CA1179249A - Shearing apparatus to cut notches at the end of pipes and the like - Google Patents

Shearing apparatus to cut notches at the end of pipes and the like


Publication number
CA1179249A CA000401608A CA401608A CA1179249A CA 1179249 A CA1179249 A CA 1179249A CA 000401608 A CA000401608 A CA 000401608A CA 401608 A CA401608 A CA 401608A CA 1179249 A CA1179249 A CA 1179249A
Prior art keywords
tubular member
shearing apparatus
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French (fr)
Rolland Belzil
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Priority to CA000401608A priority Critical patent/CA1179249A/en
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of CA1179249A publication Critical patent/CA1179249A/en
Expired legal-status Critical Current



    • B23D21/00Machines or devices for shearing or cutting tubes
    • B23D21/02Machines or devices for shearing or cutting tubes otherwise than in a plane perpendicular to the axis of the tube, e.g. for making mitred cuts, for making bicycle frames
    • B26D3/00Cutting work characterised by the nature of the cut made; Apparatus therefor
    • B26D3/14Forming notches in marginal portion of work by cutting
    • B26D3/00Cutting work characterised by the nature of the cut made; Apparatus therefor
    • B26D3/16Cutting rods or tubes transversely
    • B26D3/162Cutting rods or tubes transversely cutting tubes obliquely


  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Mechanical Engineering (AREA)
  • Life Sciences & Earth Sciences (AREA)
  • Forests & Forestry (AREA)
  • Punching Or Piercing (AREA)



A shearing apparatus adapted to cut one or more notches at the end of a pipe and the like, to produce properly fitting endwise engagement of that end of the pipe against another pipe. This shearing apparatus features only one cycle of operation to cut two notches, no repositioning of the tubular member to cut more than one notch at one of its ends, and cutting of notches at any desired position around one end of a pipe without having to reposition the latter.
This shearing apparatus includes a first die member having die sections positioned in predetermined radially outward directions relative to the end of the pipe to be notched, and a second die member that is pivotally displaceable in those directions to outwardly cut the notches against those die sections.


This invention relatHs to a shearing apparatus of the type that is adapted to cut notches at the end of one pipe Yor connection of that snd to another pipe.
When pipes or the like tubular members are interssctively connected together, at lsast some of the pipes or tubular members must be made with notches,at least at one end,to provide propsr contact with ths curvsd outline of another pipe. This i9 done,for instancs, to assemble pipes to form conventional scaffolds.
The shearing apparatuses of ths above type which have been previously proposed to produce such notches require a separate cycl0 of operation for ~ach notch that has to be cut and the work piece, or tubular member, has to bs rspositioned to successiv21y rsgister with each ssparate di~. For instancs, in the sh~aring apparatus defined in U.S. Patent No. 3,073,195, ths tubular msmber, or tube 12, is moved from recess 34 in die block 25 to recess 38 in die block 26 to success-ively cut the two diametrically-opposite notches. Such repositionlng takes tims and mu~t bs accurate to produce notches at exactly th~
2û right place around the tubular member. 8eeides, to provide for ths repositioning, the corresponding shearing apparatus must be relatively complex.

It is a general objsct of the present invention to provide a shsaring apparatus of the above type, which is constructed and arrangsd to cut two notches in the same cycle of operation.
It is another object of the prssent invention to prouide a shsaring apparatus of the above type, which does not require re-positioning of the pipe or the like tubular membsr to cut more than ~0 ons notch at one of its ends.
It is a furthsr object of the present invention to provide a shearing apparatus of the abovs type, which is adaptsd to cut one or more notches at any desired position around one end of a pipe,
- 2 -~i~


or the like tubular member without repositioning o~ th~ lattcr.
The above and other ob~scts ~nd advant~ges of tho pre~ent invention will be better understood with referenoo to th0 following detdllsd descrlptlon of preferred embodimento ther~o-, which ara illustrated~ by wsy o~ example, in the accompanyin9 drawing~, in which:
Figure l is a perupective vlew of 8 pipo connection mad~
with pipes of which one end has been notched ~or tight ongagement end~
wise egsinst ~nothar pipe;
Flgure 2 1~ a horizontal crosa-oectlon es oeen th~ough a shearing apparatua according to the pre~ent invention~
Flgure 3 i~ a view of a portion ot Flgure 2 with no pipe shown ln oper~lvu po~ition in the apparat4s;
flgure 4 18 an end view of the eho~ring app~ratuH a~
seen from the left ln Flgure 3, Figure 5 1~ e perspectlva view ~f the p~votable ~upport for one die member to illuatrete its pivotal connection;
Figura 6 is ~ perspectiùe ViBW of .the head of-the plvot-able support ~lth a predetermined set of dls sectlons att~ched to it;
f-igure 7 18 ~n end vlew of th~ plvot~ble suppo~t und associsted die menbers shown in Figure 6;
Figure C ia a perspectlve vlew of one end of a tube havlng notchss cut by the set of die sectlon~ of Flguree 6 ~nd 7;
Flgure 9 i~ a perspective visw of the ~ame pivotable support and an associated die mamber used to cut notches nlong a 3traight edge of ~ plate.
flgure lO is a vertical cros~-section9 aR seen through ths shearing spp~r~tus;
FigurDs ll and 12 are enlarged views of part o~ Figure
3 showing the notching oper~tion.

