USRE14449E - murphy - Google Patents

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USRE14449E US RE14449 E USRE14449 E US RE14449E
United States
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P. Murphy
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  • FIG. 3 a sectional view on line 3-3 of more particularly end, structure for rail- Fig. 1; 'way cars, composed of one or more metal 1 Fig. 4, an elevation of the end wall of a sheets or panels, and provided with reincar illustrating a modification of the strucforcing and stiffening members or devices tul'e shownin Figs. 1 to 3 inclusive;
  • the invention has for an object to provide a sheet metal wall structure for cars with one or more truss-like elements which extend across it, preferably either vertically or horizontally or in both of those directions, and which are wider at their centers than at their ends, or are equivalently constructed, so that they give a maximum amount of strength and stiffness to the sheet or sheets at the place where
  • the nvention has for further objects such other new and improved constructions,
  • the lower sheet 33 is formed. with similar corrugations 31?, 32, which preferably extendacross the sheet in the opposite direction from the corrugations of f the uppersheet.
  • the upper margin of the 10 posed flanges 36 to overlap the corner posts 27' 'and which .may be secured thereto by means of bolts '37.
  • the lower sheet 33 may l slmilar manner, may overlap the corner posts 27 and be secured thereto.
  • the lower sheet may also have an inturned-fiange 39 intervening between the end sill 28.and the 7 trated in Figs. 4 to 6 inclusive, wherein thehave similar side flanges 38 which, in a flooririg29 and secured thereto by bolts 40.
  • a modified form of the invention is illusendbwall consists of-two upper sheets 41 and 42 formed on their'meeting edges with outstanding flanges 43 and on their lower 0 edges with outstanding flanges 44 and apa'ir v of -lower sheets 45 and 46 formed with margins-of the lower sheets being flat and 1 upper sheets by means of rivets 48.' The the end structure, which is naturally subtoward their outer extremities. The flanges the joint between the sheetsabsolutely waterproof. The flanges 47 of the lower sheets bottom.” Thiscon'struction provides an increased reinforcement for the lower part of jected to the greateststress and pressures;
  • the flanges. 44 are preferably secured to the flanges 47 by meansof angular gussets 51'.- These gussets serve to combine the flanges 44, into a .stiflf unitary truss, equivalent in” function to the truss member or. flange 35. 55'
  • each sheet is formed with an X corrugation 52,.and preferably with vertical corrugations 53 and horizontal I corrugations 54.
  • the function of the X corrugation is to transmit stresses on the center portion of the sheet to its corners, that is to vsay, to the framework of the car andthe horizontal and vertical truss members.
  • the horizontal and vertical corrugations stlfl'en and'reinforce the sheets asagainst local thrusts.
  • the upper sheet may be formed with angularly dis-' extending back of the lower edges of the g, upper sheets where they are'secured to the g toward'its endsare shown "as increasing in width toward 'the invention disclosed, trusses orrein-forcing members are provided which 'serveparticularly to re nforce the center'p'ort-lonpf the structure where reinforcement is most re- 1 quired. In each instance advantage is taken of the fact.
  • the 'car is provided, as herein shown, with reinforcin or truss members runnin "in difl'erent dlrections, and each secure to or integral with the middle of the'sheet metal structure, thej wall of the-car is not only stiff and strong in itself, so as to be capable of withstanding cargo thrusts, j i
  • a sheet metal" end" structure for railway cars comprising a panelprovided'withl *a truss-like reinforcing member formed by bending one edge of therpanel :to form flange which extends across the. structure, is relatively-wide at the 2'.
  • a sheet metal end structure forrail- Q way cars made up of a plurality of sheets middle and. tapers sheet which extends .across the end struew extremities.
  • a sheet metal end structure for railway cars comprising an and sheet formed tilre and is wider at the'middle than at'its h a plurality of parallel corrugations one of which extends'diagonally substantially from cornei. to corner across said sheet, and i b means constituting a reinforcingtruss member which extends across said-end structure.
  • I 4. A sheet metal end structure for rail-, way cars comprising upper and lower end sheets, each formed with a pluralit' oiparallel corrugations which extend diagonally across the sheet, and means for connecting said sheets together, the end of one sheet being bent to provide a truss-like reinforcing member.
