借用邻小区频语及通道资源的下行 Borrowing the frequency of neighboring cells and the downlink of channel resources
传输系统、 方法、 终端 技术领域 本发明涉及通信领域, 具体地, 涉及借用邻小区频谱资源及通道资源的 下行传输系统、 方法、 及终端, 上述下行传输系统及方法用于使用邻小区的 发射系统在借用的邻小区的频谱上向本小区的终端发射数据。 背景技术 小区间干扰协调 ( Inter-cell Interference Coordination, 筒称为 ICIC ) 的 核心问题是在多个小区间协调无线资源的使用,特别需要关注小区边缘( "the cell border requires special attention" )。 ICIC在多个小区间对空间、 时间和频 率信道资源以及功率进行协调, 从而降低邻小区间的干 ύ。 时频域的干 ί尤协调技术可以分为静态、半静态和动态方式的时频或资源 协调。 静态方式主要是在进行小区规划时, 通过小区间规划确定。 资源的协 调可以根据小区间负载和业务特点的变化而进行修改, 但这种改变的时间周 期一般较长。 对于半静态方式, 资源分配的周期高于静态方式。 对于动态的 协调方式, 以高频度实施资源分配。 动态方式可以获得的增益最高, 但是, 需要的测量和信息上报开销 4艮大, 并需要在多个小区间频繁进行实时通信。 解决小区间干扰的一种基本方案是 "软频率复用"或 "部分频率复用"。 该技术将 OFDM ( Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple, 正交频分多址 ) 系统所有子载波划分成 m组,不同的相邻小区选择不同组的子载波作为本小 区的主子载波, 其他子载波作为本小区的副子载波, 再对各小区的主子载波 和副子载波设置不同的发射功率门限, 且主子载波的发射功率门限高于副子 载波的发射功率门限, 并以主子载波的覆盖范围确定小区边界。 从小区中央 到小区边缘分配的是主子载波, 它可以覆盖整个小区的范围; 空白区域分配 的是副子载波, 它只覆盖小区的内部。 这样, 对于小区内部, 主要采用较低 功率的副子载波传输数据, 由于离基站比较近, 因此终端可以接收到本小区 清晰的信号, 并且由于副子载波功率较小, 因此相邻小区之间的干扰也比较 小; 而在各相邻小区边缘区域均采用高功率主载波传输数据, 处于边缘区域
的终端主要接收到的是不同相邻小区的主子载波, 由于不同相邻小区的主子 载波不相重叠且为正交, 因此相互干扰就会大大降低。 "软频率复用"或 "部 分频率复用 "相关的专利技术有标题为 "通过对 OFDM移动通信系统的功率 规划协调小区间干扰的方法" 的第 CN200510068133号中国专利申请, 标题 为 "单频网中上行链路干"½协调的方法、 基站、 终端和网络" 的第 CN200610087983 号中国专利申请。 目前的第三代移动通信的长期演进系统 标准中正在讨论这种方法。这种技术的缺陷是小区边缘的频率资源受到限制, 难以支持大量用户和艮高的数据速率。 为了緩解 "软频率复用 " 存在的小区边缘的频率资源受到限制的问题, 一个基本的思路是提高小区边缘的频率复用系数, 也就是打破边缘区域的固 定服用系数,如 1/3的限制。技术提案: 3GPP l-051059( Inter-cell interference mitigation for EUTRA . Texas Instruments , 3 GPP RAN WG1 #42bis, San Diego, California, US, October 2005 )给出的一个思路 ύ是: 当邻小区的负载 较轻时, 借用邻小区的频率来提高本小区的边缘终端的传输速率, 图 1示出 了该方法的示意图。 R1-051059方案中, 小区内部是可减功率使用全部频段, 但小区边缘不再是固定的 1/3 , 而是根据邻近小区间边缘负载的不同进行调 整。 当某个小区边缘用户较少时, 其可用频率将少于 1/3 , 同时, 其邻近的 小区边缘负载较重时, 邻近小区的边缘可用频率将超过 1/3。 如果所有小区 边缘用户负载都较重, 则各个小区边缘的可用频率都为 1/3。 参照图 1 , R1-051059方案给出的小区间边缘所用频率软复用的方法如 下: 假设在第一个时刻, 小区 1的边缘负载较重, 而其邻近的 2、 4、 6小区 的边缘负载都较轻, 3、 5、 7 小区的边缘负载一般, 此时, 3、 5、 7 小区边 缘仍占用 1/3频段, 而 2、 4、 6小区则省下一部分频率给小区 1的边缘用户 使用, 此时, 小区 1的边缘用户占用频段超过 1/3。 假设到了笫 Μ个时刻, 小区 1的边缘负载一般, 而其邻近的 2、 4、 6小区的边缘负载较重, 并且 3、 5、 7 小区的边缘负载都较轻, 则 #居该方案, 第 1 个小区边缘分配原来的 1/3可用频段, 而 3、 5、 7小区则省下一部分频率给 2、 4、 6小区边缘用户 使用, 此时, 2、 4、 6小区边缘用户可用频率超过原来的 1/3可用频率。 上述使用本小区的发射系统在借用的邻小区频谱上向本小区的终端发 射数据的方法中, 从其他小区借用其边缘所用频率的前提条件是: 必须是邻 近所有使用该频率的小区边缘都负载较轻才能借用。 比如在图 1中, 第 Μ个 时刻, 即使小区 3、 5的边缘负载都极轻, 而小区 Ί的边缘用户较多, 此时
就不能从 3、 5、 7小区借用频率。 图 1仅仅示出了 7个邻小区结构的情况, 对于频率复用系数为 1/3 的组网模式, 也是存在同样的问题。 当工作频率为 fl、 f2、 f3的三个相邻小区之间借用频谱时, 比如工作频率为 fl的小区要借 用 £2时, 与工作频率为 fl的小区相邻的两个 2小区都需要有很轻的负载才 可以借用, 或者说, 当对工作频率为 fl的小区的边缘终端使用频率 f2的部 分或全部资源块时, 工作频率为 fl的小区的两个相邻小区都可能受到干扰。 发明内容 考虑到相关技术中存在的使用本小区的发射系统在借用的邻小区的频 谱上向本小区的终端发射数据时频 i普借用受多个小区制约, 以及本小区的邻 小区可能受到干扰的问题而提出本发明, 为此, 本发明旨在提供一种使用邻 小区的发射系统在借用的邻小区的频谱上向本小区的终端发射数据的技术。 才艮据本发明的一个方面,提供了一种借用邻小区频谱资源及通道资源的 下行传输系统。 该下行传输系统包括多个相邻或邻近的无线节点以及至少一个终端,多 个邻近的无线节点依据频率复用的要求使用相同或者不同的发射频带向其服 务区的终端提供业务, 且相邻无线节点的发射信号所覆盖的区域存在交叠。 其中, 终端所在小区的无线节点使用其发射通道、 其发射频带内的部分或全 部资源块, 并且终端所在小区的邻小区的无线节点使用各自的发射通道、 各 自发射频带内的部分或全部资源块, 共同以多流方式向所述终端发送业务数 据。 其中, 上述的多流方式是指, 在向终端发送业务数据的过程中, 邻小区 的无线节点的资源块以及终端所在小区的无线节点的资源块上分别承载属于 不同的传输块集合的数据。 优选地,在向终端发送业务数据的过程中, 邻小区的无线节点以及终端 所在小区的无线节点根据终端上报的信道质量指示分别调整其在特定资源块 上的发射功率。 优选地,在上述下行传输系统中,对于无线节点,其包括: 独立的基站、 分布式基站的远端无线电单元; 无线节点的天线包括: 布置于不同站址的天 线、 布置于同一站址的覆盖不同区域的天线; 对于终端, 其能够从由多个邻 近的无线节点发送的信号中解调出在不同频谱上并行传送的多个传输块集
合。 其中,根据本发明的下行传输系统中的终端主要是指位于小区边缘区域 的终端。 另外, 上述的资源块可以是以下任一种: 1 )对应一个特定时间区间的 一段频谱; 2 )正交频率复用中对应一个特定时间区间的子载波组。 根据本发明的另一方面, 提供了一种终端。 根据本发明的终端包括接收通道、 发射通道、 基带处理单元。 其中, 接 收通道的带宽同时覆盖终端所在小区和邻小区的部分或全部工作频带, 发射 通道的带宽同时覆盖终端所在小区和邻小区的部分或全部工作频带。 上述的基带处理单元能够从由多个邻近的无线节点发送的信号中解调 出在不同频谱上并行传送的多个传输块集合。 优选地, 上述的基带处理单元还能够在检测到某个 /某些传输块集合存 在错误的情况下,请求网络侧重新发送某个 /某些传输块集合; 并且还能够向 网络侧上 4艮信道质量指示信息, 包括终端所在小区无线节点工作频傳上的信 道质量指示信息和邻小区无线节点工作频谱上的信道质量指示信息。 根据本发明的再一方面,提供了一种借用邻小区频-潜资源及通道资源的 下^ "传输方法。 该下行传输方法包括以下处理:确定可参与多流传输的预选邻近小区无 线节点的集合; 从预选邻近小区无线节点的集合中选择参与多流传输的一个 或多个工作无线节点; 将需要传送给终端的业务数据发送到多流传输无线节 点, 其中, 多流传输无线节点包括: 一个或多个工作无线节点, 终端所在小 区的无线节点; 多流传输无线节点以多流方式向终端发送业务数据。 优选地,确定预选邻近小区无线节点集的操作具体为: 基站向终端发送 由一组邻近小区识别符号标识构成的探测集, 其中, 探测集指定了特定邻近 小区无线节点发射的信号; 终端上报对探测集指定的信号的测量结果; 网络 侧根据终端上报的测量结果判断相应小区的信号质量是否达到阈值, 并将信 号质量达到阔值的小区的无线节点作为可参与多流传输的预选邻近小区无线 节点。
优选地, 上述选择多个工作无线节点的操作具体为: 对于预选邻近小区 无线节点对应的邻近小区, 根据其过载指示信息判断是否存在资源剩余; 对 于存在资源剩余的每个邻近小区, 分别获取资源剩余量, 并获取其邻近小区 对其的申请资源借用量; 对于除去借用资源后的剩余资源量依然达到阈值的 邻近小区, 将其无线节点作为工作无线节点。 优选地, 上述将业务数据发送到多流传输无线节点的操作包括: 分别为 多流传输无线节点的资源块分配不同传输块集合内的数据。 进一步优选地, 上述以多流方式发送业务数据的操作包括: 多个工作无 线节点分别以 OFDM调制的方式在不同的正交子载波资源块上发送业务数 据。 本发明的上述技术方案中的至少一个可以实现以下有益效果:通过使用 邻小区的发射系统(发射通道)在该借用的邻小区的频谱上向本小区的终端 发射数据, 可以克服相关技术中存在的频傳借用受多个小区制约这一问题, 此外, 通过结合功率控制措施动态地调整邻小区共同覆盖的区域, 可以在保 持频率空间复用格局不变和邻小区干扰受控的前提下, 提高终端接受多小区 频带共同服务的区域, 从而提高小区边缘区域内终端的传输速率。 本发明的其它特征和优点将在随后的说明书中阐述, 并且,部分地从说 明书中变得显而易见, 或者通过实施本发明而了解。 本发明的目的和其他优 点可通过在所写的说明书、 权利要求书、 以及附图中所特别指出的结构来实 现和获得。 附图说明 附图用来提供对本发明的进一步理解, 并且构成说明书的一部分, 与本 发明的实施例一起用于解释本发明, 并不构成对本发明的限制。 在附图中: 图 1是根据相关技术的小区间频率借用方法的示意图; 图 2是 居本发明实施例的下行传输系统的示意图; 图 3是根据本发明实施例的以多流方式发送业务数据的示意图; 图 4是根据本发明实施例的终端的示意图;
图 5是 _据本发明实施例的下行传输方法的 程图; 图 6 是根据本发明实施例的分布式基站内部节点间借用邻小区频谱的 下行业务传输实例的示意图; 图 7 是根据本发明实施例的分布式基站间借用邻小区频谱的下行业务 数据传输实例的示意图。 具体实施方式 如上所迷,鉴于相关技术中存在的使用本小区的发射系统在借用的邻小 区的频婚上向本小区的终端发射数据时在频谱借用方面存在制约的问题, 本 发明给出了一种使用邻小区的发射系统 (发射通道)在借用的邻小区的频谱 上向本小区的终端发射数据的方案, 换句话说,在本发明提供的技术方案中, 本小区不仅借用邻小区的频谱资源 , 还借用邻小区的发射通道。 在本发明中提到的终端主要是指位于小区边缘的终端, 但不限于此, 而 本发明中提到的资源块可以是但不限于以下任一种: 1 ) 对应一个特定时间 区间内的一段频谱; 2 ) 正交频率复用中对应一个特定时间区间内的子载波 组。 以下结合附图对本发明的优选实施例进行说明, 应当理解, 此处所描述 的优选实施例仅用于说明和解释本发明, 并不用于限定本发明。 实施例一 根据本发明实施例,首先提供了一种借用邻小区频谱资源和通道资源的 下行传输系统。 该下行传输系统也可以更形象地称为下行多流传输系统, 具 体在下文中描述。; 图 2给出了根据本发明实施例的下行传输系统的示意图。 如图 2所示, 该下行传输系统包括多个相邻或邻近的无线节点 (图 2中示出了七个无线节 点 201a~201g )以及至少一个终端(图 2中示出了位于无线节点 201a所在小 区的一个终端 (User Equipment, UE ) 202, 其中, 多个邻近的无线节点依据 频率复用的要求使用相同或者不同的发射频带向其服务区的终端提供业务, 且相邻无线节点的发射信号所覆盖的区域存在交叠。 其中, 203 表示终端的 业务信道, 其由服务小区的资源块 ( SRB ) 和借用的其他小区的资源块
( BRBl-BRBn ) 组成。 多个邻近的无线节点依据频率复用的要求使用不同或者相同的发射频 带向其服务区的终端提供业务是指: 1 ) 对于无线节点覆盖的小区的内部的 终端, 无线节点以复用因子 1与其相邻的小区之间实现频率复用, 在这种情 况下, 各个无线节点可以使用相同的频谱为其小区内部的终端月 务; 2 ) 在 无线节点覆盖区域的边缘区域内, 在地理位置上邻近但是属于不同小区边缘 区域的无线终端之间将产生干扰, 一种避免这种干扰的方法是: 各个小区在 其边缘区域使用不同的频谮。 这种方法虽然可以避免邻小区的边缘终端间的 干 4尤, 但是, 每个小区的处于边缘区域的终端的可用个频谱带宽显著减少。 本发明解决这个问题的基本方法是: 通过邻小区间共享频讲和发射通道来提 高边缘终端的可用带宽,共享带宽既可以在小区边缘区域使用的各自正交(互 斥) 的频带间进行, 也可以在整个系统可用频带内进行, 这根据各个小区的 实际负载情况而定。 其中,终端 202所在小区的无线节点(例如,图 2所示的无线节点 201a ) 使用其发射通道及发射频带内的部分或全部资源块, 并且若干个终端所在小 区的邻小区的无线节点 (例:^ , 图 2所示的无线节点 201b、 201g、 201f)使 用各自的发射通道及发射频带内的部分或全部资源块 ( Resource Block, 简称 为 RB ), 共同以多流方式向终端发送业务数据。 上述的多流方式是指: 在向终端 202发送业务数据的过程中, 终端所在 小区的无线节点 (例如, 图 2所示的无线节点 201a )的资源块以及终端所在 小区的邻小区的无线节点 (例如, 图 2所示的无线节点 201b、 201g、 201f ) 的资源块以及上分别承载属于不同的传输块集合的 :据。 而在现有的软切换 的过程中, 虽然邻小区的无线节点也同时向终端提供数据, 但是不同的无线 节点提供的是相 同 的数据; 而在 目 前的 MIMO ( Multiple-Input Multiple-Output, 多输入多数出)技术中, 虽然不同的天线或者无线节点以 空间复用的方式向终端提供不同的数据, 但是使用的是相同的频点或频带。 具体地, 图 3示出了以多流方式发送业务数据的示意图。 如图 3所示, 服务小区(或称为本小区, 例如, 无线节点 201a所在小区)在其资源块 SBR 上 载传输块集合 0内的数据; 邻小区 1 (例如, 无线节点 201b所在小区) 在其资源块 BRB1上承载传输块集合 1 内的数据; 邻小区 2 (例如, 无线节 点 201g所在小区) 在其资源块 BRB2上承载传输块集合 2内的数据; 依次 类推, 邻小区 n在其资源块 BRBn上承载传输块集合 n内的数据。 其中, 服
