USRE15830E - Bailway-tbaffic-contkolling system - Google Patents

Bailway-tbaffic-contkolling system Download PDF


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USRE15830E US15830DE USRE15830E US RE15830 E USRE15830 E US RE15830E US 15830D E US15830D E US 15830DE US RE15830 E USRE15830 E US RE15830E
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Publication of USRE15830E publication Critical patent/USRE15830E/en
Expired legal-status Critical Current




    • B61L3/00Devices along the route for controlling devices on the vehicle or train, e.g. to release brake or to operate a warning signal
    • B61L3/16Continuous control along the route
    • B61L3/22Continuous control along the route using magnetic or electrostatic induction; using electromagnetic radiation
    • B61L3/221Continuous control along the route using magnetic or electrostatic induction; using electromagnetic radiation using track circuits


  • My invention relates to railway tratl'ic controlling systems, and particularly to systerns of the type wherein tratlic governing means located on a train or vehicle is controlled by energy received from the track way.
  • Fig. 1 is a diagrammatic view showing one form of traliic controlling system embodying my in- F ig. 2 is a view showing a modification of the system shown in Fig. l. and also embodying my invention. views showing still other modifications and also embodying my invention.
  • the reference characters It designate the track rails of a. railway, which rails are divided by insulated joints 2 to form blocks AB, ilk-C etc. Tratllc along the railway is normally in the direction indicated by the arrow. llxtending along the .trackway is an auxiliary conductor X which is preferably, though not m-eessarily located midway be -tween the track rails as shown in the drawing.
  • This ailxiliary conductor is divided, ,by insulation '2 or otherwise. at points substantially opposite the insulations in the 68 track rails, and is further divided in a simiwithin each block to lar manner at a point F.-
  • this auxiliary conductor is divided into a rear section A-E and a forward section E-B.
  • Each block is provided ivith a "t circuit comprising as usual the track rails of the block, a source of alternating signaling current connected across the rails adjacent. the exit end of the block, and a track relay connected across the rails adjacent the can trance end of the block.
  • the source of con rent for each track circuit is a secondary of a transformer which is designated. T with an exponent corresponding to the. location, and the relay for each track circuit. is designated by the reference character H, with an exponent corresponding to the lt'ication.
  • the track circuit for block BC comprises the secondary 3 of trans former T andrelay H.
  • Each secondary Z is connected with the rails by coiuluctors 4 and 5, which conductors include respectively the two wimlings 5 and (i of a rear tor the function of which will plained hereinafter.
  • the track re each block is connected directly across thetrack rails of the block, as shown.
  • the prin'iary windings of the several. transformers T are connected with t!.a1isn.i..- sion mains 'P which extend along the railway and to which alternating signali W cm rent is supplied by suitable means, such as by a generator N.
  • Means are provided for each hie supplying alternating signzmng cu the corresponding forward section 0 auxiliary conductor X, this supply controlled by the track relay for the next in advance so that such snp iiy continued when the block in advam it occupied.
  • this current suea secondary 7 of the transformer T at the exit end of the block. and is con-- trolled by a contact 9 ofthe track relay for the block next in advance.
  • The. return circuit for the current in conductor X is completed through the track rails in such manner that said current does not interfere with the supply of track circuit current. to the track rails from transformer secondary 3.
  • the circuit for the advance section E-B of the auxiliary conductor for transformer T through wire 8 contact 9 of'track rela ,HP, wire 10, resistance 11,
  • the reactor ⁇ V comprises the two windings 6-and 6on an iron core 17, arranged that when currents flow therethroughJ-fmm ,rail's R and R to secondary 7 as described, the flutes produced by the two windings neutralize each other and; so the device offers a low impedance to such current flow.
  • track circuit current flows from secondary 3 through winding 6 to rail R and back through winding 6* (or vice versa), .hence as'to this current the wind i 6 and 6' are in series and so the device V ll ifl'ers considerable impedance to such current flow.
  • This device is to prevent an abnormal flow of current from secondary 3 when the track, rails are bridged by the wheels and axles of a car or train. Another function will appear hereinafter.
  • Means are also provided for each block for supplying signaling current to the rear section of auxiliary conductor X for the block, this current supply likewise being controlled by the track re ay for the block next in advance.
  • the control in this instance is such, however, that current is constantly supplied to the rear conductor sec tion, but that this current is of one relative polarity or the reverse. according as the block next in advance is clear or occupied, it being understood that wherever the term polarity shall appear in this specification, or in the claims attached thereto, as a property ofa'n alternating current or voltage, it shall be construed to mean the instantaneous relative polarity of that current or voltage.
  • the circuit for the rear conductor section A-E of block A-B is from theleft-hand section of windings 13 and 13 of reactor M at loca' tion A, the two rails R and R in multiple, thence in opposite directions through the two windings of reactor WV at location B and of secondary 3 of transformer T wire 15 to the middle point of secondary 18.;
  • the action of reactors -M and W and of secondary v3 on current flowing in this circuit is the same as the action of these devices on the currentflowing through theforward section of conductor X.
  • the current which plied. to the rear conductor section I wil term current of normal larity.
  • /Vhen track relay-H is 0 en, us to the presence of a car or train in hlock BC or to some abnormal condition, the current for conductor section A-E flows from the right-hand half of secondary 18 of transformer T through wire 22', back point of relay contact 20, thence as before to the middle point of secondary 18. This current I will termcurrent of reveise polarity.
  • the cores 23 and 24 are located directly above the track rails R and B, respectively, whereas core 25 is located directly above the auxiliary conductor X. It is apparent, therefore, that when alternating current flows in track rail R, some of the magnetic lines of force surrounding this rail will ass through core 23 and so there will be an a ternatin magnetic flux in this core. Currents in mi R and in conductor X similarly create magnetic flux in cores 24 and 25, respectively.
  • Coils 26 and 26' are included in .series in a-circuit which comprises coil 26, wire 28. coil.26, wire 29. condenser 30, and wires 31, 32 and 33, which circuit I will. for convenience, designate circuit 11-.
  • Circuit b is also tuned to resonance at the signaling current fl'equcncy. with similar results. It follows that when the vehicle V occupies a block in which signaling currents are supplied to the track circuit and to the auxiliary conductor X, currents ⁇ 'lll flow in Coils 26 and 26 areconnected in this circuit in such manner that circuits a and b on the vehicle, and these currents will be of the same frequency as, and will have the same'phasc displacement as, thecurrents in the track circuit and auxiliarv conductor respectively. These currents, and the consequent potentials impressed on condensers 30 and 35, are, however, too feeble to reliably actuate trattic governing apparatus of a'ruggcd character, hence I preferably provide suitable.
  • amplifying or relaying apparatus which, in the form, here shown, comprises electron relays or amplitiers K, K K and K.
  • Each of these relays comprises a vacuum bulb 41 containing a filament 38,11 plate 40,:1nd a grid 39 interposed betwcen the two.
  • the filaments 5380f these relays are constantly heated by a battery 43 through circuits which will be obvious from th'drawingn Condenser 30 of circuit ais connected across the filament 38 and grid 39 of relay K, a blocking condenser 37 being included in the circuit.
  • the plate circuit of relay K is from a battery 44, through wires 45 and 46, across the gap between filament 38 and plate 40 of relay K primary of transformer 49, wire 48 to battery 44.
  • a condenser 47 is connected across the terminals of the primary of transformer 49. the circuit including this condenser and the transformer primary being tuned to resonance at the frequency of the signaling current.
  • the secondary of transformer 49 is connected across the filament 38 and grid 3! of the electron relay K.
  • the plate circuit of this latter relay is from battery 4-4 through wires 45, 31, 50 and 51, the gap between lilamcnt 3S and plate 40 of relay K", wire 52. winding of a relay F, and wire 54 to battery 44.
  • Connected across winding 5.) is a condenser 53, the circuit comprising condenser 53 and winding 55 being tuned to resonance at the frequency of the signaling current. It will be seen, therefore, that relay winding55 will be supplied with current of the same frequency as that. which is supplied to the track circuit. but that this current will be of considerably greater magnitude and so is of sufiicient value to reliably actuate an el'ectrol'nagnetic or induction motor relay of rugged design.
  • the current induced in the vehicle-carricd circuit 1) is similarly amplified by the two electron relays K and K", the plate (ir cuit of the latter relay being from battery 44, through wires 45. 31. 50 and 56. the gap between the filament and the plate of relay K, wire 57, winding 59 of relay F. thence through the wire 54 to battery ll. Coir ncctcd across winding 5! is a condenser 58. 'inding is, thercfiu'c. supplied with current of the same frequency and relative phase as the current supplied to the section of the auxiliary conductor X over which the vehicle happens to be, but. 'the current in winding 59 is, of course, of considerably l conductor section A.-
  • the relay F is of the induction motor type, comprising. arotor member 60 which responds to currents displaced in phase in the windings 55- and 59, and which, in turn, actuatesa contact member 61.
  • this relay controls 'a signal S'comprising three incandescent lamps G, Yand R, which lamps when illuminated indicate proceed, cantion? and stop, respectively. These lamps are supplied with current from a battery D8. ⁇ Vhen either or both windings of relay F are -deenergized, so that contact member 61 oocupies its intermediate position, contact 6162 closes the circuit; for lamp R, which circuit will be obvious from the'drawing.
  • signal S on the vehicle indicates stop, caution, or proc'eedj according as relay F isde-energl'zed, energizedin reverse direction, or'energlzed in normal direction.
  • the block next in advance of location C is occupied by'a vehicle which is represented the rear section B-E by a pair of wheels and an axle/V, so that relay H is de-ener'gized.
  • -Current of reverse polarity is, consequently, supplied to of theau'xihary condoctor for block B-Qwhereas the forward conductor section I; for this same block. is dc-cnergized.
  • Trackgrelay ,H" is ener gized, .so that forward conductor section E-B of block A.- .-B'-i's energized and our In asmuch as the currents in.
  • circuit a is supplied with current from the track circuit and circuit b receives current of normal polarity due to the current in the conductor X.
  • Ve- I is, consequently, energized in normal direction, so that signal S indicates proceed.
  • the circuit a continues to be energized due to-track circuit current, but current of reverse polarity is. now supplied 'to circuit 6.
  • Relay F therefore, becomes 7 comes dc-energized, whereby lamp R becomes y illuminated so that -The relay F may be employed to control V is supplied with current of normal polar- V" are not supplied, however, with-"track circuit current because, this current is.
  • each track relay which is here designated by the re ferencc character J with an. exponent. corresponding to the location. is of the three-position type, comprising' two windings 6:: and 66. the former of which is connected directly with the tra k rails and 'the. latter of which constantly supplied with alternating current from th left-hand sect on of secondary 67 of the adjacent transformer T.
  • Each of'these relays therefore, responds to reversals of the relative polarity of the current.- in the corresponding track circuit.
  • the contact tin- 'ers 68, 69 and 70 of each relay are swung It) the left when the polarity of the track circuit is normal, and to the right when the polarity of the tack circuit is reverse, and these contact fingers occupy vertical or inrcrmediate positions when the track winding of the relar is. de-encrgized.
  • each block Located at the entrance of each block is a roadside signal which is designated by the reference character S with ah exponent corresponding to the location of the signal.
  • these signals are of the type known as light signals, each eom 'irising three electric lamps, G, Y and R, indicating proceed, caution, and stop, respectively, when illuminated.
  • Each signal is controlled by contact finger 68 of the adjacent track relay in such manner that lamp G is illuminated when the relay is energized in the normal direction, lamp Y is illuminated when the relay is energized in reverse direction, and lamp R is illuminated when the relay is tie-energized.
  • These lamps are supplied with current from the lc-t't hand section of secondary 67 of the adjat uttransformer, and the circuits will be o vious from the dravt'ing without further explanation.
  • the supply of current to the track circuit of each block is controlled by contact 69 of the track relay for the block next in ad Vance, in such manner that. the polarity of the track circuit current is normal when the relay is energized in either direction, and reverse when the relay is (lo-energized.
  • the immediate source of supply for each track circuit is a transformer designated by the reference character 71 with an exponent corresponding to the location, the secondary of which transformer is connected across the track rails through a. reactor lV.
  • the circircuit for section BE cuit for the prima of the transformer 71 when relay J is d e-energized, is from the middle terminal of secondary 67 of t-ransformer T through wire 72, primary of transformer 71, wire 73, contact finger 69 of relay J, and wire 74 to the right-hand terminal of transformer secondary 67.
  • the current which is thus supplied to the track circuit of block BC is of reverse polarity.
  • ⁇ Vhen relay J is energized in either normal or reversed direction, the circuit for the rimary of transformer 71 is from the mic dle, terminal of secondary 67 of transformer T through wire 72, primary of transformer 71; wire 73, contact finger 69, contact 81 or 82. wire 83 and wire 76 to the left-hand terminal of transformer secondary 67.