  • a sheet metal end structure for railway cars comprising a. plurality of end sheets secured to each other at their meeting edges and secured to the framework of the car, each sheet being formed with parallel diagonal corrugations one of which extends substantially from corner to corner across the sheet.
  • a sheet metal end structure for railway cars comprising an upper-sheet formed .with a corrugation extending diagonally across the sheet substantially from corner to corner and with shorter corrugations on either side of the first named corrugation, a lower sheet formed with a set of corrugaway cars comprising two end sheets, one of' which overlaps the other, the overlapping portionof which is bent to form a reinforcing flange.
  • a sheet metal end structure for railway cars comprising two end sheets, one of which overlaps the other, the overlapping portion of which is bent to form a reinforcing flange which is deepest at the middle and tapers toward its extremities.
  • a sheet metal wall structure for railway cars comprising upper and lower sheets, each formed with a plurality 'of parallel corrugations which extend diagonally of the sheet, a truss-like reinforcing flange formed upon that edge of one sheet which meets the other, said sheets being overlapped on their meeting edges and secured together.
  • a sheet metal wall structure for railway cars comprising upper and lower sheets, each formed with a plurality of parallel corrugations which extend diagonally of the sheet, the upper edge of the lower sheet overlapping the lower edge of the upper sheet upon the inner side thereof, and an outturned truss-like reinforcing flange formed upon the lower overlapping edge of the upper sheet, the overlapping edges of the sheets being secured. together.
  • a sheet metal wall structure for rail way cars comprising an upper sheet formed along its lower edge with an outturned reinforcing flange which is widest at the center of the sheet and tapers toward the edges thereof, and a lower sheet the upper edge of which overlaps the inner side of the'lower edge of said upper sheet and is secured thereto, each of said sheets being formed with a plurality of arallel corrugations which extend diagonal y of the sheet.
  • a sheet metal wall structure for railway cars comprising an upper sheet formed along its lower edge with an out-turned reinforcing flange which is widest at the center of the sheet and tapers toward the edges with a corrugation extending diagonally from corner to corner, and with shorter corrugations on either side of the first named corrugation.
  • a sheet metal wall structure for railway cars comprising an upper sheet formed along its lower edge with an out-turned reinforcing flange which is widest at the center of the sheet and tapers toward the edges thereof. and a lower sheet the upper edge of which overlaps the inner side of the lower edge of said upper sheet and is secured thereto, each of said sheets being formed with a corrugation extending diagonally from corner to corner, and. with shorter cor- 'rugations on either sideotthc first named corrugation, said shorter corrugations paralleling the first named corrugation.
  • a sheet metal wall structure for railway cars comprisingan upper sheet formed along its lower edge with an out-turned reinforcing flange which is widest at the center of the sheet and tapers toward the edges --.edge of said upper sheet and is secured thereto, each of said sheets being formed with a corrugation extending diagonally from corner to corner, and with shorter corrugations on either side. of the first named corrugation. said shorter corrugations paralleling the first named corrugation, the cor-- rugations of one sheet extending in an opposite direction to those of the other.
  • A'sheet metal wall structure for railway cars comprising an upper sheet formed along its lower edge with an out-turned reinforcing flange which is widest at the center of the sheet and tapers toward the edges thereof, and a lower sheet the upper edge of which overlaps the inner side of the lower edge of said upper sheet and is secured thereto, each of said sheets being formed with a currugation extending diagonally from corner to corner, and with shorter corrugations on either side of the first named corrugation, the first named corrugation 'being deepest'at its center portion and tapering toward the corners of the sheet.
  • a sheet metal wall structure for railwaycars comprising an upper sheet formed along its lower edge with an out-turnedreinforcing flange which is widest at the centerv thereto, each of said sheets being formed with a corrugation extending dlagonally' from corner to corner, and with shorter corrug'atlons on either side of the first named corrugation, the rst named corrugation being deepest at its center ortion and taper- toward the corners the sheet, and the 1 first named corrugation of one sheet extending in the .opposite direction to that-of the other sheen I 17..
