CA1271429A - Sorbing apparatus - Google Patents
Sorbing apparatusInfo
- Publication number
- CA1271429A CA1271429A CA000488216A CA488216A CA1271429A CA 1271429 A CA1271429 A CA 1271429A CA 000488216 A CA000488216 A CA 000488216A CA 488216 A CA488216 A CA 488216A CA 1271429 A CA1271429 A CA 1271429A
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- bed
- sorbing
- sorbent
- fluid
- particles
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- Separation Of Gases By Adsorption (AREA)
The disclosure describes a sorbing apparatus including at least one chamber having first and sec-ond ports and defining a fluid flow path between the first and second ports. The chamber includes a bed of sorbent particles which are bound to one another by a polymeric binding agent that prevents movement of the particles with respect to one another. The apparatus further comprises a fluid controller which alternately directs a fluid having a first concentra-tion of a component through the bed of sorbent parti-cles wherein the bed sorbs the component from the fluid and directs a purging fluid through the bed of sorbent particles wherein the bed is regenerated.
The disclosure describes a sorbing apparatus including at least one chamber having first and sec-ond ports and defining a fluid flow path between the first and second ports. The chamber includes a bed of sorbent particles which are bound to one another by a polymeric binding agent that prevents movement of the particles with respect to one another. The apparatus further comprises a fluid controller which alternately directs a fluid having a first concentra-tion of a component through the bed of sorbent parti-cles wherein the bed sorbs the component from the fluid and directs a purging fluid through the bed of sorbent particles wherein the bed is regenerated.
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The present invention relates to apparatus for removing one or more components from a fluid compris-ing a mixture of components. In particular, it re-lates to an apparatus which includes a sorbent mater-ial for sorbing one or more components from the flu-id.
15In a variety of commercial and industrial set-tings, it is necessary to remove one or more compon-ents from a fluid, i.e., a gas or a liquid, before the fluid can be used for a particular purpose. For example, before contaminated water can be drunk, any chemical contaminants must be removed. Likewise, be~ore compressed air can be used, for example to drive power tools, any water or water vapor must be removed or the tools will rust.
Many types of devices are available to remove one or more components from a fluid. One particular-ly ef~ective class of devices characteristically comprises an apparatus which directs a flow of the fluid through a sorbent material, i.e., a material which sorbs certain components. The sorbent material is typically in the form of a bed of sorbent parti-cles which may be either loosely loaded or loaded ; under compression into a vertically oriented ves-sel. During a sorbing phase, the fluid containing the components is pumped at a certain pressure into either the top or the bottom of the vessel and then ,~
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~'~ 7 passed through the sorbent particle bed where the components are sorbed by the sorbent material. The fluid, now free of the components, is then removed from the other end of the vessel.
To extend the useful life of these sorbing ap-paratus, the sorbent bed is periodically regenerated, i.e., stripped o~ the components it has sorbed from the fluid. During a regenerating phase, the vessel is typically depressurized. Then, a heated and/or compone~t-free fluid is flushed through the sorbent bed, purging the component from the sorbent parti-cles. This purging fluid, now containing much of the components previously sorbed by the sorbent bed, is then exhausted. Once the sorbent bed is sufficiently free of the components, the vessel is repressurized and the fluid containing the components is again pumped through the vessel. The regenerated sorbent bed then continues sorbing the components from the fluid. The sorbing apparatus can continue cycling between the sorbing phase and the regenerating phase for an extended period.
As effective as these apparatus are, they never-theless have several undesirable characteristics.
For examplet they frequently generate signiEicant quantities of sorbent dust, i.e.,small fragments of the sorbent particles. Sorbent dust, which is ex-tremely abrasive, can flow with the fluid through the end of the vessel. To withstand the destructive effect of this abrasive dust, any downstream pipes and valves are typically made oE a heavier gauge than would otherwise be necessary and/or are specially designed to accommodate the severe conditions. Such pipes and valves significantly increase the weight and cost of the apparatus. These sor~ing apparatus typically include a sorbent dust filter downstream :, ' 7~
from the sorbent bed to prevent migration of the sorbent dust. While the sorbent dust filter may collect much of the dust, it nonetheless adds to the mechanical complexity of the apparatus. It also increases both the maintenance and operational costs since the filter must be periodically cleaned or replaced.
Sorbent dust may be generated in a variety of ways. For example, sorbent particles as received from the manufacturer frequently include a signifi-cant amount of sorbent dust generated during the manufacturing process and during shipping. Further, when loading the sorbent particles into the vessel, the particles can abrade agalnst one another, gener-ating the dust. They can also abrade against oneanother whenever the sorbent bed is jarred, e.g., when the sorbing apparatus is transported, or when it must be mounted where it is subjected to vibration, e.g., on board a ship. Further, once loaded, the sorbent particles at the bottom of the bed bear the weight of the entire sorbent bed and may be crushed into sorbent dust by the load. To avoid fragmenting or crushing sorbent particles, these sorbing appara-tus characteristically use extremely hard particles which signi~icantly limits the type of sorbent that can be used.
Sorbent dust may also be generated if the sorb-ent bed becomes fluidized, i.e., if the particles of sorbent are moved by the fluid passing through the bed. The moving sorbent particles may collide with and/or abrade against one another, generating the dust. To avoid fluidization in the sorbing phase, available sorbing apparatus maintain the velocity of the fluid at a very low level which, for some appli-cations, signi~icantly limits the amount of fluid I
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that can be processed in a given amount of time. Toavoid fluidization during the regenerating phase, the sorbing appara~us typically not only maintain the velocity of the purging fluid at a very low level but also depressurize and repressurize the vessel rela-tively slowly. For a given cycle time, this signifi-cantly decreases the amount of time available for flushing the sorbent particles during the regenerat-ing phase. Known sorbing apparatus also avoid fluid-ization by compressing the sorbent bed, e.g., byusing spring-loaded mechanisms which bear against the top of the bed. Not only are these mechanisms fre-quently heavy and expensive but they further add to the load that the particles at the bottom o the bed must bear.
Another undesirable character;stic of known sorbing apparatus is that the sorbent bed, although initially loaded evenly, may develop channels since the sorbent particles may settle within the bed due to vibration or shock. These channels allow the fluid to bypass the sorbent particles and decrease the effectiveness of the sorbent bed in removing the components from the fluid. To minimize channelling, the vessels of known sorbing apparatus are generally oriented vertically. Vertical vessels, however, require supports, such as legs, to keep them up-right. These supports, again, significantly increase both the weight and cost of the apparatus. Further, it is frequently desirable that these devices be portable. Since the center of gravity of a vertical vessel is much higher than that of a horizontal, the apparatus is more likely to tip over when moved.
According to the present invention there is provided a sorbing apparatus for removing at least a 3s portion of a component from a Eluid having a eirst concentratlon of the component, sald apparatus comprlslng at least one chamber havlng flrst and second ports and deflnlng a flu/d flow pat~7 between the flrst and second ports, the chamber Includlng a bed of sorbent partlcles whlch are dlsposed In the 5 fluld flow path, sald sorbent partlc/es belng bound to one another ~y a polymerlc blndlng agent whereln relatlve movement of the partlcles, Is preven~ed, and fluld control means for alter-nately dlrectlng the fluld havlng the flrst concentratlon of the component through the bed of sorbent partlcles whereby the bed of sorbent partlcles 30rbs the component from the fluld and dlrect-Ing a purglng fluld through the bed of sorbent partlcles whereby the bed of sorbent partlcles Is regenerated. Sultably, the sor-bent partlcles comprlse partlcles of an Inoryanlc sorbent, Deslrably, the Inorganlc sorbent Is a materlal selected from the group conslstlng of alumlna, sll/ca, magnesla, molecu/ar s/eve, zeo//te, and s/llca ge/ or comblnatlons thereof. Preferably, the sorbent part/cles have a dlameter In the range of from about 1 to about 10 ml/llmeters.
Thus, In accordance wlth the Inventlon, the sorblng apparatus Includes a sorbent bed comprlsed of Immoblllzed sorbent part/cles, I.e., partlcles of sorbent materlal Indlvldually bound In a self-supportlng structure. in the process of maklng the Immoblllzed sorbent bed both the sorbent part/cles and any 25 /ncluded sorbent dust are bound wlthln the structure and generatlon of sorbent dust wlthln the Immoblllzed bed Is vlrtually precluded s/nce the partlc/es are not free to move In relat/on to one another, e.g., to colllde wlth and/or abrade aga/lnst one another. Consequently, downstream plpes and valves 30 may be fabrlcated of a much llghter gauge and/or deslgned for far less severe condltlons, and a downstream sorbent dust fllter may be ellmlnated.
Further, fluldlzatlon of the bed Is also vlrtually pre-35 cluded s/nce the sorbent partlc/es are each bound wlthln the structure of the bed and are not free to move w/th the fluld.
f~.;` ~ !' ~;~'73L'~ 3 Thus, the be~ can wlthstand much hlyher flwlcl velocltles. rhls enables a s/gnlflcantly greater amount Of ~/U/d to be processed In a glven amount of tlme or tl~e same amount of fluld to be pro-cessed by a smal/er bed. It also enables the bed to be depres-~!5 surlzed and repressurlzed exceptlonally rapldly. Consequently, amuch greater portlon of the regeneratlon t/me may be spent flush-lng the sorbent bed as opposed to depressurlzlng or repressurlz-lng the vesse/. Further, slnce each partlcle Is bound wlthln the structure of the bed, a devlce for compresslng the sorbent bed to 10 prevent ~luldlzatlon Is not requlred.
The Immoblllzed sorbent bed also vlrtually precludes settllng of the partlcles and channellng In the bed. Agaln, slnce the sorbent partlcles are each bound wlthln the structure of the bed, the partlcles do not settle when the bed /s vlbrated or Jarred. Further, the vessel contalnlng the sorbent bed may be orlented In any dlrectlon, Includlng horlzontally, w/thout havlng , the partlcles sh/ft or settle. In addltlon, s/nce the bed com-- prlses a self-supportlng mass, It may be more readlly fashloned In an optlmum geometry to provlde better utlllzatlon of space and , wlll better retaln Its geometry when It Is transported or vlbrated.
