CA2093724A1 - Optical communication system with a power limiter for high-energy pulses - Google Patents

Optical communication system with a power limiter for high-energy pulses


Publication number
CA2093724A1 CA002093724A CA2093724A CA2093724A1 CA 2093724 A1 CA2093724 A1 CA 2093724A1 CA 002093724 A CA002093724 A CA 002093724A CA 2093724 A CA2093724 A CA 2093724A CA 2093724 A1 CA2093724 A1 CA 2093724A1
Prior art keywords
communication system
power limiter
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French (fr)
Jose Chesnoy
Thomas Pfeiffer
Current Assignee (The listed assignees may be inaccurate. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of the list.)
Alcatel Lucent Deutschland AG
Original Assignee
Priority date (The priority date is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the date listed.)
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Priority claimed from FR9204505A external-priority patent/FR2689982B1/en
Priority claimed from DE19924229292 external-priority patent/DE4229292C2/en
Application filed by Individual filed Critical Individual
Publication of CA2093724A1 publication Critical patent/CA2093724A1/en
Abandoned legal-status Critical Current



    • G02OPTICS
    • G02F1/00Devices or arrangements for the control of the intensity, colour, phase, polarisation or direction of light arriving from an independent light source, e.g. switching, gating or modulating; Non-linear optics
    • G02F1/35Non-linear optics
    • G02F1/3526Non-linear optics using two-photon emission or absorption processes
    • G02OPTICS
    • G02F1/00Devices or arrangements for the control of the intensity, colour, phase, polarisation or direction of light arriving from an independent light source, e.g. switching, gating or modulating; Non-linear optics
    • G02F1/35Non-linear optics
    • G02F1/3523Non-linear absorption changing by light, e.g. bleaching


  • Physics & Mathematics (AREA)
  • Nonlinear Science (AREA)
  • General Physics & Mathematics (AREA)
  • Optics & Photonics (AREA)
  • Lasers (AREA)
  • Optical Communication System (AREA)


Abstract Optical Communication System with a Power Limiter for High-Energy Pulses In optical communication systems with optical with optical amplifiers, there is the danger of system components being damaged in the event of a break in the fiber-optic link, e.g., due to fiber breakage.

This can be explained by the emission of high-energy pulses.

To prevent such pulses from propagating in the fiber-optic link, a power limiter which, by introducing attenuation, limits the optical power of the pulses to a value not dangerous to the system components is inserted in the fiber-optic link. The attentuation is provided by two-photon absorption.




Optical Communicatior~ Syst~m w;th a Power lirr,itcr for High-~nergy Pulses The pres~rt inv~tion re!ates to an opticaL communica-tion system as sc~t forth in the preamble of claim 1.
Such system~ are known, e.g., frc,m a. Wedding et al, "10 Gbit!s to 260000 Sub,cribers Using Optical Amplifier D;str;bu.ion Net,~ork", Contribution for ICC/Supe~comm '9~, Opti~a~ Commurlicatic)ns 300 Level Session, "Impact o~ Opt;cal Am~liFiers or, ~etwork Architectures".

In such ofticdl comrnunication systems, ;n which the trans-mission llnk is ~ fiber-optic link, optical amplifiers serve to a.~plify optical iignals transmitted through the Optical wave~3uides.

The opti~a' amplifier chosen ;n the embodiment described below ;5 a fiber-optic amp'ifier. A fiber-opt;c ampl;-fier -is s~o~n in EP O 457 34~ A2, for examPle.

In such fiber-opi~ic amplifiers, erb;urn ions with which a sect;on .~f optical waveguide is doped are raised from a ground s tate to an exc ited state by pump light em;tted b~ a pumf) sourcc~ and from the excited state, the ions drop back, throlgh e;ther spontaneous or stimu-lated emissiorl, to th~ ground state. The st;m~lated emis-sion is e~ited oy the optical signal to be amplified, ~3~

whirh tra~els thtowgh the section of doped optical wave-gu;rle. Th ~pont~neou~; emiss;on is also amplif;ed ;n the doped ~;ection o~ opt-ical ~aveguide; this amplified spontaneou ~mi~ion (A5~) causes the noise internal to a fiber-opti(: amplifie~

In the ab~e-menlionec' syste~, there is the danger that ;n the ev~,;t of a break -in the fiber-optic l;nk, e.g., du~ tc fit,er br~ak3~e or to separat;on of a f;be~-optic con-,e~t~r, s~stem components, such as pho~od;odes, will be da!naged.