  • a sheet metal 'wall structure for railway cars comprising a panel formed with anunbrojken diagonal corrugation extending V substantially from corner tocorner of the panel and with independent corrugations parallel to the same.
  • a sheet metal wall structure for railway cars comprising'mpanelformed with an unbroken diagonal corrugation which extends substantially from corner to corner of the panel, and with a plurality of corrugations parallel thereto,
  • a sheet metal wall structure for rail way cars comprising a panel formed. with an unbroken diagonal corrugation which extends substantially from corner to corner of the panel and increases in size from its ends toward itscenter, and with'a plurality ofcorrugations parallel-thereto.
  • A. sheet metal wall structure way cars comprisinga-panel formed with an unbroken diagonal corrugation extend- ,ing substantially from cornerto corner of,
  • a sheet metal wall structurefor railway ca'rs comprising a panel formedwith an unbroken diagonal'corrugation which is" enlarged from its ends toward its center,
  • a sheet metal wall-structure for railway' ca-rs comprising apanel formed with an unbroken diagonal corrugation which extends substantially from corner to corner of the panel and isenlar'ged from its endstoward its center, and withcorrugations parallelthereto on. opposite sides of the 24.
  • Asheet metal wallstructure for rail way cars comprising a plurality of panels joined at their meeting edges, each of said panels being formed with an unbroken diagonal corrugationand with a corrugations parallel thereto. .25.
  • a sheet metal wall structure vfor raileach, of said panels unbroken diagonal corrugation anddwilih for rail plurality of extends substantia way cars comprising a plurality ofpanels joined together along) their -meeting edges, eing formed with an corrugations parallel thereto, the corrug'ations of one ,panel extending in. a direction inclined-with respect to the direction of the corrugations of theadjacent panel.
  • a sheet metal wall structure for rail way cars comprising asheet formed with anunbroken diagonal corrugation which extends substantially from corner to corner of the sheet. .1 I
  • a sheet metal wall structure for railway )cars comprising a' sheet formed with an unbroken diagonal corrugation which extends substantially-from corner to corner a of the sheet, is largest at its center and tea pers toward its extremities. 4 a
  • A-sheet metal wall' structure forrailway cars comprising a sheet .iormed with a plurality of diagonally disposed: corrugations, one of which is unbroken and extends sheet.
  • a sheet metal wall. structure for rail- Way cars comprising a sheet; formed with a plurality of unbroken, diagonall "disposed corrugations, one ofwhich' exten s substan. tially from corner to corner of the sheet.
  • a sheet metal wall structurejfor rail- Way cars comprisin-g'a sheet formedwith a plurality of parallel diagonall disposed 31.
  • the combination withelements formparallel funbroken diagonal corrugations, each of which extends substantially from edgeito edge of the-unsecured area of the sheet.
  • a sheet metalwall structure ier rail substantially from corner to corner. of the .corrugations, one of which is-un roken and. extendssubstantiall'y from corner to corner of the-sheet.
  • a metal sheet adapted' .to be secured to said frame by its edges, said wa oarscomprisinasheet formed with an un roken, 'diagona' corrugation which extends substantially from corner to corner of the sheet, and means constituting a reinforcing -truss member which extends across" said structure through the center thereof.
  • cars comprising a sheet formed with an unbroken, diagonal corrugation which ly I from corner vto corner of the sheet, and means constitutin a reinforcing truss member which extens across said structure through the center thereof, said member being formed on the sheet by bendin one edge thereof.
  • sheet metal wall structure for railway cars comprising a sheet formedwith an unbroken diagonal corrugation which extends substantially from corner to corner of the sheet, and means constituting a reinforcing truss member which extends across said constituting a reinforcing truss member which extends across said sheet through the center thereof.
  • a sheet metal wall structure for railway cars comprising a sheet formed with a plurality of diagonally disposed corrugations, one of which, is unbroken and extends substantially from corner to corner of the sheet, and-means constituting a reinforcing member which extends across said structure through the center thereof.
  • a sheet metal wall structure for railway cars comprising a sheet formed with a plurality of unbroken diagonally disposed corrugations, one of whichextends substantially from corner to corner of the sheet,
  • waycars comprising a sheet formed by a 39.
