USRE6363E - Improvement in stoves - Google Patents

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USRE6363E US RE6363 E USRE6363 E US RE6363E
United States
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Elihu Smith
Original Assignee
Samuel H
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  • Fig. 3 is a horizontal view taken at 1 the rear of the stove, and exposed to the radithe line No. 1 in Figs. 1 and 2.
  • Fig. 4 is a l ant heat from the re-pot, with a combustionhorizontal view taken at line No. 2 in Figs. chamber constituted by the space above the 1 and 2.
  • Fig. 5 is a horizontal view taken at fire-pot and around the lower portion of the line No. 3 in Figs. 1 and 2. fuel-reservoir, and set with mica lights in its My invention relates to that class of stoves walls.
  • A1 is the fire-pot section of the a combustion-chamberover thefire andaround casing above the base, and ineloses the ashthe lower portion of the fuel-reservoir, a depan chamber B and the fire-pot, made in the seending iiue at the rear of the stove, heated usual manner.
  • C is the grate.
  • D is the comby the radiant heat of the iirepot, and an asbustion-chamber,in which the gases are evolved cending iue near to or adjoining the said defrom the upper surface of the burning coals in seending iiue, of a hotgas-circulating chamthe fire-pot.
  • D are mica windows set in the ber below the ash-pan chamber and the botwalls ofthe said combustion-chamber, for transtom plate proper of the stove, in which the hot mission of light and heat to the room from gases from the combustion-chamber may be the interior of the said chamber.
  • F is a fueldrawn through the said descending fine, to reservoir suspended over the fire-pot, for suppass in a single current from rear to front on plying fuel thereto in a continuous manner.
  • one side, and thence backward to the rear on Made in the casing A1, opposite the space c the opposite side, to escape through the said iu the front or side of said casing, is the openascending exit-flue.
  • the portion ofthe stove between the said base and combustion-chamber-#that is, the fire-pot section- is intended to be preserved at a low temperature, so as to be capable of contributing but little to the warming of the room.
  • the hre-pot C is suspended or supportedwithin the casing A1, with a fire-space, e, between the same and the irepot, communicating with the ash-pan chamber below, but not with the chamber above.
  • a plate or plates, a arranged close to the upper portion of the fire-pot, and between it and the casing ofthe section A1, are employed.
  • a flue, d placed atthe rear of the fire-pot, and leading into the base-section A, conducts the current of the products of combustion from the combustion-chamber into the said baseseetion at the rear of the stove, so that the walls w of the casing of the section AJL at its sides and front maybe preserved at a comparatively low temperature by reason of the fire-space e between them and the fire-pot, in which fresh air may enter and operate as a nonconductor.
  • the air of the room may be made to circulate more' perfectly, so as to give a more healthy condition to the atmosphere by prevention ot' the stagnation of the air, and the room maybe more quickly and uniformly warmed than can be by stoves having all their parts ofabout the* same temperature, as in the case with stoves having the fire-pot section, combustion-chainber section, and base heated, and employing sheet or side iiues for a revertible draft, to cause the sections below the combustion-chamber to become highly heated for warmin g purposes.
  • the descending flue d through which the hot gaseous products of combustion are drawn from the combustion-chambe1 D, is located at therear of the tire-pot, in such a manner that the said llue may be highly heated by the radiant heat from the said tire-pot. Being thus placed and highly heated, the draft will be highly stimulated and rendered sharper than if the said flue were unaected by the heat radiated from the tire-pot.
  • Th'e gaseous products evolved from the surface of the burning coal, constantly and freshly supplied from the reservoir are drawn from the sides of the wall ofthe combustion-chamber, and from the mica lights set therewith, over the re toward and to the rear of the stove in a single volume to enter the descending line, as indicated by arrows in Fig. 3.
  • the mica lights placed in the walls of the combustion-chamber may be prevented from being dimmed or blackcned by the said gaseous products, as is the case in stoves employing side or sheet fines, dividing the volume ot' gases, and drawing the same into several currents by the drai't toward the said mica lights.
  • the great advantage obtained by thus preventing the dimming and blacking of the micas is the preservation of the condition necessary for obtaining great illumination from the fire, andthe transmission of the maximum quantity ot' heat that mica is capable of, which is twenty per cent. more than can be had by radiation from cast-iron heated by the vsame fire. rlhe hot gases drawn from the combustion-cham ber D in a single current through the descending flue d are discharged into the chamber E, made in the base A, (shown in Figs. 1, 2, and 4,) through the opening z.
