USRE10161E - Egbert h - Google Patents

Egbert h Download PDF


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USRE10161E US RE10161 E USRE10161 E US RE10161E
United States
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Egbert H. Lucas
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Francis M
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  • the first part of my invention consists in storing anhydrous ammonia in portable vesscls, sothat it can be readily transported and employed for purposes of refrigeration by allowing it to change its form from a liquid to a.
  • the second part of my invention consists in a combination and arrangement by which I am able to attach these portable ammonia-containing vessels to or detach them from a series of pipes or tubes whichcounect at the opposite end of the series with one or more detachable water-tanks, sothat the annnonia, after being'converted into a gas,
  • the great aflinity of anhydrous ammonia for water enables me by my arrangement of pipes and vessels to secure a steady currenttof gas through the pipes withoutthe use of pumps or othermachinery.
  • a current of air could be forced against or in contact with the coil of pipes and thence into the vessel, or the tubes or pipes could be covered with some non-congealable liquid; but I shall usually surround it or them with a layer of some deliquescent salt, as explained in a former. application for a patent made by me.
  • the water-tanks E can also be detached and other tanks of fresh water substituted in their places.
  • These water-tanks, which contain the aqueous solution of ammonia, I carry along until the car or structure ar-, rives' at its destination, when theammoma can be separated from the water by heat in the ordinary way and the empty vessels 0 again charged for future use.
  • a portable vessel adapted to contain a compressed or liquefied gas, and to be placed in communication with or detached from the ex pansion-coil, substantially as and for the purpose set forth.


No. 10,161. Reissued July 18, 1882.
SPECIFICATION forming part Of Beissued Letters Patent NO, 10,1?1, dated July 18, 1882. Original No. 193,375, dated July fll, 1877, Application for reissue filed .Tune2l, 18 82.
To all whom it may concern:
Be it known that citizen of the United States, residing in the city and county of San Francisco, and State of California, have inveu ted certain new and useful Improvements in Refrigerating, of which the following is a specificatiomreference being had therein to the accompanying drawing.
The first part of my invention consists in storing anhydrous ammonia in portable vesscls, sothat it can be readily transported and employed for purposes of refrigeration by allowing it to change its form from a liquid to a.
gaseous condition; and the second part of my invention consists in a combination and arrangement by which I am able to attach these portable ammonia-containing vessels to or detach them from a series of pipes or tubes whichcounect at the opposite end of the series with one or more detachable water-tanks, sothat the annnonia, after being'converted into a gas,
will pass through the pipes or tubes and enter into solution with the water,-thus forming the aqua-ammonia of commerce, from which condition'it can be converted back again into anhydrous ammonia.
The capacity of anhydrous ammonia of bein g condensable by pressure into a liquid, from which condition it will readily expand .or evaporate when liberated, so as to produce a. freezing temperature, and also the absorbing capacity of water for taking upthis gas into solution, have long been known, and because ammonia possesses these qualities it has been extensively employed in the manufacture of ice.
The chief objectot my inventio'nis to store this condensed anhydrous ammonia in closed vessels, so that a number of the vessels can be carried upon or along with a traveling or portable refrigerator, and thus provide a constant supply of material for producing a refrigeratory action, and also provide an arrangement for saving and restoring it again to its anhydrous condition. The great aflinity of anhydrous ammonia for water enables me by my arrangement of pipes and vessels to secure a steady currenttof gas through the pipes withoutthe use of pumps or othermachinery.
Referring to the accompanying drawing, the figure in; perspective view of my apparatus.
I, Bonner H. LUCAS, a
substance. In the top part of this car or,
structure I place a series of connected pi p es or tubes, B B B, so that they all communicate with each other. To one end of this connected series of pipes I attach the vessel 0, in which anhydrous ammonia has been previously condensed into a liquid form by pressure, and the opposite ends of the connected series of tubes I connect with a tube, D. Below this tube I place one or more closed tanks ofwater, E, which I connect with the tube. I then open com munication between the vessel 0 and pipes or tubes, so that the contained liquid ammonia can evaporate or expand into the tube. The water in. the tank or tanks E will thenbegm of gas throughout the entire length ofthe connected series of tubes. Thesudden'expansion of the gas absorbs the heat, and a refrigeratory action is maintained in and'around the tubes, so that the temperature of the air in the vessel A is reduced tonear the freezing-point.
If desired, a current of air could be forced against or in contact with the coil of pipes and thence into the vessel, or the tubes or pipes could be covered with some non-congealable liquid; but I shall usually surround it or them with a layer of some deliquescent salt, as explained in a former. application for a patent made by me.
When the liquid in the vessel 0 is exhaust ed I detach it from the tubes or pipes and attach another ch arged vessel. Each car or other moving structure canthus carry a sufiicient number of charged vessels to last while it is moving, and as often as onebecomes exhausted it can be removed and a freshone substituted in itsplaceuntil the journey has been completed.
When desired, the water-tanks E can also be detached and other tanks of fresh water substituted in their places. These water-tanks, which contain the aqueous solution of ammonia, I carry along until the car or structure ar-, rives' at its destination, when theammoma can be separated from the water by heat in the ordinary way and the empty vessels 0 again charged for future use.
I prefer in constructing the car'or structure Ato make aseparate narrow compartment, H. at one end, in which the water-tanks E are placed, so that they eau'be, removed without enterin g the main rooms of the structure.
By this arrangement Iam able to produce a refrigeratory act-ion in a moving structure with but little expense.
Having thus described my invention, what I claim, and desire to secure by Letters Patent, 1s 1 ,"1. The improvement in maintaining a re frigeratory action in moving structures, conslsting 1n storinganhydrous ammonia in closed vessels, in a liquid form, and'connecting said vessels with a pipe or connected series of tubes inside of said structure substantially as above set forth.
2. In a portable refrigerator, the combination of the detachable closed vessel 0, in which is stored auh drous ammonia. in aliquid form,
- with the detachable water-tanks E and pipes B and D, substantially as and for the purpose .set forth.
' 3. The connected series of tubes B B B, having the detachable closed vessel 0, in which is'stored anhydrous ammonia in a liquid form, attached to one end, in combination with one or more detachable water-tanks, E, connected with its opposite end, substantially as and for the purpose described.
4. In combination with an expansion-pipe, a portable vessel adapted to contain a compressed or liquefied gas, and to be placed in communication with or detached from the ex pansion-coil, substantially as and for the purpose set forth.
In testimony whereof Iaflix my signature in' presence of two witnesses,
Gnu-H. STRONG, S. B Nounsn.



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