AU2004275541A1 - Chair system with a suspended balanced inclination seat adjustable by a body weight only - Google Patents

Chair system with a suspended balanced inclination seat adjustable by a body weight only Download PDF


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AU2004275541A1 AU2004275541A AU2004275541A AU2004275541A1 AU 2004275541 A1 AU2004275541 A1 AU 2004275541A1 AU 2004275541 A AU2004275541 A AU 2004275541A AU 2004275541 A AU2004275541 A AU 2004275541A AU 2004275541 A1 AU2004275541 A1 AU 2004275541A1
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Yann Guehria
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    • A47C3/00Chairs characterised by structural features; Chairs or stools with rotatable or vertically-adjustable seats
    • A47C3/02Rocking chairs
    • A47C3/025Rocking chairs with seat, or seat and back-rest unit elastically or pivotally mounted in a rigid base frame
    • A47C3/0255Rocking chairs with seat, or seat and back-rest unit elastically or pivotally mounted in a rigid base frame pivotally mounted in the base frame, e.g. swings
    • A47C1/00Chairs adapted for special purposes
    • A47C1/02Reclining or easy chairs
    • A47C1/031Reclining or easy chairs having coupled concurrently adjustable supporting parts
    • A47C1/034Reclining or easy chairs having coupled concurrently adjustable supporting parts the parts including a leg-rest or foot-rest
    • A47C1/035Reclining or easy chairs having coupled concurrently adjustable supporting parts the parts including a leg-rest or foot-rest in combination with movably coupled seat and back-rest, i.e. the seat and back-rest being movably coupled in such a way that the extension mechanism of the foot-rest is actuated at least by the relative movements of seat and backrest


  • Health & Medical Sciences (AREA)
  • Dentistry (AREA)
  • General Health & Medical Sciences (AREA)
  • Chairs For Special Purposes, Such As Reclining Chairs (AREA)
  • Rehabilitation Tools (AREA)
  • Seats For Vehicles (AREA)
  • Passenger Equipment (AREA)
  • Chair Legs, Seat Parts, And Backrests (AREA)
  • Special Chairs (AREA)
  • Chairs Characterized By Structure (AREA)


The system has three longitudinal deformable parallelepipeds (B1-B3), and a flexible seat (A) suspended on a seat carriage and sliding at a level of knee and ankles on bars of the seat carriage. Two symmetric deformable quadrilaterals (P1, P2) support the seat and pivot freely with respect to a fixed base (C) to permit variable inclination of the seat, where the inclination is secured by stop pins.


PCT APPLICATION - ENTRY IN NATIONAL PHASE IN AUSTRALIA Verified Translation of an International Application 1. I, MEIGNIE, Sylvie (Miss) Address: 51 Quai Joffre F-59500 Douai (FR) Standing : International Assistant Nationality : French 2. Hereby declare that I have verified the translation in English of the International Application as follows: Application N* : PCT / FR2004 / 002376 Dated : September 21th, 2004 (09.21.2004) Applicant & Inventor: GUEHRIA Yann (FR/FR) Dated this 2 0 th day of April 2006 Signature: Sylvie MEIGNIE To the Australian Patent Office Discovery House 47 Bowes Street, Philip, Canberra A.C.T. 2606 AUSTRALIA Tel : (61-2) 6283 2999 Fax: (61-2) 6283 7999 Email : (12) DEMANDE INTERNATIONAL PUBLINE EN VERTU DU TRAITE DE COOPERATION EN MATINRE DE BREVETS (PCT) (19) Organisation Mondiale de la Proprit6 Inteffectuelie ~ niiuiunnm tinmuiu Bureau international | I||1||| IEIl iil11 INE n111111 111 U Nilli (43) Date de la publication internationale (10) Num6ro de publication internationale 7 avril 2005 (07.04.2005) PCT WO 2005/030006 Al (51) Classification international des brevets 7 : A47C 1/035 (71) Dposant ct (72) Inventeur : GUEHRIA, Yann [FR/FR]; 15, rue Chef de (21) Numdro de Ia demande international: Ville, F-95850 Jagny Sons Bois (FR). PCT/FR2004/002376 (22) Date de dip~t international : (81) $tats d6signis (sauf indication contraire, pour tout titre de 21 septembre 2004 (21.09.2004) protection rationale disponible) : AE, AG, AL, AM, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR, BW, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CN, CO. (25) Langue de dip6t: frangais CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM, DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, Fl, GB. GD, GE, GH, GM, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, IKE, KG. (26) Langue