  • the current which is then sup lied to the track circuit. of block BC is 0? normal polarity.
  • the current for the advance section o'f' conductor X in each block is sup liedfroln I the right-hand section of secon ary 67 of" the transformer T at. the exit end of such block through a transformer which is designated by the reference character 78 with an exponentcorresponding to the location, and this supply is controlled by contact 70 of the track relay for the block next'in ad: vance.
  • the primary circuit for transformer 78". for cxan'iple is from the middle point of secondary 67 of primary T through wire' 72, primary of transformer 78 wire 77 contact finger 70, and wire 76 tothe left-hand terminal of secondary 67.
  • the secondary circuit for transformer 78 is from the secondary-of this transformer through wire 7t), resistance 89, conductor section EC,' reactor M at the rear end of such conductor section, rails R and R in multiple, wires 84 and 85 in multiple, the windings of reactor ⁇ Vin multiple, the two 1 halves of the secondary of transformer 71 in multiple and wire 80 to the secondarv of transformer 78.
  • v j
  • the rear section of conductor X for each block is supplied with current from a secondary 75 of the transformer Tat the en- 1 trance end of such block.
  • the transformer Tat the en- 1 trance end of such block.
  • this conductor in block BC is from secondary75 of transformer T, through wire 86, resistance 87, conductor section ]5E actor M at the forward end of such conductor section, rails 1i and- K in multiple, reactor M at the rear end of said conductor section. and wire 88 to secondary 75; It will be seen. therefore, that current is constantly supplied to this section of the auxiliary conductor. ()wing to the fact that the track circuit current must pass through reactors in such direction that these devices are reactive i dto such current, and to the fact that the curin Fig; 2 I have rents for the sections of conductor vX must pass through presistance87 or 89, it-follows that the track circuit current and the cur rents in the auxiliary conductors are displaced in phase.
  • the apparatus on the vehicle V in Fig. 2 is similar to that shown in Fig. 1, except that shown only one electron relay for each winding of the vehicle governing relay F.
  • Condenser in circuit a is connected with the filament and grid of re lay K, whereas condenser of circuit 6 is is understood, however, that the single pair of electron relays maybe used in combination with the trackway circuits shown in Fig.
  • track relay J is de-energized, so that signal S indicates stop and the polarity of the track circuit current in block BC is reverse.
  • Conductor section E-Cof this block is deenergized, but conductor section 13-13 of the same block is, of course, energized.
  • Track relay J B is, consequently, energized in reverse direction, so that signal S" indicates caution.
  • the polarity of the track circuit current in block AB isnormal, and both conductor sections for this block are energized.
  • the vehicle V being in block A-B, relay F is energized in normal direction, so that signal S'indicates )roceed.
  • Fig. 3 the arrangement of blocks and auxiliary conductor sections is the same asthat shown in, Fig. 1.
  • the track circuits are likewise the same as those shown in Fig. 1, except that the. reactors .W are omitted and a single reactance is included between each transformer secondar 3 and one of the track rails.
  • the contro' of the supply of current to the sections of conductor X is different from that 1, however, and is as follows:
  • the current which flows in this circuit is of normal polarit ⁇ Vhen track relay H is tic-energized, t it: circuit is from the right hand terminal of secondary 18 of transformer T through wire 22', back point of contact 20 of relay H", and then through the remainder of the circuit as before.
  • the curdiictor sections is "of reverse polarity.
  • track relay H is dc-energized, so that conductor section E-C 'is'de-energized by virtue of the fact that contact 9 ofrelay H is open.
  • the back point'of contact 20 ofthis same relay being closed, current of reverse polarity is' supplied to the rear conductor section of block B-C and to the. forward conductor section ot'block L ⁇ .-.B.
  • the rear section ofblock A-l3 is'occupied by a vehiclc V, whichis equipped with trafiic governing apparatus which may be similar to that shown in Fig. 1, or to that shown in Fig. 2.
  • Relay H being energized.
  • the auxiliary conductor section under this vehicle V is receiving current of normal polarity so that the signal on such vehicle indicates proceed. 'As this vehicle. passes point B in block A-B, thecurreut in the circuit b therein becomes reversed. so that the signal on the vehicle changes to caution indication. The signal continues to indicate caution after the vehicle passes point B, and until it reaches point E in block B-C. After passing this latter point, the vehiclecarried circuit 1) becomes de-energized, so that the signal onthe vehicle changes to: stop indicatio 4 .It will beseen that the system shown in ig. 3 provides for an overlap so faces the vehicle governing-apparatus is concerned, that is, that a, caution indication is received 130 may. if desired. he collected from the track rails, and in Fig. 4 I have illustrated one form of system in which this is done.
  • each block is provided with a track circuit comprising atransformer secondary 3 and a track relay H exactly as in Fig.' 1.
  • the vehicle V is provided with a circuit a in which current is induced by virtue of the component of the track current which flows in opposite directions in the two rails, and this current in circuit a causes the energization of winding 55 of relav l" throu h the medium of electron relay K. 1
  • the apparatus is substantially the same as that shown in Fig. 1.
  • Mea'nsare provided for each block for supplying a second alternating current thereto, which curicnt flows in the same direction in both rails of the block, and the polarity of which current is normal or reverse according as the next hlockin advance is free or occupied.
  • the path of this current inblock B(.? is from the lefthand terminal of secondary 18 of transformer T. through wire 93, front point of contact 20 of relay H wire 94, resistance 22. wire 94".
  • reactor M at location'B thence through the two rails R and R of block BC in multiple to location C, thence in multiple through the windings of reactor ⁇ V and the two halves of transformer secondary 3. wire 95.
  • the vehicle V is provided with two laminated soft iron cores and 25' disposed above rails-t R and R res ectively, and which cores are preferably lbcated in the rear of the vehicle.
  • windings 27 and- 27 respecively, whic windings are included in sec s in the vehicle-carried circuit 1).
  • the windings 27' and 27' are so arranged that the currents induccd therein by currents flowing in the same direction in the track rails are additive so that such track currents produce an alternating current in circuit 6.
  • This current in circuit b causes a'lternatin current to be supplied to winding 59 o relay F through the medium of electron relay K.
  • the operation of the system .shown in Fig. 4, is'as follows: v
  • track relay H is (la-energized. s tlnat current of reverse polaritvis supplied to the track rails of block 1 between points B and E from secondary of transformer I".
  • Track relay H being energized. current of normal clarity is supplied-to the rails of block A- from secondary 18 of transformer T Relay F on vehicle V is, consequently, supplied with currents of such phase relation that this relay isenereized in normal direction.
  • the invention is easi y applied to a railway wnich is-already equip d with mg aternating current track circuits, the only substantial changes which are necessary being the installation: of the auxiliary conductor X, the reactors M and W, and suitable equipment on the cars or vtyains.
  • railway trailic controlling apparatus comprising track rails, an auxihary'c'ondum tor parallel therewith, means for sup lying alternating currents to' said rails an conductor, means controlled by traflicconditions V for varying the hase of one of said currents with respect to t e other, and vehicle-carried trafiic governing means, controlled by! the phaserelations of said currents and by the presence and absence of said currents.
  • railway traflic controlling apparatus comprising track rails, means for supplying two alternating currents thereto,j a vehiclecarriedtraflic relay having two windings,
  • railway track controlling up aratus' comprising track rails, asmu-ce ot, a ternat I ing signaling cur-rent connected across said rails, a second trackway circuit including a second source .ot alternating signaling icur rent, a vehicle-carried relay'havmg two wind ings, and: iiehicle-carried means controlled by saidtrackway. currents for all ay win ternating "currents to said two re ings. 6.
  • railway traflic Lcontrolling 'ap 'aratus comprising track rails, a source of terna't ing signaling current connectedacrosssar rails, a second, trackway circuit iucludlngja second source of alternating"si'gnalingfcur rent, a avehlclerca'rried relay liav1n g ;two
  • railway traflic controlling apparatus comprising track rails, means for supplyin two alternating currents thereto, one 0 V which flows in oppositedirections, in the two rails and the otherof which 'fiows in the same direction in the two rails, a vehiclecarried rela j having two windings, and v e-V means controlled by said two 7 i currents respectively in'the two track rails for supplying alternating currents to said two windings.
  • railway traflic controlling apparatus comprising track rails, ineansfor supplying two alternating currents thereto,- one or, which flows in opposite directions in the two rails andthe other of which flows in-the same direction in the two rails, traflic governing means on a vehicle comprising two windings, vehicle-carried means controlled by one only of said currents in' the rails for'supplying alternating current to one of said windings,
  • railway traflic controlling apparatus comprising means for supplying alternating 'currents differing in phase to the trackway, a relay carried. on a train and having two; i
  • a block of railway track comprising the two track rails of said block in series, a secondary trackway circuit comprising said two track rails in multiple, means for supplying alternating currents to said circuits and I train carried traflic governing means controlled by the currents in said trackway circuits.
  • a block of railway circuit comprising the two 15.
  • a second track rails of said block in trackway circuit comprising said two track rails in multiple, means for supplying alternating currents of the same frequency but difl'erlng in phase to said two trackway circuits, and vehicle carried 'traflic governing means controlled by the currents in said circuits.
  • a block of railway track a trackway circuit comprising th two track rails of said block in series, a second trackway circuit comprising said two track rails in multiple, means for supplying alternating currents of the same frequency but differing in phase circuits, a vehicle carried relay having two windings, means on the vehicle for supplying alternating currents to said windings having the same phase displacement as the currents in said two trackway circuits, and traffic governing means on the vehicle controlled by said relay. 17.
  • a block of railway track a trackway circuit comprising the two series, a trackway circuit comprising said two track rails in multiple, means for sup lying alternating currents of the same requency to said two trackway circuits, means for reversing the relative polarity of the currentin one of said circuits, and vehicle carried traffic governing means controlled by the currents in said trackway circuits-and responsive to the relative polarity of said currents.
  • a block of railway track a trackway circuit comprising the two track rails of said block in series, a second trackway circuit comprising said two track rails .in multiple, means for supplying alternating currents of the same frequency to said two trackway circuits, means for reversing the relative poiarity of the to said two tracl-tway second current in one of said circuits, a vehiclemeans on the vehicle controlled by said rela a 1 i9.
  • av block of railwa ⁇ track a trackway circuit comprising the two track rails of said block in series, aseeond trackwaycircuit comprising said having the I two L track rails in multiple, means for supplying alternating currents of to said two trackway circuits, means versing the relative polarityof the current in one of said-circuits, a vehicle carried relay the same fre uency' 'r" having two windings and a member mov' able in onedirection or another according to the relative polarity of the currents in said windings, means on the vehicle for supply ing to said two-windings alternating currents having the same relative polarity as the currents in said trackway ,circuits, and traiiic governing means on the vehicle controlled by said movable relayrnember.
  • a block of railway track means for ap lying an alternating difference of potential across the rails adjacent the exitend of said block, means for applying a second alternating'difierence of potential along the rails from the entrance end of the block to an intermediatc point of the block, or from the entrance end to the exit end of the block, and vehicle carried trailic governing means controlled by the currents flowing in said. track rails due to said potential differences.
  • a block of railway track means for applying an alternating and discon-,
  • a block of railway 11d poia ity 71nd VQii'li means 1c mils due to iliic rcizitivc pr'ri ion sciatcntrsn 3 in h t C t i I ircuii coniv in arivarv nzui portion of 5m v c'i'lhrc Mock accord":
  • a block .of railway track a 'tracliway circuit comprising the two track rails of said block in series, means for supplying alternating current to said circuit a. second t 'uckway circuit controlled by irsflic conditions in advance and includin ,rnnlriplc the two rails of. a portion of said block or oi. the.
  • crst Q'ling apparatus :1 t1: ciuvay circuit l; in series second .ing the two rails in pplying to said circcrrcms of the same fro relation grwcru'ng means muiroiicti by the in said 1. 7o circuits and responsive 1 phase relation of said currents.
  • a block of railway track twoimpedanoes connected across the track rails at difierent points in the block means for connecting the two terminals 0 a source of alternating current with the mid- ,dle points of said two im for connecting the two terminals of a second source of alternating current au'oss the rails adjacent the exit end of the block, means for causing phase'displacement of the currents from said two sources, and vehicle carried traflic governing means controlled by the'currents flowing in the rails.
  • a block of railway track a first impedance connected across the track rails adjacent the entrance end of the block, a second impedance connected across the rails at an intermediate point in the block, a third impedance connected across therails adjacent theexit end of the block, means controlled by traflic conditions in advance of said block for applying an alternating difierence of potential to the middle points of the first and second impedances or to-the middle points of the first and third impedances, means for creating an'alternating difl'erence ofpotential across the track rails adjacent the exit end of the block and vehicle carried traflic governing means controlled by the currents in the track rails due to said differences of otential.
