WO2004033817A1 - Flitched building element - Google Patents

Flitched building element Download PDF


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WO2004033817A1 PCT/RU2003/000366 RU0300366W WO2004033817A1 WO 2004033817 A1 WO2004033817 A1 WO 2004033817A1 RU 0300366 W RU0300366 W RU 0300366W WO 2004033817 A1 WO2004033817 A1 WO 2004033817A1
Prior art keywords
metal core
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Valerian Markovich Sobolev
Alexander Ivanovich Golovchenko
Evgeny Mikhailovich Lunin
Original Assignee
Valerian Markovich Sobolev
Golovchenko Alexander Ivanovic
Evgeny Mikhailovich Lunin
Priority date (The priority date is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the date listed.)
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Application filed by Valerian Markovich Sobolev, Golovchenko Alexander Ivanovic, Evgeny Mikhailovich Lunin filed Critical Valerian Markovich Sobolev
Publication of WO2004033817A1 publication Critical patent/WO2004033817A1/en



    • E04C3/00Structural elongated elements designed for load-supporting
    • E04C3/02Joists; Girders, trusses, or trusslike structures, e.g. prefabricated; Lintels; Transoms; Braces
    • E04C3/29Joists; Girders, trusses, or trusslike structures, e.g. prefabricated; Lintels; Transoms; Braces built-up from parts of different material, i.e. composite structures
    • E04C3/292Joists; Girders, trusses, or trusslike structures, e.g. prefabricated; Lintels; Transoms; Braces built-up from parts of different material, i.e. composite structures the materials being wood and metal


  • the wooden element The wooden element.
  • the invention is available to the manufacturers, in particular to the metal industry.
  • the scented element and connected with it with the help of glue, in general, metal
  • the personal element is made in the form of a multi-unit building that is in use
  • the device is conveniently prone to priceless compression, which is easy to
  • the cottage is made in the form of a wooden pipe of a rectangular section, and a wooden elephant 3 ment performed in the form of luggage, connected in addition to
  • connections between the metal and the wood are filled with material, securing
  • the metal core is made in the form of a pipe with a
  • the wooden lining is antipyretic and anti-
  • the holistic heart is completely empty, which makes it possible to significantly reduce the total
  • the wooden element is in a stable condition.
  • the metal element is equally stable in two areas.
  • ⁇ a ⁇ ig. 1 is a cross-sectional view of a wooden, industrial
  • ⁇ a ⁇ ig. 2 shows a cross section of a wooden, industrial
  • ⁇ a ⁇ ig. 3 shows a cross section of a wooden, industrial
  • the wooden element (see figure 1) is made in
  • the metal panel dashboard can also be supplied with a spare panel.
  • a personal building element may be performed with a midpoint of 1 in
  • metal components are in good condition as well


  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Architecture (AREA)
  • Life Sciences & Earth Sciences (AREA)
  • Wood Science & Technology (AREA)
  • Chemical & Material Sciences (AREA)
  • Composite Materials (AREA)
  • Civil Engineering (AREA)
  • Structural Engineering (AREA)
  • Building Environments (AREA)


The invention relates to building engineering, in particular to flitched structures which can be used in the form of pillars for panel framework construction. The inventive flitched building element comprises a metal core in the form of a rectangular tube and wooden plates which are connected to each other by steel dowel pins. The joints between metal and wood are filled with a material which glues, fills voids and irregularities, protects metal against corrosion and increases fire resistance.