de publication: frangais KP, KR, KZ, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LV, MA, MD, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MZ, NA, NI, NO, NZ, OM, PG, PH, (30) Donnies relatives A la priority: PL, PT, RO, RU, SC, SD, SE, SG, SK, SL, SY, TJ, TM, TN, 0311172 24 septembre 2003 (24.09.2003) FR TR, IT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, YU, ZA, ZM, ZW. [Suite sur la page suivante] (54) Title: CHAIR SYSTEM WITH A SUSPENDED BALANCED INCLINATION SEAT ADJUSTABLE BY A BODY WEIGHT ONLY (54) Titre : SYSTEME DE SIEGE A ASSISE SUSPENDUE AJUSTABLE A INCLINAISON EQUILIBREE PAR LE SEUL POIDS DU CORPS T5 (57) Abstract: The invention relates to a chair system provided with a suspended and relaxing ergonomic seat adjustable by a variable full and secured inclination and balanced by a body weight only without any mechanism or locking device. Said invention - also relates to a seat system which makes it possible to reach and keep all positions up to a lying position by adjusting a seat length and ergonomically maintaining a body with the aid of the body weight only without force or a mechanism and without running a risk of a rear imbalance. The inventive system consists of a soft ergonomic seat (A), an adjustable length (T2) which is constructed in such a way that it is suspended and sliding (T5, T3, Ti) on a seat carriage (BI, B2, B3) swinging and longitudinally deformable by means of a parallelepipedic deformable structure (P1, P2) balanced about a longitudinal axis joining the body weight and the centre of a parallelepiped (G, G') on a fixed and non-deformable base (C), independently therefrom and without the modification thereof. Said structure is also provided with an integrated footrest (R) of the safety abutment retainers (S) fixed to the base. The inventive system is intended, in particular for comfortable and practical interior and exterior chairs for a private or professional use which can t) be made of any usual furniture materials. e (57) Abregi: Systeme de siege A assise suspendue ergonomique et relaxante, ajustable, A inclinaison variable complete et sdcurisie, 6quilibise par le seal poids du corps sans m6canisme ni cran. L'invention concerne un systeme d'assise permettant d'atteindre et de conserver toutes les positions jusqu'A la position allonge, avec r6glage [Suite sur la page suivante] W O 2005/030006 Al 11l1i1l1llilllIIi iII II li llliii li (84) Ztats designs (sauf indication contraire, pour tout titre - avant 'expiration du dilai privu pour la modification des de protection refgionale disponible) : ARIPO (BW, GH, revendications. sera repiubliie si des modifications sont re GM, KE, LS, MW, MZ, NA, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG, ZM, pues ZW), eurasien (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU. TJ, TM), europ6en (AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, En ce qui concerne les codes & deux lettres et autres abrivia FR, GB, GR, HU, IE, IT, LU, MC, NL, PL, PT, RO, SE, SI, tions, se rifirer aux "Notes explicatives relatives aux codes et SK, TR), OAPI (BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, GN, GQ, abriviations"figurant au dibut de chaque numero ordinaire de GW, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG). la Gazette du PCT Public& : - avec rapport de recherche internationale de la longueur d'assise et soutien ergonomique du corps, par le seul poids du corps sans effort ni mdcanisme et sans risque de ddsdquilibre arriere . I est constitute d'une assise souple ergonomique (A), de longueur ajustable (T2), suspendue et coulissante (T5, T3, T1) sur un chariot d'assise (B1, B2, B3) basculant et ddformable longitudinalement grAce une structure de paralid16pipede d6formable (P1, P2) 6quilibr6 autour dun axe joignant le poids du corps et le centre du parall616pipede (G, G'), sur one base fixe et inddformable (C), independamment de cette base et sans modification de celle-ci, structure 6quipee d'un repose-pieds int6gre (R) d'arr~toirs de s6curits en but6e (S) fix6s sur la base. Le systeme selon la prsente invention est particulierement destiny A l'usage de sieges confortables et pratiques d'interieur ou d'ext6rieur A destination privee ou professionnelle et est rdalisable dans tous les materiaux usuels de l'ameublement .
