USRE12592E - Ore-concentrator - Google Patents

Ore-concentrator Download PDF


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USRE12592E US RE12592 E USRE12592 E US RE12592E
United States
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H. P. Taylor
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F One
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  • FIZWESSES v mechanism is supp mony .
  • My invention relates to improvements in eon'centratiiig-tahhs whereupon ores are separated from the refuse tailings and from. each other according to their speciiic grav-ities.
  • Figure 1 is a plan of my invention.
  • Fig. 2 isa longitudinal elevation.
  • Fig. 3 is a part soctionand elevation on the line 9c ⁇ fu of'Fig. 1.
  • Fig. 4 is a rear elevation.
  • Fig. 5. is an end view.
  • Figs. 6 and are detail views of the driving mechanism.
  • the object of my invention is to provide a device in which I get the widest range of position and movement possible for the concentrating-.table may be best adapted to the' Varying'kinds and grades of ores under treatment. It is capable of being given a longitudinal, a transverse, and a diagonal tilt at one and the saine time., or it may be given any of these tilts singly, or it may remain horizontal, and in-anyY ol these positions the movement or length of stroke of the table is capable. of variation at will.
  • A is a suitable foundation or baseonwhich the A frame B, c0mpose-d of longitudinal timbers suitably connected, is pivote-d at one end, as at 2, to the base A, so as to be capable of being given a longitudinal tilt.
  • This tilting is eileeted by an inclined-plane lifting mechanism secured upon the parts of the base and the. frame, near the opposite end from thepivot 2, as follows:
  • On each of the longitudinal pieces of the base A are similar sliding wedges 3, hav ing projecting ilanges by which their position on these pieces is maintained.
  • One of theseilanges of each wedge is notched to form a rack-bar 4.
  • A' simultaneous movement of the levers moves the wedges forward' or backward and corre spondingly raises or lowers the end of the franie.
  • the hinges are the wedge portions 9, fitted so as to slide upon the inclines 10,.
  • riilles 18. Parallel with the longer and outer edgeof the table are the riilles 18. which may be either rectangular or otherwise formed in any wellknown manner.
  • lfVat-er 4 is fed along the side and end of the. table from the trough or perforated pipo 19.
  • the object of inaking 4this table with its eut-er edge longer is to com ensatc in a. manner for the longitudinal ti ting of the table and lo raise that edge of the concentrate end which would naturally be lo ⁇ ver, so that 'the water may tend to flow toward the head and be equally distributed over the table.
  • a dilerential reciprocating movementin the direction of the rxles is given to-this table in the followingmanner: At the head end of the nia-I chine a horizontal shaft is Iiournaled in a framework E and has suitable driving oonnecti'ons with al source of power.
  • a s eeve 22 u on the shaft has one end -abutting against 't e base of the cam and the other end is threaded, on which the stroke-adjuster 23 is tfurnable.
  • This adjuster is held between the guides-2401i theframework E.
  • the sleeve 22 is prevented from turning on the shaft by means of a longitudinal groove 25 inv the sleevev in which a ro'eetion or lug 25 on theframe-engages.
  • o t e head of the table is attached an arm 26.
  • the outer-end of this arm has lawheel'27 running ori the face o f the cam... This wheel is kept against the cam by reason-v of a spring 28.
  • the cam is given such a peri hery that a difcomes to a quick stop on-the concentrate end of its stroke and' to a gradual sto ferentialmovement is gaine e., the table ⁇ end of the table and effects a cleaner and closer savi than is usual in concentratingtables', thily reasonthat the slime is carried in lanother direction-fi. e., toward the lower side dand the particles have more freedom to separate according to their relative specific gravities. found that by the use of this machine the finely-ground ore may be concentrated in a drystate-a feature that is of immense value in dry and arid localities where conservation of water is of first importance in all operations.
  • the 'combination with a base of a frame pivoted thereon means by which the frame may be inclined longitudinally, a bed hinged on this frame and 'capable of being iven an incline transverse to the frame, a tab e upon this bed, said table being of irregular shape and div erving from its hea end, and having riiiles parallel with its outer or long side and diagonal to the bed, and' means by which the table may be given an endwise-reciprocating movement oblique to the longitudinal axis of the machine, and in the line of the rillles.


FIZWESSES v mechanism is supp urteil.
Specification of Reissued LettersPatent.
Reissued Jan. 8, 190'?.
To rr/Z/ whom, it may con/came:
113e it known that l, `l I Iiiuir P10-Ordin TAY- Lon, a citizen of the linited States, residing at Alfloward, in the county of Crook and State of Oregon, have inventml certain new and useful 11n rovenicnts in {vh'e-Concentrators, of which t ie following is a speeiiication.