This carl l~? eYplained as foLlo~s:

As a re~u~ of the break ;n the fiber-optic link, the powe~ input to the op~ical amplifier decrea~es to zero. Since the pumping process ;s independent of the power input, er,ergy will be pumped ;nto the dooed oDt;cal-waveouide section even if the power ;nput has dropped, so th~t com-plete populc,t;on ;nversion w;ll occur. When light which re~ul~s from sp-)ntaneous emiss;on and is reflect-ed at thc interf~ce o~ the break in the fiber-opt;c l1n~ i)asse~ ~hro~lgh the section of doped optical wave~uide,whose active l~ser medium, e.g., erb;um ;ons, ;s ;n the -invert~d stat~, the stored enerc~y will be suddenly re~eas~d. High energy pulses w;ll be emitted which are a danyer to s~stem components.

These g;ant pul~es oropagate both in and opposite to the direct;ol, Df signal tlow. In the case of erb;um-doped fiber-optic ampl;fiers, the wavelength of the gi~nt pulses is ~n the range between 15Z0 nm and 1570 nm.

_ 3 _ ;~372~

Such fit)el~-()ptic a~plifi~rs are not only used in optical communica~ion ~stems~ ine~ are also employed in assem-blies ~1 Iro~isional setu~)s which are provided for the start-up ~J~ s~ch s~stems to permit measurements, tests, or step~ st~p installation. Reflecting surfaces may be intention,.lly or u~inten~ionally inse~ted in these set-ups and mil~ tnen cause back reflection of the light amplificd ~, the amplifier. Such reflecting surfaces are formei~ ln particular by a connect;ng element or a cut-off end of t1n optical waveguide.

An optica~ ampli~ier witl, a section of doped optical waveeu;de mây h.lve such a high gain that, if subjected, for exam~.!e, to unintentional back reflection, it will turn into 3 Lase~ GSCi llator due to a phenomenon called "Q-switchlr;y". ~hiC, too~ ~uses hi~h-energy pulses wh;ch nldy ~anlaQe system components. A known solution to the probl-r~ of how to avoid such daraage consists of insertin3 or,e or more op~ical isolators in the optical transmissicn path. These isolators can transmit l;ght ;n only one direction, whereby back reflect;ons are prevent-ed. Thus, t~,e optical amplifier can be prevented from operatin~ as a laser oscil~ator. OPtical isolators are the p~ssi e components with the highest complexity and, thus, the ri~hest price in a system or an optical ampli-fier with GptiCa l waveguide.

It is the o~ject of the in~ention to prov;de an optical communic~;ior~ ~yst~m co~r;sing optical amplifiers where-in th~ da~;~er of s,stem comPonents being damaged by high-energ~ ~u~ies i~ a~oided.


Th;s Oi~ je~:L i.~ a~.tainr:(i as set forth i.n claim 1 Further advantar~r~ous as~ct-s of ~he invention are defined in the subclainl~.

The in~rltion will no~. be explaineci in rnore detail with reference tc the accompar\ying d~w;ngs, in which:

fig 1 sr;J~S on~ r-mbodin~ent ~f an optical cr~mmuni-ca~;on system wi~h power ~imiters in accor-d;,~ce wi~:h the invent;on, Fig~ ~ lr:Oh'S th.~ attenuation of a power limiter as a f~n~;tion of the optical power input to the l,m;ter, c~nc-i Fig. 3 slow~ a riber-optic amplifier ~ith a oower lim;ter for ar, optical communication sys-t e m .