.. . I PCTIFR2004/002376 A. CLASSIFICATION OBJECT MATTER IPC 7 A47C1/035 According to Intemallonal Patent Classification (IPC) orto both national classification and IPC B. FIELDSSEARCHED Minimum documentation searched (classiication system followed by classification symbols) IPC 7 A47C Documentation searched other than minimum documentation to the extent that such documents are included in the fields searched Electronic data base consulted during the international search (name of data base and, where practical, search terms used) EPO-Internal C. DOCUMENTS CONSIDERED TO BE RELEVANT Category Citation of document, with indication, where appropriate, of the relevant passages Relevant to claim No A WO 01/03547 A (WE BYUNG HWAN ;KIM CHUL KYU 1,2 (KR)) 18 January 2001 (2001-01-18) figures 4,5 A WO 02/089637 A (SCHNEIDER PIERRE) 1 14 November 2002 (2002-11-14) page 9, line 266 - line 272; figure 15 A US 6 030 034 A (PLOHETSKI JOHN R) 1 29 February 2000 (2000-02-29) figures 5A-5B A US 4 877 291 A (TAYLOR WILLIAM P) 1 31 October 1989 (1989-10-31) column 3, line 20 - line 28 A EP 0 561 142 A (HUEMER HERMANN) 1,2 22 September 1993 (1993-09-22) page 4, line 19 - line 21; figures 1-3 Further documents are isted in the continuation of box C )( Patent family members are listed in annex Special categories of cited documents T later document published after the international fling date document def g the general state of the at which is notor priority date and not in conflict with the application but W clcumnt efiingthe eneal tal ofthe rt hic isnotcited to understand the principle or theory underlying the considered to be of particular relevance invention "E" earlier document but published on or after the international X document of partcl relevance; the claimed invention filing date cannot be .nired novel or cannot be considered to "L' document which may throw doubts on pnony clan(s) or involve an inventive step when the document i taken alone which is cited to establish the publication date of another Y document of particular relevance, the claimed invention citation or other special reason (as specified) cannot be considered to involve an inventive step when the "O document referring to an oral disclosure, use, exhibition or document Is combined with one or more other such docu other means merit such combination being obvious to a person skilled 'P' document published prior to the international filing date but in the art. later than the paotety dae claimed r document member of the same patent family Date of the actual completion of the international search Date of ailing of the intematiorial march report 21 February 2005 16/03/2005 Name and mailing address of the ISA Authorized officer European Patent csf, P.Bt 5818 Patentasan 2 NL - 2280 HV Rilawqk Tel (+31-70) 340-2040. Tx 31m651 epo nibAlo prnkl Fax: (+31-70) 340-3016 lf R Form 'CTlSAf21 0 scondshebr ) (January 2004 " *"*T"T "PCT/FR2004/002376 Patent document Publication Patent family Publication cited in search report date member(s) data WO 0103547 A 18-01-2001 AU 5710200 A 30-01-2001 WO 0103547 A1 18-01-2001 WO 02089637 A 14-11-2002 EP 1383408 Al 28-01-2004 WO 02089637 Al 14-11-2002 -----------------
US 6030034 A 29-02-2000 NONE ----- ------------------------------ US 4877291 A 31-10-1989 CA 1304667 C 07-07-1992 ---------- ------------ ---------------- EP 0561142 A 22-09-1993 AT 397760 B 27-06-1994 AT 27692 A 15-11-1993 CA 2089525 Al 19-08-1993 EP 0561142 Al 22-09-1993 JP 5337020 A 21-12-1993 Fo-m P----S-210 -- (pater- - ---- -- (auy 204----- Foff PGTIISA'21 0 (patent~ family anex) (January 2004) WO 2005/030006 P(UT/FK2004/0U25/6 DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION Chair system with a suspended balanced inclination seat adjustable by a body weight only. The present invention relates to a system of chair with suspended seat (seat) ergonomic and releasing, adjustable, with complete and made safe variable slope, balanced by the only weight of the body without mechanism nor notch. Certain systems of chair allows a variable slope but authorize only one physical relieving partial of the body, not supporting it in its entirety of the head to the feet or presenting a non ergonomic rigid seat. Of another systems of chair present a flexible seat but do not have any adjustment length of this seat nor of the position of the head-rest, not being able to adapt precisely to various morphologies of the users. Some other systems of chair allow a variable