The present utility model refers to a new construction disposition introduced in electronic equipment meant to emission fiscal nature printed documents. Every business establishment must have a machine meant to register its sales, in accordance with the determination of the constituted fiscal authority. The Fiscal POS Equipment (ECF) is electronic equipment whose operation is ruled through specific legislation. Therefore, the fiscal authority must previously approve the equipment's project, in order to be verified the fulfillment of the legal specifications before it is made available to sale.
Therefore, this kind of fiscal equipment, in order to obtain the manufacturing approval, must be in accordance with the following demands:
1. It has a non-volatile memory capable of storing the accrued values corresponding to the daily sales. Normally, this non-volatile memory is an EPROM, memory chip, where the data can be stored only once in each position, but can be read indefinite times. This memory, called fiscal memory, must enable to store, besides the data relative to each of the selling operations, also equipment manufacturing number. The fiscal memory must obligatorily be fixed to the equipment chassis, so that its separation is not possible in operational conditions. In other words, the fiscal memory should not be possible to be removed or, even withdrawn, hindering to deprive the equipment original form of its characteristics. As consequence, once the storing capability limit of the fiscal memory is reached, the ECF must obligatorily be withdrawn from usage, even if it is in perfect conditions of use. 2. Generate a copy of each issued fiscal document, called second copy or carbon copy, according to legal requirement. This copy is a document that must be kept in perfect order and in hands of the issuing establishment for a minimum period of time determined in the legislation, which presently is 5 years. This legal obligation determines that the paper bobbin be of the copying type and the printing mechanism operates by impact, enabling the pressing down of the carbon material which will project the characters also on the second copy.
Therefore, the ECF has to issue the fiscal documents through an impact printing mechanism (most times matrix ones) Such need is responsible for some indispensable characteristics of this mechanism action through impact printing, but which are, nevertheless, undesired ones, such as the generation of noise during its operation, limited graphic quality and low speed, resulting from the limitation provided by the use of needles
However, the adoption of an impact printing mechanism is justified by the strict need of obtaining second copies Other, more efficient printing techniques have already been available for a long time, such as the thermal, laser or ink jet, but they do not fulfill this demand
Another not less important problem generated by the conventional ECF is the second copies bobbins storage, which demand a large availability of appropriate physical space The required physical space, besides not contributing directly to the commercial results improvement, also spends resources for the generation and maintenance of this material conditions preservation, such as control of fire risks, humidity, fungi, insects and rats rapid growth The loss or deterioration of these fiscal documents, independently of the reasons, may seem to the public revenue a potential act of unlawful withholdment hiding The only one interested in the information preservation contained in the second copy is the fiscal authority, as it can use it in the future during an audit Unlike, the taxpayer, besides not getting any pecuniary advantage from such fact, must as well spend resources with it No fiscal issuing equipment known up to nowadays presents sufficient technology for the generation of information corresponding to the second copies in another form besides paper
The object of the present utility model comes to solve in an efficient way the limitations found in the fiscal documents issuing machines known up to the present time This is achieved through a new concept of product, which involves the data digital storage corresponding to the second copy of the document issued in a specific, non-volatile memory, positioned in the ECF in a detachable form In this way, each fiscal document second copy is
transformed in an electronic LOG, where there are stored all pertinent pieces of information, making the use of paper dispensable for this purpose.
This new constructive disposition introduced in ECFs results in following important advantages: • less physical space necessary for the storage of fiscal information demanded by law (from paper bobbin to memory chip);
• total warranty of the information integrity, which is not verified in the information contained on paper.
This new memory cannot be the same fiscal memory already existing in the ECFs, as the purposes to which are meant is different.
While the fiscal memory must be fixed and sealed in the chassis, the storage memory of sales data have to, on the contrary, be easily and rapidly detachable, after its memory capacity is worn out, and then be stored.
This variation makes the storage of small memories much more viable to the taxpayer, as each chip has a much higher capacity than a paper bobbin. Also the fiscal authority has direct benefits, for it enables the audit procedure automation, making it easier and more trustful.
There is still another significant advantage offered by the ECF proposal due to the fact that the printing mechanism is not any longer limited to the impact type, because it is not necessary to print a second copy any more. It is, therefore, free to adopt any other non-mechanic printing forms, such as laser, thermal or ink jet, which present a better graphic quality, higher printing speed and lower noise levels.
In short, the following advantages of the present construction disposal introduced in ECFs in relation to other known equipment are:
* Economic advantages
• need of paper bobbins for just one copy, reducing the quantity of paper and dispensing the carbon film or similar one; • storage of information corresponding to the second copy in magnetic medium, which drastically reduces the physical space needed to store the same amount of information, as each storage unit of one electronic LOG can
memorize information referring to various bobbins.
* Tributary advantages
• warranty of data integrity;
• possibility of stored information reproduction immediately; • possibility of fiscal audits automation;
* Functional advantages
• independence of the ECF printing method, being possible to be used methods with higher speed, better graphic quality and less noise emission;
• exemption of the storage condition techniques control for the second copies paper bobbins, which is an organic material subject to deterioration;
• speed and easiness of access to the specific fiscal audit information;
* Environmental advantages
• less consumption of paper;
• removal of high levels noise emissions characteristic of the impact printing; In order to help the present utility model understanding, this will be described in details, with basis on the following drawings:
Figure 1 : diagram of a conventional ECF;
Figure 2: diagram of the new proposed disposition for the ECF.
Figure 1 presents schematically a conventional arrangement, which comprises an input unit of the sales data (1) for an ECF (2), which has internally a microprocessor (CPU) (3), a fiscal memory (4) and an impact printing mechanism (5). The printing mechanism (5) presses down a two copies bobbin, with a copy medium, such as carbon film or similar, the first one (6) being detached to the consumer, while the second copy (7) is again rolled on a bobbin in order to be stored afterwards during the period of time established by the fiscal legislation.
Figure 2 details the new proposed construction disposition, which comprises an input unit of the sales data (1') for the ECF (2'), also with a microprocessor internally (3') and a fiscal memory (4'). For the data digital storage, the ECF (2') has a compactation module (8) of the fiscal information corresponding to the second copy and a data storage module (9). This storage module (9) refers to a memory or a set of non-volatile memories, such as
EPROM memories, flash memories, E2PROM memories, floppy disk, hard disk and other adequate ones. The information is stored in such way that its simple reading makes no sense without the knowledge of the cryptography algorithm of these values. As any memory presents data storage limits, its change is unavoidable after the wearing out of this limit. Therefore, there are foreseen physical and logical media (10) for the substitution of the full storage module (9). The media (10) comprises mechanical linkages (connections) and electronic linkages (contacts) ones of the storage module (9) with the internal part of the ECF (2). These linkages may be of different types, as long as they fulfill the conditions of workability and safety of the ECF operation.
With this form of data digital storage it is extinguished the usage restriction of an impact printing mechanism of fiscal document, being possible to substitute the same for a non-mechanical printing mechanism.