  • the said chamber I denominate the hot-gascirculating chamber, lthrough which the hot gases pass from the opening z at the rear to the front on one side of a dividing plate or plates, x, and thence, entering into the opposite side through thepassage g, pass backward to the rear, performing a complete, or approximately complete, circuit underneath the bottom plate of the ash-pan chamber, and heating the entire circumference of the outer sides m of the said chamber. ⁇ Having completed the entire circuit of the said chamber, the gases will escape through the opening z, and enter the ascending flue d! as they are drawn to the chimney, after they have given oli'v by radiation and conduction nearly the entire quantity of heat which they carried from the combustionchamber.
  • the gas-circulating chamber is comprised by the plate u, forming its bottom, the plate A, forming the top, and also the bottom of the ash-pan chamber, and the inclined annular base-plate m, the sides.
  • the said inclined annular side plate is made with its greater diameter in its lower portion than in the upper part, as shown in Figs.
  • the said base-plate may be made with any desired form or conformation of surface which will permit the preserving of the inclined form described.
  • a stove or heater substantially as above described, a descending 'line placed at the rear, and an ascending line near to or adjoining the same, and a hot-gas-eirculating chamber located below the ash-pan chamber and the bottom plate proper of the stove, combined to operate substantially as set forth.


2 Sheets--Sheet I. E. SMITH.
Stove. *l N0, 6,363, v ReissuedMarch 30,1875.`
' Inl/entor:
2 Sheets--Sheet E. SMITH.
Reissued March 3o, 137.5.
Specification forming part of Letters Patent No. 88,986, dated April 13, 1869; reissue No. 5,709, dated December 30, 1873 ;reissue No. 5,962, dated J nly 7, 1874; reissue No. 6,091, dated October 20, 1874 reissue No. 6,363,
dated March 30,1875 application tiled March 19, 1875.
heated by the gases in combustion therein,
To all whom it may concern:
Beit known that I, ELIHU SMITH, of the and a base-chamber containing a gas-circucity and county of Albany, and State of New latin g chamber below, capable of being highly York, have invented certain new and useful heated by the hot gases drawn from the oomlinprovements in Self-Feeding' or Base-Burnbustion-chamber above, through a descending ing Fuel-Reservoir Stoves; and I do hereby line at the rear of the stove, all arranged in declare that the following is a description such a manner that the said section is capathereot',referencebeing hadtothe accompanyble of being heated only to a low temperature, and will intervene between the combusing drawings, forming part of this specification-chamber section and the base-chamber tion, in two sheets, in which- Figure 1 represents a sectional elevation of section, capable of being heated by the hot the stove, taken from front to rear, illustrating gases to a high temperature.
Another part of my invention consists in the the improvements in this invention. Fig.
combination of a descending flue, placed at is a sectional elevation taken in the transverse. Fig. 3 is a horizontal view taken at 1 the rear of the stove, and exposed to the radithe line No. 1 in Figs. 1 and 2. Fig. 4 is a l ant heat from the re-pot, with a combustionhorizontal view taken at line No. 2 in Figs. chamber constituted by the space above the 1 and 2. Fig. 5 is a horizontal view taken at lire-pot and around the lower portion of the line No. 3 in Figs. 1 and 2. fuel-reservoir, and set with mica lights in its My invention relates to that class of stoves walls. or heaters employing a fuel-reservoir sus- To enable others skilled in the art to make )ended over the tire-pot, and supplying fuel my invention, I will proceed to describe it to the same by gravity, and employing an upwith reference to the drawings, and the letters ward draft from the grate through the base of of reference marked thereon, the same letters the column of fuel into a fire-space or combusindicating like or similar parts in each figure. tion-chamber above the fire-pot; and it con- In the drawings, A represents the base of sists,in the one part, in the combination, with the stove. A1 is the fire-pot section of the a combustion-chamberover thefire andaround casing above the base, and ineloses the ashthe lower portion of the fuel-reservoir, a depan chamber B and the fire-pot, made in the seending iiue at the rear of the stove, heated usual manner. C is the grate. D is the comby the radiant heat of the iirepot, and an asbustion-chamber,in which the gases are evolved cending iue near to or adjoining the said defrom the upper surface of the burning coals in seending iiue, of a hotgas-circulating chamthe fire-pot. D are mica windows set in the ber below the ash-pan chamber and the botwalls ofthe said combustion-chamber, for transtom plate proper of the stove, in