Fig. 1 sho~s an optical colnmunication system with an elec-trical-to-optical. ~ransduGer ~ at the transmitting end and one ol:.t.ical-!:o-ei~eç.trical transducer 3 at the re-ceiving er,l, which ar~ interconnected by an optical ~iaveguide 5. A colnmunicaiic)n system ~iith an electrical-tO-OptiCd trans~iucer at the transmitt;ng end and two or more ci~tribuied optir:al-to-electr;cal transducers at the receivir-g end ;s also ~ossible. This is of no con-sequence t or' tile invention The commuricatioa ~ystem of Fig 1 f~rther includes a fiber-opt c amPlifier 1 and two power l;miters 4.

- s- 2~372~

In this e~bodimeilt, as scer~ in the direction of propa-gat;on uf the oprical sigl13l, one power limiter 4 is ~ ted 1~ead ol the ~ibel-o~tic amplifier an~ one be-hind the .~mplifiar~ and they ~re implemented as sec-tions of (1 ped optic~l wa~egu;de. The two power (imiters are joine(~ to the fiber-~p~;c ampl;fier 1 and the optical wav~guide i ~-sin~ conventional splicin~ tethn;ques.

The power limitels ma~ also be imple~ented differentLy, e.g., as ~idtPle.s of abcjc,rb;ng mater;al which are in-serted i" the signal path at breaks in the Opticdl h'3Ve~Uide, e.g., in front of and behind the opt;c-" amplif;er, respectivelyA

Th;s abs"rbing matericll has p~operties wl1ich are de-srribed bll~w It is a~s~ po~3ible to place one power limiter behind the electricaL-t~-opt-ical transducer ~ and one in front of the op;ical-to-electr;cal transducer 3. This pro-tects thes~ system components from the effects of giant pul~es.

In pr3cti(al use, ~ibPr-,~pt;c amplifiers are also arransed n cascide. ]n that case, each of the links between the ;ndi~inual ~iber-optic amplifiers may con-tain one ~!ower limiter.

The power limiter has the following properties.

The po~er ~imit~r passes the optica~ signal with a normal ' : .' ~ 6 ~ 372~

optical ~ wl~r (a few !O nw~ and a wavelength of, e.g., ~ 15SO rm nearly unattenlJated. ~y contrast, it stron~ly atter\ucl'-e~; opti~al powers which correspond to that cf ti ~? gi3nt pulse ~watt ranye).

This is illustrated in ~i~. 2. The power ratio T = PtL~
Po is plo~te(, dS d fur;ction of the optical power input P~
to the ~ow~ iter. P(~) is the optical power output of a powe~ limiter of length L.

The depen{ierlce of the attenuation in the power li~iter is prefcrally nolline3r~ as shown in F;g. 2, so that high-power opt;cal ra~-Jiation w;ll be attenuated d;s-proportionately.

This ~tt~n~atior\ in the power lim;ter can be providedby ~;ght (attering. and/or absorption. The power li~;ter is preferai~ly ma~e of an absorbing material in which the absor~;tion i~ a two-~hoton process. The latter exhibits ;he part;cularly suitable nonlinear dependence of the op'ical input power. Th;s absorption is de-scribed, 10r exa~ple, in a book by r~R. Shen, "The Principle: ~f Nonlinear optics", John Wiley ~ Sons, pp. 202-2 ~), but nct in connection with a particular matarial r(ld not in connection ~;th optical waveguides.

The aforelknt;o~ rec~uiremc?ntS are fulfiLled, for examp~e, '~ a s~ction of doped optical waveguide made ~3~2~

of an abio!~,irlg n~aterial with two-photon absorpti~n.
Such an diJsort~ g mat~rial is neodymium~ Nd, or thu~i~;m, ''m, fo~ e~ample.

i~y an app!ot~riate cholce of the dop~nt and the doping concentra!;on in an optical waveguide, two-photon ab-sorl~tion is caused. The attenuation of the power limi~er i~, determ;ned by the length of the section of doped optical wavregui~.

~he fiber-o~tic amplifier ~iven as an example in ~i~. 3 tomprise. Lae fo'lo~ g elements, whose operation is ~nown from the alove-cited literature:

-- A st?ct i~ n of daped optical waveguide 33, wh;ch i5 doped wit~, e g , erbium i~ns and is capable of ~ccumulating CXCitatiQn energy suppl;ed by a pump source. 'le settion nf optical waveguide has two ends 35, 36.

