CA1214563A - Digital time base correction - Google Patents

Digital time base correction


Publication number
CA1214563A CA000463099A CA463099A CA1214563A CA 1214563 A CA1214563 A CA 1214563A CA 000463099 A CA000463099 A CA 000463099A CA 463099 A CA463099 A CA 463099A CA 1214563 A CA1214563 A CA 1214563A
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sum signal
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French (fr)
James A. Bixby
Elwyn R. Berlekamp
James U. Lemke
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Eastman Kodak Co
Original Assignee
Eastman Kodak Co
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Application filed by Eastman Kodak Co, CYCLOTOMICS Inc filed Critical Eastman Kodak Co
Priority to CA000463099A priority Critical patent/CA1214563A/en
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of CA1214563A publication Critical patent/CA1214563A/en
Expired legal-status Critical Current



  • Signal Processing For Digital Recording And Reproducing (AREA)


In a multi-channel device for the process-ing of digital data bytes comprised of parallel arrangements of data bits, the invention calls for recognition of the fact that--irrespective of skew and other interchannel variations in the processing of such data bits--the median-occurring bit of each successive data byte constitutes a good representa-tion of the time of occurrence of the byte in question. By suitably buffering the bits of successive data bytes, a "median clock" that is slaved to the aforenoted "median-occurring" bits may be used to clock data bytes--devoid of inter-channel timing errors--out of the apparatus used for the indicated buffering operation.


Field of the Invention _, This invention relates in general to time 5 base correction apparatus end, in particular, to such apparatus as may be employed in the processing of multi-channel digital signal&.
To razings The invention as well as Pie prior art will 10 be described with reference to the figures of which Fig. 1-3 are diagrams useful in describing the invention, Ego. 4 is a block diagram of a presently preferred buffer useful in the practice of the 15 invention, Fig. 5 it a schematic circuit diagram illustrating apparatus according to the invention, and Fig. 6 is a presently preferred response curve for the circuit of Fig, 5.
20 Description Relative to the Prior Art Time base distortion occurs whenever a signal, or portion thereof, occurs too early or too late relative to reference time frame. In a multi-channel longitudinal recorder, a multi-channel 25 recording head it used to record information signals along a plurality of tracks on a recording medium such a magnetic tape. The recorded signals are played back by means of a multi-channel playback head. If the recording and playback heads are 30 perfectly aligned, and if the transport system that advances the recording medium does 80 at a perfectly uniform jolliest, the played back signals will represent a faithful reproduction of the originally I


