CA2130224A1 - Apparatus for a paper/board machine and use of the same - Google Patents

Apparatus for a paper/board machine and use of the same


Publication number
CA2130224A1 CA 2130224 CA2130224A CA2130224A1 CA 2130224 A1 CA2130224 A1 CA 2130224A1 CA 2130224 CA2130224 CA 2130224 CA 2130224 A CA2130224 A CA 2130224A CA 2130224 A1 CA2130224 A1 CA 2130224A1
Prior art keywords
tight chamber
Prior art date
Legal status (The legal status is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the status listed.)
Application number
CA 2130224
Other languages
French (fr)
Reijo Orava
Seppo Karine
Current Assignee (The listed assignees may be inaccurate. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of the list.)
Stora Enso Oyj
Original Assignee
Priority date (The priority date is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the date listed.)
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Application filed by Individual filed Critical Individual
Publication of CA2130224A1 publication Critical patent/CA2130224A1/en
Abandoned legal-status Critical Current



    • D21F1/00Wet end of machines for making continuous webs of paper
    • D21F1/48Suction apparatus
    • D21F1/50Suction boxes with rolls


  • Paper (AREA)


(57) Abstract:
An apparatus for a paper or board machine, said apparatus including a pressure-tight chamber. The chamber is adapted cross-directionally to the travel of a wire, felt or similar fabric so as to essentially extend over said fabric. The invention is characterized by having the pressure-tight chamber adapted to include a roll (1) with an at least partially permeable shell. The roll shell surface is advantageously formed by a fabric, furthermore, the roll is appropriately free-rotating mounted in bearings at both ends of roll shaft. The invention is further characterized by having the pressure-tight chamber operated with an over- or underpressure relative to the ambient pressure about the chamber.
(Figure 1)



A~paratu~ ~or a ~a~erJbo~rd ~achi~ ~nd ~co ~ tha ~

~he present ir.~-ent.on relates t~ an apparatus in accordance ~ith the preambie ~. claim 1 fG_ u~e in ~ ~aper/board machine.

~on~ention~ily, w~er remov~' -n the wire sectio~ has taken place bY means o~ gra~ity, table ~-olls, hydrofoils, vacuu~
$?il boxes, flat suc~ior. b~xes, ce~tri~ugal force and 0 ~ovins vacuum rubber belts. As ~ rule, all paper/boar~
machires em~loy a co~bination o, the a~ove-mentioned water removal metnods.

The func~ions o~ tk.~ ire sect- erl have been charact~ri~ed lS by the concomitant increase of ~ne wire secti~n frictional load ~ith the increase of ~he r.a~hine sveed as ~igh~r vaculm is required ~ue ~o the ..eed for :~eepin~ the solids at a constant i~vei. However, ~l~is r~sul~s i~ ~unnin~
problems and intermittent stops or the ~ire section.
~o A major po-tion of the wire load occurs in the regior~ o~ t:~ w0e suction DOX, wnere the wi~e i~ ~uck~d agAinst .ne suction box surf~ce hith ~ :~igh force that is exerted over ~ large area.

~he flat suction box ha~ a limi~e~ water r~moval capabili-ty . I ts ef f ect can be in~r~as~d by usin~ a higher vacuu~, whereby e.lao th~ ~ri~tion ~etween tne box cov~r surf~c~ and the wir~ t ncr~ses. which resu_ts in gr~ater wire wear a~d short~r ii~e. The friction sets _he limit to the maximum ~s~ble v~cuum in the box. If the vacuum ~ above a c~rtain limit, the wire s~ops f~o~ moving. In paper mac~ines ~orming the sheet from pulp car~onate fillar, th~ elevated friction causes rapid wire wear.
Moving v~cuum b~lt~ made ~rom ru~ber (e.~., Rotabelt, FLO-VAC) are ca~abie of eli.~inati~g the friction caused by :; :
the ~ac~m, but the high vacuum e~loyed results in sheet ~ ~

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` 2~ 3~2~'1 ~nar3ci~g by the slot pattern o~ ~he b~ u~ber bel ~s are ex~rem~l~r costli and di ~ -icult to service. ~oreo-~rer, they are p . o}; lem3.tic to drive .