  • a' lock of railway track a first impedance connected across the track rails adjacent the entrance end of'the block, a second impedance connected across the rails at an' intermediate point in the block, a third impedance connected across the rails adjacent the exit end of the block, means controlled by traffic conditions in advance of said block for applyingan alternating difi'erencc of'potential to. the middle points of the first and. second impedances or to the middle points of the first and third impodanoes means for creating an alternating difl erence of potential across..
  • the two difl'erenccs of potential thus applied to the rails being of the same frequency but displaced in phase, means controlled by trailic conditions in advance for reversing the polarity of one of said potential differences, and vehicle carried trafiic governing means controlled by the currents in the rails due to said potential difl'e'rence and responsive to changes in the 35.
  • a block of railway track a trackway circuit comprising the two track rails of said block in series, means for supplying alternating current to said circuit, a second trackway circuit comprising the two rails of a portion of the block on the dances, meanstwo rails of the entire block in multiple, means for supplying to said second circuit alternating current of the same frequency as to the first circuit but of one relative polarity or theother according as the circuit includes a portion or all of the'block, and vehicle carried traffic governing means controlled b the currents in said trackway cir cuits and responsive to the relative polarity ofsaid currents.
  • an auxiliary conductor means for sup lying one alternating signaling current to t 0 track rails of said block, means for supplying another alternating signaling current to said rails and said conductor, means controlled by trafiic conditions in advance for varying the relative polarity of one of said currents, and vehicle carried means controlled by said, trackway currents and arranged to give a proceed or a caution signal according as said currents have one relative polarity or the other and a stop'signal in the absenceof either current.
  • railway trafiic controlling apparatus comprisin a block section of a railway track, a sourc .1 of alternating currentconnected across the rails adjacent the exit end of the block, means for cansinga second alternating current to flow in the same direction along the two rails of the block from the entrance and to an intermediate )oint in the-block or from the entrance on to the exit end of the block, means for reversing the polarity of one of said sources of current, and vehicle carried traflic governin means controlled by said twocurrents in t e track rails of the block.
  • railway traflic controlling apparatus comprising a. railway vehicle provided with two receiving circuits, means located iii the trackway "for supplying said receiving cir- Q cuits with alternating currents of the same frequency, a relay on the vehicle having two windings controlled by the currents supplied to said two receiving circuits. respectively, amplifying means interposed between each receiving circuit and the 'corrcspending relay winding, and means controlled by said relay for governing the vehicle.
  • Railway traffic controlling apparatus comprising a railway vehicle provided with two receiving circuits, means located in the trackway for supplying said receiving circuits with alternating currents of the same frequency, but dili'cring in phase, an induction motor relay on the vehicle having two stator windings, amplifying means inter posed between said receiving circuits and said relay windings for suppplying .said windings with currents of the same relative phases as those in the receiving circuits but of greater am litnde, and means controlled by said relay or governing the vehicle.
  • a railway vehicle provided with two receiving circuits, means located in the trackway forsupplying said receiving circults with alternating currents of the same frequency, two electron tube amplifiers on said vehicle, a grid circuit for one amplifier energized from-one'of srid receiving circuits and a grid circuit for the other amplifier energized from the other receiving circuit, a plate circuit for each amplifier, a, relay on said vehicle having two windings controlled by said two late circuits respectively, and
  • railway traffic controlling ap zaratus' coniprising! a railway vehicle provided with two receiving circuits, means located in the trackway for supplying said receiving circuits with alternating currents of the samefrequency, but differing in phase, l induction motor relay on the vehicle having two stator windings, an electron tube amplifier interposed between one receiving circuit and one relay winding, :1 second electron tube amplifier interposed between the other DCving circuitand the other relay Winding, andmeans controlled by said relay for gov erning the vehicle.
  • railway trailic controlling apparatus comprising a vehicle provided with two re DC circuits each including a condenser, means located in the trackway for supplying said receiving circuits "it i, alternating currents of the same frequcncy but differing in phase, two electron tube amplifiers on said vehicle, means-for connecting the filamentand grid. of one amplifier across the condenser in one receiving circuit, means or connecting the filament and grid of the other amplifier across the condenser in the other receiving circuit, plate circuit for each amplifier including source or: direct current, an induction motor relay on the vehicle naving two stator windings controlled by the current variations in said two plate circuits respectively, and means controlled by said relal, for governin the vehicle.
  • Railway tra 'c controlling apparatus comprising a vehicle provided With two resource of direct current, an induction motor 41.
  • Railway trafiic controlling apparatus each includinga condenser, means located in the trackway for supplying said receiving circuits with alternating currents of the same frequency but differing in hose, two electron tube amplifiers onsai vehicle, means for connecting the fila inent and grid of one amplifier across HIE, condenser in one receiving circuit, means.
  • a blocking condenser interposed between each'receiving circuit and the grid of the associated amplifier, a plate circuit for each amplifier including a relay on the vehicle having two stator windings controlled by the current variations in said two plate circuits respectively, tll'ltflmeans controlled by said relay for govern ing the vehicle.
  • railway tratlic controlling apparatus comprising a vehicle provided wit-h two I'eceiving circuits. means located in the track- Way for supplying said circuits with alter hating currents of the same frequency but differing in phase, said circuits being tuned to resonance at the frequency of such cur-' rents, a relay on said vehicle having two windings, amplifying mea'.s interposed tween said receiving circuits and ,said relay windings for supplying said windings with currents of the Same relative phases those in the receiving circuits but of greater aniplitu'de, and means controlled by said relay for governing said vehicle,
  • railway iraflic controlling apparatus comprising track rails, means for supplying two alternating currents thereto one of provided with a receiving circuit includmg,
  • Railway trafiic controlling apparatus comprising,track rails, means for supplying two alternating currents theretoone of the same direction in the two rails, said currents being of the same frequency blltdltfering in phase, a vehicle provided with a receiving circuit including two 60118411- ran (1 1n inductive relation with the two trac rails respectivelv and so connected in the circuit that the voltages induced therein by the first mentioned current are additive and the volta es induced therein by the second mentioned current oppose each other, a second receivin circuit on said vehicle including two coi s'arrangcd in inductive relation with the two track rails respectively and so connected in their circuit that the voltages induced therein by the second cur-.
  • rent are additive and the voltages induced therein by the first current oppose each other, an induction motor relay on said vehicle having'two stator windings controlled by currents in said two receivin circuits respectively, and means controlle by said relay for governing the vehicle.
  • railway trafiic controlling apparatus comprising track rails, means for supplying two alternating currents thereto one of which flows in opposite directions in the two rails and the other of which flows in the same direction in the two rails, said currents bein of the same frequency but ditfering in p ass, a vehicle provided with a receiv ing circuit including two coils arranged in inductive relation with the two track railsrespectively and so connected in the circuit that the voltages induced therein by the first mentioned current are additive and the voltages induced'therein b the second mentioned current oppose eac. other, a second receiving circuit.
  • an Induction motor relay on said vehicle having two stator windings amplifying 'means interposed between said receiving circuits and said windings for supplying to said windings currents of the same relative phases as those in the receiving circuits but of greater amplitude, and vehicle governing means controlled by said relay.
  • railway trafiic controlling apparatus com rising it stretch of track divided into blociis, .a track circuit for each block including a source of current and a track rela and means controlled by the track relay of each block for sup lying vehicle governing current to the rai s of the block next in the rear frpm the entrance end of such block to an intermediate point therein or from the entrance end of such block to the exit end thereof.
  • railway traliic controlling apparatus comprising a stretch of track divided into blocks, a track circuit for each block including a source ofcurrent and a track relay,
  • a track circuit for each block includapparatus comprising a stretch of track ivided into blocks
  • a track circuit for each block includ- I ing a source of current and a track relay, and means controlled by the, track relay of each block for supplying vehicle governing current to the two track rails in multiple of the block next in the rear throughout a portion or all of such block according to the condition of said relay.
  • railway traffic controlling apparatus comprising a stretch of track divided into blocks, a track circuit for each block includ ing a source of current and a track relay, and means controlled by the track each block for hicle governing current of one relative.fpo-- larity to a portion of the blocknext in the rear or of the opposite relative polarity to relay of supplying alternating re the entire length of such block in therear according to the condition of said track ay, .4. 54.
  • railway traffic controlling apparatus com rising a stretch of track divided into bloc rs, a track circuit for each block iricluding a source of current and a track relay, and means for each block for supplying alternating vehicle governing current of one relative polarity to the track rails of each' block in multiple "from the entrance end to an intermediate point in the block, or of the opposite relative polarity to the track rails in multiple throughout the entire length of the block, according to the condition of the track relay for the block next in advance.
  • Railway traflic controlling apparatus comprising a stretch of track divided into blocks, a track circuit for each block includ ing a source of current 'and a track relay, and means controlled by the track relay of each block for supplying vehicle governing current of one voltage to a portion of the block next in the rear or of a higher voltage to the entire length of such block.
  • railway trailic controlling apparatus comprising a stretch of track divided into blocks, a track circuit for each block includ ing a source of currcnl' and a track relay, and means controlled by the track .iclayj of each block for supplying vehicle govcri'sing current of one relative polarity and iiione voltage tothe track rails of the hiock next in the rear through a portion of such block,
  • combination ii stretch of railway track divided into blocks, two 'trackway cir, cuits for each block for governing the passage of trains, one of which.
  • circui include; the two track r 'ls in series and rhe- Oil) nowadays of which includes the two lrucl; rail; in multiple, a truck relay for each block included in the first of said circuits but not in izhc second, and means for controlling he 930 0nd trackway circuit for each block by this track relay for the block next, in :i-"lvance.
  • Tha method of, controlling railway t-raflic- which consists in supplying one alterzilmifing tmlfic governing current to the two trackrails in series and a second alternating trafiic governing current; of the same frequency but differing in phase to the two track rails in multiple.
  • railway traflic controlling apparatus comprising track rails, means for supplying to said rails two alternating currents of the same frequency but differing in phase, and vehicle carried traffic governing means controlled jointly by said two currents.
  • railway trafiic controlling apparatus comprisin track rails, means forffsfupplying to said rails two alternatin o-currents of the same frequency. means orreversing the relative polarity of one of said currents, and vehicle carried trafiic governing means controlled jointly by said currents and responsive to such reversal of relative polaritv.
  • railway trailic controlling apparatus comprising track rails, means for supplying to said rails two alternating currents of the same frequency, means for reversing the relative polarity of one of said currents, a three position relay carried by 'a train andprovided with two windings,
  • railway traflic controlling apparatus com rising means for supplying to the true way two alternating currents of the same frequency but different in phase, and vehicle carried traflic governing means controlled jointly b said two currents.
  • railway trafiic controlling apparatus com. rising means for supplying to the trac way two alternating currents of the same frequency, means for reversing the relative polarity of one of said currents, and vehicle carried traflic governing means controlled jointly by said two currents and responsive to such reversal of polarity.
  • a block of railway track means for constantly supplying an alternating vehicle governing current to the rails of said block from the entrance end to an intermediate point in the block,- and means controlled by traflic conditions in advance for-at times supplying similar current to the rails of said block from said intermediate point to the exit end of the block.
  • a block of railway track means for constantly supplying an alternating vehicle governing current to the rails of said block in multiple from the en'- trance end of the block. to an intermediate point in the block, and means controlled by traflic conditions in advance for at times supplying similar'current to the rails of said block in multiple from said intermediate oint to the exit end of the block.
  • a source of alternating current connected across the track rails of each block, means for supplying a second alternating current to the ra1ls* of each block, means for each block responsive to dangerous trafiic conditions in advance for reversing the relative polarity of one of said currents and cutting oil the supply of the second current from a portion of the block; and vehicle carried apparatus responsive to the presence of both of said currents and the normal relative polarity of the reversible current by giving a proceed indication, said apparatus being responsive to the reversal of the relative polarity of one current by giving. a caution indication, and to the cessation of either current by giving a stop indication.
  • railwaydrafiic controlling apparatus comprising track rails divided into blocks, a source of alternating current connected across the track rails. of each block, and means for supplying a second alternating current to the rails of each block, means for each block responsive to dangerous traffic conditions in advance for reversing the relative polarity of one of said currents and cutting off the supply of the second current from'a portion of the block; a relay carried on a vehicle and controlled by said trackway currents, said relay assuming one controlling condition when both currents [are present and the reversible current is of normal relative polarity, a" second controlling condition when the relative polarity of one current is reversed, anda thlrdcontrolling condition when either current is absent; and means governedby saidrelay for giving a proceed, ,c'ahtion or stop indication according as said relayai'g in its ⁇ first, second or third controlling ition.
  • a block of railway "track means for applying an alternating difference of potential across the track rails adjacent the exit end of said block, means for applyin a second alternating difference of potentia of one relative polarity or the other along the rails of said block, and vehicle governing means controlled by the currents fiowingin the track rails due to said ditferenccs of oteutial.