recorded information signals. Practical systems, however, are not so perfect.
A conventional multi-channel magnetic (recording or playback) head ha a stack of aligned transducer gaps. The alignment of such gaps con-statutes a "gap fine". The recording and playback heads ore perfectly aligned when their respective gap lines have the same azimuthal angle (e.g. 90 degrees with respect to the direction of tape advancement (in the same plane). For various reasons however, the recording and playback heads in practical system are often not perfectly aligned. Such misalignment has the effect of producing time base distortion in the form of rel~tlve phase errors among the played back information signals.
Time base distortion can also be caused in a magnetic recorder by the tape transport system.
Specifically, as the tape advances (during recording or playback) it may yaw about an axis perpendicular to the plane of its recording surface 9 thereby intro-during lime base distortion in the form of relative phase errors similar to those produced by head mist alignment. In this case, however, the "misalignment"
varies with the tape yaw as a function of time.
Problem In connection with the multi-channel processing of digital information -whether within a recorder or notate is essential that the bits (which are processed in respective channels) owe each given 30 byte be of the same time frame. The present invent Sheehan as will be evident below, concerns time base correction of digital signals; and, to facilitate understanding of the problem solved by means of the invention, the invention is perhaps best perceived as so involving magnetic tape recorder apparatus. As digital bit rates reach astronomical levels, e.g.
gigabit per secondhand us the packing density of digital information which may be recorded, e.g. about 4.5 million bits per square centimeter or more, on magnetic media reaches a level which boggles the mind the need for some means to keep the associated bits of each given byte In the same time frame heightens. All sorts of time bate instabilities are possible: the bits of a byte may statically or dynamically skew one worry a different warily-toe to each other; and/or such bits may haphazardly gain or lose time position relative to each other.
Consider for example, the representative showings of Fig. 1: Between times to and if, the bits of a certain byte are skewed one way, as might have been caused by a clockwise yawing of magnetic tape supply-in the byte. Between times if and to, the skew appears to be gone, but the bits are clearly not in the same time frame this perhaps occurring as a result ox transient electrical inter channel disturb banes. Between times to and to, the bits again shift time position only this time, perhaps, the shift is associated with mechanical micro-vibration among the cores of the playback head. Between times to and to, the bits again appear skewed only this time perhaps, as a result of a counterclockwise yaw of the magnetic tape. Looking at Fig. 1, it would appear that the bits of the byte in question I behave like horses in a raceO~.constantly shifting position, back and forth relative TV one another.
With this analogy in mind then, it will be for the invention to provide in a swoons continuously sel-adjusting "starting gavel' so that the horses (bits) start their travel (playback processing) together. Again see Fig. 1.
(For prior art against which the invention may be compared, reference should be had to US.
Patent No. 4,330,846, and to the references which were cited therein. See, also, US. Patent No.
Problem S lotion In a multi~ch~nnel device for the processing of digital data bytes comprised of parallel arrange-mints of data bits, the invention calls for recogni-lion of the fact that irrespective of skew and other inter channel variations in the processing of such data bits the median-occurring bit of each success solve data byte constitutes a good representation of the time of occurrence of the byte in question. By suitably buffering the bits of successive data bytes, a "median clock" that is slaved to the affronted "median-occurring" bits may be used to clock data bytes devoid of inter-channel timing errors out of the apparatus used for the indicated buffering operation. In the event the flow of data bytes is ubiquity to flutter which affect the processing of data bytes in all of the indicated processing channels, the median clock correspondingly varies to provide the "advantageous effect" of precluding inter-channel timing errors among the bits exiting the buffering apparatus.
W to the above summary of the invention in mind, reference should now be had to Fig. 2 which shows a succession of bytes involving various bit-to-~lt timing situations. In byte 1, the bits ore skewed one way; in byte 2, they are skewed the other way. Bytes 3 and 4 fund the bits randomly shifted about, and byte 5 finds all of the bits in the same time frame. In response to flutter within the bit stream, the bits of bytes 6 7 spread out, albeit that they again have a random distribution of time-positions. Pursuant to the invention as out-lined above, it will be for the invention to deter-mine the median occurring bit within each byte, and to era e a clock based on such determination such clock being thereafter used in further byte-process-in. Note in Fig. 2 the "median clock" and the fact that such clock follows the indicated flutter.
Before addressing actual hardware for practicing the invention, it is believed appropriate first to describe somewhat of an overview of how apparatus according to the invention works to bring about time coherence among the bits of successive bytes: Consider, wherefore, the showing of Fig. 3 which indicates the bits of a succession of bytes flowing into respective buffer memories. The buffer memories ore depicted as comprised of two equisized parts apiece. As a result of time base instable-ties, the memory parts I, to a varying extent, dynamically fill with bits, some overflowing into I memory parts II 3 and others not filling at all. One buffer memory, however, has a full part I, and an empty part II. This happenstance occurs in response to a "median-bit condition and as will be appreciated below, the clock produced in response err is employed Jo close data bytes comprised of coherent sets of data bits) out of the buffer memory parts I. So long as the time coherence among the bits of a given byte is such that a buffer memory part II does not overflow the memory parts I will continually and dynamically wake up the slack among the bit channels. It may turn out that as time goes by, the indicated buffer memory that has a full part I and an empty part II gradually starts to fill its part II (or empty its part I). As this occurs, a different buffer memory will gradually approach the so-called "median-bit condition", and thereby verve to initiate clocking signals for clocking bits out of the buffer memory parts I. The point is that 7 at any one time, one buffer memory (comprised of parts I and II) can have a full part I and an empty part II, albeit that the particular buffer memory h~vlng this condition may change depending on the inter channel timing among the bits of the bytes which are processed.
Given the above overview of how apparatus according to the invention works to provide time coherence among bits, reference should now be had to Fig. 4 which depicts a presently preferred form of buffer memory for implementing the invention. It should be understood that there will be as many Fog.
4 structures as there are bits per bytes, lye. there is one structure as in Fig. 4 for each bit channel:
Each buffer memory is comprised of a pair of asynchronous typewrote memories 10, 12 commonly called Fifes (firestone fortuity serial memories). Typical of such devices are components 74LS222, available from Texas Instruments, Inc. The two FIFOs~-which in this case are blowout FIFOs--are connected together as indicated, and cooperate as follows: Incoming bits are clocked into the upstream FIFO 10 by a (bit) clock applied to a SO (Chutney) fine. Initially, the two FIFE are empty, and any input bit flows through the FIFE 10 to its output Do. When a bit I