slope but authorize only one partial or limited slope, allowing either only the slope of the only file of the seat, maybe that a maximum slope in a position half lengthened, maybe that a slope simultaneously involving a variation and a deformation of the form of the base of the chair and thus limited by the friction of the base on the ground. Lastly, other systems of chair with variable slope are conditioned by the obligation for the user to leave or to move its sitting position, or to set up additive devices or mechanisms, electric or different, or to develop a particular effort to incline or rectify the seat. The system according to the present invention as follows supplements and improves the systems of existing chairs with variable slope: REPLACEMENT SHEET (RULE 26) 1 WO 2005/030006 FU1 I /VYUU4/UV3 /0 DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION The present invention relates to a system of chair with suspended seat (seat) ergonomic and releasing, adjustable, with complete and made safe variable slope, balanced by the only weight of the body without mechanism nor notch. Certain systems of chair allows a variable slope but authorize only one physical relieving partial of the body, not supporting it in its entirety of the head to the feet or presenting a non ergonomic rigid seat. Of another systems of chair present a flexible seat but do not have any adjustment length of this seat nor of the position of the head-rest, not being able to adapt precisely to various morphologies of the users. Some other systems of chair allow a variable slope but authorize only one partial or limited slope, allowing either only the slope of the only file of the seat, maybe that a maximum slope in a position half lengthened, maybe that a slope simultaneously involving a variation and a deformation of the form of the base of the chair and thus limited by the friction of the base on the ground. Lastly, other systems of chair with variable slope are conditioned by the obligation for the user to leave or to move its sitting position, or to set up additive devices or mechanisms, electric or different, or to develop a particular effort to incline or rectify the seat. The system according to the present invention as follows supplements and improves the systems of existing chairs with variable slope: REPLACED SHEET 1 (RULE 26) 1 WO 2005/030006 1U I/VKZUU4/UUVL /o 1) System of suspended seat, ergonomic and releasing: By the 2 following processes, the system according to the present invention indeed allows an ergonomic support of the whole of the body of the user, involving a relaxation and a muscular and circulatory relieving real whatever the adopted slope: 1-a) the 1st process consists of a flexible seat, adapting ergonomically to the shape of the body of the user, sat suspended on the 2 ends of the carriage of seat and supported on the level of the knees, associated a removable and adjustable head-rest and an integrated footrest. The whole of the body of the user is thus supported in permanence of the head to the feet in all the positions permitted by the seat. This suspended flexible seat distributes and supports completely the weight of the body and allows a muscular relaxation whatever the selected slope. 1-b) the whole of the body being thus supported permanently, it profits from a proceeded 2nd of rest-foot interdependent of sat in its variations of slope. The seat suspended on the involving and supporting carriage of seat jointly and completely the body of the user in all the positions (see proceeded 1-a of support of the body), the body can be inclined in maximum reclining position (see proceeded 3 of tilting slope), feet then being simultaneously concerned and being supported by the footrest integrated in the carriage of seat, allowing the circulatory relaxation of the body of the user. 2) System of adjustment of conformation of seat By the 2 following processes, the system according to the present invention allows an adjustment of the conformation of seat to adjust it with the morphology of its user. 2-a) the first process the shortening or the lengthening of this seat according to the size of the user allows. This process is based on a system of adjustment forwards or towards the back of the bar of fastener of sat in its lower part by points of fastener on the carriage of seat, the bar of fastener of sat in its higher part fixed remainder. These symmetrical points of fastener make it possible to regulate