In a further aspect thereof the present Inventlon pro-vldes a sorblng apparatus for removlng at least a portlon of acomponent from a fluld havlng a flrst concentratlon of the compo-. nent, sald apparatus comPrlslng at least one chamber havlng flrst and second ports and deflnlng a fluld flow path between the flrst and second ports, the chamber Includlng a bed of sorbent partl-cles dlsposed In the fluld flow path, sald sorbent partlcles Inciudlng partlcles of carbon and belng bound to one another by a polymerlc blndlng agent whereln relatlve movement of the partl-cles Is prevented, and fluld control means for alternately dlrectlng the fluld havlng the f/rst concentratlon of the comPo-nent through the bed of sorbent partlcles whereln the bed of sor-. bent partlcles sorbs the component from the fluld and dlrectlng a .! - 6 -.. ..
12~L4~9 purglng fluld through the bed of sorbent partlcles whereln the bed of sorbent partlc/es Is regenerated. Sultably, the carbon pàrtlcles have a slze In the range o~ from about 0.1 mlcron to about 2,000 mlcrons.
In a stlll further aspect thereof the present Inventlon provldes a sorblng apparatus for remov/ng at least a portlon of a component from a fluld havlng a flrst concentratlon of the compo-nent, sald apparatus comprlslng at least one chamber fnclud/ng an 10 outer cyllndrlcal shell and flrst and second ports and deflnlng a fluld flow path between the fIrst and second ports, the chamber further Includlng a bed of sorbent partlcles bound to the shell and dlsposed In the fluld flow path, sald sorbent partlcles belng bound to one another by a polymerlc blndlng agent whereln rela-t/ve movement of the partlcles Is prevented, and fluld control means for alternately dlrectlng the fluld havlng the flrst con-centratlon of the component through the bed of sorbent partlcles whereln the bed of sorbent partlcles sorbs the component from the fluld and dlrectlng a purglng fluld through the bed of sorbent partlcles whereln the bed of sorbent partlcles Is regenerated.
Sultably, the flrst and second sorblng reglons each comprlse cyllndrlcally conflgured sorblng chambers Includlng an outer cyllndrlcal shell and a cyllndrlcally conflgured sarbent bed dls-posed wlthln the shell. Deslrably, the sorbent partlcles are bound to one another by a polymerlc blndlng agent whlch further blnds the sorbent bed to the cyllndrlcal shell. Preferably, the apparatus further comprlses an Impervlous caslng attached to and extendlng axlally along the perlphery of the sorbent bed. SUlt-ably, the flrst and second ports are dlsposed on opposlte ends of thejsorblng chambers. Deslrably, the axes of the cyllndrlcal sorblng chambers are orlented at an angle away from the vertlcal.
Sultably, each sorblng reglon sorbs at a ~Irst pressure and Is regenerated at a second lower pressure and whereln the second valve means Includes means coupled to the control means for 36 Increas!ng the portlon of outlet fluld belng dlrected Into a I - 6a -.~, I ,, .
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~7~ 3 sorblng reglon whereby the sorblng reglon may be more qulckly repressur/zed once It Is Isola~ed from the exhaust.
In a further aspect thereof the present Inventlon pro-vldes a sorblng aPparatUs for removlng at least a portlon of a component from a fluld havlng a flrst concentratlon of the compo-nent, sald aPParatus comprlslng at least once chamber havlng an outer cy~lndrlcal shell and flrst and second ports and deflnlng a flu/d flow path between the flrst and second ports, the chamber " 10 Includlng a cyllndr/cally conflgured bed of sorbent Partlcles dlsposed wlth /n the cyllndrlcal shell In the fluld f/ow path, sald sorbent bed Includlng an Impervlous outer caslng and sald sorbent partlcles belng bound to one another by a polymerlc blnd-Ing agent whereln relatlve movement of the partlc/es Is pre-15 vented, and fluld control means for alternately dlrectlng the -' fluld havlng the flrst concentrat/on of the component through the bed of sorbent partlcles whereln the bed of sorbent Partlcles ; sorbs the component from the fluld and dlrectlng a purglng fluld through the bed of sorbent partlcles whereln the bed of sorbent partlcles Is regenerated.
The present Inventlon also provldes a sorblng apparatus for removlng at least a portlon of a component from a fluld com-prlslng a m/xture of components, sald sorblng aPparatUs comprls-25 /nglan Intake; an outlet; an exhaust; fIrst and second sorblngreglons, each havlng flrst and second ports and deflnlng flow ' path therebetween and each Includlng a bed of sorbent partlcles j dlsposed In the fluld flow path, sald sorbent partlcles belng bound to one another by a blndlng agent; flrst valve means for 30 Interconnectlng the Intake, exhaust, and the flrst ports of the flrst and second sorblng reylons; second valve means for Inter-connectlng the outlet and the second ports of the flrst and sec-ond sorblng reglons; and control means coupled to at /east the flrst va/ve means for alternately flrst dlrectlng fluld from the 35 Intake through the fIrst sorblng reglon to the outlet whlle chan-nellng a portlon of the outlet fluld through the second sorblng Il .
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' , ~;~714~t reg/on to the exhaust and dlrectlng fluld from the Intake through the second sorblng reglon to the outlet whlle chanoellng a por-tlon of the out/et fluld through the flrst sorblng chamber to the exhaust whereby the sorbent bed In each sorblng reg/on alter-nate/y sorbs the component from the Intake fluld and /s regener-ated by the out/et fluld.
The present Inventlon further provldes a system for remov/ng one or more constltuents from a fluld comprlslng mlxture of components and partlculates, sald system comprlslng an Intake;
and out/et; an exhaust; prefllter means dlsposed In the Intake `~. for removlng the partlculates; flrst and second cyllndrlcal sorb-lng chambers, each Includlng a cyllndrlcally conflgured sorbent bed, an Impervlous fluld barrler extendlng axlally along the perlphery of the sorbent bed, and flrst and second ports respec-tlvely communlcatlng wlth the ends of the sorbent bed, sald sor-bent bed comprlslng a plurallty of sorbent partlcles bound to one another by a polymer/c blndlng agent; a flrst valve assembly dls-posed downstream from the preflIter means and Interconnectlng the 20 Intake, the exhaust and the flrst ports of the flrst and second sorblng chambers; a second va/ve assembly Interconnectlng the outlet and the second ports of the flrst and second sorblng cham-bers; and a fluld control means coupled at least to the flrst valve assembly for slmultaneously dlrectIng preflltered Intake 25 flUld thro~lgh one sorb/ng chamber to the outlet and a portlon of thelout/et fluld through the other sorblng chamber to the exhaust.
~ An exemplary sorblng apparatus embodylng the Inventlon 30 wl l l now be descrlbed wlth reference to the accompanylng dlagram-mat/c drawlngs, In whlch:-I Flgure 1 /s a block dlagram of an exemplary sorb/ngapparatus embodylng the present Inventlon;
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Flgure 2 Is a sectlonal v/ew of the sorblng chamb0r of the sorblng apparatus of Flgure 1; and F~gure 3 Is a sectlonal vlew of an alternatlve sorblng chamber of t~e sorblng apparatus of Flgure 1.
As shown In F/gure 1, an exemplary sorblng apparatus 10 embodylng the present Inventlon general/y compr/ses a prefllter 11, an Intak~ manlfold-valve ' , 15 .'' ~' ~5 `:
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structure 12, first and second identical sorbing chamb~rs 14, 16, an outlet manifold-valve structure 18, and a Gontrol system 20. The prefilter 11, the manlfold-valve structures 12, 18 and the control S system 20, as well as the general operational aspects of ~he sorbing apparatus 10, are well known in the a~t and are subject to many variations. For example, the control system 20 may comprise either an elec-tronically or a pneumatically operated system, or the sorbing apparatus 10 may additionally include one or more heaters (not shown) operatlvely associated with the first and second soxbing chambers 14, 16. Fur-ther, the sorbing apparatus 20 may alternatively comprise only a single sorbing chamber or more than two sorbing chambers.
In the exemplary sorbing apparatus 10 of Figure 1, an influent fluid containing one or more compon-ents, such as water vapor or a chemical contaminant, is first directed through the prefilter 11 which removes any solid particles and/or liquids from the fluid. The fluid is then directed by the intake manifold-valve structure 12 from an intake 22 into one of the two sorbing chambers 14, 16. For example, if the control system 20, which is coupled to each of four solenoid valves 24, 26, 28, 30 of the intake manifold-valve structure 12, opens the first and third valves 24, 28 and closes the second and fourth valves 26, 30, the influent fluid is directed from the intake 22 along an intake line 32 and into the first sorbing chamber 14 through a first port 34.
Both sorbing chambers 14, 16 contain a sorbent material or a mixture of sorbent materials capable of sorbing the component from the influent fluid. For example, if the influent ,fluid is wet air, the sorb-ing chambers 14, 16 may contain activated alumina or ., 7~
silica gel. Alternatively, if the influent fluid iswater or air contaminated with chemical pollutants, the sorbing chambers 14, 16 may contain activated carbon or molecular sieve. The influent fluid enters the first port 34 of the first sorbing chamber 14 at a preselected pressure and passes through the sorbent material where the component is sorbed from the flu-id. An effluent fluid containing none of, or at least a much lower concentration of, the component then exits the first sorbing charnber 14 through a second port 36. The effluent fluid is then directed by check valves 38, 40, 42, 44 of ~he outlet mani-fold-valve structure 18 from the first sorbing cham-ber 14 al~ng an outlet line 46 to an outlet 98.
To regenerate the sorbent material in the first sorbing chamber 14, the control system 20, after a ~ certain length of time, closes the first and third - valves 24, 28 and opens the second and fourth valves 26, 30 of the intake manifold-valve structure 12.
The influent fluid is then directed from the intake 22 along the intake line 32 and into the second sor-bing chamber 16 through a first port 50 where the component in the influent fluid is sorbed by the sorbent material in the second sorbing chamber 16.
The effluent fluid exits the second sorbing chamber 16 through a second port 52 and is directed by the check valves 38/ 40 42, 44 of the outlet manifold-structure 18 along the outlet line 46 to the outlet 48.
A portion of the effluent fluid is used as a purge fluid and is passed along a purge line 54 through an adjustable purge valve 56 and an orifice 57 and through the second port 36 into the first sorbing chamber 14, which was depressurized when the fourth valve 30 was opened by the control system ~.
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_9_ 20. The sorbent mAterial in the first chamber 14, which was warmed by the heat of absorption when the influent fluid was being passed through the first sorbing chambe~ 14, desorbs ~he component into the s purge fluid. An exhau~t fluid having a high csncen-tration of the component then exits the first sorbing chamber 14 through the first port 34 and is directed by the solenoid valves 24, 25, 28, 30 of the intake manifold-valve structure 12 along an exhaust line 58 to an exhaust 59.
