CA2093166A1 - Tiltable supporting roller bearing - Google Patents

Tiltable supporting roller bearing


Publication number
CA2093166A1 CA002093166A CA2093166A CA2093166A1 CA 2093166 A1 CA2093166 A1 CA 2093166A1 CA 002093166 A CA002093166 A CA 002093166A CA 2093166 A CA2093166 A CA 2093166A CA 2093166 A1 CA2093166 A1 CA 2093166A1
Prior art keywords
supporting roller
Prior art date
Legal status (The legal status is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the status listed.)
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French (fr)
Johannes Auf Dem Venne
Herbert Pingel
Reinhard Giesemann
Bernhard Peterwerth
Current Assignee (The listed assignees may be inaccurate. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of the list.)
ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions AG
Original Assignee
Krupp Polysius AG
Priority date (The priority date is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the date listed.)
Filing date
Publication date
Application filed by Krupp Polysius AG filed Critical Krupp Polysius AG
Publication of CA2093166A1 publication Critical patent/CA2093166A1/en
Abandoned legal-status Critical Current



    • F27B7/00Rotary-drum furnaces, i.e. horizontal or slightly inclined
    • F27B7/20Details, accessories, or equipment peculiar to rotary-drum furnaces
    • F27B7/22Rotary drums; Supports therefor
    • F16C13/00Rolls, drums, discs, or the like; Bearings or mountings therefor
    • F16C13/02Bearings
    • F16C13/04Bearings with only partial enclosure of the member to be borne; Bearings with local support at two or more points
    • F27B7/00Rotary-drum furnaces, i.e. horizontal or slightly inclined
    • F27B7/20Details, accessories, or equipment peculiar to rotary-drum furnaces
    • F27B7/22Rotary drums; Supports therefor
    • F27B2007/2246Support rollers
    • F27B2007/2253Support rollers mounted movable, e.g. resiliently on the ground


  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • General Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Mechanical Engineering (AREA)
  • Rolling Contact Bearings (AREA)
  • Rolls And Other Rotary Bodies (AREA)
  • Muffle Furnaces And Rotary Kilns (AREA)


Abstract The invention relates to a tiltable supporting roller bear-ing for supporting a rotary drum and comprises a supporting roller which is mounted so as to be freely rotatable as well as a bearing structure for the supporting roller which is supported with respect to a stationary supporting sur-face by a four-membered linkage, the two rockers of which are arranged in such way that the point of rotation of the linkage lies in the region of the intersection of the line of contact between the supporting roller and the riding ring with the vertical central axis of the supporting roller. This construction makes it possible to compensate for skewing of the rotary drum riding ring and at the same time to make a marked reduction in or largely to avoid undesirable axial forces resulting from additional longitu-dinal movements of the rotary drum.


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T~table ~upporting roller bearlng 1'he ln~entlon relates to a tlltable supportln~ roller bearlng for supportlng a rotary drum, according to the preamble to clalm 1.

The rotary drums under conslderatioD here are those of relatlvely lar~e diameter and great length, as i8 the case partlcularly wlth rotary kllns, rotary coolerR, mixing drums and the like. TheRe relatlvely large rotary drum~
are constructed with unavoidable inaccuracie~ of as~embly, and their cylindrical ca~ln~s show more or les~ severe distortlons, whlch leads to wobbling of thelr circumferen-ti~l running surface~ which are generally formed by rlding rings flxed on the rotary drum ca~lng. Wobbllng of these clrcumferentlal runnlng surface~ brlngs wlth it a poor support between thls clrcumferentlal runnlng surface <rlding rlng) ~nd the supportlng rollers o~ the supportlng roller bearlng whlch support lt. The rosultlng locallsod incroa~es ln load on the contact surfaces betweon the ~upportlng rollers aDd clrcumferential runnlng surfaces of the rotary drum lead to damage to the runnlng surracos.

In order to avold thlx damage varlous proposals ha~e already been made <e.g. DE-C-27 3~ 111, DE-A-28 01 588 and DE-C-35 40 5~0>, ln whlch a supportlng roller whlch 18 mounted 80 as to be freely rotatable 18 borne by mean~ of a roller a~le on a bearing structure whlch i8 supported 80 that it 1~ tlltable about a polnt of rotatlon lylng approxlmately at the height of the supportlDg roller axls or below lt relatlve to a statlonary ~upportlng surface.
Skewln~ o~ the clrcumferential running surfaco~ <e.g.
ridlng rln~ surfaces) caused by lDaccuracles of assombly and dlstorted rotary drum c~ln~s can lndeed be compen~atod for by means o~' the~e known tlltable supportlng roller bearlngs by a reaction of the corre~pondin~ supporting ., . : -:, . ~ - . -: : . . ....