  • the combination with vertical and horizontal members con-' stituting a part of theframing of the car of a. metal end sheet secured to said framing by its edges and formed with a plurality of substantially parallel corrugations, extending uninterruptedly across the sheet substantially from edge to edge and diagonally arranged so as to distribute the stresses on said sheet in part to the vertical and in part to the horizontal frame members of-the car.
  • end sheet secured to said under frame and side walls, means providinfg extending across the car rom side wall to side wall along the upper edge of said end sheet, said sheet being formed with substantially parallel corrugations extending uninterruptedly across the sheet substantially from edge to edge and diagonally arranged so as to distribute stresses on the end saidrigid member at the upper edge of the sheet.
  • a rigid member eet as between the side walls, under frame and.
  • end sheet secured to said underframe andside walls, means providing a substantially horizontal flange at the upper edge of said sheet; said sheet being formed with non.- intersecting corrugations extending uninterruptedly across the sheet from edge to edge and diagonally arranged so as to distribute stresses as between the upper, lower and vertical edges of the sheet.
  • a sheet metal end structure for a railway car comprising a panel formed with rigidifying corrugations and having a trusslike reinforcement formed'by providing a flange at one edge of the sheet which extends across the end structure and is relatively wide at the middle and tapers in width toward its ends.
  • a sheet metal end structure for a railway car comprising an end panel having a ing a. flange at one'edge of the sheet which extends across the end structure and is relatively wide at the middle and tapers in width toward its ends, said panel being formed with corrugations arranged so as to carry stresses on the panel to said flange.


14,449. 2 SHEETS-SHEET I'.
' Reissued .Mar. 26, 1918.
Reissued Mar. 26,1913. 4
155MB; n
Original No. 1,246,143, dated November 13, 1917, Serial No. 808,818, filed December 26, 1913. Application for UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE.
14 449 Specification of Reissued Letters Patent. Reissued luau 26, 1918 reissue filed February 5, 1918. Serial to. 215,468.
New York and State of New York, forclaimed. I v merly of Chicago, in the county of COOk The invention is illustrated in certain. and State of Illinois, have made certain new preferred embodiments, in the accompanyund useful Improvements in Metal Ends for ing drawings, wherein- 7 Railway-Cars, of which the following is a Figure 1 is a view, in elevation, of the specification. p I end wall of a car, showing the preferred '5 My invention relates to the construction form of construction; of railway cars. particularly, but not neces- Fig. 2. a sectional view taken on line sarily. box cars, and has for its object to 2-2 of Fig.1; provide a novel and improved'metal Wall, Fig. 3, a sectional view on line 3-3 of more particularly end, structure for rail- Fig. 1; 'way cars, composed of one or more metal 1 Fig. 4, an elevation of the end wall of a sheets or panels, and provided with reincar illustrating a modification of the strucforcing and stiffening members or devices tul'e shownin Figs. 1 to 3 inclusive;
which may be formed or pressed in the sheet Fig. 5, a sectional view taken on line or sheets of metal of which the car is comof Fig. 4; and posed, whereby the said wall, while being Fig. 6, a sectional view taken on. line -6 light and inexpensive to make, will be car. of Fig. 4. pable of withstanding the heavy strains and Like characters of reference designate pressures to which the wall of a railway like parts in the several figures of the drawcar is subjected when in service and whereings. 8'0
To all whom it may concern:
Be it known that I, \VALTER P. MURPHY, a citizen of the United States, and a resident of New York city, in the county of by suchstrains and pressures are transmitted to the framework of the car and distributed as between the vertical and horizontal members thereof;
Additionally, the invention has for an object to provide a sheet metal wall structure for cars with one or more truss-like elements which extend across it, preferably either vertically or horizontally or in both of those directions, and which are wider at their centers than at their ends, or are equivalently constructed, so that they give a maximum amount of strength and stiffness to the sheet or sheets at the place where The nvention has for further objects such other new and improved constructions,
