ~ 40000000000 0 ~ .59381443 ~ 2 ~ 9 ~ 9 ~ 187753 ~ 82693 1 1.43961402287 0.79962962425 0.29142810826 0.39999005321 0.59381477526 1.18775382693 2 1.43845650013 0.79851896535 0.28590136791 0.39996026136 0.59381579833 1.18775382692 3 1.43652865710 0.79666942763 0.28040462861 0.39991076978 0.59381749099 1.18775382690 4 1.43383253375 0.79408334955 0.27495296362 0.39984181987 0.59381983469 1.18775382689 5 1.43037098137 0.79076400039 0.26956132527 0.39975374796 0.59382280375 1.18775382686 6 1.42614765793 0.78671557575 0.26424450397 0.39964698364 0.59382636565 1.18775382684 7 1.42116702213 0.78194319179 0.25901708743 0.39952204766 0.59383048136 1.18775382681 8 1.41543432613 0.77645287812 0.25389342062 0.39937954937 0.59383510579 1.18775382678 9 1.40895560698 0.77025156950 0.24888756619 0.39922018375 0.59384018828 1.18775382676 10 1.40173767687 0.76334709631 0.24401326573 0.39904472804 0.59384567313 1.18775382673 11 1.39378811197 0.75574817368 0.23928390190 0.39885403786 0.59385150026 1.18775382671 12 1.38511524020 0.74746438961 0.23471246149 0.39864904310 0.59385760582 1.18775382669 13 1.37572812771 0.73850619168 0.23031149955 0.39843074334 0.59386392292 1.18775382667 14 1.36563656420 0.72888487278 0.22609310472 0.39820020297 0.59387038235 1.18775382667 ~ 15 ~ 354851047 ~ 07 ~ 0 ~ 71 ~ 86125555 ~ 8 ~ 0 ~ .222068B ~ 658 ~ 0 ~ .3Y / ~ Y ~ 5 ~ 5545 ~ 8 ~ 0.59387 ~ 691333 ~ 1877 ~ 5382 ~ 6 ~ 66 16 1.34338276452 0.70770217596 0.21824983973 0.39770695048 0.59388344432 1.18775382667 17 1.33124357745 0.69616746530 0.21464652091 0.39744664293 0.59388990376 1.18775382667

18 1.31844600043 0.68402293173 0.21126881224 0.39717889217 0.59389622087 1.18775382669 18 1.31844600043 0.68402293173 0.21126881224 0.39717889217 0.59389622087 1.18775382669

19 1.30500318159 0.67128384041 0.20812599764 0.39690500321 0.59390232645 1.18775382671 19 1.30500318159 0.67128384041 0.20812599764 0.39690500321 0.59390232645 1.18775382671

20 1.29092888154 0.65796619269 0.20522671630 0.39662631086 0.59390815360 1.18775382673 20 1.29092888154 0.65796619269 0.20522671630 0.39662631086 0.59390815360 1.18775382673

21 1.27623745137 0.64408670445 0.20257893880 0.39634417324 0.59391363848 1.18775382676 21 1.27623745137 0.64408670445 0.20257893880 0.39634417324 0.59391363848 1.18775382676

22 1.26094380977 0.62966278342 0.20018994492 0.39605996514 0.59391872099 1.18775382678 22 1.26094380977 0.62966278342 0.20018994492 0.39605996514 0.59391872099 1.18775382678

23 1.24506341931 0.61471250570 0.19806630350 0.39577507130 0.59392334545 1.18775382681 23 1.24506341931 0.61471250570 0.19806630350 0.39577507130 0.59392334545 1.18775382681

24 1.22861226191 0.59925459132 0.19621385420 0.39549087970 0.59392746118 1.18775382684 24 1.22861226191 0.59925459132 0.19621385420 0.39549087970 0.59392746118 1.18775382684

25 1.21160681355 0.58330837912 0.19463769126 0.39520877478 0.59393102311 1.18775382686 25 1.21160681355 0.58330837912 0.19463769126 0.39520877478 0.59393102311 1.18775382686

