USPP3164P - garabedian - Google Patents

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USPP3164P US PP3164 P USPP3164 P US PP3164P
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John M. Garabedian
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  • a quantity of seeds were gathered from open-pollinated hybrids of the Queen Ann (unpatented) and Elephant Heart (unpatented); the trees, from which said seeds were obtained, existed in an orchard on a ranch (of which I am an owner) located in Madera County, Calif.
  • the seeds, as thus gathered, were planted in a nursery plot on a ranch (of which I am also an owner) in Fresno County, Calif.
  • the resultant seedling which were open-pollinated-were maintained by me under close and careful observation, and--at fruiting age-one of such seedlings, which is the present variety, evidenced certain novel and commercially desirable characteristics.
  • the variety was, therefore, selected by me for asexual reproduction and in anticipation of ultimate commercial growing.
  • the present variety of plum tree is of medium to small size, medium vigorous, upright, open, vase-formed, hardy, and a regular and productive bearer of uniform, large to medium size, usually semi-freestone fruit having red skin and red flesh; the variety being particularly characterized, as to novelty, by fruit which, in comparison to the Santa Rosa (unpatented), sizes more readily, ripens approximately seven to ten days earlier, is more uniform in size and color, and has firmer flesh which enhances its shipping quality and assures longer shelf life.
  • the drawing is an illustration, by photographic reproduction in color, of a twig with leaves, and individual fruit; one of the latter being cut in half to expose the flesh, and with the stone remaining in one half of such cut fruit.
  • Bark pattern Bark pattern.-Vertical striations.
  • Bark pattern Very striations; more abundant on ventral side. Lighter on two-year and older wood.
  • Col0r.-Dorsal side-Yew green (24-L4 to 24-L- 9)Ventral side-Elm green (23-1-5 to 23-L-7).
  • Form-Uniform usually slightly unsymmetrical; globose to oblate; longitudinal form through suture; round-oblate slightly truncated at base and at apex. Sulure.-Distinct; shallow; extends from base to apex.
  • Pistil pint - mostly apical (many oblique); apex to side away from suture.
  • the plum tree and its fruit herein described may vary in slight detail due to climatic and soil conditions under which the variety may be grown; the present description being of the variety as grown in the Central Valley of California.