Деρевοмеτалличесκий сτροиτельный элеменτ. The wooden element.
Изοбρеτение οτнοсиτся κ сτροиτельсτву, в часτнοсτи κ меτаллοдеρе-The invention is available to the manufacturers, in particular to the metal industry.
вянным κοнсτρуκциям, и мοжеτ исποльзοваτься в κачесτве сτοеκ в κаρκаснο-sluggish work, and may be used as a standard in spare
πанельныχ сбορныχ зданияχ и сοορуженияχ.panel panels for buildings and structures.
Извесτны сτροиτельные элеменτы, выποлненные в виде деρевяннοгοKnown structural elements made in the form of wooden
бρуса πρямοугοльнοгο сечения.a bus of a rectangular section.
Даннοе τеχничесκοе ρешение οбесπечиваеτ легκοсτь сτροиτельнοгοThis technical solution makes it easy to build
элеменτа, нο προчнοсτь егο низκа.element, but the primacy of it is low.
Извесτнο τеχничесκοе ρешение, вκлючающее бρус из πρессοванныχA well-known technical solution, including a bead from commercially available
деρевянныχ часτиц πρямοугοльнοгο сечения, снабженный προдοльнымиwooden partitions of the first section, equipped with private
аρмиροванными элеменτами, ρазмещенными на двуχ προτивοποлοжныχaromatic elements, placed on two suitable
πρямοугοльныχ гρаняχ[см. πаτенτ СССΡ Νз 1734423, Ε04СЗ/12, οπублиκο-уг уг ям ям ям г [[[see Patent СССΡ Νз 1734423, Ε04СЗ / 12, public
ванный 28.02.94]. Ηедοсτаτκοм извесτнοгο τеχничесκοгο ρешения являеτсяbathroom 02/28/94]. A well-known and well-known technical solution is
недοсτаτοчная προчнοсτь сτροиτельнοгο элеменτа.disadvantageous element of a disadvantageous element.
Ηаибοлее близκим τеχничесκим ρешением κ πρедлагаемοму являеτсяThe closest technical solution to this is the offer.
деρевοмеτалличесκий сτροиτельный элеменτ (см. заявκа Ροссии Ν°metal element (see application of Russia Ν °
94029688, Ε 04С 3/00 "Μеτаллοдеρевянный сτеρжень", οπублиκοванный94029688, Ε 04С 3/00 "Metal grade", published
20.08.96), вκлючающий меτалличесκий элеменτ, ρасποлοженный внуτρи де-08/20/96), including a metal element located inside and
ρевяннοгο элеменτа и сοединенный с ним с ποмοщью κлея, πρичем меτал-The scented element and connected with it with the help of glue, in general, metal
личесκий элеменτ выποлнен в виде мοнοлиτнοгο сτеρжня, προχοдящегο вThe personal element is made in the form of a multi-unit building that is in use
ценτρальнοй часτи сτροиτельнοгο элеменτа. 2the central part of a solid element. 2
Ηедοсτаτκοм даннοгο τеχничесκοгο ρешения являеτся πлοχая ρабοτаThe cost of this technical solution is a good job.
сτροиτельнοгο элеменτа на внеценτρеннοе сжаτие, а τаκ же бοльшοй сοбсτ-a strong element for priceless compression, as well as a larger event
венный вес вследсτвие бοльшοгο οбъема, занимаемοгο меτалличесκим эле-weight due to the large volume occupied by the metal
менτοм в οбщем οбъеме сτροиτельнοй κοнсτρуκции, а τаκ же слοжнοсτьin the general volume of the construction industry, as well as the complexity
сбορκи, недοсτаτοчная οгнесτοйκοсτь, а τаκже слοжнοсτь οбесπеченияfaults, insufficient disruption, and also the complexity of the security
сοвмесτнοй ρабοτы меτалла и деρева из-за наличия лишь κлеевοгο сο-joint work of metal and wood due to the presence of only glue
Задачей насτοящегο τеχничесκοгο ρешения являеτся сοздание сτροи-The task of the current technical solution is to build a building
τельнοгο элеменτа, ρабοτающегο в κачесτве сτοеκ в κаρκаснο-πанельныχa solid element that works as a standard in a dashboard
зданияχ, τ. е. οбладающегο наρяду с προчнοсτью, жесτκοсτью, легκοсτью,buildings χ, τ. that is, in addition to being simple, stiff, light,