26 1.19406401833 0.56689380077 0.19334214939 0.39493013067 0.59393399220 1.18775382689 ~_27 1.17600126184 0.55003135412 0.19233079170 0.39465630456 0.59393633591 1.18775382690 28 1.15743634398 0.53274207586 0.19160639982 0.39438863004 0.59393802859 1.18775382692 29 1.13838745120 0.51504751353 0.19117096617 0.39412841063 0.59393905166 1.18775382693 ~3~0~ 18~87312~826~ 0~4969~69696~g7~0,~1~9~i~025~6~8~g42~ 0~3~938769~}~3~46~0~.~E~93~93~93g3~94~ 877E3~82~693 31 1.09891224965 0.47853110917 0.19117096617 0.39363536308 0.59393905166 1.18775382693 32 1.07852399050 0.45975465671 0.19160639982 0.39340493552 0.59393802859 1.18775382692 33 1.05772779729 0.44066363965 0.19233079170 0.39318675257 0.59393633591 1.18775382690 34 1.03654335827 0.42128172111 0.19334214939 0.39298187634 0.59393399220 1.18775382689 35 1.01499057369 0.40163289642 0.19463769126 0.39279130412 0.59393102311 1.18775382686 36 0.99308952588 0.38174146197 0.19621385420 0.39261596349 0.59392746118 1.18775382684 37 0.97086044930 0.36163198388 0.19806630350 0.39245670785 0.59392334545 1.18775382681 38 0.94832370053 0.34132926632 0.20018994492 0.39231431228 0.59391872099 1.18775382678 39 0.92549972831 0.32085831978 0.20257893880 0.39218946976 0.59391363848 1.18775382676 40 0.90240904375 0.30024432918 0.20522671630 0.39208278783 0.59390815360 1.18775382673 41 0.87907219059 0.27951262187 0.20812599764 0.39199478564 0.59390232645 1.18775382671 42 0.85550971581 0.25868863565 0.21126881224 0.39192589142 0.59389622087 1.18775382669 43 0.83174214042 0.23779788680 0.21464652091 0.39187644040 0.59388990376 1.18775382667 44 0.80778993062 0.21686593817 0.21824983973 0.39184667321 0.59388344432 1.18775382667 45 ~0~ 7~83~6734~6;939~ 0~ 195g~1~83673~5~0~,2220688~658~}~ 0~ 391~83673~4~69~ 0.~593~87691333~ 187753~82~6~6~6 46 0 75941302849 0.17498073504 0.22609310472 0.39184667321 0.59387038235 1.18775382667 47 0.73502874098 0.15407855360 0.23031149955 0.39187644040 0.59386392292 1.18775382667 48 0.71054057427 0.13323725577 0.23471246149 0.39192589142 0.59385760582 1.18775382669 49 0.68596830382 0.11248216377 0.23928390190 0.39199478564 0.59385150026 1.18775382671 50 0.66133148746 0.09183845865 0.24401326573 0.39208278783 0.59384567313 1.18775382673 51 0.63664944046 0.07133114997 0.24888756619 0.39218946976 0.59384018828 1.18775382676 52 0.61194121126 0.05098504596 0.25389342062 0.39231431228 0.59383510579 1.18775382678 53 0.58722555810 0.03082472397 0.25901708743 0.39245670785 0.59383048136 1.18775382681 54 0.56252092644 0.01087450152 0.26424450397 0.39261596349 0.59382636565 1.18775382684 55 0.53784542720 -0.00884159229 0.26956132527 0.39279130412 0.59382280375 1.18775382686 56 0.51321681601 -0.02829984477 0.27495296362 0.39298187634 0.59381983469 1.18775382689 57 0.48865247335 -0.04747688709 0.28040462861 0 39318675257 0.59381749099 1.18775382690 58 0.46416938562 -0.06634972119 0.28590136791 0.39340493552 0.59381579833 1.18775382692 59 0.43978412732 -0.08489574609 0.29142810826 0.39363536308 0.59381477526 1.18775382693 ~60 ~0~.41S~512~8442~ Q~ 030~927~8~35~ 0~ 29~g69~6g6~97~0~ 3~938769134~6~ Q~593814432~99~ }~ 18~7~53~8~6~93 __ CA 02203937 l997-04-29 le Convc. Ii~eur Force, D~F'- ~ - e.~l / Couple ¦ Mémoire dcs~l i"lir Auteur: Dan Anghel ¦ page 32 de 44 ANNEXE 3 page, de 7 ~t anxO ¦ S2anxO I S3anxl ¦ S4anxO S6anxO S12anx 6~o~ D.~4ls~s~l2~8442~ o~ Q3o927835~ o~2s~696~969697~ o~393s7~69l346 ~0~.~5~93814432~99~ .18775382693 61 0.39137123746 -0.12091910290 0.30251094340 0.39412841063 0.59381477526 1.18775382693 62 0.36737454899 -0.13835344582 0.30803666068 0.39438863004 0.59381579833 1.18775382692 63 0.34353754782 -0.15537504956 0.31353170730 0.39465630456 0.59381749099 1.18775382690 64 0.31987451757 -0.17196367010 0.31898102858 0.39493013067 0.59381983469 1.18775382689 0.29639924504 -0.18809960434 0.32436969784 0.39520877478 0.59382280375 1.18775382686 66 0.27312500994 -0.20376371162 0.32968295722 0.39549087970 0.59382636565 1.18775382684 67 0.25006457574 -0.21893743440 0.33490625801 0.39577507130 0.59383048136 1.18775382681 68 0.22723018167 -0.23360281829 0.34002530037 0.39605996514 0.59383510579 1.18775382678 69 0.20463353582 -0.24774253120 0.34502607229 0.39634417324 0.59384018828 1.18775382676 0.18228580940 -0.26133988183 0.34989488788 0.39662631086 0.59384567313 1.18775382673 71 0.16019763210 -0.27437883720 0.35461842455 0.39690500321 0.59385150026 1.18775382671 72 0.13837908856 -0.28684403956 0.35918375939 0.39717889217 0.59385760582 1.18775382669 73 0.11683971596 -0.29872082236 0.36357840421 0.39744664293 0.59386392292 1.18775382667 74 0 09558850266 -0.30999522548 0.36779033960 0.39770695048 0.59387038235 1.18775382667 ~7~5~ 0~074~6338~8792~ 0~.32~0~6~54~0~0~95~9~ 0~37~1~B~0~8~04752~ 0~.3g79~58~545~9~8~0~.~5~93~87~6g~1333~ 8775~38~26~6~6 76 0.05398376267 -0.33068466980 0.37562054261 0.39820020297 0.59388344432 1.18775382667 77 0.03364547129 -0.34007544834 0.37921740200 0.39843074334 0.59388990376 1.18775382667 78 0.01362581437 -0.34881534651 0.38258879357 0.39864904310 0.59389622087 1.18775382669 79 -0.00606894751 -0.35689413583 0.38572550262 0.39885403786 0.59390232645 1.18775382671 80 -0.02543308917 -0.36430236827 0.38861895683 0.39904472804 0.59390815360 1.18775382673 81 -0.04446141520 -0.37103138575 0.39126124948 0.39922018375 0.59391363848 1.18775382676 82 -0.06314925356 -0.37707332875 0.39364516088 0.39937954937 0.59391872099 1.18775382678 83 -0.08149244826 -0.38242114413 0.39576417786 0.39952204766 0.59392334545 1.18775382681 84 -0.09948735133 -0.38706859211 0.39761251145 0.39964698364 0.59392746118 1.18775382684 85 -0.11713081399 -0.39101025243 0.39918511249 0.39975374796 0.59393102311 1.18775382686 86 -0.13442017710 -0.39424152969 0.40047768530 0.39984181987 0.59393399220 1.18775382689 87 -0.15135326096 -0.39675865786 0.40148669929 0.39991076978 0.59393633591 1.18775382690 - 88 -0.16792835447 -0.39855870398 0.40220939852 0.39996026136 0.59393802859 1.18775382692 89 -0.18414420373 -0.39963957104 0.40264380910 0.39999005321 0.59393905166 1.18775382693 90~~0~.~2~0~00~0~0~0~0~0QO~-0.40~0~0~0~D~0~00~00~0~.40~278~g74~57~ 0~.~4~0~0~0~0~0~0~0~0~00~ 0~.$935~3g~3g3g4~ 8~77~5382693 91 -0.21549536732 -0.39963957104 0.40264380910 0.39999005321 0.59393905166 1.18775382693 92 -0.23063034951 -0.39855870398 0.40220939852 0.39996026136 0.59393802859 1.18775382692 93 -0.24540539690 -0.39675865786 0.40148669929 0.39991076978 0.59393633591 1.18775382690 94 -0.25982135259 -0.39424152969 0.40047768530 0.39984181987 0.59393399220 1.18775382689 95 -0.27387943844 -0.39101025243 0.39918511249 0.39975374796 0.59393102311 1.18775382686 96 -0.28758124078 -0.38706859211 0.39761251145 0.39964698364 0.59392746118 1.18775382684 97 -0.30092869587 -0.38242114413 0.39576417786 0.39952204766 0.59392334545 1.18775382681 98 -0.31392407519 -0.37707332875 0.39364516088 0.39937954937 0.59391872099 1.18775382678 99 -0.32656997055 -0.37103138575 0.39126124948 0.39922018375 0.59391363848 1.18775382676 100 -0.33886927910 -0.36430236827 0.38861895683 0.39904472804 0.59390815360 1.18775382673 101 -0.35082518832 -0.35689413583 0.38572550262 0.39885403786 0.59390232645 1.18775382671 102 -0.36244116089 -0.34881534651 0.38258879357 0.39864904310 0.59389622087 1.18775382669 103 -0.37372091962 -0.34007544834 0.37921740200 0.39843074334 0.59388990376 1.18775382667 104 -0.38466843247 -0.33068466980 0.37562054261 0.39820020297 0.59388344432 1.18775382667 105~ ~-0.39~52~87897~5~ 0~.320~654D0959 ~0~.37~1~80~8~047~52~ D~,~39795~8545~98~ 0~.~$93876~9133~3~ 8~7753~8~2~666 106 -0.40558372813 -0.30999522548 0.36779033960 0.39770695048 0.59387038235 1.18775382667 107 -0.41556053832 -0.29872082236 0.36357840421 0.39744664293 0.59386392292 1.18775382667 108 -0.42522312812 -0.28684403956 0.35918375939 0.39717889217 0.59385760582 1.18775382669 109 -0.43457646930 -0.27437883720 0.35461842455 0.39690500321 0.59385150026 1.18775382671 110 -0.44362569122 -0.26133988183 0.34989488788 0.39662631086 0.59384567313 1.18775382673 111 -0.45237606702 -0.24774253120 0.34502607229 0.39634417324 0.59384018828 1.18775382676 112 -0.46083299995 -0.23360281829 0.34002530037 0.39605996514 0.59383510579 1.18775382678 113 -0.46900201014 -0.21893743440 0.33490625801 0.39577507130 0.59383048136 1.18775382681 114 -0.47688872156 -0.20376371162 0.32968295722 0.39549087970 0.59382636565 1.18775382684 115 -0.48449884939 -0.18809960434 0.32436969784 0.39520877478 0.59382280375 1.18775382686 116 -0.49183818767 -0.17196367010 0.31898102858 0.39493013067 0.59381983469 1.18775382689 117 -0.49891259738 -0.15537504956 0.31353170730 0.39465630456 0.59381749099 1.18775382690 118 -0.50572799481 -0.13835344582 0.30803666068 0.39438863004 0.59381579833 1.18775382692 119 -0.51229034036 -0.12091910290 0.30251094340 0.39412841063 0.59381477526 1.18775382693 ~120~-0.~5~18~6~0~$6277~ 0~ 030~927835~ 0~.~2~9=~696~969697 ~ ~0.3938769134~6 0.593~8~14432~9g~ 8775~38~2~6~93 '._ CA 02203937 l997-04-29 le Convertisseur Force, Dep' ~ l / Couple ¦Mémoire desc. i~ltil Auteur: Dan Anghel ¦page 33 de 44 A~X~ 3 page 3 de 7 ~t anxO ¦ S2anxO I S3anxl I S4anxO S6anxO ¦ S12anx ~120~ 0~.518605~62771~ Q~1030927~835~ Q~296~96969697~0~.3938769134~6~0.593B1443299 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132 -0.57730331850 0.13323725577 0.23471246149 0.39192589142 0.59385760582 1.18775382669 133 -0.58095018738 0.15407855360 0.23031149955 0.39187644040 0.59386392292 1.18775382667 134 -0.58443229345 0.17498073504 0.22609310472 0.39184667321 0.59387038235 1.18775382667 ~135~ 0~.~5~8775~51~02~04~ Q~ 959~183~73~5~Q~.~222068~865~8~ 0~3~g~}~83~673~4~6~9~Q~.~5938769~1333~}~.~187753~2~6~6~6 6 -0.59092399245 0.21686593817 0.21824983973 0.39184667321 0.59388344432 1.18775382667 137 -0.59394425362 0.23779788680 0.21464652091 0.39187644040 0.59388990376 1.18775382667 138 -0.59682108016 0.25868863565 0.21126881224 0.39192589142 0.59389622087 1.18775382669 139 -0.59955956872 0.27951262187 0.20812599764 0.39199478564 0.59390232645 1.18775382671 140 -0.60216471456 0.30024432918 0.20522671630 0.39208278783 0.59390815360 1.18775382673 141 -0.60464140853 0.32085831978 0.20257893880 0.39218946976 0.59391363848 1.18775382676 142 -0.60699443421 0.34132926632 0.20018994492 0.39231431228 0.59391872099 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0.59382280375 1.18775382686 176 -0.63974918420 0.79408334955 0.27495296362 0.39984181987 0.59381983469 1.18775382689 177 -0.63985922947 0.79666942763 0.28040462861 0.39991076978 0.59381749099 1.18775382690 178 -0.63993753479 0.79851896535 0.28590136791 0.39996026136 0.59381579833 1.18775382692 179 -0.63998439862 0.79962962425 0.29142810826 0.39999005321 0.59381477526 1.18775382693 8~0~ 0~ 64000~0~Q~00~0~0~ 0~ 00000~000~0~0~ 0~.~296969~696~97~ 0~ 4~0~00~0~0~00~00~0~ 0~.5938144~32~g9~ 1877~53~82~6g~3 ,._ CA 02203937 l997-04-29 le Conve~ .. r Force, Dép'~ .. t / Couple ¦ Mémoire de~_- ;"tir Auteur: Dan Anghel ¦ page34 de44 A~ 3 page 4 de 7 ~t anxO ¦ S2anxO ¦ S3anxl I S4anxO S6anxO I S12anx 8a~ o~64o~o~o4oQo~oo~ 8~o~og~oo~o~oQo~a~o~2~6969696~97~o~4o~o~o~o~o~aoo~o~o~0.~593~8~}443299~ B77S3~8~269~3 181 -0.63998439862 0.79962962425 0.30251094340 0.39999005321 0.59381477526 1.18775382693 182 -0.63993753479 0.79851896535 0.30803666068 0.39996026136 0.59381579833 1.18775382692 183 -0.63985922947 0.79666942763 0.31353170730 0.39991076978 0.59381749099 1.18775382690 184 -0.63974918420 0.79408334955 0.31898102858 0.39984181987 0.59381983469 1.18775382689 185 -0.63960698098 0.79076400039 0.32436969784 0.39975374796 0.59382280375 1.18775382686 186 -0.63943208217 0.78671557575 0.32968295722 0.39964698364 0.59382636565 1.18775382684 187 -0.63922383034 0.78194319179 0.33490625801 0.39952204766 0.59383048136 1.18775382681 188 -0.63898144801 0.77645287812 0.34002530037 0.39937954937 0.59383510579 1.18775382678 189 -0.63870403748 0.77025156950 0.34502607229 0.39922018375 0.59384018828 1.18775382676 lso -0.63839058056 0.76334709631 0.34989488788 0.39904472804 0.59384567313 1.18775382673 191 -0.63803993828 0.75574817368 0.35461842455 0.39885403786 0.59385150026 1.18775382671 192 -0.63765085059 0.74746438961 0.35918375939 0.39864904310 0.59385760582 1.18775382669 193 -0.63722193603 0.73850619168 0.36357840421 0.39843074334 0.59386392292 1.18775382667 194 -0.63675169142 0.72888487273 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0.39918511249 0.39520877478 0.59393102311 1.18775382686 206 -0.62717021756 0.56689380077 0.40047768530 0.39493013067 0.59393399220 1.18775382689 207 -0.62596990772 0.55003135412 0.40148669929 0.39465630456 0.59393633591 1.18775382690 208 -0.62469426812 0.53274207586 0.40220939852 0.39438863004 0.59393802859 1.18775382692 209 -0.62333993766 0.51504751353 0.40264380910 0.39412841063 0.59393905166 1.18775382693 ~210~ 0~621gO34312~9~ a~.496969~696~97~0.~4~02q~8~8744~5~ 0~3~93~8~76gl3~46~0~$~9393~9~3~9394~ 877~3~82~93 211 -0.62038114048 0.47853110917 0.40264380910 0.39363536308 0.59393905166 1.18775382693 212 -0.61876933379 0.45975465671 0.40220939852 0.39340493552 0.59393802859 1.18775382692 213 -0.61706415764 0.44066363965 0.40148669929 0.39318675257 0.59393633591 1.18775382690 214 -0.61526163716 0.42128172111 0.40047768530 0.39298187634 0.59393399220 1.18775382689 215 -0.61335767727 0.40163289642 0.39918511249 0.39279130412 0.59393102311 1.18775382686 216 -0.61134806391 0.38174146197 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0.30803666068 0.39340493552 0.59381579833 1.18775382692 239 -0.52467987341 -0.08489574609 0.30251094340 0.39363536308 0.59381477526 1.18775382693 ~240 ~ O~S18~5~ 0~10309a7~835~ 0,2g6~g6g6g697~ 0~.3g3876~9134~6~ 0~.~5938~14432~99~ 18775382~693 -CA 02203937 l997-04-29 le Convc. ~ r Force, De~ nt / Couple ¦Mémoire des~ ,Lir Auteur: Dan Anghel ¦page 35 de 44 A~X~ 3 page 5 de 7 ~t anxO ¦ S2anxO ¦ S3anxl l S4anxO S6anxO ¦ S12anx 40~-0~518~60562771~ 0~ 030~927~835~ 4~.~Z~96~9~6969697~0~3~93~87~69~1346~'~0~.5~93~8~1324499~ 8~75382693 241 -0.51229034036 -0.12091910290 0.29142810826 0.39412841063 0.59381477526 1.18775382693 242 -0.50572799481 -0.13835344582 0.28590136791 0.39438863004 0.59381579833 1.18775382692 243 -0.49891259738 -0.15537504956 0.28040462861 0.39465630456 0.59381749099 1.18775382690 244 -0.49183818767 -0.17196367010 0.27495296362 0.39493013067 0.59381983469 1.18775382689 245 -0.48449884939 -0.18809960434 0.26956132527 0.39520877478 0.59382280375 1.18775382686 246 -0.47688872156 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23063034951 -0.39855870398 0.19160639982 0.39996026136 0.59393802859 1.18775382692 269 -0.21549536732 -0.39963957104 0.19117096617 0.39999005321 0.59393905166 1.18775382693 ~27~0~ 0~.~20~0000~0000~0~ 0~4~00~0~0~00~00~04~0~.~191~2~568842-~0~40~000~0~0~0~000~0~.59393~93g3~94~ 87753~82693 271 -0.18414420373 -0.39963957104 0.19117096617 0.39999005321 0.59393905166 1.18775382693 272 -0.16792835447 -0.39855870398 0.19160639982 0.39996026136 0.59393802859 1.18775382692 273 -0.15135326096 -0.39675865786 0.19233079170 0.39991076978 0.59393633591 1.18775382690 274 -0.13442017710 -0.39424152969 0.19334214939 0.39984181987 0.59393399220 1.18775382689 275 -0.11713081399 -0.39101025243 0.19463769126 0.39975374796 0.59393102311 1.18775382686 276 -0.09948735133 -0.38706859211 0.19621385420 0.39964698364 0.59392746118 1.18775382684 277 -0.08149244826 -0.38242114413 0.19806630350 0.39952204766 0.59392334545 1.18775382681 278 -0.06314925356 -0.37707332875 0.20018994492 0.39937954937 0.59391872099 1.18775382678 279 -0.04446141520 -0.37103138575 0.20257893880 0.39922018375 0.59391363848 1.18775382676 280 -0.02543308917 -0.36430236827 0.20522671630 0.39904472804 0.59390815360 1.18775382673 281 -0.00606894751 -0.35689413583 0.20812599764 0.39885403786 0.59390232645 1.18775382671 282 0.01362581437 -0.34881534651 0.21126881224 0.39864904310 0.59389622087 1.18775382669 283 0.03364547129 -0.34007544834 0.21464652091 0.39843074334 0.59388990376 1.18775382667 284 0.05398376267 -0.33068466980 0.21824983973 0.39820020297 0.59388344432 1.18775382667 ~285~ 0~.~074~63~388~792~ 0~.~320~65400959~0~.~22206~8~86581~0.~39795~854598~ 0~.~5g3'8~76~9133~3~ 7?53$2666 286 0.09558850266 -0.30999522548 0.22609310472 0.39770695048 0.59387038235 1.18775382667 287 0.11683971596 -0.29872082236 0.23031149955 0.39744664293 0.59386392292 1.18775382667 288 0.13837908856 -0.28684403956 0.23471246149 0.39717889217 0.59385760582 1.18775382669 289 0.16019763210 -0.27437883720 0.23928390190 0.39690500321 0.59385150026 1.18775382671 290 0.18228580940 -0.26133988183 0.24401326573 0.39662631086 0.59384567313 1.18775382673 291 0.20463353582 -0.24774253120 0.24888756619 0.39634417324 0.59384018828 1.18775382676 292 0.22723018167 -0.23360281829 0.25389342062 0.39605996514 0.59383510579 1.18775382678 293 0.25006457574 -0.21893743440 0.25901708743 0.39577507130 0.59383048136 1.18775382681 294 0.27312500994 -0.20376371162 0.26424450397 0.39549087970 0.59382636565 1.18775382684 295 0.29639924504 -0.18809960434 0.26956132527 0.39520877478 0.59382280375 1.18775382686 296 0.31987451757 -0.17196367010 0.27495296362 0.39493013067 0.59381983469 1.18775382689 297 0.34353754782 -0.15537504956 0.28040462861 0.39465630456 0.59381749099 1.18775382690 298 0.36737454899 -0.13835344582 0.28590136791 0.39438863004 0.59381579833 1.18775382692 299 0.39137123746 -0.12091910290 0.29142810826 0.39412841063 0.59381477526 1.18775382693 ~304~ 0~.415~51284421~ 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26 1.19406401833 0.56689380077 0.19334214939 0.39493013067 0.59393399220 1.18775382689 ~ _27 1.17600126184 0.55003135412 0.19233079170 0.39465630456 0.59393633591 1.18775382690 28 1.15743634398 0.53274207586 0.19160639982 0.39438863004 0.59393802859 1.18775382692 29 1.13838745120 0.51504751353 0.19117096617 0.39412841063 0.59393905166 1.18775382693 ~ 3 ~ 0 ~ 18 ~ 87312 ~ 826 ~ 0 ~ 4969 ~ 69696 ~ g7 ~ 0, ~ 1 ~ 9 ~ i ~ 025 ~ 6 ~ 8 ~ g42 ~ 0 ~ 3 ~ 938769 ~} ~ 3 ~ 46 ~ 0 ~ . ~ E ~ 93 ~ 93 ~ 93g3 ~ 94 ~ 877E3 ~ 82 ~ 693 31 1.09891224965 0.47853110917 0.19117096617 0.39363536308 0.59393905166 1.18775382693 32 1.07852399050 0.45975465671 0.19160639982 0.39340493552 0.59393802859 1.18775382692 33 1.05772779729 0.44066363965 0.19233079170 0.39318675257 0.59393633591 1.18775382690 34 1.03654335827 0.42128172111 0.19334214939 0.39298187634 0.59393399220 1.18775382689 35 1.01499057369 0.40163289642 0.19463769126 0.39279130412 0.59393102311 1.18775382686 36 0.99308952588 0.38174146197 0.19621385420 0.39261596349 0.59392746118 1.18775382684 37 0.97086044930 0.36163198388 0.19806630350 0.39245670785 0.59392334545 1.18775382681 38 0.94832370053 0.34132926632 0.20018994492 0.39231431228 0.59391872099 1.18775382678 39 0.92549972831 0.32085831978 0.20257893880 0.39218946976 0.59391363848 1.18775382676 40 0.90240904375 0.30024432918 0.20522671630 0.39208278783 0.59390815360 1.18775382673 41 0.87907219059 0.27951262187 0.20812599764 0.39199478564 0.59390232645 1.18775382671 42 0.85550971581 0.25868863565 0.21126881224 0.39192589142 0.59389622087 1.18775382669 43 0.83174214042 0.23779788680 0.21464652091 0.39187644040 0.59388990376 1.18775382667 44 0.80778993062 0.21686593817 0.21824983973 0.39184667321 0.59388344432 1.18775382667 45 ~ 0 ~ 7 ~ 83 ~ 6734 ~ 6; 939 ~ 0 ~ 195g ~ 1 ~ 83673 ~ 5 ~ 0 ~, 2220688 ~ 658 ~} ~ 0 ~ 391 ~ 83673 ~ 4 ~ 69 ~ 0. ~ 593 ~ 87691333 ~ 187753 ~ 82 ~ 6 ~ 6 ~ 6 46 0 75941302849 0.17498073504 0.22609310472 0.39184667321 0.59387038235 1.18775382667 47 0.73502874098 0.15407855360 0.23031149955 0.39187644040 0.59386392292 1.18775382667 48 0.71054057427 0.13323725577 0.23471246149 0.39192589142 0.59385760582 1.18775382669 49 0.68596830382 0.11248216377 0.23928390190 0.39199478564 0.59385150026 1.18775382671 50 0.66133148746 0.09183845865 0.24401326573 0.39208278783 0.59384567313 1.18775382673 51 0.63664944046 0.07133114997 0.24888756619 0.39218946976 0.59384018828 1.18775382676 52 0.61194121126 0.05098504596 0.25389342062 0.39231431228 0.59383510579 1.18775382678 53 0.58722555810 0.03082472397 0.25901708743 0.39245670785 0.59383048136 1.18775382681 54 0.56252092644 0.01087450152 0.26424450397 0.39261596349 0.59382636565 1.18775382684 55 0.53784542720 -0.00884159229 0.26956132527 0.39279130412 0.59382280375 1.18775382686 56 0.51321681601 -0.02829984477 0.27495296362 0.39298187634 0.59381983469 1.18775382689 57 0.48865247335 -0.04747688709 0.28040462861 0 39318675257 0.59381749099 1.18775382690 58 0.46416938562 -0.06634972119 0.28590136791 0.39340493552 0.59381579833 1.18775382692 59 0.43978412732 -0.08489574609 0.29142810826 0.39363536308 0.59381477526 1.18775382693 ~ 60 ~ 0 ~ .41S ~ 512 ~ 8442 ~ Q ~ 030 ~ 927 ~ 8 ~ 35 ~ 0 ~ 29 ~ g69 ~ 6g6 ~ 97 ~ 0 ~ 3 ~ 938769134 ~ 6 ~ Q ~ 593814432 ~ 99 ~} ~ 18 ~ 7 ~ 53 ~ 8 ~ 6 ~ 93 __ CA 02203937 l997-04-29 the Convc. Ii ~ eur Force, D ~ F'- ~ - e. ~ L / Couple ¦ Memory dcs ~ li "lir Author: Dan Anghel ¦ page 32 of 44 ANNEX 3 page, of 7 ~ t anxO ¦ S2anxO I S3anxl ¦ S4anxO S6anxO S12anx 6 ~ o ~ D. ~ 4ls ~ s ~ l2 ~ 8442 ~ o ~ Q3o927835 ~ o ~ 2s ~ 696 ~ 969697 ~ o ~ 393s7 ~ 69l346 ~ 0 ~. ~ 5 ~ 93814432 ~ 99 ~ .18775382693 61 0.39137123746 -0.12091910290 0.30251094340 0.39412841063 0.59381477526 1.18775382693 62 0.36737454899 -0.13835344582 0.30803666068 0.39438863004 0.59381579833 1.18775382692 63 0.34353754782 -0.15537504956 0.31353170730 0.39465630456 0.59381749099 1.18775382690 64 0.31987451757 -0.17196367010 0.31898102858 0.39493013067 0.59381983469 1.18775382689 0.29639924504 -0.18809960434 0.32436969784 0.39520877478 0.59382280375 1.18775382686 66 0.27312500994 -0.20376371162 0.32968295722 0.39549087970 0.59382636565 1.18775382684 67 0.25006457574 -0.21893743440 0.33490625801 0.39577507130 0.59383048136 1.18775382681 68 0.22723018167 -0.23360281829 0.34002530037 0.39605996514 0.59383510579 1.18775382678 69 0.20463353582 -0.24774253120 0.34502607229 0.39634417324 0.59384018828 1.18775382676 0.18228580940 -0.26133988183 0.34989488788 0.39662631086 0.59384567313 1.18775382673 71 0.16019763210 -0.27437883720 0.35461842455 0.39690500321 0.59385150026 1.18775382671 72 0.13837908856 -0.28684403956 0.35918375939 0.39717889217 0.59385760582 1.18775382669 73 0.11683971596 -0.29872082236 0.36357840421 0.39744664293 0.59386392292 1.18775382667 74 0 09558850266 -0.30999522548 0.36779033960 0.39770695048 0.59387038235 1.18775382667 ~ 7 ~ 5 ~ 0 ~ 074 ~ 6338 ~ 8792 ~ 0 ~ .32 ~ 0 ~ 6 ~ 54 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 95 ~ 9 ~ 0 ~ 37 ~ 1 ~ B ~ 0 ~ 8 ~ 04752 ~ 0 ~ .3g79 ~ 58 ~ 545 ~ 9 ~ 8 ~ 0 ~. ~ 5 ~ 93 ~ 87 ~ 6g ~ 1333 ~ 8775 ~ 38 ~ 26 ~ 6 ~ 6 76 0.05398376267 -0.33068466980 0.37562054261 0.39820020297 0.59388344432 1.18775382667 77 0.03364547129 -0.34007544834 0.37921740200 0.39843074334 0.59388990376 1.18775382667 78 