务小区的资源块( SRB )以及 BRB1、 BRB2、 BRBn之间可以是同步发送(不 同天线上的资源块到达终端接收天线的时间差小于 OFDM 符号中的循环前 缀:), 也可以是异步发送(不同天线上的资源块到达终端接 >1欠天线的时间差为 任意值, 或者到达终端接收天线的时间差为 OFDM符号长度的整数倍)。 优选地,在向终端发送业务数据的过程中, 邻小区的无线节点以及终端 所在小区的无线节点根据终端上 4艮的信道质量指示 ( Channel Quality Indication, CQI ) 分别调整其在特定资源块上的发射功率。 优选地, 在上述下行传输系统中, 对于无线节点可以是独立的基站(包 含射频和基带处理的传统基站;), 也可以是分布式基站的远端无线电单元 ( Remote Radio Unit, RRU ); 而无线节点的天线可以是布置于不同站址的天 线, 也可以是布置于同一站址的覆盖不同区域(扇区) 的天线。 对于该下行传输系统中的终端,其能够从由多个邻近的无线节点发送的 信号中解调出在不同频谱上并行传送的多个传输块集合, 并且优选地将解调 出的多个传输块集合合并成数据流。 实施例二 根据本发明实施例, 提供了一种终端。 图 4示出了根据本发明的终端的示例性结构。 如图 4所示,根据本发明 的终端包括接收通道 402、 发射通道 404、 基带处理单元 406。 其中, 接收通 道的带宽同时覆盖终端所在小区(本小区 )和邻小区的部分或全部工作频带, 可以同时从本小区和邻小区接收信号; 发射通道的带宽同时覆盖终端所在小 区和邻小区的部分或全部工作频带。 上述的基带处理单元能够从由多个邻近的无线节点发送的信号中解调 出在不同频语上并行传送的多个传输块集合, 在此基础上, 还能够将解调出 的多个传输块集合合并成数据流。 优选地, 上述的基带处理单元还能够在检测到某个 /某些传输块集合存 在错误的情况下, 请求网络侧重新发送某个 /某些传输块集合; 并且还能够向 网络侧上报信道质量指示信息, 既上报终端所在小区无线节点工作频谱上的 信道质量指示信息,也上报邻小区无线节点工作频谱上的信道质量指示信息。 实施例三
根据本发明实施例,提供了一种借用邻小区频语资源和通道资源的下行 传输方法。 如图 5所示, 该下行传输方法可以包括以下处理: 步驟 S502, 确定可参与多流传输的预选邻近小区无线节点的集合; 步骤 S504, 从预选邻近小区无线节点的集合中选择参与多流传输的一 个或多个工作无线节点; 步骤 S506 , 将需要传送给终端的业务数据发送到多流传输无线节点, 该多流传输无线节点包括: 上迷的一个或多个工作无线节点以及本小区的无 线节点; 步骤 S508 , 多流传输无线节点以多流方式向终端发送业务数据。 以下将进一步详细描述上述各个处理步驟。 (―) 步骤 S502 首先, 基站向终端发送由一组邻近小区识别符号标识构成的探测集,其 中, 探测集指定了特定邻近小区无线节点发射的信号, 如导频信号或者同步 信号的特征参数(如频点、 编码方式、 测量窗口等); 终端上报对探测集指定 的信号的测量结果; 网络侧根据终端上报的测量结果判断相应小区的信号质 量是否达到 (包括达到或超过) 阈值, 并将信号质量达到阈值的小区的无线 节点作为潜在的可参与多流传输的预选邻近小区无线节点。 也可以通过测量本小区和邻小区的用于切换的参考信号接收功率 ( Reference Symbol Received Power, 简称为 RSRP )来识别;昏在的可参与多 流传输的邻近小区无线节点。 TECHNICAL FIELD The present invention relates to the field of communications, and in particular, to a downlink transmission system, method, and terminal for borrowing spectrum resources and channel resources of a neighboring cell, where the downlink transmission system and method are used for a transmission system using a neighboring cell Transmitting data to the terminal of the own cell on the spectrum of the borrowed neighboring cell. BACKGROUND The core problem of Inter-cell Interference Coordination (ICIC) is to coordinate the use of radio resources among multiple cells, and in particular, the cell border requires special attention. ICIC coordinates spatial, temporal, and frequency channel resources and power across multiple cells to reduce interference between neighboring cells. The time-frequency domain coordination techniques can be divided into static, semi-static and dynamic time-frequency or resource coordination. The static mode is mainly determined by inter-cell planning when performing cell planning. The coordination of resources can be modified according to changes in load and service characteristics between cells, but the time period of such changes is generally longer. For semi-static methods, the period of resource allocation is higher than the static mode. For dynamic coordination, resource allocation is performed at a high frequency. The dynamic method can obtain the highest gain, but the required measurement and information reporting overhead is large, and frequent real-time communication between multiple cells is required. One basic solution to inter-cell interference is "soft frequency reuse" or "partial frequency reuse." The technology divides all subcarriers of an OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access) system into m groups, and different neighboring cells select different subcarriers as the primary subcarrier of the current cell, and other subcarriers serve as the local cell. The secondary subcarriers, and then set different transmit power thresholds for the primary subcarriers and the secondary subcarriers of each cell, and the transmit power threshold of the primary subcarrier is higher than the transmit power threshold of the secondary subcarrier, and the cell boundary is determined by the coverage of the primary subcarrier. . The primary subcarrier is allocated from the center of the cell to the cell edge, which can cover the entire cell range; the blank area is allocated a secondary subcarrier, which covers only the interior of the cell. In this way, for the intra-cell, the lower-power sub-subcarrier is mainly used to transmit data. Because the base station is relatively close to the base station, the terminal can receive the clear signal of the local cell, and because the sub-subcarrier power is small, the adjacent cells are The interference is also relatively small; and the high-power primary carrier transmits data in the edge region of each neighboring cell, which is in the edge region. The terminal mainly receives the primary subcarriers of different neighboring cells. Since the primary subcarriers of different neighboring cells do not overlap and are orthogonal, mutual interference is greatly reduced. A patented technology related to "soft frequency reuse" or "partial frequency reuse" has a Chinese patent application entitled "Method for Coordinating Inter-Cell Interference Through Power Planning for OFDM Mobile Communication Systems", entitled "Single Frequency" Chinese Patent Application No. CN200610087983, which is based on the uplink method of "1⁄2 coordinated method, base station, terminal and network" in the network. This method is currently being discussed in the third-generation mobile communication long-term evolution system standard. The frequency resources at the cell edge are limited, and it is difficult to support a large number of users and high data rates. In order to alleviate the problem that the frequency resources of the cell edge existing in the "soft frequency reuse" are limited, a basic idea is to increase the frequency of the cell edge. The reuse factor, that is, the fixed taking factor of the edge area, such as the limit of 1/3. Technical proposal: 3GPP l-051059 (Inter-cell interference mitigation for EUTRA . Texas Instruments , 3 GPP RAN WG1 #42bis, San Diego, California, US, October 2005) A clue is: When the load of the neighboring cell is light, borrow a small neighbor Frequency of the edge to improve the transmission rate of the edge terminal of the cell, Figure 1 shows a schematic diagram of the method. In the R1-051059 scheme, all the frequency bands are used for power reduction within the cell, but the cell edge is no longer fixed 1/3 However, it is adjusted according to the difference of edge load between neighboring cells. When there are fewer edge users in a cell, the available frequency will be less than 1/3, and when the neighboring cell edge load is heavy, the edge of the neighboring cell The available frequency will exceed 1/3. If all cell edge users are heavily loaded, the available frequencies at the edge of each cell are 1/3. Referring to Figure 1, the frequency soft multiplexing used by the inter-cell edge given by the R1-051059 scheme The method is as follows: Assume that at the first moment, the edge load of cell 1 is heavier, and the edge load of the neighboring cells 2, 4, and 6 is lighter, and the edge load of cells of 3, 5, and 7 is general. 