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USRE11186E US RE11186 E USRE11186 E US RE11186E
United States
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Ernst Charles Lindemann
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The Lindemann Terra
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  • Some of these covering-tiles are. however, modified somewhat in construction. ashereinafter described, to i 5 adapt them to the eaves of theroo t, and where thesaine areeinployed to cover steepleaan'd other pyramid al and con ical struetu res, as will hereinafter fully appear.
  • Figure l is a side view of the roof of a'building covered with my improved tilea.
  • Figs. Il to X are enlarged views of the tiles, as hereinafter described in detail. Similar letters of reference indicate similar parts of the invention in all the figures.
  • A represent thi: 3o foundation or base tiles, each one ot' which Vconsists of a vcurved tapering plate c, having a rectangular odset on its'nnder side, which serves as a base oretand for the tile., and this Offset at one end of the tile does not extend to the edge of the saine, in order that it may be laid over av similartile situatedp directly belowr it on the roof.
  • rlfhe rectangular ott'set A is shown in several of the iignrcs; but itis best illustrated infFig. X, which is an under 4o Side View of one of the foundation or base tiles.
  • B B are the covering-tiles, which consist,
  • V See 50,11ig, Vlll, which ina perspective vien'T ot two foundation-tiles and one coveringt-ilc.
  • Thewidth ot' the covering-tile is consider-- ably ⁇ greater than the combined width 0f the adjoining edges ot' thev two. foundation-tiles,- in View of which the latter can be spread farther apart'at one end than at theother.
  • rlhe tiles are thus particularly adapted for covering ⁇ roofs ot' various shapes, and particularly roofs of conical or pyramidal form, as Shown to ⁇ 1he right in. 'Fien l of the drawings.
  • Fig. Vl. is an end view'of the Same.
  • Fig. lll is an under s'id'e View ot' a coveringtilc
  • Fig. VlI is an endview ot* that gulre.
  • FigdX is a longitudinal Sectionof afonndationftile, together with'portions of adjoininfgftilcs.
  • a foundation-tile which consists of acurved plate' havingr a rectangular offset forming the base and an interior projection thereof formed by enlarging the curvature of the inner surface, whereby it is adapted to receive the overhanging portion of the plate of the tile next above it., substantially as and for'tho purpose specified.
  • a foundation-tile which consists of a tapering curved plate having a flat foundation offset and an interior projection formed by enlarging the curvature of the inner surface, substantially as and for the purpose specified;


Reissued Aug 25, 1891.-
spncirrca'rron farming .part or Reissuea Leitem'ratent No. 11,186, dated Augut 25, 1891. Original No. 361,425, dated April 19, 1887'. Application for reissue filed December 2, 1890. Serial No. 373.372.A
To all 'whom t may concern;
'Bc it known that I, ERNST CHARLES Litton MANN, ot' the city of Baltimore and State ot' Marylanl'l, havo invented certain Improvementsin l'tooii-ngflileaof which the following is a specilication.
In carrying out this invention I combine vtwo ditierently-eonstrncted tiles-that is to say, a linee-tile, which is laid on the rool' ro proper, and a covering-tile, which is employed where the sides ot' two base-tiles come together to cover the joint. Some of these covering-tiles are. however, modified somewhat in construction. ashereinafter described, to i 5 adapt them to the eaves of theroo t, and where thesaine areeinployed to cover steepleaan'd other pyramid al and con ical struetu res, as will hereinafter fully appear.
In the 'i'nl'th@denari-Nieuwe? the eaidinven- 2o tion which follow reference is lnade to the accompanying li-a\vingf-,foiini1iga part hereof, and in re'hich.-4
Figure l is a side view of the roof of a'building covered with my improved tilea. Figs. Il to X are enlarged views of the tiles, as hereinafter described in detail. Similar letters of reference indicate similar parts of the invention in all the figures.
ln the said drawings, A: A represent thi: 3o foundation or base tiles, each one ot' which Vconsists of a vcurved tapering plate c, having a rectangular odset on its'nnder side, which serves as a base oretand for the tile., and this Offset at one end of the tile does not extend to the edge of the saine, in order that it may be laid over av similartile situatedp directly belowr it on the roof. rlfhe rectangular ott'set Ais shown in several of the iignrcs; but itis best illustrated infFig. X, which is an under 4o Side View of one of the foundation or base tiles. The curve of thednner surface of the tile at its upper end is enlarged to receive the overhanging `portieri of the curved plate of the tile next above it. Consequently the end of thc'upper tile conica against a projection or offset formed by the said enlargeinei'it.
