CA1289043C - Device for susceptibility testing of microorganisms - Google Patents

Device for susceptibility testing of microorganisms


Publication number
CA1289043C CA000533743A CA533743A CA1289043C CA 1289043 C CA1289043 C CA 1289043C CA 000533743 A CA000533743 A CA 000533743A CA 533743 A CA533743 A CA 533743A CA 1289043 C CA1289043 C CA 1289043C
Prior art keywords
test strip
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Expired - Lifetime
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French (fr)
Anne Bolmstrom
Magnus Ericsson
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Biodisk AB
Original Assignee
Biodisk AB
Priority date (The priority date is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the date listed.)
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Application filed by Biodisk AB filed Critical Biodisk AB
Priority to CA000533743A priority Critical patent/CA1289043C/en
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of CA1289043C publication Critical patent/CA1289043C/en
Anticipated expiration legal-status Critical
Expired - Lifetime legal-status Critical Current



  • Apparatus Associated With Microorganisms And Enzymes (AREA)
  • Measuring Or Testing Involving Enzymes Or Micro-Organisms (AREA)



A device for susceptibility testing of microor-ganisms comprising a transparent, sealable container (1), a rectangular carrier (3) coated with a growth medium, means (2) for sealing the container (1), and a rectangular, transparent, non-porous, inert test strip (4) optionally provided with a grip, two antimicrobial substances separated by a substance-free zone being applied on one side of the strip in concentration gradients exhibiting maxima and minima, on the other side of the test strip is a scale for direct reading of the susceptibility the above-mentioned concentration gradient(s) being pre-defined and adapted to the reading scale. (Figure 1).




The present invention is concerned with a devica for susceptibility testing of microorganisms comprising a ~ealable container, a square carrier coated with a growth medium for microorganisms and a rectangular, transparent, non-porous, inert test strip, on one side of which is applied two antimicrobial sub6tances ~ep-arated by a zone free of substance, and on the other side oE which is a scale for direct reading of the su6-cept.ibility, Susceptibility testing of microorganism6 i8 carried out by exposing the antibiotic~s) and/or che~otherapeutic(s) to be tested to a growing culture of the microorganisms. After incubation the size of the inhibition zone demarcating a circular area of no growth from the general lawn'of microbial growth is read; The susceptibility of microoryanisms for various antibacterial substance6 can be established in this way. This can be used as a guidance for the selection of an appropriate antimicrobial therapy for the treatment of infections caused by the microorganism in question. Susceptibility testing ~f microorgani6m6 can be carried out by applying either a suspension of colonies from pure isolate~ or biological fluids containing the infected microorganism directly on a growth medium.
Devices for the determination of the susceptibili-ty of microorganisms are described in US-A-3,416,998, DK-C-137089 and SE-C-403382. US-A-3,416,998 relates to a dried, transparent 9heet of agar, in which an active substance, such as a chemotherapeutic agent or the like has been incorporated. These agar reagent sheets can i,a, be produced by the dropping of agar incorporated with a reagent on a moving sheet of plastic material.
After the agar reagent sheet ha~ dried the plastic material is removed, whereafter piece6 of suitable :,. : , .

~2~ 3 shapes and 3izes are cut and are ready to be used.
These are intended to replace i.a. antibiotic discs.
DK-C-137089 concerns an indicator for the determination of tha susceptibility of microorganisms comprising an absorbing carrier, on which growt.h medium mixsd with bactericides has been applied, and on one sids of which a moisture-proof layer has been applied. In SE-C-403382 iB disclosed means in which the active substance is applied on the growth medium with the aid of a porous carrier. The concentration of the active sub~tancs is said to vary continuously along the whoie length of the carrier. From this patent is evident that the active substancs is essentially transferred from the porous carrier to the cultivation medium in the longitudi~al direction of the carrier, the consequence of which is that in the cultivation medium it is not possible to achieve a variation of the concentration of active substance with such an accuracy that it can be read against a pre-determined scale. According to this patent it is also possible to apply two active sub-stances on the growth medium, but only in such a way that concentrations of the substances varying in two directions perpendicular to each other are achieved.
Susc~ptibility testing of microorganisms using 2S biological fluids can further be exemplified in more detail by describing a method for the determination of ; the susceptibility of urinary pathogens to antibacte-rial substances. In this method a so called dip-slide is used, i.e. a rectangular carrier coated with a growth medium for microor~anisms, e.g. a suitable agar medium. This dip-slide is e.g attached to a lid, which fits to a tube. The dip-slide is dipped into a urine specimen, whereby the specimen with the bacteria in it is exposed to the agar surface. Thersafter one or more so called antibiotic discs are applied on the agar ~2~