5 Felt quct or~ box is a t~picai _e' ~ cor.di~ ~ oner . Tts opera-.,ion _equires ~ vac~ n of 5~ ~20. whic~ rn~st b~ ac~om-plished using suction pumps. The felt s~ction box cau~s rather he~vy felt -.Jear on the s de suppoXting the web and resl~lts in ~nr~ecessar~l-y premat~e 'elt changes. The ~mount of air flo~ through _~e su~tion box is c~ucial to the con-citio~inS result. I~ -.ew ~el_s -he air ~s freely sucked th~ough tne felt, b~t wi~h the ~radual plugging o~ the f~lt, the ,~mount o. a~ passing through the felt is reduced. Then, t:~e water ~emovai capabili~y Of the felt lp co~ditioner is im~aired a~; the a,..ou~t of ~ir sucked through the feit is r.o longer sufficie~ 'o remove all wa~e- fr~m ~he ~e't.

~o ~verco~e the 2~0ve-describea ~roblem~, a no-~el wa~er-~emOvA' ...etnod has bee~ develooea c:ap~bie of I;lini~izir~g the ~rictiohal effest of suot' on anG ~~o~idin~ sufficient wor~ing time 'or ~he suction. ~h9 characte~izing prope~ties o th~ appara~u~ a~co-ding ~o .-e .r.ven~ion ,'or use in a :~
papert~oard ~acnine are aisclosea ir the a~pended c~aims.
~n the embodiment acco-ding to ~:~e in~er~ion, a p~rMeable jacket roll, most advanta~eousl~ ~ f~bri~-jack~t~a~ roll, ~s adapted i~ a pr~as~ure-t g~t oh~er, advanta~ously a suction box. The 'aDric-jacketea -oll supports the runnin~
wire d~ring the suction and prov_de~ ~ working ~ime for the suctl~n acting on tho sheet bet.~ n the DOX seallng strips that is sevexal times lon~er ana lninterru~ted with regard~ :
to a perforated suctio~ box. The rotary suction box with the fabric-jacketed roll b~comes _he mor~ ef~ective the 35 larger ~he fabric: roll diamete~, ,,hat is, the working time of the suction. H~wever, che s~c~.' on cap~city must be herein i~crea~ed appropriately. -h~ benefi~ of che fabric ' " - ":,.. ~ ' ' ' . ~ ''. ' ~.. `' " ' '" ' ,, ,. ... . ' : .


-oll over a con~-erltion~1 suCt~ion roll ls its 'reedom from causir~g w~b mar~i~g, ~hich facili~ates the use o~ the ~resent arrarlgement -~ith extremely fine ~rades of paper ~d board. The apparatis accorair.~ ~o che in~ention, wnich advanra~eously ~s a rotar~ ric--oll su~tion box, said appara~us incorporating a pressu~e-tigh~ chamber such as a vacuum or a pressure box, and in conjunction With said pressure-tisht chamber is ada~lec a p~rme~bl~ ~acket roll, advantageous'y a fabric-jack~tea roll, i.s superior o~er the prior art wi~h ~he benefits de~cribed below. A flatbox, or a suCtion box, ~:astes a poreion ~~ _he vacuum energy a~
rriction which at - t5 worst ha~ers che drivin~ of t~e wire (~aking the wire sli~?. ~he r~ar,v fa~ric-roll suction box accordin~ to the inve~tion r~si s ~he running of the wire cnly b-~ the amount OL the frict_on occurring in its bearings. he 'ric~ on of a æu~t ~n box c~uses the -~ire ~o we~r fro~ its urders_de. This eL_ece ~ay cause prebiem~ -particuiari~ in papor machir~es ~s ng filler-containing stock. Obviously, ~ ar '~ fast~, the hi~her the vacuum ~n ~he ~ox, 3~ contrast, nv sliding Lriction occurs be~ween the rot~ry f~b~ic-~^oii ~uction bo~. and ~he wire, ~-conse~u~n~ly ca~sin~ ~o wire wear due to friction.