0.01362581437 -0.34881534651 0.38258879357 0.39864904310 0.59389622087 1.18775382669 79 -0.00606894751 -0.35689413583 0.38572550262 0.39885403786 0.59390232645 1.18775382671 80 -0.02543308917 -0.36430236827 0.38861895683 0.39904472804 0.59390815360 1.18775382673 81 -0.04446141520 -0.37103138575 0.39126124948 0.39922018375 0.59391363848 1.18775382676 82 -0.06314925356 -0.37707332875 0.39364516088 0.39937954937 0.59391872099 1.18775382678 83 -0.08149244826 -0.38242114413 0.39576417786 0.39952204766 0.59392334545 1.18775382681 84 -0.09948735133 -0.38706859211 0.39761251145 0.39964698364 0.59392746118 1.18775382684 85 -0.11713081399 -0.39101025243 0.39918511249 0.39975374796 0.59393102311 1.18775382686 86 -0.13442017710 -0.39424152969 0.40047768530 0.39984181987 0.59393399220 1.18775382689 87 -0.15135326096 -0.39675865786 0.40148669929 0.39991076978 0.59393633591 1.18775382690 - 88 -0.16792835447 -0.39855870398 0.40220939852 0.39996026136 0.59393802859 1.18775382692 89 -0.18414420373 -0.39963957104 0.40264380910 0.39999005321 0.59393905166 1.18775382693 90 ~~ 0 ~. ~ 2 ~ 0 ~ 00 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0QO ~ -0.40 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ D ~ 0 ~ 00 ~ 00 ~ 0 ~ .40 ~ 278 ~ g74 ~ 57 ~ 0 ~. ~ 4 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 00 ~ 0 ~. $ 935 ~ 3g ~ 3g3g4 ~ 8 ~ 77 ~ 5382693 91 -0.21549536732 -0.39963957104 0.40264380910 0.39999005321 0.59393905166 1.18775382693 92 -0.23063034951 -0.39855870398 0.40220939852 0.39996026136 0.59393802859 1.18775382692 93 -0.24540539690 -0.39675865786 0.40148669929 0.39991076978 0.59393633591 1.18775382690 94 -0.25982135259 -0.39424152969 0.40047768530 0.39984181987 0.59393399220 1.18775382689 95 -0.27387943844 -0.39101025243 0.39918511249 0.39975374796 0.59393102311 1.18775382686 96 -0.28758124078 -0.38706859211 0.39761251145 0.39964698364 0.59392746118 1.18775382684 97 -0.30092869587 -0.38242114413 0.39576417786 0.39952204766 0.59392334545 1.18775382681 98 -0.31392407519 -0.37707332875 0.39364516088 0.39937954937 0.59391872099 1.18775382678 99 -0.32656997055 -0.37103138575 0.39126124948 0.39922018375 0.59391363848 1.18775382676 100 -0.33886927910 -0.36430236827 0.38861895683 0.39904472804 0.59390815360 1.18775382673 101 -0.35082518832 -0.35689413583 0.38572550262 0.39885403786 0.59390232645 1.18775382671 102 -0.36244116089 -0.34881534651 0.38258879357 0.39864904310 0.59389622087 1.18775382669 103 -0.37372091962 -0.34007544834 0.37921740200 0.39843074334 0.59388990376 1.18775382667 104 -0.38466843247 -0.33068466980 0.37562054261 0.39820020297 0.59388344432 1.18775382667 105 ~ ~ -0.39 ~ 52 ~ 87897 ~ 5 ~ 0 ~ .320 ~ 654D0959 ~ 0 ~ .37 ~ 1 ~ 80 ~ 8 ~ 047 ~ 52 ~ D ~, ~ 39795 ~ 8545 ~ 98 ~ 0 ~. ~ $ 93876 ~ 9133 ~ 3 ~ 8 ~ 7753 ~ 8 ~ 2 ~ 666 106 -0.40558372813 -0.30999522548 0.36779033960 0.39770695048 0.59387038235 1.18775382667 107 -0.41556053832 -0.29872082236 0.36357840421 0.39744664293 0.59386392292 1.18775382667 108 -0.42522312812 -0.28684403956 0.35918375939 0.39717889217 0.59385760582 1.18775382669 109 -0.43457646930 -0.27437883720 0.35461842455 0.39690500321 0.59385150026 1.18775382671 110 -0.44362569122 -0.26133988183 0.34989488788 0.39662631086 0.59384567313 1.18775382673 111 -0.45237606702 -0.24774253120 0.34502607229 0.39634417324 0.59384018828 1.18775382676 112 -0.46083299995 -0.23360281829 0.34002530037 0.39605996514 0.59383510579 1.18775382678 113 -0.46900201014 -0.21893743440 0.33490625801 0.39577507130 0.59383048136 1.18775382681 114 -0.47688872156 -0.20376371162 0.32968295722 0.39549087970 0.59382636565 1.18775382684 115 -0.48449884939 -0.18809960434 0.32436969784 0.39520877478 0.59382280375 1.18775382686 116 -0.49183818767 -0.17196367010 0.31898102858 0.39493013067 0.59381983469 1.18775382689 117 -0.49891259738 -0.15537504956 0.31353170730 0.39465630456 0.59381749099 1.18775382690 118 -0.50572799481 -0.13835344582 0.30803666068 0.39438863004 0.59381579833 1.18775382692 119 -0.51229034036 -0.12091910290 0.30251094340 0.39412841063 0.59381477526 1.18775382693 ~ 120 ~ -0. ~ 5 ~ 18 ~ 6 ~ 0 ~ $ 6277 ~ 0 ~ 030 ~ 927835 ~ 0 ~. ~ 2 ~ 9 = ~ 696 ~ 969697 ~ ~ 0.3938769134 ~ 6 0.593 ~ 8 ~ 14432 ~ 9g ~ 8775 ~ 38 ~ 2 ~ 6 ~ 93 '._ CA 02203937 l997-04-29 the Force Converter, Dep '~ l / Torque ¦Memory desc. i ~ ltil Author: Dan Anghel ¦page 33 of 44 A ~ X ~ 3 page 3 of 7 ~ t anxO ¦ S2anxO I S3anxl I S4anxO S6anxO ¦ S12anx ~ 120 ~ 0 ~ .518605 ~ 62771 ~ Q ~ 1030927 ~ 835 ~ Q ~ 296 ~ 96969697 ~ 0 ~ .3938769134 ~ 6 ~ 0.593B1443299 1 ~ 18775382 ~ 693 121 -0.52467987341 -0.08489574609 0.29142810826 0.39363536308 0.59381477526 1.18775382693 122 -0.53051910681 -0.06634972119 0.28590136791 0.39340493552 0.59381579833 1.18775382692 123 -0.53612936043 -0.04747688709 0.28040462861 0.39318675257 0.59381749099 1.18775382690 124 -0.54151666078 -0.02829984477 0.27495296362 0.39298187634 0.59381983469 1.18775382689 125 -0.54668701949 -0.00884159229 0.26956132527 0.39279130412 0.59382280375 1.18775382686 126 -0.55164642491 0.01087450152 0.26424450397 0.39261596349 0.59382636565 1.18775382684 127 -0.55640083413 0.03082472397 0.25901708743 0.39245670785 0.59383048136 1.18775382681 128 -0.56095616529 0.05098504596 0.25389342062 0.39231431228 0.59383510579 1.18775382678 129 -0.56531829048 0.07133114997 0.24888756619 0.39218946976 0.59384018828 1.18775382676 130 -0.56949302882 0.09183845865 0.24401326573 0.39208278783 0.59384567313 1.18775382673 131 -0.57348614005 0.11248216377 0.23928390190 0.39199478564 0.59385150026 1.18775382671 132 -0.57730331850 0.13323725577 0.23471246149 0.39192589142 0.59385760582 1.18775382669 133 -0.58095018738 0.15407855360 0.23031149955 0.39187644040 0.59386392292 1.18775382667 134 -0.58443229345 0.17498073504 0.22609310472 0.39184667321 0.59387038235 1.18775382667 ~ 135 ~ 0 ~. ~ 5 ~ 8775 ~ 51 ~ 02 ~ 04 ~ Q ~ 959 ~ 183 ~ 73 ~ 5 ~ Q ~. ~ 222068 ~ 865 ~ 8 ~ 0 ~ 3 ~ g ~} ~ 83 ~ 673 ~ 4 ~ 6 ~ 9 ~ Q ~. ~ 5938769 ~ 1333 ~} ~. ~ 187753 ~ 2 ~ 6 ~ 6 ~ 6 6 -0.59092399245 0.21686593817 0.21824983973 0.39184667321 0.59388344432 1.18775382667 137 -0.59394425362 0.23779788680 0.21464652091 0.39187644040 0.59388990376 1.18775382667 138 -0.59682108016 0.25868863565 0.21126881224 0.39192589142 0.59389622087 1.18775382669 139 -0.59955956872 0.27951262187 0.20812599764 0.39199478564 0.59390232645 1.18775382671 140 -0.60216471456 0.30024432918 0.20522671630 0.39208278783 0.59390815360 1.18775382673 141 -0.60464140853 0.32085831978 0.20257893880 0.39218946976 0.59391363848 1.18775382676 142 -0.60699443421 0.34132926632 0.20018994492 0.39231431228 0.59391872099 1.18775382678 143 -0.60922846543 0.36163198388 0.19806630350 0.39245670785 0.59392334545 1.18775382681 -0.61134806391 0.38174146197 0.19621385420 0.39261596349 0.59392746118 1.18775382684 145 -0.61335767727 0.40163289642 0.19463769126 0.39279130412 0.59393102311 1.18775382686 146 -0.61526163716 0.42128172111 0.19334214939 0.39298187634 0.59393399220 1.18775382689 147 -0.61706415764 0.44066363965 0.19233079170 0.39318675257 0.59393633591 1.18775382690 148 -0.61876933379 0.45975465671 0.19160639982 0.39340493552 0.59393802859 1.18775382692 -0.62038114048 0.47853110917 0.19117096617 0.39363536308 0.59393905166 1.18775382693 ~ 5 ~ 0 -0 ~. ~ 62 ~ 1g43 ~ * 3 ~ 12 ~ 9 ~ 0 ~ .4 ~ g ~ 6 ~ 9 ~ 6 ~ 9 ~ 696 ~ 9 ~ 0 ~. 191 025 ~ 6 ~ 8 ~ 8 * 2 ~ 0 ~, ~ 3 ~ 938 = 76913 ~ 4 ~ 6 ~ 0 ~. ~ 5 ~ 939 ~ 3 ~ 93 ~ 9 ~ 3 ~ 94 ~ 877 ~ 5 ~ 3 ~ 82693 151 -0.62333993766 0.51504751353 0.19117096617 0.39412841063 0.59393905166 1.18775382693 152 -0.62469426812 0.53274207586 0.19160639982 0.39438863004 0.59393802859 1.18775382692 153 -0.62596990772 0.55003135412 0.19233079170 0.39465630456 0.59393633591 1.18775382690 154 -0.62717021756 0.56689380077 0.19334214939 0.39493013067 0.59393399220 1.18775382689 155 -0.62829843443 0.58330837912 0.19463769126 0.39520877478 0.59393102311 1.18775382686 156 -0.62935767059 0.59925459132 0.19621385420 0.39549087970 0.59392746118 1.18775382684 157 -0.63035091361 0.61471250570 0.19806630350 0.39577507130 0.59392334545 1.18775382681 158 -0.63128102634 0.62966278342 0.20018994492 0.39605996514 0.59391872099 1.18775382678 159 -0.63215074692 0.64408670445 0.20257893880 0.39634417324 0.59391363848 1.18775382676 160 -0.63296268885 0.65796619269 0.20522671630 0.39662631086 0.59390815360 1.18775382673 161 -0.63371934119 0.67128384041 0.20812599764 0.39690500321 0.59390232645 1.18775382671 162 -0.63442306870 0.68402293173 0.21126881224 0.39717889217 0.59389622087 1.18775382669 163 -0.63507611215 0.69616746530 0.21464652091 0.39744664293 0.59388990376 1.18775382667 164 -0.63568058856 0.70770217596 0.21824983973 0.39770695048 0.59388344432 1.18775382667 65 ~ 0 ~. ~ 63 ~ 623 ~ 84 ~ 9 ~ 149 ~ 0 ~ 7 ~ 1861! 25555 ~ 8 ~ 0 ~, ~ 222068B6581 ~ 0 ~. ~ 397 ~ 95 ~ g545 ~ 9 ~ 8 ~ 0. ~ 59387 ~ 69133 ~ 3 ~ 87753 ~ 82 ~ 6 ~ 66 166 -0.63675169142 0.72888487278 0.22609310472 0.39820020297 0.59387038235 1.18775382667 167 -0.63722193603 0.73850619168 0.23031149955 0.39843074334 0.59386392292 1.18775382667 168 -0.63765085059 0.74746438961 0.23471246149 0.39864904310 0.59385760582 1.18775382669 169 -0.63803993828 0.75574817368 0.23928390190 0.39885403786 0.59385150026 1.18775382671 170 -0.63839058056 0.76334709631 0.24401326573 0.39904472804 0.59384567313 1.18775382673 171 -0.63870403748 0.77025156950 0.24888756619 0.39922018375 0.59384018828 1.18775382676 172 -0.63898144801 0.77645287812 0.25389342062 0.39937954937 0.59383510579 1.18775382678 173 -0.63922383034 0.78194319179 0.25901708743 0.39952204766 0.59383048136 1.18775382681 174 -0.63943208217 0.78671557575 0.26424450397 0.39964698364 0.59382636565 1.18775382684 175 -0.63960698098 0.79076400039 0.26956132527 0.39975374796 0.59382280375 1.18775382686 176 -0.63974918420 0.79408334955 0.27495296362 0.39984181987 0.59381983469 1.18775382689 177 -0.63985922947 0.79666942763 0.28040462861 0.39991076978 0.59381749099 1.18775382690 178 -0.63993753479 0.79851896535 0.28590136791 0.39996026136 0.59381579833 1.18775382692 179 -0.63998439862 0.79962962425 0.29142810826 0.39999005321 0.59381477526 1.18775382693 8 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 64000 ~ 0 ~ Q ~ 00 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 00000 ~ 000 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~. ~ 296 969 ~ 696 ~ 97 ~ 0 ~ 4 ~ 0 ~ 00 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 00 ~ 00 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~. 5938 144 ~ 32 ~ g9 ~ 1877 ~ 53 ~ 82 ~ 6g ~ 3 , ._ CA 02203937 l997-04-29 the Conve ~ .. r Force, Dep '~ .. t / Torque ¦ Memory of ~ _-; "tir Author: Dan Anghel ¦ page34 de44 A ~ 3 page 4 of 7 ~ t anxO ¦ S2anxO ¦ S3anxl I S4anxO S6anxO I S12anx 8a ~ o ~ 64o ~ o ~ o4oQo ~ oo ~ 8 ~ o ~ og ~ oo ~ o ~ oQo ~ a ~ o ~ 2 ~ 6969696 ~ 97 ~ o ~ 4o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ o ~ aoo ~ o ~ o ~ 0. ~ 593 ~ 8 ~} 443299 ~ B77S3 ~ 8 ~ 269 ~ 3 181 -0.63998439862 0.79962962425 0.30251094340 0.39999005321 0.59381477526 1.18775382693 182 -0.63993753479 0.79851896535 0.30803666068 0.39996026136 0.59381579833 1.18775382692 183 -0.63985922947 0.79666942763 0.31353170730 0.39991076978 0.59381749099 1.18775382690 184 -0.63974918420 0.79408334955 0.31898102858 0.39984181987 0.59381983469 1.18775382689 185 -0.63960698098 0.79076400039 0.32436969784 0.39975374796 0.59382280375 1.18775382686 186 -0.63943208217 0.78671557575 0.32968295722 0.39964698364 0.59382636565 1.18775382684 187 -0.63922383034 0.78194319179 0.33490625801 0.39952204766 0.59383048136 1.18775382681 188 -0.63898144801 0.77645287812 0.34002530037 0.39937954937 0.59383510579 1.18775382678 189 -0.63870403748 0.77025156950 0.34502607229 0.39922018375 0.59384018828 1.18775382676 lso -0.63839058056 0.76334709631 0.34989488788 0.39904472804 0.59384567313 1.18775382673 191 -0.63803993828 0.75574817368 0.35461842455 0.39885403786 0.59385150026 1.18775382671 192 -0.63765085059 0.74746438961 0.35918375939 0.39864904310 0.59385760582 1.18775382669 193 -0.63722193603 0.73850619168 0.36357840421 0.39843074334 0.59386392292 1.18775382667 194 -0.63675169142 0.72888487273 0.36779033960 0.39820020297 0.59387038235 1.18775382667 9 ~ 5 ~ 0 ~ .63 ~ 623 ~ 84 ~ 9l49 ~ 0 ~. ~ 7l46175 ~ 5 ~ 558 ~ 0 ~ .37 ~ 180 ~ 8 ~ 04752 ~ 0 ~. ~ 3 ~ 34 ~ 4 ~ 59 ~ 8 ~ 0 ~ 5 ~ 93 ~ 87691333 ~ 18 ~ 75382 ~ 666 196 -0.63568058856 0.70770217596 0.37562054261 0.39770695048 0.59388344432 1.18775382667 197 -0.63507611215 0.69616746530 0.37921740200 0.39744664293 0.59388990376 1.18775382667 198 -0.63442306870 0.68402293173 0.38258879357 0.39717889217 0.59389622087 1.18775382669 199 -0.63371934119 0.67128384041 0.38572550262 0.39690500321 0.59390232645 1.18775382671 200 -0.63296268885 0.65796619269 0.38861895683 0.39662631086 0.59390815360 1.18775382673 201 -0.63215074692 0.64408670445 0.39126124948 0.39634417324 0.59391363848 1.18775382676 202 -0.63128102634 0.62966278342 0.39364516088 0.39605996514 0.59391872099 1.18775382678 203 -0.63035091361 0.61471250570 0.39576417786 0.39577507130 0.59392334545 1.18775382681 204 -0.62935767059 0.59925459132 0.39761251145 0.39549087970 0.59392746118 1.18775382684 205 -0.62829843443 0.58330837912 0.39918511249 0.39520877478 0.59393102311 1.18775382686 206 -0.62717021756 0.56689380077 0.40047768530 0.39493013067 0.59393399220 1.18775382689 207 -0.62596990772 0.55003135412 0.40148669929 0.39465630456 0.59393633591 1.18775382690 208 -0.62469426812 0.53274207586 0.40220939852 0.39438863004 0.59393802859 1.18775382692 209 -0.62333993766 0.51504751353 0.40264380910 0.39412841063 0.59393905166 1.18775382693 ~ 210 ~ 0 ~ 621gO34312 ~ 9 ~ a ~ .496969 ~ 696 ~ 97 ~ 0. ~ 4 ~ 02q ~ 8 ~ 8744 ~ 5 ~ 0 ~ 3 ~ 93 ~ 8 ~ 76gl3 ~ 46 ~ 0 ~ $ ~ 9393 ~ 9 ~ 3 ~ 9394 ~ 877 ~ 3 ~ 82 ~ 93 211 -0.62038114048 0.47853110917 0.40264380910 0.39363536308 0.59393905166 1.18775382693 212 -0.61876933379 0.45975465671 0.40220939852 0.39340493552 0.59393802859 1.18775382692 213 -0.61706415764 0.44066363965 0.40148669929 0.39318675257 0.59393633591 1.18775382690 214 -0.61526163716 0.42128172111 0.40047768530 0.39298187634 0.59393399220 1.18775382689 215 -0.61335767727 0.40163289642 0.39918511249 0.39279130412 0.59393102311 1.18775382686 216 -0.61134806391 0.38174146197 0.39761251145 0.39261596349 0.59392746118 1.18775382684 217 -0.60922846543 0.36163198388 0.39576417786 0.39245670785 0.59392334545 1.18775382681 218 -0.60699443421 0.34132926632 0.39364516088 0.39231431228 0.59391872099 1.18775382678 219 -0.60464140853 0.32085831978 0.39126124948 0.39218946976 0.59391363848 1.18775382676 220 -0.60216471456 0.30024432918 0.38861895683 0.39208278783 0.59390815360 1.18775382673 221 -0.59955956872 0.27951262187 0.38572550262 0.39199478564 0.59390232645 1.18775382671 222 -0.59682108016 0.25868863565 0.38258879357 0.39192589142 0.59389622087 1.18775382669 223 -0.59394425362 0.23779788680 0.37921740200 0.39187644040 0.59388990376 1.18775382667 224 -0.59092399245 0.21686593817 0.37562054261 0.39184667321 0.59388344432 1.18775382667 ~ 225 ~ 0 ~. ~ 587755102 ~ 04 ~ 0 ~ .19591 ~ B36735 ~ ~ D ~ 3 ~ 7 ~ 1 ~ 8 ~ 0804752 ~ 0 ~. ~ 39183 ~ 67346 ~ 9 ~ 0 ~. ~ 59387691333 ~ 8775382 ~ 6 ~ 6 ~ 6 226 -0.58443229345 0.17498073504 0.36779033960 0.39184667321 0.59387038235 1.18775382667 227 -0.58095018738 0.15407855360 0.36357840421 0.39187644040 0.59386392292 1.18775382667 228 -0.57730331850 0.13323725577 0.35918375939 0.39192589142 0.59385760582 1.18775382669 229 -0.57348614005 0.11248216377 0.35461842455 0.39199478564 0.59385150026 1.18775382671 230 -0.56949302882 0.09183845865 0.34989488788 0.39208278783 0.59384567313 1.18775382673 231 -0.56531829048 0.07133114997 0.34502607229 0.39218946976 0.59384018828 1.18775382676 232 -0.56095616529 0.05098504596 0.34002530037 0.39231431228 0.59383510579 1.18775382678 233 -0.55640083413 0.03082472397 0.33490625801 0.39245670785 0.59383048136 1.18775382681 234 -0.55164642491 0.01087450152 0.32968295722 0.39261596349 0.59382636565 1.18775382684 235 -0.54668701949 -0.00884159229 0.32436969784 0.39279130412 0.59382280375 1.18775382686 236 -0.54151666078 -0.02829984477 0.31898102858 0.39298187634 0.59381983469 1.18775382689 237 -0.53612936043 -0.04747688709 0.31353170730 0.39318675257 0.59381749099 1.18775382690 238 -0.53051910681 -0.06634972119 0.30803666068 0.39340493552 0.59381579833 1.18775382692 239 -0.52467987341 -0.08489574609 0.30251094340 0.39363536308 0.59381477526 1.18775382693 ~ 240 ~ O ~ S18 ~ 5 ~ 0 ~ 10309a7 ~ 835 ~ 0.2g6 ~ g6g6g697 ~ 0 ~ .3g3876 ~ 9134 ~ 6 ~ 0 ~. ~ 5938 ~ 14432 ~ 99 ~ 18775382 ~ 693 -CA 02203937 l997-04-29 the Convc. ~ r Force, De ~ nt / Couple ¦Memoire des ~, Lir Author: Dan Anghel ¦page 35 of 44 A ~ X ~ 3 page 5 of 7 ~ t anxO ¦ S2anxO ¦ S3anxl l S4anxO S6anxO ¦ S12anx 40 ~ -0 ~ 518 ~ 60562771 ~ 0 ~ 030 ~ 927 ~ 835 ~ 4 ~. ~ Z ~ 96 ~ 9 ~ 6969697 ~ 0 ~ 3 ~ 93 ~ 87 ~ 69 ~ 1346 ~ '~ 0 ~ .5 ~ 93 ~ 8 ~ 1324499 ~ 8 ~ 75382693 241 -0.51229034036 -0.12091910290 0.29142810826 0.39412841063 0.59381477526 1.18775382693 242 -0.50572799481 -0.13835344582 0.28590136791 0.39438863004 0.59381579833 1.18775382692 243 -0.49891259738 -0.15537504956 0.28040462861 0.39465630456 0.59381749099 1.18775382690 244 -0.49183818767 -0.17196367010 0.27495296362 0.39493013067 0.59381983469 1.18775382689 245 -0.48449884939 -0.18809960434 0.26956132527 0.39520877478 0.59382280375 1.18775382686 246 -0.47688872156 -0.20376371162 0.26424450397 0.39549087970 0.59382636565 1.18775382684 247 -0.46900201014 -0.21893743440 0.25901708743 0.39577507130 0.59383048136 1.18775382681 248 -0.46083299995 -0.23360281829 0.25389342062 0.39605996514 0.59383510579 1.18775382678 249 -0.45237606702 -0.24774253120 0.24888756619 0.39634417324 0.59384018828 1.18775382676 250 -0.44362569122 -0.26133988183 0.24401326573 0.39662631086 0.59384567313 1.18775382673 251 -0.43457646930 -0.27437883720 0.23928390190 0.39690500321 0.59385150026 1.18775382671 252 -0.42522312812 -0.28684403956 0.23471246149 0.39717889217 0.59385760582 1.18775382669 253 -0.41556053832 -0.29872082236 0.23031149955 0.39744664293 0.59386392292 1.18775382667 254 -0.40558372813 -0.30999522548 0.22609310472 0.39770695048 0.59387038235 1.18775382667 ~ 255 ~ 0 ~. ~ 3 ~ 9528789751 ~ 0 ~. ~ 320 ~ 65400959 ~ 0. ~ 22206 ~ 8865 ~ 81 ~ 0.3979 ~ 58 ~ 545 ~ 9 ~ 8 0 ~ 593 ~ 87 ~ 69133 ~ 3 ~ .i87753 ~ 8 ~ 66 ~ 6 256 -0.38466843247 -0.33068466980 0.21824983973 0.39820020297 0.59388344432 1.18775382667 257 -0.37372091962 -0.34007544834 0.21464652091 0.39843074334 0.59388990376 1.18775382667 258 -0.36244116089 -0.34881534651 0.21126881224 0.39864904310 0.59389622087 1.18775382669 259 -0.35082518832 -0.35689413583 0.20812599764 0.39885403786 0.59390232645 1.18775382671 260 -0.33886927910 -0.36430236827 0.20522671630 0.39904472804 0.59390815360 1.18775382673 261 -0.32656997055 -0.37103138575 0.20257893880 0.39922018375 0.59391363848 1.18775382676 262 -0.31392407519 -0.37707332875 0.20018994492 0.39937954937 0.59391872099 1.18775382678 263 -0.30092869587 -0.38242114413 0.19806630350 0.39952204766 0.59392334545 1.18775382681 264 -0.28758124078 -0.38706859211 0.19621385420 0.39964698364 0.59392746118 1.18775382684 265 -0.27387943844 -0.39101025243 0.19463769126 0.39975374796 0.59393102311 1.18775382686 266 -0.25982135259 -0.39424152969 0.19334214939 0.39984181987 0.59393399220 1.18775382689 267 -0.24540539690 -0.39675865786 0.19233079170 0.39991076978 0.59393633591 1.18775382690 268 -0 23063034951 -0.39855870398 0.19160639982 0.39996026136 0.59393802859 1.18775382692 269 -0.21549536732 -0.39963957104 0.19117096617 0.39999005321 0.59393905166 1.18775382693 ~ 27 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~. ~ 20 ~ 0000 ~ 0000 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 4 ~ 00 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 00 ~ 00 ~ 04 ~ 0 ~. ~ 191 ~ 2 ~ 568 842- ~ 0 ~ 40 ~ 000 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 000 ~ 0 ~ .59393 ~ 93g3 ~ 94 ~ 87753 ~ 82693 271 -0.18414420373 -0.39963957104 0.19117096617 0.39999005321 0.59393905166 1.18775382693 272 -0.16792835447 -0.39855870398 0.19160639982 0.39996026136 0.59393802859 1.18775382692 273 -0.15135326096 -0.39675865786 0.19233079170 0.39991076978 0.59393633591 1.18775382690 274 -0.13442017710 -0.39424152969 0.19334214939 0.39984181987 0.59393399220 1.18775382689 275 -0.11713081399 -0.39101025243 0.19463769126 0.39975374796 0.59393102311 1.18775382686 276 -0.09948735133 -0.38706859211 0.19621385420 0.39964698364 0.59392746118 1.18775382684 277 -0.08149244826 -0.38242114413 0.19806630350 0.39952204766 0.59392334545 1.18775382681 278 -0.06314925356 -0.37707332875 0.20018994492 0.39937954937 0.59391872099 1.18775382678 279 -0.04446141520 -0.37103138575 0.20257893880 0.39922018375 0.59391363848 1.18775382676 280 -0.02543308917 -0.36430236827 0.20522671630 0.39904472804 0.59390815360 1.18775382673 281 -0.00606894751 -0.35689413583 0.20812599764 0.39885403786 0.59390232645 1.18775382671 282 0.01362581437 -0.34881534651 0.21126881224 0.39864904310 0.59389622087 1.18775382669 283 0.03364547129 -0.34007544834 0.21464652091 0.39843074334 0.59388990376 1.18775382667 284 0.05398376267 -0.33068466980 0.21824983973 0.39820020297 0.59388344432 1.18775382667 ~ 285 ~ 0 ~. ~ 074 ~ 63 ~ 388 ~ 792 ~ 0 ~. ~ 320 ~ 65400959 ~ 0 ~. ~ 22206 ~ 8 ~ 86581 ~ 0. ~ 39795 ~ 854598 ~ 0 ~. ~ 5g3'8 ~ 76 ~ 9133 ~ 3 ~ 7? 53 $ 2666 286 0.09558850266 -0.30999522548 0.22609310472 0.39770695048 0.59387038235 1.18775382667 287 0.11683971596 -0.29872082236 0.23031149955 0.39744664293 0.59386392292 1.18775382667 288 0.13837908856 -0.28684403956 0.23471246149 0.39717889217 0.59385760582 1.18775382669 289 0.16019763210 -0.27437883720 0.23928390190 0.39690500321 0.59385150026 1.18775382671 290 0.18228580940 -0.26133988183 0.24401326573 0.39662631086 0.59384567313 1.18775382673 291 0.20463353582 -0.24774253120 0.24888756619 0.39634417324 0.59384018828 1.18775382676 292 0.22723018167 -0.23360281829 0.25389342062 0.39605996514 0.59383510579 1.18775382678 293 0.25006457574 -0.21893743440 0.25901708743 0.39577507130 0.59383048136 1.18775382681 294 0.27312500994 -0.20376371162 0.26424450397 0.39549087970 0.59382636565 1.18775382684 295 0.29639924504 -0.18809960434 0.26956132527 0.39520877478 0.59382280375 1.18775382686 296 0.31987451757 -0.17196367010 0.27495296362 0.39493013067 0.59381983469 1.18775382689 297 0.34353754782 -0.15537504956 0.28040462861 0.39465630456 0.59381749099 1.18775382690 298 0.36737454899 -0.13835344582 0.28590136791 0.39438863004 0.59381579833 1.18775382692 299 0.39137123746 -0.12091910290 0.29142810826 0.39412841063 0.59381477526 1.18775382693 ~ 304 ~ 0 ~ .415 ~ 51284421 ~ 4. ~ 10309 ~ 7 ~ 8351 ~ 0 ~ .2969 ~ 6 ~ g69 ~ 6g7 ~ 0 ~ .3g3B76 ~ 9134 ~ 6 ~ 0 ~. ~ 5g ~ 3814432g9 ~ 187753 ~ 82 ~ 693 ._ ..