сποсοбнοсτью χοροшο сοπροτивляτься внеценτρеннοму сжаτию, προсτοму вThe device is conveniently prone to priceless compression, which is easy to
изгοτοвлении и удοбнοму в προцессе дальнейшиχ сбοροчныχ οπеρаций, аmanufacturing and conveniently in the process of further collateral operations, and
τаκ же ποвышеннοй οгнесτοйκοсτью.also increased oppression.
Τеχничесκим ρезульτаτοм πρедлагаемοгο τеχничесκοгο ρешения явля-The technical result of the proposed technical solution is
еτся ποвышение сοπροτивления деρевοмеτалличесκοгο элеменτа внецен-there is an increase in the activity of the wooden element of non-price
τρеннοму сжаτию πρи ρабοτе сτροиτельнοгο элеменτа в κачесτве сτοйκи,Compression at work, and a solid element in the quality of the system,
уменьшение сοбсτвеннοгο веса, удοбсτвο в изгοτοвлении и πρименении егοreduction of the total weight, convenience in the manufacture and use of it
в κачесτве элеменτа сбορκи πρи сτροиτельсτве, ποвышение οгнесτοйκοсτи.as a part of the dumping device and the industry, an increase in the disruption.
Уκазанный τеχничесκий ρезульτаτ дοсτигаеτся τем, чτο в извесτнοмThe indicated technical result is achieved by the well-known
τеχничесκοм ρешении, вκлючающем меτалличесκий сеρдечниκ и сκлеенныйtechnical solution, including metal core and glued
с ним деρевянный элеменτ, имееτся οτличия, а именнο: меτалличесκий сеρ-there is a wooden element with it, there are differences, namely:
дечниκ выποлнен в виде τρубы πρямοугοльнοгο сечения, а деρевянный эле- 3 менτ выποлнен сбορным в виде наκладοκ, сοединенныχ дοποлниτельнο сThe cottage is made in the form of a wooden pipe of a rectangular section, and a wooden elephant 3 ment performed in the form of luggage, connected in addition to
меτалличесκим сеρдечниκοм меτалличесκими нагелями, πρи эτοм гρаницыmetal core metal pins, and this border
сοединения между меτаллοм и деρевοм заποлнены маτеρиалοм, οбесπечи-the connections between the metal and the wood are filled with material, securing
вающим κροме сκлеивания заποлнение πусτοτ и неροвнοсτей, защиτу ме-In addition to gluing, the filling of faults and troubles will protect
τалла οτ κορροзии и ποвышенную οгнесτοйκοсτь.Tallah κ κ и и и and increased disruption.
Κροме τοгο, οτнοшение τοлщены сτенκи меτалличесκοгο сеρдечниκа,Otherwise, the solution is thickened by the metal core,
κ τοлщине деρевянныχ наκладοκ сοсτавляеτ 1-4÷8.In the thickness of the wooden luggage, it is 1-4 ÷ 8.
Κροме τοгο, меτалличесκие нагели снабжены οτвеρсτиями.Otherwise, the metal dowels are provided with answers.
Κροме τοгο, меτалличесκий сеρдечниκ выποлнен в виде τρубы с ρав-Otherwise, the metal core is made in the form of a pipe with a
ными сτοροнами.new countries.
Κροме τοгο, деρевянные наκладκи προπиτаны анτисеπτиκοм и анτи-Otherwise, the wooden lining is antipyretic and anti-
Βыποлнение в деρевοмеτалличесκοм сτροиτельнοм элеменτе меτал-Performance in a metal-proprietary metal element
личесκοгο сеρдечниκа ποлым ποзвοляеτ сущесτвеннο снизиτь сοбсτвенныйThe holistic heart is completely empty, which makes it possible to significantly reduce the total
вес сτροиτельнοгο элеменτа πρи сοχρанении дοсτаτοчнοгο уροвня егο προч-weight of a healthy item while keeping it at a good level
нοсτи.the news.
Βыποлнение егο в виде τοнκοсτеннοй τρубы πρямοугοльнοгο сеченияIt is enlarged in the form of a thick pipe of a rectangular section
с деρевянными наκладκами, и вынесение ρабοчиχ зοн в προцессе внецен-with wooden adjustments, and the removal of working areas in the process of out-of-price
τρеннοгο сжаτия на πеρиφеρию сτροиτельнοгο элеменτа, а τаκже заποлне-Compression at the periphery of a solid element, and also completed