Once the sorbent material in the first sorbing chamber 14 has been sufficiently regenerated, the control system 20 opens the first and third solenoid valves 24, 28, and closes the second and fourth so-lenoid valves 26, 30. This redirects the influentfluid through the first sorbing chamber 14 and a portion of the effluent fluid through the second sorbing chamber 16, which repressurizes the first sorbing chamber 14 and regenerates the sorbent mater-ial in the second sorbing chamber 16. The controlsystem 20 may optionally be coupled to a repressuriz-ation valve 60. To quiclcly repressurize the first chamber 14, the control system 20 closes the fourth solenoid valve 30 and briefly opens the repressuriza-tion valve 60 before closing the second solenoidvalve 26 or opening the first and third solenoid valves 24, 28. The control system 20 continues, for an extended period, this process of alternately sorb-ing the influent fluid in the flrst chamber 14 while regenerating the sorbent material in the second cham-ber 16 and then regenerating the sorbent material in the first chamber 14 while sorbing the influent fluid in the second chamber 16.
In accordance with one aspect of ~he invention~
35 the sorbent material in each sorbing chamber 14, 16 : :
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is immobilized, i.e., the particles of sorbent mater-ial are bound in a self-supporting structure or bed. As shown in Figure 2~ each chamber 14, 16 of the exemplary sorbing apparatus 10, e.g., the first chamber 14, comprises a housing 62 containing the immobllized sorbent bed 64. While the housing may comprise any suitably configured container fabricated from a sufficiently rigid material, the housin~ 60 of the exemplary sorbing apparatus 10 is fashioned as a right circular cylinder from carbon steel. The hous-ing 60 includes an outer shell 66 which is preferably fabricated from one-sixteenth inch to one-eighth inch or greater, as required by a particular pressure rating, carbon steel and first and second base plates 68, 70 which contain the first and second ports 34, 36, respectively. The first and second base plates 68, 70 are adapted to be bolted to flanges 72, 74 on the intake line 32 and the outlet line 46, respec~
tively, allowing the sorbing chamber 14 to be easily replaced.
The immobilized sorbent bed 64 may be formed, for example, of inorganic sorbent particles which have been immobilized with a polymeric binding mater-ial. The inorganic sorbents which may be used may be any of a wide range of inorganic materials. Prefer-red are the inorganic oxides of aluminum, silicon and magnesium, such as alumina, silica, magnesia, molecu-lar sieves, zeolites, silica gel, and activated alumina. These materials are generally produced by thermal cycling of gels of the particular inorganic oxide.
In general, when an inorganic oxide is used as the sorbent, it is preferred that the sorbent have particle sizes in the range from about 1 to about 10 millimeters. With proper classification of the sorb-;
ent, the major portion thereof will generally consti-tute from about 95 to about 99.5 percent of the ma-terial. Most preferably, the average particle size of the inorganic sorbent particles will be in the range of from about 2 to about 5 millimeters.
A preferred process for immobilizing inorganic sorbent particles and forming a self-supporting structure therefrom comprises the steps of:
(a) preheating the inorganic sorbent particles, (b) mixing the heated sorbent particles with a powdered polymeric binding material, the sorbent particles comprising from about 1 to about 7 weight percent, preferably from 2 to 5 weight percent, based on the total weight of the mixture, wherein a major portion of the polymeric binding material has parti-cle sizes in the range of from about 8 to about 100 micrometers, to form a mixture comprising particles of polymeric binding material adhered to the sorbent particles, and (c) applying a pressure ranging up to about 100 psi, preferably from about 0.3 to about 50 psi, while the temperature of the mixture is approximately at the solid~ uid transition temperature of the poly-meric binding material, resulting, when the polymeric binding material is cooled, in a self-supporting structure in which the sorbent particles are immo-bilized and their sorbent properties have been re-tained~
The mixing and application of pressure may be done in a mold of a desired shape and the resulting immobili~ed bed 64 will then assume the shape of the mold. Conveniently, the mold may comprise the outer shell 66 of the housing 60.
The preferred self-supporting sorbent structures 35 prepared from inorga~L sorbent particles and a poly- !
~;~'7~ 3 1~-meric binding agent preerably have a ma~or portion of the inorganic sorbent particles with particle sizes in the range of from about 1 to about 10 milli-meters, the preferred shape of the particles being spherical, and the structure preferably comprises from about 1 to about 7 percent by weight of the polymeric binding material, the percentage based on the total weight of the mixture of polymeric binding material in the sorbent particles and the balance being the inorganic sorbent material.
The "solid-liquid transition stage" referred to above with regard to the process for forming the self-supporting structure refers to the temperature at which the polymeric binding material is softened to the extent that no well defined particles exist which have the physical attributes of a solid, yet the material does not flow as does a liquid~ This temperature or stage, termed herein the "solid-liquid transition stage", is generally about 50 to about 90 degrees Fahrenheit above the Vicat softening point.
At this point, the polymeric binding material which existed at a lower temperature as separate particles, merge to form a unitary matrix with an increased ~ tackiness. This tackiness, probabaly resulting from increased mobility of the molecular chalns of the molecules, provides improved interparticle adhesion.
The solid-liquid transition stage is not to be confused with the melting point in which solid and liquid phases exist in dynamic equilibrium with one another. At the solid-liquid transition stage, the polymeric binding material may be thought to be in a hybrid state between solid and liquid states. When the polymeric binding material is at this ctage, the mix~ure of thermoplastic material and sorbent parti-cles may be compressed sufficlently by application of .,~.... ..
pressure to decrease the distance between the sorbent particles or increase the number of contact poin~s between adjacent particles and increase interparticle bonding, providing thereby increased compressive strength with retention of adsorptive properties.
The solid-liquid transition stage for a polymer-ic binding material is not as sharply defined as ls the melting point of a pure crystalline material and, in some instances, the temperature range of this stage is somewhat broad. ~owever, it is, in general, undesirable to use temperatures in preparing immo-bilizing sorbents for use in the present invention much above the temperature of the solid-liquid tran-sition since the polymeric binding material then exhibits the characteristics of a liquid in that it tends to readily flow. Thi~ is to be avoided since blinding of the pores of the sorbent may occur and formation of a mass or block of coated sorbent parti-cles in which the adsorption characteristics have been reduced or lost may result.
Alternatively, the immobilized bed 64 may be formed from a self-supporting structure in which adsoxbent carbon particles, including carbon finest are immobilized in a polymeric binding agent. One preferred method Eor forming such self-supporting structures comprise5 the steps of:
(a) mixing carbon particles, a major portion of which has particle sizes in the range of from about 200 to about 2,000 microns, with a polymeric binding material in an amount oE from about S to about 20 percent by weight, based on the total weight of the mixture, a major portion of the polymeric binding material having particles ~izes in the range of from about 8 to about 30 microns, thereby forming a mix-ture of the carbon particles coated with the polymer~
'"t~ , ' .' ' ' ic binding material, ~b) placing the mixture in a container of a desired shape, e~g., the outer shell 66 of the hous-ing 60, and ~c) applying a pressure of up to about 400 psi while the mixture is at a temperature ~orresponding to the solid-liquid transition stage, resulting, when the polymeric binding material is cooled, in the self supporting structure in which the adsorbent carbon particles are immobilized.
The resulting carbon-containing, self-supporting structure combines a relatively low pressure drop and high compressive strength and comprises adsorbent carbon particles, a major portion of which have par-ticle sizes in the range of from about 200 to about2,000 microns, about 0.5 to about 5 percent by weight, based on the weight of the adsorbent parti-cles, carbon fines having particle sizes in the range of from about 0.1 to about 50 microns, and abou~ 5 to about 20 percent by weight of a polymeric binding material, the percentages based on the total weight of the mixture of polymeric binding material, carbon particles and any carbon fines present.
Any form of adsorbent carbon is suitable but activated carbon is preferred. By "activated carbon"
is generally meant a form of carbon which is charac-terized by very high adsorptive capacity for gases and is generally produced by the destructive distil-lation of various carbon-containing materials. The carbonaceous material is subequently activated at an elevated temperature with steam or carbon dioxide, which brings about the porous nature of the carbon.
A preferred form of carbon is an activated carbon available from Calgon Corporation, a subsidiary of Merck and Co~pany, designated a BPL 1~ x 30 mesh and having an average par-ticle size of about 1,200 microns. Prior to mixing of the -thermoplas-tic material, the adsorbent carbon par-ticles may be treated with metal cnmpounds or metal complexes, such as copper, chromium and silver compounds, and complexes of such materials with compounds, such as ammonia, in any conventional way, as, for example, by a process known as "Whetlerizln~". Examples of such compounds are disclosed, for example, in uOs. Patents-2,920,050 and 2,920,051.
The polymeric blnding material referred to here in as useful for immobilizing the sorbent material, e.g., both carbon and inorganic sorbents such as alumina, silica, magnesia, etcPtera as referred to above, may be either a thermoplastic or a thermosetting polymeric material, preferably synthetic, which is capable of being shaped under the process conditions used in preparing the immobilized sorbent structures used in the present invention.
The term "thermoplastic material" describes the preferred polymeric binding material used in the present invention and generally refers to any polymeric material having thermoplastic properties. It may include any synthetic or semi-synthetic condensation or polymerization product. Preferably, the thermoplastic material is a homopolymer or copolymer of a polyolefin. Most preEerable are polyethylene and polypropylene, the former being particularly preferred.
Other thermoplastic materials include polystyrene, polycarbonates, polyurethanes, phenoxy resins, vlnyl resins derived from monomers such as vinyl chloride, vinyl acetate, vinylidine chloride, etcet-~v~' -16~
era, including polyvinyl chloride, copolymers of vinyl chloride wlth one or more oE acrylonitrile, methacrylonitrile, vinylidine chloride, alkyl acry-late, alklyl methacrylate, alkly maleate, alkyl fu-marate, etcetera.