the Convc. li ~ .. r Force, Dep'-. / Couple ¦ Memory of ~ e. he shot Author: Dan Anghel ¦ page 36 of 44 A ~ 3 page of 7 c ~ t anxO I S2anxO ¦ S3anxl I S4anxO S6anxO S12anx ~ 3 ~ 00 ~ 4} 5512 ~ 84421 ~ -0 ~. ~ 103 ~ 0927 ~ 8351 ~ ~ 0 ~ .296969 ~ 69 ~ 6 ~ 97 ~ 0 ~ 3 ~ 3 ~ 876 ~ 9 ~ 1346 ~ ~ 0 ~. ~ 5 ~ 93 ~ 14,432 ~ 9 ~ 87,753 ~ 82,693 301 0.43978412732 -0.08489574609 0.30251094340 0.39363536308 0.59381477526 1.18775382693 302 0.46416938562 -0.06634972119 0.30803666068 0.39340493552 0.59381579833 1.18775382692 303 0.48865247335 -0.04747688709 0.31353170730 0.39318675257 0.59381749099 1.18775382690 304 0.51321681601 -0.02829984477 0.31898102858 0.39298187634 0.59381983469 1.18775382689 305 0.53784542720 -0.00884159229 0.32436969784 0.39279130412 0.59382280375 1.18775382686 3060.56252092644 0.01087450152 0.32968295722 0.39261596349 0.59382636565 1.18775382684 3070.58722555810 0.03082472397 0.33490625801 0.39245670785 0.59383048136 1.18775382681 3080.61194121126 0.05098504596 0.34002530037 0.39231431228 0.59383510579 1.18775382678 3090.63664944046 0.07133114997 0.34502607229 0.39218946976 0.59384018828 1.18775382676 3100.66133148746 0.09183845865 0.34989488788 0.39208278783 0.59384567313 1.18775382673 3110.68596830382 0.11248216377 0.35461842455 0.39199478564 0.59385150026 1.18775382671 3120.71054057427 0.13323725577 0.35918375939 0.39192589142 0.59385760582 1.18775382669 3130.73502874098 0.15407855360 0.36357840421 0.39187644040 0.59386392292 1.18775382667 3140.75941302849 0.17498073504 0.36779033960 0.39184667321 0.59387038235 1.18775382667 ~ 315 ~ 7 ~ 8367346939 ~ 0. ~ 19591 ~ 836735 ~ 0 ~. ~ 37180804752 ~ Q ~. ~ 391 ~ 83 ~ 673469 ~ D. ~ 593 ~ 87 ~ 69 ~ 1333 ~ 877538266 ~ 6 3160.80778993062 0.21686593817 0.37562054261 0.39184667321 0.59388344432 1.18775382667 3170.83174214042 0.23779788680 0.37921740200 0.39187644040 0.59388990376 1.18775382667 3180.85550971581 0.25868863565 0.38258879357 0.39192589142 0.59389622087 1.18775382669 3190.87907219059 0.27951262187 0.38572550262 0.39199478564 0.59390232645 1.18775382671 3200.90240904375 0.30024432918 0.38861895683 0.39208278783 0.59390815360 1.18775382673 3210.92549972831 0.32085831978 0.39126124948 0.39218946976 0.59391363848 1.18775382676 3220.94832370053 0.34132926632 0.39364516088 0.39231431228 0.59391872099 1.18775382678 3230.97086044930 0.36163198388 0.39576417786 0.39245670785 0.59392334545 1.18775382681 3240.99308952588 0.38174146197 0.39761251145 0.39261596349 0.59392746118 1.18775382684 3251.01499057369 0.40163289642 0.39918511249 0.39279130412 0.59393102311 1.18775382686 3261.03654335827 0.42128172111 0.40047768530 0.39298187634 0.59393399220 1.18775382689 3271.05772779729 0.44066363965 0.40148669929 0.39318675257 0.59393633591 1.18775382690 3281.07852399050 0.45975465671 0.40220939852 0.39340493552 0.59393802859 1.18775382692 3291.09891224965 0.47853110917 0.40264380910 0.39363536308 0.59393905166 1.18775382693 ~ 330 1 ~ 18B7312 ~ 826 ~ 0 ~ .49696969697 ~ 0. ~ 4027B ~ 874457 ~ 0 ~ 393 ~ 8776gl346 ~ 0 ~ 5939 ~ 3939394 ~ t87753B2693 3311.13838745120 0.51504751353 0.40264380910 0.39412841063 0.59393905166 1.18775382693 3321.15743634398 0.53274207586 0.40220939852 0.39438863004 0.59393802859 1.18775382692 3331.17600126184 0.55003135412 0.40148669929 0.39465630456 0.59393633591 1.18775382690 3341.19406401833 0.56689380077 0.40047768530 0.39493013067 0.59393399220 1.18775382689 3351.21160681355 0.58330837912 0.39918511249 0.39520877478 0.59393102311 1.18775382686 3361.22861226191 0.59925459132 0.39761251145 0.39549087970 0.59392746118 1.18775382684 3371.24506341931 0.61471250570 0.39576417786 0.39577507130 0.59392334545 1.18775382681 3381.26094380977 0.62966278342 0.39364516088 0.39605996514 0.59391872099 1.18775382678 3391.27623745137 0.64408670445 0.39126124948 0.39634417324 0.59391363848 1.18775382676 3401.29092888154 0.65796619269 0.38861895683 0.39662631086 0.59390815360 1.18775382673 3411.30500318159 0.67128384041 0.38572550262 0.39690500321 0.59390232645 1.18775382671 3421.31844600043 0.68402293173 0.38258879357 0.39717889217 0.59389622087 1.18775382669 3431.33124357745 0.69616746530 0.37921740200 0.39744664293 0.59388990376 1.18775382667 3441.34338276452 0.70770217596 0.37562054261 0.39770695048 0.59388344432 1.18775382667 ~ 3 ~ 4S ~ .3S4 ~ 85 ~ 104707 ~ 0 ~. ~ 7} ~ 8 ~ 6125555 ~ 8 ~ 0.37180804752 ~ a.3 ~ 97 ~ 9Sff545 ~ 98 0.5 ~ 93 ~ g7 ~ 69133 ~ 3 ~ 87753826 ~ 6 ~ 6 3461.36563656420 0.72888487278 0.36779033960 0.39820020297 0.59387038235 1.18775382667 3471.37572812771 0.73850619168 0.36357840421 0.39843074334 0.59386392292 1.18775382667 3481.38511524020 0.74746438961 0.35918375939 0.39864904310 0.59385760582 1 18775382669 3491.39378811197 0.75574817368 0.35461842455 0.39885403786 0.59385150026 1.18775382671 3501.40173767687 0.76334709631 0.34989488788 0.39904472804 0.59384567313 1.18775382673 3511.40895560698 0.77025156950 0.34502607229 0.39922018375 0.59384018828 1.18775382676 3521.41543432613 0.77645287812 0.34002530037 0.39937954937 0.59383510579 1.18775382678 3531.42116702213 0.78194319179 0.33490625801 0.39952204766 0.59383048136 1.18775382681 3541.42614765793 0.78671557575 0.32968295722 0.39964698364 0.59382636565 1.18775382684 3551.43037098137 0.79076400039 0.32436969784 0.39975374796 0.59382280375 1.18775382686 3561.43383253375 0.79408334955 0.31898102858 0.39984181987 0.59381983469 1.18775382689 3571.43652865710 0.79666942763 0.31353170730 0.39991076978 0.59381749099 1.18775382690 3581.43845650013 0.79851896535 0.30803666068 0.39996026136 0.59381579833 1.18775382692 3591.43961402287 0.79962962425 0.30251094340 0.39999005321 0.59381477526 1.18775382693 3 ~ 60 ~ .44000000 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0. ~ 8 ~ 000000 ~ 0DQ ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ .296 ~ 96969697 ~ 0 ~. ~ 4 ~ 00000000 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 5 ~ 9381443299 ~ 187753826 ~ 93 , ~ _ _ the Force Converter, Dep '~~. 1 / Couple ¦ Memory of ~ .rir Author: Dan Anghel ¦page 37 of 44 A ~ 3 ¦page 7 of 7 S ~; SE
anxO S2anx0 S3anx1 S4anx0 S6anx0 S12anx min -0.64000000000 -0.40000000000 0.19102568842 0.39183673469 0.59381443299 1.18775382666 max 1.44000000000 0.80000000000 0.40278874457 0.40000000000 0.59393939394 1.18775382693 avg 0.09897948557 0.19795897113 0.29693845670 0.39591794227 0.59387691340 1.18775382680 avg (int) 0.09897948557 0.19795897113 0.29693845670 0.39591794227 0.59387691340 1.18775382680 avg 0.73897948557 0.59795897113 0.10591276828 0.00408120757 0.00006248041 0.00000000013 max-avg 1.34102051443 0.60204102887 0.10585028787 0.00408205773 0.00006248054 0.00000000013 -the Force Converter, D ~ p '~ 1 / Torque ¦ Description memory Author: Dan Anghel ¦ page 38 of 44 A ~ X ~ 4 page 1 of 3 ~ tl pxo ~ t I pxo ~ tl pxo ~ tl pxo CDt pxo (Dt I pxo ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ ~ o ~ oo ~ 6 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~. ~ 43 ~ 5134 ~ 130 ~ 0 ~ 8 ~ 6 ~ 1 ~ 65 ~ 1 ~ 8 ~ 0 ~ 2 ~ 0 ~ 1 ~ 06 ~ 19 ~ 3 ~ 40 ~ 2 ~ 17233 ~ 0 ~ 300 ~ 2 ~ 175 ~ 6 ~ 2a 1 0.025126 61 0.416674 121 -1.108044 181 -2.021740 241 -2.154818 301 2.310380 2 0.050212 62 0.397538 122 -1.129635 182 -2.032761 242 -2.136042 302 2.446588 3 0.075216 63 0.377739 123 -1.150938 183 -2.043680 243 -2.115963 303 2.584164 4 o.loO100 64 0.357303 124 -1.171955 184 -2.054494 244 -2.094544 304 2.723026 0.124823 65 0.336254 125 -1.192686 185 -2.065201 245 -Z.071745 305 2.863088 6 0.149346 66 0.314617 126 -1.213134 186 -2.075796 246 -2.047526 306 3.004260 7 0.173628 67 0.292418 127 -1.233300 187 -2.086277 247 -2.021850 307 3.146449 8 0.197632 68 0.269682 128 -1.253188 188 -2.096638 248 -1.994677 308 3.289560 9 0.221318 69 0.246435 129 -1.272800 189 -2.106875 249 -1.965968 309 3.433493 0.244649 70 0.222704 130 -1.292139 190 -2.116983 250 -1.935682 310 3.578148 11 0.267588 71 0.198514 131 -1.311208 191 -2.126956 251 -1.903782 311 3.723418 12 0.290098 72 0.173892 132 -1.330011 192 -2.136789 252 -1.870229 312 3.869197 13 0.312143 73 0.148864 133 -1.348553 193 -2.146473 253 -1.834984 313 4.015374 14 0.333688 74 0.123457 134 -1.366836 194 -2.156002 254 -1.798008 314 4.161837 ~ 15 ~ 0 ~, 3 ~ 546 ~ 9 ~ 9 ~ 7 ~ 5 ~ 0 ~. ~ 097 ~ 6 ~ 96 ~ l3 ~ 5 ~ 3 ~ 84 ~ 865 ~ 19 ~ 5 ~ 2 ~ 6 ~ 5 ~ 3 ~ 6 ~ 9 ~ 2 ~ s5 ~ 7 ~ S9264 ~ 3 ~ l5 ~ 4 ~ 30 ~ 84 ~ 7 ~ 0 16 0.375143 76 0.071607 136 -1.402645 196 -2.174565 256 -1.718715 316 4.455156 7 0.394988 77 0.045216 137 -1.420181 197 -2.183581 257 -1.676324 317 4.601775 18 0.414202 78 0.018550 138 -1.437476 198 -2.192409 258 -1.632054 318 4.748205 19 0.432755 79 -0.008368 139 -1.454536 199 -2.201037 259 -1.585871 319 4.894323 0.450619 80 -0.035511 140 -1.471366 200 -2.209457 260 -1.537740 320 5.040003 21 0.467765 81 -0.062856 141 -1.487971 201 -2.217655 261 -1.487627 321 5.185119 22 0.484168 82 -0.090377 142 -1.504355 202 -2.225622 262 -1.435500 322 5.32954 23 0.499800 83 -0.118052 143 -1.520525 203 -2.233345 263 -1.381328 323 5.473142 24 0.514640 84 -0.145856 144 -1.536485 204 -2.240810 264 -1.325079 324 5.615789 0.528663 85 -0.173767 145 -1.552241 205 -2.248005 265 -1.266726 325 5.757351 26 0.541849 86 -0.201762 146 -1.567798 206 -2.254914 266 -1.206240 326 5.897697