Fig~re 13 is a partial perspective vl~w of the pivotoble diH support and a~ociated dle member as u~ed for cutting only two 1 ~ ~'q~ 9 dlametrically-opposed notches in a plpe;
Figure 14 ls a cross-section of the movable dle, seen inserted into the pipe to be noeched; and Figure 15 is a fl~ont end view of the movable die notching a pipe seen ln cross-section.
... .... .. . . .. .. ...
Pipe, tubes or the like tubular members are regularly connected lntersectlvely one to another,~ This is done, for lnstance, to manufacture conventional scaffolds of circular or square tublng.
10 Such connection 18 shown ln Figure 1. llle ~olnt in Figure l lnclude~
a pipe lO to which are intersectlvely secured a pair of pipes 11. The latter abut endwise against opposite sides of the plpe 10 and ln alignment one with the other, each at 90 relative to the pipe 10.
Another pipe 12 may be added at the ~oint substantially orthogon~lly relative to the pipes 10 and 11. A8 can be seen, each pipe 11 snd 12 ~, has its end formed with notches to tlghtly flt againat the pipe 10.
The shearing apparatus of the present invention is adapted to cut such notches at the ends of pipes, or the llke tubular members.
The illustrated 6hearlng apparatus comprlses a base 13 20 operatlvely forming a frame in co-operation with opposite ~ldes 14 .. ..
and e top 15. A T-shaped block is secured in inverted posltlon on the base 13 and forms a first support 16 to carry a die member. The first support 16 i3 removably secured on the ba~e 13 by screws 17.
A cylindrical aperture 18 extends through that first support and is open ended with one flared end 19. The aperture 18 and flar2d end 19 are provided for insertion and support of a tubular member or pipe 20, in the iirst support, as shown in Figure 2.
A die member, in the form of four die sections 21, is secured against the face of ~he first support which 18 axially opposite 30 relatlve to the flared end 19. The dle sections 21 are positioned in radlally outward directions relative to the sperture 18 and to the pipe 20.
t. cylindrical body forms a second support 22 for a dle member and extericle in co-axial alignment with the cylindricel aperture 18. A plvotal co~nection pivotally secures the second support to the base 13. That pivotal connection in^ludea a square crosa-bar 23 extencling in a transver~e notch 24 in one end of the econd ~upport 22. A pin 25 pivntally holds the cross-bar 23 ln the trangver~e notch 24. The cross-bar 23 18 ~ournHlled at its opposite 0nds st 26 tD pivoS-ally connect to the base 13 and to the top 15. Thus, the plvotsl con-nection deflned by the cross-bar 23 and by pin 25 allow~ pluoting Or thH second support 22 in sny angular dlrection abaut the unlversal pivot center defined by thu cross-bar 23 and the pln 25. Tha 0nd of the s~cond Aupport 19 provided with sn enlarged head 27 having ~n end face 27' whlch 18 spherical wlthin lt~ center o~ curveture locatod at the universAl plvot polnt de~lned by the afore-descrlbed plvotal connectlon.
A second dle membar 2~ is secured A9a~nst th~ cu~vad end face of the head 27 end pro~scte radially outward fro~ lt. The dle member 2~ is complementary to the die sectlons 21 and is ~ized to engage inside ths proximate end of the pipe 20. ~
Four hydraullc plstons 29 are secured to the base }~, cides 20 14 and top 15 around the hsad 27 to radlally push on the lstter ln anyune of the predetermlned radially outward directions defined by the poslt~cns o~ the dls sHctlons 21. A ring 3D, of reslliant materlal, i8 ~lxed around the cyllndrlcal second support 22 to centrally blas the latt~r.
When the second support 22 and the ~econd dle member 2 whlch lt carrles sre plvoted radlally outward in the directlon of Dne die section 21, the complemantary die elemento 21 and 28 cut c notch of predetermined ahap~ ln the end of the tube, or plpe 20. Thuu~
wlthout ~ovlng or reposltionlng ths tube, or plpe 20, any taa81ble number of notches may be successively cut ln one and o- the tub~ or ~0 pipe. Pipe 20 i8 ~imply pushed against spharicsl and face 27' to obt~in preciRe cuts. ThH smbodlment descrlbed can cut th0 ~our notch~s A
of curvnd shape in pipe 12, aa ~hown in Figure 1. HowHver~ e8 ~houn ln Figures 6, 7, and ~, lt is possible a~ well to cut notches of different shapes~ 8UCh a8 31, 32, 33, snd 34 in Flgurs 0, by providing ths head 27 3~

