CA2045386A1 - Anti-smoking aid - Google Patents

Anti-smoking aid


Publication number
CA2045386A1 CA 2045386 CA2045386A CA2045386A1 CA 2045386 A1 CA2045386 A1 CA 2045386A1 CA 2045386 CA2045386 CA 2045386 CA 2045386 A CA2045386 A CA 2045386A CA 2045386 A1 CA2045386 A1 CA 2045386A1
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Application number
CA 2045386
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French (fr)
Darryl Gene Lochert
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Priority to CA 2045386 priority Critical patent/CA2045386A1/en
Publication of CA2045386A1 publication Critical patent/CA2045386A1/en
Abandoned legal-status Critical Current



  • Orthopedics, Nursing, And Contraception (AREA)


Abstract of the Disclosure Title of the Invention: ANTI-SMOKING AID

The device comprises a length of loose-linked chain formed into an endless loop having a circumference of 7 to 9 cm. A
bead is threaded loosely over the chain. Such a loop easily fits over one finger, and is very easily manipulable, whereby the fingers of even an habitual heavy smoker may be distracted for a long period, thereby reducing the number of cigarettes smoked.


204$386 Title: ANTI-SMO~ING AID

Thi~ invention relates to a device ~or providin~ a distraction for the hands and f ingers of a psrson who is trying to give up s~oking.

Ths habit of smoking is a notoriously difficult habit to break. One o~ the ~ajor Problens is that a s~oker, upon first attenpting to cease the habit, in~ediately ~inds that he ~i8s8s having a cigaret in his ~ingers. The fact o$ not hav~ng a cigaret to handle, ie o~ not having somothin~ to hold, causes the person to twist his fingers in the desire to manipulate, or at least to hold, an article, whioh habitually has been a ci~aret. ~urthsr~ore, the act of twisting the ~ingers in itsel~ serve~ to exacerbate the nervous tension caused by the frustration o$ ceaæing to saoke.

It i~ recoenissd that, in aiding a person to cea~e snoking, or to cut down on the nu~ber o~ ci~arets, it can there~ore be very i~portant to provide a dsvice for occupying the person s hands and fingers.

Ths inv~ntion is ai~ed at providing such a devic~.


.. . .



The ~ollowing prior patents are oonsidered relevant to thc invention.
US-3557776, Jan-1~71, BOOTS
US-4208~47, Jun-198~, OLS~N
US-495~B91, Aug-1990, LEARY


In the invention, the anti-s~oking aid includes a lsngth o~
looss, ~lexible, and ~anipulable ~aterial, for exa~ple a longth of chain, which is ~or~ed into an endless loop.

In the invention, the ~aterial fro~ which the loop is formed i8 ~lexible and loose to the extent that the loop has substantially no rigidity itsel~, as a structure. As ~entioned, in a preferred e~bodi~ent o~ the invention the ~aterial conprises a chain, ie co~prises a series of chain link elenents which are si~ply linked together such that each individual link is quite loose relative to its adjaoent links. Whilst it is not essential, in the invention, that the ~aterial o~ the loop be a ¢hain, it is essential that the link be ~lexible and ~anipulable, and essentially not solid and rigid. The loop in the invention could not be, ~or exa~ple, a solid ring.

In the invention, onto the loop is threaded a bead.

20~386 In the invention, the loop is 50 di~ensioned that the loop, with the b~ad thereon, $its loosely over and around one fineer of a person. The loop should not be 80 tight on the finger that the loop cannot be ~anipulated in tho hand. On the other hand, the loop should not be so loose on the ~inger that the person would have to pay nuch attention to preventing the loop ~ro~ falling o~ the ~inger.

It has been found that the length of the ~aterial for~ing the loop should preferably be lon~ enough that a circle inscribed inside the loop, bearing in ~ind the presence o~
the bead on the loop, should have a circun~erence in ths region of 7 to 9 c~.

ereferably, ths bead ~its 1008ely ov~r the langth o~
flexible naterial, being loose in the sense that the bead is easily ~ovable rslative to the length of ~atsrial, along the length thereof. Pre~erably al80, the bead is loose in ths sense that the bead i8 easily ~ovable in a rotational sense around the ~aterial o~ the loop.


