USPP636P - Rose plant - Google Patents

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Frederick Huber Howard
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  • My present invention relates to a new and distinct variety of hybrid tea rose plant which resulted from a cross between Miss Rowena Thom and an unnamed seedling at my greenhouses at Montebello, California.
  • the plant is one of tremendou vigor, in this climate reaching a height of 5 to 6 feet in a single season. It is a fact the most vigorous of any variety in a field of over 150,000 various hybrid tea plants. It is also exceedingly healthy and disease resistant. It is almost entirely free from thorns for at least three-fourths the length of its canes, and has very few thorns even on the remainder of the length.
  • This variety has a large two-toned bloom of outstanding beauty and keeping qualities. Its flower coloring is similar to that of Pink Radiance although more definitely contrasting and the dark tone is more intense. The bud is long and pointed. Although of entirely different parentage from the Pink Radiance, it might be considered an improved Pink Radiance with stronger growth, better coloring, and much better shaped bud and flower.
  • the plant Growth Exceedingly vigorous. Attains a height of 5 to 6 feet in a single season. Blooming habit: Continuous and prolific bloomer. Form: Tall, upright bush. Foliage: Compound, with 3 to '7 leaflets.
  • the flower Bud The flower Bud:
  • bud Shana-Just before and just after calyx breaks, bud is a long, slender cone shape.
  • the opening bud is long and slender, changing to urn shape just before opening. Does not bullhead in dull weather.
  • PetaZage The petalage varies rather widely in different specimens, but the average is about 24.
  • L0ngevity.-Flower last an exceedingly long time and in perfect condition. As a cut flower it often lasts more than a week in ordinary room temperatures.
  • the new and distinct variety of hybrid tea rose plant substantially as herein shown and described, characterized particularly by its exceedingly vigorous and healthy growth, its virtual thornlessness; its long, slender buds; and its perfectly formed, fragrant, exceedingly longlasting flowers of dual tones as indicated.
  • My present invention relates to a new and distinct variety of hybrid tea rose plants which onginated from a cross between Mrs. J. D. Eisele and Condessa de Sastago. The resulting variety has been asexually reproduced and its distinguishing qualities have proved to be firmly fixed.
  • My new variety is exceedingly free in bloom and is practically disease-proof.
  • the flower is camellia-like in form and is an exceedingly attractive shade of rose somewhat suflused with orange.
  • the plant Growth Vigorous and very healthy.
  • Blooming habits It is a true remontant type of rose, furnishing blooms from early spring to advent of frosts. It'is exceedingly free blooming, a fully developed plant producing at least 50 blooms per year.
  • Foliage Compound, usually with 3 to 5 leaflets.
  • Terminal leaflet approximately 2 inches long by 1 /2 inches wide.
  • the flower Shape-Oval with broad base and pointed apex. Opening somewhat globular. Size.Five-eighths inch broad at base, about the same or slightly .less in length, just before calyx breaks. when calyx breaks bud is about /4 inch in each dimension. The half open bud is 1 inches to 2 inches'ln length. Flower:
  • Petalage.-Double numbering about 45.
  • Lasting quality Very good, flowers often lasting a full week in the cut state.
  • Pistila-Many tightly bunched; set high; irregular lengths with longest in center. Styles-white; tipped with Red. Stigmas light yellow.


F. H. HOWARD ROSE PLANT Aug. 8, 1944. Plant Pat. 6316 Filed Dec. 17. 1943 771? m A r Patented Aug. 8, 1944 Plant Pat. 636
ROSE PLANT Frederick Huber Howard, Montebello, Calif.
Application December 17, 1943, Serial No. 514,701
1 Claim.
My present invention relates to a new and distinct variety of hybrid tea rose plant which resulted from a cross between Miss Rowena Thom and an unnamed seedling at my greenhouses at Montebello, California.
The plant is one of tremendou vigor, in this climate reaching a height of 5 to 6 feet in a single season. It is a fact the most vigorous of any variety in a field of over 150,000 various hybrid tea plants. It is also exceedingly healthy and disease resistant. It is almost entirely free from thorns for at least three-fourths the length of its canes, and has very few thorns even on the remainder of the length.