Cor.ventionally, a suc~ion box '~ operated at the maximum 25 vacuum still permitt~r.g the runnl~g o~ the wire ~n~ nqt yet causin~ exc~ssive economi~a; ~roblems from wire wear. ~y contraæt, a rotary 'abric-roll suction box c~n be operat~d :.
wi~h a ~rAcuum by the.:ocal situation or neod.
The limit of hi~h ~-acu~m is dictar~d by th~ structural strength of the roll. ~ moderate va~uum can be u~ed i~ the rotary fabxic-roll suction box still achieving good suction result ~o~ing to the lon~ worki~g time of the vacu~, and ~he cont~nt ~ f r.e. solids i~ the sheet c~n be kept hi~her than with ~h~ use of a sl1ct-o~ box. The ~uum reserve of a suction box is availabl~ at the a~stance of the ceram~c box cover from t~e sheec. By contras.. the rotary ~abric-roll suction box puts the ~cuum reserve at the sheet ~ur~ce by ' '~',~ " ' ' . ' ~ , , ' ` ' .', ~' ' ' ~ ' ' .

" - 2130224 virtue of the ~en structure of the roll ~nd the ~i_e.
Corlsequently, the efficiençy of '~e suc.lon provid~d by the f~bric roll ~s ~etter ~han ~nat Oc the suction box.

The suc~ion wo.kirl~ time provid~a ~y the rotary ~abri~-roll suction ~ox is ~everal ~i~es (depending on the ~abric roll di~meter and box seom~t-y) that achie~able by th~ use of sucti~r. box. ~r~ a suc-ion bvx the ~-acuum is cut off ~tex each h~le of tne perforation. In o~ner wo~ds, a portion of 0 the ~racuum energy is used a~ each hoie for restarting ~he ~ucti~n wo~k. 3y con~rast, in a rotary ~aor'c-roll ~uc~ion box the vacuum pre~a-;s over the e~tire machine-~rectional -~id~h of the suct' on ~cx op~nin~ hereby energy is lcse only o~ce for starti~ the suction work.
The uni t p~ice of cke rot~ry Labric-roil suction ~ox ls i~
~he same or~er ~ith -uction 'ooxes ~t ~epiaces. The vacuum arrange~ment s si~.p1er th.An that of a suction bo:c, regui~-ing less expe~diture _n ~he ere~tion o r new i~tal'ations.
20 ~u~ ~-o ~h~ io-~-er en~r5y losses o~ the ~otary fabric-roli suction box, 'he ope~2~ ng costs are r~duced.

A suction -o' l of tne paper ~achine can be oper-ated with .he m~xi~U~ acuum permit~c hy the shee~ qu~1ity and physi~al l~w9 (temperature). AnalogGusly to the suct~on ~oll, t~.e us~bl~ ;nax_mum v~cuum in t;he rot~zy ~bric-roll suction ~ox _s limi~ed by the ro ~ 1 construction or sheet tem~erAtUre . ~:

l:ue to ~he pcrm~ble structure of the roll surface. th~
rotary fabric-rol1 ~uction box system is free ~om the sh~ot m~rking tendency. By contrast, ~h~ proportion of suction holes drilled on a suction roll shell is norm~lly ~nly approX. 50 ~ o~ 1he suction roll surf~ce, ~hero~y the arillin~ pattern of t~e suction roil easily marks the sheet if the solids content of ~h~ sheet i5 too low when reachin~
th~ suction roll.

: s . ': ~

213~224 The rotary fabrtc-rell suc~ion box system achieves a signifLcar.tly longer vacuum ~one alo~g the ~ch~ne-direc~ion~l ~ravel c. the sheet as the vacuum prevails in the bcx encl~s-~y -he f~oric roll~ Q~ a suc~ion roll. the 5 vacuu~, sone e~tk LS limi~ed by the arc covered by suction box adapted to the ins. de of he suction roll. ln practice, the vacuum zone of a suc~ion roll in the machine direction covers ~pprox. 1~O m~, while in a rotary f~oric-roll system the vacuum zor.e can have a length ir excess of 2~0 mm.