27 0.554178 87 -0.229820 147 -1.583161 207 -2.261524 267 -1.143596 327 6.036692 27 0.554178 87 -0.229820 147 -1.583161 207 -2.261524 267 -1.143596 327 6.036692

28 0.565630 88 -0.257919 148 -1.598335 208 -2.267818 268 -1.078769 328 6.174205 28 0.565630 88 -0.257919 148 -1.598335 208 -2.267818 268 -1.078769 328 6.174205

29 0.576190 89 -0.286039 149 -1.613326 209 -2.273781 269 -1.011737 329 6.310101 ~3~0~ a.~5~85~84~ 9~Q~ 0~.~3~i4~159~1~0~ 6~2~8~13~9 2~1~0~ 2~2~7~9~3~g~5~2~7~0~ 4.~94247~8~330~ 6~4~44~24~7 31 0.594569 91 -0.342260 151 -1.642779 211 -2.284643 271 -0.870973 331 6.576510 32 0.602361 92 -0.370324 152 -1.657252 212 -2.289507 272 -0.797206 332 6.706757 33 0.609207 93 -0.398331 153 -1.671561 213 -2.293968 273 -0.721160 333 6.834856 34 0.615097 94 -0.426265 154 -1.685713 214 -2.298005 274 -0.642824 334 6.960676 0.620022 95 -0.454109 155 -1.699711 215 -2.301599 275 -0.562188 335 7.084087 36 0.623977 96 -0.481847 156 -1.713561 216 -2.304728 276 -0.479241 336 7.204959 37 0.626954 97 -0.509463 157 -1.727267 217 -2.307370 277 -0.393980 337 7.323164 38 0.628952 98 -0.536943 158 -1.740833 218 -2.309503 278 -0.306401 338 7.438576 39 0.629968 99 -0.564272 159 -1.754265 219 -2.311103 279 -0.216503 339 7.55107 0.630000 100 -0.591438 160 -1.767565 220 -2.312147 280 -0.124290 340 7.660526 41 0.629051lol -0.618429 161 -1.780739 221 -2.312608 281 -0.029764 341 7.766821 42 0.627121 102 -0.645231 162 -1.793789 222 -2.312461 282 0.067064 342 7.869839 43 0.624215 103 -0.671834 163 -1.806720 223 -2.311681 283 0.166184 343 7.969462 44 0.620338 104 -0.698228 164 -1.819534 224 -2.310240 284 0.267583 344 8.065580 ~45~ 0~6~1~5~4~96~105 -~0~.7244~03 165 ~ 83223~5~2~2~5~ 2~3~0~81q9 28~5~ 0~37l243~3~45 ~8.~1~5~8~0~8~1 46 0.609696 106 -0.750350 166 -1.844827 226 -2.305261 286 0.477144 346 8.246860 47 0.602948 107 -0.776060 167 -1.857311 227 -2.301665 287 0.585261 347 8.331812 48 0.595261 108 -0.801527 168 -1.869690 228 -2.297292 288 0.695569 348 8.412838 49 0.586648 109 -0.826742 169 -1.881967 229 -2.292112 289 0.808037 349 8.489841 0.577121 110 -0.851700 170 -1.894143 230 -2.286092 290 0.922631 350 8.562728 51 0.566693 111 -0.876395 171 -1.906221 231 -2.279200 291 1.039315 351 8.631411 52 0.555380 112 -0.900822 172 -1.918201 232 -2.271403 292 1.158047 352 8.695804 53 0.543198 113 -0.924976 173 -1.930085 233 -2.262669 293 1.278784 353 8.755827 54 0.530163 114 -0.948854 174 -1.941874 234 -2.252963 294 1.401478 354 8.811404 0.516295 115 -0.972452 175 -1.953568 235 -2.242250 295 1.526077 355 8.862463 56 0.501610 116 -0.995767 176 -1.965168 236 -2.230495 296 1.652528 356 8.908935 57 0.486130 117 -1.018797 177 -1.976674 237 -2.217662 297 1.780771 357 8.950759 58 0.469874 118 -1.041541 178 -1.988085 238 -2.203715 298 1.910745 358 8.987877 59 0.452865 119 -1.063997 179 -1.999400 239 -2.188617 299 2.042384 359 9.020236 6~0~ 0.4~35~1~2~4~120~ 0861~65~ 2~0~10~6~1~9~240~ 2~ 72~33~0 30~0~ 3~.17~5620 36~0~ g~0477~87 CA 02203937 l997-04-29 le Conve. Ii.jeur Force, DC"' -: I t / Couple ¦ Mémoire descriptif Auteur: Dan Anghel ¦ page 39 de 44 AN~ EXE 4 page 2 de 3 ~tl pXO ~tl pxO ~tl pxO ~tl pXO ~t pxO ~tl pxO
~3~6~0~ 9~04~7~7~8~7~4~20~ 3~.04~$68 48~ 4~344~6~6!~0~54~0~ 6~.~0~3~1~8~5~8~6~0~0~-5.~43~0825~b6~0~ 4.~7~8~636~4 361 9.070488 421 2.875732 481 -4.404705 541 -6.042881 601 -5.373633 661 5.073625 362 9.088300 422 2.705820 482 -4.462985 542 -6.053607 602 -5.313624 662 5.363050 363 9.101192 423 2.536249 483 -4.519538 543 -6.064034 603 -5.250724 663 5.654458 364 9.109136 424 2.367134 484 -4.574404 544 -6.074157 604 -5.184854 664 5.947663 365 9.112109 425 2.198586 485 -4.627622 545 -6.083970 605 -5.115941 665 6.242470 366 9.110096 426 2.030712 486 -4.679231 546 -6.093467 606 -5.043907 666 6.538683 367 9.103084 427 1.863620 487 -4.729270 547 -6.102639 607 -4.968677 667 6.836096 368 9.091068 428 1.697412 488 -4.777780 548 -6.111477 608 -4.890176 668 7.134500 369 9.074047 429 1.532186 489 -4.824799 549 -6.119971 609 -4.808330 669 7.433680 370 9.052027 430 1.368040 490 -4.870369 550 -6.128110 610 -4.723065 670 7.733416 371 9.025017 431 1.205066 491 -4.914528 551 -6.135880 611 -4.634307 671 8.033484 372 8.993034 432 1.043354 492 -4.957315 552 -6.143267 612 -4.541985 672 8.333655 373 8.956098 433 0.882990 493 -4.998770 553 -6.150256 613 -4.446027 673 8.633696 374 8.914236 434 0.724057 494 -5.038932 554 -6.156831 614 -4.346366 674 8.933370 37588 8~8~6~74~79~435~ 0~.~56663~4~495~ 5~ 77~84a555~ 6~.~162~g~73 6~ 4.a4~93~1~675~ 9~.2~24~3~6-376 8.815866 436 0.410797 496 -5.115530 556 -6.168664 616 -4.135658 676 9.530650 377 8.759438 437 0.256617 497 -5.152043 557 -6.173882 617 -4.024482 677 9.827765 378 8.698243 438 0.104163 498 -5.187413 558 -6.178606 618 -3.909339 678 10.12353 379 8.632332 439 -0.046500 499 -5.221680 559 -6.182813 619 -3.790171 679 10.417696 380 8.561765 440 -0.195312 500 -5.254878 560 -6.186478 620 -3.666918 680 10.710006 381 8.486602 441 -0.342215 501 -5.287045 561 -6.189576 621 -3.539527 681 11.000205 382 8.406911 442 -0.487156 502 -5.318214 562 -6.192078 622 -3.407943 682 11.288035 383 8.322765 443 -0.630084 503 -5.348420 563 -6.193956 623 -3.272118 683 11.573238 384 8.234238 444 -0.770954 504 -5.377698 564 -6.195181 624 -3.132005 684 11.855554 385 8.141413 445 -0.909722 505 -5.406081 565 -6.195720 625 -2.987561 685 12.134725 386 8.044375 446 -1.046349 506 -5.433601 566 -6.195541 626 -2.838746 686 12.41049 387 7.943211 447 -1.180801 507 -5.460289 567 -6.194609 627 -2.685524 687 12.682592 388 7.838017 448 -1.313044 508 -5.486178 568 -6.192888 628 -2.527863 688 12.950771 389 7.728889 449 -1.443051 509 -5.511296 569 -6.190341 629 -2.365734 689 13.214770 3~90~ 7~6~1592~8g~5~0~ 51~0q~96 510~-5~5356~4~5q~0~ 6~ 8~6~93~0~63~0~-2~199115~690~ 3~.474334 391 7.499238 451 -1.696258 511 -5.559340 571 -6.182613 631 -2.027985 691 13.729209 392 7.378928 452 -1.819417 512 -5.582322 572 -6.177350 632 -1.852331 692 13.979144 393 7.255107 453 -1.940259 513 -5.604646 573 -6.171096 633 -1.672141 693 14.223890 394 7.127891 454 -2.058771 514 -5.626339 574 -6.163808 634 -1.487411 694 14.463202 395 6.997396 455 -2.174945 515 -5.647426 575 -6.155439 635 -1.298142 695 14.696837 396 6.863742 456 -2.288773 516 -5.667932 576 -6.145941 636 -1.104339 696 14.924557 397 6.727050 457 -2.400254 517 -5.687878 577 -6.135266 637 -0.906012 697 15.146128 398 6.587446 458 -2.509386 518 -5.707289 578 -6.123362 638 -0.703180 698 15.361320 399 6.445054 459 -2.616172 519 -5.726185 579 -6.110177 639 -0.495863 699 15.569907 400 6.300004 460 -2.720617 520 -5.744587 580 -6.095659 640 -0.284090 700 15.771672 401 6.152424 461 -2.822728 521 -5.762515 581 -6.079752 641 -0.067897 701 15.966398 402 6.002447 462 -2.922516 522 -5.779987 582 -6.062399 642 0.152677 702 16.153879 403 5.850205 463 -3.019992 523 -5.797020 583 -6.043543 643 0.377585 703 16.333912 404 5.695832 464 -3.115171 524 -5.813633 584 -6.023124 644 0.606773 704 16.506302 4~0~5~ 5~5~3~9~4~6~ 4~6~5~ 3~,~248~07~0~52~5~-5.~82~9~8~4~5g5~ 6~Q~0~1~0~8~3~645~ 0~84~0'182~7~5~ 6~ 6~7~0~8~6~1 406 5.381229 466 -3.298707 526 -5.845656 586 -5.977357 646 1.077744 706 16.827407 407 5.221269 467 -3.387104 527 -5.861094 587 -5.951883 647 1.319387 707 16.975767 408 5.059719 468 -3.473282 528 -5.876168 588 -5.924596 648 1.565031 708 17.115774 409 4.896714 469 -3.557267 529 -5.890890 589 -5.895431 649 1.814589 709 17.247270 410 4.732389 470 -3.639083 530 -5.905269 590 -5.864322 650 2.067967 710 17.370106 411 4.566879 471 -3.718758 531 -5.919316 591 -5.831199 651 2.325065 711 17.484140 412 4.400320 472 -3.796321 532 -5.933040 592 -5.795995 652 2.585776 712 17.589240 413 4.232845 473 -3.871803 533 -5.946447 593 -5.758639 653 2.849986 713 17.685283 414 4.064587 474 -3.945234 534 -5.959544 594 -5.719060 654 3.117573 714 17.772154 415 3.895677 475 -4.016648 535 -5.972338 595 -5.677186 655 3.388408 715 17.849748 416 3.726246 476 -4.086077 536 -5.984831 596 -5.632944 656 3.662358 716 17.91797 417 3.556424 477 -4.153557 537 -5.997028 597 -5.586262 657 3.939281 717 17.976735 418 3.386337 478 -4.219124 538 -6.008931 598 -5.537064 658 4.219027 718 18.025966 419 3.216110 479 -4.282812 539 -6.020541 599 -5.485277 659 4.501442 719 18.065597 ~4~Q~3~a4~5~8~6~B~48~0~-4~34466~540~ 6~03~1~85~8~600 -5.~430~82~ 6~b~0~ 4.~7863~64 7~0~ 8~0~9~5~5~74 CA 02203937 l997-04-29 le Convcl li.,.,cur Force, D~p'- - _Gl / Couple ¦ Mémoire de~_l i~.lil Auteur: Dan Anghel ¦ page 40 de 44 ~NRX~ 4 page 3 de 3 0tl pXO 0tl pxO 0tl pxO 0tl pxO 0t pxO 0tl pxO
~72~0~18.~09~5~5~74~7~a~0~ 5~.~6566~12~a40 ~-7.~6~03~1~5~6~9~0~0~ 0~05~309~6~ 9~60 -~$~.689321~1~020 ~7~3~g~71Q~9 721 18.115849 781 5.334790 841 -7.701366gol -10.064021 961 -8.592448 1021 7.836870 722 18.126389 782 5.014102 842 -7.796335 902 -10.074453 962 -8.491207 1022 8.279512 723 18.127168 783 4.694759 843 -7.888139 903 -10.084388 963 -8.385484 1023 8.724752 724 18.118171 784 4.376965 844 -7.976854 904 -10.093820 964 -8.275165 1024 9.172299 725 18.099395 785 4.060917 845 -8.062558 905 -10.102739 965 -8.160137 1025 9.621853 726 18.070846 786 3.746808 846 -8.145327 906 -10.111137 966 -8.040287 1026 10.073106 727 18.032540 787 3.434822 847 -8.225239 907 -lO.ll900o 967 -7.915504 1027 10.525743 728 17.984504 788 3.125141 848 -8.302371 908 -10.126316 968 -7.785675 1028 10.979440 729 17.926777 789 2.817936 849 -8.376799gog -10.133067 969 -7.650693 1029 11.433866 730 17.859405 790 2.513375 850 -8.448599 910 -10.139236 970 -7.510447 1030 11.888684 731 17.782446 791 2.211617 851 -8.517847 911 -10.144803 971 -7.364831 1031 12.343550 732 17.695969 792 1.912815 852 -8.584619 912 -10.149745 972 -7.213740 1032 12.798113 733 17.600052 793 1.617116 853 -8.648988 913 -10.154040 973 -7.057071 1033 13.252018 734 17.494783 794 1.324657 854 -8.711029 914 -10.157660 974 -6.894723 1034 13.704902 ~735~17~3~8026~D~79~5~ 03~57~3~$Y5~ 8~.7708~14~91~5~ 10~16~0~5~7~B~975~ C.~726598~103~5~14~.~1$64~Dl 736 17.256589 796 0.749987 856 -8.828415 916 -10.162763 976 -6.552601 1036 14.606143 737 17.123888 797 0.468018 857 -8.883904 917 -10.164183 977 -6.372639 1037 15.053755 738 16.982283 798 0.189777 858 -8.937351 918 -10.164804 978 -6.186624 1038 15.498857 739 16.831909 799 -0.084633 859 -8.988824 919 -10.164589 979 -5.994470 1039 15.941070 740 16.672910 800 -0.355113 860 -9.038391 920 -10.163500 980 -5.796097 1040 16.380009 741 16.505438 801 -0.621574 861 -9.086119 921 -10.161496 981 -5.591427 1041 16.815291 742 16.329655 802 -0.883934 862 -9.132072 922 -10.158534 982 -5.380387 1042 17.246529 743 16.145729 803 -1.142116 863 -9.176316 923 -10.154568 983 -5.162909 1043 17.673334 744 15.953837 804 -1.396051 864 -9.218912 924 -10.149552 984 -4.938932 1044 18.095320 745 15.754163 805 -1.645676 865 -9.259921 925 -10.143436 985 -4.708396 1045 18.512099 746 15.546900 806 -1.890936 866 -9.299404 926 -10.136168 986 -4.471252 1046 18.923285 747 15.332245 807 -2.131781 867 -9.337418 927 -10.127694 987 -4.227451 1047 19.328492 748 15.110404 808 -2.368169 868 -9.374020 928 -10.117958 988 -3.976956 1048 19.727337 749 14.881588 809 -2.600063 869 -9.409266 929 -10.106902 989 -3.719732 1049 20.119439 ~75~0~14~64~6~01~5~81~0~ 82~743~3~87~0~ 9~.44320~B93~a~ 0~.~0944~6~4 9gO~ g~.4557~52~10~5a~2~a~6~04421 751 14.403907 811 -3.050255 871 -9.475900 931 -10.080583 991 -3.184997 1051 20.881908 752 14.155494 812 -3.268510 872 -9.507391 932 -10.065192 992 -2.907455 1052 21.251531 753 13.901007 813 -3.482186 873 -9.537731 933 -10.048225 993 -2.623121 1053 21.612924 754 13.640685 814 -3.691277 874 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25~ 8364~1 766 10.152761 826 -5.847065 886 -9.846484 946 -9.649453 1006 1.678344 1066 25.407955 767 9.839591 827 -5.998148 887 -9.864878 947 -9.602100 1007 2.053512 1067 25.619721 768 9.524177 828 -6.145038 888 -9.882647 948 -9.551900 1008 2.434492 1068 25.818709 769 9.206780 829 -6.287791 889 -9.899813 949 -9.498751 1009 2.821140 1069 26.004699 770 8.887657 830 -6.426465 890 -9.916396 950 -9.442552 1010 3.213302 1070 26.177483 771 8.567066 831 -6.561120 891 -9.932412 951 -9.383199 1011 3.610816 1071 26.336869 772 8.245260 832 -6.691820 892 -9.947878 952 -9.320587 1012 4.013506 1072 26.482677 773 7.922492 833 -6.818629 893 -9.962809 953 -9.254608 1013 4.421188 1073 26.614739 774 7.599010 834 -6.941614 894 -9.977214 954 -9.185156 1014 4.833668 1074 26.732904 775 7.275060 835 -7.060844 895 -9.991107 955 -9.112121 1015 5.250740 1075 26.837034 776 6.950883 836 -7.176388 896 -10.004494 956 -9.035394 1016 5.672189 1076 26.927006 777 6.626718 837 -7.288318 897 -10.017382 957 -8.954862 1017 6.097791 1077 27.002711 778 6.302799 838 -7.396706 898 -10.029777 958 -8.870414 1018 6.527310 1078 27.064055 779 5.979356 839 -7.501628 899 -10.041682 959 -8.781938 1019 6.960500 1079 27.110959 78~0~ 5.~6~5~6~6~12~8~40~-~7~.~6~0gl~56~9~00 -10 .~0$3~096~96~0~ 8~ 6~8g3~2~ 10~2:0 ~7~ 3~97~10 9 1~080~ 27.~14~3361 -CA 02203937 l997-04-29 le Convertisseur Force, D;~ e.. l / Couple ¦ Mémoire d~sc~ r Auteur: Dan Anghel ¦ page 41 de 44 ANNEXE 5 page 1 de 2 ~tl S3pXl l S3pX3 I S6pxl ~tl S3pXl I S3px3 I S6pxl ~tl S3pxl I S3px3 IS6pxl O~O~.~OO~QO~00~ 0~0~0~0~0~0~0~0~4~0~0~0~0~0~ 60~ 0~.3~1~0986~:~0.:3~109g~6~ 0~ 2~1~9~7~2~12~0~ 621972~ 6~1972~ 243~94 1 0.005086 0.005280 0.010366 61 0.322069 0.310269 0.632338 121 0.615452 0.638857 1.254309 2 0.009980 0.010753 0.020732 62 0.333328 0.309375 0.642703 122 0.608770 0.655903 1.264673 3 0.014682 0.016416 0.031098 63 0.344746 0.308321 0.653067 123 0.601960 0.673076 1.275036 4 0.019195 0.022269 0.041464 64 0.356305 0.307125 0.663431 124 0.595055 0.690341 1.285397 5 0.023524 0.028307 0.051830 65 0.367986 0.305808 0.673793 125 0.588092 0.707665 1.295756 6 0.027672 0.034524 0.062196 66 0.379768 0.304388 0.684155 126 0.581104 0.725011 1.306115 7 0.031645 0.040917 0.072561 67 0.391630 0.302887 0.694516 127 0.574129 0.742343 1.316472 8 0.035450 0.047476 0.082927 68 0.403550 0.301327 0.704877 128 0.567203 0.759624 1.326827 9 0.039095 0.054197 0.093292 69 0.415507 0.299730 0.715237 129 0.560364 0.776817 1.337182 lo 0.042588 0.061068 0.103657 70 0.427477 0.298118 0.725596 130 0.553649 0.793886 1.347535 11 0.045939 0.068082 0.114021 71 0.439437 0.296517 0.735954 131 0.547094 0.810793 1.357887 12 0.049158 0.075227 0.124385 72 0.451364 0.294948 0.746312 132 0.540739 0.827500 1.368239 13 0.052256 0.082493 0.134749 73 0.463232 0.293438 0.756669 133 0.534619 0.843970 1.378589 14 0.055245 0.089868 0.145113 74 0.475017 0.292009 0.767026 134 0.528773 0.860166 1.388940 5~ 0.~5~8137~ 0~ 0~9~733~9~ 4~ 5~5~4~7~7~ 7~5~ 0~.~486696~ 0~2~9~0~87~ 0~,~77~738~3~ 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0.255573 0.383479 97 0.670017 0.335320 1.005337 157 0.542735 1.084460 1.627195 38 0.132771 0.261075 0.393846 98 0.673300 0.342409 1.015709 158 0.552048 1.085524 1.637572 39 0.137891 0.266323 0.404214 99 0.676051 0.350031 1.026082 159 0.562171 1.085779 1.647950 40 0.143275 0.271307 0.414582 loo 0.678268 0.358188 1.036456 160 0.573101 1.085229 1.658330 41 0.148932 0.276019 0.424951 101 0.679950 0.366881 1.046831 161 0.584830 1.083881 1.668711 42 0.154868 0.280452 0.435320 102 0.681098 0.376108 1.057207 162 0.597348 1.081744 1.679093 43 0.161090 0.284599 0.445690 103 0.681715 0.385868 1.067583 163 0.610645 1.078831 1.689476 44 0.167604 0.288456 0.456060 104 0.681805 0.396155 1.077959 164 0.624705 1.075154 1.699859 ~45~ 0~.~174412~ 0.~Z~92~0~1~7~0~.~4~6~643~0~105~4~68137~4~0~.40~69~62~ 08~8336~1~6~5~ 4~.~63g5~12~ 07073~ ,7~1~D~24~3 46 0.181519 0.295281 0.476800 106 0.680430 0.418283 1.098713 166 0.655047 1.065579 1.720627 47 0.188926 0.298245 0.487171 107 0.678984 0.430107 1.109091 167 0.671289 1.059722 1.731011 48 0.196632 0.300909 0.497541 108 0.677045 0.442423 1.119468 168 0.688213 1.053182 1.741395 49 0.204638 0.303274 0.507912 109 0.674629 0.455216 1.129845 169 0.705793 1.045985 1.751778 50 0.212942 0.305341 0.518283 llo 0.671750 0.468472 1.140222 170 0.724002 1.038159 1.762161 51 0.221539 0.307114 0.528653 111 0.668424 0.482174 1.150598 171 0.742808 1.029735 1.772543 52 0.230426 0.308597 0.539024 112 0.664671 0.496303 1.160974 172 0.762179 1.020744 1.782924 53 0.239597 0.309796 0.549394 113 0.660510 0.510839 1.171349 173 0.782081 1.011223 1.793304 54 0.249045 0.310719 0.559763 114 0.655962 0.525761 1.181723 174 0.802477 1.001205 1.803682 55 0.258760 0.311373 0.570133 115 0.651052 0.541044 1.192096 175 0.823328 0.990731 1.814059 56 0.268735 0.311767 0.580502 116 0.645803 0.556665 1.202468 176 0.844595 0.979839 1.824434 57 0.278957 0.311913 0.590870 117 0.640243 0.572596 1.212839 177 0.866235 0.968572 1.834808 58 0.289415 0.311823 0.601238 118 0.634398 0.588811 1.223209 178 0.888206 0.956973 1.845179 59 0.300096 0.311509 0.611605 119 0.628298 0.605279 1.233577 179 0.910462 0.945086 1.855548 60~0.310986~ 0~.31~9~8~6~ 0~6~2~1972~1a~0~0~.~621972~0~621972 1.243944 1~8~0~ 0~.9~32g5~8~Q.~932g~$8~ B~6~5916 -le Convertisseur Force, DéF'~ nl / Couple ¦ Memoire dcs_- ;"lir Auteur: Dan Anghel ¦ page 42 de 44 A~!Y~ 5 page 2 de 2 ~tl S3pXl l S3pX3 1 S6pXl ~tl S3pXl I S3px3 I S6pxl ~tl S3pxl I S3px3 I S6pxl ~180 o~.~g3295~8~0~g32~95B~91~.8~6~59~1~6 2-40~1 243944 1~243g44~2~.~48~q8~8~8~30~0~1.554g3~ 554~93~ 3.~1~0~g~85~9 181 0.955646 0.920635 1.876281 241 1.225818 1.272435 2.498252 301 1.589223 1.531000 3.120224 182 0.978478 0.908165 1.886644 242 1.207561 1.301053 2.508614 302 1.623629 1.506956 3.130585 183 1.001405 0.895599 1.897004 243 1.189238 1.329735 2.518973 303 1.658065 1.482877 3.140942 184 1.024378 0.882986 1.907363 244 1.170916 1.358414 2.529329 304 1.692450 1.458846 3.151296 85 1.047344 0.870376 1.917720 245 1.152660 1.387023 2.539683 305 1.726702 1.434943 3.161646 186 1.070254 0.857820 1.928074 246 1.134536 1.415497 2.550033 306 1.760140 1.411253 3.171993 187 1.093056 0.845371 1.938427 247 1.116613 1.443769 2.560382 307 1.794482 1.387855 3.182337 188 1.115697 0.833080 1.948777 248 1.098956 1.471771 2.570728 308 1.827845 1.364833 3.192678 189 1.138128 0.820999 1.959126 249 1.081633 1.499438 2.581071 309 1.860749 1.342267 3.203016 l9o 1.160295 0.809179 1.969474 250 1.064709 1.526704 2.591413 310 1.893114 1.320239 3.213352 191 1.182148 0.797672 1.979820 251 1.048249 1.553504 2.601753 311 1.924860 1.298827 3.223686 192 1.203636 0.786529 1.990165 252 1.032319 1.579773 2.612092 312 1.955909 1.278110 3.234019 193 1.224709 0.775801 2.000510 253 1.016983 1.605447 2.622430 313 1.986185 1.258164 3.244350 194 1.245316 0.765537 2.010853 254 1.002302 1.630465 2.632766 314 2.015614 1.239066 3.254680 ~ss~ 26s40s~ a.7~s~s~7~s~7~ 2~ 0~2lls6~2ss~ o~.~sss3~3~7~ 6s4?6s~2~ 643~l~0~2~3~l~5~ 044l~2~2~ .2208~87~ 3.2~6~s~0~as 196 1.284940 0.746599 2.031539 256 0.975150 1.678289 2.653438 316 2.071638 1.203700 3.275338 97 1.303863 0.738019 2.041882 257 0.962796 1.700978 2.663774 317 2.098094 1.187573 3.285667 198 1.322132 0.730093 2.052225 258 0.951333 1.722778 2.674111 318 2.123424 1.172573 3.295997 199 1.339704 0.722864 2.062568 259 0.940813 1.743635 2.684448 319 2.147565 1.158762 3.306328 200 1.356536 0.716376 2.072912 260 0.931289 1.763497 2.694786 320 2.170458 1.146202 3.316660 201 1.372588 0.710670 2.083258 261 0.922810 1.782316 2.705126 321 2.192044 1.134950 3.326994 202 1.387822 0.705783 2.093604 262 0.915421 1.800046 2.715467 322 2.212270 1.125060 3.337330 203 1.402200 0.701753 2.103952 263 0.909167 1.816643 2.725810 323 2.231086 1.116582 3.347668 204 1.415688 0.698614 2.114302 264 0.904089 1.832067 2.736155 324 2.248446 1.109563 3.358009 205 1.428254 0.696399 2.124653 265 0.900223 1.846280 2.746503 325 2.264306 1.104047 3.368353 206 1.439869 0.695138 2.135007 266 0.8976~6 1.859248 2.756854 326 2.278627 1.100073 3.378700 207 1.450504 0.694859 2.145363 267 0.896267 1.870940 2.767207 327 2.291376 1.097675 3.389051 208 1.460135 0.695586 2.155720 268 0.896236 1.881327 2.777563 328 2.302520 1.096885 3.399405 209 1.468739 0.697342 2.166081 269 0.897535 1.890387 2.787922 329 2.312034 1.097729 3.409764 2~10~ 4~62~9~g~ 0~.7~00~1~4~6~2~ 7~6444~2~7~0~ 0~900187~ 898097~2.79~8~28~5 330~ 2~.~31~g897~ 0D229~3~4~a~012~6 211 1.482794 0.704015 2.186809 271 0.904209 1.904442 2.808650 331 2.326089 1.104402 3.430492 212 1.488214 0.708962 2.197177 272 0.909612 1.909407 2.819019 332 2.330600 1.110262 3.440862 213 1.492547 0.715000 2.207547 273 0.916408 1.912983 2.829391 333 2.333419 1.117816 3.451235 214 1.495786 0.722134 2.217920 274 0.924601 1.915165 2.839766 334 2.334544 1.127069 3.461613 215 1.497925 0.730370 2.228295 275 0.934194 1.915951 2.850145 335 2.333977 1.138018 3.471995 216 1.498964 0.739709 2.238673 276 0.945183 1.915343 2.860526 336 2.331722 1.150658 3.482380 217 1.498903 0.750149 2.249052 277 0.957564 1.913346 2.870910 337 2.327790 1.164978 3.492768 218 1.497748 0.761686 2.259434 278 0.971325 1.909972 2.881297 338 2.322197 1.180963 3.503160 219 1.495507 0.774312 2.269818 279 0.986452 1.905234 2.891686 339 2.314962 1.198592 3.513554 220 1.492190 0.788014 2.280204 280 1.002927 1.899150 2.902077 340 2.306111 1.217840 3.523951 221 1.487812 0.802779 2.290591 281 1.020728 1.891743 2.912471 341 2.295673 1.238677 3.534350 222 1.482390 0.818589 2.300979 282 1.039829 1.883036 2.922865 342 2.283682 1.261069 3.544752 223 1.475946 0.835422 2.311368 283 1.060200 1.873062 2.933261 343 2.270177 1.284977 3.555154 224 1.468503 0.853256 2.321759 284 1.081807 1.861852 2.943658 344 2.255200 1.310357 3.565558 22~5~ 460a87~ 0~.872~062~2~33~2~149~2~8~5~ 10461i2~ 849443~2~.~9~540~56~345~2~2~3~8800~ .337~1~62~3~.~5q59~6~2 226 1.450728 0.891812 2.342540 286 1.128576 1.835878 2.964453 346 2.221027 1.365340 3.586367 227 1.440460 0.912471 2.352931 287 1.153652 1.821199 2.974851 347 2.201937 1.394834 3.596771 228 1.429318 0.934003 2.363321 288 1.179794 1.805454 2.985248 348 2.181591 1.425584 3.607175 229 1.417340 0.956371 2.373711 289 1.206948 1.788696 2.995644 349 2.160051 1.457526 3.617577 230 1.404568 0.979532 2.384100 290 1.235062 1.770977 3.006039 350 2.137386 1.490592 3.627978 231 1.391045 1.003443 2.394488 291 1.264077 1.752356 3.016433 351 2.113666 1.524712 3.638378 232 1.376818 1.028056 2.404874 292 1.293933 1.732892 3.026824 352 2.088965 1.559809 3.648775 233 1.361936 1.053323 2.415259 293 1.324565 1.712649 3.037214 353 2.063362 1.595807 3.659169 234 1.346448 1.079193 2.425642 294 1.355909 1.691692 3.047601 354 2.036935 1.632626 3.669560 235 1.330410 1.105612 2.436022 295 1.387896 1.670089 3.057985 355 2.009768 1.670180 3.679948 236 1.313876 1.132525 2.446400 296 1.4204~5 1.647912 3.068367 356 1.981948 1.708385 3.690333 237 1.296902 1.159874 2.456776 297 1.453513 1.625232 3.078745 357 1.953561 1.747152 3.700714 238 1.279548 1.187601 2.467149 298 1.486996 1.602124 3.089120 358 1.924699 1.786391 3.711090 239 1.261875 1.215645 2.477520 299 1.520828 1.578664 3.099491 359 1.895453 1.826010 3.721463 ~2~40~ 243944~1.243~94~ 2~4~87~888~3~00~}~.554g3~0~ 554~93~0~3.~1Q9859 3~60~ 865916~ .865~9~16~3~.73~18~31 _,
29 0.576190 89 -0.286039 149 -1.613326 209 -2.273781 269 -1.011737 329 6.310101 ~ 3 ~ 0 ~ a. ~ 5 ~ 85 ~ 84 ~ 9 ~ Q ~ 0 ~. ~ 3 ~ i4 ~ 159 ~ 1 ~ 0 ~ 6 ~ 2 ~ 8 ~ 13 ~ 9 2 ~ 1 ~ 0 ~ 2 ~ 2 ~ 7 ~ 9 ~ 3 ~ g ~ 5 ~ 2 ~ 7 ~ 0 ~ 4. ~ 94247 ~ 8 ~ 330 ~ 6 ~ 4 ~ 44 ~ 24 ~ 7 31 0.594569 91 -0.342260 151 -1.642779 211 -2.284643 271 -0.870973 331 6.576510 32 0.602361 92 -0.370324 152 -1.657252 212 -2.289507 272 -0.797206 332 6.706757 33 0.609207 93 -0.398331 153 -1.671561 213 -2.293968 273 -0.721160 333 6.834856 34 0.615097 94 -0.426265 154 -1.685713 214 -2.298005 274 -0.642824 334 6.960676 0.620022 95 -0.454109 155 -1.699711 215 -2.301599 275 -0.562188 335 7.084087 36 0.623977 96 -0.481847 156 -1.713561 216 -2.304728 276 -0.479241 336 7.204959 37 0.626954 97 -0.509463 157 -1.727267 217 -2.307370 277 -0.393980 337 7.323164 38 0.628952 98 -0.536943 158 -1.740833 218 -2.309503 278 -0.306401 338 7.438576 39 0.629968 99 -0.564272 159 -1.754265 219 -2.311103 279 -0.216503 339 7.55107 0.630000 100 -0.591438 160 -1.767565 220 -2.312147 280 -0.124290 340 7.660526 41 0.629051lol -0.618429 161 -1.780739 221 -2.312608 281 -0.029764 341 7.766821 42 0.627121 102 -0.645231 162 -1.793789 222 -2.312461 282 0.067064 342 7.869839 43 0.624215 103 -0.671834 163 -1.806720 223 -2.311681 283 0.166184 343 7.969462 44 0.620338 104 -0.698228 164 -1.819534 224 -2.310240 284 0.267583 344 8.065580 ~ 45 ~ 0 ~ 6 ~ 1 ~ 5 ~ 4 ~ 96 ~ 105 - ~ 0 ~ .7244 ~ 03 165 ~ 83223 ~ 5 ~ 2 ~ 2 ~ 5 ~ 2 ~ 3 ~ 0 ~ 81q9 28 ~ 5 ~ 0 ~ 37l243 ~ 3 ~ 45 ~ 8. ~ 1 ~ 5 ~ 8 ~ 0 ~ 8 ~ 1 46 0.609696 106 -0.750 350 166 -1.844827 226 -2.305261 286 0.477144 346 8.246860 47 0.602948 107 -0.776060 167 -1.857311 227 -2.301665 287 0.585261 347 8.331812 48 0.595261 108 -0.801527 168 -1.869690 228 -2.297292 288 0.695569 348 8.412838 49 0.586648 109 -0.826742 169 -1.881967 229 -2.292112 289 0.808037 349 8.489841 0.577121 110 -0.851700 170 -1.894143 230 -2.286092 290 0.922631 350 8.562728 51 0.566693 111 -0.876395 171 -1.906221 231 -2.279200 291 1.039315 351 8.631411 52 0.555380 112 -0.900822 172 -1.918201 232 -2.271403 292 1.158047 352 8.695804 53 0.543198 113 -0.924976 173 -1.930085 233 -2.262669 293 1.278784 353 8.755827 54 0.530163 114 -0.948854 174 -1.941874 234 -2.252963 294 1.401478 354 8.811404 0.516295 115 -0.972452 175 -1.953568 235 -2.242250 295 1.526077 355 8.862463 56 0.501610 116 -0.995767 176 -1.965168 236 -2.230495 296 1.652528 356 8.908935 57 0.486 130 117 -1.018797 177 -1.976674 237 -2.217662 297 1.780771 357 8.950759 58 0.469874 118 -1.041541 178 -1.988085 238 -2.203715 298 1.910745 358 8.987877 59 0.452865 119 -1.063997 179 -1.999400 239 -2.188617 299 2.042384 359 9.020236 6 ~ 0 ~ 0.4 ~ 35 ~ 1 ~ 2 ~ 4 ~ 120 ~ 0861 ~ 65 ~ 2 ~ 0 ~ 10 ~ 6 ~ 1 ~ 9 ~ 240 ~ 2 ~ 72 ~ 33 ~ 0 30 ~ 0 ~ 3 ~ .17 ~ 5620 36 ~ 0 ~ g ~ 0477 ~ 87 CA 02203937 l997-04-29 the Conve. Ii.jeur Force, DC "'-: I t / Torque ¦ Descriptive memory Author: Dan Anghel ¦ page 39 of 44 AN ~ EXE 4 page 2 of 3 ~ tl pXO ~ tl pxO ~ tl pxO ~ tl pXO ~ t pxO ~ tl pxO