This variety has a large two-toned bloom of outstanding beauty and keeping qualities. Its flower coloring is similar to that of Pink Radiance although more definitely contrasting and the dark tone is more intense. The bud is long and pointed. Although of entirely different parentage from the Pink Radiance, it might be considered an improved Pink Radiance with stronger growth, better coloring, and much better shaped bud and flower.
The illustrations making a part of this specification show in approximately their true colors, three specimens of my new variety in various stages of opening, together with portions of the stems and foliage.
The following detailed description is made from field grown specimens. Color references are to Ridgways Color Standards and Nomenclature. Observations were made from flowers shipped from Montebello, California, at 6:00 p. m.
tober 18th and received at Washington, D. C., at 4:00 p. m. on October 20th. Most of the observations were made about an hour after receipt of flowers. Some of these same flowers lasted for an entire week after their receipt in Washington.
The plant Growth: Exceedingly vigorous. Attains a height of 5 to 6 feet in a single season. Blooming habit: Continuous and prolific bloomer. Form: Tall, upright bush. Foliage: Compound, with 3 to '7 leaflets.
Si2e.--Small to medium. Terminal leaflet 2 inches long, inch wide. Lateral leaflets much smaller.
Colon-Very dark, approximately Dark Cress Green (Pl. XXXI) or even darker on upper surface. The under surface is approximately Light Cress Green (Plate XXXI).
Aspect- Hussy on upper surface; dull on under surface. Central Vein very prominent, other veins hardly discernible.
Shape.Long oval with pointed apex.
Edge.Very finely serrated.
Texture-Leathery and smooth.
Rooms-Very short; red and grooved above;
under side smooth and green.
Stipules.Broad; short; clinging.
Stems.-Strong; upright, but slightly staggered. Internodes short. Color approximately Oil Green (Plate V). Thorns almost entirely missing, there being only a few at the basal portion of the stems.
Disease resistance: Remarkably free from mildew and blackspot.
The flower Bud:
Size.-Up to 3 inches in length.
Shana-Just before and just after calyx breaks, bud is a long, slender cone shape. The opening bud is long and slender, changing to urn shape just before opening. Does not bullhead in dull weather.
Color.When calyx breaks, approximately Eugenia Red (Plate XIII). Half open bud is Spinel Pink (Plate XXVI) or slightly darker.
Sepals.-Slightly foliaceous. Reflex early.
Size-Large. Fully opened, it is approximately 5 inches in diameter.
Form.At first it is urn shaped, then somewhat globular, retaining its rounded form. Some of the outer petals usually roll back slightly but the central petals remain folded over the stamens which are not visible unless the petals are pushed aside. Although there are relatively few petals, it has the effect of a heavy rose because of this feature of retaining its deep, rounded form, and at the same time having the center covered with a folded petal or two.
PetaZage.The petalage varies rather widely in different specimens, but the average is about 24.
CoZor.-The flower is distinctly two-toned, the inner surface of the petals being a pale pink approximately Rose Pink (Plate XII), and the outer surface being approximately Spinel Pink (Plate XXVI) later changing to a color between Deep Rose Pink and Tyrian Pink (Plate 2H1) Fragrance.Highly fragrant with a lasting fragrance.
L0ngevity.-Flower last an exceedingly long time and in perfect condition. As a cut flower it often lasts more than a week in ordinary room temperatures.
Reproductive organs:
PistiZs.-Many; tightly bunched; set high. Stylesdark red on exposed portion. Stigmas-greenish yellow.
Stamens.-Many; surround pistils. Filaments-unequal lengths and irregularly curved, making a ragged appearance. Anthem-medium in size and dark yellow.
Having thus disclosed my invention, I claim:
The new and distinct variety of hybrid tea rose plant substantially as herein shown and described, characterized particularly by its exceedingly vigorous and healthy growth, its virtual thornlessness; its long, slender buds; and its perfectly formed, fragrant, exceedingly longlasting flowers of dual tones as indicated.