3, 5, 7 The cell edge still occupies 1/3 frequency band, and the 2, 4, and 6 cells save a part of the frequency for the edge user of the cell 1. At this time, the edge user of the cell 1 occupies more than 1/3 of the frequency band. At this moment, the edge load of cell 1 is general, and the edge load of its neighboring 2, 4, and 6 cells is heavier, and the edge load of 3, 5, and 7 cells is lighter. One cell edge allocates the original 1/3 available frequency band, while the 3, 5, and 7 cells save a part of the frequency for the 2, 4, and 6 cell edge users. At this time, the available frequencies of the 2, 4, and 6 cell edge users exceed The original 1/3 available frequency. In the above method of using the transmitting system of the local cell to transmit data to the terminal of the local cell in the spectrum of the borrowed neighboring cell, the precondition for borrowing the frequency used by the edge from other cells is: It must be adjacent to all the edges of the cell using the frequency. It can be borrowed if it is lighter. For example, in Figure 1, at the last moment, even if the edge loads of cells 3 and 5 are extremely light, and there are more edge users in the cell, at this time, It is impossible to borrow frequencies from 3, 5, and 7 communities. Fig. 1 shows only the case of the structure of seven neighboring cells, and the same problem exists for the networking mode in which the frequency reuse coefficient is 1/3. When the spectrum is borrowed between three neighboring cells whose working frequencies are fl, f2, and f3, for example, when the cell with the operating frequency of fl is borrowed by £2, two cells adjacent to the cell with the working frequency of fl need to be borrowed. If there is a very light load, it can be borrowed. In other words, when some or all resource blocks of frequency f2 are used for the edge terminal of the cell with the working frequency fl, two neighboring cells of the cell with the working frequency of fl may be interfered. . SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION In view of the related art, a transmitting system using a local cell transmits data to a terminal of a local cell in a spectrum of a borrowed neighboring cell, and the frequency of the cell is restricted by multiple cells, and the neighboring cell of the cell may be interfered. The present invention has been made in view of the problem. Accordingly, the present invention is directed to a technique for transmitting data to a terminal of a cell in a spectrum of a borrowed neighboring cell using a transmitting system of a neighboring cell. According to an aspect of the present invention, a downlink transmission system that borrows spectrum resources and channel resources of a neighboring cell is provided. The downlink transmission system includes a plurality of adjacent or adjacent wireless nodes and at least one terminal, and the plurality of adjacent wireless nodes use the same or different transmission frequency bands to provide services to terminals of the service areas according to the requirements of frequency reuse, and are adjacent to each other. There is an overlap in the area covered by the transmitted signal of the wireless node. The wireless node of the cell where the terminal is located uses its transmitting channel, part or all of the resource blocks in its transmitting frequency band, and the wireless nodes of the neighboring cells of the cell in which the terminal is located use respective transmitting channels and some or all resource blocks in the respective transmitting frequency bands. And jointly sending the service data to the terminal in a multi-stream manner. The multi-flow mode described above means that, in the process of transmitting service data to the terminal, the resource blocks of the wireless node of the neighboring cell and the resource blocks of the wireless node of the cell where the terminal is located respectively carry data belonging to different transport block sets. Preferably, in the process of transmitting the service data to the terminal, the wireless node of the neighboring cell and the wireless node of the cell where the terminal is located adjust the transmission power of the specific resource block according to the channel quality indication reported by the terminal. Preferably, in the foregoing downlink transmission system, for a wireless node, the method includes: an independent base station, a remote radio unit of the distributed base station; the antenna of the wireless node includes: antennas arranged at different sites, and arranged at the same site An antenna covering different areas; for a terminal, it is capable of demodulating a plurality of transport block sets transmitted in parallel on different spectrums from signals transmitted by a plurality of adjacent wireless nodes Hehe. The terminal in the downlink transmission system according to the present invention mainly refers to a terminal located in an edge region of a cell. In addition, the foregoing resource block may be any one of the following: 1) a piece of spectrum corresponding to a specific time interval; 2) a subcarrier group corresponding to a specific time interval in orthogonal frequency multiplexing. According to another aspect of the present invention, a terminal is provided. A terminal according to the present invention includes a receiving channel, a transmitting channel, and a baseband processing unit. The bandwidth of the receiving channel covers part or all of the working frequency band of the cell where the terminal is located and the neighboring cell, and the bandwidth of the transmitting channel covers part or all of the working frequency band of the cell where the terminal is located and the neighboring cell. The baseband processing unit described above is capable of demodulating a plurality of transport block sets transmitted in parallel on different frequency spectrums from signals transmitted by a plurality of adjacent wireless nodes. Preferably, the foregoing baseband processing unit is further capable of requesting the network side to resend some/some of the transport block set if it detects that there is an error in a certain/some transport block set; and is also capable of transmitting