USPP2834P - Rose plant - Google Patents

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USPP2834P US PP2834 P USPP2834 P US PP2834P
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Ralph S. Moore
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  • the present invention relates to a new and distinct variety of hardy, dwarf, bush type rose of the miniature class; the variety being primarily characterizedas to noveltyby bright medium red buds and flowers which in general color eflect are all over red color from the opening bud to the finished flower.
  • the plant which has a normal average height of 12" to 14" at maturity, can easily be maintained at a lower height with occasional trimming.
  • the present variety of miniature rose was originated by me at my nursery located at Visalia, Calif., under conditions of careful control and observation, as a cross between an unnamed seedling (Rosa wichuraiana X Carolyn Dean), not patented, as the seed parent, and Little Buckaroo (United States'Plant Patent No. 1,726) as the pollen parent.
  • the figure of the drawing allustrates a spray, including foliage, buds, flowers and thorns.
  • Type Hardy; dwarf; bush; seedling; greenhouse; outdoors; cut flowers; garden decoration; potted plant.
  • Quantity of bloom Average to above average both outside and in greenhouse.
  • Petalage.-Double35 to 40 (sometimes more) petals arranged regularly. Sometimes a number of additional petaloids, tightly rolled inward around pistil.
  • Petals Rather thick; stitf; satiny both inside and outside.
  • Shape outside petalsbroad lanceolate (nearly round) with small acute tip; intermediate lanceolate with acute tip; insidenarrow lanceolate with acute tip.
  • Leaflets Shape-lanceolate, nearly oval; apex acute; base rounded; margin serrate. Color medium to dark green; new growth often tinted bronze (outdoors). Rachismedium strength;
  • New sh00ts.-Colormedium green (often tinted bronze outdoors). Thornsmoderately thorny; medium length; hooked slightly downward; sharp points; base oval; color-reddish-brown. Pricklesnone. Hairs-none.
  • the miniature rose plant and its flowers as herein described may vary in slight detail due to climatic, soil and cultural conditions under which the variety may be grown; the present description being of the variety as grown at Visalia, Calif.


