CA1142649A - Device for checking the velocity of a motor vehicle - Google Patents

Device for checking the velocity of a motor vehicle


Publication number
CA1142649A CA000332241A CA332241A CA1142649A CA 1142649 A CA1142649 A CA 1142649A CA 000332241 A CA000332241 A CA 000332241A CA 332241 A CA332241 A CA 332241A CA 1142649 A CA1142649 A CA 1142649A
Prior art keywords
time interval
motor vehicle
Prior art date
Legal status (The legal status is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the status listed.)
Application number
Other languages
French (fr)
Klaus Cremer
Current Assignee (The listed assignees may be inaccurate. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of the list.)
Original Assignee
Priority date (The priority date is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the date listed.)
Filing date
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Application filed by Individual filed Critical Individual
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of CA1142649A publication Critical patent/CA1142649A/en
Expired legal-status Critical Current



    • G04G21/00Input or output devices integrated in time-pieces
    • G04G21/02Detectors of external physical values, e.g. temperature
    • G04B47/00Time-pieces combined with other articles which do not interfere with the running or the time-keeping of the time-piece
    • G04B47/06Time-pieces combined with other articles which do not interfere with the running or the time-keeping of the time-piece with attached measuring instruments, e.g. pedometer, barometer, thermometer or compass
    • G04B47/061Time-pieces combined with other articles which do not interfere with the running or the time-keeping of the time-piece with attached measuring instruments, e.g. pedometer, barometer, thermometer or compass calculating scales for indicating relationship between quantity and time
    • G07C5/00Registering or indicating the working of vehicles


  • Physics & Mathematics (AREA)
  • General Physics & Mathematics (AREA)
  • Instrument Panels (AREA)
  • Electric Propulsion And Braking For Vehicles (AREA)
  • Measurement Of Distances Traversed On The Ground (AREA)
  • Cosmetics (AREA)


Abstract of the disclosure:

The invention refers to a device for checking the velocity of a motor vehicle in dependence from the existing sight conditions. A time measuring means can be started by a starting switch as soon as a striking point can be clearly seen on the road in front of the vehicle. As soon as the vehicle passes this point a stopping switch is actuated which stops the time measuring means. The time measuring means measures the time interval between actuation of the starting switch and actuation of the stopping switch and the calculator means calculates the visible distance corresponding to said time interval considering the velocity of the vehicle driven during said time interval. This visible distance is compared by the calculator means with the stopping distance corresponding to said velocity. The result of this comparison may be indicated by an indicating device or may be used by the calculator means for calculating the maximum admissible velocity correlated to said visible path of travel.


, mhe prese-.^t invent:i.on re~ers -to a de~,7i.(,e :r'or chec~in~r -the vel.oc1.t~ o:'~ a ~Otor vehi~;:Le~7 particul~r in dependence on the existing si~rh., concl.itions~
I-t is ~nown that a f'requ_nt cal~"r.e oP acciden.,s r!as!
5 , its origin ln -the driver underratirlg tke velocit~ o~?
his motor vehicle or overratlnP, 'r~is, brakln~ pc~ssi'b-i.lit;.e-,.
~here ~ults a b~mping accident with an obc,tacle i.f' bhe velocity and, re~pectively, the dis-tance correlated to thls velocit,y was too gre~-Lt to stop in - 10 -ti~e before this obstacle~ In each vehicle a -Gachome-tcr;
is provided for indicating the velocitq, however such indication alone is no-t; sufficierlt because -the knowled~e of the ~omentary velocl-t~ does not ~;ive a d,irect infor~
~,~ mation for the leng-ch of the stoppin~ ~3.istance~ .~s a rule., an exact de-termina-tion of the s-tOppi~1g disi;anse of motor vehicle is not possible clurinO~, ln view of the constant ~actors and va.ria'ble fac~tors -~o be considered and can, above all, not be rlade by the driver who has to his attention to the vehicle 20. and to the events orL the road.~ particularl~ to -the -traffic. Most of the clrivers are not in a positio-n ; -to exactly esti~ate distances ~Jhen si.tting in a mov1.n~
vehicle~ ~his particularl,y applies with bad ~ t conditions~ for e,xampl.e du:rin~ ni,~-~;ht~7 in :~c,~ bad .~Jeather a~cl so on~ ,~n,y calculation.s concer~ g s-topL^~