to the network side. The channel quality indication information includes channel quality indication information on the working frequency transmission of the radio node of the cell where the terminal is located, and channel quality indication information on the working spectrum of the neighboring cell wireless node. According to still another aspect of the present invention, a downlink transmission method for borrowing a neighboring cell frequency-potential resource and channel resource is provided. The downlink transmission method includes the following processing: determining a pre-selected neighboring cell wireless node that can participate in multi-stream transmission And selecting one or more working wireless nodes participating in the multi-stream transmission from the set of the pre-selected neighboring cell radio nodes; and transmitting the service data that needs to be transmitted to the terminal to the multi-stream transmission radio node, where the multi-stream transmission radio node includes: One or more working wireless nodes, the wireless nodes of the cell where the terminal is located; the multi-streaming wireless node transmits the service data to the terminal in a multi-stream manner. Preferably, the operation of determining the pre-selected neighboring cell wireless node set is specifically: a set of neighboring cell identifiers, wherein the probe set specifies a signal transmitted by a specific neighboring cell wireless node; the terminal reports a measurement result of the signal specified by the probe set; and the network side determines the corresponding cell according to the measurement result reported by the terminal Whether the signal quality reaches the threshold and will The wireless node of the cell whose quality is at a threshold value is a pre-selected neighboring cell wireless node that can participate in multi-stream transmission. Preferably, the operation of selecting the multiple working wireless nodes is specifically: determining, for the neighboring cells corresponding to the pre-selected neighboring cell radio nodes, whether there is resource remaining according to the overload indication information; and acquiring resources for each neighboring cell with the remaining resources Remaining amount, and obtaining the application resource borrowing amount of the neighboring cell for it; for the neighboring cell whose remaining resource amount after the borrowing resource is removed, the wireless node is regarded as the working wireless node. Preferably, the foregoing operation of transmitting the service data to the multi-stream transmission wireless node comprises: allocating data in different transport block sets for the resource blocks of the multi-stream transmission wireless node. Further preferably, the foregoing operation of transmitting the service data in the multi-stream manner comprises: the plurality of working wireless nodes respectively transmitting the service data on different orthogonal subcarrier resource blocks in an OFDM modulation manner. At least one of the foregoing technical solutions of the present invention may achieve the following beneficial effects: by using a transmitting system (transmitting channel) of a neighboring cell to transmit data to a terminal of the cell in the spectrum of the borrowed neighboring cell, the related art may be overcome. The frequency transmission borrowing is restricted by multiple cells. In addition, by dynamically adjusting the areas covered by the neighboring cells in combination with the power control measures, the frequency space multiplexing pattern can be kept unchanged and the neighboring cell interference is controlled. The area where the terminal accepts the multi-cell frequency band common service is improved, thereby improving the transmission rate of the terminal in the cell edge area. Other features and advantages of the invention will be set forth in the description which follows, and The objectives and other advantages of the invention will be realized and attained by the <RTI The drawings are intended to provide a further understanding of the invention, and are intended to be a part of the description of the invention. In the drawings: FIG. 1 is a schematic diagram of an inter-cell frequency borrowing method according to the related art; FIG. 2 is a schematic diagram of a downlink transmission system according to an embodiment of the present invention; FIG. 3 is a multi-stream transmission service according to an embodiment of the present invention; FIG. 4 is a schematic diagram of a terminal according to an embodiment of the present invention; FIG. 5 is a schematic diagram of a downlink transmission method according to an embodiment of the present invention; FIG. 6 is a schematic diagram of an example of downlink service transmission in which a neighboring cell spectrum is borrowed between internal nodes of a distributed base station according to an embodiment of the present invention; A schematic diagram of a downlink service data transmission instance in which a spectrum of a neighboring cell is borrowed between distributed base stations in an embodiment. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION As described above, in view of the problem that the transmission system using the own cell in the related art has a constraint on spectrum borrowing when transmitting data to the terminal of the own cell on the frequency of the borrowed neighboring cell, the present invention gives a problem. A scheme for transmitting data to a terminal of a local cell in a spectrum of a borrowed neighboring cell by using a transmitting system (transmitting channel) of a neighboring cell. In other words, in the technical solution provided by the present invention, the cell not only borrows a neighboring cell The spectrum resource also borrows the transmission channel of the neighboring cell. The terminal mentioned in the present invention mainly refers to a terminal located at the edge of the cell, but is not limited thereto, and the resource block mentioned in the present invention may be but not limited to any one of the following: 1) corresponding to a specific time interval a piece of spectrum; 2) orthogonal frequency multiplexing corresponding to a subcarrier group within a specific time interval. The preferred embodiments of the present invention are described in the following with reference to the accompanying drawings, which are intended to illustrate and illustrate the invention. Embodiment 1 According to an embodiment of the present invention, a downlink transmission system that borrows spectrum resources and channel resources of a neighboring cell is first provided. The downlink transmission system can also be more visually referred to as a downlink multi-stream transmission system, as described in detail below. 