May 9, 19 72 J. M. GARABEDIAN PLUM TREE Filed G0t.- L9; 1970 Plant Pat. 3,164
INVENTOR John M. Garclbeclicln BY Maia; [IQ/6652675 United States Patent Olfice 3,164 PLUM TREE John M. Garabedian, 3158 Hamilton St., Fresno, Calif. 93712 Filed Oct. 19, 1970, Ser. No. 82,228 Int. Cl. A01h 5/03 US. Cl. -Plt.-38 1 Claim ABSTRACT OF THE DISCLOSURE ORIGIN OF THE VARIETY The present variety of plum tree was originated by me in the manner below described.
A quantity of seeds were gathered from open-pollinated hybrids of the Queen Ann (unpatented) and Elephant Heart (unpatented); the trees, from which said seeds were obtained, existed in an orchard on a ranch (of which I am an owner) located in Madera County, Calif. The seeds, as thus gathered, were planted in a nursery plot on a ranch (of which I am also an owner) in Fresno County, Calif. The resultant seedlingwhich were open-pollinated-were maintained by me under close and careful observation, and--at fruiting age-one of such seedlings, which is the present variety, evidenced certain novel and commercially desirable characteristics. The variety was, therefore, selected by me for asexual reproduction and in anticipation of ultimate commercial growing.
ASEXUAL REPRODUCTION OF THE VARIETY After its origination, as above, I asexually reproduced the present variety of plum tree by budding on several Casselman (unpatented) trees growing on the aforesaid ranch in Fresno County, Calif.; such reproductions, in maturity, having run true to the original tree in all respects.
' SUMMARY OF THE VARIETY The present variety of plum tree is of medium to small size, medium vigorous, upright, open, vase-formed, hardy, and a regular and productive bearer of uniform, large to medium size, usually semi-freestone fruit having red skin and red flesh; the variety being particularly characterized, as to novelty, by fruit which, in comparison to the Santa Rosa (unpatented), sizes more readily, ripens approximately seven to ten days earlier, is more uniform in size and color, and has firmer flesh which enhances its shipping quality and assures longer shelf life.
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWING The drawing is an illustration, by photographic reproduction in color, of a twig with leaves, and individual fruit; one of the latter being cut in half to expose the flesh, and with the stone remaining in one half of such cut fruit.
DESCRIPTION OF THE VARIETY The botanical details of this new and distinct variety of plum tree-with color definitions (except those in common color terms) referenced to Maerz and Paul Dictionary of Colorare as follows:
Size.Medium to small. Vigr.Medium. Gr0wth.-Upright. Density.-Open.
Bearing.-Regular bearer.
Bark pattern.-Vertical striations.
Colon-Light gray over sepia (8-A-10).
Colon-Current seasons growth-dorsal sideTap estry red (7-1-5 )ventral sideBiscay green (2l-K-5 to 21-K-7). Two-year wood-dorsal sideBonito grey (7-A7)ventral sideMon tella brown (8-1-11).
Bark pattern.Vertical striations; more abundant on ventral side. Lighter on two-year and older wood.
Leml'cels.-Numbernumerous. Size-small.
Size.Medium-length7.5 to 10 cm., average 8.4
cm.width3.0 to 4.8 cm average 3.9 cm.
Form.Oblanceolate, few elliptical-acuminate, few
T h ickness.Thin.
Col0r.-Dorsal side-Yew green (24-L4 to 24-L- 9)Ventral side-Elm green (23-1-5 to 23-L-7).
Leaf ham-Broadly acute, few acute to obtuse.
Leaf veins.Pinnately net-veined.
Margin.-Glandular; crenate.
Petiole.--Lengthmediuml0 to 16 mm., average 13.2 mm. Thickness-medium. Color-dorsal side Rhododendron red (54H6) ventral side-Leek green (22J5 Glands.Number2 to 7, average 4.1; usually opposite; small; usually reniform; red, few green; positioned mostly on petiole at base of blade.
Stipales.1 to 2; lengthmostly /8" on current seasons growth.
Leaf buds.--Small; pointed.
Flower buds:
Size.Smallaverage before opening6 mm. x 7
F arm-Pointed; plump; free.
Location.-Lateral on spurs.
Development.Good on one-year wood.
Color (pre-bl00m).Advanced popcorn stage white.
Blooming peri0d.-Date of first bloom-Feb. 18, 1970. Date of full bloomFeb. 28, 1970; medium, as compared with other varieties; about with Nubiana (unpatented); after Burmosa (unpatened).
Size.-Medium to small.
Calyx l0bes.ColorLettuce green (20L5).
Stamen pedicel.-Color-Lettuce green (ZO-IPS).
Calyx cup.lnside colorWindsor tan (13-F-l2).
Sepal.Length-Shortaverage 3.5 mm. Widthaverage 2 mm.
Pedicel.Lengthmedium to shortaverage 7 mm.
Petals.Small; round; some with fluted or ruffied edges.
Anthers.Number--fu1ly developed18 to 33, average 23. ColorSpruce yellow (l2J9).
Pistils.At full bloom of blossoms 30% abortive;
open one or two days 50% abortive. Fruit:
Maturity when a'escribed.Eating hard (June 12,
Date of first picking.lune 12, 1969.
Date of last picking.-]une 17, 1969.
Date of picking compared to another variety.710
days before Santa Rosa.
Size.-Uniform; large to medium-diameter axially-1 /z" to 2", average 1%"transversely in suture plane-1V2" to 1%, average 1%".
Form-Uniform; usually slightly unsymmetrical; globose to oblate; longitudinal form through suture; round-oblate slightly truncated at base and at apex. Sulure.-Distinct; shallow; extends from base to apex.
Ventral surface-Rounded slightly to strongly.
Lips.-Lipped toward both sides; equal.
Cavity.-Rounded; short and deep; elongated in suture plane with suture showing on one sidedepth% to /2", average As"breadth--- /z" to average /2"markingssome russet areas.
Base.Rounded to truncate, usually the latter.
Apex.-Truncate; depressed.
Pistil pint.-Mostly apical (many oblique); apex to side away from suture.
Stem.Mecliurnlength--l2-220 mm., average 15 mm.-widthaverage 2 mm.
Thickness.Medium, few thick.
T exture.Medium.
Tenacity.Tenacious to flesh.
Tendency to crack.--None in dry season.
Color.--Bokhara red (47-L-5) shading deeper to Spanish raisin (48-L-8). Many light dots. Davys grey (47A6) bloom.
Colon-Algerian red (7-L-5) to Cardinal red L-5 with yellowish tinge near cavity; few streaked and mottled with red next to skin. In full maturity, all flesh is red.
Juice.Moderate; rich.
Texture.Firm; fine; melting.
Fibers.Few; fine; tender.
Ripens.--Slightly unevenly; earliest at apex along both lips.
Flavor.--Mild; delicate to vinuous; slightly acid directly under skin.
Ar0ma.Very slight.
Eating quality.Very good.
Type.-Semifree, few cling; usually breaks free with minimum maturity; on ripe fruit, a section of flesh may adhere to side of stone near apex. Size.Medium to smalllengthl7-22 mm., average 18 mm.breadth1516 mm., average 15.3 mm.thic kness-8-10 mm., average 9.6. F orm.Oblong-oval, few obovoid. Base.--Slightly oblique. Hilum.NarroW; oblong; small. Apex.Rounded, tip pointed. 1 Sides.Equal, few unequal, curved on right side. Surface.-1rregularly furrowed near base; rough granular with more ridges and grooves at base end, mostly smooth on both sides near apex tip. Ridges.Rounded, few jagged; extends from base to apex; on either side-continuous. Pits.Small; angular; uneven; irregular. Ventral edge.Thin, with wing toward apex. Dorsal edge (on suture side).Full, with shallow medium broad groove throughout. C0l0r.Light cream (9-D-3). Tendency to split.-None in dry season. Kernel.-Ovoid, pointed; bitter; test sample-% of seed viableaverage width--9 mm.-average length12 mm.average thickness-5 mm.-surface strippled or etched in appearance. Seed c0at.-PellicleHarvest brown (12-E-9) with darker striations. Amygdalinkernel taste indicates presence. Use: Dessert. Keeping quality: Good. Shipping quality: Good.
The plum tree and its fruit herein described may vary in slight detail due to climatic and soil conditions under which the variety may be grown; the present description being of the variety as grown in the Central Valley of California. I
I claim:
1. A plum tree of medium to small size, medium vigor, upright, open, vase-formed, hardy, and a regular and productive bearer of uniform, large to medium size, usually semi-freestone fruit having red skin and red flesh; the fruit being particularly characterized, incomparison to the Santa Rosa, by sizing more readily, by ripening approximately seven to ten days earlier, by more uniformity in size and color, and by firmer flesh.
No references cited.
ROBERT E. BAGWILL, Primary Examiner



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