USPP1753P - Nectarine tree - Google Patents

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USPP1753P US PP1753 P USPP1753 P US PP1753P
United States
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Harold D. Dougherty
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  • Size Average medium. Average length (maximum length-9"). Average widthl%" (maximum Width-1%").
  • the present invention is directed to a new and distinct variety of nectarine tree which'bears yellow fleshed, freestone fruit having a rather pale'yellow skin, partially overspread by'a red blush.
  • the fruit of the instant variety of nectarine tree is of relatively uniform size, good commercial quality for dessert use, ships well, is above average in keeping quality, and has a favorable harvest period; the fruit being very tasty, as its flesh bears a distinct resemblance to the Elberta peach in flavor.
  • the Claimed Variety Medium to dark green foliage Reniform glands Very large pink blossoms Medium but more uniform sized Darker green foliage.
  • Fig. 1 is an elevation of one of the fruit, togethe Bearing.-Regu1ar bearer.
  • Fig. 2 s a sectional elevation of one of the fruit de- Texture Medium; tenacious to fl h tached, w the stone p e Tendency to crack.-Slight.
  • v r 1 Sides -Unequa1; curvedQnrightandleft;' A new and distinct variety of nectarine tree, as i1lus-' Surface.Regularly furrqwed towa d apex; itt d 15 trated and described, characterized by medium sized, to d b r yellow fleshed, freestone fruit having a flavor resembling n toward apex; imrrupted the Elberta peach, and skin of yellow ground color, par- Pits' E1ongated W tially overspread with red; and further characterized- (I Ventral edge.-Thick, With slight wing toward base.