I arrangements and devices in sheet metal car walls as will be hereinafter described and The w a strength is most needed, to-wit, at the cenbers of the car, the corner posts, and in 9 ter of the structure; the invention in this part to the end sill and end plate of the respect, when used inthe end wall of a. car, and to an intermediate horizontally discar, taking advantage of the fact that unposed truss member which extends across derthe requirements of the-Interstate Com the car from corner post to corner post-and merce Commission there need not be as forms, in effect, a partof the framing. of me much clearance between the ends of two the car or a reinforcement therefor and for railway cars near the. center line of the the sheet metal end wall. In these figures cars as at the sides of the cars where the the upper sheet designated 30 is formed end ladders are placed. with a pressed out rib or corrugation 31 A further'ob ect of the invention is to which extends diagonally across the. sheet provide a our well which, besides .heing more and is deeper and wider at the middle than durable than the ordinary wooden structure, at the ends and with a plurality of shorter will stiffen and reinforce the entire car body diagonal corrugations these corrugations as against weaving and other like being is crab-iv ti, or substantially tending to distort and strain the same. mathematical para} lelism being unessential, the purpose of the corrugations being to ,actas beams to 'distribute the stresses on the endstructure to the vertical and horizontal, members of the car framing. The lower sheet 33 is formed. with similar corrugations 31?, 32, which preferably extendacross the sheet in the opposite direction from the corrugations of f the uppersheet. The upper margin of the 10 posed flanges 36 to overlap the corner posts 27' 'and which .may be secured thereto by means of bolts '37. The lower sheet 33 may l slmilar manner, may overlap the corner posts 27 and be secured thereto. The lower sheet may also have an inturned-fiange 39 intervening between the end sill 28.and the 7 trated in Figs. 4 to 6 inclusive, wherein thehave similar side flanges 38 which, in a flooririg29 and secured thereto by bolts 40.- A modified form of the invention is illusendbwall consists of-two upper sheets 41 and 42 formed on their'meeting edges with outstanding flanges 43 and on their lower 0 edges with outstanding flanges 44 and apa'ir v of - lower sheets 45 and 46 formed with margins-of the lower sheets being flat and 1 upper sheets by means of rivets 48.' The the end structure, which is naturally subtoward their outer extremities. The flanges the joint between the sheetsabsolutely waterproof. The flanges 47 of the lower sheets bottom." Thiscon'struction provides an increased reinforcement for the lower part of jected to the greateststress and pressures;
The flanges. 44 are preferably secured to the flanges 47 by meansof angular gussets 51'.- These gussets serve to combine the flanges 44, into a .stiflf unitary truss, equivalent in" function to the truss member or. flange 35. 55'
In" this modification each sheet is formed with an X corrugation 52,.and preferably with vertical corrugations 53 and horizontal I corrugations 54. The function of the X corrugation is to transmit stresses on the center portion of the sheet to its corners, that is to vsay, to the framework of the car andthe horizontal and vertical truss members. The horizontal and vertical corrugations stlfl'en and'reinforce the sheets asagainst local thrusts. Ineachof the embodiments of the 'ber ofreinforcin .be increased or dnninished in either of the illustrated forms, and these members "might The upper sheet may be formed with angularly dis-' extending back of the lower edges of the g, upper sheets where they are'secured to the g toward'its endsare shown "as increasing in width toward 'the invention disclosed, trusses orrein-forcing members are provided which 'serveparticularly to re nforce the center'p'ort-lonpf the structure where reinforcement is most re- 1 quired. In each instance advantage is taken of the fact. that, yvhen' utilizing the; struc ture in the end wall,;the center" arts of the end of the car may projeetout urther'than the side portions to which the end ladders are aifixed. It is to be noted that-the numor truss members might be'constituted-by separate: elements where.
they are shown as provided. by the Hanging of the sheets. Obviously, also, the number a of sheets, which in one case is four and in the other two," mayf-be 'variedas circumstances require, depending on the type of car to which the end is applied; v Where the 'car is provided, as herein shown, with reinforcin or truss members runnin "in difl'erent dlrections, and each secure to or integral with the middle of the'sheet metal structure, thej wall of the-car is not only stiff and strong in itself, so as to be capable of withstanding cargo thrusts, j i
but it also serves to reinforce and strengthen the framingof the-car as against-weavingstrains.
