Hybrid power unit The invention concerns to transport and can be used on vehicles, at use in their design of the hybrid power unit, an electromechanical drive and brake system. The hybrid power unit functioning under the consecutive scheme, consisting of an internal combustion engine used as a source of mechanical energy, the electromotor, the generator, the block of management and accumulators [1] is known. Lack of this power-plant the following: or the generator and the electromotor of installation should be designed for the maximal capacity and consequently are rather heavy, or the accumulator of the big capacity, so also weights that reduces efficiency of application of a power-plant for a vehicle is required.
Scheme of the hybrid power unit with the flywheel-store and the electromechanical drive, proposed by firm "BMW" (Germany) [2], containing the source of a current connected through converters and a control system with reversible electromachine, is known. The electromachine is connected to the main transfer and with a flywheel of the store used as a source and the store of mechanical energy, through the complex differential mechanism with step-up gear. Besides drive shaft it is connected to a driving wheels on which the brake system is established.
Lack of this power unit is complexity of its design. The unit complicates application complex on a design and management of the differential mechanism from step-up gear and three systems of frictional management.
Last analogue is accepted as the prototype as the majority of its essential attributes coincides with attributes of the proposed power unit. The purpose of the present proposed invention is simplification of a design. The specified purpose is achieved by that, that the hybrid power unit of a vehicle containing a source of the electric power, through a control system connected with one or several reversible eiectromachines and the store of the electric power, the source-store of mechanical energy, one or several driving wheels on which the brake system is established, distinguished by that, that the electromachine is established in the case of the unit with an opportunity of rotation of a stator and a rotor and has an opportunity of kinematical connection with the source-store of mechanical energy both one and several driving wheels.
The proposed invention is illustrated by the drawing where on figs 1 basic sheme of one of possible variants of performance of the hybrid power unit is shown. The hybrid power unit contains a source of the electric power 1 , through a control system 2 connected with the first electromachine 3 and the store of the electric power 4. The stator and a rotor of the first electromachine 3 have an opportunity of kinematical connection with the source-store of mechanical energy 5 and with a driving wheel 6 on which the brake system 7 is established.
The hybrid power unit of a vehicle works as follows.
In a mode of movement with small speed of the vehicle, the first electromachine 3 works in a mode of the generator. Electric energy acts in the store of the electric power 4 through a control system 2. The part of mechanical energy of the source-store of mechanical energy 5 is passed a driving wheel 6, at braking a rotor by a stator of the electromachine 3, arising as a result of interaction of their magnetic force fields.
In a mode of movement with average speed of the vehicle, the first electromachine 3 works in a mode of an electromagnetic brake. Electric energy acts on the first electromachine 3 through a control system 2 from a source of the electric power 1 and (or) from the store of the electric power 4. The part of mechanical energy of the source-store of mechanical energy 5 is passed a driving wheel 6, at braking a rotor by a stator of the electromachine 3, arising as a result of interaction of their magnetic force fields. In a mode of dispersal or movement with high speed of the vehicle, the first electromachine 3 works in a mode of the engine with a direction of rotation of the rotor, conterminous with a direction of rotation of the source-store of mechanical energy 5. Electric energy acts on the first electromachine 3 through a control system 2 from a source of the electric power 1 and (or) the store of the electric power 4. The part of mechanical energy of the source-store of mechanical energy 5 and the mechanical energy transformed from electric energy by the first electromachine 3 acts on a driving wheel 6. In a mode of the stop, the first electromachine 3 works in a mode of the engine with a direction of rotation of a rotor opposite to a direction of rotation of the source-store of mechanical energy 5 and there is an accumulation of mechanical energy in the source- store of mechanical energy 5. Electric energy can act on the first electromachine 3 through a control system 2 from a source of the electric power 1 and (or) from the store of the
electric power 4. In this mode the brake system 7 vehicles should block driving wheels 6.
In a mode of the backing, the first electromachine 3 works in a mode of the engine with a direction of rotation of a rotor an opposite direction of rotation of the source-store of mechanical energy 5. Electric energy can act on the first electromachine 3 through a control system 2 from a source of the electric power 1 and (or) from the store of the electric power 4.
In case of use of this power unit in a vehicle working in a mode with often stops, use of the power unit in addition containing the second reversible electromachine 8, connected kinematical with driving wheels 6, and with a control system 2 electrically, is possible. It allows increasing efficiency of application of the power unit as at braking a vehicle recuperation of energy is provided.
The second electromachine 8 works as follows.