CERTIFICATE OF CORRECTION. Plant Patent No. 656. August 19th.
It is hereby certified 'that error appears in the above numbered patent requiring correction as follows: In the printed specification, first column, line 1, beginning with "My present invention" strike out all to and including the word and period "indicatedfi', page 2, second column, line 8, and insert instead the specification shown below My present invention relates to a new and distinct variety of hybrid tea rose plants which onginated from a cross between Mrs. J. D. Eisele and Condessa de Sastago. The resulting variety has been asexually reproduced and its distinguishing qualities have proved to be firmly fixed.
My new variety is exceedingly free in bloom and is practically disease-proof. The flower is camellia-like in form and is an exceedingly attractive shade of rose somewhat suflused with orange.
The illustrations making a part of this specification show three specimens of the flower of this new variety in varying stages of opening and in approximately their true colors. It must be understood, however. that this coloring is very difflcult to portray with the mediums at hand.
Following is a detailed description or the plant and flower of this new variety. Color references indicate Ridgways Color Standard and Nomenclature.
The plant Growth: Vigorous and very healthy.
Form: Bushy grower, but tall. When fully developed, a total plant is composed of many separate upright bushy branches.
Blooming habits: It is a true remontant type of rose, furnishing blooms from early spring to advent of frosts. It'is exceedingly free blooming, a fully developed plant producing at least 50 blooms per year.
Stems: Sturdy; upright; usually tinged with red tones, approximately Brick Red (Plate XIII); has many thorns.
Thoms.Sharp; large but relatively short; slightly downward-pointing; red-tinged; irregularly spaced, sometimes bunched.
Foliage: Compound, usually with 3 to 5 leaflets.
Size-Medium. Terminal leaflet approximately 2 inches long by 1 /2 inches wide.
Shape.val, with broad base and pointed apex. Color.Approximately Forest Green (Plate XVII) Rachis: Blender and grooved above; occasional spines below.
Stipules: clinging and very small.
Disease resistance: Practically disease-proof, particularly resistant to blackspot.
The flower Shape-Oval, with broad base and pointed apex. Opening somewhat globular. Size.Five-eighths inch broad at base, about the same or slightly .less in length, just before calyx breaks. when calyx breaks bud is about /4 inch in each dimension. The half open bud is 1 inches to 2 inches'ln length. Flower:
Size.--Medium, 3 to 3% inches across when fully open.
Fo'rm.Beautifully and perfectly formed in loose cup-shape. This form is retained for a considerable time but later opens somewhat camellia-like. Petals reflex early.
Petalage.-Double, numbering about 45.
iragrance.-'-Delightiul and very pronounced.
Colon-The outer petals retain the coloring of the bud until the flower is fully open. The nearest in Ridgway's is Rose Doree (Plate I), but usually a little darker than that shade and suflused with Scarlet (Plate I) in the central portion of the petal. There is a large aiglet oi Light Cadmium (Plate IV). The inner surface of the petals is lighter. When the rose is older and fully opened, the color changes to uniformly Deep Rose Pink (Plate XII) except that the yellow aiglet is retained.
Shape of petals.0uter petals slightl longer than wide. Edge smooth. Inner petals narrower and smaller.
Persistence of petals.-Cling until dead.
Lasting quality.Very good, flowers often lasting a full week in the cut state.
Reproductive organs:
Pistila-Many; tightly bunched; set high; irregular lengths with longest in center. Styles-white; tipped with Red. Stigmas light yellow.
Stamens.Moderate n u m b e 1'; arranged around bunched pistils. Filamentared; uneven in length. Anthersrather large; deep yellow (approximately Primuline Yellow (Plate XVI).
nounced fragrance, excellent lasting qualities and Pleasing, distinctive color as indicated.
and that the said Letters Patent should be read with this correction therein that the same may conformto the record of thev case in the Patent Office.
Signed and sealed this 12th day of September, A. D. 19m
. Leslie Frazer (Seal) Acting Commissioner of Patents.



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