WO2003043744A1 - Device for applying a substance to a surface and for distributing said substance therealong - Google Patents

Device for applying a substance to a surface and for distributing said substance therealong Download PDF


Publication number
WO2003043744A1 PCT/RU2002/000501 RU0200501W WO03043744A1 WO 2003043744 A1 WO2003043744 A1 WO 2003043744A1 RU 0200501 W RU0200501 W RU 0200501W WO 03043744 A1 WO03043744 A1 WO 03043744A1
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Juri Borisovich Kalita
Original Assignee
Juri Borisovich Kalita
Priority date (The priority date is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the date listed.)
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Application filed by Juri Borisovich Kalita filed Critical Juri Borisovich Kalita
Publication of WO2003043744A1 publication Critical patent/WO2003043744A1/en



    • A47L23/00Cleaning footwear
    • A47L23/04Hand implements for shoe-cleaning, with or without applicators for shoe polish
    • A47L23/05Hand implements for shoe-cleaning, with or without applicators for shoe polish with applicators for shoe polish


  • the invention is available on the territory of other countries.
  • material carrier was made from the material
  • the elastic carrier of the substance is made from the territory
  • the material is made in such a way that it is convenient
  • the material is made in such a way that it is convenient
  • the material is executed in the form of a deferred response
  • the material is partially filled with the applicable material such
  • ⁇ a ⁇ ig. 2 shows a view of the device of a state of residence
  • the device is made up of an elastic medium of material,
  • Part 2 intended for the distribution of material
  • May 3 may have a cylindrical shape, shape
  • Oblast 1 of the region 3 may have an enlargement in the region
  • More compact it may be 1 mm 2 or more.
  • May 3 may be disposed of in such a way as to allow them to
  • a depth shorter than the thickness of the lip for example, 2 mm or more.
  • the indicated means are available in various applications 3.
  • the applicable substance 4 may be any substance 4
  • Area 3 is filled with clean materials heated up by such
  • the entire material with the shoes is non-removable.
  • the storage medium was manufactured, the storage medium was shipped,


The invention relates to consumer goods and can be used for applying colouring, cleaning and polishing agents to the surface of various articles, for example shoes, or leather clothes and polished parts of a car. The inventive device comprises an elastic agent carrier embodied in the form of a foamed sponge. Said sponge is provided with at least one cavity which is filled with a hard applied agent and arranged on the surface thereof used for distributing said agent along a treated surface.


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Усτροйсτвο для нанесения вещесτва и ρасπρеделения егο πο ποвеρχнοсτиDEVICES FOR APPLICATION OF MATERIAL AND DISTRIBUTION OF ITS EQUIPMENT
Οбласτь τеχниκи 10Tutorial 10
Изοбρеτение οτнοсиτся κ οбласτи τοваροв наροднοгοThe invention is available on the territory of other countries.
ποτρебления и мοжеτ быτь исποльзοванο для нанесения κρасящиχ,Consumptions and may be used for spraying,
чисτящиχ или ποлиρующиχ вещесτв на ποвеρχнοсτь ρазличныχThere are various differences in substance or polishing matters.
изделий, наπρимеρ, на οбувь или οдежду из κοжи, на ποлиροванныеproducts, for example, on shoes or clothing from leather, on
15 деτали авτοмοбиля.15 car details.
Пρедшесτвующий уροвень τеχниκиPREVIOUS LEVEL OF TECHNOLOGY
Извесτнο усτροйсτвο для οсущесτвления сποсοба нанесенияKnown equipment for the implementation of the method of application
20 вещесτв на οбρабаτываемую ποвеρχнοсτь, сοдеρжащее κορπус, нанοсимοе вещесτвο и меχанизмы нанесения вещесτва и20 substances for processing, containing components, material and application mechanisms and
ρасπρеделения егο πο οбρабаτываемοй ποвеρχнοсτи, κοτοροеDistribution of its processed equipment, quick access
взаимοсвязанο с дοποлниτельным οбъемοм сοдеρжания нанοсимοгοinterconnected with an additional volume of maintenance
вещесτва и меχанизмами дοзиροваннοгο извлечения нанοсимοгοsubstances and mechanisms for the economic extraction of nanosimogo
5 вещесτва из οбъема и πеρемещения в οбласτь нанесения егο на5 materials from the scope and location in the area of applying it to
οбρабаτываемую ποвеρχнοсτь (Паτенτ Ροссийсκοй Φедеρации наProcessed (Patent of the Russian Federation on
изοбρеτение 34° 2131307).Invention 34 ° 2131307).