B B are the covering-tiles, which consist,
simply, of a tapered plate (I, adaptedto strad.
dle the adjoining edges of the base-tiles. V(See 50,11ig, Vlll, which ina perspective vien'T ot two foundation-tiles and one coveringt-ilc.)
` Thewidth ot' the covering-tile is consider-- ably `greater than the combined width 0f the adjoining edges ot' thev two. foundation-tiles,- in View of which the latter can be spread farther apart'at one end than at theother. rlhe tiles are thus particularly adapted for covering` roofs ot' various shapes, and particularly roofs of conical or pyramidal form, as Shown to`1he right in. 'Fien l of the drawings.
ln covering a conical or pyrainidal body, such as a tower or Steeple, as shown in, the
in radial lines which extend from the eaves toward lthe apex and the joints protected by the covering-tiles, as before described. Aa these radial linesapproach the apex, it ia evident that there would not be suliicientl rooin for the fonn'datinrrtles in a line drawn -aeonnd-the-stee-ple--- thereforeidiseont-iune the first Set of radial lince at that point and begin a new sehbnt with fewer in nninber. By this means I am enabled to carry'he tiles to the' apex onv radial linea.
It is evident that at the point where the various Sets of tiles connect 'some means must be employed lto establish the continuity of the. covering. 'I t-herefore'uSe-as the last of the first set ofcovcrihgtles tiles made as shown 'in Fig. \','whicli is a top View ol the saine.
upper-end is' closed by being attened- Over these tiattened ends I lay the first row'ol' the Second series of yfoundation-tiles, which are 'continued in an Iupward direction nntil a further reduction in the number of tiles is re quired. lhisope ration continued until the entire corneal or pyrainidal body is covered.
In order to prevent lrain Afro-in beating under the (,:mfci-iig-tiles atV the eaves of the roof, l construct the lowest one of each series with a head @,as shown in Eig. 1N.-, W hich is an under Side view of one of snc-h tiles.'
tile, and Fig. Vl. is an end view'of the Same. Fig. lll is an under s'id'e View ot' a coveringtilc, and Fig. VlI is an endview ot* that gulre.- FigdX is a longitudinal Sectionof afonndationftile, together with'portions of adjoininfgftilcs.
1 :dof-not claim, broadly, the combination of By. reference'lo this ligure it will be seen that ite` two lfo'undatrionftilef-i having v'flat foundation drawings, Fig. l, the foundation-tiles. are set'k Fig, ll is a lop view of a foundation or base olsets and a curved covering tile or plate adapted to be placed over the adjoining 'edges of the said foundation-tiles, as such arrangement is not new; but' \Vhat I claim as my invention isr p 1. As an improvement in roofing-tiles, a foundation-tile which consists of acurved plate' havingr a rectangular offset forming the base and an interior projection thereof formed by enlarging the curvature of the inner surface, whereby it is adapted to receive the overhanging portion of the plate of the tile next above it., substantially as and for'tho purpose specified. v l
2. As an improvement in roofing-tiles, a foundation-tile which consists of a tapering curved plate having a flat foundation offset and an interior projection formed by enlarging the curvature of the inner surface, substantially as and for the purpose specified;
3. As an improvement in rooting-tiles, the combination of two foundation-tiles having fiat foundation offsets and a curved coveringplate adapted to be placed` over the. adjlllig edges of the saidoundationtiles the said covering-plate being flattened vat one end and closed, whereby it is adaptedftoend aioW-an-d admit of the laying of another or a secondseries of vtiles arranged as described, substantially as specified.
4L. As an improvement in roofing-tiles, the.



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