USPP690P - Barberry plant - Google Patents

Barberry plant Download PDF


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United States
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barberry plant
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Percy Brown
Original Assignee
Percy Brown Nursery
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Filed 1945 2a @W/QQLM 7m PLANT PATENT AGENT Patented May 21, 1946 Plant Pat,
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE BARBERRY PLANT Percy Brown, Jr., Gibraltar, Pa., assignor to Percy Brown Nursery, Gibraltar, Pa.
Application August 22, 1945, Serial No. 612,115
1 Claim. (01. 47-59) My present invention relates to a new and im- Foliage: provide variety of barberry plant which was dis- Clor.General color effect is bright golden covered by me several years ago while planting yellow. Ranges from Amber Yellow (Plate a large number of Berberis thunbergz'. Presum- VI) to Cosse Green (Plate V), but is prinably it is a chance seedling produced from this 5 cipally Picric Yellow (Plate IV), Light variety. Its golden color attracted my attention Greenish Yellow (Plate V), Greenish Yeland I watched it throughout several seasons. I w (Plate V), and Green Yellow (Plate V). noted also that the plant was very dwarf and com- Leaves at base of stem are Pinard Yellow pact in growth. I (Plate IV) to Amber Yellow (Plate VI) and I th'en asexually propagated a number of plants 10 leaves toward the tips of the young growth from this plant and found the new plants to are marked with a reddish tinge. The possess the same characteristics as the original. under surface of the petals is Straw Yel- The' accompanying illustration shows a typical low (Plate XVI) to light Green-Yellow branch of my new variety of barberry plant in (Plate V). All colors are much brighter in July, reproduced in as nearly the true colors as 16 the Spring at the beginning of the growing the artist could make them. season.
Following is a detailed description of my new Arrangement.-Very closely spaced. In variety of barberryplant, color plate references groups of three or more. being in accord with Ridgways Color Standards Form.-Leaflets oval with long slender shank. and Nomenclature. 20 Size-Rounded portion is /2 to inch long with the addition of a shank about half this length. Width is about to /2 inch. Flowers: Small flowers are borne singly and in groups of 2 or 3.
Growth habit: Very dwarf, attaining aheight of ru t: S al r d seed p ds are p d ced bu only 18 to 24 inches in more than ten years. they are not fertile in any r The breadth of the plant is about the same as Having t disclosed my discovery, 1 claim;
the h l t nd the growth is very compact. The new and distinct variety of 'barberry plant stems! Old Wood, dark brOWnwwood, same of general type of the Berberis thunbergi substansolor as leaves but t browmsh s a s. tially as herein disclosed, characterized particu- Slendel bill? dy and stlfflarly by its dwarf growth; the bright golden color Thorns! m, rp thorns about inch long of its foliage; and the absence of fertility of its are arranged singly at the leaf axils along the seed pods.
length of the stem.
Description PERCY BROWN, JR.



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