In some instances, to provide creep resistance,a thermosetting material may be preferred as the polymeric binding agent. Suitable for this use are the type of cross-linked polyethylenes used as cable coatings, such as materials formed from blends of polyethylene with pe~oxide cross-linking agents, such as, for example, benzoyl or dicumyl peroxide, present in catalytic amounts. Other examples include those materials in which a prepolymer is reacted with a cross-linking agent to form the product and includes polyurethanes of the type in which a ~blocked" diiso-cyanate is reacted initially with a difunctional compound~ such as a diol, to form the prepolymer which, in turn, is reacted with a trifunctional com-pound, such a a triol, to form, at the appropriatetemperature, a cross-linked polymer. These thermo-setting materials, which generally cross-link at temperatures between'l00 to 200 degrees Centigrade, ''' ' exhibit properties similar to the preferred crystal-line thermoplastic materials discussed below.
The selection of a polymeric binding material depends to some extent on the properties sought in the self-supporting structure which is formed in part from the binding material. That is, some of the mechanical properties of the immobilized structure are determined by the physical properties of the binding material. If, for instance, a structure which flexes or which resists fracturing is desired, a thermoplastic powder should be used which is not 35 fully crystall1ne or below lts yla99 transltion tem- ~ ¦
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perature at the temperature at which the ar-ticle is used.
Conversely, a rigld structure requires more crystalline thermoplastic or thermosetting material A requirement of any material selected as the polymeric binding material for use in the present invention is that it have a sufficiently high viscoslty at the processing temperature so as to not flow and "blind" or reduce the porosity of the sorbent material, which porosity is necessary for effective adsorption.
In the heating step as described above, the polymeric binding material should begin to soften so that the particles lose their original shape and become slightly tacky. However, the material should not have a viscosity at the processing temperature such that it flows and results in blinding When thermoplastic materials are used in the present invention, particularly preferred are the polyethylene powders supplied under the trademarks Microthene FN 500, FN 510 and FM 524, by USI
Chemicals. These powdered polyethylene powders differ somewhat from one another in density and Vicat softening point. When a somewhat more flexible structure is desired, up to lO percent of a second ethylenically unsaturated material, such as vinyl acetate, may be copolymerized with the ethylene to provide an amorphous thermoplastic binding material. A copolymer of this -type exhibits less of a tendency to blind and also imparts some energy or shock absorbency properties to the immobilized structure, thereby reducing the tendency o~ the structure to fracture when handled with less caution than that required by structures using more crystalline homopolymers. A suitable material of this type comprises 9 percent by weight vinyl acetate copolymerized with polyethylene as available from USI Chemicals as Microthene FN 532.
3L~t7~ 3 Whe{e the outer shell 66 has served as the mold in orming the immobilized sorbent bed 64, the poly-meric binding agent, when heated, not only binds the sorbent particles together but also binds the bed 64 to the shell 66, preventing bypass or channeling around the edge of the bed 64 when fluid flows through the chamber 14. Alternatively, where the outer shell 66 has not served as the mold, the immo-bilized sorbent bed S4 further includes an impervious outer casing 76 which prevents fluid flowing through the bed 64 from migrating beyond the edge of the bed 64. In either case, the chamber 14 further includes first and second perforated spaced plates 78, 80 disposed between the immobilized sorbent bed 64 and the first and second base plates 68, 70, respective-ly, to aid in supporting the bed 64 and maintalning the bed 64 in position.
One highly advantageous operational aspect of a sorbing apparatus 10 according to the present inven-tion is that it virtually precludes fluidization ofthe sorbent bed 64 and the consequent attrition and formation of abrasive sorbent dust generated in a fluidized bed. Since each sorbent particle is indi-vidually bound in the self-supporting mass of the bed 64, none of the particles are free to move with the fluid as the 1uid flows through the chamber 14.
Since fluidization is not a design constraint of the present inventlon, smaller sorbent particles can be used to fashion the immobilized sorbent bed than were used in the prior art systems. These smaller parti-cles are capable of sorbing far more of a particular component for a given weight of sorbent material, l.e., provide a superior mass transfer rate. Conse-quently, less weight of sorbent material need be used 3s ior any given applicatlon.
', ~. ' . . ' , , Another advantage of eliminating fluidization as a design constraint is that flow rates through the sorbing chambers 14, 16 can be much greater than in prior art systems. This not only allows a greater volume of fluid to be processed in a given amount of time, but also permits a faster cycle time for the sorbing apparatus 10. For e~ample, the NEMA cycle time for the sorbing apparatus 10 may be in the range from about 5 seconds to about 10 minutes with the preferred range depending on the parameters of a particular application. Depressurization and repres-surization of each chamber during each cycle can occur much more quickly because the high fluid velo-cities which accompany rapid changes ln pressure will not fluidize the immobilized bed 64.
Another major advantage of the sorbing apparatus 10 according to the present invention is that with the elimination of the abrasive sorbent dust the components designed to protect the system from the abrasive sorbent dust may also be elimlnated. For example, stainless steel screens and other filters which are designed to contain the sorbent dust within the chambers are not required. Further, since the lines and valves which handle fluids flowing from the chambers are not subject to the corrosive and abra-sive effects of the sorbent dust, they can be made of a lighter gauge and need not be specially protect-ed. Consequently, they are far less heavy and expen-sive than those o~ the prior art systems. The ab-sence of sorbent dust also generally enhances thelongevity and reliability of the remainder of the system downstream from the sorbing apparatus 20~
The immobillzed sorbent bed 6~ may be variously configured without departing from the scope of the 3~ lnvention. For example, lt may be conf1gured a9 a ~ 3 . --~0--right circular cylinder, as shown in Figure 2. The diameter of the cylinder determines the flow area and therefore the pressure drop ~or a given applica-tion. Typical diameters are in the range of about 1/2 inch to abou~ 24, and typical lengths are in the range from about 1 to about 4 times the diameter.
The immobilized sorbent bed may also be configured as an annular structure 86 with a central core 88 which serves as an extension of the intake line 32, as shown in Figure 3. The configura~ion of Figure 3 is particularly advantageous in that it allows the in-take line 32 and the outlet line 46 to be connected to the same side of the chamber. Further, if a cyl-indrical immobilized sorbent structure is also placed in the core 83, the overall length of the chamber 14 may be reduced.
Since the sorbent bed 64 is immobilized, the sorbing chambers 14, 16 may be oriented in any direc-tion, including horizontally, without having the sorbent particles settle to create channels in the bed 64 and allow the influent fluid to bypass the sorbent material. ~his resistance to settling and channeling also permits utilization of the sorbing apparatus 10 in environments marked by excess vibra-tion, such as aboard ship~
The sorbing apparatus 10 according to the pre-sent invention may be used for a variety o applica-tions including, as a purifier, to remove chemical contaminants from air or water and, as a dryer, to remove water or water vapor from air. For example, as a dryer, the sorbing apparatus 10 may accommodate flow rates from about 1 scfm to about 1,000 scfm but has particular applicability to flow rates of about 400 scfm or less. Thus, a flow rate of 40 scfm of 100 psig wet influent air saturated at 100 degrees .
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Fahrenheit will yield 34 scfm of 100 psig effluent air with a dew point of minus 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Six scfm will be reduced to zero psig and used as purge gas to regenerate one o~ the immobillzed sorbent beds during each cycle '\~
The present invention relates to apparatus for removing one or more components from a fluid compris-ing a mixture of components. In particular, it re-lates to an apparatus which includes a sorbent mater-ial for sorbing one or more components from the flu-id.
15In a variety of commercial and industrial set-tings, it is necessary to remove one or more compon-ents from a fluid, i.e., a gas or a liquid, before the fluid can be used for a particular purpose. For example, before contaminated water can be drunk, any chemical contaminants must be removed. Likewise, be~ore compressed air can be used, for example to drive power tools, any water or water vapor must be removed or the tools will rust.
Many types of devices are available to remove one or more components from a fluid. One particular-ly ef~ective class of devices characteristically comprises an apparatus which directs a flow of the fluid through a sorbent material, i.e., a material which sorbs certain components. The sorbent material is typically in the form of a bed of sorbent parti-cles which may be either loosely loaded or loaded ; under compression into a vertically oriented ves-sel. During a sorbing phase, the fluid containing the components is pumped at a certain pressure into either the top or the bottom of the vessel and then ,~
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~'~ 7 passed through the sorbent particle bed where the components are sorbed by the sorbent material. The fluid, now free of the components, is then removed from the other end of the vessel.
To extend the useful life of these sorbing ap-paratus, the sorbent bed is periodically regenerated, i.e., stripped o~ the components it has sorbed from the fluid. During a regenerating phase, the vessel is typically depressurized. Then, a heated and/or compone~t-free fluid is flushed through the sorbent bed, purging the component from the sorbent parti-cles. This purging fluid, now containing much of the components previously sorbed by the sorbent bed, is then exhausted. Once the sorbent bed is sufficiently free of the components, the vessel is repressurized and the fluid containing the components is again pumped through the vessel. The regenerated sorbent bed then continues sorbing the components from the fluid. The sorbing apparatus can continue cycling between the sorbing phase and the regenerating phase for an extended period.
As effective as these apparatus are, they never-theless have several undesirable characteristics.
For examplet they frequently generate signiEicant quantities of sorbent dust, i.e.,small fragments of the sorbent particles. Sorbent dust, which is ex-tremely abrasive, can flow with the fluid through the end of the vessel. To withstand the destructive effect of this abrasive dust, any downstream pipes and valves are typically made oE a heavier gauge than would otherwise be necessary and/or are specially designed to accommodate the severe conditions. Such pipes and valves significantly increase the weight and cost of the apparatus. These sor~ing apparatus typically include a sorbent dust filter downstream :, ' 7~
from the sorbent bed to prevent migration of the sorbent dust. While the sorbent dust filter may collect much of the dust, it nonetheless adds to the mechanical complexity of the apparatus. It also increases both the maintenance and operational costs since the filter must be periodically cleaned or replaced.
Sorbent dust may be generated in a variety of ways. For example, sorbent particles as received from the manufacturer frequently include a signifi-cant amount of sorbent dust generated during the manufacturing process and during shipping. Further, when loading the sorbent particles into the vessel, the particles can abrade agalnst one another, gener-ating the dust. They can also abrade against oneanother whenever the sorbent bed is jarred, e.g., when the sorbing apparatus is transported, or when it must be mounted where it is subjected to vibration, e.g., on board a ship. Further, once loaded, the sorbent particles at the bottom of the bed bear the weight of the entire sorbent bed and may be crushed into sorbent dust by the load. To avoid fragmenting or crushing sorbent particles, these sorbing appara-tus characteristically use extremely hard particles which signi~icantly limits the type of sorbent that can be used.