- A pump ource 50~ which emits pump light.

- P~mp~lignt-couplilg means~ These means consist of a pump~ ht-:,oupling fiber 31 and a coupler 32.
Their fun(tion i~ to teed the putnp light into the section of t~opeti optical waveguide 33~

- A power limiter 4, shown here in the form of a section of ~ptiral wa~ey:Jide, contains a core with a semicorl-'uctiny absorbing material which is distri-buted ;n the core in the torm of microcrYstal-lites. Thij material is chosen to ha~e an absorption coefficien~ wh;ch increa!ieci ~ith increasing optical input pow~r, The absorption is a two-photon ~rocess.

-~- 20~372~

Preferabt~, the ab~or~irl~ material is a semiconduotor of the t~e ~ I, parttcularly cadmium telluride, CdTe.

The power li~iter is preferably connected in series with the ~ection of doped optical waveguide 33 by a splice ~4.

If the doping a~en~ is ionized erbium, Er , the ab-sorbing semieon~luc~or material will have a band glp correspundin~ to a wavelength between 750 nm and 1550 nm.

Gl~sses d(,ped with se~i~onductor m;crocrystallites were examined wi~h regard to ehe;r twû photon absorpt;on:
coefricients ~f 0.2 cm/GW were measured by F. Canto, E. M;esah et a~ (CLEO'88, Poster WM41) for the case where thY absor~t;on in the longitudinal direction is negl;gible (the energy of the photon is less than th~
band ga~). These results can be applied to optical wave-guides.

If, with such a coeff;c-ient (0.2 cm/GW), ;t ;s to be ensured that a ~,ower of 5W (10 MW/c~ ) is not exceeded in an opt ical communication system, and the loss to be ;nduced is 30 dtl, a power lim;ter implemented as an op-tical h~a~eguide ~Ust have a length of 30 m. The corres-ponding loss dt a power of 50 mW ;s then 0.3 dB.

Claims (9)

1. A communication system for transmitting an optical signal over an optical waveguide (5), comprising at least one optical amplifier (1), an electrical-to-op-tical transducer (2) at the transmitting end, and at least one optical-to-electrical transducer (3) at the receiving end, c h a r a c t e r i z e d i n that the opticak transmission path includes a power limiter (4) whose absorption coefficient increases with increasing optical input power.
2. A communication system as claimed in claim 1, characterized in that the power limiter (4) is a sec-tion of doped optical waveguide made of an absorbing material wherein the absorption is a two-photon process.
3. A communication system as claimed in claim 2, characterized in that the absorbing material is neodymium, Nd.
4. a communication system as claimed in claim 2, characterized in that the absorbing material is thulium, Tm.

ZPL/S-He/Ke/Lo T. Pfeiffer 6 05.04.93
5. A communication system as claimed in claim ?, characterized in that the power limiter (4) is a sec-tion of optical waveguide wherein a light-absorbing and semiconducting material is distributed in the form of microcrystallites, and wherein the absorption is a two-photon process.
6. A communication system as claimed in claim5, characterized in that the absorbing material is a semi-conductor material of the type II-VI.
7. A communication system as claimed in claim 6, characterized in that the absorbing material is cad-mium telloride, CdTe.
8. A communication system as claimed in claim 7, characterized in that the light-absorbing and semicon-ducting material has a band gap corresponding to a wave-length between 750nm and 1550 nm.
9. An optical amplifier for a communication system as claimed in any one of the preceding claims, c h a r a c t e r i z e d i n that the power limiter and the optical amplifier form a unit.
CA002093724A 1992-04-13 1993-04-08 Optical communication system with a power limiter for high-energy pulses Abandoned CA2093724A1 (en)

Applications Claiming Priority (4)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
FR9204505 1992-04-13
DEP4229292.1 1992-09-02
DE19924229292 DE4229292C2 (en) 1992-09-02 1992-09-02 Optical communication system with a power limiter for giant impulses

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CA2093724A1 true CA2093724A1 (en) 1993-10-14



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CA002093724A Abandoned CA2093724A1 (en) 1992-04-13 1993-04-08 Optical communication system with a power limiter for high-energy pulses

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