referred embodiments of the invention, but it is obvious that one skilled 'in the art might make modifications thereof without departingfrom the.spirit of the invention;
I claim 2' In'.-the'accompanying drawings and'inthe foregoing description are set forth certain I flanges 47 on their meeting edges, the upper 1. A sheet metal" end" structure for railway cars comprising a panelprovided'withl *a truss-like reinforcing member formed by bending one edge of therpanel :to form flange which extends across the. structure, is relatively-wide at the 2'. A sheet metal end structure forrail- Q way cars made up of a plurality of sheets middle and. tapers sheet which extends .across the end struew extremities. 7 v y 3 A sheet metal end structure for railway cars comprising an and sheet formed tilre and is wider at the'middle than at'its h a plurality of parallel corrugations one of which extends'diagonally substantially from cornei. to corner across said sheet, and i b means constituting a reinforcingtruss member which extends across said-end structure. I 4. A sheet metal end structure for rail-, way cars comprising upper and lower end sheets, each formed with a pluralit' oiparallel corrugations which extend diagonally across the sheet, and means for connecting said sheets together, the end of one sheet being bent to provide a truss-like reinforcing member.
5. A sheet metal end structure for railway cars comprising a. plurality of end sheets secured to each other at their meeting edges and secured to the framework of the car, each sheet being formed with parallel diagonal corrugations one of which extends substantially from corner to corner across the sheet.
6. A sheet metal end structure for railway cars comprising an upper-sheet formed .with a corrugation extending diagonally across the sheet substantially from corner to corner and with shorter corrugations on either side of the first named corrugation, a lower sheet formed with a set of corrugaway cars comprising two end sheets, one of' which overlaps the other, the overlapping portionof which is bent to form a reinforcing flange.
8. A sheet metal end structure for railway cars comprising two end sheets, one of which overlaps the other, the overlapping portion of which is bent to form a reinforcing flange which is deepest at the middle and tapers toward its extremities.
9. A sheet metal wall structure for railway cars, comprising upper and lower sheets, each formed with a plurality 'of parallel corrugations which extend diagonally of the sheet, a truss-like reinforcing flange formed upon that edge of one sheet which meets the other, said sheets being overlapped on their meeting edges and secured together.
10. A sheet metal wall structure for railway cars, comprising upper and lower sheets, each formed with a plurality of parallel corrugations which extend diagonally of the sheet, the upper edge of the lower sheet overlapping the lower edge of the upper sheet upon the inner side thereof, and an outturned truss-like reinforcing flange formed upon the lower overlapping edge of the upper sheet, the overlapping edges of the sheets being secured. together.
11. A sheet metal wall structure for rail way cars, comprising an upper sheet formed along its lower edge with an outturned reinforcing flange which is widest at the center of the sheet and tapers toward the edges thereof, and a lower sheet the upper edge of which overlaps the inner side of the'lower edge of said upper sheet and is secured thereto, each of said sheets being formed with a plurality of arallel corrugations which extend diagonal y of the sheet.
12. A sheet metal wall structure for railway cars, comprising an upper sheet formed along its lower edge with an out-turned reinforcing flange which is widest at the center of the sheet and tapers toward the edges with a corrugation extending diagonally from corner to corner, and with shorter corrugations on either side of the first named corrugation.
13. A sheet metal wall structure for railway cars, comprising an upper sheet formed along its lower edge with an out-turned reinforcing flange which is widest at the center of the sheet and tapers toward the edges thereof. and a lower sheet the upper edge of which overlaps the inner side of the lower edge of said upper sheet and is secured thereto, each of said sheets being formed with a corrugation extending diagonally from corner to corner, and. with shorter cor- 'rugations on either sideotthc first named corrugation, said shorter corrugations paralleling the first named corrugation.
14. A sheet metal wall structure for railway cars, comprisingan upper sheet formed along its lower edge with an out-turned reinforcing flange which is widest at the center of the sheet and tapers toward the edges --.edge of said upper sheet and is secured thereto, each of said sheets being formed with a corrugation extending diagonally from corner to corner, and with shorter corrugations on either side. of the first named corrugation. said shorter corrugations paralleling the first named corrugation, the cor-- rugations of one sheet extending in an opposite direction to those of the other.