appears at the FIFO 10 output Do, the OR (Output Ready) line the FIFO 10 goes high, clocking the bit in question into (Do) the downstream FIFO 12.
As the downstream FIFO 12 accepts the bit, its IT
(Input Ready) line goes low to indicate that it cannot immediately accept another bit. As soon all the input bit enters the downstream FIFO 12, the IT
line of the FIFO 12 again goes high (this being a flagging sign~l3 indicating willingness to accept another data bit. This positive-going IT line of the FIFO 12 clocks the received bit clear of the upstream FIFO 10.
When 64 more data bits ore clocked in than are clocked out of the downstream FIFO 12, it becomes full. As it coops the 64~h such bit, its IT line goes Lund stay that way so long as the down-stream FIFO 12 is full. This cooperation between upstream and downstream Fifes 109 12 causes data to "stack up", waiting to be clocked out of the upstream FIFO 10, and into the downstream FIFO 12, as soon as space becomes available in the downstream FIFO 12.
Monitoring (14) the Swallower line between the upstream and downstream Fifes 10, 12 serves to India gate whether the downstream FIFO 12 it full, i.e. the I IT line of the FIFO 12 will be low provided the down-stream FIFO 12 is full and high if such FIFO is not full.
With the overview of Fig. 3, and the work-ins of the apparatus of Fig. 4 in mind, reference should now be had to Fig. 3, as indicated, the system depicted is (by way of example) a five-channPl system, i.e. 5 bits per byte.
For each of the five channels in question, a pair of FXFOs have been hooked together as , buffers. like character numbers being used in Figs.
4 & 5, with subscripts identifying the appropriate bit channels. The Shift Out/Input Ready (SYRIA) lines are connected into a digltal-to-analog resistive summing network 16, and the analog voltage which appears at the common connection of five resistors 161 through corresponds to the number of full downstream Fifes 121 through 125. In the setup of Fig. 5, a summation voltage of about zero volts corresponds to five full down-stream Fifes; end approximately four volts core-spends to five empty downstream Fifes. If we were to start with all downstream FIFE 121 through 125 empty and if we were then to fill them one by one..Othe common resistor terminal it of the summation network 16 would develop an analog voltage that gradually decreased to zero in five discrete steps 3 each such step representing the "positions" of the five data bit streams. Four volts would repro-sent "data off scale to the downstream side"; and zero volts would represent "data of scale to the upstream side". In the presently preferred form of the invent lion, operation it at the midpoint of the indicated voltage range, viz. at a "data position" voltage of two volts. Such a voltage represents "average data centered in Fifes". If the peak skew of the five data bits is less than 64 bits, the most recent data bit of all five data streams must reside within the Fifes. By clocking data out of the Fifes at the average of the input clock rates i.e. by means of a clock Comedian corresponding to the median Kit Jo each successive byte, the data position voltage appearing at the common resistor terminal 18 remains constant. If the output clock average rate were to 5~3 be too high, the "data position" in the Fifes would drift toward the downstream Fifes, and the data position voltage at 18 would increase. Conversely, were the output clock rate to be too low, the "data position" would drift toward the upstream Fifes, and the data position voltage at 18 would decrease.
The analog voltage Nat 18) representing data position is buffered by an operational amplifier 20, after which a second amplifier 22 serves to scale and condition such voltage. The matter of killing will be discussed below. After smoothing by a companies-lion circuit 24, the output of the amplifier 22 is applied to a voltage-controlled oscillator (YOKE) 26, the output frequency of which increases as the data position voltage decreases, and vice versa. The VC0 output which corresponds to the median-occurring bits of successive baptizes then used to clock data out of the Fifes 121 through 125. Such an arrangement constitutes a closed loop 3 where the fullness of the downstream Fifes 121 through 125 controls the effective output clock rate provided by the VC0 26.
The resistive network 16 and operational amplifier components are chosen so that the VC0 26 is stable with two downstream Fifes 12 full, two empty, and one full half the time. In other words, by means of the invention, the input data gets so positioned within the downstream Fifes that the VC0 output shift clock corresponds with the median of the instant-nexus input bit clock rates: for data which occurs too feat (i.e. squadded data), the Fifes allow again up to 64 bits; for data which occurs too slow (i.e. skewed-behind data), the Fifes allow the data to fall buck by as much as 64 bits without any data being lost.