surface. These are small discs of a porous material, which have been impregnated with a predetermined amount of an antibacterial a~ent. When these discs are in con-tact with the agar surface the antimicrobial agent dif-fuses out into the agar medium. ~fter applying the discs to the dip-slide, it is placed into a tube, which i8 then sealed. Thereafter the dip-slide is incubated over night in an incubator (a temperature of about 37C) after which the dip-slide is removed from the tube. The results are read by looking for the appear-ance of an inhibition zone , i.e. a zone with no or ve-ry little bacterial growth, and measuring the diameter of this zone. This gives an indication on whether the antibiotic being tested may be effective for the treat-ment of an infection caused by the microorganism in question. This method is described inter alia in Chemo-therapy 25:227-232 (1979) and The Practioner, vol. 224, 93-934, September 1980. The disadvantages with thi~
method are among others the difficulty of handling such a technique in out-patient care centres, as the anti-biotic discs due to their small size must be applied by usin~ tweezers or a needle. Further there i8 a certain risk of infection when reading results of the suscepti-bility testing since it is necessary to remove the dip--slide from the outer tube. The size of the inhibition zone has to be measured manually and compared to a set ; of different interpretive te~plates for different anti-biotics, which is a time consuming procedure. At the same time there are technical disadvantages a3sociated with the porous antibiotic discs as diffusion of anti-biotics therefrom to the ayar layer does not always take place uniformly due to variations in the porosity of the paper of the agar layer and differences in the physico-chemical properties of different antibacterial agents.

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This is valied for all porous carriers and thus for all the above-mentioned means.
The present invention relates to a device for sus-ceptibility testing of microorganisms comprising a transparent, sealable container, a re~tangular carrier coated with a medium suitable for the growth of microorgani~ms, means for sealing the container, to which means the carrier may be optionally attached, and a rectangular, transparent, non-porous, inert test strip ~hich is to be applied to the surface of the medium on which the rnicroorganisms grow, with one side of the test strip having two or more antimicrobial substances applied in such a manner that one substance i8 present in a concentration gradient having a maximum at one end of the test strip and the other sub~tance in a concentration gradient having a maximum at the opposite end, and that there is a zone between the gradients in ~7hich there is no sub3tance, and that the concentration gradients of the two substances exhibit their minima at the respective part on the test atrip next to the above-mentioned substance-free zona, and on the other side of the test strip there is a scale for direct reading of the susceptibility in which the predefined concentration gradient has been adapted to the reading scale. The test strip is optionally pro-vided with a grip.
Figure 1 shows one embodiment of the device ac-cording to the invention, and Figures 2 and 3 show in more cletail one embodiment of a test strip, which i5 a part of the device.
Figure 1 shows one embodirnent ot the device according to the invention comprising a transparent t.ube 1, a rectangular carrier 3 in the form of a dip--slide on which there is an a~ar layer, and a lid 2, which is connected to the dip-slide. The dip-slide shown in the figure has been dipped for example in a urine specimen, whereafter a test strip 4 having an antimicrobial substance ha~ been applied to the agar surface and the device has been sealed. The test strip is for example of the type illustrated in more detail in Figures 2 and 3. The whole device is thereafter incubated over night at about 37~. Growth af bacteria is shown at 5, while an inhibition of bactsrial growth is sho~7n at 6, where the antibiotic concentration present is enough to inhibit bacterial growth. As is evident it is simple to read the result directly, without having to remove the dip-slide from the tube 1.
In the embodiment of test strip ~ shown in Figuras 2 and 3 the te6t strip is provided with a grip tab 7 which is an angular bending of one end of the test strip. Two antimicrobial substances are applied on one side of the test strip in such a way that one of tha substances exhibits a concentration gradient having a maximum at the end of the test strip integral with tha grip tab, while the other substance exhibits a concen-tration gradient having a maximum at the other end of the test strip. Between these two gradients is a zone a where there is no substance present. The other side of the test strip is graded with a scale. Figure 2 show6 the side of the test strip having a scale. The letters R, I and S indicates resistant, intermadiate and sensi-tive categories of su3ceptibilities to the antibiotic in question. Equally exact concentrations of the sub-stances can be shown ~9 in Figure 2). The code for the antibiotic used can be applied on the space indicated with 10. In Figure 3, the side of the test strip on which the anti-nicrobial substances are applied is sho~n. Two antimicrobial substances are indicated by 11 and 12, and the concentration maxima located in the respective end of the carrisr and ~he minima at respec-tive borders to the zone 8.
In ths embodiment shown the container is round, but it can also have an another shape, e.g. oval or square.

