CA1181448A - Vehicle - Google Patents



Publication number
CA1181448A CA000399305A CA399305A CA1181448A CA 1181448 A CA1181448 A CA 1181448A CA 000399305 A CA000399305 A CA 000399305A CA 399305 A CA399305 A CA 399305A CA 1181448 A CA1181448 A CA 1181448A
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Karoly Hegedus
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Aranykalasz MGTSZ
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Aranykalasz MGTSZ
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Application filed by Aranykalasz MGTSZ filed Critical Aranykalasz MGTSZ
Priority to CA000399305A priority Critical patent/CA1181448A/en
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of CA1181448A publication Critical patent/CA1181448A/en
Expired legal-status Critical Current



  • Toys (AREA)


Vehicle The invention relates to vehicle especially for children, those taking part in sports, disabled persons, as well as for those running, about else-where, for instance in railway stations, airfields.

Essence of the invention is that the driving shaft connecting the driving wheels of the driving bicycle with opposite excentricity - and intersect-ing the theoretical line passing through the centre of the driving wheels at acute angle - is in firm, non-turnable connection with one of the driving wheels, while the other driving wheel is connected as to allow free turn around its centre.
Great advantage of the vehicle according to the invention is, that as a result of its simplicity and steerability, it can be used as independent vehicle, for example as vehicle for disabled per-sons, or as other vehicle, apart from being a favoured toy of children and adults, as well as sports implement.


~i ~


rh~ invention relates to vehicle, especial-ly for children and those taking part in sports 9 disabled persons, and for those r_nning about else~
where (e,g. in railway stations, airfields).
Severa, vehicles ara known for children~ those taklng part in sports, disabled oersons and for those running about elsewhere. ~ne oF their large groups is generally c~aracterized in that the driv-ing is done by the physical strength oF the one using the vehicle. The power is transmitted at such vehicles directly through an arrn to centrally turning wheel, or wheels, or indirectly to wheel provided with centrally turning arm with the use of rod system or chain7 and the arising torque ensures the driving oF the uehicle. Such vehicles are generally known as bicycles or trolleys. Re-cently such sporting toy-vehicles for children haue become kn~own, the chassis of which is Formed by flat surface and the wheels are fixed to the axle supporting the chassis e,~centrically with the excentricity opposing each other. Running of the vehicle is ensured by transferring the centre of gravity of the pzrson~s body standing or si-t-ting on the chassis, while the vehicle performs - - 2 ~

rocking motion around the longitudinal axis of the chassis, The excentric fastening of the wheels forms actually arms which are loaded alterna-tely with the power given by transferring tne weight of the body. The forces of the load bring abou-t the torque9 that keeps the vehicle in r,lotionO The dis-advantage of this vehicle is its unsteerabillty, i.eO running on a predetermined track is impossible, thus it did not gain general acceptance in the practice either as a toy or as a sports implement.
The invention is aimed at the improvement of such toy-vehicles or at ensuring its steerability, which has a chassis and at least one drivable bi-cycle consisting of driving wheels fixed with oppo site excentricity to the driving shaft supporting the chassis.
Thus the invention relates to vehicle espe-cially for children, and those taking part in sports, disabled persons and -for those running about else-where, which has a chassis and a supporting steerable carriage as well as at least one driving bicycle as driving carriage consisting of driving wheels fixed with opposite excentricity to tne common driving shaft.
~ssence of the invention is 7 that the driving ~ 3 ~

shaft connecting the driving wheels of the driving bicycle with opposite excentricity - and intersect-ing the theoretical line passing through the centre o~ the driving wheels at acute angle ~ is in -Firm non-turnable connection with one of the driving wheels~
while the other driving wl~eel is conr,ected as to allow free turn arnund its centre.
In a preferable cons-truction of the invention at least one end of the driving shaft of the driv-ing bicycle is forrned as excentric arm with oppo-site excentricity and provided with bearing stub at its end, on which one of the driving wheels is e,nbedded freely turnably around its centre~ w!-lile the other driving wheel is excentrically fixed to the other end of the driving sha-ft, or if excentric arm is forrned also at this end of the driving shaft, it is excentrically fixed -to the bearing stub.
In another preferable construction according to the inventi.on one end oF -the driving shaFt oF
~ the chassis -supporting driving bicycle is excent-rically fixed to the disc-surFace of one of the driving wheels, while the other end with opposite direc-tional excentricity bu-t of the sa~e extent is fixed to a disc having greater radius than -the extent of excentrici-ty, while the other dri~ing 4 ~