  • railway traflic controllin apparatus comprising track rails, means “or nnpressing alternating signaling current thereon, a railway vehicle provided with a receiving coil in inductive relation to a track rail, n circuit on said. vehicle including said coil and a capacity device and tuned to rcsonance at the frequency of said signaling current, an amplifier on said vehicle provided with an input eirculit shunted by said capacity, and'vehicle overning means controlled by said am 1i r.
  • a railway vehicle a resonant circuit thereon comprising coils within the magnetic .iie'ld of said signaling-current in the-track rails and a capacity device across the terminals of said coils, and trafiic governing means controlled by the alternating potential across said capacity device due to said signaling current.
  • railway trafiic controllin apparatus comprising track rails, means unimpressing alternating signaling current thereon, a railway vehicle, a resumant circuit thereon comprising coils within the magnetic field of t e signaling current in the track rails,
  • vehicle goveming means controlled b'the variations of the current from sai between the grid and'the filament ue to said alternating' signalingcurrent in the'track last-mentioned source produced by the alternatin' potential 86.
  • railway traflic controllingnpparatus comprising a trackway and a vehicle for travel thereon, a circuit on said vehicle ineluding a capacity device, means located in the trackway for creating alternating signaling current in said circuit; an electron tube on said vehicle comprising a heated filament, a plate and a grid; said lilamerit and said grid being shunted by said capacity device, a blocking condenser inter posed between the grid and said capacity device, a plate circuit for said electron tube, and vehicle governing means controlled by the current in said glatc circuit.
  • railway tra c eontrollin apparatus comprisingtraclr rails, means or impressing thereon two alternating currents of the same frequency but dil'lering in hase, a vehicle provided with inc-ans for in uctively receiving voltages due to said currents, and governing means on said vehicle controlled by such induced voltages.
  • railway traflic controllin apparatus comprising track rails, means. or impressing thereon two alternating currents of the same frequency but'difiering in phase, a vehicle provided with means for inductively receiving voltages due to said currents, a relay on said vehicle havingtwo “windings, means interposed between said receivin means and said relay for supplying sai windings with. alternating potentials havin thcsanic phase relation as that of said inc uced voltages, and
  • railway traffic coutrollin apparatus comprising track rails, means or impressing thereon two alternating currents of the same frequency but differing in. phase, a vehicle provided with means for inductively receiving voltages due to said currents, amplifiers controlled by said induced voltages, and overning means on the vehicle controlled )y said amplifiers.
  • railway trafiic controlling apparatus comprising a trackway and a vehicle for travel thereon, means forsu plying alternating' current to said tracliway, vehicle governing means on the vehicle controlled by said current in the trackway and com prising a plurality of electron tubes each aving a cathode filament, and a sin 10 Source of-directcurrent on said'vehicle or energizing all of said filaments.
  • UVQl'lllIlg means on


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Re. 15,830 1.. v, LEWIS May 6 g RAILWAY TRAFFIC CONTROLLING SYSTEM Griginal Filed March 4, 1918 4 sheets sheet 1 NE @W INVENTOR ML ATTORNEY May 6 1924.
' L. V. LEWIS RAILWAY TRAFFIC CONTROLLING SYSTEM- 1 Original Filed March 4. 1918 4 Sheets-Sheet '2 mvcmon:
fl'fiM a- 2241M; Mi ATTORNEY May 6,1924. V Re. 15,830
BY 0t zm zwwz' Ma 6 1924. Re. 15,830
L.- V. LEWIS RAILWAY TRAFFIC CONTROLLING S'iz-TEM Original Filedlarch 4. 191a '4 Sheets-Sheet 4 I INVENTOR.
BY 42 2mm A L ATTORNEY 30 vention.
Reiuued May 6, 1924. I
or mnwoon BOBOTiGK,
I Original R0. 1,405,! 27, dated To all whom it may concern:
Be it known that I, LLoro V. Lewis, a citizen of the United States, residing at Ijldgewood Borough, in the county of Allegheny and State of Pennsylvania, have in vented certain new and useful Improvements in Railway-'lraitic-Controlling Systerns, of which the following is a specification.
My invention relates to railway tratl'ic controlling systems, and particularly to systerns of the type wherein tratlic governing means located on a train or vehicle is controlled by energy received from the track way.
' ()n object of my invention is the provision of a system of this character by virtue ofwhich two distinct indications may be transmitted to the vehicle and which can be applied to existing signaling systems with the fewest possible changes in, and additions of apparatus.
I will describe cei-tain forms of trailic controlling systems embodying my invention, and will then point out the novel features thereof in claims.
In the accompanying drawings, Fig. 1 is a diagrammatic view showing one form of traliic controlling system embodying my in- F ig. 2 is a view showing a modification of the system shown in Fig. l. and also embodying my invention. views showing still other modifications and also embodying my invention.
Similar.reference characters refer to similar parts in each of the views.
Referring lirst to Fig. 1, the reference characters It, It designate the track rails of a. railway, which rails are divided by insulated joints 2 to form blocks AB, ilk-C etc. Tratllc along the railway is normally in the direction indicated by the arrow. llxtending along the .trackway is an auxiliary conductor X which is preferably, though not m-eessarily located midway be -tween the track rails as shown in the drawing. This ailxiliary conductor is divided, ,by insulation '2 or otherwise. at points substantially opposite the insulations in the 68 track rails, and is further divided in a simiwithin each block to lar manner at a point F.-
section for the form a. rear and a forward Figs. 3 and i arev plied by February 7, 1922, Serial No. 220,172, tiled larch 4, 1918. Application for reiuue tiled April 19, 1922. Serial No. 555,689.
block. Thus within the limits oi. block AB this auxiliary conductor is divided into a rear section A-E and a forward section E-B. I
Each block is provided ivith a "t circuit comprising as usual the track rails of the block, a source of alternating signaling current connected across the rails adjacent. the exit end of the block, and a track relay connected across the rails adjacent the can trance end of the block. The source of con rent for each track circuit is a secondary of a transformer which is designated. T with an exponent corresponding to the. location, and the relay for each track circuit. is designated by the reference character H, with an exponent corresponding to the lt'ication. For example, the track circuit for block BC comprises the secondary 3 of trans former T andrelay H. Each secondary Z, is connected with the rails by coiuluctors 4 and 5, which conductors include respectively the two wimlings 5 and (i of a rear tor the function of which will plained hereinafter. The track re each block is connected directly across thetrack rails of the block, as shown.
The prin'iary windings of the several. transformers T are connected with t!.a1isn.i..- sion mains 'P which extend along the railway and to which alternating signali W cm rent is supplied by suitable means, such as by a generator N.
Means are provided for each hie supplying alternating signzmng cu the corresponding forward section 0 auxiliary conductor X, this supply controlled by the track relay for the next in advance so that such snp iiy continued when the block in advam it occupied. As here shown, this current suea secondary 7 of the transformer T at the exit end of the block. and is con-- trolled by a contact 9 ofthe track relay for the block next in advance. The. return circuit for the current in conductor X is completed through the track rails in such manner that said current does not interfere with the supply of track circuit current. to the track rails from transformer secondary 3. For example. the circuit for the advance section E-B of the auxiliary conductor for transformer T through wire 8, contact 9 of'track rela ,HP, wire 10, resistance 11,
' wire 10, con uctor X, to wire 12; the cir-f cuitthen divides into two similar branches,
'15 to secondary 7.
- actor M, wire 14',
15 reactor M com or vice verse,
9 these windings being so ondary 7. Likewise,
and hence lows that one branch being through winding 13 of a reactor M, wire 14, rail R, wire 4' at loca- -tion B, winding 6' of a reactor 1V, left-hand half of transformer secondary 3, and wire The other branch is from wire 12 through winding 13 of rerail R, wire 5, winding 6 of'reactor W, right-hand half of sec ondary 3, and wire 15 to secondary 7. The prises the two windings 13 and 13 on an Iron core 16, these windings being so arranged that when equal currentsflow therethrough in the manner just traced, that is, from conductor X to the track rails the magnetic fluxes produced in the two windings oppose by.the curren so are neutralized, whereby .each other and device oil'ers a low impedance to such Tcnr'rent flow. The device offers high im- 25 pedance, however,
to the flow of track circuit current from rail to rail, because such flow is through the two windings 13 and 13' in series; The reactor \V comprises the two windings 6-and 6on an iron core 17, arranged that when currents flow therethroughJ-fmm ,rail's R and R to secondary 7 as described, the flutes produced by the two windings neutralize each other and; so the device offers a low impedance to such current flow. The
track circuit current, however, flows from secondary 3 through winding 6 to rail R and back through winding 6* (or vice versa), .hence as'to this current the wind i 6 and 6' are in series and so the device V ll ifl'ers considerable impedance to such current flow. One function ofthis device is to prevent an abnormal flow of current from secondary 3 when the track, rails are bridged by the wheels and axles of a car or train. Another function will appear hereinafter.
The branch circuits from conductor X tosecondary 7 just traced pass in o posite directions through the two halves o secondary '3, consequently secondary 3 will eleetromotive force in the circuit of secsince the circuit of sec ondary 7 is connected to the circuit of secondary 3 at two points both having .an instantaneous potential midway between the "potentials at the terminals of secondary 3,
having the same potential, it folsec'onda-ry 7 'will produce no electromotive'forcef in the circuit of secondary 3. r Inasmuch as the tion EB of 7 controlled S pply of current to the auxiliary conductor X jg .is thus su produce no front contact 9 of the track relay for block B-'G, it is apparent that this conductor section will be supplied with cu'rrentonly when block B(] is unoc' cupied. v
Means are also provided for each block for supplying signaling current to the rear section of auxiliary conductor X for the block, this current supply likewise being controlled by the track re ay for the block next in advance. The control in this instance is such, however, that current is constantly supplied to the rear conductor sec tion, but that this current is of one relative polarity or the reverse. according as the block next in advance is clear or occupied, it being understood that wherever the term polarity shall appear in this specification, or in the claims attached thereto, as a property ofa'n alternating current or voltage, it shall be construed to mean the instantaneous relative polarity of that current or voltage. For example, when block BC is clear, so thatrelay II is-closed, the circuit for the rear conductor section A-E of block A-B is from theleft-hand section of windings 13 and 13 of reactor M at loca' tion A, the two rails R and R in multiple, thence in opposite directions through the two windings of reactor WV at location B and of secondary 3 of transformer T wire 15 to the middle point of secondary 18.; The action of reactors -M and W and of secondary v3 on current flowing in this circuit is the same as the action of these devices on the currentflowing through theforward section of conductor X. The current which plied. to the rear conductor section I wil term current of normal larity. /Vhen track relay-H is 0 en, us to the presence of a car or train in hlock BC or to some abnormal condition, the current for conductor section A-E flows from the right-hand half of secondary 18 of transformer T through wire 22', back point of relay contact 20, thence as before to the middle point of secondary 18. This current I will termcurrent of reveise polarity.
It will be clear, therefore, in conductor section A-JC or reverse polarity according as track relay H is energized or dc-energized, that is, according as block 3-0 Furthermore, the currents'in the sections of conductor X due to secondaries? and 18 are displaced in phase from'the currents in' the track Fiicuitsdue to secondaries 3, because that the-current will be of normal Ill ISO
is clear or is occupied.