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`' rli st an ~ e s a~Q ~ ri r, ~ Te ~ r~ i ti f,-, c; a ,~ r~ e ~? ~'o ~ s rl '. rule, ef'fected i.n a rc?-tro~pec-tive Fan~e~^ ~ftf:X' arl accidert und fr~equentl-~y ~ive re;u~t~; surpricin~- LGI' the - persons concern-!d~
. 5 '~ha presen-i, lnven~ion ai~C. a-t; provi~'li.n~, a de-v-ce for cheskinc~; the velocity ol' a rno-tor vehicle~ particul.x:c`i~
in depenclence on -the existing si.ght c;oridiGions~ gives tha c~rlver or a compf~ nion rider -the pos~ibi~
to easily and quic~ly and relîablv check 7 WithOUt ai ~erti~,`' his attention fro.r.~ opera-ting the mo-ro~ ve'nic,le and~
respec-tiveiy 3 frorn the road~ whether the driver can s-top in timethe vehicle in case of an u.nexpecte~ ob~tacle i -'!
front of hi.rn~ ~ur'Gher~ the invention airns at to 17SG the :; above rnent-loned c'neck for derivln~,r -the maxir.-lum veloci-t~
of the vehicle which can be driven considering thG e~is-ti.n~.
sight conditions, '~he i-~vention clshieva~ -these ob3ects b~ a m~easuring device 7 a ~-t-lrt switch for s-tart:in,-,^ t'hi.s ~.~e~,-i.ce and a stop switch fO7' s-toppin.~ tki 5 device~ ~he out~u.t o.~:
this device bei.n~ connec-te~.~ to the input of ~ c~:!.culato~:
or computer which c~n be 5e ~ -to the velocit,~,~ dri~ ,-n durj n~r, the period of time rneasurement~ the output of -this c;-~'.cu:L..-vGr or computer beinLr connected t,o an indi.catin~ device.~ so that the computer or calculat,or can determine the tra~rel ~5 ling path passed dur.i.n~ -tke ti~e measurln.G., i.nt erva? a:~ ' d.~i~.tance can compare thi~ value with the s-t-opp;.n,c~,/correla'v0d co t'L~3 ~` *~

veloci~.7 ~f ~ f vehic1e o~rin~ the ti,.~e ~f~ea~u.r.~i.r-~.; i.a~;er-val~ which d-ls~;inc:e is cll~o calcu3atc!~L ~;" ~,he calculator or computer~ an~ ir! trh e reslll.t- oi t~!i..' cornparison is used if d.esire~ I`or calc1la.l'in~; tlQe ~n~ ir~.
allowable velocity of -t~e vQhicle co}-relate~(~ to tk!e existing si~rht conditiors~ and wherein the re:ult G:'' t~
comparison and/or -this rmQximum allowable veloci. t (~ i indicated by the indicat;.n.o; d.evi~ i.-tkl SUC~ a ~e-~i.c 3 ~
the driving veloci.t~ ca.n :Ln the followinO manner eas;l~-; be checked whether thi s veloci.ty e.:~L~.~ re,.specti-~Jel~ .he stopping distance c3rrsi2.ted. thereto is t-oo -rreat: rrh.~
driver or an e~s~.i.stant driver at-tends to a~ljust on l~'e device the rnO.r.1enta?.~r driv~ng velocity~ 'l'his can~ fo:r - instance~ be rnanually effected b~J means of a co-ntrol device~ for exarnple b~ knobs~ i-t is however more ~avourable to con~ ect~ acco:rding to thLe invention~
the input of the calculator with ~n au-tornatic veloci.ty measurin~ davlce, for exarm.ple a tachometery for ad31l~.ti.n~
the driving velo^ltv, This 7~1ill be e~plai.nea mo?.~
~o later on. Sub~equen-tly, the d:civ-er or the assi.-tant d.ive?
actuates the sta/~ing~ s~,litch in exac-tly that rnonent in which a strikin~; point located on the road in front o:~
the vehicle can easily be recogni3ed. As so~n as the vehicle moves past this pdint the stoppi-ng switch will 7~~!
actuated ~hereupon the time ~nea~uri~ca, device measures t~
time interval which was reauirel~ to -travel along the obs-~travelling path with the provision tha~t the velo^1'(.,-~r drive-- along this tr3.vellin.g path can b~ consi.~.e~:fld a const3.7'~'t . _ __ . _.. __ .. _. .__ . _ . . ..., . _ . , .... _ .... _ ._ _ .
. ' , ~' ' ,., ` , :