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roller or rollers. However, the angular deviatlon o~ the relevant clrcumferentlal runnin~ surface of the rotary drum ~elatlve to the lmaglnary loogltudlnal central axi~ Or the rotary drum already causes problems, as a result of which addltlonal longltudinal movements ln the dlrectlon of thls central axls occur durlDg eaoh revolution. In fact, these longltudlnal movements produce axlal forces ln the region Or the contact surface~ between the outer clrcumferential surface of the supportin~ rollers and the clrcumferentlal runnlng surface Or the rotary drum, the ma~nitude of these a~lal forces belng determlned princlpally by the vertlcal bearlng pressure and the coefflcient oP frictlon. Under the erfects Or these axial forces coosiderable local1sed lncrease~ ln load can occur on the outer circumferential surfaces of the supportlng rollers and the circumferential running surfaces of the rotary drum ~or clrcumferential surfaces of the riding rlngs~, which can lead to damage to these clrcumferentlal or running surYaces.

The obJect of the invention, thereforo, is to provide a tiltable supportlng roller bearlng of the type 80t out ln the preamble to clalm 1, by means Or whlch not only can the ~kewlng of the circumferentlal runnln~ sur~aces ~or ridlng rin~s) of the rotary drum caused by inaccuracies of assembly and a d1storted rotary drum casing be compensated but also the addltional longitudlnal movements of the rotary drum occurring as a result of the an~ular deviatlons Or these clraumferentlal runnln~ surfaces of the rotsry drum are at least reduced to an acceptable mlnimum.

This ob~ect 18 achleved accordlng to the lnventlon by the features set out in the characterlsln~ portlon of clalm l.

Advantageous embodiments of the invention are the ~ubJect matter of the subordlnate clalms.

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In the test~ on whlch the invention 1~ based lt has been shown that the distance ~etween the contact surface or line of contact between the outer clrcumforentlal surfaae of the ~upportlng roller~ and the clrcumferential runnlng surface Or the rotary klln on the one hand and the polnt of rota-tlon of the tlltable supporting roller bearin8 ~with the supportlng roller and its bearing structure? are oP partl-cular lmportance. Thls dlstance produces a lever arm about the sald polnt of rotatlon. The 8reater thig lever arm about the polnt of rotation is, the greater wlll be a moment of rotatlon acting about thls polnt of rotatlon, and the greater thls moment of rotation i8, the 8reater al~o wlll be the load addltionally occurring on the said contact surface or llne of contact and thus in turn the load on the supporting roller and the circumferential running surface <or ridin8 ring) oY the rotary drum.

If in this connectlon one agaln consldors the known con-structions descrlbed ln the lntroductlon, ln whlch tho polnt of rotation Or the tiltable supportlng roller bffaring lies approximately at the helght of the axls of rotatlon of the supporting roller or markedly below it, then relatlvely great and very ~reat lever arms are produced there between the sald llne Or contact ~= polnt Or appllcatlon of force>
and the polnt of rotatlon, whlch in turn lead~ to relatlve-ly great moments of rotation and thus to the considerable danger of locallsed increa~es in load and assoclated damage to the surfaces which are in contact wlth one another.

By contrast, ln the supportlng roller bearlng accordlng to the ln~entlon the tiltable support 18 constructed In the form of a four-membered llnkage wlth the bearlng structuro <for the supporting roller~ and the stationary supporting surrace as well a~ two cran~-like rockers articulated.
between them. These two rockers are arranged in such a way that the point of rotatlon of the llnkage lies ln the 2~g3~

reglon of the intersectlon formed by the line of contact between the outer clrcumferential sur~ace o~ the supporting roller and the alrcumferentlal running surrace <or riding rlng) of the rotary kiln on the one hand and the four vertical central axes of the supporting rollers on the other hand. Thls intersection Or the line of contact, which is horlzontal in the basic position, by the vertical central axis of the supportlng roller forms a polnt of application of force in whlch all essential forces which occur, namely the vertlcal dead welght of the rotary drum and the horizontal force resultin8 from aD axial shift Or the rotary drum and from frictlon, are applied. By the con~truction and arrangement according to the lnvention Or the four-membered linkage as R tiltable support, the point of rotation of thl~ supportln~ roller bearing i8 placed quite close to the sald lDtersection or directly ln thls intersectlon, ~o that here, by contrast wlth the de~crlbed known oon~tructions, the lever arm botween the polnt of rotatlon and tho lnter~ectlon <polnt Or applicatlon Or force) 1~ qulte small or even zero, 80 that accordingly a moment of rotatlon resulting therefrom in the event Or angular dovlations of the circumferentlal runnlng surrace or rlding ring of the rotary drum 18 reduced to a mlnlmum or doe~ not occur at all, whlch in turn leads to locali~ed lncreases Or load whlch are insignirlcantly small or even non-existent.