By way of furthsr explanation of the invention, an exe~plary enbodi~ent of the invention will now be described with reference to ths acconpanying drawings, in which:


Fie 1 ~llustrates the ~annor o~ operation and U80 0~ an anti-s~oking device which incor~orates the in~ention;

Fig 2 is a further illustrative view o~ the de~ice sho~n in Fig 1.

The apparatus shown in the acco~panying drawings and describod below ia an exanple which e~body the invention.
It should be noted that the ~cope of tho invention i8 dePined by tho acco~panyin8 clai~s, and not nocessarily by speci~ic ~eatures o~ exe~plary e~bodi~ents.

The device includes a length of chain 2 for~ed into an endless loop 3. The chain 2 co~prises link ele~ents 4 loosely linked to~ether. The links 4 ~ay be per~anently ~orned into an ondless loop, or a catch 5 ~ay be prov~ded ~or rs-opening the loop. Typically, the l~nks 4 are ~ade ~ro~ uetal or plastic.

Onto the loop 3 i8 threaded a bead B, which typically is of wood or plastic. The bead 8 i8 provided with a through-hole 7, by ~eans Q~ which it i8 a loose ~it on the links 4 o~ the ohain 2; in the case where the dia~eter overall o~
the chain links is 2.5 ~, the bead should be provided with a through-hole 7 o~ dianeter around 6 ~. Th~s di~ension assures that the bead B has enough clearance that the bead can be readily ~anipulated along the length o~ the chain 2, and aloo that it can be readily ~anipulated in a rotational 204~38~

sense rolative to the chain.

The bea~ B i8 12 ~m ~n dl~metor, ~nd about ~e same in len~th. The bead i8 0~ a barr~l æhape, and i8 smooth and ploasant to tho touch.

The ohain 2 has no inherent ~tructural rigidity. ~he nature o~ the chain is such that a person ~ay ~asily ~anipulate the eha~n, turning th~ loop 3 over and over in hi~ ~in~srs, such ~anipulation being pleasant as regards ~eel, and being quite non-de~anding o~ attention.

The cha~n 2 i8 ~loxibler not in the sense o~ being resilient or ~lastic, but rath~r in the sense o~ being without rigidity.

Th~ bead 6 i8 ~ubstantial and weighty ene~h to ~OV8 along thc oha~n 2, as by ~alling und~r its own w0i~ht, or a~ the ~ingers are 80 ~oved as to ailow it to do so. The boad 6 is .
not at all liable to sna or stick en the chain 2.

As an alternati~ to the ohain, the length o~ ~aterial ~orming the loop co~pris~s a length o~ thread, upon which i8 threaded a 8e~ri~5 0~ s~al~ bead slements~

The beat 6 ha~ su~cient substanc~ that a p~rson c~n casily tell where the boad ~, on She chsin, without looking, and indeed without pay~n~ any attention. It has been ~ound - B -thst, aPtsr a t~e, tho porson al~ost subconciously ko~Ps on ~anipulating tho boad and cha~n, evon though his attontion ~ay bo d~vertod ol~owhore. It i8 consid0red that this sub~oncious aspect ~s i~portant, in that th8 tov~co ~ay bo e~ot~ve to blook ths person's deslre to s~oke at ths subconcious lovel.

On a conoious level, the dovice as described demands only a ~ini~u~ a~ount o~ attention in order that tho ~in~ers aro kept oecupied. The porson can twist his fingers evon in dosparato ~rustration without that action loading to a desiro to "do sonethin~ with the hands" whi¢h so o~ten translatos into a dosiro ~or a cigarot.

The devics as d~sGribed ~ay bo oporatod and ~ani~ulated ontiroly with ono hand. To this ond, the devico should be such that it ~ill not 8a8ily ~all o~ the fing~r, that it can be ronovod ~ro~ a pocket~ ~lacod on the ~ingsr, ~an~l~ulated, and pu~ bac~ into the pockotl all ~th ono hand; tho dovico a8 dosoribod ~8 oxcoll0nt in this aspoct o~
one-handed ~so. Ono o~ the main pur~osos o~ the devico i8 to oocupy th0 s~oking hand liko a o1gar0t.