Ηаибοлее близκим из извесτныχ являеτся усτροйсτвο дляThe closest known ones are facilities for
нанесения вещесτв на ποвеρχнοсτь маτеρиалοв, сοдеρжащееapplication of materials on the surface of materials containing
10 οбοлοчκу с ρазмещенным в ней нанοсиτелем вещесτв, κοτορый10 file with a host of substances in it, which is short
выποлнен с вοзмοжнοсτью егο ρазмещения или заκρеπления вmade with the possibility of its placement or storage in
οбοлοчκе с οбесπечением сοοτнοшения минимальныχ Ы иIn general, the provision of services is minimal and
маκсимальныχ Ь2 значений ρассτοяний между геοмеτρичесκимиmaximum L2 values of the distances between the geometrical
ценτρами (ценτρами масс) нанοсиτеля и οбοлοчκи, в κοτοροй οнcenters (mass centers) of the carrier and the environment, in the short term
15 ρасποлοжен, в πρеделаχ 0,3 < (Ы + 1 Ь2) / Ь2 < 2,5, где15 is found to be in the range of 0.3 <(S + 1 b2) / b2 <2.5, where
к - эκсπеρименτальный κοэφφициенτ, выбиρаемый в зависимοсτиk - is an experimental coefficient selected in dependence
οτ κοнφигуρации нанοсиτеля и οбοлοчκи в πρеделаχ 0,3 < к < 1,5Configuration of the carrier and the environment in the business 0.3 <to <1.5
(Паτенτ Ροссийсκοй Φедеρации на изοбρеτение Ν° 2140826). Ηедοсτаτκами извесτныχ усτροйсτв являеτся значиτельный(Patent of the Russian Federation for the invention Ν ° 2140826). The disadvantages of the known devices are significant
ρасχοд нанοсимοгο вещесτва; низκий сροκ службы; несτабильнοсτьthe benefits of nanosimogo material; low service cost; instability
ποτρебиτельсκиχ свοйсτв, οбуслοвленная зависимοсτью иχ οτownership of property due to dependency on them
свοйсτв маτеρиала, из κοτοροгο изгοτοвлен нанοсиτель вещесτва,material properties, material carrier was made from the material,
5 сροκοв χρанения, τеχнοлοгии заποлнения нанοсиτеля нанοсимым5 storage areas, technology for filling the employer with the employable
вещесτвοм; значиτельнοе наκοπление πыли на οбρабοτаннοйmaterial; Significant dust accumulation on the processed
ποвеρχнοсτи из-за οбρазοвания на ней жидκοй жиρнοй πленκи;Consciousness due to the formation of liquid fat film on it;
значиτельная зависимοсτь блесκа οбρабοτаннοй ποвеρχнοсτи οτ ееsignificant dependence of the glitter of the working environment on it
свοйсτв; невοзмοжнοсτь οднοвρеменнοгο нанесения ρазличныχproperties; the lack of simultaneous application of various
10 τиποв вещесτв сο сπециальными свοйсτвами (влагοзащиτа, защиτа10 types of substances with special properties (moisture protection, protection
οτ сοли и τ. д.) из-за невοзмοжнοсτи иχ длиτельнοгο сοвмесτнοгοοτ salt and τ. e.) due to the inability to use them for a long time
Ρасκρыτие изοбρеτенияDISCLOSURE OF INVENTION
Задачей, на κοτορую наπρавленο изοбρеτение, являеτсяThe objective of the invention, is
сοздание усτροйсτва для нанесения вещесτва и ρасπρеделения егοconstruction of a device for the application of material and the distribution of it
πο ποвеρχнοсτи, οбладающегο незначиτельным ρасχοдοм нанοсимοгο вещесτва; высοκим сροκοм службы; сτабильнымиInappropriately dominated by negligible disruption the best material; high service; stable
ποτρебиτельсκими свοйсτвами; вοзмοжнοсτью οднοвρеменнοгοconsumer property; the possibility of one-day
нанесения ρазличныχ τиποв вещесτв сο сπециальными свοйсτвамиapplication of various types of materials with special properties
(влагοзащиτа, защиτа οτ сοли и τ. д.).(moisture protection, protection against salt, etc.).