" iron cores 23, 24, and 25, each core being transversely dis with respect to the track rails with its legs pointing downward- -ly. The cores 23 and 24 are located directly above the track rails R and B, respectively, whereas core 25 is located directly above the auxiliary conductor X. It is apparent, therefore, that when alternating current flows in track rail R, some of the magnetic lines of force surrounding this rail will ass through core 23 and so there will be an a ternatin magnetic flux in this core. Currents in mi R and in conductor X similarly create magnetic flux in cores 24 and 25, respectively. Cores 23 and 24'are provided with coils 26 and 26', respectively, and core 25 is pro-- vided with a coil 27. Alternating flux in any one of the cores' will, of course, create an alternating difl'erence of potential across the terminals of the coil on such core. Coils 26 and 26' are included in .series in a-circuit which comprises coil 26, wire 28. coil.26, wire 29. condenser 30, and wires 31, 32 and 33, which circuit I will. for convenience, designate circuit 11-.
the potentials created by eurrents'fiowing in the same direction in the track rails such as the current due to secondary 7 neutralize each other and so cause no current in circuit a, but that the potentials created hy'currents flowing in op ositc directions in the track rails, such as t 1e current due to secondary 3, are additive, and so cause a flow of alternating current in circuit a. That component of the track current which flows in oppositedirections in the two rails, therefore. induces alternating current in circuit a, but the currents supplied to the auxiliary conductor docharged to a comparatively high potential by the comparatively feeble current induced in circuit (L by current in the track rails. Circuit b is also tuned to resonance at the signaling current fl'equcncy. with similar results. It follows that when the vehicle V occupies a block in which signaling currents are supplied to the track circuit and to the auxiliary conductor X, currents \\'lll flow in Coils 26 and 26 areconnected in this circuit in such manner that circuits a and b on the vehicle, and these currents will be of the same frequency as, and will have the same'phasc displacement as, thecurrents in the track circuit and auxiliarv conductor respectively. These currents, and the consequent potentials impressed on condensers 30 and 35, are, however, too feeble to reliably actuate trattic governing apparatus of a'ruggcd character, hence I preferably provide suitable. amplifying or relaying apparatus, which, in the form, here shown, comprises electron relays or amplitiers K, K K and K. Each of these relays comprises a vacuum bulb 41 containing a filament 38,11 plate 40,:1nd a grid 39 interposed betwcen the two. The filaments 5380f these relays are constantly heated by a battery 43 through circuits which will be obvious from th'drawingn Condenser 30 of circuit ais connected across the filament 38 and grid 39 of relay K, a blocking condenser 37 being included in the circuit. The plate circuit of relay K is from a battery 44, through wires 45 and 46, across the gap between filament 38 and plate 40 of relay K primary of transformer 49, wire 48 to battery 44. A condenser 47 is connected across the terminals of the primary of transformer 49. the circuit including this condenser and the transformer primary being tuned to resonance at the frequency of the signaling current. The secondary of transformer 49 is connected across the filament 38 and grid 3!) of the electron relay K. The plate circuit of this latter relay is from battery 4-4 through wires 45, 31, 50 and 51, the gap between lilamcnt 3S and plate 40 of relay K", wire 52. winding of a relay F, and wire 54 to battery 44. Connected across winding 5.) is a condenser 53, the circuit comprising condenser 53 and winding 55 being tuned to resonance at the frequency of the signaling current. It will be seen, therefore, that relay winding55 will be supplied with current of the same frequency as that. which is supplied to the track circuit. but that this current will be of considerably greater magnitude and so is of sufiicient value to reliably actuate an el'ectrol'nagnetic or induction motor relay of rugged design.
The current induced in the vehicle-carricd circuit 1) is similarly amplified by the two electron relays K and K", the plate (ir cuit of the latter relay being from battery 44, through wires 45. 31. 50 and 56. the gap between the filament and the plate of relay K, wire 57, winding 59 of relay F. thence through the wire 54 to battery ll. Coir ncctcd across winding 5!) is a condenser 58. 'inding is, thercfiu'c. supplied with current of the same frequency and relative phase as the current supplied to the section of the auxiliary conductor X over which the vehicle happens to be, but. 'the current in winding 59 is, of course, of considerably l conductor section A.-
'hicle V being over the rear conductor section greater magnitude than that which fiows in circuit 6.
The relay F is of the induction motor type, comprising. arotor member 60 which responds to currents displaced in phase in the windings 55- and 59, and which, in turn, actuatesa contact member 61.
and in the auxiliai conductor X are displaced in phase, it ollows that the currents in relaywmdings 55 and 59 will similarly be induced in circuits a and b. -In other words,
displaced in phase, so that torque will be exerted on the rotor member 60 inone d1-- rection or the other, depending on the rela tive instantaneous polarities of the currents contact member 6l'will be swulng in. one di rection or the other from its middle position to which it is biased, according as thecurrent in'circuit b has oneinstantaneous polarity or the other with relation to the current in circuit a, that is, according as the current 1n conductor section A-E is of normal or reverse polarity.
any kind of traliic governing apparatus that may be desired. As here shown, this relay controls 'a signal S'comprising three incandescent lamps G, Yand R, which lamps when illuminated indicate proceed, cantion? and stop, respectively. These lamps are supplied with current from a battery D8. \Vhen either or both windings of relay F are -deenergized, so that contact member 61 oocupies its intermediate position, contact 6162 closes the circuit; for lamp R, which circuit will be obvious from the'drawing. ',When both windings of relay F are ener-' gized and the current in winding 59 is of normal polarity, co'ntact member 61 is swung I to the left into engagement with vcontact 64, so that -the proceed lamp G is illuminated.
' When both relay windings are energized and the current in Winding 59 is of reverse polarity, c0ntact'61-64 is closed, so that the caution lamp -Y becomes illuminated; It-
will be seen, therefore, that signal S on the vehicle indicates stop, caution, or proc'eedj according as relay F isde-energl'zed, energizedin reverse direction, or'energlzed in normal direction.
The operationof the system shown in Fig. 1 is as follows:
The block next in advance of location C is occupied by'a vehicle which is represented the rear section B-E by a pair of wheels and an axle/V, so that relay H is de-ener'gized. -Current of reverse polarity is, consequently, supplied to of theau'xihary condoctor for block B-Qwhereas the forward conductor section I; for this same block. is dc-cnergized. Trackgrelay ,H" is ener gized, .so that forward conductor section E-B of block A.- .-B'-i's energized and our In asmuch as the currents in. the track circuits rent of normal polarit gsuppliedwto the rear of block AB, circuit a is supplied with current from the track circuit and circuit b receives current of normal polarity due to the current in the conductor X. Relay F ofthis block. Ve- I is, consequently, energized in normal direction, so that signal S indicates proceed. As the vehicle V passes into the forward section of .blo'ck-A-B, no change occurs, because, of course, the current supplied to the forward conductor section is vof normal polarit When the vehicle V passes into block- C,'the circuit a continues to be energized due to-track circuit current, but current of reverse polarity is. now supplied 'to circuit 6. Relay F, therefore, becomes 7 comes dc-energized, whereby lamp R becomes y illuminated so that -The relay F may be employed to control V is supplied with current of normal polar- V" are not supplied, however, with-"track circuit current because, this current is.
shunted by the wheels and axles of vehicle V; If, therefore, vehicle V enters the block ity; Those portions of thc track rails of this block which are in the rear of vehicle occupied by vehicle V, winding 59 of relay will become energized, but winding 55 will become de-energized, so that relay F will'continueto be de-energized andso signal S will continue to indicate stop. j
In the system shown in Fig. 1, the "relative' polarity of thecurrent i-n-the track circults is always the same,"that is, the trackcirc'uitsare of the type which is generally known as non-polarized. then, is readily railway which. is already eqmpped'with a signaling systemembodying alternating cur rent track circuits of the non-polarized type, When it is desired to apply asystem em- This, system, adapted for application to a bodying my inventionto a railway which is I already provided with a signalingjsystem compnsing polarized alternating. current track circuits, the system shown 1n Fig.'2 may be preferable. system does not interfere; with theex isting roadside signals, 1" with the control of these 'si existing 'threeplosition alternati track relays. e substantial 'di erence be tween the systems shown in 1. and 2,
sovfar as the present invention is concerned] als by' the. current is that in Fig. 1 therelative polarity of the 1 track circuit current is constant and that of the current in the rear sections of the auxiliary conductor X is reversible, whereas in the system shown in Fig. 2 the polarity of the track circuit qurrcnt is reversible and that of the currents in the auxiliary conductor X is constant.
Referring now to Fig. 2, the arrangement of blocks and of auxiliary conductor sections is the same as that shown in Fig. 1. In Fig. 53. however. each track relay which is here designated by the re ferencc character J with an. exponent. corresponding to the location. is of the three-position type, comprising' two windings 6:: and 66. the former of which is connected directly with the tra k rails and 'the. latter of which constantly supplied with alternating current from th left-hand sect on of secondary 67 of the adjacent transformer T. Each of'these relays, therefore, responds to reversals of the relative polarity of the current.- in the corresponding track circuit. with respect to that of the transmission line P; in other words, the contact tin- ' ers 68, 69 and 70 of each relay are swung It) the left when the polarity of the track circuit is normal, and to the right when the polarity of the tack circuit is reverse, and these contact fingers occupy vertical or inrcrmediate positions when the track winding of the relar is. de-encrgized.
Located at the entrance of each block is a roadside signal which is designated by the reference character S with ah exponent corresponding to the location of the signal. As
here shown, these signals are of the type known as light signals, each eom 'irising three electric lamps, G, Y and R, indicating proceed, caution, and stop, respectively, when illuminated. Each signal is controlled by contact finger 68 of the adjacent track relay in such manner that lamp G is illuminated when the relay is energized in the normal direction, lamp Y is illuminated when the relay is energized in reverse direction, and lamp R is illuminated when the relay is tie-energized. These lamps are supplied with current from the lc-t't hand section of secondary 67 of the adjat uttransformer, and the circuits will be o vious from the dravt'ing without further explanation. I y
The supply of current to the track circuit of each block is controlled by contact 69 of the track relay for the block next in ad Vance, in such manner that. the polarity of the track circuit current is normal when the relay is energized in either direction, and reverse when the relay is (lo-energized. The immediate source of supply for each track circuitis a transformer designated by the reference character 71 with an exponent corresponding to the location, the secondary of which transformer is connected across the track rails through a. reactor lV. The circircuit for section BE cuit for the prima of the transformer 71, when relay J is d e-energized, is from the middle terminal of secondary 67 of t-ransformer T through wire 72, primary of transformer 71, wire 73, contact finger 69 of relay J, and wire 74 to the right-hand terminal of transformer secondary 67. The current which is thus supplied to the track circuit of block BC is of reverse polarity. \Vhen relay J is energized in either normal or reversed direction, the circuit for the rimary of transformer 71 is from the mic dle, terminal of secondary 67 of transformer T through wire 72, primary of transformer 71; wire 73, contact finger 69, contact 81 or 82. wire 83 and wire 76 to the left-hand terminal of transformer secondary 67. The current which is then sup lied to the track circuit. of block BC is 0? normal polarity.
The current for the advance section o'f' conductor X in each block is sup liedfroln I the right-hand section of secon ary 67 of" the transformer T at. the exit end of such block through a transformer which is designated by the reference character 78 with an exponentcorresponding to the location, and this supply is controlled by contact 70 of the track relay for the block next'in ad: vance. The primary circuit for transformer 78". for cxan'iple, is from the middle point of secondary 67 of primary T through wire' 72, primary of transformer 78 wire 77 contact finger 70, and wire 76 tothe left-hand terminal of secondary 67. It will be seen hat this circuit will be closed when track I00 relay J is energized in either direction, but opened when this track' relay is de-energized. The secondary circuit for transformer 78 is from the secondary-of this transformer through wire 7t), resistance 89, conductor section EC,' reactor M at the rear end of such conductor section, rails R and R in multiple, wires 84 and 85 in multiple, the windings of reactor \Vin multiple, the two 1 halves of the secondary of transformer 71 in multiple and wire 80 to the secondarv of transformer 78. v j
The rear section of conductor X for each block is supplied with current from a secondary 75 of the transformer Tat the en- 1 trance end of such block. For example, the
of this conductor in block BC is from secondary75 of transformer T, through wire 86, resistance 87, conductor section ]5E actor M at the forward end of such conductor section, rails 1i and- K in multiple, reactor M at the rear end of said conductor section. and wire 88 to secondary 75; It will be seen. therefore, that current is constantly supplied to this section of the auxiliary conductor. ()wing to the fact that the track circuit current must pass through reactors in such direction that these devices are reactive i dto such current, and to the fact that the curin Fig; 2 I have rents for the sections of conductor vX must pass through presistance87 or 89, it-follows that the track circuit current and the cur rents in the auxiliary conductors are displaced in phase.
The apparatus on the vehicle V in Fig. 2, is similar to that shown in Fig. 1, except that shown only one electron relay for each winding of the vehicle governing relay F. Condenser in circuit a is connected with the filament and grid of re lay K, whereas condenser of circuit 6 is is understood, however, that the single pair of electron relays maybe used in combination with the trackway circuits shown in Fig.
1', and that likewise two pairs of such relays may be usedin combination with the tracks way circuits shown in Fig. 2.
The operation of the system shown in Fig. 2 will now be readily understood and may be briefly explained'as follows:
Inasmuch as the block directly in advance of location C is occupied by vehicle V, track relay J is de-energized, so that signal S indicates stop and the polarity of the track circuit current in block BC is reverse. Conductor section E-Cof this block is deenergized, but conductor section 13-13 of the same block is, of course, energized. Track relay J B is, consequently, energized in reverse direction, so that signal S" indicates caution. The polarity of the track circuit current in block AB isnormal, and both conductor sections for this block are energized. The vehicle V being in block A-B, relay F is energized in normal direction, so that signal S'indicates )roceed. cn teisblock B the polarity of the current in its circuit a will be reversed, so that signal S will change to caution. As the vehicle enters section E-C of this block, current will cease to flow in circuit 1), so that relay F will become dc-energized, and, consequently, signal S will indicate stop.
Referring now to Fig. 3, the arrangement of blocks and auxiliary conductor sections is the same asthat shown in, Fig. 1. The track circuits are likewise the same as those shown in Fig. 1, except that the. reactors .W are omitted and a single reactance is included between each transformer secondar 3 and one of the track rails. The contro' of the supply of current to the sections of conductor X is different from that 1, however, and is as follows:
The rear conductor section for each block shown in Fig.