2 shows a schematic diagram of a downlink transmission system in accordance with an embodiment of the present invention. As shown in FIG. 2, the downlink transmission system includes a plurality of adjacent or adjacent wireless nodes (seven wireless nodes 201a-201g are shown in FIG. 2) and at least one terminal (shown in FIG. 2 at the wireless node 201a). a user equipment (UE) 202 of the cell in which the neighboring wireless nodes provide services to terminals of the service area using the same or different transmission frequency bands according to the requirements of frequency multiplexing, and the transmitting of the adjacent wireless nodes There is an overlap in the area covered by the signal, where 203 represents the traffic channel of the terminal, which is composed of the resource block (SRB) of the serving cell and the resource block of other cells borrowed. (BRBl-BRBn) composition. The provision of services by multiple neighboring wireless nodes to terminals of their service areas using different or the same transmission frequency bands according to the requirements of frequency reuse means: 1) For the internal terminals of the cell covered by the wireless node, the wireless node uses the multiplexing factor 1 Frequency multiplexing is implemented between the cells adjacent to it, in which case each wireless node can use the same frequency spectrum for its internal terminal; 2) in the edge area of the coverage area of the wireless node, in the geographical location Interference will occur between wireless terminals that are adjacent but adjacent to different cell edge areas. One way to avoid such interference is: Each cell uses a different frequency in its edge area. Although this method can avoid the gap between the edge terminals of the neighboring cells, the available spectrum bandwidth of the terminal in the edge region of each cell is significantly reduced. The basic method for solving the problem in the present invention is: increasing the available bandwidth of the edge terminal by sharing the frequency and transmission channels between the neighboring cells, and the shared bandwidth can be performed between the orthogonal (mutually exclusive) frequency bands used in the cell edge region. It can also be performed within the available frequency band of the entire system, depending on the actual load conditions of each cell. The wireless node of the cell where the terminal 202 is located (for example, the wireless node 201a shown in FIG. 2) uses some or all of the resource blocks in the transmission channel and the transmission band, and the wireless nodes of the neighboring cells of the cell where the terminal is located (for example) The wireless nodes 201b, 201g, and 201f shown in FIG. 2 use the respective transmission channels and some or all of the resource blocks (Resource Blocks, RBs) in the transmission band to jointly transmit the service data to the terminal in a multi-stream manner. . The above multi-flow mode refers to: in the process of transmitting service data to the terminal 202, the resource block of the wireless node of the cell where the terminal is located (for example, the wireless node 201a shown in FIG. 2) and the wireless node of the neighboring cell of the cell where the terminal is located The resource blocks (for example, the wireless nodes 201b, 201g, 201f shown in FIG. 2) and the upper ones respectively carry data belonging to different transport block sets. In the existing soft handover process, although the wireless nodes of the neighboring cells simultaneously provide data to the terminal, different wireless nodes provide the same data; and in the current MIMO (Multiple-Input Multiple-Output, In the input majority technique, although different antennas or wireless nodes provide different data to the terminal in a spatially multiplexed manner, the same frequency or frequency band is used. Specifically, FIG. 3 shows a schematic diagram of transmitting service data in a multi-stream manner. As shown in FIG. 3, the serving cell (or the own cell, for example, the cell where the wireless node 201a is located) uploads the data in the transport block set 0 in its resource block SBR; the neighbor cell 1 (for example, the cell where the wireless node 201b is located) The resource block BRB1 carries the data in the transport block set 1; the neighbor cell 2 (for example, the cell where the wireless node 201g is located) carries the data in the transport block set 2 on its resource block BRB2; and so on, the neighbor cell n is in its resource The data in the transport block set n is carried on the block BRBn. Among them, service The resource block (SRB) of the cell and the BRB1, BRB2, and BRBn may be synchronously transmitted (the time difference between the resource blocks on different antennas reaching the terminal receiving antenna is smaller than the cyclic prefix in the OFDM symbol:), or asynchronous transmission (different The time difference between the resource block on the antenna and the terminal connected to >1 under-the-antenna is an arbitrary value, or the time difference of reaching the receiving antenna of the terminal is an integer multiple of the length of the OFDM symbol). Preferably, in the process of transmitting the service data to the terminal, the wireless node of the neighboring cell and the wireless node of the cell where the terminal is located adjust the channel quality indication (CQI) of the terminal on the specific resource block according to the channel quality indication (CQI) of the terminal. Transmit power. Preferably, in the downlink transmission system, the wireless node may be an independent base station (a conventional base station including radio frequency and baseband processing;), or may be a remote radio unit (RRU) of the distributed base station; The antennas of the wireless nodes may be antennas arranged at different sites, or antennas covering different areas (sectors) arranged at the same site. For a terminal in the downlink transmission system, it is capable of demodulating a plurality of transport block sets transmitted in parallel on different frequency spectrums from signals transmitted by a plurality of adjacent wireless nodes, and preferably demodulating the plurality of transmission blocks The block sets are merged into a data stream. Embodiment 2 According to an embodiment of the present invention, a terminal is provided. Fig. 4 shows an exemplary structure of a terminal according to the present invention. As shown in FIG. 4, the terminal