CA1217118A - Adhesion promoter for printed circuits - Google Patents

Adhesion promoter for printed circuits


Publication number
CA1217118A CA000432747A CA432747A CA1217118A CA 1217118 A CA1217118 A CA 1217118A CA 000432747 A CA000432747 A CA 000432747A CA 432747 A CA432747 A CA 432747A CA 1217118 A CA1217118 A CA 1217118A
Prior art keywords
grams per
per liter
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French (fr)
Adela Landau
Current Assignee (The listed assignees may be inaccurate. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of the list.)
MacDermid Inc
Original Assignee
MacDermid Inc
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Application filed by MacDermid Inc filed Critical MacDermid Inc
Priority to CA000432747A priority Critical patent/CA1217118A/en
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of CA1217118A publication Critical patent/CA1217118A/en
Expired legal-status Critical Current



  • Chemical Treatment Of Metals (AREA)




It is among the principal objects of invention to provide a composition and a method for improving the adhesion between a copper foil and a printed circuit substrate by the provision of an adhesion promoting copper oxide layer on the copper film.

The provision of copper oxide layers on the surface of copper films by immersion in a chlorite-hydroxide bath as conventionally conducted presents problems of safety and reproducibility. This process is improved by employ-ing an oxidizing solution containing an alkali or alkaline earth metal chlorite at a concentration of from 100 grams per liter to complete saturation, and sodium or potas-sium hydroxide at a concentration of from 5 to 25 grams per liter. The process preferably forms an adhesion im-proving copper oxide film within commercially practical periods of time, on the order of 7 minutes or less, at practically low temperatures, on the order of from 80°F
to 200°F, and preferably less than about 140°F. The solution can be sprayed by conventional spray etchers.

The copper oxide films produced according to the most preferred conditions are brown in coloration and provide adhesion values according to the standard peel test of greater than about 5 pounds per inch with contact times of from about 3 to about 5 minutes.




Technical Field The present invention relates to printed circuits, and particularly to improving the adhesion between cop-per foil and a polymeric substrate.

Printed circuit boards are typically constructed with a polymeric substrate such as a phenolic, epoxy, poIyimide, polyester, or like oth~r resinl upon which is bonded a copper ~oil which is etched to provide a conduc-tor in the desired configuration. Copperl like other pure metals, generally exhibits poor adhesion character-istics or bonding to polymers, and intermediate conver-sion coatings~are frequently helpful. ~amili~r examples of this practice are the various~pre-paint treatments, such as phosphate on steel, chromate on;zinc or alumi-num, and anodic oxide on aluminum.
For printed circuits, it is typical to employ cop-per oxide as the adhesion improving coating; howev2r, the known methods for achieving the copper oxide ~oat-ings involve the~use of highly corrosive chemicals which become even more~dangerous at the elevated temperatures .,.. ,, :: ; ~ :

typically employed for processing. Moreover, the im-provement in adhesion achieve~ through the use of known technology has been erratic. In fact, adhesion after treatment is sometimes no better than for clean copper.

In view of these difficulties, the question arises as to why use copper oxide at all when clean etched copper alone will give peel strengths of two to three pounds per inch. However, it is known that copper is a reactive metal and can react with the components or decomposition products of the polymer substrate. For instance, copper can compete for the amine curing agents in epoxy resins. These chemical and physical processes, aggravated by thermal cycling, can continue for the life of the assembly and lead to ultimate fail-ure in service. An oxide coating serves as a diffusionbarrier to prevent these reactions.

Accordingly, there is a present need for improve-ments in achieving increased bonding strength through the use of copper oxide coatings.

Back~round Art In the preparation of printed circuits, a copper foil is bonded to the polymeric substrate which may be phenolic, epoxy, polyimide, polyester, or the like.
Prior to bonding, the foil is normally treated electro-lytically to provide a specific surface structure asdisclosed in U.S. Patents 3,293,109; 3,318,758;
3,518,168; 4,049,481; 4,131,517; 4,176,035; and others.
It is believed that the copper foil on most single and two-sided printed circuit boards is so treated.

~ultilayer printed circuit boards are assemblies of several t~o-sided boards further bonded to each other through layers of semicured polymeric material which are subsequently cured at elevated temperatures and pressures to form the complete assembly. Prior to -his assembly, the copper foil of the two-sided boards is imaged and etched to ~orm the inner layer circuits. The opposite side of the conductor patterns mus, then be treated for adhesion to the layer of polymer bonding one board to another. Because the etched cond~ctors have no conti-nuity for electrolysis, it is necessary to treat them chemically.