velocit,v. The calculator c~1.n `then 31C' -';;'he lln ol the o~served travel1-i.nfg na.t;~i u-.:in,; the e~,
L = t ~6 in- T~7h;ch L is thQ ler~t;h of~ -I,'he ob.serT~erl, ~ travellini~ path expresse~ in rr~ (~meter'C') S t i',. tr)e -,:;i: ', '. 5 interval erpres,,ed. ir se~,on~s anc1 re(1-uire~i fo~ tr?~-J~
. alon~r this travel.l-Lng path und V i5 th(, veloc1t,~r es,:iLeis-~:3 in km~h driven a~o:n;r, this travell.i-rl~g ~al;'~l, If V iS :0 'C2 considered in ~niles/hour~g this e~u~t]or. reads LJ ~
It is withir -the scope 3f t-lhe present inT7en-ti3n to provide ~he calcul~tor a circ-ui-tr~r continuoll.c;l,Y C~L~
cu1atin~ the stop~ing di.starlce S in meter correlatec' I;o the moment~r~ veloci!G~ 7,~f1.l..C,iYIc for example -the ~nO~r~Q rul e of thurnb S = 0~3 V ~ (C~1 V)~ V is eou!lte~ in kr~
if V is to be counte~ i.n miles/hour~ t`his rule reads S = 0~ x 1~61 V + (001)~lJ2 x 1,612)jconparin$ this .s~oppin~
distance wi-th the a'~ove nen-tioned di.stance I.~ In case .S
assumes a greater value ~Ghan ~ -t~le rnomentar;~ velocit;y is too high. If, on the contrar~7 -the value o, S is ~ialler than the value of L9 the s-topping dis-tance ~.s suf'flcient'-~
short ~or the s;.~,ht condi.tions arLd the veLoc,it,y correla~ted to the stopping distance is not too hi~'n so that the dri.ver ca.n stop hiia vehicl2 in -ti~e in case o an obs-tacle in T.'ront o~ him~ '~he .result of this Coi1par-so~
can be indic~1tea by the i.ndlca~in,~ ean.s~ ~or instance by a whistle sollnd. prod~lced whe~ ,S :is ~reate.r than ;',~
Another possi~-ility s~ou.ld be an optict.~l i.ndi.c a.tion ~ .t o.~i example recl light f'or S ~reater t'ha~l :l; and ,~,-reen .'..i .-64~