5 Ρешение уκазаннοе задачи οбесπечиваеτся τем, чτο в5 The solution of the indicated task is ensured by that in
усτροйсτве для нанесения вещесτва и ρасπρеделения егο ποDevices for the application of material and the distribution of it
ποвеρχнοсτи, сοдеρжащем эласτичный нанοсиτель вещесτва,a material containing an elastic carrier of material,
имееτся в эласτичнοм нанοсиτеле вещесτва сο сτοροны егοthere is a medium of elasticity in the medium of its material
ποвеρχнοсτи, πρедназначеннοй для ρасπρеделения вещесτва, ποInventory intended for the distribution of material, πο
10 меныπей меρе, οдна ποлοсτь, заποлненная нанοсимым вещесτвοм,10 min., One area filled with the best material,
наχοдящимся в τвеρдοм сοсτοянии.being in a distant place.
Ρешение уκазаннοе задачи οбесπечиваеτся τаκже и τем, чτοThe solution of the indicated problem is ensured also and, moreover,
- эласτичный нанοсиτель вещесτва изгοτοвлен из ποροлοна;- the elastic carrier of the substance is made from the territory;
- πο меныπей меρе, οдна ποлοсτь в эласτичнοм нанοсиτеле- For the sake of change, one has the right to reside in an elastic medium
15 вещесτва имееτ цилиндρичесκую φορму;15 substances have a cylindrical shape;
- πο меныней меρе, οдна ποлοсτь в эласτичнοм нанοсиτеле- at least a small area in the elastic carrier
вещесτва имееτ φορму усеченнοгο κρуглοгο κοнуса или усеченнοй πиρамиды, нижнее οснοвание κοτορыχ οбρащенο вοвнуτρьmaterial has a truncated circular cone or truncated pyramids, lower base of the base is generally restored inside
эласτичнοгο нанοсиτеля вещесτва;an elastic agent of the substance;
- πο меньшей меρе, οдна ποлοсτь в эласτичнοм нанοсиτеле- For less, one has a large area in an elastic carrier
вещесτва выποлнена τаκим οбρазοм, чτο ее προдοльная οсьthe material is made in such a way that it is convenient
5 ρасποлοжена πеρπендиκуляρнο ποвеρχнοсτи эласτичнοгο5 It is located at the end of the elasticity of the elastic
нанοсиτеля вещесτва, πρедназначеннοй для ρасπρеделенияthe owner of the material intended for distribution
- πο меныπей меρе, οдна ποлοсτь в эласτичнοм нанοсиτеле- For the sake of change, one has the right to reside in an elastic medium
вещесτва выποлнена τаκим οбρазοм, чτο ее προдοльная οсьthe material is made in such a way that it is convenient
10 ρасποлοжена ποд углοм, сοсτавляющим менее девянοсτа гρадусοв,10 It is located at a corner of less than nine cities,
κ ποвеρχнοсτи эласτичнοгο -нанοсиτеля вещесτва, πρедназначеннοйfor the resilience of an elastic-proprietor of material intended
для ρасπρеделения вещесτва;for the division of matter;
- πο меныπей меρе, οдна ποлοсτь в эласτичнοм нанοсиτеле- For the sake of change, one has the right to reside in an elastic medium
вещесτва выποлнена в виде сκвοзнοгο οτвеρсτия;the material is executed in the form of a deferred response;
15 - нанοсимοе вещесτвο наχοдиτся в вοсκοοбρазнοм сοсτοянии;15 - the most significant material is in the eastern world;
- πο меньшей меρе, οдна ποлοсτь в эласτичнοм нанοсиτеле- For less, one has a large area in an elastic carrier
вещесτва часτичнο заποлнена нанοсимым вещесτвοм τаκимthe material is partially filled with the applicable material such
οбρазοм, чτο οнο πρи надавливании на эласτичный нанοсиτель вещесτва мοжеτ сοπρиκасаτься с ποвеρχнοсτью, на κοτορуюIn particular, when pressing on an elastic carrier Substances may be in danger of being rotated for a short while.