wheel is embedded as to allow its free rolling on the jacket-surface of the disc and the turn around its centre.
According to the invantion it is oreferable when the chassis is formed with stzerable chassis-part having carriage wi-th steering mechanism and with at least one driving bicycle-supported chassis-part connected tiltably around the longitudinal axis oF the chassis.
The invention ensures the entertainmen-t and run about .bf children and those taking part in sports by having the carriage of the steerable chassis-part furmed as at least one -Further driving bicycle.
According to a further criterion of the in-vention the driving bicycle o-F the steerable chassis-part provided with steering mechanism is Forrned to be turnable around the vertical axis.
Finally according -to the invention it is pre-Ferable when one of the driving wheels oF the driv-ing bicycle - provided with steering mechanism - of the steerable chassis-part is embedded freely turnab-ly on the bearing stub of the excentric arm formed at one end of the driving shaft~ while the o-ther driving wheel is releasably fixed with clamp on the bearing stub of the excentric arn forming the other end of the driving shaft, or it freely turns when the clamp is released~
Construction of the vehicle according to the inventir~n ensures rolling of the wheels of the dri-ven bicycle on varying road sections and at the same time the steerable carriage, preferably the steerable wheel or bicycle allows the use of the vehicle on predetermined, optional track. Construction of the driven bicycle according to the invention allows that -the driven driving shaft oF -the vehicle is em-bedded freely turnably on the bearings fixed di-rectly to the chassis partO
The vehicle according to -the invention ~an al90 be constructed as to allow the already des-cribed driving bicycle to be connected turnably around a vertical pivo-t only at one point to the chassis~ as well as the swinging mntion arnuno the pivot given by the conical bending down of the excentrically fixed wheels.
A great advantage of the vehicle according to the invention is, that by its sirnplicity and steerabili-ty it can be used as an independent ve-hicle, e.g. for disabled persons, or as other ve-hicle,apart from being favoured toy or sports imp-lement for children and adults as well. Thus -For . 6 -instance it can be used to advantage in railway stations, airfields for the transport of passengers and parcels. Further advantage is that the vehicle according to the invention as sports implement would highly develop the sense oF rythm of its userO ey using several driving bicycles, it becomes suitable -for common sports and as such it can be used as communal -training implemen-t.
The invention is described in detail with the aid of drawing, in which:
Figure 1.: ~ide view of the vehicle according to the invention, Figure 2.: Rear view of the vehicle shown in Fig. 1 Figure 3.: Partial section along line III-III tal<en through the driven bicycle, Figure 4.: ~ear view oF a Further vehicle accord-ing to the invention, Figure 5.: section of the vehicle shown in Figure l~., along line V ~ ta~en through the oriving bicycle, Figure 6.: Another example oF the construction showing the top view of the steerable chassis-part provided wi-th a further driving bi.cycle, Figure 7.: Top view of another vehicle according to the invention.

7 ~ 8 Chassis 1 of the vehicle according to the in-vention shown in Figures 1 - 3~ 3 consists of steerable chassis-part la and driving chassis-part lb. The steerable chassis-part la is tiltably connected to the driving chassis-part lb through supporting bearings 2. The tilting is around the longitudinal axis of chassis 1.
Steering arm as steering mechanism 3 is turnab-1~/ connected to the steerable chassis-part la, the lower part of which is provided with freely running wheels 5 and 6 to axle 4, The ~riving chassis-part lb has a driving bicycle prouided wltn excentrically conn~cted driving whrels 10 and 11. The driving shaft 8 of the driving bicycle i9 turnably embedded in bearings 7 arranged on the driving chassis lh. The driving shaft 8 is at acute ; angle to the imaginary line taken through the centre of the driving wheels 10 and i~l intersecting the distance between the driving wheels 10 and 11 prefe-rably in its midpoint.
One end of the driving shaft 8 is excentrical-ly e, -firmly and non-turnably fixed with oin 9 to driving wheel 11. Disc 12 is excentrically e firmly and non turnably connected with pin 9 to the other end of driving shaft 80 The radius r of disc 12 - 8 ~