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Materials suitable for the test strip and contain-er accordlng to the present invention are transparent, inert polymeric materials of a natural or synthetic origin, for example acrylic pla~tics, ~tyrene plastics, vinyl chloride plastic or glass. They do not have to be of the same
Different types of interpretive scales can be uæed in accordance with the invention, for example a nume-rical scale.
Growth media containing a gelling agent euch as ayar-agar and the like can be applied on the rectangu-lar carrier. Nutritive supplementÆ necessary Eor the growth of the microorganisms can in a manner known per se be added to this medium.
The term "microorganisms" comprise bacteria, such as enterobacteriaceae, staphylococci, streptococci, hemophilus, neisseriaceae, bacteroides, and clostridia, virus and fungi, such as moulds, yeasts, e.g. candida.
The term "antimicrobial substance'` refers to one or a combination of more than ons antimicrobial sub-stances. Antimicrobial substances comprise antibiotics, for example aminoglycosides, ~-lactam antibiotica, macrolide antibiotics, polymyxins, po}ypeptides and other chemotherapeutics such as sulfonamides, antimyco-tics, such as polyene antibiotics, for example amphote-ricin, griseoful~in, 5-fluorocytosine and imidazoles, ; antiviral agents, such as amantadine and interfe.ron.
The concentration ~radient of the antimicrobial substance on the test strip can be applied in a manner known per se, for example hy precision micropipetting.
With the device according to the present invention it is easier to carry out susceptibility testin~ in out-patient care centres. It i8 much easier to apply a strip with the helpt of grip tab, on the agar surface of a dip-slide than to apply antibiotic disc~ using tweezers or the like. Further the risk of infection for the staff working with the test is eliminated, as the -reading of the result can be carried out directly with-out having to remove the dip-slide from the tube as the interpretive scale marked on the test strip gives an immediate answer. This gives accurate and reproducible results and is time-saving, as it does not require, like in other methods, the use of templates which are based on approximations derived from comparisons of inhibition zone sizes and ~IIC (~linimum Inhibitory Concentration) values. Further, an instantaneous diffusion of antimicrobial substance from the strip to the agar ifi achieved with a non-porous test strip, which in accordance with the invention results in a stable and continuous concentration gradient in the reaction layer, thus eliminating the interference that may arise when using porous c:arriers. An exact amount of the substance in a well defined gradient along the strip, ifi transferred to the test surface, thereby giving with good reproducibility an exact and accurate measure of the susceptibility of the microorganism for the antimicrobial substance being tested.


Claims (8)

1. A device for susceptibility testing of micro-organisms, characterized in that it comprises a trans-parent, sealable container, a rectangular carrier coated with a medium suitable for the growth of micro-organisms, means for sealing the container, to which means the carrier may be optionally attached, and a rectangular, transparent, non-porous, inert test strip, which is to be applied to the surface of the medium on which the microorganisms grow, that on one side of the test strip two or more antimicrobial substances are applied in such a manner that one substance exhibits a concentration gradient having a maximum at one end of the test strip and the other substance exhibits a con-centration gradient having a maximum at the other end, that there is a zone between the two gradients in which there is no substance present, that the concentration gradients of the two substances exhibit their minima at the respective parts of the test strip next to the above-mentioned zone, that on the other side of the test strip there is a scale provided for direct reading of the susceptibility that the concentration gradient is pre-defined and adapted to the reading scale, and that the test strip may be optionally extended with a grip.
2. The device of claim 1, characterized in that the antimicrobial substance is an antibiotic, a chemo-therapeutic, an antimycotic or an antiviral agent.
3. The device of claim 1, characterized in that the test strip is of a transparent, inert polymer mate-rial of natural or synthetic origin, or of glass.
4. The device of claim 2, characterized in that the test strip is of a transparent, inert polymer mate-rial of natural or synthetic origin, or of glass.
5. The device of claim 3, characterized in that the test strip is of an acrylic plastic, a styrene plastic, a vinyl chloride plastic or glass.
6. The device of claim 4, characterized in that the test strip is of an acrylic plastic, a styrene plastic, a vinyl chloride plastic or glass.
7. The device of claim 1, 2 or 3, characterized in that the grip of the test strip is a grip tab in-tegral with the test strip and angular to the strip by a bending.
8. The device of claim 4, 5 or 6, characterized in that the grip of the test strip is a grip tab in-tegral with the test strip and angular to the strip by a bending.
CA000533743A 1987-04-03 1987-04-03 Device for susceptibility testing of microorganisms Expired - Lifetime CA1289043C (en)

Priority Applications (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
CA000533743A CA1289043C (en) 1987-04-03 1987-04-03 Device for susceptibility testing of microorganisms

Applications Claiming Priority (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
CA000533743A CA1289043C (en) 1987-04-03 1987-04-03 Device for susceptibility testing of microorganisms

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CA1289043C true CA1289043C (en) 1991-09-17



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CA000533743A Expired - Lifetime CA1289043C (en) 1987-04-03 1987-04-03 Device for susceptibility testing of microorganisms

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CA (1) CA1289043C (en)

Cited By (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
CN111836881A (en) * 2018-07-09 2020-10-27 松下知识产权经营株式会社 Detection device for plant pathogenic fungi, detection method using same, and selection method for pesticide concentration

Cited By (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
CN111836881A (en) * 2018-07-09 2020-10-27 松下知识产权经营株式会社 Detection device for plant pathogenic fungi, detection method using same, and selection method for pesticide concentration

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