USRE7654E - Improvement in fruit-driers - Google Patents

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USRE7654E US RE7654 E USRE7654 E US RE7654E
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  • the chief objectof my invention isto divide the general current of heated air, and direct the smaller currents .into separate fines or airpassages, and to the under side of drying screens or trays with perforated bottoms, thus allowing the dry air to pass up through the screens or trays with perforated bottoms, and come in contact with the fruit foronly a moment, and then pass on to escape from the drying-cham ber without more contact with the fruit or material to be dried.
  • My invention consists, first, of a dryingchamber having a series of separate fines or air-passages, provided with drying screens or trays with perforated bottoms; and, secondly, in an inclined series of separate lues and perforated trays, arranged between a lower and an upper air-passage, and in other improvements,v
  • the drying-chamber may be of any suitable form, and yet I prefer, as most economical, a narrow inclined box, as shown at H, Fig. l.
  • the sides of this box have strips or tracks a, Fig. 2, fastened' to the inner sides, for the purpose of supporting the drying-screens or fruit'- trays, the bottoms of which are perforated for the passage of hot air, as will be hereafter explained.
  • A is the top view, showing strips c c, on which the fruit is to be placed, so as to lie in the track of the currents of-hot air which rises n i between these strip-s,
  • the fruit is put upon the trays, which are then slid into the lower end of the box H, resting on the slides or tracks a, the forward tray or trays being pushed or slid upward and forward by each succeeding tray till the series is complete; and as the fruit becomes dry enough the upper tray is removed from the box through the dischargedoor H', which is provided with a perforated plate or wire screen, h.
  • the door H serves to inspect the fruit and the progress ofthe drying, and the lower door H' is for the entrance of the trays. All of these doors are represented in black lines as open, and in dotted lines as closed. It', upon inspection, the fruit is not dry enough in the upper trays, the contents of two trays may be put into one tray and the drying continued, while a tray of fresh fruit is added at the lower end of the box, keeping the series complete.
  • the standard K supports the upper end of the box, and is hinged thereto for the purpose of raising or lowering the upper end of the box, thus changing the inclination when desired, and consequently increasing or diminishing the speed of the current of air through the box.
  • I 'claim- 1 In a fruit-drier, the combination of an ⁇ lupper and a lower inclined hot-air chamber or flue and a series of perforated trays, constituting the partition between the two inclined ues, substantially as set forth.
  • a drier In a drier, the combination of an upper and a lower inclined hot-air chamber or flue and a series of perforated trays, each tray forming a short vertical flue leading from the lower to the upper inclined flue, substantially as speciied.
  • a drier In a drier, the combination of a lower and an upper inclined hot-air chamber or iue, the lower communicating with the upper by passages formed in each of a series of trays, which separate the two inclined lues, the whole adapted to convey heated air through the contents ot' the trays, and then discharge it directly into aiiue connecting with the open air.
  • the inclined box or ue H divided or separated by the trays and flues A B C D E F into a lower air-supply passage and an upsubstantially as set forth.
  • the tray B'for drying fruit constructed with beveled ends a b, close sides and ends, and slat bottom c c c, substantially as and for the purpose described.
  • V9 A series ofues, formed'substantially in the manner described, for dividing' the general supply-current of hot air, thus directing each smaller current to aseparate parcel of fruit 'upon a perforated tray or screen, substantially as set forth.