Sorbent dust may also be generated if the sorb-ent bed becomes fluidized, i.e., if the particles of sorbent are moved by the fluid passing through the bed. The moving sorbent particles may collide with and/or abrade against one another, generating the dust. To avoid fluidization in the sorbing phase, available sorbing apparatus maintain the velocity of the fluid at a very low level which, for some appli-cations, signi~icantly limits the amount of fluid I
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that can be processed in a given amount of time. Toavoid fluidization during the regenerating phase, the sorbing appara~us typically not only maintain the velocity of the purging fluid at a very low level but also depressurize and repressurize the vessel rela-tively slowly. For a given cycle time, this signifi-cantly decreases the amount of time available for flushing the sorbent particles during the regenerat-ing phase. Known sorbing apparatus also avoid fluid-ization by compressing the sorbent bed, e.g., byusing spring-loaded mechanisms which bear against the top of the bed. Not only are these mechanisms fre-quently heavy and expensive but they further add to the load that the particles at the bottom o the bed must bear.
Another undesirable character;stic of known sorbing apparatus is that the sorbent bed, although initially loaded evenly, may develop channels since the sorbent particles may settle within the bed due to vibration or shock. These channels allow the fluid to bypass the sorbent particles and decrease the effectiveness of the sorbent bed in removing the components from the fluid. To minimize channelling, the vessels of known sorbing apparatus are generally oriented vertically. Vertical vessels, however, require supports, such as legs, to keep them up-right. These supports, again, significantly increase both the weight and cost of the apparatus. Further, it is frequently desirable that these devices be portable. Since the center of gravity of a vertical vessel is much higher than that of a horizontal, the apparatus is more likely to tip over when moved.
According to the present invention there is provided a sorbing apparatus for removing at least a 3s portion of a component from a Eluid having a eirst concentratlon of the component, sald apparatus comprlslng at least one chamber havlng flrst and second ports and deflnlng a flu/d flow pat~7 between the flrst and second ports, the chamber Includlng a bed of sorbent partlcles whlch are dlsposed In the 5 fluld flow path, sald sorbent partlc/es belng bound to one another ~y a polymerlc blndlng agent whereln relatlve movement of the partlcles, Is preven~ed, and fluld control means for alter-nately dlrectlng the fluld havlng the flrst concentratlon of the component through the bed of sorbent partlcles whereby the bed of sorbent partlcles 30rbs the component from the fluld and dlrect-Ing a purglng fluld through the bed of sorbent partlcles whereby the bed of sorbent partlcles Is regenerated. Sultably, the sor-bent partlcles comprlse partlcles of an Inoryanlc sorbent, Deslrably, the Inorganlc sorbent Is a materlal selected from the group conslstlng of alumlna, sll/ca, magnesla, molecu/ar s/eve, zeo//te, and s/llca ge/ or comblnatlons thereof. Preferably, the sorbent part/cles have a dlameter In the range of from about 1 to about 10 ml/llmeters.
Thus, In accordance wlth the Inventlon, the sorblng apparatus Includes a sorbent bed comprlsed of Immoblllzed sorbent part/cles, I.e., partlcles of sorbent materlal Indlvldually bound In a self-supportlng structure. in the process of maklng the Immoblllzed sorbent bed both the sorbent part/cles and any 25 /ncluded sorbent dust are bound wlthln the structure and generatlon of sorbent dust wlthln the Immoblllzed bed Is vlrtually precluded s/nce the partlc/es are not free to move In relat/on to one another, e.g., to colllde wlth and/or abrade aga/lnst one another. Consequently, downstream plpes and valves 30 may be fabrlcated of a much llghter gauge and/or deslgned for far less severe condltlons, and a downstream sorbent dust fllter may be ellmlnated.
Further, fluldlzatlon of the bed Is also vlrtually pre-35 cluded s/nce the sorbent partlc/es are each bound wlthln the structure of the bed and are not free to move w/th the fluld.
f~.;` ~ !' ~;~'73L'~ 3 Thus, the be~ can wlthstand much hlyher flwlcl velocltles. rhls enables a s/gnlflcantly greater amount Of ~/U/d to be processed In a glven amount of tlme or tl~e same amount of fluld to be pro-cessed by a smal/er bed. It also enables the bed to be depres-~!5 surlzed and repressurlzed exceptlonally rapldly. Consequently, amuch greater portlon of the regeneratlon t/me may be spent flush-lng the sorbent bed as opposed to depressurlzlng or repressurlz-lng the vesse/. Further, slnce each partlcle Is bound wlthln the structure of the bed, a devlce for compresslng the sorbent bed to 10 prevent ~luldlzatlon Is not requlred.
The Immoblllzed sorbent bed also vlrtually precludes settllng of the partlcles and channellng In the bed. Agaln, slnce the sorbent partlcles are each bound wlthln the structure of the bed, the partlcles do not settle when the bed /s vlbrated or Jarred. Further, the vessel contalnlng the sorbent bed may be orlented In any dlrectlon, Includlng horlzontally, w/thout havlng , the partlcles sh/ft or settle. In addltlon, s/nce the bed com-- prlses a self-supportlng mass, It may be more readlly fashloned In an optlmum geometry to provlde better utlllzatlon of space and , wlll better retaln Its geometry when It Is transported or vlbrated.
In a further aspect thereof the present Inventlon pro-vldes a sorblng apparatus for removlng at least a portlon of acomponent from a fluld havlng a flrst concentratlon of the compo-. nent, sald apparatus comPrlslng at least one chamber havlng flrst and second ports and deflnlng a fluld flow path between the flrst and second ports, the chamber Includlng a bed of sorbent partl-cles dlsposed In the fluld flow path, sald sorbent partlcles Inciudlng partlcles of carbon and belng bound to one another by a polymerlc blndlng agent whereln relatlve movement of the partl-cles Is prevented, and fluld control means for alternately dlrectlng the fluld havlng the f/rst concentratlon of the comPo-nent through the bed of sorbent partlcles whereln the bed of sor-. bent partlcles sorbs the component from the fluld and dlrectlng a .! - 6 -.. ..
12~L4~9 purglng fluld through the bed of sorbent partlcles whereln the bed of sorbent partlc/es Is regenerated. Sultably, the carbon pàrtlcles have a slze In the range o~ from about 0.1 mlcron to about 2,000 mlcrons.
In a stlll further aspect thereof the present Inventlon provldes a sorblng apparatus for remov/ng at least a portlon of a component from a fluld havlng a flrst concentratlon of the compo-nent, sald apparatus comprlslng at least one chamber fnclud/ng an 10 outer cyllndrlcal shell and flrst and second ports and deflnlng a fluld flow path between the fIrst and second ports, the chamber further Includlng a bed of sorbent partlcles bound to the shell and dlsposed In the fluld flow path, sald sorbent partlcles belng bound to one another by a polymerlc blndlng agent whereln rela-t/ve movement of the partlcles Is prevented, and fluld control means for alternately dlrectlng the fluld havlng the flrst con-centratlon of the component through the bed of sorbent partlcles whereln the bed of sorbent partlcles sorbs the component from the fluld and dlrectlng a purglng fluld through the bed of sorbent partlcles whereln the bed of sorbent partlcles Is regenerated.
Sultably, the flrst and second sorblng reglons each comprlse cyllndrlcally conflgured sorblng chambers Includlng an outer cyllndrlcal shell and a cyllndrlcally conflgured sarbent bed dls-posed wlthln the shell. Deslrably, the sorbent partlcles are bound to one another by a polymerlc blndlng agent whlch further blnds the sorbent bed to the cyllndrlcal shell. Preferably, the apparatus further comprlses an Impervlous caslng attached to and extendlng axlally along the perlphery of the sorbent bed. SUlt-ably, the flrst and second ports are dlsposed on opposlte ends of thejsorblng chambers. Deslrably, the axes of the cyllndrlcal sorblng chambers are orlented at an angle away from the vertlcal.
Sultably, each sorblng reglon sorbs at a ~Irst pressure and Is regenerated at a second lower pressure and whereln the second valve means Includes means coupled to the control means for 36 Increas!ng the portlon of outlet fluld belng dlrected Into a I - 6a -.~, I ,, .
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~7~ 3 sorblng reglon whereby the sorblng reglon may be more qulckly repressur/zed once It Is Isola~ed from the exhaust.
In a further aspect thereof the present Inventlon pro-vldes a sorblng aPparatUs for removlng at least a portlon of a component from a fluld havlng a flrst concentratlon of the compo-nent, sald aPParatus comprlslng at least once chamber havlng an outer cy~lndrlcal shell and flrst and second ports and deflnlng a flu/d flow path between the flrst and second ports, the chamber " 10 Includlng a cyllndr/cally conflgured bed of sorbent Partlcles dlsposed wlth /n the cyllndrlcal shell In the fluld f/ow path, sald sorbent bed Includlng an Impervlous outer caslng and sald sorbent partlcles belng bound to one another by a polymerlc blnd-Ing agent whereln relatlve movement of the partlc/es Is pre-15 vented, and fluld control means for alternately dlrectlng the -' fluld havlng the flrst concentrat/on of the component through the bed of sorbent partlcles whereln the bed of sorbent Partlcles ; sorbs the component from the fluld and dlrectlng a purglng fluld through the bed of sorbent partlcles whereln the bed of sorbent partlcles Is regenerated.
The present Inventlon also provldes a sorblng apparatus for removlng at least a portlon of a component from a fluld com-prlslng a m/xture of components, sald sorblng aPparatUs comprls-25 /nglan Intake; an outlet; an exhaust; fIrst and second sorblngreglons, each havlng flrst and second ports and deflnlng flow ' path therebetween and each Includlng a bed of sorbent partlcles j dlsposed In the fluld flow path, sald sorbent partlcles belng bound to one another by a blndlng agent; flrst valve means for 30 Interconnectlng the Intake, exhaust, and the flrst ports of the flrst and second sorblng reylons; second valve means for Inter-connectlng the outlet and the second ports of the flrst and sec-ond sorblng reglons; and control means coupled to at /east the flrst va/ve means for alternately flrst dlrectlng fluld from the 35 Intake through the fIrst sorblng reglon to the outlet whlle chan-nellng a portlon of the outlet fluld through the second sorblng Il .
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' , ~;~714~t reg/on to the exhaust and dlrectlng fluld from the Intake through the second sorblng reglon to the outlet whlle chanoellng a por-tlon of the out/et fluld through the flrst sorblng chamber to the exhaust whereby the sorbent bed In each sorblng reg/on alter-nate/y sorbs the component from the Intake fluld and /s regener-ated by the out/et fluld.