according to the present invention includes a receiving channel 402, a transmitting channel 404, and a baseband processing unit 406. The bandwidth of the receiving channel covers both the cell (the current cell) and the working frequency band of the neighboring cell, and can receive signals from the local cell and the neighboring cell at the same time; the bandwidth of the transmitting channel covers the cell where the terminal is located and the neighboring cell. Or all working bands. The above-mentioned baseband processing unit is capable of demodulating a plurality of transport block sets transmitted in parallel on different frequency terms from signals transmitted by a plurality of adjacent wireless nodes, and further capable of demodulating the plurality of transport blocks. The block sets are merged into a data stream. Preferably, the foregoing baseband processing unit is further capable of requesting the network side to retransmit a certain/some transmission block set if it detects that there is an error in a certain/some transmission block set; and can also report the channel quality to the network side. The indication information not only reports the channel quality indication information on the working spectrum of the radio node of the cell where the terminal is located, but also reports the channel quality indication information on the working spectrum of the neighboring cell radio node. Embodiment 3 According to an embodiment of the present invention, a downlink transmission method for borrowing a neighboring cell frequency resource and a channel resource is provided. As shown in FIG. 5, the downlink transmission method may include the following processes: Step S502: Determine a set of pre-selected neighboring cell radio nodes that can participate in multi-stream transmission; Step S504, select to participate in multi-stream transmission from a set of pre-selected neighboring cell radio nodes. One or more working wireless nodes; Step S506, transmitting service data that needs to be transmitted to the terminal to the multi-stream transmission wireless node, where the multi-stream transmission wireless node comprises: one or more working wireless nodes of the above-mentioned a wireless node; Step S508, the multi-stream transmission wireless node transmits the service data to the terminal in a multi-stream manner. The various processing steps described above will be described in further detail below. (―) Step S502 First, the base station transmits, to the terminal, a sounding set consisting of a set of neighboring cell identification symbol identifiers, wherein the sounding set specifies a signal transmitted by a specific neighboring cell wireless node, such as a pilot signal or a characteristic parameter of the synchronization signal ( For example, the frequency point, the coding mode, the measurement window, etc.; the terminal reports the measurement result of the signal specified by the detection set; the network side determines whether the signal quality of the corresponding cell reaches (including or exceeds) the threshold according to the measurement result reported by the terminal, and The wireless node of the cell whose signal quality reaches the threshold is a potential pre-selected neighboring cell wireless node that can participate in multi-stream transmission. It can also be identified by measuring the Reference Signal Received Power (RSRP) for handover of the local cell and the neighboring cell; the faint neighboring cell wireless node that can participate in the multi-stream transmission.
(二) 步驟 S504 对于预选邻近小区无线节点对应的邻近小区, 根据其过载指示信息 ( Overload Indication, OI )判断是否存在资源剩余; 对于 OI指示不存在资 源剩余, 即, 已经过载的邻近小区, 放弃对其频率借用, 而对于存在资源剩 余的每个邻近小区, 分别获取其资源剩余量, 并获取其邻近小区对其的申请 资源借用量, 这些数据可以通过基站与基站间的 X2接口来获得; 对于除去
申请借用资源后的剩余资源量依然达到阈值的邻近小区, 将其无线节点作为 工作无线节点。 (2) Step S504: For the neighboring cell corresponding to the pre-selected neighboring cell radio node, determine whether there is resource remaining according to the overload indication information (Overload Indication, OI); for the OI, there is no resource remaining, that is, the neighboring cell that has been overloaded, give up The frequency is borrowed, and for each neighboring cell with the remaining resources, the remaining amount of the resource is obtained, and the application resource borrowing amount of the neighboring cell is obtained, and the data can be obtained through the X2 interface between the base station and the base station; For removal The neighboring cell whose remaining resources after the resource is borrowed still reaches the threshold is used as the working wireless node.
(三 ) 步骤 S506 将业务数据发送到多流传输无线节点的操作可以具体为如下操作:分别 为多流传输无线节点的资源块分配不同传输块集合内的数据。 优选地,网络侧 居参与传送的各个无线节点——可以称为多流传输无 线节点 (包括本小区无线节点和上述的一个或多个工作无线节点) 的资源剩 余比例, 把需要传送给终端的业务数据发送到各个多流传输无线节点 (或基 站)。 网络侧向每个参与多流传输的小区(或基站 )传送业务数据的方法与传 统的基站间实现切换时的传送方式相似, 在此不再进行过多描述。 进一步地, 为了节省小区间传送业务数据的流量, 可以按照一定的比例 4巴要传送给无线终端的业务数据拆分到各个多流传输无线节点。 拆分后的业 务数据通过 X2接口传送到各个多流传输无线节点, 各个多流传输无线节点 则按照信道质量 CQI信息, 确定由自己传送的数据流的传输方式, 包括硝定 传输块集的大小、 编码格式、 功控方式、 ARQ方式等。 (3) Step S506 The operation of transmitting the service data to the multi-stream transmission wireless node may be specifically as follows: respectively, the resource blocks in the different transport block sets are allocated to the resource blocks of the multi-stream transmission wireless node. Preferably, the network side is located at each wireless node participating in the transmission, which may be referred to as a resource remaining ratio of the multi-stream transmission wireless node (including the local cell wireless node and the one or more working wireless nodes described above), and needs to be transmitted to the terminal. Service data is sent to each multi-stream transmission wireless node (or base station). The method in which the network side transmits the service data to each cell (or base station) participating in the multi-stream transmission is similar to the transmission mode in the handover between the conventional base stations, and will not be described too much here. Further, in order to save the traffic of the service data transmitted between the cells, the service data to be transmitted to the wireless terminal may be split into the respective multi-stream transmission wireless nodes according to a certain ratio. The split service data is transmitted to each multi-stream transmission wireless node through the X2 interface, and each multi-stream transmission wireless node determines the transmission mode of the data stream transmitted by itself according to the channel quality CQI information, including the size of the nitrate transmission block set. , coding format, power control mode, ARQ mode, etc.