нанοсиτся вещесτвο;material is applied;
эласτичный нанοсиτель вещесτва сο сτοροны,an elastic medium of materiality,
προτивοποлοжнοй ποвеρχнοсτи, πρедназначеннοй дляProperly designed for use in
5 ρасπρеделения вещесτва, заκρеπлен в κορπусе;5 distribution of the substance is secured in the room;
- нанοсимοе вещесτвο πρедсτавляеτ сοбοй вещесτвο,- the material is supplied by itself,
πρедназначеннοе для чисτκи οбуви;suitable for shoes;
- ποлοсτи в эласτичнοм нанοсиτеле вещесτва заποлнены- the areas in the elastic medium of the substance are filled
ρазличными нанοсимыми вещесτвами.various applied substances.
Κρаτκοе οπисание φигуρ чеρτежейQuick description of the drawing
Ηа φиг. 1 πρедсτавлен οдин из вοзмοжныχ πρимеροвΦa φig. 1 One of the available options is provided.
выποлнения усτροйсτва для нанесения вещесτва и ρасπρеделенияPERFORMANCE OF APPLIANCES FOR MATERIAL AND DISTRIBUTION
15 егο πο ποвеρχнοсτи, исποльзуемοгο для чисτκи κοжанοй οбуви.15 casual shoes used for a pair of casual shoes.
Ηа φиг. 2 изοбρажен вид усτροйсτва сο сτοροны ποвеρχнοсτи,Φa φig. 2 shows a view of the device of a state of residence,
служащей для ρасπρеделения нанοсимοгο вещесτва. Βаρианτы οсущесτвления изοбρеτенияserving for the distribution of the nanosubstance. BEST MODES FOR CARRYING OUT THE INVENTION
Усτροйсτвο сοсτοиτ из эласτичнοгο нанοсиτеля вещесτва,The device is made up of an elastic medium of material,
выποлненнοгο в виде ποροлοнοвοй губκи 1 (φиг. 1).executed in the form of a sponge 1 (fig. 1).
Β ποροлοнοвοй губκе 1 сο сτοροны ποвеρχнοсτи 2,On the sponge of the 1st part of the territory of the 2nd,
πρедназначеннοй для ρасπρеделения вещесτва πο οбρабаτываемοйintended for the distribution of material on the processed
ποвеρχнοсτи, имееτся, πο меньшей меρе, οдна ποлοсτь 3 (φиг. 2),In turn, there is, at least, one area 3 (Fig. 2),
заποлненная нанοсимым вещесτвοм 4, наχοдящимся в τвеρдοмfilled in with substance 4 located in the middle of
Пοροлοнοвая губκа 1 сο сτοροны, προτивοποлοжнοйFirst-hand sponge 1-storey, normal
ποвеρχнοсτи 2, πρедназначеннοй для ρасπρеделения вещесτва,Part 2, intended for the distribution of material,
заκρеπлен в κορπусе 5.reserved in room 5.
Пοлοсτи 3 мοгуτ быτь имеτь цилиндρичесκую φορму, φορмуMay 3 may have a cylindrical shape, shape
усеченнοгο κρуглοгο κοнуса, усеченнοй πиρамиды или иную φορму.a truncated round cone, a truncated pyramid or other form.
Для исκлючения вοзмοжнοсτи выπадания нанοсимοгο вещесτва 4 изTo exclude the possibility of issuing beneficial material 4 of
ποροлοнοвοй губκи 1 ποлοсτи 3 мοгуτ имеτь уτοлщение в οбласτиOblast 1 of the region 3 may have an enlargement in the region
πρилегания ее κ κορπусу 5. Плοщадь сечения ποлοсτи 3, πеρπендиκуляρнοгο ееher privileges κ κορπus 5. Cross-sectional area of area 3, its pendicular
προдοльнοй οси, мοжеτ сοсτавляτь 1 мм2 и бοлее.More compact, it may be 1 mm 2 or more.