The present Inventlon further provldes a system for remov/ng one or more constltuents from a fluld comprlslng mlxture of components and partlculates, sald system comprlslng an Intake;
and out/et; an exhaust; prefllter means dlsposed In the Intake `~. for removlng the partlculates; flrst and second cyllndrlcal sorb-lng chambers, each Includlng a cyllndrlcally conflgured sorbent bed, an Impervlous fluld barrler extendlng axlally along the perlphery of the sorbent bed, and flrst and second ports respec-tlvely communlcatlng wlth the ends of the sorbent bed, sald sor-bent bed comprlslng a plurallty of sorbent partlcles bound to one another by a polymer/c blndlng agent; a flrst valve assembly dls-posed downstream from the preflIter means and Interconnectlng the 20 Intake, the exhaust and the flrst ports of the flrst and second sorblng chambers; a second va/ve assembly Interconnectlng the outlet and the second ports of the flrst and second sorblng cham-bers; and a fluld control means coupled at least to the flrst valve assembly for slmultaneously dlrectIng preflltered Intake 25 flUld thro~lgh one sorb/ng chamber to the outlet and a portlon of thelout/et fluld through the other sorblng chamber to the exhaust.
~ An exemplary sorblng apparatus embodylng the Inventlon 30 wl l l now be descrlbed wlth reference to the accompanylng dlagram-mat/c drawlngs, In whlch:-I Flgure 1 /s a block dlagram of an exemplary sorb/ngapparatus embodylng the present Inventlon;
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Flgure 2 Is a sectlonal v/ew of the sorblng chamb0r of the sorblng apparatus of Flgure 1; and F~gure 3 Is a sectlonal vlew of an alternatlve sorblng chamber of t~e sorblng apparatus of Flgure 1.
As shown In F/gure 1, an exemplary sorblng apparatus 10 embodylng the present Inventlon general/y compr/ses a prefllter 11, an Intak~ manlfold-valve ' , 15 .'' ~' ~5 `:
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structure 12, first and second identical sorbing chamb~rs 14, 16, an outlet manifold-valve structure 18, and a Gontrol system 20. The prefilter 11, the manlfold-valve structures 12, 18 and the control S system 20, as well as the general operational aspects of ~he sorbing apparatus 10, are well known in the a~t and are subject to many variations. For example, the control system 20 may comprise either an elec-tronically or a pneumatically operated system, or the sorbing apparatus 10 may additionally include one or more heaters (not shown) operatlvely associated with the first and second soxbing chambers 14, 16. Fur-ther, the sorbing apparatus 20 may alternatively comprise only a single sorbing chamber or more than two sorbing chambers.
In the exemplary sorbing apparatus 10 of Figure 1, an influent fluid containing one or more compon-ents, such as water vapor or a chemical contaminant, is first directed through the prefilter 11 which removes any solid particles and/or liquids from the fluid. The fluid is then directed by the intake manifold-valve structure 12 from an intake 22 into one of the two sorbing chambers 14, 16. For example, if the control system 20, which is coupled to each of four solenoid valves 24, 26, 28, 30 of the intake manifold-valve structure 12, opens the first and third valves 24, 28 and closes the second and fourth valves 26, 30, the influent fluid is directed from the intake 22 along an intake line 32 and into the first sorbing chamber 14 through a first port 34.
Both sorbing chambers 14, 16 contain a sorbent material or a mixture of sorbent materials capable of sorbing the component from the influent fluid. For example, if the influent ,fluid is wet air, the sorb-ing chambers 14, 16 may contain activated alumina or ., 7~
silica gel. Alternatively, if the influent fluid iswater or air contaminated with chemical pollutants, the sorbing chambers 14, 16 may contain activated carbon or molecular sieve. The influent fluid enters the first port 34 of the first sorbing chamber 14 at a preselected pressure and passes through the sorbent material where the component is sorbed from the flu-id. An effluent fluid containing none of, or at least a much lower concentration of, the component then exits the first sorbing charnber 14 through a second port 36. The effluent fluid is then directed by check valves 38, 40, 42, 44 of ~he outlet mani-fold-valve structure 18 from the first sorbing cham-ber 14 al~ng an outlet line 46 to an outlet 98.
To regenerate the sorbent material in the first sorbing chamber 14, the control system 20, after a ~ certain length of time, closes the first and third - valves 24, 28 and opens the second and fourth valves 26, 30 of the intake manifold-valve structure 12.
The influent fluid is then directed from the intake 22 along the intake line 32 and into the second sor-bing chamber 16 through a first port 50 where the component in the influent fluid is sorbed by the sorbent material in the second sorbing chamber 16.
The effluent fluid exits the second sorbing chamber 16 through a second port 52 and is directed by the check valves 38/ 40 42, 44 of the outlet manifold-structure 18 along the outlet line 46 to the outlet 48.
A portion of the effluent fluid is used as a purge fluid and is passed along a purge line 54 through an adjustable purge valve 56 and an orifice 57 and through the second port 36 into the first sorbing chamber 14, which was depressurized when the fourth valve 30 was opened by the control system ~.
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_9_ 20. The sorbent mAterial in the first chamber 14, which was warmed by the heat of absorption when the influent fluid was being passed through the first sorbing chambe~ 14, desorbs ~he component into the s purge fluid. An exhau~t fluid having a high csncen-tration of the component then exits the first sorbing chamber 14 through the first port 34 and is directed by the solenoid valves 24, 25, 28, 30 of the intake manifold-valve structure 12 along an exhaust line 58 to an exhaust 59.
Once the sorbent material in the first sorbing chamber 14 has been sufficiently regenerated, the control system 20 opens the first and third solenoid valves 24, 28, and closes the second and fourth so-lenoid valves 26, 30. This redirects the influentfluid through the first sorbing chamber 14 and a portion of the effluent fluid through the second sorbing chamber 16, which repressurizes the first sorbing chamber 14 and regenerates the sorbent mater-ial in the second sorbing chamber 16. The controlsystem 20 may optionally be coupled to a repressuriz-ation valve 60. To quiclcly repressurize the first chamber 14, the control system 20 closes the fourth solenoid valve 30 and briefly opens the repressuriza-tion valve 60 before closing the second solenoidvalve 26 or opening the first and third solenoid valves 24, 28. The control system 20 continues, for an extended period, this process of alternately sorb-ing the influent fluid in the flrst chamber 14 while regenerating the sorbent material in the second cham-ber 16 and then regenerating the sorbent material in the first chamber 14 while sorbing the influent fluid in the second chamber 16.
In accordance with one aspect of ~he invention~
35 the sorbent material in each sorbing chamber 14, 16 : :
' .
is immobilized, i.e., the particles of sorbent mater-ial are bound in a self-supporting structure or bed. As shown in Figure 2~ each chamber 14, 16 of the exemplary sorbing apparatus 10, e.g., the first chamber 14, comprises a housing 62 containing the immobllized sorbent bed 64. While the housing may comprise any suitably configured container fabricated from a sufficiently rigid material, the housin~ 60 of the exemplary sorbing apparatus 10 is fashioned as a right circular cylinder from carbon steel. The hous-ing 60 includes an outer shell 66 which is preferably fabricated from one-sixteenth inch to one-eighth inch or greater, as required by a particular pressure rating, carbon steel and first and second base plates 68, 70 which contain the first and second ports 34, 36, respectively. The first and second base plates 68, 70 are adapted to be bolted to flanges 72, 74 on the intake line 32 and the outlet line 46, respec~
tively, allowing the sorbing chamber 14 to be easily replaced.
The immobilized sorbent bed 64 may be formed, for example, of inorganic sorbent particles which have been immobilized with a polymeric binding mater-ial. The inorganic sorbents which may be used may be any of a wide range of inorganic materials. Prefer-red are the inorganic oxides of aluminum, silicon and magnesium, such as alumina, silica, magnesia, molecu-lar sieves, zeolites, silica gel, and activated alumina. These materials are generally produced by thermal cycling of gels of the particular inorganic oxide.
In general, when an inorganic oxide is used as the sorbent, it is preferred that the sorbent have particle sizes in the range from about 1 to about 10 millimeters. With proper classification of the sorb-;
ent, the major portion thereof will generally consti-tute from about 95 to about 99.5 percent of the ma-terial. Most preferably, the average particle size of the inorganic sorbent particles will be in the range of from about 2 to about 5 millimeters.
A preferred process for immobilizing inorganic sorbent particles and forming a self-supporting structure therefrom comprises the steps of:
(a) preheating the inorganic sorbent particles, (b) mixing the heated sorbent particles with a powdered polymeric binding material, the sorbent particles comprising from about 1 to about 7 weight percent, preferably from 2 to 5 weight percent, based on the total weight of the mixture, wherein a major portion of the polymeric binding material has parti-cle sizes in the range of from about 8 to about 100 micrometers, to form a mixture comprising particles of polymeric binding material adhered to the sorbent particles, and (c) applying a pressure ranging up to about 100 psi, preferably from about 0.3 to about 50 psi, while the temperature of the mixture is approximately at the solid~ uid transition temperature of the poly-meric binding material, resulting, when the polymeric binding material is cooled, in a self-supporting structure in which the sorbent particles are immo-bilized and their sorbent properties have been re-tained~
The mixing and application of pressure may be done in a mold of a desired shape and the resulting immobili~ed bed 64 will then assume the shape of the mold. Conveniently, the mold may comprise the outer shell 66 of the housing 60.
The preferred self-supporting sorbent structures 35 prepared from inorga~L sorbent particles and a poly- !
~;~'7~ 3 1~-meric binding agent preerably have a ma~or portion of the inorganic sorbent particles with particle sizes in the range of from about 1 to about 10 milli-meters, the preferred shape of the particles being spherical, and the structure preferably comprises from about 1 to about 7 percent by weight of the polymeric binding material, the percentage based on the total weight of the mixture of polymeric binding material in the sorbent particles and the balance being the inorganic sorbent material.
The "solid-liquid transition stage" referred to above with regard to the process for forming the self-supporting structure refers to the temperature at which the polymeric binding material is softened to the extent that no well defined particles exist which have the physical attributes of a solid, yet the material does not flow as does a liquid~ This temperature or stage, termed herein the "solid-liquid transition stage", is generally about 50 to about 90 degrees Fahrenheit above the Vicat softening point.