~ 3 ~ 6 ~ 0 ~ 9 ~ 04 ~ 7 ~ 7 ~ 8 ~ 7 ~ 4 ~ 20 ~ 3 ~ .04 ~ $ 68 48 ~ 4 ~ 344 ~ 6 ~ 6! ~ 0 ~ 54 ~ 0 ~ 6 ~. ~ 0 ~ 3 ~ 1 ~ 8 ~ 5 ~ 8 ~ 6 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ -5. ~ 43 ~ 0825 ~ b6 ~ 0 ~ 4. ~ 7 ~ 8 ~ 636 ~ 4 361 9.070488 421 2.875732 481 -4.404705 541 -6.042881 601 -5.373633 661 5.073625 362 9,088,300 422 2.705,820 482 -4.462985 542 -6.053607 602 -5.313624 662 5.363050 363 9.101192 423 2.536249 483 -4.519538 543 -6.064034 603 -5.250724 663 5.654458 364 9.109 136 424 2.367 134 484 -4.574404 544 -6.074157 604 -5.184854 664 5.947663 365 9.112109 425 2.198586 485 -4.627622 545 -6.083970 605 -5.115941 665 6.242470 366 9.110096 426 2.030712 486 -4.679231 546 -6.093467 606 -5.043907 666 6.538683 367 9.103084 427 1.863620 487 -4.729270 547 -6.102639 607 -4.968677 667 6.836096 368 9.091068 428 1.697412 488 -4.777780 548 -6.111477 608 -4.890176 668 7.134500 369 9.074047 429 1.532186 489 -4.824799 549 -6.119971 609 -4.808330 669 7.433680 370 9.052027 430 1.368040 490 -4.870369 550 -6.128110 610 -4.723065 670 7.733416 371 9.025017 431 1.205066 491 -4.914528 551 -6.135880 611 -4.634307 671 8.033484 372 8.993034 432 1.043354 492 -4.957315 552 -6.143267 612 -4.541985 672 8.333655 373 8.956098 433 0.882990 493 -4.998770 553 -6.150256 613 -4.446027 673 8.633696 374 8.914236 434 0.724057 494 -5.038932 554 -6.156831 614 -4.346366 674 8.933370 37588 8 ~ 8 ~ 6 ~ 74 ~ 79 ~ 435 ~ 0 ~. ~ 56663 ~ 4 ~ 495 ~ 5 ~ 77 ~ 84a555 ~ 6 ~. ~ 162 ~ g ~ 73 6 ~ 4.a4 ~ 93 ~ 1 ~ 675 ~ 9 ~ .2 ~ 24 ~ 3 ~ 6-376 8.815866 436 0.410797 496 -5.115530 556 -6.168664 616 -4.135658 676 9.530650 377 8.759438 437 0.256617 497 -5.152043 557 -6.173882 617 -4.024482 677 9.827765 378 8.698243 438 0.104163 498 -5.187413 558 -6.178606 618 -3.909339 678 10.12353 379 8,632,332 439 -0.046500 499 -5.221680 559 -6.182813 619 -3.790171 679 10.417696 380 8.561765 440 -0.195312 500 -5.254878 560 -6.186478 620 -3.666918 680 10.710006 381 8,486,602 441 -0.342215 501 -5.287045 561 -6.189576 621 -3.539527 681 11.000205 382 8.406911 442 -0.487156 502 -5.318214 562 -6.192078 622 -3.407943 682 11.288035 383 8.322765 443 -0.630084 503 -5.348420 563 -6.193956 623 -3.272118 683 11.573238 384 8.234 238 444 -0.770 954 504 -5.377 698 564 -6.195181 624 -3.132 005 684 11.855554 385 8.141413 445 -0.909722 505 -5.406081 565 -6.195720 625 -2.987561 685 12.134725 386 8.044375 446 -1.046349 506 -5.433601 566 -6.195541 626 -2.838746 686 12.41049 387 7.943211 447 -1.180801 507 -5.460289 567 -6.194609 627 -2.685524 687 12.682592 388 7.838017 448 -1.313044 508 -5.486178 568 -6.192888 628 -2.527863 688 12.950771 389 7.728889 449 -1.443051 509 -5.511296 569 -6.190341 629 -2.365734 689 13.214770 3 ~ 90 ~ 7 ~ 6 ~ 1592 ~ 8g ~ 5 ~ 0 ~ 51 ~ 0q ~ 96 510 ~ -5 ~ 5356 ~ 4 ~ 5q ~ 0 ~ 6 ~ 8 ~ 6 ~ 93 ~ 0 ~ 63 ~ 0 ~ -2 ~ 199115 ~ 690 ~ 3 ~ .474334 391 7,499 238 451 -1.696 258 511 -5.559340 571 -6.182613 631 -2.027985 691 13.729209 392 7.378928 452 -1.819417 512 -5.582322 572 -6.177350 632 -1.852331 692 13.979144 393 7.255107 453 -1.940259 513 -5.604646 573 -6.171096 633 -1.672141 693 14.223890 394 7.127891 454 -2.058771 514 -5.626339 574 -6.163808 634 -1.487411 694 14.463202 395 6.997396 455 -2.174945 515 -5.647426 575 -6.155439 635 -1.298142 695 14.696837 396 6.863742 456 -2.288773 516 -5.667932 576 -6.145941 636 -1.104339 696 14.924557 397 6.727050 457 -2.400254 517 -5.687878 577 -6.135266 637 -0.906012 697 15.146128 398 6.587446 458 -2.509386 518 -5.707289 578 -6.123362 638 -0.703180 698 15.361320 399 6.445054 459 -2.616172 519 -5.726185 579 -6.110177 639 -0.495863 699 15.569907 400 6.300004 460 -2.720617 520 -5.744587 580 -6.095659 640 -0.284090 700 15.771672 401 6.152424 461 -2.822728 521 -5.762515 581 -6.079752 641 -0.067897 701 15.966398 402 6.002447 462 -2.922516 522 -5.779987 582 -6.062399 642 0.152677 702 16.153879 403 5,850 205 463 -3.019992 523 -5.797020 583 -6.043543 643 0.377585 703 16.333912 404 5.695832 464 -3.115171 524 -5.813633 584 -6.023124 644 0.606773 704 16.506302 4 ~ 0 ~ 5 ~ 5 ~ 5 ~ 3 ~ 9 ~ 4 ~ 6 ~ 4 ~ 6 ~ 5 ~ 3 ~, ~ 248 ~ 07 ~ 0 ~ 52 ~ 5 ~ -5. ~ 82 ~ 9 ~ 8 ~ 4 ~ 5g5 ~ 6 ~ Q ~ 0 ~ 1 ~ 0 ~ 8 ~ 3 ~ 645 ~ 0 ~ 84 ~ 0'182 ~ 7 ~ 5 ~ 6 ~ 6 ~ 7 ~ 0 ~ 8 ~ 6 ~ 1 406 5.381229 466 -3.298707 526 -5.845656 586 -5.977357 646 1.077744 706 16.827407 407 5.221269 467 -3.387104 527 -5.861094 587 -5.951883 647 1.319387 707 16.975767 408 5.059719 468 -3.473282 528 -5.876168 588 -5.924596 648 1.565031 708 17.115774 409 4.896714 469 -3.557267 529 -5.890890 589 -5.895431 649 1.814589 709 17.247270 410 4.732389 470 -3.639083 530 -5.905269 590 -5.864322 650 2.067967 710 17.370106 411 4.566879 471 -3.718758 531 -5.919316 591 -5.831199 651 2.325065 711 17.484140 412 4,400 320 472 -3.796321 532 -5.933040 592 -5.795995 652 2.585776 712 17.589240 413 4.232845 473 -3.871803 533 -5.946447 593 -5.758639 653 2.849986 713 17.685283 414 4.064587 474 -3.945234 534 -5.959544 594 -5.719060 654 3.117573 714 17.772154 415 3.895677 475 -4.016648 535 -5.972338 595 -5.677186 655 3.388408 715 17.849748 416 3,726,246 476 -4.086077 536 -5.984831 596 -5.632944 656 3.662358 716 17.91797 417 3.556424 477 -4.153557 537 -5.997028 597 -5.586262 657 3.939281 717 17.976735 418 3,386,337 478 -4,219,124 538 -6.008,931 598 -5.537064 658 4.219027 718 18.025966 419 3.216110 479 -4.282812 539 -6.020541 599 -5.485277 659 4.501442 719 18.065597 ~ 4 ~ Q ~ 3 ~ a4 ~ 5 ~ 8 ~ 6 ~ B ~ 48 ~ 0 ~ -4 ~ 34466 ~ 540 ~ 6 ~ 03 ~ 1 ~ 85 ~ 8 ~ 600 -5. ~ 430 ~ 82 ~ 6 ~ b ~ 0 ~ 4. ~ 7863 ~ 64 7 ~ 0 ~ 8 ~ 0 ~ 9 ~ 5 ~ 5 ~ 74 CA 02203937 l997-04-29 le Convcl li.,., cur Force, D ~ p'- - _Gl / Couple ¦ Memory of ~ _l i ~ .lil Author: Dan Anghel ¦ page 40 of 44 ~ NRX ~ 4 page 3 of 3 0tl pXO 0tl pxO 0tl pxO 0tl pxO 0t pxO 0tl pxO
~ 72 ~ 0 ~ 18. ~ 09 ~ 5 ~ 5 ~ 74 ~ 7 ~ a ~ 0 ~ 5 ~. ~ 6566 ~ 12 ~ a40 ~ -7. ~ 6 ~ 03 ~ 1 ~ 5 ~ 6 ~ 9 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 05 ~ 309 ~ 6 ~ 9 ~ 60 - ~ $ ~. 689 321 ~ 1 ~ 020 ~ 7 ~ 3 ~ g ~ 71Q ~ 9 721 18.115849 781 5.334790 841 -7.701366gol -10.064021 961 -8.592448 1021 7.836870 722 18.126389 782 5.014102 842 -7.796335 902 -10.074453 962 -8.491207 1022 8.279512 723 18,127 168 783 4,694,759 843 -7,888,139 903 -10,084,388 963 -8,385,484 1,023 8,724,752 724 18.118171 784 4.376965 844 -7.976854 904 -10.093820 964 -8.275165 1024 9.172299 725 18.099395 785 4.060917 845 -8.062558 905 -10.102739 965 -8.160137 1025 9.621853 726 18.070846 786 3.746808 846 -8.145327 906 -10.111137 966 -8.040287 1026 10.073106 727 18.032540 787 3.434822 847 -8.225239 907 -lO.ll900o 967 -7.915504 1027 10.525743 728 17.984504 788 3.125141 848 -8.302371 908 -10.126316 968 -7.785675 1028 10.979440 729 17.926777 789 2.817936 849 -8.376799gog -10.133067 969 -7.650693 1029 11.433866 730 17.859405 790 2.513375 850 -8.448599 910 -10.139236 970 -7.510447 1030 11.888684 731 17.782446 791 2.211617 851 -8.517847 911 -10.144803 971 -7.364831 1031 12.343550 732 17.695969 792 1.912815 852 -8.584619 912 -10.149745 972 -7.213740 1032 12.798113 733 17.600052 793 1.617116 853 -8.648988 913 -10.154040 973 -7.057071 1033 13.252018 734 17.494783 794 1.324657 854 -8.711029 914 -10.157660 974 -6.894723 1034 13.704902 ~ 735 ~ 17 ~ 3 ~ 8026 ~ D ~ 79 ~ 5 ~ 03 ~ 57 ~ 3 ~ $ Y5 ~ 8 ~ .7708 ~ 14 ~ 91 ~ 5 ~ 10 ~ 16 ~ 0 ~ 5 ~ 7 ~ B ~ 975 ~ C . ~ 726598 ~ 103 ~ 5 ~ 14 ~. ~ 1 $ 64 ~ Dl 736 17.256589 796 0.749987 856 -8.828415 916 -10.162763 976 -6.552601 1036 14.606143 737 17.123888 797 0.468018 857 -8.883904 917 -10.164183 977 -6.372639 1037 15.053755 738 16.982283 798 0.189777 858 -8.937351 918 -10.164804 978 -6.186624 1038 15.498857 739 16.831909 799 -0.084633 859 -8.988824 919 -10.164589 979 -5.994470 1039 15.941070 740 16.672910 800 -0.355113 860 -9.038391 920 -10.163500 980 -5.796097 1040 16.380009 741 16.505438 801 -0.621574 861 -9.086119 921 -10.161496 981 -5.591427 1041 16.815291 742 16.329655 802 -0.883934 862 -9.132072 922 -10.158534 982 -5.380387 1042 17.246529 743 16.145729 803 -1.142116 863 -9.176316 923 -10.154568 983 -5.162909 1043 17.673334 744 15.953837 804 -1.396051 864 -9.218912 924 -10.149552 984 -4.938932 1044 18.095320 745 15.754 163 805 -1.645676 865 -9.259921 925 -10.143436 985 -4.708396 1045 18.512099 746 15.546900 806 -1.890936 866 -9.299404 926 -10.136168 986 -4.471252 1046 18.923285 747 15.332245 807 -2.131781 867 -9.337418 927 -10.127694 987 -4.227451 1047 19.328492 748 15.110404 808 -2.368169 868 -9.374020 928 -10.117958 988 -3.976956 1048 19.727337 749 14.881588 809 -2.600063 869 -9.409266 929 -10.106902 989 -3.719732 1049 20.119439 ~ 75 ~ 0 ~ 14 ~ 64 ~ 6 ~ 01 ~ 5 ~ 81 ~ 0 ~ 82 ~ 743 ~ 3 ~ 87 ~ 0 ~ 9 ~ .44320 ~ B93 ~ a ~ 0 ~. ~ 0944 ~ 6 ~ 4 9gO ~ g ~ .4557 ~ 52 ~ 10 ~ 5a ~ 2 ~ a ~ 6 ~ 04421 751 14.403907 811 -3.050255 871 -9.475900 931 -10.080583 991 -3.184997 1051 20.881908 752 14.155494 812 -3.268510 872 -9.507391 932 -10.065192 992 -2.907455 1052 21.251531 753 13.901007 813 -3.482186 873 -9.537731 933 -10.048225 993 -2.623121 1053 21.612924 754 13.640685 814 -3.691277 874 -9.566966 934 -10.029611 994 -2.331998 1054 21.965727 755 13.374770 815 -3.895780 875 -9.595142 935 -10.009279 995 -2.034097 1055 22.309587 756 13.103508 816 -4.095699 876 -9.622302 936 -9.987154 996 -1.729436 1056 22.644156 757 12.827147 817 -4.291045 877 -9.648490 937 -9.963161 997 -1.418045 1057 22.969092 758 12.545939 818 -4.481829 878 -9.673745 938 -9.937220 998 -1.099958 1058 23.284063 759 12.260 140 819 -4.668072 879 -9.698105 939 -9.909251 999 -0.775222 1059 23.588744 760 11.970007 820 -4.849795 880 -9.721609 940 -9.879171looo -0.443891 1060 23.882817 761 11.675798 821 -5.027028 881 -9.744291 941 -9.846896lool -0.106029 1061 24.165975 762 11.377774 822 -5.199801 882 -9.766184 942 -9.812336 1002 0.238291 1062 24.437920 763 11.076195 823 -5.368150 883 -9.787321 943 -9.775405 1003 0.588986 1063 24.698362 764 10.771326 824 -5.532114 884 -9.807732 944 -9.736009 1004 0.945963 1064 24.947025 7 ~ 65 ~ 0 ~. ~ 4 ~ 6 ~ 3 ~ 4 ~ 2 ~ 7 ~ 8 ~ 25 ~ 5 ~ gl7 ~ 3 ~ 7 885 ~ -9. ~ 827444 ~ 94 ~ 5 ~ 9 ~ 6 ~ 9 ~ 4 ~ 0 ~ 5 ~ 7 ~ 1405 ~ 3 ~ 49 120 ~ Q ~ 65 ~ 25 ~ 8364 ~ 1 766 10.152761 826 -5.847065 886 -9.846484 946 -9.649453 1006 1.678344 1066 25.407955 767 9.839591 827 -5.998148 887 -9.864878 947 -9.602100 1007 2.053512 1067 25.619721 768 9,524,177 828 -6,145,038 888 -9.882647 948 -9.551,900 1,008 2,434 492 1,068 25.818709 769 9.206780 829 -6.287791 889 -9.899813 949 -9.498751 1009 2.821140 1069 26.004699 770 8.887657 830 -6.426465 890 -9.916396 950 -9.442552 1010 3.213302 1070 26.177483 771 8.567066 831 -6.561120 891 -9.932412 951 -9.383199 1011 3.610816 1071 26.336869 772 8,245 260 832 -6.691820 892 -9.947878 952 -9.320587 1012 4.013506 1072 26.482677 773 7.922492 833 -6.818629 893 -9.962809 953 -9.254608 1013 4.421188 1073 26.614739 774 7.599010 834 -6.941614 894 -9.977214 954 -9.185156 1014 4.833668 1074 26.732904 775 7.275060 835 -7.060844 895 -9.991107 955 -9.112121 1015 5.250740 1075 26.837034 776 6.950883 836 -7.176388 896 -10.004494 956 -9.035394 1016 5.672189 1076 26.927006 777 6.626718 837 -7.288318 897 -10.017382 957 -8.954862 1017 6.097791 1077 27.002711 778 6.302799 838 -7.396706 898 -10.029777 958 -8.870414 1018 6.527310 1078 27.064055 779 5.979356 839 -7.501628 899 -10.041682 959 -8.781938 1019 6.960500 1079 27.110959 78 ~ 0 ~ 5. ~ 6 ~ 5 ~ 6 ~ 6 ~ 12 ~ 8 ~ 40 ~ - ~ 7 ~. ~ 6 ~ 0gl ~ 56 ~ 9 ~ 00 -10. ~ 0 $ 3 ~ 096 ~ 96 ~ 0 ~ 8 ~ 6 ~ 8g3 ~ 2 ~ 10 ~ 2: 0 ~ 7 ~ 3 ~ 97 ~ 10 9 1 ~ 080 ~ 27. ~ 14 ~ 3361 -CA 02203937 l997-04-29 the Force Converter, D; ~ e .. l / Torque ¦ Memory ~
Author: Dan Anghel ¦ page 41 of 44 ANNEX 5 page 1 of 2 ~ tl S3pXl l S3pX3 I S6pxl ~ tl S3pXl I S3px3 I S6pxl ~ tl S3pxl I S3px3 IS6pxl O ~ O ~. ~ OO ~ QO ~ 00 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 4 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 60 ~ 0 ~ .3 ~ 1 ~ 0986 ~: ~ 0.: 3 ~ 109g ~ 6 ~ 0 ~ 2 ~ 1 ~ 9 ~ 7 ~ 2 ~ 12 ~ 0 ~ 621972 ~ 6 ~ 1972 ~ 243 ~ 94 1 0.005086 0.005280 0.010366 61 0.322069 0.310269 0.632338 121 0.615452 0.638857 1.254309 2 0.009980 0.010753 0.020732 62 0.333328 0.309375 0.642703 122 0.608770 0.655903 1.264673 3 0.014682 0.016416 0.031098 63 0.344746 0.308321 0.653067 123 0.601960 0.673076 1.275036 4 0.019195 0.022269 0.041464 64 0.356305 0.307125 0.663431 124 0.595055 0.690341 1.285397 5 0.023524 0.028307 0.051830 65 0.367986 0.305808 0.673793 125 0.588092 0.707665 1.295756 6 0.027672 0.034524 0.062196 66 0.379768 0.304388 0.684155 126 0.581104 0.725011 1.306115 7 0.031645 0.040917 0.072561 67 0.391630 0.302887 0.694516 127 0.574129 0.742343 1.316472 8 0.035450 0.047476 0.082927 68 0.403550 0.301327 0.704877 128 0.567203 0.759624 1.326827 9 0.039095 0.054197 0.093292 69 0.415507 0.299730 0.715237 129 0.560364 0.776817 1.337182 lo 0.042588 0.061068 0.103657 70 0.427477 0.298118 0.725596 130 0.553649 0.793886 1.347535 11 0.045939 0.068082 0.114021 71 0.439437 0.296517 0.735954 131 0.547094 0.810793 1.357887 12 0.049158 0.075227 0.124385 72 0.451364 0.294948 0.746312 132 0.540739 0.827500 1.368239 13 0.052256 0.082493 0.134749 73 0.463232 0.293438 0.756669 133 0.534619 0.843970 1.378589 14 0.055245 0.089868 0.145113 74 0.475017 0.292009 0.767026 134 0.528773 0.860166 1.388940 5 ~ 0. ~ 5 ~ 8137 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 9 ~ 733 ~ 9 ~ 4 ~ 5 ~ 5 ~ 4 ~ 7 ~ 7 ~ 7 ~ 5 ~ 0 ~. ~ 486696 ~ 0 ~ 2 ~ 9 ~ 0 ~ 87 ~ 0 ~, ~ 77 ~ 738 ~ 3 ~ ~ 13 ~ 5 ~ 52 323 ~ 7 ~ 0 ~ 87 ~ 0 ~ 52 ~ 3 ~ 9 16 0.060947 0.104893 0.165840 76 0.498242 0.289498 0.787740 136 0.518048 0.891591 1.409639 17 0.063687 0.112516 0.176203 77 0.509632 0.288464 0.798096 137 0.513242 0.906747 1.419989 18 0.066372 0.120194 0.186566 78 0.520840 0.287612 0.808452 138 0.508852 0.921486 1.430338 19 0.069017 0.127911 0.196929 79 0.531842 0.286966 0.818808 139 0.504915 0.935773 1.440688 20 0.071638 0.135654 0.207291 80 0.542614 0.286551 0.829165 140 0.501463 0.949575 1.451039 21 0.074249 0.143405 0.217654 81 0.553133 0.286389 0.839522 141 0.498529 0.962860 1.461390 22 0.076867 0.151149 0.228016 82 0.563373 0.286506 0.849879 142 0.496144 0.975597 1.471742 23 0.079509 0.158870 0.238379 83 0.573313 0.286923 0.860237 143 0.494338 0.987756 1.482094 24 0.082190 0.166552 0.248741 84 0.582930 0.287665 0.870595 144 0.493139 0.999309 1.492448 25 0.084927 0.174177 0.259104 85 0.592203 0.288751 0.880954 145 0.492575 1.010229 1.502804 26 0.087736 0.181731 0.269467 86 0.601110 0.290203 0.891314 146 0.492671 1.020490 1.513160 27 0.090634 0.189196 0.279830 87 0.609632 0.292042 0.901674 147 0.493450 1.030068 1.523518 - 28 0.093637 0.196557 0.290193 88 0.617749 0.294286 0.912036 148 0.494936 1.038942 1.533878 29 0.096760 0.203796 0.300557 89 0.625444 0.296954 0.922398 149 0.497148 1.047092 1.544239 ~ 3 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ .100 ~ 02 ~ 0 ~ 2 ~ 1 ~ 0 ~ 9 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 3 ~ 1 ~ 0 ~ 92 ~ 9 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~. ~ 63 ~ 2699 ~ 0 ~ , ~ 3 ~ 00 ~ 0 ~ 62 ~ 0 ~ 9 ~ 3 ~ 2 ~ 7 ~ 6 ~ 2 ~ 5 ~ 0 ~ 0. ~ 5 ~ 01 ~ 04 ~ 0 $ 449 ~ 8 ~ 554 ~ 6 ~ 0 ~ 3 31 0.103433 0.217851 0.321285 91 0.639499 0.303627 0.943126 151 0.503821 1.061146 1.564967 32 0.107013 0.224636 0.331649 92 0.645829 0.307663 0.953492 152 0.508313 1.067021 1.575334 33 0.110775 0.231240 0.342014 93 0.6516'16 0.312183 0.963859 153 0.513591 1.072112 1.585703 34 0.114732 0.237648 0.352380 94 0.657027 0.317199 0.974226 154 0.519666 1.076407 1.596073 35 0.118897 0.243848 0.362746 95 0.661874 0.322722 0.984595 155 0.526546 1.079900 1.606445 36 0.123285 0.249827 0.373112 96 0.666206 0.328759 0.994966 156 0.534234 1.082585 1.616819 37 0.127906 0.255573 0.383479 97 0.670017 0.335320 1.005337 157 0.542735 1.084460 1.627195 38 0.132771 0.261075 0.393846 98 0.673300 0.342409 1.015709 158 0.552048 1.085524 1.637572 39 0.137891 0.266323 0.404214 99 0.676051 0.350031 1.026082 159 0.562171 1.085779 1.647950 40 0.143275 0.271307 0.414582 loo 0.678268 0.358188 1.036456 160 0.573101 1.085229 1.658330 41 0.148932 0.276019 0.424951 101 0.679950 0.366881 1.046831 161 0.584830 1.083881 1.668711 42 0.154868 0.280452 0.435320 102 0.681098 0.376108 1.057207 162 0.597348 1.081744 1.679093 43 0.161090 0.284599 0.445690 103 0.681715 0.385868 1.067583 163 0.610645 1.078831 1.689476 44 0.167604 0.288456 0.456060 104 0.681805 0.396155 1.077959 164 0.624705 1.075154 1.699859 ~ 45 ~ 0 ~. ~ 174412 ~ 0. ~ Z ~ 92 ~ 0 ~ 1 ~ 7 ~ 0 ~. ~ 4 ~ 6 ~ 643 ~ 0 ~ 105 ~ 4 ~ 68 137 ~ 4 ~ 0 ~ .40 ~ 69 ~ 62 ~ 08 ~ 8336 ~ 1 ~ 6 ~ 5 ~ 4 ~. ~ 63g5 ~ 12 ~ 07073 ~, 7 ~ 1 ~ D ~ 24 ~ 3 46 0.181519 0.295281 0.476800 106 0.680430 0.418283 1.098713 166 0.655047 1.065579 1.720627 47 0.188926 0.298245 0.487171 107 0.678984 0.430107 1.109091 167 0.671289 1.059722 1.731011 48 0.196632 0.300909 0.497541 108 0.677045 0.442423 1.119468 168 0.688213 1.053182 1.741395 49 0.204638 0.303274 0.507912 109 0.674629 0.455216 1.129845 169 0.705793 1.045985 1.751778 50 0.212942 0.305341 0.518283 llo 0.671750 0.468472 1.140222 170 0.724002 1.038159 1.762161 51 0.221539 0.307114 0.528653 111 0.668424 0.482174 1.150598 171 0.742808 1.029735 1.772543 52 0.230426 0.308597 0.539024 112 0.664671 0.496303 1.160974 172 0.762179 1.020744 1.782924 53 0.239597 0.309796 0.549394 113 0.660510 0.510839 1.171349 173 0.782081 1.011223 1.793304 54 0.249045 0.310719 0.559763 114 0.655962 0.525761 1.181723 174 0.802477 1.001205 1.803682 55 0.258760 0.311373 0.570133 115 0.651052 0.541044 1.192096 175 0.823328 0.990731 1.814059 56 0.268735 0.311767 0.580502 116 0.645803 0.556665 1.202468 176 0.844595 0.979839 1.824434 57 0.278957 0.311913 0.590870 117 0.640243 0.572596 1.212839 177 0.866235 0.968572 1.834808 58 0.289415 0.311823 0.601238 118 0.634398 0.588811 1.223209 178 0.888206 0.956973 1.845179 59 0.300096 0.311509 0.611605 119 0.628298 0.605279 1.233577 179 0.910462 0.945086 1.855548 60 ~ 0.310986 ~ 0 ~ .31 ~ 9 ~ 8 ~ 6 ~ 0 ~ 6 ~ 2 ~ 1972 ~ 1a ~ 0 ~ 0 ~. ~ 621972 ~ 0 ~ 621972 1.243944 1 ~ 8 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ .9 ~ 32g5 ~ 8 ~ Q. ~ 932g ~ $ 8 ~ B ~ 6 ~ 5916 -the Force Converter, DEF '~ nl / Torque ¦ Memory dcs_-; "read Author: Dan Anghel ¦ page 42 of 44 A ~! Y ~ 5 page 2 of 2 ~ tl S3pXl l S3pX3 1 S6pXl ~ tl S3pXl I S3px3 I S6pxl ~ tl S3pxl I S3px3 I S6pxl ~ 180 o ~. ~ G3295 ~ 8 ~ 0 ~ g32 ~ 95B ~ 91 ~ .8 ~ 6 ~ 59 ~ 1 ~ 6 2-40 ~ 1 243944 1 ~ 243g44 ~ 2 ~. ~ 48 ~ q8 ~ 8 ~ 8 ~ 30 ~ 0 ~ 1.554g3 ~ 554 ~ 93 ~ 3. ~ 1 ~ 0 ~ g ~ 85 ~ 9 181 0.955646 0.920635 1.876281 241 1.225818 1.272435 2.498252 301 1.589223 1.531000 3.120224 182 0.978478 0.908165 1.886644 242 1.207561 1.301053 2.508614 302 1.623629 1.506956 3.130585 183 1.001405 0.895599 1.897004 243 1.189238 1.329735 2.518973 303 1.658065 1.482877 3.140942 184 1.024378 0.882986 1.907363 244 1.170916 1.358414 2.529329 304 1.692450 1.458846 3.151296 85 1.047344 0.870376 1.917720 245 1.152660 1.387023 2.539683 305 1.726702 1.434943 3.161646 186 1.070254 0.857820 1.928074 246 1.134536 1.415497 2.550033 306 1.760140 1.411253 3.171993 187 1.093056 0.845371 1.938427 247 1.116613 1.443769 2.560382 307 1.794482 1.387855 3.182337 188 1.115697 0.833080 1.948777 248 1.098956 1.471771 2.570728 308 1.827845 1.364833 3.192678 189 1.138128 0.820999 1.959126 249 1.081633 1.499438 2.581071 309 1.860749 1.342267 3.203016 l9o 1.160295 0.809179 1.969474 250 1.064709 1.526704 2.591413 310 1.893114 1.320239 3.213352 191 1.182148 0.797672 1.979820 251 1.048249 1.553504 2.601753 311 1.924860 1.298827 3.223686 192 1.203636 0.786529 1.990165 252 1.032319 1.579773 2.612092 312 1.955909 1.278110 3.234019 193 1.224709 0.775801 2.000510 253 1.016983 1.605447 2.622430 313 1.986185 1.258164 3.244350 194 1.245316 0.765537 2.010853 254 1.002302 1.630465 2.632766 314 2.015614 1.239066 3.254680 ~ ss ~ 26s40s ~ a.7 ~ s ~ s ~ 7 ~ s ~ 7 ~ 2 ~ 0 ~ 2lls6 ~ 2ss ~ o ~. ~ sss3 ~ 3 ~ 7 ~ 6s4? 6s ~ 2 ~ 643 ~ l ~ 0 ~ 2 ~ 3 ~ l ~ 5 ~ 044l ~ 2 ~ 2 ~ .2208 ~ 87 ~ 3.2 ~ 6 ~ s ~ 0 ~ as 196 1.284940 0.746599 2.031539 256 0.975150 1.678289 2.653438 316 2.071638 1.203700 3.275338 97 1.303863 0.738019 2.041882 257 0.962796 1.700978 2.663774 317 2.098094 1.187573 3.285667 198 1.322132 0.730093 2.052225 258 0.951333 1.722778 2.674111 318 2.123424 1.172573 3.295997 199 1.339704 0.722864 2.062568 259 0.940813 1.743635 2.684448 319 2.147565 1.158762 3.306328 200 1.356536 0.716376 2.072912 260 0.931289 1.763497 2.694786 320 2.170458 1.146202 3.316660 201 1.372588 0.710670 2.083258 261 0.922810 1.782316 2.705126 321 2.192044 1.134950 3.326994 202 1.387822 0.705783 2.093604 262 0.915421 1.800046 2.715467 322 2.212270 1.125060 3.337330 203 1.402200 0.701753 2.103952 263 0.909167 1.816643 2.725810 323 2.231086 1.116582 3.347668 204 1.415688 0.698614 2.114302 264 0.904089 1.832067 2.736155 324 2.248446 1.109563 3.358009 205 1.428254 0.696399 2.124653 265 0.900223 1.846280 2.746503 325 2.264306 1.104047 3.368353 206 1.439869 0.695138 2.135007 266 0.8976 ~ 6 1.859248 2.756854 326 2.278627 1.100073 3.378700 207 1.450504 0.694859 2.145363 267 0.896267 1.870940 2.767207 327 2.291376 1.097675 3.389051 208 1.460135 0.695586 2.155720 268 0.896236 1.881327 2.777563 328 2.302520 1.096885 3.399405 209 1.468739 0.697342 2.166081 269 0.897535 1.890387 2.787922 329 2.312034 1.097729 3.409764 2 ~ 10 ~ 4 ~ 62 ~ 9 ~ g ~ 0 ~ .7 ~ 00 ~ 1 ~ 4 ~ 6 ~ 2 ~ 7 ~ 6444 ~ 2 ~ 7 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 900187 ~ 898097 ~ 2.79 ~ 8 ~ 28 ~ 5 330 ~ 2 ~. ~ 31 ~ g897 ~ 0D229 ~ 3 ~ 4 ~ a ~ 012 ~ 6 211 1.482794 0.704015 2.186809 271 0.904209 1.904442 2.808650 331 2.326089 1.104402 3.430492 212 1.488214 0.708962 2.197177 272 0.909612 1.909407 2.819019 332 2.330600 1.110262 3.440862 213 1.492547 0.715000 2.207547 273 0.916408 1.912983 2.829391 333 2.333419 1.117816 3.451235 214 1.495786 0.722134 2.217920 274 0.924601 1.915165 2.839766 334 2.334544 1.127069 3.461613 215 1.497925 0.730370 2.228295 275 0.934194 1.915951 2.850145 335 2.333977 1.138018 3.471995 216 1.498964 0.739709 2.238673 276 0.945183 1.915343 2.860526 336 2.331722 1.150658 3.482380 217 1.498903 0.750149 2.249052 277 0.957564 1.913346 2.870910 337 2.327790 1.164978 3.492768 218 1.497748 0.761686 2.259434 278 0.971325 1.909972 2.881297 338 2.322197 1.180963 3.503160 219 1.495507 0.774312 2.269818 279 0.986452 1.905234 2.891686 339 2.314962 1.198592 3.513554 220 1.492190 0.788014 2.280204 280 1.002927 1.899150 2.902077 340 2.306111 1.217840 3.523951 221 1.487812 0.802779 2.290591 281 1.020728 1.891743 2.912471 341 2.295673 1.238677 3.534350 222 1.482390 0.818589 2.300979 282 1.039829 1.883036 2.922865 342 2.283682 1.261069 3.544752 223 1.475946 0.835422 2.311368 283 1.060200 1.873062 2.933261 343 2.270177 1.284977 3.555154 224 1.468503 0.853256 2.321759 284 1.081807 1.861852 2.943658 344 2.255200 1.310357 3.565558 22 ~ 5 ~ 460a87 ~ 0 ~ .872 ~ 062 ~ 2 ~ 33 ~ 2 ~ 149 ~ 2 ~ 8 ~ 5 ~ 10461i2 ~ 849443 ~ 2 ~. ~ 9 ~ 540 ~ 56 ~ 345 ~ 2 ~ 2 ~ 3 ~ 8800 ~ .337 ~ 1 ~ 62 ~ 3 ~. ~ 5q59 ~ 6 ~ 2 226 1,450,728 0.891812 2.342540 286 1.128576 1.835878 2.964453 346 2.221027 1.365340 3.586367 227 1.440460 0.912471 2.352931 287 1.153652 1.821199 2.974851 347 2.201937 1.394834 3.596771 228 1.429318 0.934003 2.363321 288 1.179794 1.805454 2.985248 348 2.181591 1.425584 3.607175 229 1,417,340 0.956371 2.373711 289 1.206948 1.788696 2.995644 349 2.160051 1.457526 3.617577 230 1.404568 0.979532 2.384100 290 1.235062 1.770977 3.006039 350 2.137386 1.490592 3.627978 231 1.391045 1.003443 2.394488 291 1.264077 1.752356 3.016433 351 2.113666 1.524712 3.638378 232 1.376818 1.028056 2.404874 292 1.293933 1.732892 3.026824 352 2.088965 1.559809 3.648775 233 1.361936 1.053323 2.415259 293 1.324565 1.712649 3.037214 353 2.063362 1.595807 3.659169 234 1.346448 1.079193 2.425642 294 1.355909 1.691692 3.047601 354 2.036935 1.632626 3.669560 235 1.330410 1.105612 2.436022 295 1.387896 1.670089 3.057985 355 2.009768 1.670180 3.679948 236 1.313876 1.132525 2.446400 296 1.4204 ~ 5 1.647912 3.068367 356 1.981948 1.708385 3.690333 237 1.296902 1.159874 2.456776 297 1.453513 1.625232 3.078745 357 1.953561 1.747152 3.700714 238 1.279548 1.187601 2.467149 298 1.486996 1.602124 3.089120 358 1.924699 1.786391 3.711090 239 1.261875 1.215645 2.477520 299 1.520828 1.578664 3.099491 359 1.895453 1.826010 3.721463 ~ 2 ~ 40 ~ 243944 ~ 1.243 ~ 94 ~ 2 ~ 4 ~ 87 ~ 888 ~ 3 ~ 00 ~} ~ .554g3 ~ 0 ~ 554 ~ 93 ~ 0 ~ 3. ~ 1Q9859 3 ~ 60 ~ 865916 ~ .865 ~ 9 ~ 16 ~ 3 ~ .73 ~ 18 ~ 31 _,