2 to. indicate that this rent which then flows in the auxiliary con- As this vehicle is connected in serieswith the forward sectlOIl of the block in the rear, and current of are energized, the circuit is as follows: From the left-hand terminal of secondary 18 of transformer T throu h wire 19, front point 76 of contact 20 of relay T-I, wire 21, resistance 22, wire 21*, conductor section BE: of block- B-C, wire 91, contact 9 of relay H, wire 92, conductor section E-B of block A- -B, reactor M at the rear end of this conductor section, rails R and R in multiple, re actor M at the forward end of the latter conductor section, wire '93, reactor M at the rear end of section B -C in multiple, reactor M at the forward end ofscction EC, and wire 93 to the middle terminal of secondary 18. The current which flows in this circuit is of normal polarit \Vhen track relay H is tic-energized, t it: circuit is from the right hand terminal of secondary 18 of transformer T through wire 22', back point of contact 20 of relay H", and then through the remainder of the circuit as before. The curdiictor sections is "of reverse polarity.
The operation of the system shown in Fig.3 is as follows:
The block immediately in advance of location C being'occupied by a vehicle V, track relay H is dc-energized, so that conductor section E-C 'is'de-energized by virtue of the fact that contact 9 ofrelay H is open. The back point'of contact 20 ofthis same relay being closed, current of reverse polarity is' supplied to the rear conductor section of block B-C and to the. forward conductor section ot'block L\.-.B. The rear section ofblock A-l3 is'occupied by a vehiclc V, whichis equipped with trafiic governing apparatus which may be similar to that shown in Fig. 1, or to that shown in Fig. 2. Relay H being energized. the auxiliary conductor section under this vehicle V: is receiving current of normal polarity so that the signal on such vehicle indicates proceed. 'As this vehicle. passes point B in block A-B, thecurreut in the circuit b therein becomes reversed. so that the signal on the vehicle changes to caution indication. The signal continues to indicate caution after the vehicle passes point B, and until it reaches point E in block B-C. After passing this latter point, the vehiclecarried circuit 1) becomes de-energized, so that the signal onthe vehicle changes to: stop indicatio 4 .It will beseen that the system shown in ig. 3 provides for an overlap so faces the vehicle governing-apparatus is concerned, that is, that a, caution indication is received 130 may. if desired. he collected from the track rails, and in Fig. 4 I have illustrated one form of system in which this is done.
Referring now to Fig. 4, the track rails it and R are divided into blocks A-B,
B-l. etc.. as in the preceding views, ,pnd' each block is provided with a track circuit comprising atransformer secondary 3 and a track relay H exactly as in Fig.' 1. The vehicle V is provided with a circuit a in which current is induced by virtue of the component of the track current which flows in opposite directions in the two rails, and this current in circuit a causes the energization of winding 55 of relav l" throu h the medium of electron relay K. 1 Thus ar the apparatus is substantially the same as that shown in Fig. 1.
Mea'nsare provided for each block for supplying a second alternating current thereto, which curicnt flows in the same direction in both rails of the block, and the polarity of which current is normal or reverse according as the next hlockin advance is free or occupied. l or'exa'mple, when track relay H. is energized, the path of this current inblock B(.? is from the lefthand terminal of secondary 18 of transformer T. through wire 93, front point of contact 20 of relay H wire 94, resistance 22. wire 94". reactor M at location'B, thence through the two rails R and R of block BC in multiple to location C, thence in multiple through the windings of reactor \V and the two halves of transformer secondary 3. wire 95. contact 9 of relay H, and-jwire 96 to the right-hand terminal of transformer secondary 18. The current which flows in this circuit is of normal polarity with respect to the track circuit current supplied by secondary 3. \Vhen relay ll is'de-energized. the path of the current in block B-IC is from the right-hand terminal of secondary 18, of transformer T through wire 96. back point of contact 20 of relay H wire 94 resistanceQQ, wire 9%. react0r Mat location B, thence through mils R and R inmultiple to point E in block B(". thence through the windings of reactor M at this point. wire 97, resistance 11: and wire 97". to the middle point of secondary 18. The current which flows in this. circuit is of reverse. polarity with respect to the trackcircuit current and it will be noted that it flows in the'tmk rails only between points B and E in block section B-C.
The vehicle V is provided with two laminated soft iron cores and 25' disposed above rails-t R and R res ectively, and which cores are preferably lbcated in the rear of the vehicle. windings 27 and- 27 respecively, whic windings are included in sec s in the vehicle-carried circuit 1).
The windings 27' and 27' are so arranged that the currents induccd therein by currents flowing in the same direction in the track rails are additive so that such track currents produce an alternating current in circuit 6. This current in circuit b causes a'lternatin current to be supplied to winding 59 o relay F through the medium of electron relay K. The operation of the system .shown in Fig. 4, is'as follows: v The block in advance of location C being occupied by vehicle V, track relay H is (la-energized. s tlnat current of reverse polaritvis supplied to the track rails of block 1 between points B and E from secondary of transformer I". Track relay H being energized. current of normal clarity is supplied-to the rails of block A- from secondary 18 of transformer T Relay F on vehicle V is, consequently, supplied with currents of such phase relation that this relay isenereized in normal direction. As
the vehicle V proceeds past point, E inblock A B, no change'occurs in the vehicle-carried apparatus. but as the vehicle passes point B, the relative, polarity of the current supplied to circuit 7) is vmvcrsedQso that relay F becomes reversely energized. As the' vehicle passes point E inblock B-C, the supply of'curnent to the circuit 1) is discontinue so that relay F becomes de-energlz 1 v Oiie important feature of the systems shown herein is that they provide for transmittin two distinctive signals to a vehicle with tie use of signaling current of but one freqlue cy. For this reason. the invention is easi y applied to a railway wnich is-already equip d with mg aternating current track circuits, the only substantial changes which are necessary being the installation: of the auxiliary conductor X, the reactors M and W, and suitable equipment on the cars or vtyains. An
a signaling system embodyalternating current transmissiongline '3 already in existence in such instances, an this line can be used to supply all the track-way current required for the entire vehicle conit is understood that various changesand modifications may be made therein within the I a scope of the appended claims without departing from-"the spirit and scope' of my inven Having thus described my invention, what Icla'imisz 1. Railway traflic controlling apparatus comprising track rails, an auxiliary conductor parallel therewith, means for supglying alternating currents to said rails a conductor, means controlled by traflic. conditions for varying the characterof one of said ourream-means for procuring on theyehicle two currents having the same characteristics as the trackway currents, and vehicle-carried "traflic governing means controlled i'ointly by the currents produced on the vehic a 2. Railway trailic controlling apparatus comprising track rails, an auxihary'c'ondum tor parallel therewith, means for sup lying alternating currents to' said rails an conductor, means controlled by traflicconditions V for varying the hase of one of said currents with respect to t e other, and vehicle-carried trafiic governing means, controlled by! the phaserelations of said currents and by the presence and absence of said currents.
3. Railway traflic controlling apparatus comprising track rails, means for supplying two alternating currents thereto,j a vehiclecarriedtraflic relay having two windings,
and requiring currents in both windings to give aproceed signal, and vehicle-carried means controlled selectively. by said two currents in thetrack'rails for sup lying alter; natin currents to sai'dtwowin ings.
4. fiailway traflic controllin com rising track rails, 1neans" or a" plying an a ternatin difference of potentia across said rails, an another alternating difference of otential along said=rails, and vehicle-cap ries trafiicgoverning means controlled jointly by thecurrents in said track rails (lue to said potential differences.
5. Railway track controlling up aratus' comprising track rails, asmu-ce ot, a ternat I ing signaling cur-rent connected across said rails, a second trackway circuit including a second source .ot alternating signaling icur rent, a vehicle-carried relay'havmg two wind ings, and: iiehicle-carried means controlled by saidtrackway. currents for all ay win ternating "currents to said two re ings. 6. Railway traflic Lcontrolling 'ap 'aratus comprising track rails, a source of terna't ing signaling current connectedacrosssar rails, a second, trackway circuit iucludlngja second source of alternating"si'gnalingfcur rent, a avehlclerca'rried relay liav1n g ;two
windings, and vehicle-carried means i cons trolled by said first-*t raclr'waycurrent toi supplying alternating current to onew'indi g of said relav,;a'nd other vehicle-carriedmeah H controlled by:,current in said-secondtrack hicle-carrie apparatus hi-31o for supplyin the track rails'ot' said block, means for sup- '8 .maso
way circuit for supp yin alternating current to said other relay win mg.
7. Railway traflic controlling apparatus comprising track rails, means for supplyin two alternating currents thereto, one 0 V which flows in oppositedirections, in the two rails and the otherof which 'fiows in the same direction in the two rails, a vehiclecarried rela j having two windings, and v e-V means controlled by said two 7 i currents respectively in'the two track rails for supplying alternating currents to said two windings.
'8. Railway traflic controlling apparatus comprising track rails, ineansfor supplying two alternating currents thereto,- one or, which flows in opposite directions in the two rails andthe other of which flows in-the same direction in the two rails, traflic governing means on a vehicle comprising two windings, vehicle-carried means controlled by one only of said currents in' the rails for'supplying alternating current to one of said windings,
and other vehicle-carried means controlled only by the other 'currentin the rails for supply ng alternating current to the other wind- 1ng.-
9. Railway traflic controlling apparatus comprising means for supplying alternating 'currents differing in phase to the trackway, a relay carried. on a train and having two; i
windings, and means also-on'the train controlled by said currents in the trackway for track, an auxiliary conductor, means for supplying one alternating si aling current to the track rails of said 1) ock, means for supplying another alternating signaling cur} rent, tcrsaid rails and said conductor, and vehicle governing means-controlled by said two currents.
,.1 n combination, 3,.bl0Ckof railwa j il ary conductor tor said-block. I ajvehiclef controlling circu'itthe'two sides of saikl block, a second vehicle control-ling circnitone side of which includes said'hvorails'" I ipleand thc othorzside of: wliiclrconi-" -fi i which are formed by the two trackrailsofsaid auxiliary.conductor, alnd rneansf ir snpplying alternating currents to said vo'circuitsh I J In combination, a block of railway 7' :k, an auxiliary conductor, means for-suifiq I i plying one altcrnating signaling current to plying another alternating signaling current to said rails and said conductor, means controlled by trafiic conditions in advance track, a trackway for changing the relative polarity of one of said currents, a railway vehicle, a relay on said vehicle having two windings and'a movable member operated in one direction or another according to the base relation of the currents in said win ings, and means on the vehicle for supplyingto said relay windings currents having thesame relative polarity as the currents in the track rails.
14. In combination, a block of railway track, a trackway circuit comprising the two track rails of said block in series, a secondary trackway circuit comprising said two track rails in multiple, means for supplying alternating currents to said circuits and I train carried traflic governing means controlled by the currents in said trackway circuits.
ination, a block of railway circuit comprising the two 15. In com track rails of said block in series, a second track rails of said block in trackway circuit comprising said two track rails in multiple, means for supplying alternating currents of the same frequency but difl'erlng in phase to said two trackway circuits, and vehicle carried 'traflic governing means controlled by the currents in said circuits. i
16. In combination, a block of railway track, a trackway circuit comprising th two track rails of said block in series, a second trackway circuit comprising said two track rails in multiple, means for supplying alternating currents of the same frequency but differing in phase circuits, a vehicle carried relay having two windings, means on the vehicle for supplying alternating currents to said windings having the same phase displacement as the currents in said two trackway circuits, and traffic governing means on the vehicle controlled by said relay. 17. In combination, a block of railway track, a trackway circuit comprising the two series, a trackway circuit comprising said two track rails in multiple, means for sup lying alternating currents of the same requency to said two trackway circuits, means for reversing the relative polarity of the currentin one of said circuits, and vehicle carried traffic governing means controlled by the currents in said trackway circuits-and responsive to the relative polarity of said currents.
18. In combination, a block of railway track, a trackway circuit comprising the two track rails of said block in series, a second trackway circuit comprising said two track rails .in multiple, means for supplying alternating currents of the same frequency to said two trackway circuits, means for reversing the relative poiarity of the to said two tracl-tway second current in one of said circuits, a vehiclemeans on the vehicle controlled by said rela a 1 i9. In combination, av block of railwa} track, a trackway circuit comprising the two track rails of said block in series, aseeond trackwaycircuit comprising said having the I two L track rails in multiple, means for supplying alternating currents of to said two trackway circuits, means versing the relative polarityof the current in one of said-circuits, a vehicle carried relay the same fre uency' 'r" having two windings and a member mov' able in onedirection or another according to the relative polarity of the currents in said windings, means on the vehicle for supply ing to said two-windings alternating currents having the same relative polarity as the currents in said trackway ,circuits, and traiiic governing means on the vehicle controlled by said movable relayrnember.