At this point, the polymeric binding material which existed at a lower temperature as separate particles, merge to form a unitary matrix with an increased ~ tackiness. This tackiness, probabaly resulting from increased mobility of the molecular chalns of the molecules, provides improved interparticle adhesion.
The solid-liquid transition stage is not to be confused with the melting point in which solid and liquid phases exist in dynamic equilibrium with one another. At the solid-liquid transition stage, the polymeric binding material may be thought to be in a hybrid state between solid and liquid states. When the polymeric binding material is at this ctage, the mix~ure of thermoplastic material and sorbent parti-cles may be compressed sufficlently by application of .,~.... ..
pressure to decrease the distance between the sorbent particles or increase the number of contact poin~s between adjacent particles and increase interparticle bonding, providing thereby increased compressive strength with retention of adsorptive properties.
The solid-liquid transition stage for a polymer-ic binding material is not as sharply defined as ls the melting point of a pure crystalline material and, in some instances, the temperature range of this stage is somewhat broad. ~owever, it is, in general, undesirable to use temperatures in preparing immo-bilizing sorbents for use in the present invention much above the temperature of the solid-liquid tran-sition since the polymeric binding material then exhibits the characteristics of a liquid in that it tends to readily flow. Thi~ is to be avoided since blinding of the pores of the sorbent may occur and formation of a mass or block of coated sorbent parti-cles in which the adsorption characteristics have been reduced or lost may result.
Alternatively, the immobilized bed 64 may be formed from a self-supporting structure in which adsoxbent carbon particles, including carbon finest are immobilized in a polymeric binding agent. One preferred method Eor forming such self-supporting structures comprise5 the steps of:
(a) mixing carbon particles, a major portion of which has particle sizes in the range of from about 200 to about 2,000 microns, with a polymeric binding material in an amount oE from about S to about 20 percent by weight, based on the total weight of the mixture, a major portion of the polymeric binding material having particles ~izes in the range of from about 8 to about 30 microns, thereby forming a mix-ture of the carbon particles coated with the polymer~
'"t~ , ' .' ' ' ic binding material, ~b) placing the mixture in a container of a desired shape, e~g., the outer shell 66 of the hous-ing 60, and ~c) applying a pressure of up to about 400 psi while the mixture is at a temperature ~orresponding to the solid-liquid transition stage, resulting, when the polymeric binding material is cooled, in the self supporting structure in which the adsorbent carbon particles are immobilized.
The resulting carbon-containing, self-supporting structure combines a relatively low pressure drop and high compressive strength and comprises adsorbent carbon particles, a major portion of which have par-ticle sizes in the range of from about 200 to about2,000 microns, about 0.5 to about 5 percent by weight, based on the weight of the adsorbent parti-cles, carbon fines having particle sizes in the range of from about 0.1 to about 50 microns, and abou~ 5 to about 20 percent by weight of a polymeric binding material, the percentages based on the total weight of the mixture of polymeric binding material, carbon particles and any carbon fines present.
Any form of adsorbent carbon is suitable but activated carbon is preferred. By "activated carbon"
is generally meant a form of carbon which is charac-terized by very high adsorptive capacity for gases and is generally produced by the destructive distil-lation of various carbon-containing materials. The carbonaceous material is subequently activated at an elevated temperature with steam or carbon dioxide, which brings about the porous nature of the carbon.
A preferred form of carbon is an activated carbon available from Calgon Corporation, a subsidiary of Merck and Co~pany, designated a BPL 1~ x 30 mesh and having an average par-ticle size of about 1,200 microns. Prior to mixing of the -thermoplas-tic material, the adsorbent carbon par-ticles may be treated with metal cnmpounds or metal complexes, such as copper, chromium and silver compounds, and complexes of such materials with compounds, such as ammonia, in any conventional way, as, for example, by a process known as "Whetlerizln~". Examples of such compounds are disclosed, for example, in uOs. Patents-2,920,050 and 2,920,051.
The polymeric blnding material referred to here in as useful for immobilizing the sorbent material, e.g., both carbon and inorganic sorbents such as alumina, silica, magnesia, etcPtera as referred to above, may be either a thermoplastic or a thermosetting polymeric material, preferably synthetic, which is capable of being shaped under the process conditions used in preparing the immobilized sorbent structures used in the present invention.
The term "thermoplastic material" describes the preferred polymeric binding material used in the present invention and generally refers to any polymeric material having thermoplastic properties. It may include any synthetic or semi-synthetic condensation or polymerization product. Preferably, the thermoplastic material is a homopolymer or copolymer of a polyolefin. Most preEerable are polyethylene and polypropylene, the former being particularly preferred.
Other thermoplastic materials include polystyrene, polycarbonates, polyurethanes, phenoxy resins, vlnyl resins derived from monomers such as vinyl chloride, vinyl acetate, vinylidine chloride, etcet-~v~' -16~
era, including polyvinyl chloride, copolymers of vinyl chloride wlth one or more oE acrylonitrile, methacrylonitrile, vinylidine chloride, alkyl acry-late, alklyl methacrylate, alkly maleate, alkyl fu-marate, etcetera.
In some instances, to provide creep resistance,a thermosetting material may be preferred as the polymeric binding agent. Suitable for this use are the type of cross-linked polyethylenes used as cable coatings, such as materials formed from blends of polyethylene with pe~oxide cross-linking agents, such as, for example, benzoyl or dicumyl peroxide, present in catalytic amounts. Other examples include those materials in which a prepolymer is reacted with a cross-linking agent to form the product and includes polyurethanes of the type in which a ~blocked" diiso-cyanate is reacted initially with a difunctional compound~ such as a diol, to form the prepolymer which, in turn, is reacted with a trifunctional com-pound, such a a triol, to form, at the appropriatetemperature, a cross-linked polymer. These thermo-setting materials, which generally cross-link at temperatures between'l00 to 200 degrees Centigrade, ''' ' exhibit properties similar to the preferred crystal-line thermoplastic materials discussed below.
The selection of a polymeric binding material depends to some extent on the properties sought in the self-supporting structure which is formed in part from the binding material. That is, some of the mechanical properties of the immobilized structure are determined by the physical properties of the binding material. If, for instance, a structure which flexes or which resists fracturing is desired, a thermoplastic powder should be used which is not 35 fully crystall1ne or below lts yla99 transltion tem- ~ ¦
', ~ . .
perature at the temperature at which the ar-ticle is used.
Conversely, a rigld structure requires more crystalline thermoplastic or thermosetting material A requirement of any material selected as the polymeric binding material for use in the present invention is that it have a sufficiently high viscoslty at the processing temperature so as to not flow and "blind" or reduce the porosity of the sorbent material, which porosity is necessary for effective adsorption.
In the heating step as described above, the polymeric binding material should begin to soften so that the particles lose their original shape and become slightly tacky. However, the material should not have a viscosity at the processing temperature such that it flows and results in blinding When thermoplastic materials are used in the present invention, particularly preferred are the polyethylene powders supplied under the trademarks Microthene FN 500, FN 510 and FM 524, by USI
Chemicals. These powdered polyethylene powders differ somewhat from one another in density and Vicat softening point. When a somewhat more flexible structure is desired, up to lO percent of a second ethylenically unsaturated material, such as vinyl acetate, may be copolymerized with the ethylene to provide an amorphous thermoplastic binding material. A copolymer of this -type exhibits less of a tendency to blind and also imparts some energy or shock absorbency properties to the immobilized structure, thereby reducing the tendency o~ the structure to fracture when handled with less caution than that required by structures using more crystalline homopolymers. A suitable material of this type comprises 9 percent by weight vinyl acetate copolymerized with polyethylene as available from USI Chemicals as Microthene FN 532.
3L~t7~ 3 Whe{e the outer shell 66 has served as the mold in orming the immobilized sorbent bed 64, the poly-meric binding agent, when heated, not only binds the sorbent particles together but also binds the bed 64 to the shell 66, preventing bypass or channeling around the edge of the bed 64 when fluid flows through the chamber 14. Alternatively, where the outer shell 66 has not served as the mold, the immo-bilized sorbent bed S4 further includes an impervious outer casing 76 which prevents fluid flowing through the bed 64 from migrating beyond the edge of the bed 64. In either case, the chamber 14 further includes first and second perforated spaced plates 78, 80 disposed between the immobilized sorbent bed 64 and the first and second base plates 68, 70, respective-ly, to aid in supporting the bed 64 and maintalning the bed 64 in position.
One highly advantageous operational aspect of a sorbing apparatus 10 according to the present inven-tion is that it virtually precludes fluidization ofthe sorbent bed 64 and the consequent attrition and formation of abrasive sorbent dust generated in a fluidized bed. Since each sorbent particle is indi-vidually bound in the self-supporting mass of the bed 64, none of the particles are free to move with the fluid as the 1uid flows through the chamber 14.
Since fluidization is not a design constraint of the present inventlon, smaller sorbent particles can be used to fashion the immobilized sorbent bed than were used in the prior art systems. These smaller parti-cles are capable of sorbing far more of a particular component for a given weight of sorbent material, l.e., provide a superior mass transfer rate. Conse-quently, less weight of sorbent material need be used 3s ior any given applicatlon.
', ~. ' . . ' , , Another advantage of eliminating fluidization as a design constraint is that flow rates through the sorbing chambers 14, 16 can be much greater than in prior art systems. This not only allows a greater volume of fluid to be processed in a given amount of time, but also permits a faster cycle time for the sorbing apparatus 10. For e~ample, the NEMA cycle time for the sorbing apparatus 10 may be in the range from about 5 seconds to about 10 minutes with the preferred range depending on the parameters of a particular application. Depressurization and repres-surization of each chamber during each cycle can occur much more quickly because the high fluid velo-cities which accompany rapid changes ln pressure will not fluidize the immobilized bed 64.
Another major advantage of the sorbing apparatus 10 according to the present invention is that with the elimination of the abrasive sorbent dust the components designed to protect the system from the abrasive sorbent dust may also be elimlnated. For example, stainless steel screens and other filters which are designed to contain the sorbent dust within the chambers are not required. Further, since the lines and valves which handle fluids flowing from the chambers are not subject to the corrosive and abra-sive effects of the sorbent dust, they can be made of a lighter gauge and need not be specially protect-ed. Consequently, they are far less heavy and expen-sive than those o~ the prior art systems. The ab-sence of sorbent dust also generally enhances thelongevity and reliability of the remainder of the system downstream from the sorbing apparatus 20~
The immobillzed sorbent bed 6~ may be variously configured without departing from the scope of the 3~ lnvention. For example, lt may be conf1gured a9 a ~ 3 . --~0--right circular cylinder, as shown in Figure 2. The diameter of the cylinder determines the flow area and therefore the pressure drop ~or a given applica-tion. Typical diameters are in the range of about 1/2 inch to abou~ 24, and typical lengths are in the range from about 1 to about 4 times the diameter.