is greater than the extent of excelltricity e of the wedging-up, The inner jacket-surface of the driving wheel 10 is rreely rolling on the jacket surface of disc 12 wedged-up on the driving shaft a, in other words the driving wheel 10 is embedded on disc 12 freely turnably around its imaginary centre. The driving wheel 10 is guided on disc 12 by supporting surface 13 fixed to the disc 12 by con-ventlonal method, The lateral displacement of the driving shaft 8 embedded in bearings 7 is prevented by retainer rings 14.
Though not shown in the drawings, the chassis 1 of the vehicle according to the invention may be provided with saddle or seat as well.
The person using -the vehicie according to the invention stands on the driving chassis-part lb, placing his hands on the steering wall forming the steering mechanism 3. Next the person using the vehicle transfers the weight of his body to the higher, rising part of the driving chassis lb, which is at an angle owing to the excentrici-ty of the excentrically fixed driving wheels 10 and llu The arm given by the excentricity is now loaded with the weight of the person using the vehicle, and the so-arising torque sets the vehicle into ~8~

motion. As soon as the vehicle is set into rnotion, the so far rising part of the driving chassis-part lb will slowly swing around the longitudinal axis of the chassis from the upper position into the lower position9 while the other, opposite side of the driv-ing chassis-part lb will rise. By transferring the centre of gravi-ty, the driving chassis-part lb now being in upper position will be subjected to load.
As a result of the loading the higher half of the driving chassis-part lb will descend, thereby bringing about the -Further rolling of the vehicle~
The vehicle is driven by repeating this rythmic transfer of the centre of gravity.
During driving or motion of the vehicle,the driving shaft B connecting the driving wheels 10 and 11 Fixed to the driving shaft 8,would roll down on the conical surface of the two cone-pairs point ing towards each other and oF identical radius with the exce~tricity e9 if it were embedded in its centreO
20 Since however in the construction shown by way of example, the driving shaft 8 displaceably embedded in bearings 7 can not move away in relation to the driving chassis-part lb, thus - even when the ve-hicle travels in straight line - the driving wneels 10 and 11 will either be fast or slow in relation - 10 ~

to each other. This wheel~turning diFference is eliminated by the driving wheel 10 being capable to turn freely around its centre on disc 12~
In case of curvy track the road length diFfe-rences in the curve are completely eliminated by the construction according to the invention. The steering is simple with movement of the steering mechanism 3~
Figure 4 shows another vehicle according to the invention. In this construction given by way of example, the structural build-up of the vehicle is similar to that of the solution shown in Figures 1 - 30 The only difFerence is tha-t one end of the drlving shaft 8 - on t,he driving wheel-side 10 -of the driving bicycle embedded in bearings 7 is formed as excentric arm 8a, the size of which is iden-tical with the excentricity e of the driving shaft 8, -the driving wheel 10 freely turning around its centre is embedded on the bearing stub 8b of the ~0 excentric arm. The driving wheel 11 is firmly fixed with pin 9 described in the examples shown in Fi-gures 1 - 3 to the other end of the driving shaft 8.
In the construction given by way oF example shown in Figure 4., similarly as before the road differences are eliminated by -the Jriving wheel 10 freely turning around its centre.
f.~!aturally both ends oF the rriving sha,t 8 can be formed with excentric arm a corresponding to the excentricity e, and wi-th bearing stub ab (Figure 5.). In this case the driving wheel 1~ free-ly -turning around its centre is embedded on bearing stub 8b of the excentric arm 8a of the driving shaft 8, while through the centre of driving wheel 11 it is wedged-i.n non turnably with pin 9 on the bearing s-tub 8b of the excemtric arm 8a formed at the other end of the driving shaft 8.
The great advantage of this construction is, that the driving wheels 1~ and 11 are completely identical, which signiFicantly facili-tates the production, Further advantage i.s that both the free-ly turning wheel and the fixed driving wheel 11 are centrally Fixed to the driving shaft 8.
In case oF the construction given by way oF

example as shown in Figurz 6, the steerable chassis-part la is suppor-ted by the driving bicycle con-sisting of a further driving shaft 8 and excent-rically connected driving wheels 1~ and 11. Llere too the driving shaf-t 3 is turnably embedded in bearings 7 on the steerable chassis-part la. In this construction the driving is done separately - 12 ~