20. In combination, track, a transformer secondary 3 connected across the track rails of said block adjacent the exit end, first impedance connecte across the rails, adjacent the entrance end of said block, a" second impedance connected across the 'rails at an intermediate point in said block, a transformer secondary 1B the middle point of which is connected with the middle point of said second impedance, means controlled by trafiic conditions in advance of said block for at times connectingthe middle point of said first impedance with one terminal of said secondary 18 and the middle point of said secondary 3 with the other terminal of secondary l8, and for at other times connecting the middle point of the first impedance with the last-mentioned terminal of secondary 18 necting the middle point of secondary 3 form secondary 18, and train carried trafiic governing means controlled by the currents flowing in the track rails from said transformer secondaries.
21. In combination, a block of railway track, means for ap lying an alternating difference of potential across the rails adjacent the exitend of said block, means for applying a second alternating'difierence of potential along the rails from the entrance end of the block to an intermediatc point of the block, or from the entrance end to the exit end of the block, and vehicle carried trailic governing means controlled by the currents flowing in said. track rails due to said potential differences.
252. In combination. a block of railway track, means for applying an alternating and discon-,
a block of railway 11d poia ity 71nd VQii'li" means 1c mils due to iliic rcizitivc pr'ri ion sciatcntrsn 3 in h t C t i I ircuii coniv in arivarv nzui portion of 5m v c'i'lhrc Mock accord":
to said 3 mg to sa d, i. rout of this and vei'iicl-s-carr i traiTo 5., ccntroile i the M Mots 111 tron. rain sap 'jlyirg suit, :1
sw M controiicd and includin s Li c.373 and traiiic vehicle controiicd i In combi; I track, a track track rails of soul 1; suppi ing a tGliIlEiLlh i m claw second traffic condiiions l, in multiple the two 1" block or cf th said traffic com;
W sec-om! circuit ,7
me frequency; as
-mesons on a vehicle controlled by the relativepoiarity of the currents in said two circuits. 27. In combination, a block .of railway track, a 'tracliway circuit comprising the two track rails of said block in series, means for supplying alternating current to said circuit a. second t 'uckway circuit controlled by irsflic conditions in advance and includin ,rnnlriplc the two rails of. a portion of said block or oi. the. cntire block according to said traffic conditions, means for supply- .lng to said circuit alternating current of the same frcqucncy as to the first, means for rercrsing the rclzitivcv polarity of the current in one of said circuits :1, 'vciiiclc-carricd rcisy having two windings, means on the vehicle for supplying to said windings altcra rig currents lim ing the same elative polax ty as the currents 1n 5: q trackway circmts and taiiic governing means on the Fe contiolicd by said relay.
7 Railway tr'tu ccntr fling apparatus: if ing track rails, tracku'a-y circuit is o the iwo rails in series and a a terneit'urigg: current, a second track m circuit including the two rails in multiple and a SEGOIHji source of alternating current the some frcqucncy as the first, a "Live impedance on) of said circuits ans :1. non-inductive impedance in the other circuit, and vehiciwcarricti L ra. c governing w the currents in said apparatus a circuit sac-1. 2s and second tram? comp r; miis, tn,
nprn he two Tfilif: in
mating cur it, 2
" alter iii" inc riding {Lsi'W-j rails in null ti mi :1 second. source. of alternating cur- 21: the sams freq cncy as the first, mczms for gimsc piccernent cf thc our -8 "1 two circuits. means for m ilstzw polarity of the current circuits, and vclncle carried f cau'rez'ats.
crst Q'ling; apparatus :1 t1: ciuvay circuit l; in series second .ing the two rails in pplying to said circcrrcms of the same fro relation grwcru'ng means muiroiicti by the in said 1. 7o circuits and responsive 1 phase relation of said currents.
'quency but differing in phase, and vehicle carried traflic governing means controlled by the currents in said two circuits.
32. In combination, a block of railway track, twoimpedanoes connected across the track rails at difierent points in the block means for connecting the two terminals 0 a source of alternating current with the mid- ,dle points of said two im for connecting the two terminals of a second source of alternating current au'oss the rails adjacent the exit end of the block, means for causing phase'displacement of the currents from said two sources, and vehicle carried traflic governing means controlled by the'currents flowing in the rails.
33. In combination, a block of railway track, a first impedance connected across the track rails adjacent the entrance end of the block, a second impedance connected across the rails at an intermediate point in the block, a third impedance connected across therails adjacent theexit end of the block, means controlled by traflic conditions in advance of said block for applying an alternating difierence of potential to the middle points of the first and second impedances or to-the middle points of the first and third impedances, means for creating an'alternating difl'erence ofpotential across the track rails adjacent the exit end of the block and vehicle carried traflic governing means controlled by the currents in the track rails due to said differences of otential.
34. In combination, a' lock of railway track, a first impedance connected across the track rails adjacent the entrance end of'the block, a second impedance connected across the rails at an' intermediate point in the block, a third impedance connected across the rails adjacent the exit end of the block, means controlled by traffic conditions in advance of said block for applyingan alternating difi'erencc of'potential to. the middle points of the first and. second impedances or to the middle points of the first and third impodanoes means for creating an alternating difl erence of potential across.. the track rails adjacent the exit end of the block, the two difl'erenccs of potential thus applied to the rails being of the same frequency but displaced in phase, means controlled by trailic conditions in advance for reversing the polarity of one of said potential differences, and vehicle carried trafiic governing means controlled by the currents in the rails due to said potential difl'e'rence and responsive to changes in the 35. In combination, a block of railway track, a trackway circuit comprising the two track rails of said block in series, means for supplying alternating current to said circuit, a second trackway circuit comprising the two rails of a portion of the block on the dances, meanstwo rails of the entire block in multiple, means for supplying to said second circuit alternating current of the same frequency as to the first circuit but of one relative polarity or theother according as the circuit includes a portion or all of the'block, and vehicle carried traffic governing means controlled b the currents in said trackway cir cuits and responsive to the relative polarity ofsaid currents.
36. In combinati0n,'a block of railway track, an auxiliary conductor, means for sup lying one alternating signaling current to t 0 track rails of said block, means for supplying another alternating signaling current to said rails and said conductor, means controlled by trafiic conditions in advance for varying the relative polarity of one of said currents, and vehicle carried means controlled by said, trackway currents and arranged to give a proceed or a caution signal according as said currents have one relative polarity or the other and a stop'signal in the absenceof either current.
37. Railway trafiic controlling apparatus comprisin a block section of a railway track, a sourc .1 of alternating currentconnected across the rails adjacent the exit end of the block, means for cansinga second alternating current to flow in the same direction along the two rails of the block from the entrance and to an intermediate )oint in the-block or from the entrance on to the exit end of the block, means for reversing the polarity of one of said sources of current, and vehicle carried traflic governin means controlled by said twocurrents in t e track rails of the block.
38. Railway traflic controlling apparatus comprising a. railway vehicle provided with two receiving circuits, means located iii the trackway "for supplying said receiving cir- Q cuits with alternating currents of the same frequency, a relay on the vehicle having two windings controlled by the currents supplied to said two receiving circuits. respectively, amplifying means interposed between each receiving circuit and the 'corrcspending relay winding, and means controlled by said relay for governing the vehicle.
39, Railway traffic controlling apparatus comprising a railway vehicle provided with two receiving circuits, means located in the trackway for supplying said receiving circuits with alternating currents of the same frequency, but dili'cring in phase, an induction motor relay on the vehicle having two stator windings, amplifying means inter posed between said receiving circuits and said relay windings for suppplying .said windings with currents of the same relative phases as those in the receiving circuits but of greater am litnde, and means controlled by said relay or governing the vehicle.
comprising a railway veh cle rovi other receiving circuit, a plate circuit for each amplifier, an induction motor relay on said vehicle having two stator windings con-- trolled by said two plat-e circuits respectively, and means controlled by said relay for governing the vehicle.
comprising a railway vehicle provided with two receiving circuits, means located in the trackway forsupplying said receiving circults with alternating currents of the same frequency, two electron tube amplifiers on said vehicle, a grid circuit for one amplifier energized from-one'of srid receiving circuits and a grid circuit for the other amplifier energized from the other receiving circuit, a plate circuit for each amplifier, a, relay on said vehicle having two windings controlled by said two late circuits respectively, and
means controiledhy said relay for gavel-1r.
in g the vehicle.
42. Railway traffic controlling ap zaratus' coniprising! a railway vehicle provided with two receiving circuits, means located in the trackway for supplying said receiving circuits with alternating currents of the samefrequency, but differing in phase, l induction motor relay on the vehicle having two stator windings, an electron tube amplifier interposed between one receiving circuit and one relay winding, :1 second electron tube amplifier interposed between the other ceiving circuitand the other relay Winding, andmeans controlled by said relay for gov erning the vehicle.
43. Railway trailic controlling apparatus comprising a vehicle provided with two re ceiving circuits each including a condenser, means located in the trackway for supplying said receiving circuits "it i, alternating currents of the same frequcncy but differing in phase, two electron tube amplifiers on said vehicle, means-for connecting the filamentand grid. of one amplifier across the condenser in one receiving circuit, means or connecting the filament and grid of the other amplifier across the condenser in the other receiving circuit, plate circuit for each amplifier including source or: direct current, an induction motor relay on the vehicle naving two stator windings controlled by the current variations in said two plate circuits respectively, and means controlled by said relal, for governin the vehicle.
44. Railway tra 'c controlling apparatus comprising a vehicle provided With two resource of direct current, an induction motor 41. Railway trafiic controlling apparatus ceiving circuits each includinga condenser, means located in the trackway for supplying said receiving circuits with alternating currents of the same frequency but differing in hose, two electron tube amplifiers onsai vehicle, means for connecting the fila inent and grid of one amplifier across HIE, condenser in one receiving circuit, means.
for connecting the filamentand grid of. the other amplifier across the condenser in the other receiving circuit, a blocking condenser interposed between each'receiving circuit and the grid of the associated amplifier, a plate circuit for each amplifier including a relay on the vehicle having two stator windings controlled by the current variations in said two plate circuits respectively, tll'ltflmeans controlled by said relay for govern ing the vehicle.
15. Railway tratlic controlling apparatus comprising a vehicle provided wit-h two I'eceiving circuits. means located in the track- Way for supplying said circuits with alter hating currents of the same frequency but differing in phase, said circuits being tuned to resonance at the frequency of such cur-' rents, a relay on said vehicle having two windings, amplifying mea'.s interposed tween said receiving circuits and ,said relay windings for supplying said windings with currents of the Same relative phases those in the receiving circuits but of greater aniplitu'de, and means controlled by said relay for governing said vehicle,
. 40, Railway iraflic controlling apparatus comprising track rails, means for supplying two alternating currents thereto one of provided with a receiving circuit includmg,
two coils arranged in inductive relation with the two track rails irrspectively andso connested in. the circuit that the voltages 'induced therein the first mentioned cur rent are additive and the voltages induced therein by the second. mentioned current oppose each other, a second receiving circuit on said vehicle including two coils arranged in inductive relation 'niti': the two track rails respectively and so connected in their circuit that the voltages induced thereinhy the second current are additive and the voitages induced therein. by the first current opse each other, a relay on said vehicle havmg two windings controlled by currents in said two receiving circuits 1' spectively, and means controlled by sa'd relay for governing the vehicle, I I 3 47. Railway trafiic controlling apparatus comprising,track rails, means for supplying two alternating currents theretoone of the same direction in the two rails, said currents being of the same frequency blltdltfering in phase, a vehicle provided with a receiving circuit including two 60118411- ran (1 1n inductive relation with the two trac rails respectivelv and so connected in the circuit that the voltages induced therein by the first mentioned current are additive and the volta es induced therein by the second mentioned current oppose each other, a second receivin circuit on said vehicle including two coi s'arrangcd in inductive relation with the two track rails respectively and so connected in their circuit that the voltages induced therein by the second cur-.
rent are additive and the voltages induced therein by the first current oppose each other, an induction motor relay on said vehicle having'two stator windings controlled by currents in said two receivin circuits respectively, and means controlle by said relay for governing the vehicle.
48. Railway trafiic controlling apparatus comprising track rails, means for supplying two alternating currents thereto one of which flows in opposite directions in the two rails and the other of which flows in the same direction in the two rails, said currents bein of the same frequency but ditfering in p ass, a vehicle provided with a receiv ing circuit including two coils arranged in inductive relation with the two track railsrespectively and so connected in the circuit that the voltages induced therein by the first mentioned current are additive and the voltages induced'therein b the second mentioned current oppose eac. other, a second receiving circuit. on said vehicle including two coils arranged in inductive relation with the two track rails-respectively and so 0011- -l nected in their circuit that the voltages induced therein by the second current are additivc and the voltages induced therein by the first current oppose each other, an Induction motor relay on said vehicle having two stator windings amplifying 'means interposed between said receiving circuits and said windings for supplying to said windings currents of the same relative phases as those in the receiving circuits but of greater amplitude, and vehicle governing means controlled by said relay.