R. s. ORE Plant Pat. 2,834
ROSE PLANT Sept. 17, 1968 Filed March 27, 1967 l/[/ 70% Kai wk cf Mame United States Patent 2,834 ROSE PLANT Ralph S. Moore, 2519 E. Noble Ave., Visalia, Calif. 93277 Filed Mar. 27, 1967, Ser. No. 626,348 1 Claim. (Cl. Pit-10) The present invention relates to a new and distinct variety of hardy, dwarf, bush type rose of the miniature class; the variety being primarily characterizedas to noveltyby bright medium red buds and flowers which in general color eflect are all over red color from the opening bud to the finished flower.
The variety is further characterized by:
An abundance of bloom, with flowers borne in loose clusters (rarely singly except on very young plants).
Moderate, slightly apple fragrance.
A plant which is vigorous, of rounded upright shape, and with dark green, glossy, small to medium small foliage with pointed leaflets; the flower being similar in size and form to the variety Dian (United States Plant Patent No. 1,808) but deeper shade of red and borne on somewhat stifier stem. The plant, which has a normal average height of 12" to 14" at maturity, can easily be maintained at a lower height with occasional trimming.
A plant which grows and blooms satisfactorily both in the greenhouse and outdoors; is a good plant for growing in pots; and provides excellent garden decoration as well as cut flowers.
The present variety of miniature rose was originated by me at my nursery located at Visalia, Calif., under conditions of careful control and observation, as a cross between an unnamed seedling (Rosa wichuraiana X Carolyn Dean), not patented, as the seed parent, and Little Buckaroo (United States'Plant Patent No. 1,726) as the pollen parent.
Subsequent to origination of the variety I successfully asexually reproduced it, in my nursery located as aforesaid, by budding as well as by cuttings, the reproductions having run true in all respects.
The figure of the drawing allustrates a spray, including foliage, buds, flowers and thorns.
Referring now specifically to the new and distanct variety of miniature rose plant, the following is a detailed description thereof in outline; all major color plate identifications being by reference to the British Colour Council Horticultural Colour Chart, except where common terms of color definition are employed.
Type: Hardy; dwarf; bush; seedling; greenhouse; outdoors; cut flowers; garden decoration; potted plant.
Class: Miniature.
Continuity.lntermittent to continuous throughout season.
Lasting quality.--Better than average.
Flowers borne: Usually in loose clusters, several together,
on medium length quite stiff (wire-like) stems.
Quantity of bloom: Average to above average both outside and in greenhouse.
Peduncle.-Mediurn length; slender; wire-like; erect;
light green; nearly smooth with occasional tiny reddish prickles.
Before calyx breaks.-Sizesmall. Form-pointed, with foliaceous appendages on surface of bud and foliaceous parts extending beyond the tip of the bud equal to one half or more of its length.
Color.Medium green (in greenhouse) with sometimes a bronzy tint. As calyx breaks: color-red,
shading to pale yellowish green at base; sizesmall.
F 0rm.Medium length; short-pointed.
Opening-Opens well in all weather.
Size when fully 0pen.Small, 1" to 1%.
Petalage.-Double35 to 40 (sometimes more) petals arranged regularly. Sometimes a number of additional petaloids, tightly rolled inward around pistil.
Form-Flat or slightly cupped at first; later at maturity remaining relatively flat or cupshaped with a few of outer petals rolled slightly outward.
Petals: Rather thick; stitf; satiny both inside and outside. Shape: outside petalsbroad lanceolate (nearly round) with small acute tip; intermediate lanceolate with acute tip; insidenarrow lanceolate with acute tip.
Color: Newly opened flower from plant grown indoors (March 1967) Visalia, Calif.
Outside petal.-Outside surfaceRose Red 724/3 (with darker shadings) blending into near white at base. Inside surfaceRose Red 724 (with darker shadings near petal tip) shading to near White at base.
Intermediate petal.0utside surface-Rose Red 724/ 3 shading to white on lower A of petal. Inside surfaceRose Red 724 (with blackish shadings on outer edge near petal tip) blending to near white on lower A of petal.
Inside petaL-Outside surface-Rose Red 724/ l (with darker shading) blending to near white at petal base. Inside surface-Rose Red 724 or darker, near white at base.
General color effect: Newly opened floweruniform medium red. Three days openessentially same red color.
Behaviour: Spent blooms persist as flower ages, then petals drop clean.
Flower longevity (March-4n greenhouse-1967), bush or pot6 to 8 days or longer; outdoorssummer 1966 6 to 10' days. Cut flowers at living room temperature '4 to 6 days.
Reproductive organs:
Stamens.Few to none; arranged regularly about pistil.
Filiments.Short, often mixed with petaloids.
P0llen.Little or none.
Pistils.Average length and number.
Styles.Medium length; bunched; near white.
Stigma.-Near white.
Ovaries.-All enclosed in calyx.
Sepals.-Permanent; spear shaped.
Leaves.-Compound of five leaflets (occasionally 3);
abundant; small; leathery; glossy.
Leaflets.Shape-lanceolate, nearly oval; apex acute; base rounded; margin serrate. Color medium to dark green; new growth often tinted bronze (outdoors). Rachismedium strength;
upper side grooved; under side sparsely thorny,
F Growth:
Habit-Dwarf; bushy; rounded; much branched.
Growth.Free; vigorous.
Canes.Medium; slender.
Main stems.-Color--medium green. Thornsmoderately thorny; slender; medium length; hooked slightly downward with sharp points; color-light to medium brown. Prickles-none. Hairsnone.
Branches.-Colormedium green. Thornsmoderately thorny; medium length; hooked slightly downward; sharp points; medium length oval base. Prickles-none. Hairsnone.
New sh00ts.-Colormedium green (often tinted bronze outdoors). Thornsmoderately thorny; medium length; hooked slightly downward; sharp points; base oval; color-reddish-brown. Pricklesnone. Hairs-none.
The miniature rose plant and its flowers as herein described may vary in slight detail due to climatic, soil and cultural conditions under which the variety may be grown; the present description being of the variety as grown at Visalia, Calif.
The following is claimed:
1. A new and distinct variety of miniature rose plant of hardy dwarf, rounded, much branched, bush type, as illustrated and described, characterized by buds and flowers resembling the Dian miniature rose (U.S. Plant Patent No. 1,808) in general form but with deeper red color, the general color eflect of the freshly opened flower being an all over red of uniform shade with little tendency to fade; and further characterized by a plant which is vigorous and yet compact in growth, easyt o propagate from cuttings; with small darker green foliage, more abundant and more mildew resistant than Dian rose, an abundance of bloom borne almost continuously throughout the growing season with flowers borne usually in loose clusters.
No references cited.
ROBERT E. BAGWILL, Primary Examiner.



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