:~ f'or ~ ~reaver ~hin ,~,.
rrIo~Jeve~, it is rre~!ue~ des~-rc~.' -to drive as 1as-,~t as pos'si`~le ~-ut ~on~,ideri.n,~ -the ex:i,s!,,irl,; 3ight oon!3~ ',i.c l,.~.
S is ~et eaualL,by rr,esans of the caLculaLc,-~ or eon~pu'cer the maxir~urq allowable driv veloci.-t,y VTn?x coIre-la-l;ed -co - -the s;.;ht conditions can be s~alcuial,ed~ -.Jit-out that the measurin~, -procec~s 'Qas to be repeal,ed. seversl times in order to s~ep~risel,y reach -the max.irTIll-m vel.oci'v Vmax men-tioned a.bove. r.~hus the calcul, or ~ompuvr.- ca,:
calculate Vm~x and this vel oci.-ty ca~ be inrli~a-T;e~ by -th--indicating means~ The driver ha~ thell onl.,y to ad.jv.s'~ .i'.3 veloci.ty to this ~Jalue Y~aX i:n orde.r 1-;o clrive as l'a.C., L. ~
allowable consicl.ering the exîs cin~7; .5i.srh-t co-rditions~ r~31.i';
would3 ho~ever~ in soMe cases rac,ulre to r)~e~r:~o-~r~
the measure~ent to apprroximate as near as possible .~3~e maximally adrQis~-Lble drivin~r, velooit~ V~ax which cor-~c-sporcis to the existing conditions~ o derive an indic;S.~tion for thi~ maxi.mall,y aamissi'L~le d,ivlng velocit,~ VTY~X~ the calculator has 9 aCCC)rding tO a preffered em~,odimenc cl the invention, an evaluatin~ ci.rcultrv l~rhich is c~-ilcul~s~-ing the maæimall~ aar~.issible ~ri~ring veloci~ (in k~.Jh) accor-ding to the equation Vma~ 196 ~ 1003t6~ _ 14~ -,trherein t is the time i-riterval e~pressed in sec betweer, the starting switch and ac-tuatlng the stoppi.nO swit~-~7~ VM is the velocity expres,ec~ in krrlJh dr;.ven durin~r sai.t~
tirr.e interval~ If Vr~a~ ha.~; to be m~asur~jtl in mile~-3/hou..



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r' this equatlorL s'.~.ould r~a~ !,r~X -- lJ7- + 17 - T~
~his p~cvides all.,?.~tic i~dic~,~ CiOll f i~ r t'f~? ~ iLr ~ I.J ;,' adroissiblf3 drivi-tl.~r velc,~c,it~ co~re',at~d t-o the e:~i,.St~
- sight corld1'tions~ so t'~)at t'ne d,river :rl~.?d orlly sel~,~t 5 a velocit~J corresponclinf~; -o tllis ma,.i.TIl~rl'Lv ~ n.iss,i'ol.
velocit,~J. In vie~J of the calcul, ti~ e of l;'se caic~ ,.cor being extremel~ shor-t f~-r -the ~i.r,lDle ccll.cula.-i,i-Q~; ope~ ;o~ls to be ef,'fecved, the ac~, rnaxi.!nurn valoci.t~,r,, ~Ihir ,~
puts the driver lrl-to the posi,tlon t;o stop in -time 'c~:'or an unexpectedl,y emergirg obstacle~ is ;.nclicate,d i!nmedi,-;ve?,-~J
after actuatin~J the stopping swit;ch.
As alread~ merltionea lt Wa5 U -ti.ll now ci. prere~r~ si-e that the drivincr veloci.,~ is at least approxir.i~i,el.~ C'Of!S'~;',.',L, ' during the time operation~ ~o becorne i.nde-o~?ll~d~.?;t - 15 from this pr~req,ulsite ~t es advan-tageous lf~ accordir to the inventiGnq a circui-tr~ for cl.eterrrlini~, -the ?,~rer.,c~
velocity driven clurin~ measuri-ng operation is provided within -the calculator or computer~
~ he irdication ~; the admissi.ble maxi-,n..l,n velocity Vrr~ax is~ according to t'ne invention~ made i.n a-n - optical mannery for exarnple in -the manneI of a tachorr.e-ter ., ~ .
or as i.t is usual in pocket calcu.lators.
In the accompan~Jing draw;.ngs e.mbodl~nen-ts of the inventiorl are shown with reference to block d,iagrarn~,~
~ 25 ~igure 1 is a circuitry il.lus~ratin~ adâuctmen~; of`
the velocit~ dri~ren duri.n.~, the mea.--;urinLr int~rvrll ln f'~f'~ L9 .-a manulal m~nnerf Fi~,ure ~ ho1~s .~1 C i ~ 3~ J U S ~, :L'a ~; i. n '~ f'`f l ' t ~f ' i ~i t . C