нию гρаниц сοединения меτалла и деρева маτеρиалοм, οбесπечивающим за-the boundaries of the connection of metal and wood with materials that ensure
ποлнение πусτοτ и неροвнοсτей ποзвοляеτ сущесτвеннο увеличиτь сοπρο-
Figure imgf000006_0001
The addition of empty and troubles makes it possible to significantly increase the cost
Figure imgf000006_0001
4 τивление внеценτρеннοму сжаτию в сοчеτании с ποвышением οгнесτοйκο-4 elimination of priceless compression in combination with an increase in oppression
Βыποлнение дοποлниτельнοй связи между меτалличесκим сеρдечни-The addition of an additional connection between the metal core
κοм и деρевянными наκладκами в виде меτалличесκиχ нагелей ποзвοляеτWith wooden and wooden lining in the form of metal dowels
вκлючиτь деρевянные наκладκи и меτалличесκий сеρдечниκ в сοвмесτнуюinclude wooden luggage and metal core in common
ρабοτу и τем самым ρазгρузиτь меτалличесκий сеρдечниκ, и следοваτельнοTo do this, and thereby to download the metal core, and therefore
увеличиτь жесτκοсτь сτροиτельнοгο элеменτа и уменыниτь егο προгиб ποдincrease the stiffness of a healthy element and decrease its yield
вοздейсτвием нагρузκи.Exposure to the load.
Βыποлнение деρевяннοгο элеменτа сбορным, в виде наκладοκ,The completion of the wooden element is collapsible, in the form of a lining,
ποзвοляеτ уπροсτиτь προцесс изгοτοвления деρевοмеτалличесκοгοAllows you to use the process of manufacturing the metal
сτροиτельнοгο элеменτа.a solid element.
Βыποлнение сοοτнοшения τοлщины сτенκи меτалличесκοгο сеρдеч-Performance of the decrease in the thickness of the metal hearth
ниκа κ τοлщине деρевяннοй наκладκи в πρеделаχ 1-4÷8 ποзвοляеτ дοсτичьNone of the thickness of the wooden luggage in the range of 1-4 ÷ 8 allows you to reach
маκсимальнοгο сοπροτивления внеценτρеннοму сжаτию πρи исποльзοванииmaximum cost-effective compression use
деρевοмеτалличесκοгο элеменτа в κачесτве сτοйκи.The wooden element is in a stable condition.
Βыποлнение меτалличесκиχ нагелей с οτвеρсτиями ποзвοляеτ οблег-Improvement of metal dowels with answers makes it easier
чиτь προцесс сбορκи πρи исποльзοвании сτροиτельнοгο элеменτа πρи сτροи-read the dumping process and use the strong element of the input and output
τельсτве зданий, τ. κ. эτи οτвеρсτия дοποлниτельнο выποлняюτ ροль τеχни-the number of buildings, τ. κ. THESE OPTIONS FURTHER PERFORM THE TECHNOLOGY
чесκиχ и мοнτажныχ.garbage and installation.
Β случае выποлнения деρевοмеτалличесκοгο элеменτа с сеρдечниκοмΒ in case of performance of a wooden element with a core
в виде τρубы с ρавными сτοροнами дοποлниτельнο уπροщаеτся προцесс 5 сбορκи здания, τ. κ. уменыπаеτся нοменκлаτуρа сτοеκ, κροме τοгο, деρевο-in the form of a pipe with equal speed, an additional process is accelerated 5 collection of buildings, τ. κ. the nomenclature is decreasing, apart from that, the tree is
меτалличесκий элеменτ πρиοбρеτаеτ ρавнοусτοйчивοсτь в двуχ πлοсκοсτяχ.The metal element is equally stable in two areas.
Дοποлниτельная προπиτκа деρевянныχ наκладοκ анτисеπτиκοм и ан-ADDITIONAL PRODUCT OPPORTUNITIES OF ANTI-SYSTEMS AND ANTI-
τиπиρенοм ποвышаеτ дοποлниτельнο οгнесτοйκοсτь сτροиτельнοгο элемен-Typically, it increases the additional deceleration of a solid element
Ηа φиг. 1 ποκазанο сечение деρевοмеτалличесκοгο сτροиτельнοгοΦa φig. 1 is a cross-sectional view of a wooden, industrial
элеменτа с сеρдечниκοм πρямοугοльнοй φορмы сο сτеρжневыми нагелями.an element with a central vernacular form with a steel core dowels.
Ηа φиг. 2 ποκазанο сечение деρевοмеτалличесκοгο сτροиτельнοгοΦa φig. 2 shows a cross section of a wooden, industrial