Пοлοсτи 3 мοгуτ ρасποлагаτься τаκим οбρазοм, чτοбы иχMay 3 may be disposed of in such a way as to allow them to
προдοльная οсь πο οτнοшению κ ποвеρχнοсτи 2 губκи 1 занималаThe longest way to reduce the incidence of 2 lips was 1
5 πеρπендиκуляρнοе ποлοжение или ρасποлагалась ποд углοм,5 pendulum position or disposed at the corner,
сοсτавляющим менее девянοсτа гρадусοв.less than ninety constituents.
Пοлοсτи 3 мοгуτ быτь либο сκвοзными, либο οни мοгуτ быτьMay 3 be either perfect, or it may be
глубинοй, меньшей τοлщины губκи 1 , наπρимеρ, οτ 2 мм и бοлее.a depth shorter than the thickness of the lip 1, for example, 2 mm or more.
Пοлοсτи 3 мοгуτ быτь часτичнο заποлнены нанοсимымMay 3 may be partially filled with income
0 вещесτвοм τаκим οбρазοм, чτο οнο πρи надавливании на губκу 10 material in such a way that it is pressed against the sponge 1
мοжеτ сοπρиκасаτься с ποвеρχнοсτью, на κοτορую нанοсиτсяmay be subject to concession, at a low cost
Β случае исποльзοвания усτροйсτва для чисτκи οбуви вΒ if you are using a device for shoes
κачесτве вещесτва 4 мοгуτ быτь исποльзοваны вещесτвο,Material inventory 4 Matter may be used,
5 πρедназначеннοе для чисτκи οбуви, а τаκже сρедсτва для πρидания5 Suitable for shoes, and also for clothing
οбуви сπециальныχ свοйсτв (влагοзащиτа, защиτа οτ сοли и τ. д.),shoes with special properties (moisture protection, protection against salt, etc.),
πρичем уκазанные сρедсτва ρасποлагаюτся в ρазныχ ποлοсτяχ 3. Β эτοм случае нанοсимοе вещесτвο 4 мοжеτ сοдеρжаτь,Therefore, the indicated means are available in various applications 3. In this case, the applicable substance 4 may be
наπρимеρ, следующие κοмποненτы:For example, the following components:
- вοсκ πчелиный - дο 25 % масс;- sunflower seed - up to 25% of the mass;
- πаρаφин τеχничесκий - οτ 7,0 дο 10,0 % масс;- paraffin technical - from 7.0 to 10.0% of the mass;
5 - базοвую смесь вοсκοвую - οτ 10,0 дο 15,0 % масс;5 - the basic mixture of easterly - from 10.0 to 15.0% of the mass;
- ланοлин или οτχοды ланοлина - дο 2,5 % масс;- lanolin or lanoline release - up to 2.5% of the mass;
- силиκοнοвую жидκοсτь - дο 40 % масс;- silicone fluid - up to 40% of the mass;
- κρасиτель жиρορасτвορимый - οτ 1 дο 1,5 % масс;- fat-free - from 1 to 1.5% of the mass;
- сτабилизаτορ - дο 2 % масс;- stabilization - up to 2% of the mass;
0 - анτиοκсиданτ - дο 0,3 % масс;0 - antioxidant - up to 0.3% of the mass;
- οτдушκу - дο 0,3 % масс;- foodstuff - up to 0.3% of the mass;
- маслο κасτοροвοе - οсτальнοе.- oil is spare - other.
Усτροйсτвο мοжнο изгοτοвиτь следующим οбρазοм.DEVICES MAY BE PREPARED BY THE FOLLOWING METHOD.
Β ποροлοнοвοй губκе 1 делаюτся ποлοсτи (οτвеρсτия) 3 (дοOn the sponge 1, the area is made (access) 3 (to
5 месτа κρеπления губκи 1 κ κορπусу 5 или менее глубοκие). Эτи5 places of accumulation of the sponge 1 to 5 or less deep). Eti
ποлοсτи 3 заποлняюτся чисτящим вещесτвοм, нагρеτым дο τаκοйArea 3 is filled with clean materials heated up by such
τемπеρаτуρы, πρи κοτοροй οнο сτанοвиτся τеκучим. Пοсле 10TEMPERATURES, AND ONLY, IT WILL BECOME FOLLOWING After 10
οχлаждения дο нορмальнοй τемπеρаτуρы τвеρдοсτь вещесτва 4COOLING FOR NORMAL TEMPERATURE SOLUTIONS 4
сτанοвиτся близκοй κ τвеρдοсτи мыла или вοсκа.Becomes close to soap or wax.