15. A'sheet metal wall structure for railway cars. comprising an upper sheet formed along its lower edge with an out-turned reinforcing flange which is widest at the center of the sheet and tapers toward the edges thereof, and a lower sheet the upper edge of which overlaps the inner side of the lower edge of said upper sheet and is secured thereto, each of said sheets being formed with a currugation extending diagonally from corner to corner, and with shorter corrugations on either side of the first named corrugation, the first named corrugation 'being deepest'at its center portion and tapering toward the corners of the sheet.
l6. A sheet metal wall structure for railwaycars, comprising an upper sheet formed along its lower edge with an out-turnedreinforcing flange which is widest at the centerv thereto, each of said sheets being formed with a corrugation extending dlagonally' from corner to corner, and with shorter corrug'atlons on either side of the first named corrugation, the rst named corrugation being deepest at its center ortion and taper- toward the corners the sheet, and the 1 first named corrugation of one sheet extending in the .opposite direction to that-of the other sheen I 17..A sheet inetal wall structure "for railway-cars, comprising a sheet formed with a plurality of parallel diagonally disposed corrugations, one of which extends substantially from corner to corner oi: the 'sheet',f
and means constituting a reinforcing truss member which extends across said structure through the center thereof. 1
.18. A sheet metal 'wall structure for railway cars comprising a panel formed with anunbrojken diagonal corrugation extending V substantially from corner tocorner of the panel and with independent corrugations parallel to the same.
19. A sheet metal wall structure for railway cars comprising'mpanelformed with an unbroken diagonal corrugation which extends substantially from corner to corner of the panel, and with a plurality of corrugations parallel thereto,
- 20.A sheet metal wall structure for rail way cars comprising a panel formed. with an unbroken diagonal corrugation which extends substantially from corner to corner of the panel and increases in size from its ends toward itscenter, and with'a plurality ofcorrugations parallel-thereto.
21. A. sheet metal wall structure way cars comprisinga-panel formed with an unbroken diagonal corrugation extend- ,ing substantially from cornerto corner of,
, the panel, andwith corrugations parallel Band with corrugations parallel thereto on opposite sidesofthe same.
thereto on opposite sides of the same.
' 22 A sheet metal wall structurefor railway ca'rs comprising a panel formedwith an unbroken diagonal'corrugation which is" enlarged from its ends toward its center,
23. A sheet metal wall-structure for railway' ca-rs comprising apanel formed with an unbroken diagonal corrugation which extends substantially from corner to corner of the panel and isenlar'ged from its endstoward its center, and withcorrugations parallelthereto on. opposite sides of the 24. Asheet metal wallstructure for rail way cars comprising a plurality of panels joined at their meeting edges, each of said panels being formed with an unbroken diagonal corrugationand with a corrugations parallel thereto. .25. A sheet metal wall structure vfor raileach, of said panels unbroken diagonal corrugation anddwilih for rail plurality of extends substantia way cars comprising a plurality ofpanels joined together along) their -meeting edges, eing formed with an corrugations parallel thereto, the corrug'ations of one ,panel extending in. a direction inclined-with respect to the direction of the corrugations of theadjacent panel.
p 26. A sheet metal wall structure for rail way cars comprising asheet formed with anunbroken diagonal corrugation which extends substantially from corner to corner of the sheet. .1 I
. 27. A sheet metal wall structure for railway )cars comprising a' sheet formed with an unbroken diagonal corrugation which extends substantially-from corner to corner a of the sheet, is largest at its center and tea pers toward its extremities. 4 a
28. A-sheet metal wall' structure forrailway cars comprising a sheet .iormed with a plurality of diagonally disposed: corrugations, one of which is unbroken and extends sheet. I
29. A sheet metal wall. structure for rail- Way cars, comprising a sheet; formed with a plurality of unbroken, diagonall "disposed corrugations, one ofwhich' exten s substan. tially from corner to corner of the sheet.