Tho do~co as descr~bed i8 unobtrusive, and can be usod on al~ost any ooca8~0n. The do~ico as ~osor~bed has the advantags also that it does not look e~barrassin~ly ovor-elaborate; nor does it loo~ childish, as S0~6 previou~
dovicos havo. A person using the dovice, or having it in 20~38~

his possossionJ reels no e~barrass~snt at boin~ "oau~ht by an onlookor.

Tho idea o~ the dov~ce a~ doscr~bed i8 that it acts to koep ~en ~ d~s~eratelY ~rustrated snoker's hands occupi~d, ~hus renovin~ ono o~ the reasons so~s pooplo 8~0ko~ or s~oX~ too ~uch. Tho devico, o~ oourss, i8 0~ an extronely s~p~e nature. Nevertholoss, tho do~ico has boen ~ound to bo highly e~foctiv~ at koopin~ the ~ingers occupied ior long onough Qeriods, whereby a person s s~oking rato nay be ~igni~icantly xoducod.

The devioo in ~aot ~its vsry easily and snuely into the snokor's ~ingers. The device roadily N~alls" into the crook o~ a person 8 socond ~inger. It i8 al~ars attraotive to tho touch. I~ the s~okor puts his hand in his pookot and ~eels tho devioo, it beco~os alnost i~possibls ~or hin not to take tho dev~oo out and play with ~t.

The ds~ico as doscribed i8 extre~ely ~asy to play with. The devios i~ ~uch that a person will play with ~t, constantly turning it over in his ~ingors, ~iggling it, to~sing it, and rolling the boad betweon ~inger and thunb around the chain.
~ven when used in a rePetitive way for a long period, the ~otion o~ the device does not beoo~e tiring, nor Peol boring.
If a perJon ~oels in his ~ooket ~or a cigaret, but instead
2~4~386 pulls out the device, the device is put to guits a severe test: the device ~ust occupy the person s ~inBers perhaps ~or a lon~ period be~ore the peroon ~inally co~es to ter~s with not having a oigaret at that time and no longer ~eels the need to keep his ~ingers occupied.

The device iæ unobtrusivs as to storage, and can be carried easily in pocket or purse: it can even bs tucked into an opened cigaret packet. The device is unobtrusive in use (a co~panion who beca~e irritated uith a person who is constantly tossing the device in his hand ¢ould re~lect that at least the person is not s~oking).

The device i8 perfectlr easy to set up: the usor 8i~ply places the loop around his Pingers, and co~ences to ~anipulate the bead and chain. Only ons hand i6 roQuired to draw out the device and co~ence to use it. The device is so easy to ~anipulate, and the feel of it is so satisfying, that in fact ths s~oker cannot just hold it in his hand, but ~ust be constantly playing with it. In fact, it has been ~ound that the act o~ ~anipulating the device can itself becone habit-~or~ing: the device is so attractive to ~anipulate that the co~pulsion to s~o~e is diverted into a co~pulsion to ~anipulate the davice~ Or, at least, that part o~ ths conPulsion to s~oke ~ay be diverted which consists o~ a ¢o~pulsion to occupy the ~ingers by holding a ¢igaret.

20~386 The device as described i8 substant~al enough to be easy to locate in the pocket. On the other hand, the dovice is ~ust the right 8ize to fit the ~ingers. If the loop were larger, ~ho device would too easily be droppod ~ro~ the hand: i~ tho loop were s~aller, the ease of ~ove~ent and o$ ~anipulation would not be so attractive.

The device i8 very attractive to handle, ~uch that the person is able and willing to hold tho device in his hand, turning it over in his fingerR~ DanipUlating it, etc, ~or su~ficient ti~e to give the psrson the opportunity to bring his desire to sno~e under control.

In d~ter~ining the size of tho d~ic~, particularly in deter~ining the circu~ferential length of the loop of chain, the following points should be considered.

The length o~ tho chain, ie the cirou~erential length o$
the loop o~ ¢hain, is set in relation to a pcrson 8 finger.
Tho loop~ with the bead thsreon, fits around the person 8 ~inger, pre~erably the person's secont fingsr, pre~erably between the two joints o~ the ~inger.