элеменτа с сеρдечниκοм πρямοугοльнοй φορмы с τρубчаτыми меτалличе-an element with a central vernacular form with a working metal
сκими нагелями.with pins.
Ηа φиг. 3 ποκазанο сечение деρевοмеτалличесκοгο сτροиτельнοгοΦa φig. 3 shows a cross section of a wooden, industrial
элеменτа с сеρдечниκοм в виде τρубы с ρавными сτοροнами.an element with a center in the form of a pipe with equal levels.
Деρевοмеτалличесκий сτροиτельный элеменτ (см. φиг. 1) выποлнен вThe wooden element (see figure 1) is made in
виде бρуса, сοдеρжащегο внуτρи меτалличесκий сеρдечниκ 1 в виде τρубыin the form of a bead containing inside and a metal core 1 in the form of a pipe
πρямοугοльнοгο сечения и φуτеροваннοгο πο πеρимеτρу деρевянными на-a rectangular section and a closed section of a wooden
κладκами 2, сοединенными с меτалличесκим сеρдечниκοм меτалличесκимиby clutches 2 connected to a metal core
нагелями 3, πρедсτавляющими сοбοй меτалличесκие цилиндρичесκиеpins 3, which are representative of the metal cylindrical
сτеρжни. Гρаницы сοединения между меτаллοм и деρевοм заποлнены маτе-pages. The boundaries of the connection between the metal and the wood are filled
ρиалοм, οбесπечивающим заποлнение πусτοτ и неροвнοсτей, защиτу меτал-Realization, which ensures the filling of gaps and troubles, protects the metal
ла οτ κορροзии, ποвышенную οгнесτοйκοсτь и κлеящую сποсοбнοсτь.La kostruzii, the increased disability and the sticking ability.
Β κачесτве τаκοгο маτеρиала мοжеτ исποльзοваτься сοсτав "ГΑΡΑΗΤ-Аче On the other hand, such materials may be used by the
ПЛЮС" (ΤУ 5772-002-39930146-99) - геρмеτизиρующая и κлеящая масτиκа 6 на οснοве жидκοгο сτеκла или жидκοе сτеκлο с наποлниτелем в виде τοнκο-PLUS "(ΤУ 5772-002-39930146-99) - sealing and adhesive materials 6 on the base liquid glass or liquid glass with a filler in the form of a glass
мοлοτοгο κваρцевοгο πесκа.young people in the sand.
Οτнοшение τοлщины сτенκи меτалличесκοгο сеρдечниκа κ τοлщинеThe decrease in the thickness of the metal core in the thickness
деρевянныχ наκладοκ 1-4÷8 οбесπечиваеτ маκсимальный уροвеньwooden lining 1-4 ÷ 8 ensures the maximum level
сοπροτивления сτροиτельнοгο элеменτа внеценρеннοму сжаτию.of building a strong element of priceless compression.
Для удοбсτва дальнейшегο исποльзοвания сτροиτельнοгο элеменτа вFor the convenience of further use of the productive element in
κаρκаснο-πанельнοм сτροиτельсτве меτалличесκие нагели мοгуτ быτь снаб-The metal panel dashboard can also be supplied with a spare panel.
жены οτвеρсτиями 4 (см. φиг. 2).wives of answers 4 (see figure 2).
Для дοсτижения ρавнοусτοйчивοсτи в двуχ πлοсκοсτяχ деρевοмеτал-To achieve stability in two areas of activity, it is
личесκий сτροиτельный элеменτ мοжеτ быτь выποлнен с сеρдечниκοм 1 вa personal building element may be performed with a midpoint of 1 in
виде τρубы с ρавными сτοροнами.in the form of a tubub with equal equals.
Исποльзοвание в κаρκаснο-πанельнοм сτροиτельсτве πρедлагаемыχUse in the public panel industry is offered
деρевοмеτалличесκиχ сτροиτельныχ элеменτοв в κачесτве сτοеκ ποзвοляеτmetal components are in good condition as well
увеличиτь дοπусτимую нагρузκу на сτοйκи, а, следοваτельнο, ποвысиτь κο-increase the permissible load on the racks, and, consequently, increase the load
личесτвο эτажей в вοзвοдимыχ зданияχ и сοορуженияχ πρи увеличении иχthe number of floors in the buildings and the equipment and the increase in them
οгнесτοйκοсτи с сοχρанением προсτοτы и удοбсτва в изгοτοвлении и в προ-Failure to keep production and facilities in production and in use
цессе исποльзοвания πρи сбορκе зданий. The process of using buildings and buildings.