30. A sheet metal wall structurejfor rail- Way cars comprisin-g'a sheet formedwith a plurality of parallel diagonall disposed 31. The combination withelements formparallel funbroken diagonal corrugations, each of which extends substantially from edgeito edge of the-unsecured area of the sheet.
33. A sheet metalwall structure ier railsubstantially from corner to corner. of the .corrugations, one of which is-un roken and. extendssubstantiall'y from corner to corner of the-sheet. i
ing a *car fra'me, 01". a metal sheet adapted' .to be secured to said frame by its edges, said wa oarscomprisinasheet formed with an un roken, 'diagona' corrugation which extends substantially from corner to corner of the sheet, and means constituting a reinforcing -truss member which extends across" said structure through the center thereof.
, 34JA sheet metal wall structure for rail,-
way cars comprising a sheet formed with an unbroken, diagonal corrugation which ly I from corner vto corner of the sheet, and means constitutin a reinforcing truss member which extens across said structure through the center thereof, said member being formed on the sheet by bendin one edge thereof.
35. sheet metal wall structure for railway cars comprising a sheet formedwith an unbroken diagonal corrugation which extends substantially from corner to corner of the sheet, and means constituting a reinforcing truss member which extends across said constituting a reinforcing truss member which extends across said sheet through the center thereof. I
37 A sheet metal wall structure for railway cars comprising a sheet formed with a plurality of diagonally disposed corrugations, one of which, is unbroken and extends substantially from corner to corner of the sheet, and-means constituting a reinforcing member which extends across said structure through the center thereof.
38. A sheet metal wall structure for railway cars; comprising a sheet formed with a plurality of unbroken diagonally disposed corrugations, one of whichextends substantially from corner to corner of the sheet,
and means constituting a reinforcing truss member WhlCll extends across said structure through the center thereof.
waycars comprising a sheet formed by a 39. A sheet metal wall structure for railplurality of parallel, diagonally disposed corrugations, one of which is unbroken and extends substantially from corner to corvner of the sheet, and means constituting a reinforcing member which extends across said structure through the center thereof.
40. In a railway car, the combination with vertical and horizontal members con-' stituting a part of theframing of the car, of a. metal end sheet secured to said framing by its edges and formed with a plurality of substantially parallel corrugations, extending uninterruptedly across the sheet substantially from edge to edge and diagonally arranged so as to distribute the stresses on said sheet in part to the vertical and in part to the horizontal frame members of-the car.
41. The combination with the under frame and. side walls of a railway car, of a metal.
end sheet secured to said under frame and side walls, means providinfg extending across the car rom side wall to side wall along the upper edge of said end sheet, said sheet being formed with substantially parallel corrugations extending uninterruptedly across the sheet substantially from edge to edge and diagonally arranged so as to distribute stresses on the end saidrigid member at the upper edge of the sheet.
42. The combination with the under frame and side walls of a railway car, of a metal.
a rigid member eet as between the side walls, under frame and.
end sheet secured to said underframe andside walls, means providing a substantially horizontal flange at the upper edge of said sheet; said sheet being formed with non.- intersecting corrugations extending uninterruptedly across the sheet from edge to edge and diagonally arranged so as to distribute stresses as between the upper, lower and vertical edges of the sheet.
43. The combination with the under frame and. side walls of a railway car, of a metal end sheet secured to said under frame and side walls, means providing a substantially horizontal flange which is widest at the middle and tapers in width toward its ends at the upper edge of said sheet; said sheet being or'med with non-intersect ing corrugations extending uninterruptedly across the sheet from edge to edge and diagonally arranged so as to distribute stresses as between the upper, lower and vertical edges of the sheet.
44. A sheet metal end structure for a railway car comprising a panel formed with rigidifying corrugations and having a trusslike reinforcement formed'by providing a flange at one edge of the sheet which extends across the end structure and is relatively wide at the middle and tapers in width toward its ends. 1
45. A sheet metal end structure for a railway car comprising an end panel having a ing a. flange at one'edge of the sheet which extends across the end structure and is relatively wide at the middle and tapers in width toward its ends, said panel being formed with corrugations arranged so as to carry stresses on the panel to said flange.
truss-like reinforcement formed by provid-,



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