adjustr.~.ent of said.tfre].ocLt,~ h~J a t,~chon)eter ~,f.-d ~'igure 3 shows a ci I_'CIIitr;~T ~Or COn'j:~d.erfn.r-` t1( e eTre~f~

veloci-ty driven cffL~r7ng the meas,urirfg int;e~va1., Figures LL and 5 sho~ eneral view,.cs o:f de7.,i.ces z co,~

~o the presL7nt i-f~ventior and corresponainj~.-to ~7i r~0~ cl '.` q respec-tively .
In the circuitrg sl1owrl in ~ ;ure 1 --~n e:lec!r,roni.c ',~r measuring device 1 is prov-lded. w~.ich cfar,7c~e started '.-;,y mfeans of a startinf,~ switcl1 2 ~.~ soon as the or~erator ^ n dis~tinc,tl~T r--cogni~e a str k~ing point'locaGed On t1r1r~`
travelling pa~th -to be travell.ed. upon. f`.s soon as the vehicle travels past this point~ -the operat,or ~ct~uates a stoppingr switch 3 interruptin,-r the tlrr.e r..fea-,uJYi-L~r ~ '''OCe55 of the time measur-fng df-,f~ice 1, "fhe time irtef~val rile,as~frf,d b~ the time measurinc~ ~1 is ~ed to a calcu'ator ~'~ o:~`
~ electro-ric -t~pe, ?he veloci-t~ dri.ven a.uring the time , measuring operatlon i.s adjifut~,~ted on the calculator Lf b~
20 means of an ad,jusftinf~ device 5b 'Lf'ne o~c-llculator calcu~f:!~tf~s the travelling path betwee:n the moment of a~c~latin.g t7ne starting s~itch 2 axld the moment of' act7J-~tirlg the sto-p7.~7,.n switch 3 accordill~ to the eauation L - t 3V6 in w7nich ~ ..
the travelling path mentioned in n7eters.7 t is the tim.e measured in seconds and ~ is tne drivinO velocit~J of the ' vehicle in km/h which has beer~ ad,juis~ted b,y means of -the adjusting device 5. If V,is -to,,3urc1d'i..n rn,i..l.e~,~'}.~,ur7 _, ___ _ ... ~ .,,, ,_, . ...... ... . .

'this e~,uatlon eads I,-~ 't.~.-,'l t ,~ T e c ]~;or C~!.r co~npare t'nls tl~avell1rlg r, .,i~ the s~;op~in.
distance S e~nluated ~.ce~c,r~ling ,;o t~!e ~no~.ln :ctlle of thumb S = 0.3 V + (0~1V)2 and '~e-n~.~; correlate~.3 -to she mornentarily d.ive?l vel.oci-fy V a,,;d c~rl gi~re a sigrQ], via an ind.icating device 6 f'or indif,a-ting 1.~J'hf1,her L i3 ~ -'-?a.,er~
.or smaller than ~^" It is9 ho~ever~ rnore ,avourab]e i~
calcula-tor 4 is calcu3al,,ing -the n,Rxin~.urn admissir~le c:r-ivi.r.,.-:
velocit~ VrnaX as correlc1ted. ~o the ex', !ting S`'gllt CG'.'I'l'i.'t;i.3''':S
using the ef~,uation V~ 14 i.n ~1hi,ci.
t is the time !neasured in seconds ~nd V~ is the aver..-,.re driving velocit~ in Xm/n ~uring -the rneasu.ring ope-rcl-tlol~
(adjusted by -the device 5)~ If' V.~ and V,i 3,re to be .given in m;.les/hour~ thi..s e~ua-tion eads , / t Vm~ 75 + 17~3 tVM - 8~650 'l'his rna~irn1lm dr:iving velocity Vmax i.s opticall~ visible on the ind.icat,i.~, device 6 for example in a manner of a taChO~leter.
The devi,ce showrl i.n Figure 2 is sim~ar to -t'.lat shown in Figure 1~ ~he onl,y differen.ce is a dif'ference in circuitr~ insofar as tne adillstrnent device 5 for the mornentari7~ dri.ven velocity is no-t rnanually actuated but is coupled to the velocit~ indi.cating m.eans of -the vehicle~ for example to tke tachorneter 7 there~suGh that this velocit~J is automatically fad to c~lcul~tor 4 :` . 25 ~he circuitr~- shown ln Figure 3 differs from tke circuitrv skown in ~'igures 1 and 2 onl~y in that ~or l-le _.. _. _ .. .. . .. ..

