USRE2439E - Improvement in harvesters - Google Patents

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USRE2439E US RE2439 E USRE2439 E US RE2439E
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  • the nature of the .invention of the said STEPHEN A. LINDSAY relates to the attach! ment of an automatic rake, delivering the grain in the arc of a circle, to a harvester with a hinged platform; and consists in the manner of hinging the platform of the harvester and attaching the apparatus for supporting and driving the rake, and connecting the raking apparatus to the platform, so that both the platform of the harvester and the rake shall rise and descend simultaneously when the machine passes over uneven or broken ground.
  • A represents the frame of the machine, which is supported by the two driving-wheels B on the axle a, and by the caster-wheel c, which is secured to a brace on the front end of the frame.
  • This frame being supported by the three wheels described, cannot be raised or lowered, and its weight does not bear on the team, as in machines which are supported on two drivin g-whe'els only.
  • Within the frame A is hung another movable frame, which consists of two longitudinal bars, D, which are hung to the driving-shaft ci, and two crosspieces, E, to which the platform F is secured.
  • I-I represents a hand-lever, which is pivoted to the standard l, and has its fulcrum at c.
  • K represents a rod which is pivoted to the end of the hand-lever H, and the lower bent end'd of which supports the cross-bar J.
  • j' represents a stop-plate, which is secured to the side of the lever H, and the edge of which, when resting in one of the notches 1 of the .standard g, holds the lever H, and consequent] y the movable frame, in any desired position.
  • 12 represents a vertical shaft, which is held in its position and has its bearings in the vertical support L.
  • M represents a circular head-wheel, which is secured to the shaft 12, and which is rotated when the bevel-wheel N is operated upon by the bevel-wheel 0.
  • P represents four arms, to which the reels 2 and rake z are respectively secured.
  • ⁇ T represents the platform of the harvesting-machine.
  • n is the cutterbar, which is driven by the pitman o, the latter being actuated in the usual manner.
  • the frame oi the platform is composed of a fingerbar, U, which is hinged at p to the bar.
  • rakel z is shown as attached to one of thearms P, while the arrangement of the other armsis suchk as to actas reels, it being evident that in this could' not well be appliedto the Illillne.