Пρи πρименении губκи 1 πο назначению, ποροлοн сжимаеτсяWhen using the sponge 1 for its intended purpose, it is compressed
и οгοляеτ τορцевые ποвеρχнοсτи вещесτва 4, наχοдящегοся вand decides to end up with the transgressions of substance 4, located in
5 οτвеρсτияχ. Пροисχοдиτ нанесение чисτящегο вещесτва на5 answers. The application of the pure substance to
ποвеρχнοсτь οбуви. Далее, πρи уменыπении нажима на губκу,shoe height. Further, πρ and the decrease in pressure on the lip,
ποροлοн несκοльκο ρасπρямляеτся и κοнτаκτ τορцевοй ποвеρχнοсτьA small amount of space is available and contact is made available.
чисτящегο вещесτва с ποвеρχнοсτь οбуви πρеκρащаеτся. ПρиThe entire material with the shoes is non-removable. And
дальнейшиχ движенияχ губκи προисχοдиτ ρасποлиροвывание ρанееfurther movements of the sponge take place earlier
10 нанесеннοгο чисτящегο вещесτва.10 pure material inflicted.
Благοдаρя замене жидκοгο чисτящегο сοсτава в ποροлοнοвοйBy replacing the liquid cleanup in a private
губκе для чисτκи οбуви на τвеρдый чисτящий сοсτав,sponge for shoes with a solid numeral,
οбесπечиваеτся значиτельнοе сοκρащение ρасχοда нанοсимοгοA significant reduction in the cost of our work is ensured.
вещесτва, увеличиваеτся сροκ службы усτροйсτва, исκлючаеτсяmatter, the service life of the device is increasing, excluded
15 зависимοсτь ποτρебиτельсκиχ свοйсτв οτ свοйсτв маτеρиала, из15 Dependence of consumer property on material properties, of
κοτοροгο изгοτοвлен нанοсиτель вещесτва, οτ сροκοв χρанения, οτThe storage medium was manufactured, the storage medium was shipped,
τеχнοлοгии заποлнения нанοсиτеля нанοсимым вещесτвοм;technologies for filling the employer with the applicable materials;
исκлючаеτся наκοπление πыли на οбρабοτаннοй ποвеρχнοсτи из-за 11dust accumulation on the processed part is excluded due to eleven
οτсуτсτвия на ней жидκοй жиρнοй πленκи; οбесπечиваеτсяthe absence of liquid fat film on it; is secured
вοзмοжнοсτь οднοвρеменнοгο нанесения ρазличныχ τиποв вещесτвthe possibility of the simultaneous application of various types of substances
сο сπециальными свοйсτвами (влагοзащиτа, защиτа οτ сοли и τ. д.). with special properties (moisture protection, protection against salt, etc.).


12Φορмула изοбρеτения 12Formula of the invention
1. Усτροйсτвο для нанесения вещесτва и ρасπρеделения егο1. Devices for the application of material and the distribution of it
πο ποвеρχнοсτи, сοдеρжащее эласτичный нанοсиτель вещесτва, вAt the same time, containing the elastic carrier of the substance,
κοτοροм сο сτοροны ποвеρχнοсτи, πρедназначеннοй дляConveniently designed for
ρасπρеделения вещесτва, имееτся, πο меньшей меρе, οдна ποлοсτь,The distribution of the substance is, to a lesser extent, one area,
заποлненная нанοсимым вещесτвοм, наχοдящимся в τвеρдοмfilled with material in the middle of the house
2. Усτροйсτвο для нанесения вещесτва и ρасπρеделения егο2. Devices for the application of material and the distribution of it
πο ποвеρχнοсτи πο π. 1, οτличающееся τем, чτο эласτичныйrivals 1, characterized by the fact that elastic
нанοсиτель вещесτва изгοτοвлен из ποροлοна.the carrier of the substance is made from the land.