In a mode of the smooth braking, the second electromachine 8 works in a mode of the generator. Thus there is a recuperation of energy at braking a vehicle. The produced electric energy acts in the store of the electric power 4 through a control system 2.
In a mode of movement with constant speed, smooth decrease or smooth increase of speed, dispersal or movement on rise of the vehicle, the second electromachine 8 can work in a mode of the engine. Electric energy acts through a control system 2 on the second electromachine 8 from a source of electric energy 1 and (or) the store of electric energy 4 and (or) the first electric machine 3. The mechanical energy transformed from electric energy by the second electromachine 8, is passed driving wheel 6.
In a mode of the backing, the second electromachine 8 can work in a mode of the engine with a reverse. Thus electric energy acts through a control system 2 on the electromachine
8 of a source of the electric power 1 and (or) the store of the electric power 4.
As a source of the electric power 1 the fuel element or the battery of accumulators, for example lead-acid accumulators, can be used.
For a vehicle with an external source of the electric power, for example a tram, a trolley bus or an electric locomotive, application of this source is possible as a source of the electric power of 1 power unit.
Besides use of an external source of the electric power 1 is possible only during a charge
(dispersal) of the source-store of mechanical energy 5 and (or) a charge of the store of the electric power 4.
As the source-store of mechanical energy 5 the flywheel-store [4] or a combination of the flywheel-store and the engine used as a source of mechanical energy, for example an internal combustion engine, connected to it kinematical can be used. Start-up of the engine can be carried out with the help of the first electromachine 3.
Besides use is possible as the flywheel-store of rotating parts of the thermal engine and
(or) the first electromachine 3.
The superflywheel [4] made of fibers or tapes, can be used as the flywheel - store. Specific mechanical energy of accumulation of such flywheel on the order is more than values of the given parameter for the best monolithic flywheels, besides it possess property of the safe break, which is not giving splinters.
Designs of the reversible electromachine are known well. The machine of a direct current
[3] can be used as the reversible electromachine. Such machine can work as the generator and as the recessive engine.
On the drawing of figs 2 the design of one of possible variants of installation of the reversible electromachine with an opportunity of rotation of a stator and a rotor is shown.
The design contains a frame 1 on which the reversible electromachine on bearings 2 and 3 is established. The case of the electromachine 4 inside which it is fixed by a stator 5, is connected to the source-store of mechanical energy (not shown) by means of a shaft 6.
The rotor of 10 eiectromachines is connected to driving wheels (are not shown) by means of a shaft 9. Electric connection between of a control system (is not shown) also by electromachine carried out by means of brushes 7 and established on the case of a shaft 6 of contact rings 8.
For simplification of a design of the power unit probably association of the first reversible electromachine and the flywheel-store in one device.
On the drawing of figs 3 the design of one of possible variants of such device is shown.
The design contains a frame 1 on which on ball-bearings 2 and 3 the reversible electromachine is established. The stator 5 and a part of the flywheel-store of the power unit 6 are fixed to the case of the electromachine 4. The part of the flywheel-store of the power unit 11 , the case 4 and the stator 5 of eiectromachines form the flywheel-store. The rotor of 10 eiectromachines is connected by kinematicly to driving wheel (are not shown) by means of a shaft 9. A current from a control system it (is not shown) it is brought to the electromachine by means of brushes 7 and of the contact rings 8 established on the case
of a shaft 6. The stator 5 is connected to the engine of a source of mechanical energy
(not shown) by means of a shaft 6.
For decrease in weight of the power unit probably association of the first and second reversible electromachine in one device in such a manner that rotating stator of the first electromachine or its part is used as a rotor of the second electromachine.
On the drawing of figs 4 the design of one of possible variants of such device is shown.
The design contains a frame 1 on which the first reversible electromachine is established on ball-bearings 2 and 3. The stator of the first electromachine 5 is fixed to the case 4. The stator of the second electromachine 11 is fixed to the case is fixed to a frame 1. The rotor of 10 eiectromachines is connected by kinematical to a source of mechanical energy (not shown) by means of a shaft 9. A current from a control system it (is not shown) it is brought to the electromachine by means of brushes of 7 and contact rings 8 established on the case of a shaft 6. The stator 5 it is connected by kinematical to driving wheels (are not shown) by means of a shaft 6.
The battery of electric condensers and (or) the battery of accumulators, for example the lead-acid accumulator, can be used as the store of the electric power.
The mechanical system of braking, for example usual hydraulic, can be used as brake system.
The proposed power unit can find wide application in vehicles, is especial for movement in city conditions when often and long stops take place.
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