To allwhom @trudy/cortesia: Y f Be` it `known, thatl I, BENJAMIN s I4. yRYIER, of ,Chambersburg,` in th'fe Vriounty'of Franklin andi ,StateotBennsylyaiiia, haveinven ted cerf: tain newandl'fuseful Improvementsjin Fruit- Driers aiid I dohereby, declare thatthe. -following 'is a full, clear, and'exact/description thereof, that will enable:others,skilledfinfthe artl touw hichy it'apprtai'ns 'tofrnake an duse the same, reference being z hdto 'the 4accornp'an yin g ld rawin gs, and f :to the )letters of-refereuce marked'thereon, ',hich` forma part ofthis speciicatioinan'd infwh'ich drawii'lgs-V `l is a'yertical and;` .longitudinal sec Figs'.` 2 and'3 are views tion of iny fruit-drier. ofthe trays or screens detached.
The chief objectof my invention isto divide the general current of heated air, and direct the smaller currents .into separate fines or airpassages, and to the under side of drying screens or trays with perforated bottoms, thus allowing the dry air to pass up through the screens or trays with perforated bottoms, and come in contact with the fruit foronly a moment, and then pass on to escape from the drying-cham ber without more contact with the fruit or material to be dried.
My invention consists, first, of a dryingchamber having a series of separate fines or air-passages, provided with drying screens or trays with perforated bottoms; and, secondly, in an inclined series of separate lues and perforated trays, arranged between a lower and an upper air-passage, and in other improvements,v
all of which will be fully understood by the following description.
In carrying out the first part of my invention the drying-chamber may be of any suitable form, and yet I prefer, as most economical, a narrow inclined box, as shown at H, Fig. l. The sides of this box have strips or tracks a, Fig. 2, fastened' to the inner sides, for the purpose of supporting the drying-screens or fruit'- trays, the bottoms of which are perforated for the passage of hot air, as will be hereafter explained. y
The construction of the separate drying- Screens or fruit-trays is shown in Figs. 2 and 3.
A is the top view, showing strips c c, on which the fruit is to be placed, so as to lie in the track of the currents of-hot air which rises n i between these strip-s,
Y' 1Q iiylyfl'ro''visiviENT-'ltranlflFDRiERs.` 'i
',May i, 17877 grappneatio'uieu Junges; 18,76.P
asindicated .byarrows The v,end view of Vthese'traysis shown' atB, and vthe lower edge of theselendsis beveled', as y seen, at a! 1,1,fsowas tol it the Vslides Aag'on 'whichjthe ,trays restwhenin placieqfThese screens or'trays are remo'vable,and,` when placed in thechamber H, theylit together, thus' forming 'an inclined series of Vseparate fines orair-passages', arranged 'like' a series Iof stairs, each having a separate Ytray/,as seenfat AjBO DLE F.'-V The hot airfrorn thegstove l and 'chamber J rises through' the lower air,- passage G, and passes through the Allues in' di,- 'ided,eurrents, and then escapesfthronghlthe upper air-passage G', whichl is wider at 'the upper end than below, while the passage G is wider, below than at its fu'p'per end. By Jthis arrangement fall the ues ares'upplied' witha full quantity of air and' fa'V strong current through the. perforated -bottoms of the trays;` and the air remains only a moment in contact with the fruit, and then passes off in the upper passage G', Without again touching the fruit.
The fruit is put upon the trays, which are then slid into the lower end of the box H, resting on the slides or tracks a, the forward tray or trays being pushed or slid upward and forward by each succeeding tray till the series is complete; and as the fruit becomes dry enough the upper tray is removed from the box through the dischargedoor H', which is provided with a perforated plate or wire screen, h. The door H serves to inspect the fruit and the progress ofthe drying, and the lower door H' is for the entrance of the trays. All of these doors are represented in black lines as open, and in dotted lines as closed. It', upon inspection, the fruit is not dry enough in the upper trays, the contents of two trays may be put into one tray and the drying continued, while a tray of fresh fruit is added at the lower end of the box, keeping the series complete.
The standard K supports the upper end of the box, and is hinged thereto for the purpose of raising or lowering the upper end of the box, thus changing the inclination when desired, and consequently increasing or diminishing the speed of the current of air through the box. In making this change, care must be taken to properly control the admission of air I do not limit my invention to the precise construction above described, sollong as the same principles and advantages are preserved,
Having thus described my invention, I 'claim- 1. In a fruit-drier, the combination of an` lupper and a lower inclined hot-air chamber or flue and a series of perforated trays, constituting the partition between the two inclined ues, substantially as set forth.
2. In a drier, the combination of an upper and a lower inclined hot-air chamber or flue and a series of perforated trays, each tray forming a short vertical flue leading from the lower to the upper inclined flue, substantially as speciied.
3. In a drier, the combination of a lower and an upper inclined hot-air chamber or iue, the lower communicating with the upper by passages formed in each of a series of trays, which separate the two inclined lues, the whole adapted to convey heated air through the contents ot' the trays, and then discharge it directly into aiiue connecting with the open air.
4. The construction and arrangement of the I series of trays and isolated lues A B U D E F, in combination with the inclined box H, -said ues and trays being placed between the air- `per escapepassage,
supply passage G vand theescape-.passage G', substantiallyas described.
5. The inclined box or ue H, divided or separated by the trays and flues A B C D E F into a lower air-supply passage and an upsubstantially as set forth.
In a drier, a series of sliding trays, in combination with the inclined boaY or Hue, H,
1substantiallyas and for the purposes set forth.
7. rEhe inclined chamber or box H, in combination with the perforated fruit trays or screens and a stove or hot-air-supply chamber or passage, substantially asspecied.
8. The tray B'for drying fruit, constructed with beveled ends a b, close sides and ends, and slat bottom c c c, substantially as and for the purpose described.
V9. A series ofues, formed'substantially in the manner described, for dividing' the general supply-current of hot air, thus directing each smaller current to aseparate parcel of fruit 'upon a perforated tray or screen, substantially as set forth.
10. A series of trays arranged in contact on aninclined slide or slides, and adapted to be moved, one after the other, over the'same track, the lowest tray pushing the others before it, substantially as set forth.
In testimony that I claim the foregoingl have hereunto set my hand this' 29th day or' April, 1876.
' BENJAMIN L. vRYDERl Witnesses:



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