The loop should be neither too tight nor too loose. I~ too tight, the device i8 too awkward to aanipu}ate, with the result that the person beco~es irritated and frustratad with ths device. I~ too loose, the person again beco~es irritatsd at the ~ount o~ concious attontion s/he ~ust give 204~386 in order to keep the dsvice ~rom aocidentally ~allin~ off.
It has been found that the cir¢u~erential length of the chain, with ths beQd thereon~ ideally should be about 2 cm longer than the circu~f~rence of the person 8 ~ngsr. Is the chain should have about 2 c~ of "slack" on the ~inger.

Thus J in cases where the d~vics is adJustabl~ as regards the length of the loop (the dsvice ~ay be ~ade adjustabl~ by providing that the catch 5 is of the kind that per~its links of the chain to be re~oved or added) the person should adjust the length o~ the loop so as to give the loop a slack of 2 c~ on his/her fing~r~

On the other hand, it has been found that quit~ a wide ~argin of slack can be per~itted, ~ithout affccting the acceptability of the device. Thus, a slack of betw~en about 1 c~ and 3 c~ has been ~ound acceptable.

Of course, not all fin~ers are of th~ sa~ thickness.
Ladies' second fingers are typically about 5 or 6 c~ in circu~ference, and ~ens ar~ about 6 or 7 c~. Thus, i~ the device i8 non-adjustable, and is of the one-si2~-fits-all cate~ory, the loop should bs about 8 c~ in circu~f~rence;
this avoids being too loose on the thinner ladies' fin~ers and avoids being too tight on the thicker ~sns fingsrs. In ~act, in that category, if the loop i~ betw~en 7 and 9 c~
the device will havs a wide ran~e o~ acceptability.

20~386 It is recognised, a~ a pre~erred feature o$ the invention, that in fact an aoceptable one-size-~its-all category is available for a tevice of the kind dssoribed.


CLAIM 1. Anti-smoking aid device, wherein:
the device includes a length of material that is substantially without rigidity;
the length of material is formed into an endless loop;
the device includes a bead;
the bead is threaded over the length of material;
and the loop and the bead are of such dimensions that the loop with the bead thereon, fits loosely over one finger of a person.
CLAIM 2. Device of claim 1, wherein the length of material comprises a length of loose-linked chain.

CLAIM 3. Devices of claim 2, wherein the bead is a loose fit on the chain, whereby the bead is readily movable, without sticking or snagging, along the length of the chain and rotationally with respect to the chain.

CLAIM 4. Device of claim 3, wherein a circle inscribed inside the loop, the bead being on the loop, has a circumference in the region of between 7 and 9 cm.

CLAIM 5. Device of claim 4, wherein the links of the chain have a dimension overall, normal to the length of the chain, of about 2.5 mm, and the bead is threaded onto the chain via a through-hole in the bead, and the diameter of the through-hole is about 6 mm.

CLAIM 8. Device of claim 5 wherein the diameter of the bead is about 12 mm and the length of the bead is about 12 mm.
CA 2045386 1991-06-25 1991-06-25 Anti-smoking aid Abandoned CA2045386A1 (en)

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CA 2045386 CA2045386A1 (en) 1991-06-25 1991-06-25 Anti-smoking aid

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CA 2045386 CA2045386A1 (en) 1991-06-25 1991-06-25 Anti-smoking aid

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CA2045386A1 true CA2045386A1 (en) 1992-12-26



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CA 2045386 Abandoned CA2045386A1 (en) 1991-06-25 1991-06-25 Anti-smoking aid

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Cited By (2)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US5590421A (en) * 1993-09-20 1997-01-07 Craner; James Device and method for treatment of hand involved habits
ES2238189A1 (en) * 2004-02-12 2005-08-16 Fernando Morillo Perez Cigarette smoke reducing device for use between fingers during smoking, has semi-rigid ring fitted between fingers

Cited By (2)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US5590421A (en) * 1993-09-20 1997-01-07 Craner; James Device and method for treatment of hand involved habits
ES2238189A1 (en) * 2004-02-12 2005-08-16 Fernando Morillo Perez Cigarette smoke reducing device for use between fingers during smoking, has semi-rigid ring fitted between fingers

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