ln ~ suctior. roll ~he vacuum rQ~erVe is ~isplaced at a distance ~approx. /0-~0 .~m) Oc tne roll shell thickness _ro~ the poinLi 3f suction. In a roeary 'abric-~oll sy~tem the ~-acuum reserv~ i~ located immedia~ely under the ~lre.
~his is ~caus~ all -i~w-choking con~e_ictions are eliminat~d fr~.~ the system.
A ~UCtiO.I rol; is exD~nsive due to special materials And m~nufacturin~ ~etr.ods re~uired. The fab~ic-j~cketcd roll h~s simpier ~-~stru~t'on and is ~ccordinglY cheaper to man~iacture.

A suction ro;; - aif~icult to clean due to its clos~d structure. Owing ~o its operLs structuxe, th~ fabric ~s ~ollisuction 20x syscem is easy to cl~n.

All se~vicing poin~s of a suction roll are located to the interior of .;~e roll .~ith the exception of the bearing~.
re~uirin~ the removai o~ ~he roll from the .~achine an~
dismantli~y thereof for s~heduied mair.tenance. By conr.rast, all essentiai service-r~quirin~ compo~.ent of the rotary fabric-roll system ~re located on the outer surface of the a~paratus, where ~hey can be ser~iced or replaced during a shut-dowr. wi~hout ~he nead for remo~al o~ the ~pparatus 36 rom tho paper machi~e. The only exception 1.~ the Çabric j~c~et o~ ~h~ _oll ~a wir~ ~acket).

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The fab~ic roll ca7~lses a small bump on ~he wire travel, but ~limina~es almost enti~ely the sliding friction. ~ence, ~he only resist~ce to the ~ire ~r~vel _s comprised by the friction ~f t~e s-~pport ~trips anc tne rotational ~ricti~n cf -he beari~gs. T~.e rot~ry fabric-~oil suc~ion b~x ~ at~s ~he use of demar.d-controlled pi-ess~re gradient for wate~ ~emc~al a~ ~he outgoing end of the wire section, -~hich in m-~l~ t -piy sheet form~t . on -L~pro-~res boDdin6 ~tween the plie-~, ana in 2l1 sheet lormation elevates the solids 0 con~en~ erms o' s~eci~ic suc~ion enersy consumptio~, he ~ota~y fabric-_o1l suction box provides higher econom~
than ~ s~t of suction bo~es with A corr~sponding effective ~rea of suction openi~gs. ~he ro~ary faDric-roli suction box is capab l e of -ep1acing 3-5 suc~ion boxes of e~al 15 size. ~ne c~st of the rotar~ fab-ic-roil suction ~ox is onl~ a f~ac~;on of _he cos~ o~ a suction roil ana ~ movi~g sio~~ed--u~r vacuu~ belt. _~ ~ s quie~er and can b~ :
ope-ated wi~h smalie- ~ressure gradier._ due to its longer suc~io~ ~ rking tir~e. Accordin~ , .he vac~um can be proaucea usi~ ~ suction fan whic:~ needs less energy than iiquid-r r~ pump. ~educed wear ~i~o means ~ ~99 wire woAX
and exte~aea wire i-_e. Success ui suction action with ~
~ed~ced ~ress~re graGient h~lps ~eepi~.g ~.e f ne solid~ in ~he shee~, ~-nereby ~:~e final p~oduct s~oothness is impreved. l'he ~o~a~y -abri~-ro'~l sucti~r box sys'em is easier to kee~ cl~ Ahan a ~uction roii and a suction box as tne ~ixture of sucion air and orai~d water passe~
~h~ough ~e fabric ~ol' .rom ~oll inside radially ou~ward on th~ c~osite side t~ that ~aclng the wire thu~ re~ovin~
30 ~art.ic~i~te matter adhering to ehe roll surface.

