USRE5438E - Improvement in re-winnowing attachments for thrashers - Google Patents

Improvement in re-winnowing attachments for thrashers Download PDF


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USRE5438E US RE5438 E USRE5438 E US RE5438E
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Johxt B. Padok
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  • this bed is preferably made of wood, covered with sheet metal on its upper surface, the wood and metal being perforated. as seen, the perforations being made sufficiently large to allow the grain to pass readily through them, and being countersunk on the upper surface, so as to present a somewhat roughened bed to the passing straw, and thereby more surely catching the grain in the passing straw.
  • a shaft, d d' At either end of the frame is a shaft, d d', the former having upon it four pulleys or rollers, e e e ef, the two former being outside of the side pieces, while the latter are inside.
  • 0n d are also two rollers, g g', both, however, inside of the side pieces.
  • the rollers e, e' and g g are'two endless belts, h It', connected by slats k k It, &c., and passing under the-roller m, Fig. 2, beneath the frame, and having its bearings in the arms u n', Fig. 1, attached to the side pieces.
  • the side pieces a a are made with an odset, as seen in Fig. 2, so that the plate w, which connects the lower edge of the end of the frame, is above the plate x, which connects the lower edge of the remainderot'the frame, there being a space between the bed B and the plate w, and a considerably broader or deeper space between such bed and the plate m.
  • This frame is attached in any suitable manner to the thrashing-machine directly beneath the chute or other device for discharging the straw after being thrashed, in such a manner that this straw shall fall upon the bars of the endless belts, the apparatus being set at, say, an angle ot' forty-tive degrees.
  • the pulley e is connected by a belt with the power driving the thrasher, which thus drives the belts, and by means of a belt, z, connecting the pulley e and the pulley p on the end of the fan-shaft, sets the fan in motion, a belt, b, on the other end of the fan-shaft communicating motion to the pulley of the worm-shaft t.
  • this apparatus is attached to the thrasher or separator in any suitable manner, and, if desired, it may be rendered adjustable to any desired angle by a very obvious and simple arrangement of pulleys. In general, however, I find that at an angle of forty-Eve degrees the' apparatus gives the best results.
  • Vating -pulleys all combined and constructed .


1. PADuN.
Re-Winnowing Attachment for Thrashers.
N0. 5,438. Re'ssued 1-une3,1873.
Au momilmoenAPg//cca N. f(osaoRNs'sPRacEsg`l UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE.
Specification forming part of Letters Patent No. 136,175, dated February 25, 1873; reissue No. 5,438, dated June 3, 1873 application filed May 17, 1573.
To all whom 'it may concern:
Beit known that I, JOHN B. PADoN, of Troy, Madison county, State of Illinois, have invented a new and useful Improvement in Re-VVinnowing Attachments for Thrashers, of which the following is a full, clear, and exact description, reference being had to the annexed drawing makingpart of this specilication, in which- Figure l represents a top plan of same. Fig. 2 represents a'longitudinal sectional view of same.
Similar letters indicate like parts.
In the ordinary grain separating and thrashing machines, no inconsiderable quantity of grain passes oli' in the straw and chalf, and is consequently lost, as the amount so carried away will not repay the labor of passing the straw again through the machine. To save this loss and yet not increase the labor is the object I have in view in the attachment to such machines hereinafter to be described.
It consists of a frame, A, formed oftwo side pieces, a af, Fig. 1, a, Fig. 2, connected by a suflicient number of cross-pieces, and having between them a perforated bed, B. In order to save weight, this bed is preferably made of wood, covered with sheet metal on its upper surface, the wood and metal being perforated. as seen, the perforations being made sufficiently large to allow the grain to pass readily through them, and being countersunk on the upper surface, so as to present a somewhat roughened bed to the passing straw, and thereby more surely catching the grain in the passing straw. At either end of the frame is a shaft, d d', the former having upon it four pulleys or rollers, e e e ef, the two former being outside of the side pieces, while the latter are inside. 0n d are also two rollers, g g', both, however, inside of the side pieces. 0n the rollers e, e' and g g are'two endless belts, h It', connected by slats k k It, &c., and passing under the-roller m, Fig. 2, beneath the frame, and having its bearings in the arms u n', Fig. 1, attached to the side pieces. These arms n n' also aiiord bearings to the shaft o, Fig. 2, ofthe fan D, Fig. 2, the fan being inclosed in a covering, s, and the shaft having on either end a pulley, p p', Fig. 1, be-
neath the bed B, and having its bearings in the side pieces in the shaft t of the worm E, Figs. 1, 2, inclosed, as seen in Fig. 2. The side pieces a a are made with an odset, as seen in Fig. 2, so that the plate w, which connects the lower edge of the end of the frame, is above the plate x, which connects the lower edge of the remainderot'the frame, there being a space between the bed B and the plate w, and a considerably broader or deeper space between such bed and the plate m. This frame is attached in any suitable manner to the thrashing-machine directly beneath the chute or other device for discharging the straw after being thrashed, in such a manner that this straw shall fall upon the bars of the endless belts, the apparatus being set at, say, an angle ot' forty-tive degrees. The pulley e is connected by a belt with the power driving the thrasher, which thus drives the belts, and by means of a belt, z, connecting the pulley e and the pulley p on the end of the fan-shaft, sets the fan in motion, a belt, b, on the other end of the fan-shaft communicating motion to the pulley of the worm-shaft t. falling upon the bars k le', Ste., is carried along and thrown from the upper end ofthe frame into the receptacle placed beneath it to receive it, but in its course over the bed B it drops the grain not already thrashed or separated from it, through the openings in the bed upon the plates 'w and x, whence it falls into the well of the worm E, which by its motion expels it at the side of the frame at H, Fig. 1. The fanD, being all the time in rapid motion, blows the chaff and other impurities through the opening G, between the plates x and w. The continual dropping of the straw on the bars la It', &c., gives them a vibratory movement, which aids'in freeing the grain from the straw.
As already stated, this apparatus is attached to the thrasher or separator in any suitable manner, and, if desired, it may be rendered adjustable to any desired angle by a very obvious and simple arrangement of pulleys. In general, however, I find that at an angle of forty-Eve degrees the' apparatus gives the best results.
The straw then i l What I claim as my invention, and desire and w, belts h h', bars k k', 8vo., fan D, worm to secure by Letters Patent, is E, and operating -plleys, the several parts l. The frame A, perforated bed B, plates m being cembined, constructed, and arranged as K aud w, belts hh, bars kk', 85e., fau D, and operand for'tlie purpose shown and speeied.
Vating -pulleys, all combined and constructed .A JOHN B. PADON.
and arranged as and for the purpose shown Witnesses: and specified. SAML. S. BOYD,
2. The frame A, perforated bed B, plates w CEAS. D. MOODY.



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