by two persons as described above. The steering is carried out in such a way, -that one of the per-sons drives his driving bicycle at a faster or slower rate arcording -to the desired dirertion.
~ Jaturally the steering may -take place oith separately Formed steerlng mechanlsm 3 as well.
In this case the driving bicycle pertaining to the steerable chassis-part la is connected by con-ventional method turnably around the vertical axis to the steerable chassis part laO ~aturally the steering can be solved also by forming the steerable chassis-part la turnably around the ver-tical axis in relation to the driving chassis-part lb, The steering is Facilitated when the driving wheel 11 is fixed with clamp 15, lnstead of pin 9 to the driving shaft 8 oF -the driving bicycle pro-vided with steering ~ and connected to the steerable chassis-part la. In this case upon releasing the clamp 15, the driving wheel 11 too sirnilarly to driving wheel 1~ is capable to turn freely around its centre and thus the driving bi-cycle provided with steering mechanism and Fixed to the steerable chassis-part la is transformed -to a bicycle provided with simple free-running wheels, This construction simplifi2s not only - 13 ~
o the steering, but at the same time it allows the use of the vehicle equally by one or two persons.
In the construction given by way of eeample as shown in Figure 7s the driving bicycles are suspended on the steerable chassis-part la, or Dn the driven chassis~part lb as to move freely to the right and left around the vertical axis on the steerable chassis-part la, or driven chassis-part lb. In case of such suspension or bedding of the driving shaft 8, khe driving shaft 8 will roll down the jacket-surface of the two cones facing each other, while the driving wheels lO and ll are either fast or slow in relation lo each other. This construction is particularly advantageous for sports implements, since it develops the sense of rythm~
The invention is not restricted to the des-cribed cons-truction eY~amples, the vehicle acc~rding to the invention may be formed in any other way within the limits of -the invention. Thus for ins-~ tance several vehicles according to the invention can be interconnected in snake~form as well,which is significant in respec-t of mass entertainment~

Claims (7)

1. Vehicle mainly for children, those taking part in sports, disabled persons as well as for persons running about elsewhere, which has chassis and supporting steer-able carriage, furthermore at least one driving bicycle consisting of driving wheels as driving carriage fixed with opposite eccentricity to common driving shaft, wherein the driving shaft connecting the driving wheels of the driving bicycle with opposite eccentricity - and intersecting the theoretical line passing through the centre of the driving wheels at acute angle - is in firm, non-turnable connection with one of the driving wheels, while the other driving wheel is connected as to allow free turn around its centre.
2. Vehicle as claimed in claim 1, wherein a least one end of the driving shaft of the driving bicycle is formed as eccentric arm with opposite eccentricity and provided with bearing stub at its end, on which one of the driv-ing wheels is embedded freely turnably around its centre, while the other driving wheel is eccentrically fixed to the other end of the driving shaft, or in case of eccentric arm formed also at this end of the driving shaft, it is centrally fixed to the bearing stub.
3. Vehicle as claimed in claim 1, wherein one end of the driving shaft of the chassis supporting driving bicycle is eccentrically fixed to the disc-surface of one of the driving wheels, while the other end with opposite directional eccentricity but of the same extent is fixed to disc that has greater radius than the extent of eccentricity, while the other driving wheel is embedded as to allow its free rolling on the jacket-surface of the disc and then turn around its centre.
4. Vehicle as claimed in any of claims 1-3, wherein the chassis is formed with steerable chassis-part having carriage provided with steering mechanism and with at least one driving bicycle supported driving chassis-part connects tiltably around the longitudinal axis of the chassis.
5. Vehicle as claimed in claim 1 wherein the carriage of the steerable chassis-part is formed as at least one driving bicycle.
6. Vehicle as claimed in claim 5, wherein the driving bicycle of the steerable chassis-part is provided with steering mechanism formed to be turnable around the vertical axis.
7. Vehicle as claimed in claim 6, wherein one of the driving wheels of the driving bicycle - provided with steering mechanism - of the steerable chassis-part is embedded freely turnably on the bearing stub of the eccentric arm formed at one end of the driving shaft, while the other driving wheel is releasably fixed with clamp on the bearing stub of the eccentric arm forming the other end of the driving shaft, or it freely turns when the clamp is released.
CA000399305A 1982-03-24 1982-03-24 Vehicle Expired CA1181448A (en)

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Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
CA000399305A CA1181448A (en) 1982-03-24 1982-03-24 Vehicle

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CA000399305A CA1181448A (en) 1982-03-24 1982-03-24 Vehicle

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CA1181448A true CA1181448A (en) 1985-01-22



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CA000399305A Expired CA1181448A (en) 1982-03-24 1982-03-24 Vehicle

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