which the hot mission of light and heat to the room from gases from the combustion-chamber may be the interior of the said chamber. F is a fueldrawn through the said descending fine, to reservoir suspended over the fire-pot, for suppass in a single current from rear to front on plying fuel thereto in a continuous manner. one side, and thence backward to the rear on Made in the casing A1, opposite the space c the opposite side, to escape through the said iu the front or side of said casing, is the openascending exit-flue. ing A2, or door, through which the poker or Another part of my invention consists in a other instrument may be inserted for operasection of the stove incasing the fire-pot, with tion in the said space for the removal of the an air-space between the said fire-pot and the refuse matter on the grate. easing-walls of the said section, to prevent the In this stove it is intended to warm the room said walls from being highly heated, in commainly by means of the heat radiated from bination with a combustion-chamber section the base A or bottom portion of the stove, and above the fire-pot, and capable of being highly from the combustion-chamber D, and the heat transmitted through the mica lights D, made within the walls of the said combustioirchamber. The portion ofthe stove between the said base and combustion-chamber-#that is, the fire-pot section-is intended to be preserved at a low temperature, so as to be capable of contributing but little to the warming of the room. To accomplish this the hre-pot C is suspended or supportedwithin the casing A1, with a fire-space, e, between the same and the irepot, communicating with the ash-pan chamber below, but not with the chamber above. To cut off all communication of the said fire-space e with the combustion-chamber,
a plate or plates, a, arranged close to the upper portion of the fire-pot, and between it and the casing ofthe section A1, are employed. A flue, d, placed atthe rear of the lire-pot, and leading into the base-section A, conducts the current of the products of combustion from the combustion-chamber into the said baseseetion at the rear of the stove, so that the walls w of the casing of the section AJL at its sides and front maybe preserved at a comparatively low temperature by reason of the fire-space e between them and the fire-pot, in which fresh air may enter and operate as a nonconductor.
By thus heating the air of the room from the highly-heated combustion-chamber above and the hi ghly-heated base-section below, with the section A1 of lower temperature intervening between, a complete and thorough circulation of the air in the room may be eiiected,A
as the radiant heat from the combustion-chamber and thebase-section will act on the air in Contact with the wall of the said parts, to induce currents outward from the same, as indicated by arrows l and 2 in Fig. 2, while between the said currents will be induced a current of cooler air toward the stove, to replace the air thrown 'outward from above and below by the radiant heat from the combustion-chamber, as indicated by arrows 3 in Fig. 2.
By this operation of the said parts the air of the room may be made to circulate more' perfectly, so as to give a more healthy condition to the atmosphere by prevention ot' the stagnation of the air, and the room maybe more quickly and uniformly warmed than can be by stoves having all their parts ofabout the* same temperature, as in the case with stoves having the fire-pot section, combustion-chainber section, and base heated, and employing sheet or side iiues for a revertible draft, to cause the sections below the combustion-chamber to become highly heated for warmin g purposes. l
The descending flue d, through which the hot gaseous products of combustion are drawn from the combustion-chambe1 D, is located at therear of the tire-pot, in such a manner that the said llue may be highly heated by the radiant heat from the said tire-pot. Being thus placed and highly heated, the draft will be highly stimulated and rendered sharper than if the said flue were unaected by the heat radiated from the tire-pot. Th'e gaseous products evolved from the surface of the burning coal, constantly and freshly supplied from the reservoir, are drawn from the sides of the wall ofthe combustion-chamber, and from the mica lights set therewith, over the re toward and to the rear of the stove in a single volume to enter the descending line, as indicated by arrows in Fig. 3.
By thus placing the descending due, and causing the current ot' the gaseous products to escape from the combustion-chamber to the rear descending due, the mica lights placed in the walls of the combustion-chamber may be prevented from being dimmed or blackcned by the said gaseous products, as is the case in stoves employing side or sheet fines, dividing the volume ot' gases, and drawing the same into several currents by the drai't toward the said mica lights.