As indicated above, the data position voltage Nat 18) is scaled (see, for example, Electronics For Engineers, Armed and Spread bury, Cambridge University Press 1973, page 124~ Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 72 93138) by the operational amplifier 22 before being applied to control the YOKE. This scaling is preferably nonlinear (see Fig. 6): For small changes in the data positron voltage (at lo) about two jolt , such voltage it applied with low grin to the VCO 26, resulting in a relatively small median clock frequency shift. Were however, the data position voltage to get further from two volts representing an increased error in data position, the gain of the scaling amplifier 22 would increase. Attendantly, this would cause a more drastic median clock frequency shift a the VC0 26 attempts to keep the Fifes from under- or over-flowing. From Fig. 6, it is clear that, for example, for a shift of from 2 1/2 full downstream Fifes 12 to only one full downstream FIFO, a O . 25% change in the VCO frequency occurs.
However, for still another shift to zero full down-stream Fifes 12, this causes thy VCO frequency to shift by 1.57~. Such non-linear response to the data position error helps to minimize jitter of the median clock, thereby allowing much of the input bit jitter to be masked The invention has been described in detail with particular refererlce to preferred embodiDlents thereof, but it will be understood that variations and modifications can be effected within the spirit and scope of the invent on For example, while t is presently preferred that the median clock works to keep one buffer half full/h~lf empty, within an even ~23..~3 split between the over- and under-flowing buffer part I (Fig. 3), other ratios than a fifty-flfty split are possible. Also, while the disclosed multi-channel apparatus it configured to handle 5-bit byte, apparatus with other number of channels may be accommodated to the practice of the invention.



, 35

Claims (6)

1. Time base correction means for removing time incoherence among parallel processed bits of successive bytes, the parallel processed bits occurring in respective channels of multi-channel apparatus said time base correction means being characterized by a) data bit buffering means in each of said channels for respectively receiving the bits of said bytes at respective bit rates, b) means for detecting a reference bit for each of said successive bytes, and c) means responsive to said means for detecting for clocking data bits from each of said data bit buffering means, thereby to form therefrom bytes of time coherent bits, said means for detecting a reference bit for each of said successive bytes being means for detecting the median-occurring bit of each of said bytes.
2. The apparatus of Claim 1 wherein a) said data bit buffering means are respectively comprised of first and second serially connected parts and b) said means for detecting said median-occurring bits is means for producing a signal whenever there occurs a given number of fully loaded buffering means first parts.
3. The apparatus of Claim 2 a) wherein the first and second parts of said data bit buffer-ing means are asynchronous two-port memories of the type which respectively produce flag signal voltages when fully loaded with data bits, and b) said time base correction means further comprises 1) means for adding together said flag voltages to form a sum signal voltage and 2) means responsive to said sum signal voltage for clocking said data bits out of all said buffering means at a rate proportional thereto.
4. The apparatus of Claim 3 wherein said means responsive to said sum signal voltage is a voltage controlled oscillator.
5. The apparatus of Claim 3 further comprising means for nonlinearly modifying said sum signal voltage before its application to said means for clocking, whereby the rate of said clocking nonlinearly increases whenever said sum signal voltage departs from a quiescent value or range thereof.
6. The apparatus of Claim 4 further comprising means for nonlinearly modifying said sum signal voltage before its application to said voltage controlled oscillator, whereby the output frequency thereof nonlinearly increases whenever said sum signal voltage departs from a quiescent value or range thereof.
CA000463099A 1984-09-13 1984-09-13 Digital time base correction Expired CA1214563A (en)

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CA000463099A CA1214563A (en) 1984-09-13 1984-09-13 Digital time base correction

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CA000463099A CA1214563A (en) 1984-09-13 1984-09-13 Digital time base correction

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