~, .

mentio~.~il ct:!Qc~ rr o.f k~!f-~ Yr-ll.c,~;~"v .:rld ~h.~ .";or~ ,r, d.lstance~ respec l~ i vel.~ lO C0~. S t;Lllv ~JalU e for -t1h e momentarily ~iven velocit,y ;s ar!.~lu5tf,~l on -the devic~f but a circui t ;3 îs f ed v~!ith s;.sn ,.ls .- o:r:f to the mornentar~ J drjtTerl ve].ociv,y~ This circuit ~ e.-;s ~an average val U`Q 0~' the velocl-ty during, thD meas~ring interval (as de~`ined b~ a~ctua~tirlg the s,-vartir.c, '~ /.itC':J
2 an3. vhe stopping St'~/i vCp 3, Iespe~-tivel,~,,r) and avera(re value is fed to the adjustin.~.~ 3.evlce 5. '~hi.s circuit 8 can be part of the calculator~ 4~ '~'ne sv--!rvin6 signals the stoppi.ncr, si.gnals of the s-tartin~ switch 2 and of the sto~ping s Ji.tch 3,~ res,-pectively, ar~-~ fo~~
the mentioned purposa not onl~ fed to the time m.easu.ri.-, device 1 bu-t also fed to t'Qa circuit ~. so tha~ t'~is.~
circuit is operative only during tha tiLIe measuring .. interval. ' ~ he starting switch 2 arld the stopping s-~,/itch can be ~ormed o~ press buttons but can~ if desired~
also be acustic switches which are~ for e~ampleg actuated by Q call. of the opera-tor~ However~ -t'ne sta 'ti n-~switch anc3 the stopping swi.-tch may also ba co,~'~ined j in one single actuating ~e3ns1 ~or exarrlple a de-)ressab:Le ~` ke~ which gives the start si.gnal when depressed and gives the stop signal when released.
~'ne device can be installed in a portable equïpmen-t or be stationarily inst3.llea in the ~o~tor vehicle itsel.~'~