The lnventlon will be explalned ln greater detall below with the ald of the drawiD~s, in which:

Fi~ure 1 shows R partially cut-away lon~itudlnal vlew of a supportlng roller bearlng accordlng to the invention wlth a first embodlment of a linkage for the tiltable support;

Figure 2 shows R longitudlnal sectlonal vlew o~ the supporting roller bearin~, similar to Figure 1 but relating : . :, . . ............ : : :.: :: - .. :

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to a ~econd embodlment oP the supportlng linka~e;

Plgure 3 shows a slmpllrled transverse vlew of a supporting roller set wlth two ~upportlng rollers.

A flrst embodlment Or the tlltable supporting roller bear-ing 1 accordln~ to the lnvention i8 shown in Figure 1.
This supportlng roller bearing I contains a supportlng roller 2 whlch i8 mounted 80 a~ to be Yreely rotatable and in thi~ case forl~ a ~lnd of sel~-adJusting roller support for an associated longitudinal section oY a rotary drum 3 which is only lndlcated. A clrcumferéntial running surrace oi' the rotary drum 3 18 supported 80 that it rolls on the outer clrcumferential surrace <bearlng surrace~ 2a of this 8U pporting roller 2, and in this case this circumferential running surrace can be constructed dlrectly on the cylln-drlcal caslng Or the rotary drum 3, but prerorably - as i~
known por so - can bo ~ormed by a rldlng rin8 4 or the circumforential running surrace thereo~ attached to the rotary drùm casing.

The supporting roller 2 i8 attached to a roller axle 5 whloh is mounted at its end 80 a~ to be freely rotatablo ln bearings ~, ~ which can be formed in the u~ual way by antifriction bearlngs or plain bearings. By means oi~ thi~
roller axls 5 and its bearlngs 6, 7 the supporting roller 2 18 borne by a bearlng structure 8 whlch is Yormed by a ~upporting structure llke a proYlled Yrame.

The bearlng structure 8 for the runnlng roller 1~ 1D turn tiltably supported relative to a statlonary supporting surrace, thls latter belng formed by a Youndation plate ~
whlch can also ii' requlred be llke a proYlled frame. Thls tlltable support is constructed ln the form Or a flat ~our-membered linkage 10 comprlslng the bearlng structure 8 Yor the supporting roller as the upper llnk and the Youndatlon 2~931 6~

plate ~ whlch Porms the statlonary supporting ~urface as the lower llnk a~ well a~ two crank-llke rockers 11, 12 art;lculated between thexe two part~ ~8, a), the said rockers being constructed in the form of indlvldual bearlng ~upports and having swlvel Joints lla, llb or 12a, 12b respectively at thelr free ends by means of which they are each flexibly connected on to the one hand to the bearlng structure ~ for the ~upportIng roller and on the other hand to the ~tationary foundatlon plate ~. The len8th of these rockers 11, 12 may be chosen freely, and advantageously adapted to the particular lDstallation situation, bearing size, etc.. In thi~ case, however, the rockers 11, 12 preferably have equal lengths relative to the llnk rect-angle formed by the llnkage 10, and in their basic po~ition they are incllned with re6pect to one another at the same angle~ <angle a ln Figure 1) ln such a way that thelr lmaglnary oxtension llnes 11', 12' inter~ect ono another ln the polnt Or rotatlon 13 of the llnkage 10. Thls means, ln othor word~, that the polnt of rotation 13 of the linkage 10 - as illu~trated in Flgure 1 - lles ln the reglon of the lntersectlon or colncide~ with the lntersection which i8 formed on the one hand by the llne of contact 14 between the outer clrcumferentlal surrace 2a of the supporting roller and the outer circumferential surface 4a of the ridlng rinR and on the other hand by the vertical central axix 2b of the supportlng roller.