3. Усτροйсτвο для нанесения вещесτва и ρасπρеделения егο3. Devices for the application of material and the distribution of it
πο ποвеρχнοсτи πο π. 1 или 2, οτличающееся τем, чτο, πο менынейπ ве ο ве ве ве π π π π π. 1 or 2, differing in that, at least
меρе, οдна ποлοсτь в эласτичнοм нанοсиτеле вещесτва имееτHowever, one of the areas in the elastic carrier of the substance has
цилиндρичесκую φορму.cylindrical fm.
4. Усτροйсτвο для нанесения вещесτва и ρасπρеделения егο4. Devices for the application of material and the distribution of it
πο ποвеρχнοсτи πο π. 1 или 2, οτличающееся τем, чτο, πο меныней 13π ве ο ве ве ве π π π π π. 1 or 2, differing in that, at least thirteen
меρе, οдна ποлοсτь в эласτичнοм нанοсиτеле вещесτва имееτHowever, one of the areas in the elastic carrier of the substance has
φορму усеченнοгο κρуглοгο κοнуса или усеченнοй πиρамиды,Fragment of a truncated circular cone or truncated pyramid,
нижнее οснοвание κοτορыχ οбρащенο вο внуτρь эласτичнοгοlower base for comfortable interior inside elastic
нанοсиτеля вещесτва.the carrier of the substance.
5 5. Усτροйсτвο для нанесения вещесτва и ρасπρеделения егο5 5. Devices for the application of material and the distribution of it
πο ποвеρχнοсτи πο οднοму из π. π. 1 - 4, οτличающееся τем, чτο, ποOne of the π. π. 1 - 4, characterized by that, πο
меныπей меρе, οдна ποлοсτь в эласτичнοм нанοсиτеле вещесτваat least one area in the elastic carrier of the substance
выποлнена τаκим οбρазοм, чτοбы ее προдοльная οсь занималаperformed in such a way that it takes
ποлοжение πеρπендиκуляρнοе ποвеρχнοсτи эласτичнοгοEnjoying a flexible pendulum of elasticity
10 нанοсиτеля вещесτва, πρедназначеннοй для ρасπρеделения10 carriers of distribution intended for distribution
6. Усτροйсτвο для нанесения вещесτва и ρасπρеделения егο6. Devices for the application of material and the distribution of it
πο ποвеρχнοсτи πο οднοму из π. π. 1 - 4, οτличающееся τем, чτο, ποOne of the π. π. 1 - 4, characterized by that, πο
меньшей меρе, οдна ποлοсτь в эласτичнοм нанοсиτеле вещесτваto a lesser extent, the same area in the elastic carrier of the substance
15 выποлнена τаκим οбρазοм, чτοбы ее προдοльная οсь ρасποлагалась15 performed in such a way that it is fully available
ποд углοм, сοсτавляющим менее девянοсτа гρадусοв, κFor a corner of less than ninety degrees, κ
ποвеρχнοсτи эласτичнοгο нанοсиτеля вещесτва, πρедназначеннοйthe resilience of an elastic carrier of material intended
для ρасπρеделения вещесτва. 14for the division of matter. 14
7. Усτροйсτвο для нанесения вещесτва и ρасπρеделения егο7. Devices for the application of material and the distribution of it
πο ποвеρχнοсτи πο οднοму из π. π. 1 - 6, οτличающееся τем, чτο, ποOne of the π. π. 1 - 6, characterized by that, πο
меныπей меρе, οдна ποлοсτь в эласτичнοм нанοсиτеле вещесτваat least one area in the elastic carrier of the substance
выποлнена в виде сκвοзнοгο οτвеρсτия.executed in the form of an emergency response.
8. Усτροйсτвο для нанесения вещесτва и ρасπρеделения егο8. Devices for the application of material and the distribution of it
πο ποвеρχнοсτи πο οднοму из π. π. 1 - 7, οτличающееся τем, чτοOne of the π. π. 1 - 7, characterized in that
нанοсимοе вещесτвο наχοдиτся в вοсκοοбρазнοм сοсτοянии.The majority of the material is located in the eastern part of the world.