Copper oxide is the most useful chemical conversion coating for copper adhesion and has so been used since the early days of printed circuit technology. The basic patent in this field appears to be U.S. 2,364,993, which discloses the use of sodium chlorite and sodium hydroxide at high concentrations and temperatures near boiling.
Similar disclosures appear in other patents, such as U.S. 2,460,896, U.S. 2,460,898, and U.S. 2,481,854, which have been granted to the same assignee. These four related patents teach the use of a treatment solu-tion containing caustic in an amount which equals or exceeds the chlorite. The concentration range disclosed is from five grams per liter of chlorite and ten grams per liter of caustic on the low side, to solutions satu-rated with chlorite and containing one thousand grams per liter of caustic. It is indicated that the lower range will blacken copper in thirty minutes at 216-F, while the higher range will do the same in one minute at 250rF. An intermediate composition containing 150 grams per liter of chlorite and 150 grams per liter of caustic is disclosed in U.S. 2,3~4,993 to blacken the copper surface in five minutes at 200F.

While these patents appear to be directed toward decorative applications, as well as non-refle~tive coat-ings for the interior surfaces of optical instruments~
the same principles have been applied to the treatment of copper foils for use in preparing printed circuits. Some I
,. I

examplary patents applying this technology to printed circuit adhesion are: U.S. 2,955,974; U.S. 3,177,103;
U.S. 3,198,672; U.S. 3,240,66~; U.S. 3,37~,129; and U.S.
3,481,777. Other known means for providing copper oxide coatings include oxidation with alkaline perman-ganate as disclosed in U.S. 3,544,389, hydrogen peroxide as disclosed in U.S. 3,~34,889, and even air at elevated temperature as disclosed in U.S. 3,677,828.

It is known that these oxide coatings are erratic and too frequently provide surprisingly poor adhesion, sometimes less than clean copper. A part of this problem may be that the oxide coatings are often too thick--presumably because it was thought that thicker coatings were better because of increased specific surface area.
In actual fact, a thick oxide is inferior as an adhesion promoter because it is mechanically weak and may not be homogeneous.

A thick coating of oxide tends to be fuzzy and vel-vety, making it mechanically weak. Black powder can be wiped off with a finger. Figure 1 shows the open fibrous structure af such a surface. During the multilayer pro-cessing operation at a high temperature and pressure J the fibers can be crushed and partially encapsulated by the flowing polymerO This means that the bond can break within the oxide layer, causing a cohesive, rather than adhesive, failure. The so-called "oxide transfer", seen as a dark stain occasionally appearing within the epoxy surface after etching away the copper, is a mani-festation of encapsulated oxide fibers.

Further, a thick black oxide may not be homoge-neous. Whereas the outer surface will be cupric o~ide, there will be a gradient through the thickness which will be increasingly richer in cuprous oxide. This is an unstable species which can be oxidized to cupric oxide -during the high temperature pressing operation by com-bining with residual oxygen, water or various decompo-~ition products. The result of this reaction is a change in volume, a breaking away of points of attachment, and the creation of micro-voids which lead to poor adhesion.

In recent years, the industry has been moving in the direction of thinner oxides by dilution of the conven-tional chlorite-caustic baths and shortening the im-mersion time as described in "Electronic Packaging and Production", 18(3), ~9-78 (1978). This diluted solution still requires a high temperature in the near-boiling range to dehydrate any cupric hydroxide which may form.
The hydroxide, white to gray in color, is another un-stable entity which can also undergo shrinkage in volu~e lS and loss of adhesion during subsequent thermal opera-tions. And, these solutions remain troublesome from a corrosion standpoint in view of the high temperatures required. As recently as October 1981, an all-stainless steel apparatus was described using this chemistry at 2n 190 F. ("Printed Circuit Fabrication", October 1981, p.
46-50). However, concern was expressed at the corrosion of stainless steel in the welded areas under these con-ditions.

In view of these difficulties, it would be de-sirable to provide a thermally stable oxide coating on copper to enhance its adhesion characteristics to poly-mers. ~dditionally, it would be desirable to provide a solution capable of forming such an oxide coating which was sprayable in conventional spray equipment, such as that typically e~ployed for spray etching printed circuit boards to enable increased productivity in continuous, conveyorized applications. And, it would be desirable to provide a composition and a process for forming oxide coatin~s on copper which cGuld be operated at concentra-tions and temperatures below about 140~F.