with a die memtflr 35 having on its four ~idss a set of four die ~ections 36, 37, 3~, and 39 approprintely l3haped tc cut euch notches upon pivotal displdcement in the approprlate radially outward direction,as sugge3t~d by the arrows 4û and 41.
The diu m~mbers may be po~itioned ln any feaaible angular relationship around the axis of the tube, or pipe 20, and the hydraulic piston~ 29 may be appropriately po~itloned and/or actuated to produce the required directionfl o~ radially outward displacement Or the second Aupport 22 and die member 2~.
Figure 9 shows how a flat plat4 40 can be notched, using the ~ec~nd support 22 carrying ~pp~op~iately_~h~ped die memba~ 28' and actuated by the hydraullc piston 29. The aupport 22 may bo mounted in the same manner as in the fir~t embodiment, or pivoted tor mouement in only one plane.
Figurea 11 to 15 ~how gubstant~lly the s~me ~pparatu~
a~ the first en~bodlment, but provlded with only two opposlt~ly-dlr~cted hydraulic pletnne 29 movlng alternately in oppo~ite directlon to succeeoively cut dl~metrlcally-opposlte notchea ~ on the pipea 11 of Fiqure 1. In thi~ ca~e, support member 22 may be mounted or pivotal movement in only one plane. In such sn 0mbodiment~ the end face 27 " of the head 27 can be cylindrical, with itg center Or curvature coinciding with the pin 25.
Flgure 10 shows how the second die member io ua~ily replaceable withln the ~econd support or cyllndricHl body 22 by belng removably ineerted withln a blind bore of ths ssme ~nd retolned by a cros~-pln 41.
It wlll be appreciated that two appHratu~e~ in occordance with ths pre~ent invention can be arrangad to receiva both ~nd9 Of a precut pipe, 9D ae to cut the require~ number of notche~ at both end~ in the same GperatiOn.

Claims (9)

1. A shearing apparatus adapted to cut notches at one end of a tubular member and comprising a first and a second support, a first and a second complementary die member secured to said first and said second supports, respectively, and a base and a pivot connection defining a pair of perpendicular intersecting pivot axes and pivotally attaching the second support on the base;
said first support being constructed and arranged to operatively carry one end of the tubular member, the first die member including die sections positioned in predetermined radially outward directions relative to the tubular member, the second support being constructed and arranged for pivotable displacement relative to the tubular member in said predetermined radially outward directions, and said second die member being operatively carried by the second support and shearingly engaging the tubular member upon bodily displacement with the second support in said predetermined radially outward directions toward co-operative engagement with said die sections.
2. A shearing Apparatus as defined in claim 1, wherein the first support forms a cylindrical recess for the tubular member.
3. A shearing apparatus as defined in claim 2, wherein the cylindrical recess is open ended, including one flared end arranged for endwise engagement of the tubular member in the cylindrical recess, and with the other end of the cylindrical recess extending intermediate said die sections.
4. A shearing apparatus as defined in claim 1, wherein the second support includes an elongated member extending endwise toward the first support and having one end adjoining the first die member and operatively carrying the second die member and an opposite other end pivoted to the base of said pivot connection.
5. A shearing apparatus as defined in claim 4, wherein said one end of the second support includes a head having an outer face profiled in relation with the radial distance thereof from said pivot connection and having the second die member projecting therefrom away from the pivot connection.
S. A shearing apparatus as defined in claim 5, wherein hydraulic actuators are operatively mounted around said one end, operatively engage said head, and are constructed and arranged for selective pivoting of the second support in one of said predetermined radially outward directions.
7. A shearing apparatus as defined in either of claim 1, 4 or 5, wherein the point of intersection of said intersecting pivot axes is co-axial with the tubular member carried by said first support, and said second die member extends within the open end of said tubular member when the latter is carried by said first support.
8. A shearing apparatus as claimed in claim 6, further including a resilient ring extending around said second suppor and biasing said second support to a rest position in axial alignment with the tubular member carried by said first support.
9. A shearing apparatus as defined in claim 6, wherein the point of intersection of said intersecting pivot axes is co-axial with the tubular member carried by said first support, and said second die member extends within the open end of said tubular member when the latter is carried by said first support.
CA000401608A 1982-04-26 1982-04-26 Shearing apparatus to cut notches at the end of pipes and the like Expired CA1179249A (en)

Priority Applications (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
CA000401608A CA1179249A (en) 1982-04-26 1982-04-26 Shearing apparatus to cut notches at the end of pipes and the like

Applications Claiming Priority (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
CA000401608A CA1179249A (en) 1982-04-26 1982-04-26 Shearing apparatus to cut notches at the end of pipes and the like

Publications (1)

Publication Number Publication Date
CA1179249A true CA1179249A (en) 1984-12-11



Family Applications (1)

Application Number Title Priority Date Filing Date
CA000401608A Expired CA1179249A (en) 1982-04-26 1982-04-26 Shearing apparatus to cut notches at the end of pipes and the like

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CA (1) CA1179249A (en)

Cited By (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
WO1995003900A1 (en) * 1993-07-28 1995-02-09 Strato S.R.L. Punching method for production of tubular pieces

Cited By (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
WO1995003900A1 (en) * 1993-07-28 1995-02-09 Strato S.R.L. Punching method for production of tubular pieces

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