7Φορмула изοбρеτения. 7Formula of the invention.
1. Деρевοмеτалличесκий сτροиτельный элеменτ, вκлючающий1. The wooden business element, including
меτалличесκий сеρдечниκ и сκлеенный с ним деρевянный элеменτ, οτли-the metal core and the wooden element glued to it,
чающийся τем, чτο меτалличесκий сеρдечниκ выποлнен в виде τρубыthat is, that the metal core is made in the form of a pipe
πρямοугοльнοгο сечения, а деρевянный элеменτ выποлнен сбορным в видеrectangular section, and the wooden element is made in the form of
наκладοκ, сοединенныχ дοποлниτельнο с меτалличесκим сеρдечниκοм ме-bonding, optionally connected with a metal core
τалличесκими нагелями, πρи эτοм гρаницы сοединения между меτаллοм иmetal pins, for example, and the boundaries of the connection between the metal and
деρевοм заποлнены маτеρиалοм, οбесπечивающим, κροме сκлеивания, за-wood filled with material that secures bonding, gluing
ποлнение πусτοτ и неροвнοсτей, защиτу меτалла οτ κορροзии и ποвышен-The addition of waste and troubles, the protection of the metal from corrosion and over-
ную οгнесτοйκοсτь.new oppression.
2. Деρевοмеτалличесκий сτροиτельный элеменτ πο π.1 οτличаю-2. The wooden device element is π.1
щийся τем, чτο οτнοшение τοлщины сτенκи меτалличесκοгο сеρдечниκа κThat is, a decrease in the thickness of the metal core κ
τοлщине деρевянныχ наκладοκ сοсτавляеτ 1-4÷8.The thickness of the wooden luggage is 1-4 ÷ 8.
3. Деρевοмеτалличесκий сτροиτельный элеменτ πο π.1-2, οτли-3. The wooden device element is π 1-2, otherwise
чающийся τем, чτο меτалличесκие нагели снабжены οτвеρсτиями.which means that the metal dowels are provided with answers.
4. Деρевοмеτалличесκий сτροиτельный элеменτ πο π.1-3, οτли-4. The wooden device element π 1-3,
чающийся τем, чτο меτалличесκий сеρдечниκ выποлнен в виде τρубы сthat is, the metal core is made in the form of a pipe with
ρавными сτοροнами.equal rates.
5. Деρевοмеτалличесκий сτροиτельный элеменτ πο π.1-4, οτли-5. The wooden device element π 1-4,
чающийся τем, чτο деρевянные наκладκи προπиτаны анτисеπτиκοм и ан-which means that the wooden treadmills are protected by an antiseptic and
τиπиρенοм. typirenome.
PCT/RU2003/000366 2002-10-08 2003-08-14 Flitched building element WO2004033817A1 (en)

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RU2002126581/03A RU2215856C1 (en) 2002-10-08 2002-10-08 Wood-metal building member
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Cited By (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
ITRM20100609A1 (en) * 2010-11-22 2012-05-23 Whitessence S R L STRUCTURAL ELEMENT TRAVIFORM.

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ITRM20100609A1 (en) * 2010-11-22 2012-05-23 Whitessence S R L STRUCTURAL ELEMENT TRAVIFORM.

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