the length of seat and its tension by the advance or the retreat of this bar of fixing. One can thus shorten or lengthen the seat according to the size of the user. 2 WO 2005/030006 PUTFK2UU4/UU23 /0 2-b) the second process allows the repositioning of the head-rest on seat according to the size of the user. This process is allowed by the removable and adjustable system of the position in height of this head-rest, by self-adhesive side legs fixing and tightening the cushion on the file part of the carriage of seat. One can thus position exactly the head-rest according to the size of the user. 3) System of chair with complete and protected variable slope The system according to the present invention consists of a seat (see proceeded 1), suspended on carriage of seat rocking and deformable longitudinally and reversibly on a fixed base, rigid and non deformable, independently of this base and without modification of this one, while having a system of stops of safety fixed on the base, controlling into obstinate the back rocker. By the 3 following processes, the system according to the present invention allows a variable slope, complete and protected of seat, allowing the user to modify the slope of the seat of the sitting position with the reclining position, with all the possible intermediate positions, without risk of inversion in maximum back position. 3-a) the 1st process is based on the constitution of the basis of the carriage of seat in a deformable centred semi-parallelepiped made up of 2 semi-quadrilaterals joined between them, equilateral deformable and symmetrical in 2 parallel plans centring the structure of the seat, authorizing the free rotation of the unit seat/carriage of seat suspended on the stable and rigid base: -This deformable semi-parallelepiped is defined by the meeting of the 3 rigid parts composing the carriage of seat, fixed and swivelling between them and on the base, this meeting forming 2 symmetrical equilateral semi-quadrilaterals in the 2 parallel plans, their equilateral shape being defined by the equal distance enters the 4 points tops of the 2 quadrilaterals one by one. - These 2 symmetrical equilateral semi-quadrilaterals in 2 parallel plans each one are fixed and swivelling by rotation on the stable base in 2 fixed points at their 2 higher ends around 2 imaginary parallel enter them fixed axes and perpendicular to the 2 preceding plans, and fixed and swivelling by rotation in 2 points consisted their 2 lower angles around 2 other axes parallel with the precedents. These 2 equilateral semi-quadrilaterals are thus deformable longitudinally in equilateral rhombuses flattened by rotation around their 4 angles in the 2 preceding parallel plans. 3 WO 2005/030006 PC'/K2UU4/UU25 /0 - the parallelepiped thus made up is deformable longitudinally and symmetrically by pivot on the stable base around its 2 fixed higher axes and its 2 lower axes, these 4 axes being parallel and perpendicular to the 2 parallel plans centring the structure. 3-b) the proceeded 2nd is consisted the interaction by rotation of the preceding parallelepiped on the remainder of the structure of the carriage of seat (back and footrest), whose constitutive part it is. The carriage of seat, fixed and swivelling freely on the stable and non deformable base, supports and carries the seat, itself supporting the user. Any deformation and lengthening of the carriage of seat involve the deformation and the lengthening of seat and thus the variation of slope of the position of the user. 3-c) the 3rd process allows the control of the maximum back variation of the lengthening and the rocker of the whole of the structure carriage of seat: this control is ensured by the existence in butted of 2 stops of safety fixed on the stable and non deformable base against which comes "to butt" the carriage of seat in its high part. 4) System of chair with slope balanced by the only weight of the body The system according to the present invention allows a control and a balance of the slope of the structure seat/carriage of seat by the only weight of the body of the user, without extra mechanism or device. This system is allowed by a process of alignment and interaction on the same axis of the weight of the body of the user in the centre of the seat of the chair and the centre of balance of the carriage of seat. This process of alignment connects: - the point of balance of the weight of the body of the user in the centre of flexible