Claims (2)

1. Un dispositif qui génère un vecteur force de valeur pratiquement constante et de direction définie, utilisable comme force de propulsion/traction et/ou de sustentation (portance) en général et plus spécifiquement dans les domaines du transport aérien, spatial, maritime, sous-marin et/ou terrestre, dont les caractéristiques définitoires sont:
~ le vecteur force est lié au dispositif qui le produit, c'est-à-dire:
~ le vecteur force dépend uniquement des caractéristiques du dispositif;
~ le vecteur force est indépendant de l'interaction du dispositif ou du mobile sur lequel le dispositif est installé avec: ~ le milieu environnant dans lequel évolue le mobile;
~ le support sur lequel se déplace le mobile;
~ il n'est pas la conséquence de l'effet de réaction (éjection de matière) avec ou sans perte de masse;
~ le vecteur force est généré en utilisant l'inertie des masses en mouvement sur une courbe convexe (vue de l'extérieur de l'aire délimitée par elle) fermée, matérialisée dans un stator, donc un dispositif inertiel, lequel utilise la force centrifuge comme manifestation des forces d'inertie;
~ le vecteur force est le résultat d'une moyenne non-nulle sur un tour complet du stator (une période) de la force centrifuge produite par chaqune des masses en mouvement sur le stator;