My invention relates to improvements in eon'centratiiig-tahhs whereupon ores are separated from the refuse tailings and from. each other according to their speciiic grav-ities.
It consists, essentially, of a longitiulinallyinclincd-sup1'iort, a traiisversely-inelined bed upon this support, means by which these inelines may be varied, a shaking-table upon this bed, means by which a movement is given to this table oblique to the longitudinal line of' the support, n'ieans by which the length of this movement or stroke may be regulated, and of details incre fully explained by reference to the following' specihcation and accompanying drawings.
Figure 1 is a plan of my invention. Fig. 2 isa longitudinal elevation. Fig. 3 is a part soctionand elevation on the line 9c` fu of'Fig. 1. Fig. 4 is a rear elevation. Fig. 5. is an end view. Figs. 6 and are detail views of the driving mechanism.
The object of my invention is to provide a device in which I get the widest range of position and movement possible for the concentrating-.table may be best adapted to the' Varying'kinds and grades of ores under treatment. It is capable of being given a longitudinal, a transverse, and a diagonal tilt at one and the saine time., or it may be given any of these tilts singly, or it may remain horizontal, and in-anyY ol these positions the movement or length of stroke of the table is capable. of variation at will.
Having reference to the drawings, A is a suitable foundation or baseonwhich the A frame B, c0mpose-d of longitudinal timbers suitably connected, is pivote-d at one end, as at 2, to the base A, so as to be capable of being given a longitudinal tilt. rThis tilting is eileeted by an inclined-plane lifting mechanism secured upon the parts of the base and the. frame, near the opposite end from thepivot 2, as follows: On each of the longitudinal pieces of the base A are similar sliding wedges 3, hav ing projecting ilanges by which their position on these pieces is maintained. One of theseilanges of each wedge is notched to form a rack-bar 4. A pinion 5, having an axle Journaled in the base, engages with the rack and by suitable means, as a lever 6, is operated to move the wedge. Secured upon .the frame B are rollers 7, which are adapted to engage the inclined faces of the wedges 3. A' simultaneous movement of the levers moves the wedges forward' or backward and corre spondingly raises or lowers the end of the franie. A bed portion O vis hinged at 8 to the traine B. By nieans of these hinges the bed C is transversely tilted by la mechanism somewhat'sirnilar to that used in giving the irarn' its longitudinal tilt. Upon the opposite side of the bedirorn the hinges are the wedge portions 9, fitted so as to slide upon the inclines 10,. carried upon a rod 11, which latter is secured to thelongitudinal ortion of the frame B. The under side of this aris provided With a rack 12, and a pinion 13, journaled in the frame, engages this rack and is actuated as by means of a lever 14. Thus by means of the lever 14 the wedges 10 are simultaneously inoved and the lateral tilt of the bed and the table varied. The shaking or concentratingr table-I) is supported above the bed in such nia-nner that it may be given a rocking or sliding movement in a direction oblique to the length of the machine. Such mounting I have shown by the standards 15 upon the bed, having their ends adapted to lit the cleats 16 on the bottom of the table and form sliding bearing-surfaces The table is of irregular shape, having its head 'end narrowed. The pulp is fed in, as at 17.
Parallel with the longer and outer edgeof the table are the riilles 18. which may be either rectangular or otherwise formed in any wellknown manner. lfVat-er 4is fed along the side and end of the. table from the trough or perforated pipo 19. The object of inaking 4this table with its eut-er edge longer is to com ensatc in a. manner for the longitudinal ti ting of the table and lo raise that edge of the concentrate end which would naturally be lo\ver, so that 'the water may tend to flow toward the head and be equally distributed over the table. soon to be shown, the valuable particles or the `"coneentrates will be carried uphill toward the concentrate or broad end of the table by means et' the riflles and the shaking of the table, While the slime will How oil on Furthermore, for reasons` shaft is a coneshapedcam 2l.
the lower or tailings side d.v A dilerential reciprocating movementin the direction of the rxles is given to-this table in the followingmanner: At the head end of the nia-I chine a horizontal shaft is Iiournaled in a framework E and has suitable driving oonnecti'ons with al source of power.