By msans of thl~ tiltable support in the form of the link-age 10 for the bearing ~tructure 8 for the ~upportlng roller and thus the entlre supportlng roller bearlng, on the one hand skewlng of the rldlng rlng 4 or the circum-ferentlal surface thereof 18 effectlvely compen~ated by the reactlon of the appertainlng supportlng rollers 2, and on the other hand any addltlonal longitudlnal movement~ <axial movements) occurrin~ during the rotary movement as a re~ult oY an angular deviation of the rldlng rlng 4 relative to : :: ." . ............................... ,. :

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2~3~ 6~

the longitudlnal axis of the rotary drum are also compen-sated In an advantageous manner, since only an extremely ~11 lever arm or no lever arm at all 18 present between the polnt of rotatlon 13 Or the supportlng roller bearlng 1 and the polnt of appllcatlon of force occurring ln the lntersectlon between the llne of contact 14 and the vertl-cal central axls 2b of the bearlng roller, so that accord-lngly inslgnlficantly small moments of rotatlon or no moments of rotatlon can occur in these regions which could be produced by axlal forces during longltudinal movements or skewlng of the rldlng rlng 4.

Some ~or~ ln the example accordlng to Plgure 1, all) of the swlvel ~olnts lla, Ilb or 12a, l~b respectlvely on the crank-llke rockers can be formed by antlfrlctlon, plaln and~or elastomerlc bearlngs, as is lndicated ln the sald Flgure 1.

Flgure 2 shows a varlant of thc supportlng roller bearlng 1 explalned wlth the aid of Flgure 1, this variant prlncl-pally havlng a second embodlment oi` the four-membered llnk-age 10. TherePore for the sake of slmpllclty all slmilar parts ln Flgures 1 and 2 are provlded wlth the same refer-ence numerals, 80 a detalled descrlptlon Or these parts 18 unnecessary.

Thus In thls variant accordlng to Flgure 2 the bearlng structure 8 for the supporting roller and the statlonary foundatlon plate ~ as well as the two crank-llke rockets 11, 12 articulated between them also form the four-membered llnkage 10 for the tlltable support of the bearlng struc-ture 8 bearlng the supportlng roller 5 and thu~ of the supportlng roller bearlng 1, and ln fact act and function ln the same way as ha~ been explalned ln detall wlth.the aid o~ Flgure l.


However, in contra6t to the embodlment accordlng to Figure 1, ln this variant at lea~t some and preferably all of the swlvel Joints lla', llb' and the swlvel ~olnts 12a', 12b' on the rocker 12 are constructed ln the form o~ reslllent boarlng sets, which can be the usual commercial elastomeric bearlngs <wlth rubber or rubber-llke bearlng bufi~ers, but can also lf required be other suitable spriDg bearlngs).

It 18 al~o indicated ln the variant according to Fixure 2 that two supports 15, lff or a support assembly formed thereby, by means of which deflecting movements ln the axlal dlrection o~ the ~upportlng roller 2 can be llmlted ln a sultable manner, can also be fixed ln a sultable manner on the ~tatlonary foundatlon pl~te ~ between the two rockers 11, 12.

Finally, Flgure 3 show~ how two supporting rollers 2 wlth thelr bearlng structures 8 can bo comblned lnto a ~upport-ing roller sot. In thls ca~e thoy are arran~ed symmetrl-cally on both sldos o~ the vortlcal longltudlnal central plane 3a o~ tho rotary drum 3 which 18 to be supportod and thoy co-oporato with the same clrcumferentlal runnlng surraco or w~th the same rldln~ rlng 4. Thus two o~ the supportlng roller bearlngs 1 explalned above wlth the ald of Flgures I and 2 comblned ln a symmetrical manner as a pair form such a supportln~ roller set. In this case each of these two supportlng roller bearin~s I ls tlltably supported by lts own llnkage 10 independently on a ~ound-ation, preferably by a foundation plate ~ ln each case.
However, lt is important here that the two bearin~ struc-tures 8 for the supportlng rollers are connected by at least one spacer element 17, by means o~ whlch a con~tant spaclng 18 malntalned between these two bearlng ~tructures ô and thus ln partlcular between the two supportlng rollers 2 borne b~ them and expan~lon ~orces resultlng from the perpendlcular dead wel~ht of the two supportlng rollers are ' :- ' ' ' ' : ,' ; '~' ~, '' 2~316~

~b~orbed by the rotary drum 3. In order to en6ure the lndependent tlltability Or each ~upporting roller bearin8 l, the spacer element 17 advantageously ha6 connecting ~oints l~a, 17b at lts connection point~ to the bearing structures 8.

Wlth the ald of the representations in Fi~ures 2 and 3 lt may also be reco8nised that each rocker ll, 12 1~ advan-tageously constructed in the form of a longitudlnal girder which 18 aligned obliquely with respect to the axls Or rotatlon 2c of the supportlng roller and 16 preferably proflled le.g. double T glrder~. The overall length of this longitudinal girder whlch forms the rockers 11, 12 ~in the cro66-dlrectlon to the axls of rotatlon 2c of the supportlng roller) i8 advantageously dependent upon the partlcular deslgn and arran8ement of the supportlng roller bearlng 1 or the ~upportlng roller set formed thereby.