The ~acuu~ ~ox into ~hicAh tke fabric roll is a~ap~d ~ust be rigid enou~h to support the ~acuum without changes. CorA-espoAIdingly, t;~e fabric roll mus~ take the forces imposed by the vacuum prevailinq ir. the vacuum box withou~ any bending o dimension~l ~han~es. If tAhe roll shaft is designed to extend through th~ entire lengtA~A of 213~2 ~

the roil, ~he :Eree space fox~ned between the shaft and the sheil of Zhe rol. must b~ at leas~ half the width of the suction open_ng _:1 order to a-~oid c:~oking of the suction 'lo~ in ths s~ctlo~ ~o~king areA du~ to o~structiorS in the s roll con~uction.

The proportion o_ suc~ion openings on the roll shell ~ust b~ as r.i~h ~s ~ossible to achieve aR ho~ogeneous vacuum at each poi~t of ~-ne shell surface as ~ossible.

?he roli sn~i; is jac:~eted by a shrinkable rabric with a ~esh o. 'our yarns ~er centimeter, ~or instnnce. Such a permeable fabric ~er-v-es for optim~l~y equ~lizing the ~uum over -he ~ntir~ are~ of the suc~ion o~e~ing by slightl~
di.splacirlg the run~ing wir~ fro~. t~e roll shell surf~ce.

~urther app ications of ~e app~ratus according to tho in~ention for a ~ap~r~30a~d machine ca~ b~ found as, e.g., 2 fel. conditioner. a ~ressure-gradient Qryer on the pres~
sectio~ and ah applicatio~ ir. a twin-wire machine. Herein, -ela~ed ;o ~per an~ board designed fox runnin~
~he shoeL between t~o ~ires, a pressure oox fed with he~ted com~ressed air ls adapted at the rotary fabric-roli suction box. 3y -virtue of the overpressure prevailing in the 26 ~ressure box, ~he wate~ containea in the sn~et i5 expell~d to tr.e ~-orking r2~g~ of the suction box vacuum. Usi~g the rotary fa~ic-~oil suc~ion box ~ccording to the in~ention, a wire section can be ~onstructed by ta~ing the wires of a twin-wire section in e zig-z~ fashior. for wat~r removal so a first r~tary ~abr_c-roll suction box is adapted to blow, a secon~ is ~d~ted to suc~ from the oppo~ite side, and a third is again adap~ed ~o blow from ~he same side as ~he first rotary fabri~-roll suctio~ box. ~ence, the water ~emoval always oc~urs in the same dir~ction, whereby the best effic~e~ey in water re~ov~l is achieved . Under the blowin~ fabri~-~oll boxes is adapted a vacuu~ box similar .o th~ blo-~ing boxes, whereby air passa~e thro~gh the wire -- 2~224 is a~rgmenteQ enhancing the drying result. ~orein, the ~ACU~ level .may not be ad~ust~d so high tnat the ~acuum-riAe ~lre is detach~d from tne sheet.

s The invention .s ~urthe- related to th~ ~se of ~he ~ppA-ratus fcr a pa~er/bo~d ~chine a~ant~geouYly ~c A w~ter re~o~-al ~nit, ~ressure-gradient dryer o~ fele conditio~er.

~he ir~vention i~ rex~ ex~min~d in greateX detail ~ith ¦ 10 refe-ence to ~xe.~.piifying embodiments i;iustrated in the a~penaed d~wings, in wni~h -igure ' is a.~ end v ie~,- of .he ~paratus according to eha i~v~ntion for ~ paperJboard ~achine;

ri~re ~ ~s a ~hree-dimensional p~ojection~l view of ~he apparatUs illustra~ea in Fig. 1:

~lg~lre 3 '9 a d-agra~matic iayout vie-~ of ar applic~tion z~ ol -;ee accord~g ~o ~he _nvention ~s a ~ressure-gradient dry~r on the p-ess section;