A s eeve 22 u on the shaft has one end -abutting against 't e base of the cam and the other end is threaded, on which the stroke-adjuster 23 is tfurnable. This adjuster is held between the guides-2401i theframework E. The sleeve 22 is prevented from turning on the shaft by means of a longitudinal groove 25 inv the sleevev in which a ro'eetion or lug 25 on theframe-engages. o t e head of the tableis attached an arm 26. The outer-end of this arm has lawheel'27 running ori the face o f the cam... This wheel is kept against the cam by reason-v of a spring 28. The tension of this spring is'regulated by aflanged sleeve 29= .u on. tlii'eadedand'is turnable in a threaded pro- .jection-BUofthe-framework E and is operc atedby'means of the spokes 31'. By-means of'the' movable sleeve-22 upon the`shaft'2() 'against the cam to move the latter, so
f thew `ee1=27 runs upon a greater orless-circumference of the cam, I ain-able to give any desiied lengthvof: stroke or "shake tothe table; This ability to change the shake-ol the table is of. great value in many instances.
. The cam is given such a peri hery that a difcomes to a quick stop on-the concentrate end of its stroke and' to a gradual sto ferentialmovement is gaine e., the table `end of the table and effects a cleaner and closer savi than is usual in concentratingtables', thily reasonthat the slime is carried in lanother direction-fi. e., toward the lower side dand the particles have more freedom to separate according to their relative specific gravities. found that by the use of this machine the finely-ground ore may be concentrated in a drystate-a feature that is of immense value in dry and arid localities where conservation of water is of first importance in all operations.
HavingA thus described my invention, what Iclaimas new., and desire to secure by Letters Patent, is
1. In a concentrator, the -combination of a vlongitudinally/and transversely inclined su port, and a table mounted thereon, said tab e eing of irregular'shape With a narrowed head Ilonthis Furthermore, it has been-- BEST AVAILABLE copy end, riHles upon the table arranged parallel with the ou ter or longer side thereof and diagonal to the said support, and means by which the table is viven an endWise-recipro eating movement ozblique to len itudinal axis of themachine, and in thdline o said'riiiles.
2. In a concentrator, the 'combination with a base of a frame pivoted thereon, means by which the frame may be inclined longitudinally, a bed hinged on this frame and 'capable of being iven an incline transverse to the frame, a tab e upon this bed, said table being of irregular shape and div erving from its hea end, and having riiiles parallel with its outer or long side and diagonal to the bed, and' means by which the table may be given an endwise-reciprocating movement oblique to the longitudinal axis of the machine, and in the line of the rillles.
3. In a concentrator, a table having a narrow head end, and gradually increasing in Width toward the'foot having parallel riifles extending in a line oblique to the longtudi' l nal axis of the table and parallel with the -longer or` outer side of the table, and means hy which this table may he given a reciprw eatin movement in the line of' these riflles.
4. n a concentrator, the combination with 'a base, of a frame pivo ted at' one end thereon,
inclined wed es slidable upon the base, bearing-surfaces lxed upon` the frame which engage these wedges, and means by which the -Wedges are moved and the frame given a lon gitudinal tilt, a bed hinged upon the frame,
and means by which the bed s laterally tilted, a table carried upon the bed having parallel. rifles oblique to the axis of the vinachiue, and extending in uphill direction, and means by which the table is given a reciprocating movement in the direction of the riffles whereby the sleeve is kept from turninghan arm upon the head of the table and carrylng a wheel which runs on the periphery of the cam, means b which the contact of the wheel against t e cam is maintained.
6. The combinationin a'ooncentratorI of a longitudinally-tilted frame, and means by which this tilt may be varied, a transverselytilted bed upon this frame and means whereby its tilt may be varied, a table mounted thereon having one side inclined outward TIO IIS
from the axis of the machine and in the direction of the foot end of the table, means by which water is fed to the table along this longer outer edge, riii'es parallel with this longer edge, and means by which this table is given a differential reciprocatingmovement in the direction of the rilles and whereby the concentrates are made te travel uphill upon the table. i
7. In an ore-concentrator, the combinatien with a lon itudinally and transversely tilted table, sai table having its outer and upper edge divergent from the axis of the machine, riflles of graduated len ths parallel with this upper edge and diagona to the hea rl end,'and means whereby this table is given a differential reciprocating movement in the direction of this upper edge. t
8. In an ore-concentrater, the combination of a table carrying a series of parallel BEST AVAILABLE COPY riiiles, the table being transversely adjustable about an axis which is situated in alongitudinal vertical plane, andalso longitudiin a transverse vertical lane, such adjustments lfeing adapted to ring the surf ce of horizontal, and the said rimes being arranged in a direction oblique or inclined to the said lon itudinal and transverse vertical planes, an means for imparting reciprocatory R. J. MOAFEE.
movements to the table on lines parallel nally adjustable about an axis that is situated the table into different planes relative o the r hereunto subscribed my name in the presence 35



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