USPP909P - Carnation plant - Google Patents

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Rhodamine Purple
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Tom Knipe Florist
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  • Flower Bud Medium in size; one inch in length and fiveeighths inches in width.
  • Anthers Same color as filaments; medium in size.


Dec. 27, 1949. R. ENGLE Plant Pat.
CARNATION PLANT Filed June 14, 1948 Patented Dec. 27, 1949 UNITED STATES PATENT Plant Pat. 909
OFFICE CARNATION PLANT Application June 14, 1948, Serial No. 32,871
1 Claim.
The present invention relates to a new and distinct variety of carnation plant of the greenhouse type and is the result of definite breeding efforts having as their objective the production of larger and better blooms in a wider range of color than exists in carnations now known to the trade.
This new variety was produced by crossing two unnamed lavender color seedlings grown by me in the greenhouse, and while its stem, foliage and general characteristics are similar to present existing varieties, the flower, itself, is very outstanding and distinct from all others of which I am aware. Its value as a commercial plant is indicated by the fact that the plants grow well in the field and. equally well when kept inside during the summer season, and the color of the blooms is one that combined well with other colors, making it highly desirable to all floral design artists. In comparison with other varieties, there is, to my knowledge, no other variety color or color combination that comes close to the Rhodamine Purple color of this new carnation.
This new variety is also characterized by its prolific growth and branching habit, thereby conducing to high production of blossoms, so desirable in connection with greenhouse plant varieties.
Asexual reproduction of this new variety shows the foregoing characteristics come true to form ance with Ridgways Color Standards and Nomenclature Plant Growth habits: Strong root growth; free branching from the base of the plant; medium in height, averaging three feet; roots easily and propagates readily.
Blooming habits: Early and consistent in producing good quality blooms throughout the winter season.
This new n 2 Stem: Straight and amply strong to hold the blossom erect; internodes average 3 inches in length and are the same color as the foliage. Foliage: Ample but not grassy; curled; averages four inches long and five-sixteenths inches wide.
Color.-Ackermanns Green, Plate XVIII.
Flower Bud: Medium in size; one inch in length and fiveeighths inches in width.
Col0r.-Slightly deeper than in the full open flowers, as herein described. CaZym.-Single tube with five lobes; does not split. Color-Rinnemanns Green, Plate XVIII, fading to Mineral Green, Plate XVIII, at the very edges. Bloom:
Form.High centered and tightly bunched. C'oZor.Base color of petals Rhodamine Purple, Plate XII, fading to Mallow Purple, Plate XII, and somewhat lighter at the very edges. Size-Medium, measuring from 2 inches to 3% inches in diameter. Petalage.-Usual petalage 45 to 50 petals. Petals:
Texture.Good; laciniated or fringed; av-
erage 1% inches long from calyx to tip; inch wide at broadest point. Fragrance-Slight cinnamon. Lasting quaZitz'es.Above average. Bracts.-Medium size; strong; same size as calyx.
Reproductive organs Ovaries: Medium in size; about inch high.
Pistils: Four in number; white and. slightly curled at the tip; average one inch in length, seldom visible above the petals.
Stamens: Four or five.
Filaments: About the same color as the petals and about the same length as the pistils.
Anthers: Same color as filaments; medium in size.
Comparison The nearest similar variety to that of the present disclosure is found in prior Plant Patent No. 193 directed to the Rhodamine Purple Carnation known as Orchid Beauty. The novel characteristics of this new variety are found primarily to reside in its unusual color, free flowering, disease resistance, and its ability to produce in great abundance throughout a long season. It is to be distinguished from the prior Orchid Beauty variety by the following features, taken either singly or in combination:
While the two varieties are similar in respect to the general color of Rhodamine Purple, this new variety is far superior in quality, color, growth and substance to that of Orchid Beauty and is distinct therefrom in every respect. More specifically, the carnation herein disclosed has a much higher center and perfect form as compared with that of Orchid Beauty which is rather flat and the outer petals of which have a tendency to curl. This new variety has a lasting quality which constitutes one of its main distinctions. The blooms last twice as long as those of Orchid Beauty and they dry to a crisp. The color of Orchid Beauty fades to almost white, while the color of the new variety retains its high color 4 characteristic. It is notable that in Orchid Beauty there is no uniformity of the color and there is a tendency of the buds to blast or de-- velop bull heads, while the growth is very long and lanky.
I claim:
A new and distinct variety of carnation plant characterized as to novelty by the unique color of its blossoms, combined with its prolific growth and branching habit, its strong root growth and its adaptability for growing outdoors as well as indoors, substantially as shown and described.
REFERENCES CITED UNITED STATES PATENTS Name Date Hemmings Sept. 15, 1936 Number Pl. Pt. 193



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