~igure 4 is c di~gra.~matic layouc v~ie-~r of an appllcation o ;~e a~paratus accord~n~ t~ the i~.venti~ on a C~in-wire ~ection; and ~igure 5 is a diagr~matic layouc vie~ of ~n applicntion of .:.e apparatus accordina to the invention ~9 felt eondit1o~er.
~o r~ th ~e~eren~ ~o Figs. 1 and 2. a pe~eab1e ~acket roll 1, advan~a~eously a fabric-j~cke~ed roll, is ad~pted to the in~ide Or a ~_~ssure-~igh~ chamber 2, adva~tageously ~
VACUU~ bcx. ~he ~pper ~rface of ~ne roll 1 remains over the top surface of the box 2. The pressure gradient, ~dv~n-ta~ously a vac~um. ~rovided b~ the box is exerc~d via the roll ' and the ~ire 5 to a sheet 6 running cn the wire. As ` -` 2 ~ 2 ~ ~

the sheet 5 reStS o~ the wi~e ~, th~ vacu~ sucks t~e wire ~ against the fab~ic ~ur~ac~ of tho roll 7, whereby the roll 1 s~art~ ~o rotate at ths speed of ~he wire 5. uring 'r.~ rotalion of the r~ll 1, the sheet 6 r~nnin~ on th~ wire ; 5 is subjected to suc~ion wnich prevai's ~ith a const~nt ~_essurz ~radien' all ~he way .rom ~he side sealing str7~ 3 .o the outgoing side sealing stri~ ~ of the box ~ . ~ke long work~r~ time of _he suc~io~ makes th~ water remova a~tio~ highiy efficient, and t..e fa~ric jacket 7 0 equali2es the sucti~n in a markir.g-free ~anner o-~er the ~7ntirQ area of ~he suc_ion ope~ing.
-~ith reference to Figs. 3 and 4, such a~lica~ions of ~he a~paratus accord ng to the invention are shown i- whi~h the press~l-e-ti~t ~hamber 2 is ~s~d as a Dressure box. The ~ressure box is advantageous in sit~ations rleedlng detach-ment of tre sheet 5 C-~m t~e wire 5, c~ alternatively, -~ater re~.7.oval fro~ the sneet 6 in a directlor. opposite to the box.'y, suc'- ~n appl~catlon usin~ t~e pres~ure zo box pr~umes a t-~-in~ ire secti~n. rhen, the pressure box ~a~ he opposed ~y a vacuum b~x, ~herebv th0 -~acuum may not, ~owever, be adj~lsted so high as to detach the vacuu~-$i~e wire Erom the sr.eet.

~,~ith reference to Fig . 5, an applicatio~ of the apparatus according to the .nv~ntion for use as a felt condi~ioner il s~ow~ rei~, ~h~ press~re-.ight chamber 2 ineluded in the a~aratus is u~ed as a ~re~suro box. Re~lacing the felt guide roll, the apparatus is ~vantageousl~ ~laced ~t location where the felt is maxi~ally deflected. To ~he other side o~ the felt ~s aaapted a vacuum box for d~inage o~ the waeer removed f-om the felt So much ~eAted air is ~assed to t~e pressure ~ox 2 including the ~oll 1 th~t a continuo~9 overpressure is e~tablished nside th~ roll 1.
3~ The overpressure expels water co~t~ine~ in the felt, which ~tion is furthe~ a~gm~nted by the centzi~ugal fGrce gonerated by the elt -ravel about th~ perimeter of the `

--` 21~2~

rotati~ he ^~acuum trough plac~d on the opposite side o t~le îelt _s connected to a suction ~an Ouited to ; produce a moderate vacuum to ~aid o~pos~ te side of th~
; felt.
~ 5 3 ~he apparatus described herein is aiso ~el_ suited for use ~s a conditioner ~or A wee wir~ ~nd i~ dryin~ wire.

~en equipped ~ a pressure ~ox, the aDp~ratuS accordin~
~o t:~e invention s ~n xcell~n~ replacem~nt for a ~ire ' ~uide s;~o~. Comp r~enting ~he centrifug~; a~tion, ~he pressure yradien. pr~vided by the a~paratus enh~nces water remo~al. Mo~eover. ~he -~-earin~ action imposed by the guide shoe on rhe wire is eliminated resulclna in l~nger -~Jlre life, l~o one s~ d i~ the srt it ls obvious ~h~t _hc invention is lnoc .. i~ited '~y ~ exe~.p~irying e~bcdimer~s des~rib~d :~
a~ove, ~ut ratke~, c~n ~e varied wit~in -hre3 scop~ and 2~ s~irit ~ ~he i~nncxed claims.