suspended and fixed seat in its 2 ends and supported and sliding freely on the level of the knees (see proceeded 1), on 3 constitutive bars of the carriage of seat itself fixed and swivelling on a stable and rigid base (see proceeded 3), the whole of the carriage of seat being balanced on: 4 WO 2005/030006 PC'T/FR2004/0023/6 - the point of centring of the deformable parallelepiped previously definite (see proceeded 3), located at the intersection of the axes joining its opposite tops and constituting the point of balance of the carriage of seat. The two points superimposed above define an axis connecting the point of balance of the weight of the body of the user to that of the carriage of seat. The parallelepiped, basis of the carriage of seat, making up of 2 equilateral quadrilaterals (see proceeded 3), this axis is parallel with the vertical axes of these 2 quadrilaterals and thus with the plan of slope of the whole of the carriage of seat. The unit seat/carriage of seat being interactive and swivelling (see proceeded 3), any transfer of the weight of the body of the user on seat implies the reciprocal displacement reversed of the point of centring of the carriage on their axis of alignment and the longitudinal corollary deformation of the parallelepiped and the carriage of seat: the slope of the seat follows the weight of the body. The description and the setting up of the preceding processes according to the present invention are illustrated in figures 1 and 2 following: - figure 1 presents the system of this invention in its sitting starting configuration, - figure 2 presents the system of this invention in its variation of maximum slope Description of the system: In reference to these 2 figures, this system comprises 3 large components: 1. a flexible seat (A), equipped with a head-rest (E) removable and fixed by adjustable side fasteners (LI, L2) (laces, pressures or another mode of fastener). This base is fixed and/or suspended on the carriage of seat: - in its 2 ends out of 2 bars (T2, T5), so as to slide freely in rotation (brackets or another mode of fixing), T5 being fixed and removable T2 to allow the fixing and the adjustment length of seat - on the level of the knees on a fixed bar (TI), so as to slide freely - on the level of the ankles on a fixed bar (T3), so as to slide freely 5 WO 20u/u3uuu YU I/VriUUM/UUlI /o 2. a carriage of seat composed of 3 rigid parts, fixed and swivelling between them (B 1, B2, B3), jointly constituting the executives of the back and seat, and organizing itself as follows: - B 1: a semi rigid parallelogram at 3 sides out of U, supporting seat on its higher side (T5), fixed and swivelling at its 2 lower ends by 2 symmetrical points of rotation (4), equipped with joints antifriction metal, along an axis (X4), on 2 parallel levels between them perpendicular to this axis, on: - B2: a rigid parallelogram at 4 sides, building the integrated footrest (R) on its front side, equipped with the 2 transverse bars allowing sliding motion (T3) and fixing and the adjustment in length (T2) of seat, B2 being fixed and swivelling in 2 symmetrical points of rotation (3), equipped with joints antifriction metal, along an axis (X3) parallel in X4, on same the 2 preceding parallel levels on: - B3: a semi rigid parallelogram at 3 sides, its side higher being shifted at its 2 ends towards the interior of the parallelogram to constitute a bar fixes transverse (TI) supporting seat at the level of the knees of the sat user and allowing the free sliding motion of this one in the rocker. BI, B2 and B3 being assembled and between them such as above, the structure of the carriage of seat thus made up is suspended and fixed on a stable base in the last 4 symmetrical points of rotation 2 by 2 (1 and 2), equipped with joints antifriction metal, along the 2 parallel axes between them (X1 and X2), themselves parallel in X3 and X4. 