Disclosure of the Invention In accordance with the invention, I provide a comp-osition and process for improving the adhesion of copper foil to polymeric printed circuit substrates by oxidizing the copper bonding surface. In its broad aspects, the composition comprises an aqueous solution containing an alkali metal chlorite or alkaline earth metal chlorite at a concentration of from about 100 grams per liter to saturation, and sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide at a concentration of from about 5 to about 25 grams per liter. The method in its broad aspect comprises:
cleaning the surface of a copper foil, and immersing the foil in a solution as defined above at a temperature within the range of from about 80 to about 200F for a period of time effective to form an oxide layer on the surface of the copper foil capable of increasing its adhesion to a polymer substrate.

The composition and the process according to the invention provide a significant advance over the prior art procedure5 such as those taught in U.S. patent
2,364,993, in that it has been found that highly con-sistent results in terms of improved adhesion can be achieved at moderate temperaturesl at commercially-effi-cient production rates, and at low concentrations of caustic, where the concentration of caustic is maintained at 25% or less of the concentration of the chlorite.
Thus, according to the present invention, the relative amount of chlorite is increased while that of the caustic is decreased.

~OS. Patent 2,364,993 and the ~hree other related patents teach the use of a treatment solution containing caustic in an amount which equals or exceeds the chlorite.
While the low concentrations of 5 grams per liter of chlorite and 10 grams per liter of caustic darkens the copper surface to almost black in 30 minutes of reaction at boiling (216F), this rate is far too slo~ in vie~ of current demands for high productivity. The high concen-tration of saturated chlorite and 1000 grams per liter of caustic yields a thick, black, powdery coating in 1 minute at boiling (250-F), but the coating is mechani-cally weak and unsatisfactory for adhesion as described - above. Moreover, these high temperatures, above the boiling point of water, are extremely hazardous in a production scale operation which typically involves a tank of several hundred gallons. For example, the addi-tion of water to replace evaporation losses could cause a strong eruption, spattering hot caustic solution to the hazard of operating personnel.

According to the present invention, however, adhe-sion-improving oxide layers can be obtained at moderate temperatures of within the range of from about 80~ to 200-F in commercially practical periods o~ time--typically, less than 10 minutes, and preferably from 1 to 7 minutes.
At a preferred concentration of sodium chlorite of about 160 grams per liter and sodium hydroxide of about 10 grams per liter, a brown to bronze-colored oxide is formed at temperatures of about 35-F. The resulting coating is about 8 microinches in thickness and does not appear to change with varying time or temperature, al-though the adhesion value increases with increasing time and/or temperature. Coatings prepared according to the preferred embodi~ents of the invention will be brown, ranging from dark brown to lighter shades o~ brown, having a bronze hue.

The reason for the relatively constant thickness and texture is not understood. While not wishing to be bound to any specific theory, it is possible that copper, being slightly amphoteri~, dissolves as the cuprate ion in a strongly alkaline soluticn as evidenced by the blue-colored solution during the blackening operation. The cuprate ion is unstable and soon changes to cupric oxide and precipitates. However, it is apparent that copper is continuously being dissolved, leading to a somewhat amor-phous texture including cuprous oxide under a crystalline cupric oxide surface. On the other hand, the coating of the invention is completely insoluble in the lower alka-linity and emerges as a thin, completely homogeneous, adherent layer.

The caustic can be sodium hydroxide, potassium hydroxide, or a combination of the two. The chlorite however, can be either an alkali metal chlorite such as sodium or potassium chlorite, or an alkaline earth chlo-rite such as calcium or magnesium chlorite. Mixtures of suitable chlorites can also be employed. In addition to these materials the solution can also include phosphates and carbonates, for effects such as regulating alkalinity of the solution.

The minimum concentration of sodium chlorite has been found to be about 100 grams per liter for reliable adhesion while the upper limit is sat~ration. The pre- -ferred concentration will be about 160 grams per liter.
The concentration range for the hydroxide is about 10 to grams per liter. Lower concentrations ~o not develop enough adhesive strength within the constraints of a 1 to 7 minute dwell time, or more preferably a 3 to 5 minute dwell time, in a conventional spray machine. For most substrates, a level of hydroxide of about 16 grams per liter is preferred. On the other hand, it is preferred to maintain the caustic c~ncentration below about 15 grams per liter, or preferably near 10 grams per liter, for polyimides which are somewhat alkali-sensitive.