, , 1 rJ -A oo~t,nble de1Ji~_r~ h~ ;rr. ~I ~ L ! ~ 0 !! ' ' .' ~ ~' ', '~ ~ :,`.... .
the Ci~ lit~ r~c~rl ir`L Fi ~ J r~l, rl r ^,, -,,~ 'rr~i r~ ',,~,~,ï~-~ ~';~,Ali '','.';'1 c~n be ~c-tu ~ c~ nI:esS .r;V~,-tGrl ~ ,?rlrl -t!~e r,t by a press buttcn 1~'~ bo-th preC,-- ~ut-to~s pror~(3;r!~ U~f~
the casin.~ so th~.t thie~1 can easi'-~,r be ac~tll~t,l b~r ha-~he vel.ocit;7 of the venic].e can he a~ JUS-',(?d b,~J three t)r:e S ,;
buttons 12~ each one of thern, corre'lat,ed to o~e 2eci value of the veloci-ty. 'rhe ,djusted value o.f the ~1~?1 cr i t~f can be seen in a wi.n~o~ 13. '~he ca1cula-ted ~Jal,ue O.L Vrn,~
10 can be seen in a further ~indsw 14~ r~'he pol~Jer supp].;7 fcr the device may be batteri~s which mav also be p aced wi-t~in .~ the casin~ 9 like in a pocket calc~ulatorO
~ he device accoraing to Fig~ 5 is sui.table for a b-l OG.~
diagrarn of ~i~. 2~ The ~alue of the veloci-t,~J o' the ve1lic.~.*
during the tirne meaSurinc~ inter~Jal iS de']ivered -~i.a a c~',le 15 from the tachometer o.~ the vehicle~ Press blltton~ 1C)7 ?7 and 18 are provided. to conside.r the road condi.tionO Fvr example~ the press button 16 ma,7 corresponrl tv dr;y road, the press button ~7 to wet roc~ and the press but:torl 1 to snow covered .road. B~ one o~' -these bu~-tons a suitable correction facto,r can be inserted in-to -the abovte mentioned equation S = 0.3 V ~ (0.1 V)2 for the stopping distance.
Instead of the abovta mentioned equation ~or 'Vrnç,~ an other e~uation can be used~, particularly if one intends to de~riate from the usual equation S = Ou~ V ~ (0~1 V)~ for the sto-pping distan~e.
All blocks in the b'ock dia~ran],c., of Fi,g,s~ Jr~e known per se ~nd thus ca.n be bui]-c w~ h elecl;ronic ci.-~cuit~


.' , Z6~

. ~ 1 kno~Jn f~ or~ t,~ i.rl 'Jh~ 'Ir`t~, T~!7..S i ~; ,',r-~?~ , 'r;~J
- be superflou~; to ~lec.c~il)e suoh it.C !r,ore irL det~-.i.~

.... . .. _ . .. . . .
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Claims (8)

What is claimed is:
1. A device for checking the velocity of a motor vehicle in dependence on the existing sight conditions, comprising a time measuring means capable to effect a time measuring operation during a time interval defined by a start time and a stop time, starting means for starting said time measuring means, a stopping means for stopping said time measuring means, a calculator means operatively connected to said time measuring means and having means for setting the velocity if the motor vehicle driven during said time interval and being capable for calculating the path of travel of the motor vehicle passed during said time interval and for a comparison of this path of travel with the stopping distance corresponding to said velocity of the motor vehicle, and an indicating means operatively connected to said calculator means.
2. A device as claimed in claim 1, wherein said indicating means is capable to indicate a signal correlated to said comparison.
3. A device as claimed in claim 1, wherein said calculator means is also capable of calculating the maximum admissible driving velocity correlated to said comparison, and wherein said indicating means is capable to indicate this maximum admissible driving velocity.
4. A device as claimed in claim 3, wherein said calculator means in capable to calculate the maximum admissible driving velocity (in km/h) according to the equation , wherein t is said time interval expressed in seconds, and VM
is the velocity expressed in km/h driven during said the interval.
5. A device as claimed in claim 3, wherein said calculator means in capable to calculate the maximum admissible driving velocity (in miles/hour) according to the equation , wherein t is said time interval expressed in seconds, and VM
is the velocity expressed in miles/hour driven during said time interval.
6. A device as claimed in claim 1, wherein an automatic velocity measuring means is operatively connected to said calculator means for automatically setting the driven velocity.
7. A device as claimed in claim 6, further comprising means for evaluating the average velocity driven during said measuring interval and operatively connected to said calculator means.
8. A device as claimed in claim 3, wherein said indicating means have optical indication means for indicating the maximum admissible velocity.
CA000332241A 1978-07-27 1979-07-20 Device for checking the velocity of a motor vehicle Expired CA1142649A (en)

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AT545678A AT360350B (en) 1978-07-27 1978-07-27 DEVICE FOR CHECKING THE SPEED OF A MOTOR VEHICLE
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