2 symmetrical equilateral quadrilaterals are thus defined (P1/P2) in 2 deformable parallel plans in rhombuses flattened around their 4 angles and forming between them a deformable parallelepiped symmetrically between the definite preceding plans parallel around items 1, 2, 3 and 4, by rotation on: 3. a stable and rigid base (C) resting on the ground, composed of non deformable symmetrical elements forming mounting and balustrades (F), integrating stops of safety (S) controlling into obstinate the rocker of sat in back position. Constants and constraints to be respected in the application of this system so that it functions, and this independently of the form of this structure, are: 6 WO 2005/030006 PCi'T/YFK2UU4/UU25/b a) a equidistance between the points of rotation 1, 2, 3 and 4, thus constituting 2 symmetrical equilateral quadrilaterals (P1/P2) in 2 deformable parallel plans in rhombuses, independently of the distance separating the 2 quadrilaterals and thus the 2 plans. The deformable parallelepiped consisted P1/P2, fixed and rotary on a non deformable base, is balanced in its rotation around its centre located in (G'), intersection of the axes joining the opposite tops of the parallelepiped. This centre constitutes with the centre of balance of the weight of the body (G) of the user an axis parallel with the vertical axes of the 2 quadrilaterals. b) a distance of the axes X1 and X2 on the ground higher than the height of the 2 quadrilaterals P1/P2 (items 1 - 3 and 2 - 4), to allow the suspension of the carriage of seat on the base authorizing the free rocker of the carriage around G without friction on the ground. This system of chair with suspended ergonomic adjustable and releasing seat, with complete and protected variable slope balanced only by the weight of the body can be declined: - in all usual materials of the sector of furnishing (metal, wood, composite or different matters) and in varied forms of structure (round, angular..), thus not being subjected to phenomena of mode - bound for all the economic sectors requiring of practical and comfortable furniture (thalassic and hotels facilities, home and office furnishing, decoration, gardening furniture, hospitality accommodations... Setting up of the system In reference on figures 1/2 and 2/2, the various processes and interactions are set up by the only user sitting in the seat as follows: a) The user transfers slightly forwards or backwards his weight from the body (G) supported by seat (A) to obtain the new wished position, without any development of effort. b) This transfer of the weight of the body of the user (G) modifies the position of the imaginary axis connecting it to the centre of the parallelepiped (G') 7 WO 2005/030006 PUT/PFK2UU4/UUz3 /0 c) involving simultaneously: - a symmetrical longitudinal deflection of the parallelepiped made possible specifically by its constitution in 2 symmetrical equilateral quadrilaterals in 2 parallel plans (P1, P2) them-even deformable in flattened rhombuses, defined each side by joining their points of rotation 1 - 2 3 and 4, who swivel by rotation on the stable base around the 2 axes (X1, X2), like around 2 other parallel axes of rotation (X3, X4). These 4 axes correspond to the swing angles of the quadrilaterals (1, 2, 3, 4). - a free sliding motion of the seat (A), fixed and swivelling (T5, T2) on the balanced and suspended carriage of seat (B1, B2, B3) which swivels (X1, X2) on a stable and rigid base (C), and sliding freely on the level of the knees on bar (TI) and on the level of ankles (T3) The balance transfer on seat involves the balance transfer of the carriage in the new position of balance. The carriage of seat thus undergoes by rotation around its centre and on its axes a double movement controlled by the weight of the body of longitudinal rocker and lengthening (or rectification) in the direction of the displacement of weight printed by the user. The footrest (R) integrated in the carriage of seat naturally follows the lengthening or the rectification of the carriage, supporting the legs in all the positions. The simple transfer of his body weight by the user thus involves the controlled dynamic tilting of the whole system of seating of the chair, lengthening or rectifying, partially or completely, the chair according to the desired position. All the positions obtained are stable and do not require any effort to be maintained. 8
AU2004275541A 2003-09-24 2004-09-21 Chair system with a suspended balanced inclination seat adjustable by a body weight only Abandoned AU2004275541A1 (en)

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PCT/FR2004/002376 WO2005030006A1 (en) 2003-09-24 2004-09-21 Chair system with a suspended balanced inclination seat adjustable by a body weight only

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AU2004275541A Abandoned AU2004275541A1 (en) 2003-09-24 2004-09-21 Chair system with a suspended balanced inclination seat adjustable by a body weight only

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