Significantly, the ratio of hydroxide to chlorite on a weight basis should be less than 1:4, and will preferably be less than about 1:8. The most preferred f' ~ f ratios will be within the range of from about 1:10 to about 1:20, especially when the preferred concentrations are employed.

The maximum temperature is limited only by the temperature tolerance of the equipment. Most conven-tional polyvinyl chloride spray etchers are limited to about 140-E' and are equipped with safety devices to pre-vent overheating. Since safety and energy conservation are objects of the invention, it is preferred to operate at or below this level~ although operation at 200~F has been found satisfactory in steel tanks.

Brief Description of the Drawings _.
The invention will be better understood and some oE its advantages will become more apparent when the following detailed description is read in light of the attached drawings wherein:
Figure 1 is an electron-microscope-generated photograph showing the surface of an oxide coating pre-pared by a prior art method according to Example l; and Figure 2 is a similar photograph but at a dif-erent magnification of a coating prepared by the method of this invention as set forth in Example 3.

Best Mode for Carrying Out the Invention The following examples will aid in illustrating and explaining the invention by describing the best mode contemplated for performing it and comparing it to the procedures of the prior art. The examples are for illus-trative purposes and are not to be taken as limiting in any regard. Unless otherwise indicated, all parts and percen~ages are by weight.

All of the following samples were processed in the following pre-treat and lamination cycle. Although some of the steps may be omitted by some operators in actual production, 311 are preferred for maximum adhesion and were performed for these test,s.

1. Soak clean a 6 x 6 inch, 1 ounce copper foil in Anodex 61X (MacDermid Incorporated, Waterbury, Connecticut), 8 o~./gal.l 3 minutes at 160 F.
2. Cold water rinse.
3. Etch in ammonium persulfate, 1.51bs./gal., 3 minutes at 75 F.
4. Cold water rinse.
5. Dip in sulfuric acid, 10~ by volume, 1 minute at 75-F.
6. Cold water rinse.
7. Oxide treatment as described in the follow-ing specific examples.
; 8. Cold water rinse~
9. Air dry.
10. Oven dry 30 minutes at 225-F.
11. Laminate to FR-4 epoxy by a conventional multilayer procedure; i.e., 400 psi at 350-F for 45 minutes.

Following preparation, the samples are subjected to the following standard peel test: Measure the adhesion value (in pounds) of a 1 inch wide strip when pulled at a 90 angle from the substrate at a rate of 1 inch/minute.

Exampl~ Prior art) An oxidizing solution was prepared with 200 grams per liter sodium hydroxide and 100 grams per liter sodium chlorite. The cleaned and etched copper foil was im-mersed for 5 minutes at 200-F, and then rinsed and dried.

The appearance was black and velvet-like. Black powder could be wiped off with a finger. Figure 1 is an electron microscope photograph of the surface. This .
'' photograph was prepared at a magnification of 7500X at 90. (perpendicular) When laminated to FR-4 epoxy, the peel test value was 2.0 to 2.5 pounds per inch.

Example 2 - (Prior art) Vsing the same solution as in Example 1, but at 150 F, a copper foil was immersed for 10 minutes.
The appearance was dark gray with no velvet nap.
The peel test value was 2.0 to 2.25 pounds per inch.

Example 3 - (Invention) The oxidizing solution consisted of 160 grams per liter sodium chlorite and 10 grams per liter sodium hy-droxide. The prepared copper foil was immersed for 5 minutes at 130 F. Figure 2 is an electron microscope photograph of the surface. This photograph was prepared as that in Figure 1, but at a magnification of 4000X at 45~ angle to accentuate the surface texture.

The surface appeared golden-brown with no apparent change in surface texture.

The adhesion value was 6.5 pounds per inch.

Example 4 - (Invention) The solution of Example 3 was used in a conven-tional printed circuit spray etcher (Chemcut Model 315) in a conveyorized spray mode. The dwell time was 3.25 minutes at 130~F.

; The appearance of the oxide film was medium brown ~ and the peel test value was 6.0 pounds per inch.