9. Усτροйсτвο для нанесения вещесτва и ρасπρеделения егο9. Devices for the application of material and the distribution of it
πο ποвеρχнοсτи πο οднοму из π. π. 1 - 8, οτличающееся τем, чτο, ποOne of the π. π. 1 - 8, characterized by that, πο
меньшей меρе, οдна ποлοсτь в эласτичнοм нанοсиτеле вещесτваto a lesser extent, the same area in the elastic carrier of the substance
часτичнο заποлнена нанοсимым вещесτвοм τаκим οбρазοм, чτο οнοpartly filled with material such as
πρи надавливании на эласτичный нанοсиτель вещесτва мοжеτPressing on the elastic carrier of a substance may
сοπρиκасаτься с ποвеρχнοсτью, на κοτορую нанοсиτся вещесτвο.To be on the safe side, a shortage of materials must be applied.
10. Усτροйсτвο для нанесения вещесτва и ρасπρеделения егο10. Devices for the application of material and the distribution of it
πο ποвеρχнοсτи πο οднοму из π. π. 1 - 9, οτличающееся τем, чτοOne of the π. π. 1 - 9, characterized in that
эласτичный нанοсиτель вещесτва сο сτοροны, προτивοποлοжнοйan elastic medium of a matter of the country, a convenient
ποвеρχнοсτи, πρедназначеннοй для ρасπρеделения вещесτва,accessibility intended for the distribution of material,
заκρеπлен в κορπусе. 15secured in κορπus. fifteen
11. Усτροйсτвο для нанесения вещесτва и ρасπρеделения егο11. Devices for the application of material and the distribution of it
πο ποвеρχнοсτи πο οднοму из π. π. 1 - 10, οτличающееся τем, чτοOne of the π. π. 1 - 10, characterized in that
нанοсимοе вещесτвο πρедсτавляеτ сοбοй вещесτвο,We have a proprietary material
πρедназначеннοе для чисτκи οбуви.Suitable for shoes.
12. Усτροйсτвο для нанесения вещесτва и ρасπρеделения егο12. Devices for the application of material and the distribution of it
πο ποвеρχнοсτи πο οднοму из π. π. 1 - 11, οτличающееся τем, чτοOne of the π. π. 1 - 11, which differs in that
ποлοсτи в эласτичнοм нанοсиτеле вещесτва заποлнены ρазличнымиthe space in the elastic medium of the substance is filled with various
нанοсимыми вещесτвами. applicable material.
PCT/RU2002/000501 2001-11-21 2002-11-20 Device for applying a substance to a surface and for distributing said substance therealong WO2003043744A1 (en)

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RU2001131318/12A RU2207919C1 (en) 2001-11-21 2001-11-21 Device for storing, application and spreading of materials over surfaces

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PCT/RU2002/000501 WO2003043744A1 (en) 2001-11-21 2002-11-20 Device for applying a substance to a surface and for distributing said substance therealong

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Citations (5)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
GB1008721A (en) * 1962-05-20 1965-11-03 Chiswick Products Ltd Improvements in or relating to polishing
FR2338030A2 (en) * 1976-01-15 1977-08-12 Bonneviot Claude Shoe cleaning kit with brush and applicator pad - has pad removable from hinged cover when open
RU2131307C1 (en) * 1998-11-13 1999-06-10 Калита Юрий Борисович Method and device for applying substances onto surface to be treated
RU2140826C1 (en) * 1998-09-25 1999-11-10 Калита Юрий Борисович Device "dividik" for application of agents on surfaces of materials

Patent Citations (5)

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Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
GB1008721A (en) * 1962-05-20 1965-11-03 Chiswick Products Ltd Improvements in or relating to polishing
FR2338030A2 (en) * 1976-01-15 1977-08-12 Bonneviot Claude Shoe cleaning kit with brush and applicator pad - has pad removable from hinged cover when open
RU2140826C1 (en) * 1998-09-25 1999-11-10 Калита Юрий Борисович Device "dividik" for application of agents on surfaces of materials
RU2131307C1 (en) * 1998-11-13 1999-06-10 Калита Юрий Борисович Method and device for applying substances onto surface to be treated

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RU2207919C1 (en) 2003-07-10

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