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Claims (13)

1. An apparatus for a paper board machine, said apparatus including a pressure-tight chamber (2) and said chamber being adapted cross-directionally to the travel of a wire, felt or similar fabric (5) so as to essentially extend over said fabric (5), c h a r a c t e r i z e d in that to the pressure-tight chamber (2) is adapted a roll (1) having an at least partially permeable shell.
2. An apparatus as defined in claim 1, c h a r a c -t e r i z e d in that to said pressure-tight chamber (2) is adapted at least one sealing strip (3, 4), nozzle or similar element and a roll (1) with an essentially permeable shell, said roll (1) being mounted preferably free-rotating in bearings adapted to the ends of the roll shaft (12).
3. An apparatus as defined in any foregoing claim, c h a r a c t e r i z e d in that said roll (1) comprises an essentially cylindrical and permeable shell, a shaft (12) and at least one support element joining the shell to the shaft such as a support plate (8), support strip (9) or support wire (10).
4. An apparatus as defined in any foregoing claim, c h a r a c t e r i z e d in that the total area of openings on the shell of the roll (1) is at least 50 %, advantageously 60 - 80 %, of the shell total area.
5. An apparatus as defined in any foregoing claim, c h a r a c t e r i z e d in that the shell of the roll (1) is advantageously formed by a fabric jacket.
6. An apparatus as defined in any foregoing claim, c h a r a c t e r i z e d in that the shell of the roll (1) is coated with a jacket such as a shrinkable wire or similar material (11).
7. An apparatus as defined in any foregoing claim, c h a r a c t e r i z e d in that the free space formed between the shaft and the shell of the roll is at least 50 %, advantageously 60 - 80 %, of the width of the suction opening.
8. An apparatus as defined in any foregoing claim, c h a r a c t e r i z e d in that said roll (1) is adapted in conjunction with at least one pressure-tight chamber (2).
9. An apparatus as defined in any foregoing claim, c h a r a c t e r i z e d in that said pressure-tight chamber (2) is operated with an over- or underpressure relative to the ambient pressure said chamber.
10. An apparatus as defined in any foregoing claim, c h a r a c t e r i z e d in that said pressure-tight chamber (2) is operated with an overpressure in the range of 0 - 0.25 bar, or correspondingly, with an underpressure in the range of 0 - 0.5 bar.
11. An apparatus as defined in any foregoing claim, c h a r a c t e r i z e d in that the overpressure or underpressure, respectively, prevailing in said pressure-tight chamber (2) acts radially essentially through the entire roll (1).
12. Use of a roll (1) in a paper/board machine, said roll having an at least partially permeable jacket and said roll being adapted to a pressure-tight chamber (2).
13. Use as defined in claim 12 advantageously as a water removal unit, pressure-gradient dryer or felt conditioner.
CA 2130224 1993-08-17 1994-08-16 Apparatus for a paper/board machine and use of the same Abandoned CA2130224A1 (en)

Applications Claiming Priority (2)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
FI933624A FI933624A (en) 1993-08-17 1993-08-17 Apparatus for paper and cardboard machine and its use
FI933624 1993-08-17

Publications (1)

Publication Number Publication Date
CA2130224A1 true CA2130224A1 (en) 1995-02-18



Family Applications (1)

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CA 2130224 Abandoned CA2130224A1 (en) 1993-08-17 1994-08-16 Apparatus for a paper/board machine and use of the same

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EP (1) EP0639667A1 (en)
CA (1) CA2130224A1 (en)
FI (1) FI933624A (en)

Families Citing this family (7)

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Family Cites Families (2)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US2270464A (en) * 1939-01-11 1942-01-20 Mary Jones Vacuum roll
GB1574341A (en) * 1976-09-13 1980-09-03 Valmet Oy Method of and means for applying suction to a web suspension layer felt forming wire or assembly of such in a paper-making machine

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FI933624A0 (en) 1993-08-17
EP0639667A1 (en) 1995-02-22
FI933624A (en) 1995-02-18

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