,, ~" d ~

., Exam~les 5 - 21 - (Invention) . The following examples, all immersion tank appli-cations, demonstrate a range of parameters through which the invention is effectiveO

Ex. NaClO2 NaOH Time Temp Peel Test No. (gm/l) (~m/l) (min) ( F) (pounds/inch) 160 10 3 80 5.0 6 160 10 1 130 3.5 7 160 10 3 130 6.25 108 160 1~ 5 130 6.25 9 160 10 7 130 6.25 160 10 1 150 7.25 11 160 1~ 3 150 7.25 12 160 10 5 1~0 7.75 1513 160 10 7 150 7.50 14 160 10 1 170 7.75 160 1 n 3 170 ~.00 16 160 10 S 170 7.25 17 1~0 10 7 170 7.50 2018 100 8 1 130 2.50 19 100 8 3 130 4.50 100 8 5 130 5.50 21 100 8 7 130 5.75 It is evident that concentration, time, and temp-erature are interdependent variables. Therefore, an operator requiring maximum production can select a short dwell time with a proportionately higher temperature.
One with temperature limitations can operate with a longer dwell time or a higher concentration~

The above description is for the purpose of teach-ing a person of ordinary skill in the art how to practice the invention~ This description is not intended to de tail all of the obvious modifications and variations of the invention which will become apparent to the skilled worker upon reading. However, it is intended that all such modifications and variations be included within the scope of the invention which is defined by the following claims.

Claims (15)

1. A composition for improving the adhesion of copper foil to printed circuit substrates by oxidizing the copper bonding surface, which comprises: an aqueous solution containing an alkali metal chlorite or alkaline earth metal chlorite at a concentration of from 100 grams per liter to complete saturation, and sodium or potassium hydroxide at a concentration of from 5 to 25 grams per liter.
2. A composition according to claim 1, wherein the ratio of the hydroxide to the chlorite on a weight basis is less than 1:8.
3. A composition according to claim 2, wherein the ratio of the hydroxide to the chlorite is within the range of from about 1:10 to about 1:20.
4. A composition according to claim 1, wherein the chlorite is sodium chlorite and the hydroxide is sodium hydroxide.
5. A composition according to either of claims 1 or 3, wherein the chlorite is present in a concentration of approximately 160 grams per liter.
6. A method for improving the adhesion of copper foil to printed circuit substrates, which comprises:
cleaning the copper foil, and immersing the foil in a solution as defined in claim 1 at a temperature of from 80°F to 200°F for a period of time effective to form a layer of copper oxide on the foil capable of improving the adhesion of the foil to a printed circuit substrate.
7. A method according to claim 6, wherein the im-mersion of the foil in this solution extends for a period of time of from about 1 to about 7 minutes.
8. A method according to claim 6, wherein the ratio of hydroxide to chlorite on a weight basis is within the range of from about 1:10 to about 1:20.
9. A method according to claim 6, wherein the temp-erature of the solution during immersion in less than about 140°F.
10. A method according to claim 6, wherein the oxide film is brown.
11. A method according to claim 6, wherein the temp-erature of the immersion is within the range of from about 150°F to about 170°F.
12. A composition for improving the adhesion of copper foil to printed circuit substrates by oxidizing the copper bonding surface, comprising an aqueous so-lution containing one or more chlorites taken from the group consisting of alkaline earth metal chlorites and alkali metal chlorites at a concentration of from 100 grams per liter to complete saturation, one or more hy-droxides taken from the group consisting of sodium and potassium hydroxide at a concentration of from 10 to 25 grams per liter and wherein the ratio of the hydroxide to the chlorite is within the range of from about 1:10 to about 1:20.
13. A composition according to claim 1 wherein the chlorite is present in a concentration of approx-imately 160 grams per liter.
14. A printed circuit board having improved adhesion of copper foil to the printed circuit substrate, made by the method comprising cleaning the copper foil, and immersing the foil in an aqueous solution containing an alkali metal chlorite or alkaline earth metal chlorite at a concentration of from 100 grams per liter to complete satura-tion, and sodium and potassium hydroxide at a concentration of from 5 to 25 grams per liter at a temperature of from 80°F to 200°F for a period of time effective to form a layer of copper oxide on the foil capable of improving the adhesion of the foil to a printed circuit substrate.
15. A printed circuit board according to claim 14, wherein the immersion of the foil in the aqueous solution extends for a period of time of from about 1 to about 7 minutes.
CA000432747A 1983-07-19 1983-07-19 Adhesion promoter for printed circuits Expired CA1217118A (en)

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CA000432747A CA1217118A (en) 1983-07-19 1983-07-19 Adhesion promoter for printed circuits

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CA000432747A CA1217118A (en) 1983-07-19 1983-07-19 Adhesion promoter for printed circuits

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CA1217118A true CA1217118A (en) 1987-01-27



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CA000432747A Expired CA1217118A (en) 1983-07-19 1983-07-19 Adhesion promoter for printed circuits

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