The immobilized sorbent bed may also be configured as an annular structure 86 with a central core 88 which serves as an extension of the intake line 32, as shown in Figure 3. The configura~ion of Figure 3 is particularly advantageous in that it allows the in-take line 32 and the outlet line 46 to be connected to the same side of the chamber. Further, if a cyl-indrical immobilized sorbent structure is also placed in the core 83, the overall length of the chamber 14 may be reduced.
Since the sorbent bed 64 is immobilized, the sorbing chambers 14, 16 may be oriented in any direc-tion, including horizontally, without having the sorbent particles settle to create channels in the bed 64 and allow the influent fluid to bypass the sorbent material. ~his resistance to settling and channeling also permits utilization of the sorbing apparatus 10 in environments marked by excess vibra-tion, such as aboard ship~
The sorbing apparatus 10 according to the pre-sent invention may be used for a variety o applica-tions including, as a purifier, to remove chemical contaminants from air or water and, as a dryer, to remove water or water vapor from air. For example, as a dryer, the sorbing apparatus 10 may accommodate flow rates from about 1 scfm to about 1,000 scfm but has particular applicability to flow rates of about 400 scfm or less. Thus, a flow rate of 40 scfm of 100 psig wet influent air saturated at 100 degrees .
~ ~ 7~
Fahrenheit will yield 34 scfm of 100 psig effluent air with a dew point of minus 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Six scfm will be reduced to zero psig and used as purge gas to regenerate one o~ the immobillzed sorbent beds during each cycle '\~
Claims (21)
1. A sorbing apparatus for removing at least a portion of a component from a fluid having a first concentration of the component, said apparatus comprising: at least one chamber having first and second ports and defining a fluid flow path between the first and second ports, the chamber including a bed of sorbent particles which are disposed in the fluid flow path, said sorbent particles being bound to one another by a polymeric binding agent to form a self-supporting structure wherein relative movement of the particles is prevented, and fluid control means for alternately directing the fluid having the first concentration of the component through the bed of sorbent particles wherein the bed of sorbent particles sorbs the component from the fluid and directing a purging fluid through the bed of sorbent particles wherein the bed of sorbent particles is regenerated.
2. The sorbing apparatus of claim 1 wherein the sorbent particles comprise particles of an inorganic sorbent.
3. The sorbing apparatus of claim 2 wherein the inorganic sorbent is a material selected from the group consisting of alumina, silica, magnesia, molecular sieve, zeolite, and silica gel or combinations thereof.
4. The sorbing apparatus of claim 2 or 3 wherein the sorbent particles have a diameter in the range of from about 1 to about 10 millimeters.
5. A sorbing apparatus for removing at least a portion of a component from a fluid having a first concentration of hte component, said apparatus comprising at least one chamber having first and second ports and defining a fluid flow path between the first and second ports, the chamber including a bed of sorbent particles disposed in the fluid flow path, said sorbent particles including particles of carbon and being bound to one another by a polymeric binding agent to form a self-supporting structure wherein relative movement of the particles is prevented, and fluid control means for alternately directing the fluid having the first concentration of the component through the bed of sorbent particles wherein the bed of sorbent particles sorbs through the bed of sorbent particles wherein the bed of sorbent particles is regerated.
6. The sorbing apparatus of claim 5 wherein the carbon particles have a size in the range of from about 0.1 micron to about 2,000 microns.
7. The sorbing apparatus of claim 1, 5 or 6 wherein the polymeric binding agent comprises a thermoplastic material.
8. The sorbing apparatus of claim 1, 5 or 6 wherein the polymeric binding agent comprises a thermosetting material.
9. The sorbing apparatus of claim 1, 5 or 6 wherein the chamber comprises an outer cylindrical shell and wherein the bed of sorbent particles is bound to the shell.
10. The sorbing apparatus of claim 1, 5 or 6 wherein the bed of sorbent particles comprises a cylindrical structure having an annular cross section.
11. The sorbing apparatus of claim 1, 5 or 6 wherein the chamber is disposed at an angle from vertical.
12. A sorbing apparatus for removing at least a portion of a component from a fluid having a first concentration of the component, said apparatus comprising at least one chamber including an outer cylindrical shell and first an second ports and defining a fluid flow path between the first and second ports, the chamber further including a bed of sorbent particles bound to the shell and disposed in the fluid flow path, said sorbent particles being bound to one another by a polymeric binding agent to form a self-supporting structure wherein relative movement of the particles is prevented, and fluid control means for alternately directing the fluid having the first concentration of the component through the bed of sorbent particles wherein the bed of sorbent particles sorbs the component from the fluid and directing a purging fluid through the bed of sorbent particles wherein the bed of sorbent particles is regenerated.
13. A sorbing apparatus for removing at least a portion of a component from a fluid having a first concentration of the component, said apparatus comprising at least one chamber having an outer cylindrical shell and first and second ports and defining a fluid flow path between the first and second ports, the chamber including a cylindrically configured bed of sorbent particles disposed with in the cylindrical shell in the fluid flow path, said sorbent bed including an impervious outer casing and said sorbent particles being bound to one another by a polymeric binding agent to form a self-supporting structure;
wherein relative movement of the particles is prevented, and fluid control means for alternately directing the fluid having the first concentration of the component through the bed of sorbent particles wherein the bed of sorbent particles sorbs the component from the fluid and directing a purging fluid through the bed of sorbent particles wherein the bed of sorbent particles is regenerated.
wherein relative movement of the particles is prevented, and fluid control means for alternately directing the fluid having the first concentration of the component through the bed of sorbent particles wherein the bed of sorbent particles sorbs the component from the fluid and directing a purging fluid through the bed of sorbent particles wherein the bed of sorbent particles is regenerated.
14. A sorbing apparatus for removing at least a portion of a component from a fluid comprising a mixture of components, said sorbing apparatus comprising an intake; and outlet; and exhaust first and second sorbing regions, each having first and second ports and defining flow path therebetween and each including a bed of sorbent particles disposed in the fluid flow path, said sorbent particles being bound to one another by a binding agent;
to form a self-supporting structure; first valve means for interconnecting the intake, exhaust, and the first ports of the first and second sorbing regions; sec-ond valve means for interconnecting the outlet and the second ports of the first and second sorbing regions; and control means coupled to at least the first valve means for alternately first directing fluid from the intake through the first sorbing region to the outlet while channeling a portion of the outlet fluid through the second sorbing region to the exhaust and directing fluid from the intake through the second sorbing region to the outlet while channeling a portion of the outlet fluid through the first sorbing chamber to the exhaust whereby the sorbent bed in each sorbing region alternately sorbs the component from the intake fluid and is regenerated by the outlet fluid.
to form a self-supporting structure; first valve means for interconnecting the intake, exhaust, and the first ports of the first and second sorbing regions; sec-ond valve means for interconnecting the outlet and the second ports of the first and second sorbing regions; and control means coupled to at least the first valve means for alternately first directing fluid from the intake through the first sorbing region to the outlet while channeling a portion of the outlet fluid through the second sorbing region to the exhaust and directing fluid from the intake through the second sorbing region to the outlet while channeling a portion of the outlet fluid through the first sorbing chamber to the exhaust whereby the sorbent bed in each sorbing region alternately sorbs the component from the intake fluid and is regenerated by the outlet fluid.
15. The sorbing apparatus of claim 12 wherein the first and second sorbing regions each comprise cylindrically con-figured sorbing chambers including an outer cylindrical shell and a cylindrically configured sorbent bed disposed within the shell.
16. The sorbing apparatus of claim 15 wherein the sor-bent particles are bound to one another by a polymeric binding agent which further binds the sorbent bed to the cylindrical shell.
17. The sorbing apparatus of claim 15 further compris-ing an impervious casing attached to and extending axially along the periphery of the sorbent bed.
18. The sorbing apparatus of claim 15 wherein the first and second ports are disposed on opposite ends of the sorb-ing chambers.
19. The sorbing apparatus of claim 15 wherein the axes of the cylindrical sorbing chambers are oriented at an angle away from the vertical.
20. The sorbing apparatus of claim 12 wherein each sorbing region sorbs at a first pressure and is regenerated at a second lower pressure and wherein the second valve means includes means coupled to the control means for increasing the portion of outlet fluid being directed into a sorbing region whereby the sorbing region may be more quickly repressurized once it is isolated from the exhaust.
21. A system for removing one or more constituents from a fluid comprising mixture of components and particulates, said system comprising an intake; and outlet; an exhaust; pre-filter means disposed in the intake for removing the particulates; first and second cylindrical sorbing chambers, each including a cylindrically configured sorbent bed, an impervious fluid barrier extending axially along the periphery of the sorbent bed, and first and second ports respectively communicating with the ends of the sorbent bed, said sorbent bed comprising a plurality of sorbent particles bound to one another by a polymeric binding agent to form a self-supporting structure; a first valve assembly disposed downstream form the prefilter means and interconnecting the intake, the exhaust and the first ports of the first and second sorbing chambers; a second valve assembly interconnecting the outlet and the second ports of the first and second sorbing chambers; and a fluid control means coupled at least to the first valve assembly for simultaneously directing prefiltered intake fluid through one sorbing chamber to the outlet and a portion of the outlet fluid through the other sorbing chamber to the exhaust.
Applications Claiming Priority (2)
Application Number | Priority Date | Filing Date | Title |
US64053684A | 1984-08-13 | 1984-08-13 | |
US640,536 | 1984-08-13 |
Publications (1)
Publication Number | Publication Date |
CA1271429A true CA1271429A (en) | 1990-07-10 |
Family Applications (1)
Application Number | Title | Priority Date | Filing Date |
CA000488216A Expired - Fee Related CA1271429A (en) | 1984-08-13 | 1985-08-07 | Sorbing apparatus |
Country Status (1)
Country | Link |
CA (1) | CA1271429A (en) |
- 1985-08-07 CA CA000488216A patent/CA1271429A/en not_active Expired - Fee Related
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