spt. 23, 1958 DOUGHERTY Plant Pat. 1,753
I flarola D. Dozgffieriy zdmafidew ATTYS.
NECTARINETREE 7 Harold D. Dougherty, Farmersville, Calif. Application January 14, 1958, Serial No. 708,962 1 Claim. or. 47- 2 I Plant Pat. 1,753 Patented Sept. 23, 1958 ice Trunk:
Sim-Medium. Texture.Medium.
Branches: I
Size.Medium. Texture.-Smooth.
Colr.Gray-green. Lenticels.Medium number; medium size. Leaves:
Size.Average medium. Average length (maximum length-9"). Average widthl%" (maximum Width-1%").
Shape.-0blanceolatelanceol'ate; acutely pointed.
The present invention is directed to a new and distinct variety of nectarine tree which'bears yellow fleshed, freestone fruit having a rather pale'yellow skin, partially overspread by'a red blush. I
The fruit of the instant variety of nectarine tree is of relatively uniform size, good commercial quality for dessert use, ships well, is above average in keeping quality, and has a favorable harvest period; the fruit being very tasty, as its flesh bears a distinct resemblance to the Elberta peach in flavor.
As the present variety of nectarine has a harvest period Texture.'-Smooth.
Margin.-Glandular; crenate.
Peti0le.-Medium length; medium thickness.
Glands.-Average numberthree (3); Alternate; large; reniform; reddish cast. Positioned on base of leaf.
Stipules.Two at'base of each leaf stalk.
C0l0r.New leaves: light green (19L-7). Ma-
ture leaves: top sidemedium green (23-L3), shading to somewhat darker green; under sidelighter medium green (22-K-1).
substantially with the Sun Grand nectarine, and as both Fl w Buds: bear freestone fruit, such Sun Grand nectarine has been Hardiness.--Hardy. selected for the purpose of comparison, as follows: Size.-'-Large.
The Claimed Variety Medium to dark green foliage Reniform glands Very large pink blossoms Medium but more uniform sized Darker green foliage.
Globose glands.
Relatively small pink blossoms. Larger maximum, but not as uniing on my ranch. This reproduction and othershave now come into full bearing and are found to carry forward each and every characteristic of the parent tree.
In the drawings:
Fig. 1 is an elevation of one of the fruit, togethe Bearing.-Regu1ar bearer.
Length.Medium. Shape.-Conic; pointed. Flowers:
Blooming peri0d.First bloom about March 5th, and full bloom about March 10th, in average season. Medium blooming period compared with in. r (1mm. Elgngated fruit R lii l llt, with a more sub- .Other vanetles' dued pistil point. Sizer-Large- Pale yellow ground color of skin, Medium yellow ground color of C l .Pink
gartially overspread by a red skin, frequently entirely overlush. spread wlth a red blush. Frult' I 40 Maturity when described.--Eatmg ripe. 1 Date of first picking in average seas0n.--Ju1y 7th. The present variety of nectarlne tree was or1g1nated by Date of last picking in average Seas0n Ju1y 17th. me on my cultlvated ranch located near Farmersvrlle, Size Medium comparatively uniform Average Tulare County, Calrforma; the variety bemg a first diameter 1 Average transversely in generat1on Elberta peach seedling crossed with a second suture y generation Le Grand nectarine seedling. When such p s i l; narrowly ovoid g to matlmty I i 'i careful and Suture.-Shallow, extends from base to apex, with continuing observat1onthat 1t bore frult of good comslight depression beyond pism point mercial grade, and I therefore asexually reproduced the Ventral surface Rounded; 1ips equa1 to unequal. variety by SClOIl wood grafted on a peach seedling grow- Cavity. ROunded; circulan Average Average breadth-1". Base..-Truncate. Apex.Moderately prolonged. Pistil point.Apical.
W1th a f and f g T hickness.-Medium. Fig. 2 s a sectional elevation of one of the fruit de- Texture Medium; tenacious to fl h tached, w the stone p e Tendency to crack.-Slight.
Referring now more partlcularly to the pomologlcal i details of this new and distinct variety of nectarine tree, l 1 ll ground 1 (9 L 4, hading the following is an outline description thereof; all ma or to 9 L 7), ti ll overspread d o h t color plate 1dent1ficat1ons being by reference. to Maerz mottled with red 24,40 h i to and Paul Dictionary of Color: Fl h; Tree: Amyga'alin.Wanting. 6 Juice.Moderate. Vig0r Medium'. Textura-Medium; meaty. Growth. spreading Fibers.-Few; tender. Ripens.Comparat1vely even, but earllest at the Shape-Vase formed. apex: Hardiness Hardy Flavor.-M1ld; dlstinct resemblance to the Elberta Production-Productive P Aroma-Pronounced.
Color. Flesh color: yellow (9-L-4, shading Use: Local; dessert.
through 9'-A7 to 9-L-8), Surface of pit'cavity: Keeping quality: Very good. red (3-L-8), with white fibers. Shipping quality: v Good.
Of the previous existing varieties hereinbefore mentioned therLe'Grand nectarine and the Sun Grand nece tarine are the subject of United States plant patents, Nos. 549 and 974, respectively; vthe Elberta peach being un-' Stone:
Type.'-Free; parts from flesh s oothly. i 5 Fibers.Medium length. f Size-Medium. 'Average l'ength'--1 /2 ',j ,Average breadth- 1" to l /s Average thickness%", patentei Form-Oblonga 10 The tree andjits fruit "herein described may vary in Base.0blique. slight, detail due to climatic and soil conditions under Hi lum. -Narrow; oblong. V which the variety may be grown. Apex.'-Acute. I The following is claimed; v r 1 Sides -Unequa1; curvedQnrightandleft;' A new and distinct variety of nectarine tree, as i1lus-' Surface.Regularly furrqwed towa d apex; itt d 15 trated and described, characterized by medium sized, to d b r yellow fleshed, freestone fruit having a flavor resembling n toward apex; imrrupted the Elberta peach, and skin of yellow ground color, par- Pits' E1ongated W tially overspread with red; and further characterized- (I Ventral edge.-Thick, With slight wing toward base. i m comparison Wlth Grand nectarmefby sub stantially the-sameharvest period, mediumtodark green mature foliage butnot as 'deep; a shade, reniform'rather than globose glands, larger size blossoms, andfruit more uniform in size and elongated rather than round, r
Dorsal edge.Narrow, withshallow groove toward 20 base. I I I Tendency to split.Slight. r g g C0l r.R'eddish brown (purple cast); (5-E-6), v
shading to a stronger brown (7-L-11). 7 No references cited,



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