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Claims (10)

1. Tiltable supporting roller bearing for supporting n rotary drum (3), comprising a) a supporting roller (2) which is mounted so as to be freely rotatable, and on the peripheral surface of which a circumferential running surface (4, 4a) of the rotary drum (3) is rotatably supported, b) a bearing structure (8) which bears the supporting roller (2) by means of a roller axle (5) and which is in turn tiltably supported with respect to a station-ary supporting surface characterized in that c) the tiltable support is constructed in the form of a four-membered linkage (10) with the bearing structure (8) and the stationary supporting surface (9) as well as two crank-like rockers (11, 12) articulated be-tween them, the two rockers being arranged in such a way that the point of rotation (13) of the linkage (10) lies in the region of the intersection of the contact line (14) between the outer circumferential surface (2a) of the supporting roller and the circum-ferential running surface (4, 4a) of the rotary drum with the vertical central axis (2b) of the supporting roller.
2. Supporting roller bearing as claimed in claim 1, characterised in that the rockers (11, 12) are formed by individual bearing supports and have swivel joints (11a, 11b, 12a, 12b; 11a', 11b', 12a', 12b') on their free ends by means of which they are flexibly connected on the one hand to the bearing structure (8) for the supporting roller and on the other hand to the stationary supporting surface (9).
3. Supporting roller bearing as claimed in claim 2, characterised in that each rocker (11, 12) is constructed in the form of a longitudinal girder which is aligned obliquely with respect to the axis of rotation (2c) of the supporting roller and is preferably profiled.
4. Supporting roller bearing as claimed in claim 2, characterised in that at least some of the swivel joints (11a, 11b, 12a, 12b) on the rockers (11, 12) are formed by antifriction, plain and/or elastomeric bearings.
5. Supporting roller bearing as claimed in claim 2, characterised in that at least some of the swivel joints (11a', 11b', 12a', 12b') on the rockers (11, 12) are constructed in the form of resilient bearing sets.
6. Supporting roller bearing as claimed in claim 2, characterised in that the rockers (11, 12) have equal lengths relative to the link rectangle formed by the link-age (10), and in their basic position they are inclined with respect to one another at the same angles (.alpha.) in such a way that their imaginary extension lines (11', 12') intersect one another in the point of rotation (13) of the linkage (10).
7. Supporting roller bearing as claimed in claim 1, characterised in that the bearing structure (8) for the support roller is formed by a supporting structure like a profiled frame which supports the supporting roller axle (5) by means of two bearings (6, 7) and the stationary supporting surface is formed by a foundation plate (9).
8. Supporting roller bearing as claimed in claim 1, characterised in that supports (15, 16) which limit the deflecting movements in the axial direction of the support-ing roller (2) are fixed on the stationary supporting surface (9) between the two rockers (11, 12).
9. Supporting roller bearing as claimed in claim 1, in which two supporting rollers (2) with their bearing struc-tures (8) are combined into a supporting roller set, so that they lie symmetrically on both sides of the vertical longitudinal central plane (3a) of the rotary drum (3) which is to be supported and co-operate with the same circumferential running surface (4, 4a), characterised in that the two bearing structures (8) for the supporting rollers are connected by at least one spacer element (17) in order to maintain the same spacing between them.
10. Supporting roller bearing as claimed in claim 9, characterised in that the spacer element (17) has connect-ing joints (17, 17b) at its connection points to the bearing structures (8) for the supporting rollers.
CA002093166A 1992-04-28 1993-04-01 Tiltable supporting roller bearing Abandoned CA2093166A1 (en)

Applications Claiming Priority (2)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
DEP4213916.3 1992-04-28
DE4213916A DE4213916A1 (en) 1992-04-28 1992-04-28 TILTABLE ROLLER BEARING

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CA2093166A1 true CA2093166A1 (en) 1993-10-29



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CA002093166A Abandoned CA2093166A1 (en) 1992-04-28 1993-04-01 Tiltable supporting roller bearing

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AU (1) AU3820793A (en)
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CA (1) CA2093166A1 (en)
DE (1) DE4213916A1 (en)
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EP0567777A1 (en) 1993-11-03
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ZA932114B (en) 1993-10-13
KR930022042A (en) 1993-11-23
JPH0626766A (en) 1994-02-04
AU3820793A (en) 1993-11-04
BR9301555A (en) 1993-11-03
MX9302450A (en) 1994-05-31

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