(四 ) 步驟 S508 多流传输无线节点的一种发送方式是参与多流传输的多流传输无线节 点分别以 OFDM调制的方式在不同的正交子载波资源块上发送业务数据,这 些数据在无线终端的接收通道上产生时域上由多流产生的线性叠加的信号, 才艮据下式所示的线性叠加原理, 无线终端对这个线性叠加的信号进行傅立叶 变换, 就得到各个无线节点上传送的传输块或传输块集合, 对这些传输块集 合进行合并后, 就得到网络传送到无线终端的总的业务数据流。 (4) Step S508 A method for transmitting a multi-streaming wireless node is that the multi-stream transmission wireless node participating in the multi-stream transmission transmits the service data on different orthogonal sub-carrier resource blocks in an OFDM modulation manner, and the data is wireless. The linear superimposed signal generated by the multi-stream in the time domain is generated on the receiving channel of the terminal, and the wireless terminal performs Fourier transform on the linear superimposed signal according to the linear superposition principle shown in the following formula, and the transmission is performed on each wireless node. The transport block or transport block set, after merging the transport block sets, obtains the total traffic data stream that the network transmits to the wireless terminal.
(0 + a 2 (t) => A、 (ω) + A2F2 (ω) 当参与多流传输的多流传输无线节点是属于同一个分布式基站的不同(0 + a 2 (t) => A, (ω) + A 2 F 2 (ω) When multi-stream transmission wireless nodes participating in multi-stream transmission are different from the same distributed base station
RRU ( Remote Radio Unit, 射频单元)时, BBU ( Base Band Unit, 基带单元) 直接把正交变换 (傅立叶反变换, IFFT ) 后的对应于该 RRU 的数据 (可以 是 I/Q两路基带数据 )发送到该 RRU。
以下将进一步通过具体实例来描述本发明。 实例―:分布式基站内部节点间借用邻小区频讲和通道资源的下行多流 业务数据传输 图 6是一个分布式基站组成的无线接入网, 在该无线接入网内,每个站 址上布置有三个作为无线节点 201的 RRU, 每个 RRU分别覆盖不同的小区 (扇区), 且每个 RRU使用不同的频带或者同一个频带内的不同正交子载波 组: U1使用频带 fl ,覆盖小区 1 ; RRU2使用频带 f2,覆盖小区 2; RRU3 使用频带 Ω , 覆盖小区 3。 一个 BBU控制处理三个上述站址上的共九个 RRU, 各个 R U之间以 1/3 频率复用的方式组网。 在这样一个分布式基站覆盖的区 i或内, 存在无线 终端 UE1 202a和 UE2 202b, 其中, UE1被三个 RRU所覆盖: RRU1 501a; RRU2 501b; RRU3 501c, R U1 501a是无线终端 202a的控制节点, R U1 501a 通过其与无线终端之间的控制信道与无线终端之间传输实施多流传输所需要 的控制指令。 BBU 502 通过上述实施例中给出的下行传输方法实现网络与无线终端 间的多流下^"传输, 具体地: 首先, BBU 502 居无线终端 202a上 4艮的对其周围的 RRU的参考信号 接收功率( Reference symbol received power, RSRP )的测量量, 确定出 RRU2 501b. RRU3 501c是参与多流传输的潜在节点 (即, 上述的预选邻近小区无 线节点 ); 然后, BBU502才艮据 RRU2 501b、 RRU3 501c覆盖的小区内不存在使用 资源的终端这样一个事实 (例如, OI指示该小区负载为 0; 在分布式基站内 部小区之间实施多流的情况下, BBU存有其下辖的各个 RRU的负载情况, 而无需通过 BBU的外部接口来获得其下辖的各个 RRU的负载情况), 进一 步把 RRU2 501b、 RRU3 501c确定为向终端进行多流传送工作节点; 其次, BBU 502根据 RRU2 501b、 RRU3 501c可能承载的速率, 并考 虑功率控制因素的作用, 确定 RRU2 501a, RRU2 501b, RRU3 501c (即, 上述的多流传输无线节点)之间分配的传输速率; 最后, BBU 502使用 RRU2 501a、 RRU2 501b、 RRU3 501c的发射通道
和频谱, 在 RRU2 501a、 RRU2 501b RRU3 501c上分别向无线终端传送三 个不同的传输块集合。 无线终端根据控制节点 RRU2 501a下发的多流指示信息、 每个无线节 点上的传输块集合的传输格式指示信息等, 对每个无线节点上的传输块集合 分别解调、 解码。 无线终端对每个无线节点上的传输块集合分别解调解码之后,再合并成 一个业务数据流。 实例二:分布式基站间借用邻小区频谱和通道的下行多流业务数据传输 图 7是由三个分布式基站(每个分布式基站的组成如图 1 )组成的无线 接入网, 在该无线接入网内, 存在无线终端 UE2 202b, UE2被三个 RRU所 覆盖: R U1 601a、 RRU2 601b, RRU3 601 c, R U2 501b是无线终端 202b 的控制节点, RRU2 501b通过其与无线终端之间的控制信道与无线终端之间 传送实施多流传输所需要的控制指令。 In the RRU (Remote Radio Unit), the BBU (Base Band Unit) directly converts the data corresponding to the RRU after orthogonal transform (inverse Fourier transform, IFFT) (can be I/Q two baseband data) ) is sent to the RRU. The invention will be further described below by way of specific examples. Example -: downlink multi-stream service data transmission between adjacent nodes of distributed base station borrowing neighboring cell frequency and channel resources. FIG. 6 is a radio access network composed of distributed base stations, in which each site is located in the radio access network. Three RRUs are arranged on the radio node 201, each RRU covers a different cell (sector), and each RRU uses a different frequency band or a different orthogonal subcarrier group in the same frequency band: U1 uses the frequency band fl, Covering cell 1; RRU2 uses frequency band f2 to cover cell 2; RRU3 uses band Ω to cover cell 3. A BBU control processes a total of nine RRUs on the above three sites, and each of the RUs is networked in a 1/3 frequency multiplexing manner. In the area i or within the coverage of such a distributed base station, there are radio terminals UE1 202a and UE2 202b, wherein UE1 is covered by three RRUs: RRU1 501a; RRU2 501b; RRU3 501c, R U1 501a is control of the wireless terminal 202a The node, R U1 501a, transmits control commands required for implementing multi-stream transmission between the control channel and the wireless terminal between the wireless terminal and the wireless terminal. The BBU 502 implements multi-stream transmission between the network and the wireless terminal by using the downlink transmission method given in the foregoing embodiment. Specifically, first, the BBU 502 receives the reference signal of the RRU around the wireless terminal 202a. The measured quantity of power (Reference Symbol received power, RSRP) determines that RRU2 501b. RRU3 501c is a potential node participating in multi-stream transmission (ie, the above-mentioned pre-selected neighboring cell radio node); then, BBU 502 is based on RRU2 501b, RRU3 There is no such thing as a terminal using a resource in a cell covered by 501c (for example, OI indicates that the cell load is 0; in the case of implementing multiple streams between cells in a distributed base station, the BBU stores each RRU of the subordinate The load situation, without the external interface of the BBU to obtain the load status of each RRU under its jurisdiction), further determines RRU2 501b, RRU3 501c as a multi-streaming working node to the terminal; second, the BBU 502 is based on RRU2 501b, RRU3 The rate at which 501c may be carried, and considering the role of power control factors, determine RRU2 501a, RRU2 501b, RRU3 501c (ie, the above Streaming partitioned between wireless node) transmission rate; Finally, BBU 502 using RRU2 501a, RRU2 501b, RRU3 501c transmit channel And spectrum, three different sets of transport blocks are transmitted to the wireless terminal on RRU2 501a, RRU2 501b RRU3 501c, respectively. The wireless terminal demodulates and decodes the transport block set on each wireless node according to the multi-flow indication information sent by the control node RRU2 501a, the transport format indication information of the transport block set on each wireless node, and the like. The wireless terminal demodulates and decodes the transport block sets on each wireless node separately, and then merges them into one service data stream. Example 2: Downstream multi-stream service data transmission between neighboring cell spectrum and channel between distributed base stations FIG. 7 is a radio access network composed of three distributed base stations (each of which is composed of FIG. 1). Within the radio access network, there is a radio terminal UE2 202b, which is covered by three RRUs: R U1 601a, RRU2 601b, RRU3 601 c, R U2 501b is a control node of the radio terminal 202b through which the RRU2 501b communicates with the radio terminal The control commands required to implement multi-stream transmission are transmitted between the control channel and the wireless terminal.