The great advantage obtained by thus preventing the dimming and blacking of the micas is the preservation of the condition necessary for obtaining great illumination from the fire, andthe transmission of the maximum quantity ot' heat that mica is capable of, which is twenty per cent. more than can be had by radiation from cast-iron heated by the vsame fire. rlhe hot gases drawn from the combustion-cham ber D in a single current through the descending flue d are discharged into the chamber E, made in the base A, (shown in Figs. 1, 2, and 4,) through the opening z. The said chamber I denominate the hot-gascirculating chamber, lthrough which the hot gases pass from the opening z at the rear to the front on one side of a dividing plate or plates, x, and thence, entering into the opposite side through thepassage g, pass backward to the rear, performing a complete, or approximately complete, circuit underneath the bottom plate of the ash-pan chamber, and heating the entire circumference of the outer sides m of the said chamber.` Having completed the entire circuit of the said chamber, the gases will escape through the opening z, and enter the ascending flue d! as they are drawn to the chimney, after they have given oli'v by radiation and conduction nearly the entire quantity of heat which they carried from the combustionchamber. rThe gas-circulating chamber is comprised by the plate u, forming its bottom, the plate A, forming the top, and also the bottom of the ash-pan chamber, and the inclined annular base-plate m, the sides. The said inclined annular side plate is made with its greater diameter in its lower portion than in the upper part, as shown in Figs. l and 2, so that the hot gases circulating within, and tending naturally to rise to the top of, the said chamber, will be forced, by the contraction ot' the said upper portion, to crowd down and more th r oughly heat the lower parts of the said sides The great advantage of this part of my inven forming tion is .to produce a high heating of the base of the stove by causing the hot gases drawn from the combustion-chamber into the charnber made in the said base to pass in a single and continuous current from rear to front on one side, and thence backward on the opposite side to their exit, that by their passage may impinge in part all around the interior of the said chamber, to highly heat the basesection and render it more e'ective for warming the air near the oor.
The said base-plate may be made with any desired form or conformation of surface which will permit the preserving of the inclined form described.
Base-plates inclosing side filles discharged into by sheet or side fines leading from the combustion chamber having inclined sides have been used; but such inclined sides were only partially heated, as the flues contained within occupied only a portieri of the sides et' the base, and did not encircle the whole circumference of the same, and the several currents passing into the base at different points toward a central flue, and from the said inclined sides, while, in my invention, the said inclined plate is impin ged on in its entire circumference by the hot gases circulating within the chamber in their passage from rear to front on one side, and thence backward to the rear on the other side. of the external surfaces of the said plate it will throw o' the heat at right angles with its surfaces at the dilerent points, substantially as indicated by arrows 2 in Figs. 2 and 3.
The ascending iiue d is located in close proximity with the descending flue d, and may be made to have wallsindepemlcnt ot those of the said descending flue, as shown, near to or adjoining the same. In either case the results will be the same, as the openings z z ,from the said tlues to the gas-circulating chamber would be at the rear ot' the said chamber, and so near each as to induce an approximately entire. circuit of the hot gases in the said chamber before their escape therefrom. Vith theimprovements abovedescribed in this invention is employed an air chamber, located entirely Within the hot-gas-circulating chamber E, as shown by dotted linesi'n Fig. 4, the sides ot' which would be heated by the hot gases circulating around such chamber. From the said central chamber is the fine 0, shown by dotted lines, extending upward through the By the inclined form ash-pan chamber, fire-pot, combustion-chamber, and reservoir, and open at the top of the stove. This vertical hot-air flue communicates with the space in the room to be warmed through lateral branch lues e, Fig. 1, which passes from the main upright flue through the combustion-chamber and the outer wall ot the same, for the purpose of discharging the heated air of the said main iiue lower down or nearer the door than the top of the stove when the valve s is closed; but when the said valve is opened the heated air will, in most part, be discharged from the top of the stove. An opening, h, closed by a cap, is provided for the purpose of cleaning the hotgas-circulating chamber.
Having described my invention, what I claim, and desire to secure by Letters Patent, 1s-
l. vIn a stove or heater, substantially as above described, a descending 'line placed at the rear, and an ascending line near to or adjoining the same, and a hot-gas-eirculating chamber located below the ash-pan chamber and the bottom plate proper of the stove, combined to operate substantially as set forth.
2. In a stove or heater, substantially as above described, a combustion-chamber above the firepot, a gas-circulating chamber in the base of the stove, beneath the aslrpan chamber and the bottom plate proper of the stove, a descending flue communicating from the combustion-chamber above to the said hotgas chamber, an ascending iiue located near the said descending line, and communicating` from the said gas-circulating chamber to the exit, and a fire-pot section, with an air-space between the tire-pot and its casing, substantially as set forth` 3. In a stove or heater, substantially as dcseribed, a combustiou-chamber inclosed by. a wall set with mica lights, and a fuel-reservoir terminating within the said combustion-chamber, and opposite said mica lights, combined with a descending iue located within the casing of the stove, in rear of and adjoining the fire-pot, heated by radiant heat from the latter, and communicating from the said combustion-chamber to the hot-gas chamber, located below the ash-pan chamber and in the base of the stove, substantially as set forth.
Witnesses: ELIHU SMITH.
B. BURTON, Jas. A. Genre.



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