49. Railway trafiic controlling apparatus com rising it stretch of track divided into blociis, .a track circuit for each block including a source of current and a track rela and means controlled by the track relay of each block for sup lying vehicle governing current to the rai s of the block next in the rear frpm the entrance end of such block to an intermediate point therein or from the entrance end of such block to the exit end thereof.
50. Railway traliic controlling apparatus comprising a stretch of track divided into blocks, a track circuit for each block including a source ofcurrent and a track relay,
and means controlled by the track relay of each block for supplying vehicle governing current to a portion or all ofthe block next in the rear accordin as the relay is deenergized or energized. I
51. Railway trafiic controllin apparatus comprising a stretch of track ivided. i .to
blocks, a track circuit for each block includapparatus comprising a stretch of track ivided into blocks, a track circuit for each block includ- I ing a source of current and a track relay, and means controlled by the, track relay of each block for supplying vehicle governing current to the two track rails in multiple of the block next in the rear throughout a portion or all of such block according to the condition of said relay. I
53. Railway traffic controlling apparatus comprising a stretch of track divided into blocks, a track circuit for each block includ ing a source of current and a track relay, and means controlled by the track each block for hicle governing current of one relative.fpo-- larity to a portion of the blocknext in the rear or of the opposite relative polarity to relay of supplying alternating re the entire length of such block in therear according to the condition of said track ay, .4. 54. Railway traffic controlling apparatus com rising a stretch of track divided into bloc rs, a track circuit for each block iricluding a source of current and a track relay, and means for each block for supplying alternating vehicle governing current of one relative polarity to the track rails of each' block in multiple "from the entrance end to an intermediate point in the block, or of the opposite relative polarity to the track rails in multiple throughout the entire length of the block, according to the condition of the track relay for the block next in advance.
Railway traflic controlling apparatus comprising a stretch of track divided into blocks, a track circuit for each block includ ing a source of current 'and a track relay, and means controlled by the track relay of each block for supplying vehicle governing current of one voltage to a portion of the block next in the rear or of a higher voltage to the entire length of such block.
56. Railway trailic controlling apparatus comprising a stretch of track divided into blocks, a track circuit for each block includ ing a source of currcnl' and a track relay, and means controlled by the track .iclayj of each block for supplying vehicle govcri'sing current of one relative polarity and iiione voltage tothe track rails of the hiock next in the rear through a portion of such block,
or of the opposite relativc-polzurity and all] 1:. higher voltagc lo the mils of cue-l1 bloc-h Lin-ou h the entire length of the block.
57. n combination ii stretch of railway track divided into blocks, two 'trackway cir, cuits for each block for governing the passage of trains, one of which. circui include; the two track r 'ls in series and rhe- Oil)?! of which includes the two lrucl; rail; in multiple, a truck relay for each block included in the first of said circuits but not in izhc second, and means for controlling he 930 0nd trackway circuit for each block by this track relay for the block next, in :i-"lvance.
In combination, a stretc of :re/ilw track divided into blocks two in cwey cln the-pascuits for each block for governing sage of trains, one of which cuiis eludes the two mick rails in series other of which includes the two track 1 in multiple, a truck relay for each block cluded in the first of said circ uilshut not. in the second, and means controlled by each track relay for causing the. second track way circuit for the bloc]; next in the to include the rails of all or of a, portion only of such block.
59. Incomhinaticn, a stretch of railway track divided. into blocks each of which (our prises a plurality of scctionn tin-ii i ezins for each block for supplying braille current to the two track rails their tiple through one or moreof 60. In combination, a stretch r y w track divided into blocks each of which cinnprises a plurality of sections, a C-I'i'lfii'k circuit foreach block including the track rails thereof in multiple and a sour i ternating traflic governing current, and means controlled by lzmllic comlitions in. Vance of each block for sing 51 ii. trr. way circuits to include one or moic oi said sections.
6]. Tha method of, controlling railway t-raflic-which consists in supplying one alterzilmifing tmlfic governing current to the two trackrails in series and a second alternating trafiic governing current; of the same frequency but differing in phase to the two track rails in multiple.
62. The method of cont-rolling railway trafllc which consists in dividing the trackwa. into blocks, and sup lying each block wit, one ulternutin tn 0 governing current which flows t rough the two track rails in series, and a second alternating traflic governing current of the same in;
tr1fiic which consists in dividing the km .ilfl fli v m .i
meclmuisni by such amplified voltages. 64:. Th" mclimd of ggcwcrniir t flows ihrough vs pic, and. varying the c hyi siryiug he port .1 which he i .mctlnwl of gavel-nirwhich consistB in nunplvin mils with. A
iii! of tin" n c cr 1n comm our in a mum new e on u w I urrnnt.
68. The method of mum" iling railway traific which consists dividing l6 trac way into blocks and Supplying cnch bhac 'trackrails in multiple through the enhire lengthof the block or through only a portion ihereof. v
(1'9. The mehod of controlling railwzv,
way nto blocks, supplying each block with cm alternating trailic governin cnrren".
'Wllllli]. flows through the two tree rails rents in accordance with tratlic conditions in advance, and governin a vehicle according to the relative polarities of said currents I and the presence and absence thereof.
71. Railway traflic controlling apparatus comprising track rails, means for supplying to said rails two alternating currents of the same frequency but differing in phase, and vehicle carried traffic governing means controlled jointly by said two currents.
72. Railway trafiic controlling apparatus comprisin track rails, means forffsfupplying to said rails two alternatin o-currents of the same frequency. means orreversing the relative polarity of one of said currents, and vehicle carried trafiic governing means controlled jointly by said currents and responsive to such reversal of relative polaritv.
73. Railway trailic controlling apparatus comprising track rails, means for supplying to said rails two alternating currents of the same frequency, means for reversing the relative polarity of one of said currents, a three position relay carried by 'a train andprovided with two windings,
means also on the train for supplying said relay with alternating currents of the same fre uency and the same relative polarity as t e currents in the track rails, and means controlled by said relay for governing the vehicle.
74. Railway traflic controlling apparatus com rising means for supplying to the true way two alternating currents of the same frequency but different in phase, and vehicle carried traflic governing means controlled jointly b said two currents. I
75. Railway trafiic controlling apparatus com. rising means for supplying to the trac way two alternating currents of the same frequency, means for reversing the relative polarity of one of said currents, and vehicle carried traflic governing means controlled jointly by said two currents and responsive to such reversal of polarity.
76. In combination, a block of railway track, means for constantly supplying an alternating vehicle governing current to the rails of said block from the entrance end to an intermediate point in the block,- and means controlled by traflic conditions in advance for-at times supplying similar current to the rails of said block from said intermediate point to the exit end of the block.
block, and means carried by 'a v 77. In combination, a block of railway track, means for constantly supplying an alternating vehicle governing current to the rails of said block in multiple from the en'- trance end of the block. to an intermediate point in the block, and means controlled by traflic conditions in advance for at times supplying similar'current to the rails of said block in multiple from said intermediate oint to the exit end of the block.
78. ailway traflic controlling apparatus comprising track rails divided into blocks,
a source of alternating current connected across the track rails of each block, means for supplying a second alternating current to the ra1ls* of each block, means for each block responsive to dangerous trafiic conditions in advance for reversing the relative polarity of one of said currents and cutting oil the supply of the second current from a portion of the block; and vehicle carried apparatus responsive to the presence of both of said currents and the normal relative polarity of the reversible current by giving a proceed indication, said apparatus being responsive to the reversal of the relative polarity of one current by giving. a caution indication, and to the cessation of either current by giving a stop indication.
79. Railwaydrafiic controlling apparatus comprising track rails divided into blocks, a source of alternating current connected across the track rails. of each block, and means for supplying a second alternating current to the rails of each block, means for each block responsive to dangerous traffic conditions in advance for reversing the relative polarity of one of said currents and cutting off the supply of the second current from'a portion of the block; a relay carried on a vehicle and controlled by said trackway currents, said relay assuming one controlling condition when both currents [are present and the reversible current is of normal relative polarity, a" second controlling condition when the relative polarity of one current is reversed, anda thlrdcontrolling condition when either current is absent; and means governedby saidrelay for giving a proceed, ,c'ahtion or stop indication according as said relayai'g in its \first, second or third controlling ition.
80. In combinationf'a railway track divided into blocks, means associated with each block for imparting a proceed influence to a vehicle throughout the entire block under safe tratiic conditions in advance, said means operating under unsafe trafiic conditions to impart a caution influence to a" vehicle through a portion of the block and a stop influence through the remain'dg of the I e ole forreceiving said influences and translating them into indications suitable for governing the vehicle.
:31. In combination, a block of railway "track, means for applying an alternating difference of potential across the track rails adjacent the exit end of said block, means for applyin a second alternating difference of potentia of one relative polarity or the other along the rails of said block, and vehicle governing means controlled by the currents fiowingin the track rails due to said ditferenccs of oteutial.
'82. Railway tra c controllin apparatus comprising track rails, means or imp'ressing alternatin signaling current thereon, a
' railway vehic e provided with a receiving 1 l6 coil in inductive relation to a track rail, :1
' circuit on said vehicle including said coil and a ca acity device and tuned to resonance at the equcncy of said signalin current, and overning means on said veicle shunted y said capacity device.
83. Railway traflic controllin apparatus comprising track rails, means "or nnpressing alternating signaling current thereon, a railway vehicle provided with a receiving coil in inductive relation to a track rail, n circuit on said. vehicle including said coil and a capacity device and tuned to rcsonance at the frequency of said signaling current, an amplifier on said vehicle provided with an input eirculit shunted by said capacity, and'vehicle overning means controlled by said am 1i r.
84. Railway tra controllin apparatus comprising track rails, means or unpresing thereon alternatingeignaling current,
a railway vehicle, a resonant circuit thereon comprising coils within the magnetic .iie'ld of said signaling-current in the-track rails and a capacity device across the terminals of said coils, and trafiic governing means controlled by the alternating potential across said capacity device due to said signaling current.
85. Railway trafiic controllin apparatus comprising track rails, means unimpressing alternating signaling current thereon, a railway vehicle, a resumant circuit thereon comprising coils within the magnetic field of t e signaling current in the track rails,
' and'a condenser across-the terminals of said coils, an electron relay on the vehicle com prising a hot filament, a cold anode, and a grid interposed betwecnthe two','means for connecting the terminals of said condenser with saidfilament and grid respectively, a blockin condenser being interposed bet'ween't e first-mentioned condenser andthe id, :1. source'of current connected to said.
ament and to said anode, and vehicle goveming means controlled b'the variations of the current from sai between the grid and'the filament ue to said alternating' signalingcurrent in the'track last-mentioned source produced by the alternatin' potential 86. Railway traflic controllingnpparatus comprising a trackway and a vehicle for travel thereon, a circuit on said vehicle ineluding a capacity device, means located in the trackway for creating alternating signaling current in said circuit; an electron tube on said vehicle comprising a heated filament, a plate and a grid; said lilamerit and said grid being shunted by said capacity device, a blocking condenser inter posed between the grid and said capacity device, a plate circuit for said electron tube, and vehicle governing means controlled by the current in said glatc circuit.
8?. Railway tra c eontrollin apparatus comprisingtraclr rails, means or impressing thereon two alternating currents of the same frequency but dil'lering in hase, a vehicle provided with inc-ans for in uctively receiving voltages due to said currents, and governing means on said vehicle controlled by such induced voltages.
88.. Railway traffic controllii'ig r apparatus comprising track rails, means tor impress- )ing thereon two alternating currents of the same frequency but dillcring in phase, ,a vehicle provided withmeans for inductively receiving voltages due to said currents, and signals on said vehicle controlled by such induced. voltages.-
89. Railway traflic controllin apparatus comprising track rails, means. or impressing thereon two alternating currents of the same frequency but'difiering in phase, a vehicle provided with means for inductively receiving voltages due to said currents, a relay on said vehicle havingtwo "windings, means interposed between said receivin means and said relay for supplying sai windings with. alternating potentials havin thcsanic phase relation as that of said inc uced voltages, and
said vehicle controlled l said relay.
94). Railway traffic coutrollin apparatus comprising track rails, means or impressing thereon two alternating currents of the same frequency but differing in. phase, a vehicle provided with means for inductively receiving voltages due to said currents, amplifiers controlled by said induced voltages, and overning means on the vehicle controlled )y said amplifiers.
ill. Railway trafiic controlling apparatus comprising a trackway and a vehicle for travel thereon, means forsu plying alternating' current to said tracliway, vehicle governing means on the vehicle controlled by said current in the trackway and com prising a plurality of electron tubes each aving a cathode filament, and a sin 10 Source of-directcurrent on said'vehicle or energizing all of said filaments. i In witness whereof I afliz my signature.
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US15830D Bailway-tbaffic-contkolling system Expired USRE15830E (en)

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