BBU3 602c 通过上述实施例中给出的下行传输方法实现网络与无线终 端间的多流下行传输: 首先, BBU3 602c根据无线终端 202b上报的对其周围的 RRU的参考信 号接 4欠功率 (Reference symbol received power, RSRP ) 的测量量, 确定出 RRU1 601a R U3 601c是参与多流传输的潜在节点; 然后, BBU3 602c根据 RRU1 601a, RRU3 601c覆盖的小区的负载指示 (例如, 通过 X2接口从 BBU2传来的 OI指示 )和 RRU1 601a, RRU3 601c 的资源被申请借用的情况(BBU2通过 X2接口向 BBU3发送资源被申请借 用的指示), 进一步把 RRU1 601a、 RRU3 601c确定为向终端进行多流传送 工作节点; 其次, BBU3 602c根据 RRU1 601a. RRU3 601c的资源剩余情况确定其 可能 ^载的速率, 并考虑功率控制因素的作用, 确定在 R U1 601a、 RRU2 601b, RRU3 601c (即, 上述的多流传输工作节点)之间分配无线终端所需 要的传输速率, 然后, BBU3 602c把 RRU1 601a和 RRU3 601c所需要承担 的传输速率以及资源分配通过 X2接口传送给 BBU2,并且把需要 RRU1 601a 和 RRU3 601c传输的业务数据通过 X2接口发送到 BBU2。
最后, 在 BBU2控制下, RRU1 601a、 RRU3 601c、 RRU2 501b分别以 相互独立的传输块集在各自的频语上向无线终端传送数据。 无线终端 -据控制节点 RRU2 501b下发的多流指示信息、 每个无线节 点上的传输块集合的传输格式指示信息、 接入时隙等, 对每个无线节点上的 传输块集合分别解调、 解码。 无线终端对每个无线节点上的传输块集合分别解调解码之后,再合并成 一个业务数据流。 借助于本发明的上述技术方案,通过使用邻小区的发射系统(发射通道) 在该借用的邻小区的频 i脊上向本小区的终端发射数据, 可以克服相关技术中 存在的频傳借用受多个小区制约这一问题, 此外, 通过结合功率控制措施动 态地调整邻小区共同覆盖的区域, 可以在保持频率空间复用格局不变和邻小 区千扰受控的前提下, 提高终端接受多小区频带共同服务的区域, 从而提高 、区边缘区域内终端的传输速率。 以上所述仅为本发明的优选实施例而已, 并不用于卩艮制本发明,对于本 领域的技术人员来说, 本发明可以有各种更改和变化。 凡在本发明的精神和 原则之内, 所作的任何修改、 等同替换、 改进等, 均应包含在本发明的保护 范围之内。
The BBU3 602c implements the multi-stream downlink transmission between the network and the wireless terminal by using the downlink transmission method in the foregoing embodiment. First, the BBU3 602c receives the under-power according to the reference signal of the RRUs reported by the wireless terminal 202b. Received power, RSRP), determines that RRU1 601a R U3 601c is a potential node participating in multi-stream transmission; then, BBU3 602c according to the load indication of the cell covered by RRU1 601a, RRU3 601c (for example, from BBU2 through X2 interface) The incoming OI indication) and the RRU1 601a, RRU3 601c resources are requested to be borrowed (the BBU2 sends an indication to the BBU3 that the resource is requested to be borrowed through the X2 interface), and further determines the RRU1 601a and the RRU3 601c as the multi-streaming operation to the terminal. Next, the BBU3 602c determines the possible rate of the resource according to the remaining condition of the RRU1 601a. RRU3 601c, and considers the role of the power control factor to determine the R U1 601a, the RRU2 601b, and the RRU3 601c (ie, the multi-stream described above). The transmission rate required for the wireless terminal is allocated between the transmission working nodes), and then the BBU3 602c sets the RRU1 601a and the RRU3 601c To bear the transmission rate and the assigned transmission resources to the BBU2 via the X2 interface, and the need RRU3 601c RRU1 601a and service data transmission sent via the X2 interface to the BBU2. Finally, under the control of the BBU 2, the RRU1 601a, the RRU3 601c, and the RRU2 501b respectively transmit data to the wireless terminal in respective frequency terms in mutually independent transport block sets. The wireless terminal demodulates the transport block set on each wireless node according to the multi-flow indication information sent by the control node RRU2 501b, the transmission format indication information of the transport block set on each wireless node, the access slot, and the like. , decoding. The wireless terminal demodulates and decodes the transport block sets on each wireless node separately, and then merges them into one service data stream. With the above technical solution of the present invention, by using the transmitting system (transmitting channel) of the neighboring cell to transmit data to the terminal of the local cell on the frequency i ridge of the borrowed neighboring cell, the frequency borrowing and borrowing existing in the related art can be overcome. Multiple cells restrict this problem. In addition, by dynamically adjusting the areas covered by neighboring cells in combination with power control measures, it is possible to improve the terminal acceptance while keeping the frequency space multiplexing pattern unchanged and the neighboring cell interference controlled. The area in which the cell bands are commonly served, thereby increasing the transmission rate of the terminals in the area edge area. The above description is only for the preferred embodiment of the present invention, and is not intended to be used for the present invention, and various modifications and changes can be made to the present invention. Any modifications, equivalent substitutions, improvements, etc. made within the spirit and scope of the present invention are intended to be included within the scope of the present invention.