USRE4374E - Improvement in steam-engines - Google Patents

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USRE4374E US RE4374 E USRE4374 E US RE4374E
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Jojen Hoixpt
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  • Figure 2 a sectional plan view'of the same on the lille 1 2, Iig. 1.
  • a A represent the side walls of a furnace, between which are the usual grate-bars, a, and resting upon the top of this furnace, directly over the tire-place, is an upright cylindrical casing, B, closed at the top, and furnished with apipe, b, lig. 2, through which the smoke and other products of combustion cau pass tothe chimney.
  • a cylindrical reservoir, O of a diameter less than that of the casing B, is suspended within the latter in such a position that its curved bottom c shall bein close proximity to the fire, and so that an annular space, d, shall intervenevbetween itsfsides'and the said casing.
  • Two pipes, h and i, pass through the outer casing B, at points about opposite to each other, and communicate with the interior of the reservoir O, for a purpose described hereinafter.
  • F is a cylinder, which is contained partly within the reservoir O and paltlywithin the casing B, it but open at the bottom, where tlile is a pipe, j, provided with a valve or stop-cock, l, which is operated from without the casing by arod, m, iig. 2.
  • a piston, H is arranged to slide freely within the cylinder F, its rod p passing through the upper said cylinder and having secured to it a weight, q. l.lwo pipes, r Ir, open at their outer ends, communicate with the interior of the cylinder F, at a point above the casing c, and may, if desired,'bc provided with suitable cocks, or with valves opening'outward.
  • the exhaust-steam of a high-pressure engine which it is desired to use a second time in driving a low-pressule condensing-engine, is admittedinto the reservoir O through the pipe h, and passes from the same through the pipe i.
  • the reservoir should be eectuallyqheated, for which purpose it is placed over the furnace A, and entirely surrounded by the heated gases. &c., arising from thesame.
  • This plan also enables me to superheat the steam, if desired.
  • vpipe h is provided with a valve opening toward the reservoir, so that there shall be no back pressure from the latter prevent to interfere with the operation of the rst or highpressure engine.
  • a steam-reservoir provided with inlet and outletpipes h and i, communicating with a cylinder, in which is a weighted piston, H, and surrounded by a casing or jacket, B, through which heated prod'- ucts of combustion are arranged to pass, all substantially as hereinbefore described.


Improvement in Steam-Engines.
N0. 4.374. Reissued May 9,187I.
ttniih itii @anni dtfi.
being closed atthe top,
- und of the JOHN HonPl'r, or sPR'INe'TowN, PENNSYLVANIA.
' Latts Patent No. 90,265, dma uay1s, 1869; reissue No,4.314,daad uay 9,1871.
structed according to my invention, and
Figure 2 a sectional plan view'of the same on the lille 1 2, Iig. 1.
i, General Description. A A represent the side walls of a furnace, between which are the usual grate-bars, a, and resting upon the top of this furnace, directly over the tire-place, is an upright cylindrical casing, B, closed at the top, and furnished with apipe, b, lig. 2, through which the smoke and other products of combustion cau pass tothe chimney. A cylindrical reservoir, O, of a diameter less than that of the casing B, is suspended within the latter in such a position that its curved bottom c shall bein close proximity to the fire, and so that an annular space, d, shall intervenevbetween itsfsides'and the said casing.
Two pipes, h and i, pass through the outer casing B, at points about opposite to each other, and communicate with the interior of the reservoir O, for a purpose described hereinafter.
F is a cylinder, which is contained partly within the reservoir O and paltlywithin the casing B, it but open at the bottom, where tlile is a pipe, j, provided with a valve or stop-cock, l, which is operated from without the casing by arod, m, iig. 2.
A piston, H, is arranged to slide freely within the cylinder F, its rod p passing through the upper said cylinder and having secured to it a weight, q. l.lwo pipes, r Ir, open at their outer ends, communicate with the interior of the cylinder F, at a point above the casing c, and may, if desired,'bc provided with suitable cocks, or with valves opening'outward.
The operation of the apparatus is as follows:
The exhaust-steam of a high-pressure engine, which it is desired to use a second time in driving a low-pressule condensing-engine, is admittedinto the reservoir O through the pipe h, and passes from the same through the pipe i.
As the exhaust-steam is received directly from the engine in a series of puils of varying pressure, it is essential that this pressure should be eqnalized bcfore it is permitted to pass from the reservoir.
It is also necessary, in order to prevent the partial condensation of the steam, and consequent lowering of the pressure, that the reservoir should be eectuallyqheated, for which purpose it is placed over the furnace A, and entirely surrounded by the heated gases. &c., arising from thesame.
This plan also enables me to superheat the steam, if desired.
As the steam within the reservoir has free access to the interior of the cylinder F, through the opening in the cock l, it will, as its volume increases, have a tendency to raise the piston H, which, liowever, actuated by its ball, q, will bear downwardv with a pressure proportionate to the weight of the said ball, and will thus maintain the steam at aneven pressure, providing always that there be a sucient quantity of steam to slightly raise the piston IEI The-,object of the cock l is'to so regulate the passagev of steam into the cylinder F as to it from raising'the piston too suddenly.
If steam should continue to enter the reservoir, without being at the same time drawn od* from.the same, through the pipe i, the pressure-would not be increased, as the piston H would gradually rise to such a pointas to permit the surplus steam-'to pass olf through thefpipes r r.
In this way all liability to accident-arising from an increase of pressure in the reservoir is prevented.
VIt should be understood that the vpipe h is provided with a valve opening toward the reservoir, so that there shall be no back pressure from the latter prevent to interfere with the operation of the rst or highpressure engine.` v
-Instead ot'havng a separate furnace to heat the reservoir, the sameV result might be attained by causing the heated products of combustion from the boiler-furnace to pass through the casing B and around the said reservoir.
I claim as my invention- 1. A steam-reservoir, provided with inlet and outletpipes h and i, communicating with a cylinder, in which is a weighted piston, H, and surrounded by a casing or jacket, B, through which heated prod'- ucts of combustion are arranged to pass, all substantially as hereinbefore described.
'2. A pipe, r, arranged in respect to the cylinder F and its piston, as specified,
' 3. In the described combination of steam-cylindersot' high and low pressure, and apparatus for superheating, a supplemental cylinder with piston, in
combination with said superheater, whereby a varying. amount of steam can be retained at au even pressure, substantially as set forth, to be again usedY for driving a second engine.
BENJ. MoRIsoN, WM. H; MomsoN.



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