' s. A. LINDSAY. r l
Specification forming part of Letters Patent hlm-26,944, dated August 2, 1859; `reissue No. 2,439, dated January 1,1867.
' tical section through the frame of the same.
The nature of the .invention of the said STEPHEN A. LINDSAY relates to the attach! ment of an automatic rake, delivering the grain in the arc of a circle, to a harvester with a hinged platform; and consists in the manner of hinging the platform of the harvester and attaching the apparatus for supporting and driving the rake, and connecting the raking apparatus to the platform, so that both the platform of the harvester and the rake shall rise and descend simultaneously when the machine passes over uneven or broken ground.
A represents the frame of the machine, which is supported by the two driving-wheels B on the axle a, and by the caster-wheel c, which is secured to a brace on the front end of the frame. This frame, being supported by the three wheels described, cannot be raised or lowered, and its weight does not bear on the team, as in machines which are supported on two drivin g-whe'els only. Within the frame A is hung another movable frame, which consists of two longitudinal bars, D, which are hung to the driving-shaft ci, and two crosspieces, E, to which the platform F is secured. The front ends of the bars D rest on a crossbar, p, which is provided at both its ends with circular guidepieces G, which can slide freely in suitable slots in the frame A, and which are perforated with holes 10 for the insertion of a pin to hold the frame in any desired position. I-I represents a hand-lever, which is pivoted to the standard l, and has its fulcrum at c. K represents a rod which is pivoted to the end of the hand-lever H, and the lower bent end'd of which supports the cross-bar J.
j' represents a stop-plate, which is secured to the side of the lever H, and the edge of which, when resting in one of the notches 1 of the .standard g, holds the lever H, and consequent] y the movable frame, in any desired position. 12 represents a vertical shaft, which is held in its position and has its bearings in the vertical support L. M represents a circular head-wheel, which is secured to the shaft 12, and which is rotated when the bevel-wheel N is operated upon by the bevel-wheel 0. P represents four arms, to which the reels 2 and rake z are respectively secured. Their inner ends are hinged or pivoted at the boxes or bearings K K to the standards Q, and can freely play on their hinged points, While the arms P are guided in their vertical motions by playingwithin the vertical guide-pieces R. represents frictionrollers, which turn on the brackets m, they being secured to the arms l. These frictionrollers Support the arms in their circular motionv by running on the guide-piece s, which is supported by suitable rods t. The shape of the latter is represented in Fig. 1. When seen in a top view it appears in a true circular shape, which has the shaft 12 as its center. Froma side view itappears as two half-circles, which are connected by inclnes, and as the rake-arms rest on said guide-pieceby means of their fric- Vtion-rollersit follows that they are raised and lowered alternately, according to the shape of the guide-piece s. `T represents the platform of the harvesting-machine. n is the cutterbar, which is driven by the pitman o, the latter being actuated in the usual manner. `The frame oi the platform is composed of a fingerbar, U, which is hinged at p to the bar. b,fan'd the frame-pieces V and W, which are 4hinged together at q, while the pieceT is hinged at'r to the bar m of the frame A.-v The outer end of the platform is supported by a caster-wheel, Y, the shaft of which passes through the framepiece W. Thus, it will be seen that, when the outer end of the platform is raised or lowered, it will turn freely on the hinged joints r and p.
But it is essen tial that the rake-head should move simultaneously with the platform, if the machine shall work without interruption. To
accomplish this I make the circular guide-piece s of two pieces, which are hinged together at u in such a manner that one of the pieces may l be turned on said hinges while the other remains.,A stationary, andfoonnect the;` 1no vabl'c part of the guide s to the frame of the platform raised orlowered by acorrespondin g movement;
of the platform, and thus the rake z and reels 2 are caused to clear the platformwiththe. same space between them, noimatterv to what position the platform is brought by the rough ness of the ground.y As abovedescribed, rakel z is shown as attached to one of thearms P, while the arrangement of the other armsis suchk as to actas reels, it being evident that in this could' not well be appliedto the Illillne.
The following is the arrangement-,by which the front, Bud. Of," the platform, may. beraiisd" or lowered Without interfering` with-the proper and effectual' operation of thevrake and, reels.
By operating the'lever H-y the bar 1) which is suspended to1 thevrod K, andconsequently the frames DF, andv the platform M are raisedandjlowered,'and as the finger-bar U ifsillinged' to the cross-bar b' it followsthat it woul'dftu'rn on said' hingeand'not participate in the movement of the frames, as',` described. To eiiect this simultaneous movement avbar, 3is employed, which is secured at 4f to the bar b. The endof the bar 3` is4 secured to` a` smallshaft, 5, wit hin thel bracket 6 on the stationary frame A, so that when the bar b isfraised4 or lowered the shaft 5 will be turned on` its bearings in the, bracket 6; 7' represents am other bar, which is pivotedat; 8- tothe shaft 5',
and the end 9 of which is firmly andj rigidly secured to the cutter-bar U,; and'f thu-s,` as the bar b israised or lowered; the shaft 5` will be turned and the bar Twill cause the cutter-bar U to follow the motionof the bar b, while the free motion of the platform'li is not interfered" with by reason of.' t'hepivoted joint atlv 8.
Having thus described,thenaiure-of the invention of the said;` STEPHEN A'. LINDSAY,
what is claimed therein as new, andldesiredi to be secured by Letters Patent, i's v l. An automaticrake delivering the grain in the arc of a circle, incombinationwith a;
hi ngedl platform. Y
2. The combination ofa revolvin g rake and reel an d a y hin ged; platfornn 3. The combination of a revolving rakel and `rcel, withahinged platform suspended from the main frame.'`
4.' In a harvester, having la revolving rake and reel, suspending the hinged platform to the main frame at one or more points between the drivingfwheels.
. 5. The combination of a revolving rake and reel'l witha hinged cutting apparatus, in such a manner that the said cutting apparatus can Lbe raised and lowered without changing the -relativepositionof the rake and reel to the platform.
(5X-The employment of radial reel and rake arms, attached to the central head or axis by independent hinges or pivots foreach radial .,@ILIL- arrangement a reel of the usual. construction 7 yAttaching the beaters and rakefh'ead'sat suchan anglewitha radial line that the rakeheads and' beaters shall approach to and'. pass Lover tliecutterin aline nearly parallelto the cutter when the axis of the rake andreel is located-in the rear of the cutteubar.
8. Thevboxes or1 bearings K K, for carrying the pivotedradi'al arms, in combination with the ccntral'- revolving hub. Y 9. rlfhe combination of a revolving rake and Ereel, al vibratingv frame, or its equivalent, and
a;.hinged platform.
10; Arranging the revolving rake and reel)- support tovibra'te about a gear-center, so that ther raising or lowering of the cutters does not interfere with the operation of the driving mechanism.
11i. The-combination of a revolving rake and reel apparatus, which is supported between 4the'd'ri'vvingwheels and a hinged platform by meansof an intermediate connecting-piece, for i thepurpose of'` conforming the movements of "the, rake to the4 platform in passing over unl even ground".
12.l The combination of a quadrant platform, `arhingedlinger-beam, and arframe supported 'on two wheels.
13; rEhe combination of a quadrant platform and ahinged finger-beam suspended from aiframe supported on two wheels.
14: The combination of a quadrant platform, a, hinged finger-beam, atwo-wheeled frame, `anda rake, movingin the arc of a circle.
oonNEmUs AunTM-AN.
Witnessesz XV. W. CLARK,` J, J. CLA-nic,



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