~ la moyenne non-nulle est obtenue par la variation de la force centrifuge produite par chaqune des masses à cause de la variation de la distance entre le centre de rotation à
vitesse angulaire constante et la masse en mouvement sur le stator;
~ le vecteur force a une valeur pratiquement constante pour un nombre suffisamment grand de masses en mouvement sur le stator, masses qui sont disposées à intervalle angulaire défini selon le nombre de masses.
1. A device which generates a practically constant force and value vector of direction defined, usable as propulsion / traction and / or lift force (lift) in general and more specifically in the fields of air, space, maritime transport, submarine and / or terrestrial, whose defining characteristics are:
~ the force vector is linked to the device which produces it, that is to say:
~ the force vector depends only on the characteristics of the device;
~ the force vector is independent of the interaction of the device or mobile on which the device is installed with: ~ the surrounding environment in which the mobile operates;
~ the support on which the mobile moves;
~ it is not the consequence of the reaction effect (material ejection) with or without a loss of mass;
~ the force vector is generated using the inertia of the moving masses on a curve convex (seen from the outside of the area delimited by it) closed, materialized in a stator, so an inertial device, which uses centrifugal force as a manifestation of forces inertia;
~ the force vector is the result of a non-zero mean over a full revolution of the stator (a period) of the centrifugal force produced by each of the moving masses on the stator;

~ the non-zero average is obtained by the variation of the centrifugal force produced by each mass because of the variation in the distance between the center of rotation at constant angular speed and mass in motion on the stator;
~ the force vector has an almost constant value for a sufficiently large number masses in motion on the stator, masses which are arranged at an angular interval defined according to the number of masses.
2. Un dispositif, tel qu'il est défini dans la revendication 1, dont les caractéristiques constructives sont:
~ le stator de section transversale circulaire;
~ le rotor, dont le rôle est d'entraîner les masses en mouvement sur le stator, est composé de deux brides assemblées sur l'axe du rotor, les brides ayant des fentes radiales munies de glissières et disposées à intervalle angulaire constant et défini selon le nombre de masses;
~ des rouleaux cylindriques qui sont les masses qui roulent sur la surface intérieure du stator et dont les axes tournent dans des paliers installés dans des patins qui glissent radialement sur les glissières des brides;
~ l'excentricité de l'axe du rotor (le centre de rotation à vitesse angulaire constante) par rapport à l'axe du stator, ce qui provoque la variation de la distance entre le centre du rotor et le rouleau en mouvement sur le stator, donc la variation de la force centrifuge produite par le rouleau pendant un tour complet du stator et une moyenne non-nulle de cette force sur une période;
~ l'effet cumulatif des composantes des forces centrifuges produites par les rouleaux, la résultante étant dirigée sur la direction qui unit les axes du stator et du rotor et ayant le sens de l'axe du rotor vers l'axe du stator.
2. A device, as defined in claim 1, whose constructive characteristics are:
~ the stator of circular cross section;
~ the rotor, whose role is to drive the moving masses on the stator, is composed of two flanges assembled on the axis of the rotor, the flanges having radial slots provided with slides and arranged at constant angular interval and defined according to the number of masses;
~ cylindrical rollers which are the masses which roll on the inner surface of the stator and whose axes rotate in bearings installed in pads which slide radially on the flanges of the flanges;
~ the eccentricity of the rotor axis (the center of rotation at constant angular speed) by relative to the stator axis, which causes the variation of the distance between the center of the rotor and the moving roller on the stator, so the variation of the centrifugal force produced by the roller during a complete revolution of the stator and a non-zero average of this force over a period;
~ the cumulative effect of the components of the centrifugal forces produced by the rollers, the resulting being directed on the direction which unites the axes of the stator and the rotor and having the direction of the rotor axis towards the stator axis.
CA 2203937 1997-04-29 1997-04-29 Force, displacement/torque converter Abandoned CA2203937A1 (en)

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CA 2203937 CA2203937A1 (en) 1997-04-29 1997-04-29 Force, displacement/torque converter

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CA 2203937 Abandoned CA2203937A1 (en) 1997-04-29 1997-04-29 Force, displacement/torque converter

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Cited By (2)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
WO2004061335A1 (en) * 2002-12-27 2004-07-22 Siegbert Pietschmann Driving device and method for operating a driving device
WO2008010257A2 (en) * 2006-07-18 2008-01-24 Antonio Romano Apparatus with rotating eccentric masses for developing unidirectional inertial forces

Cited By (4)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
WO2004061335A1 (en) * 2002-12-27 2004-07-22 Siegbert Pietschmann Driving device and method for operating a driving device
WO2008010257A2 (en) * 2006-07-18 2008-01-24 Antonio Romano Apparatus with rotating eccentric masses for developing unidirectional inertial forces
WO2008010257A3 (en) * 2006-07-18 2008-03-13 Antonio Romano Apparatus with rotating eccentric masses for developing unidirectional inertial forces
US8434379B2 (en) 2006-07-18 2013-05-07 Antonio Romano Apparatus with rotating eccentric masses for developing unidirectional inertial forces

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