USPP1385P - Rose plant - Google Patents

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USPP1385P US PP1385 P USPP1385 P US PP1385P
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Wood Brown
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Armstrong Nurseries
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  • the present invention relates to a new and distinct variety of rose plant of the hybrid polyantha class, which was originated by me by crossing the variety Fandango (Plant Patent No. 894) with the variety Pinocchio (Plant Patent No. 484), the former constituting the seed parent, and the latter constituting the pollen parent.
  • the primary objective in making this cross was to produce a new rose variety which combines the most desirable characteristics of the parent varieties, thereby attaining a new and desirable combination of characteristics which have never heretofore been available in roses of this class.
  • This objective was fully achieved, as evidenced by the fact that the new variety is particularly characterized by its abundant foliage, as inherited from its parent Fandango, a cluster-blooming habit, inherited from the variety Pinocchio, relatively large blooms approaching the size of the blooms of Fandango, and a distinctive bloom color which is somewhat different from that of both parents, and which in general is Orange Red on the upper surface of the petals, with Yellow on the reverse surface, as transmitted from recessive genes contributed by both parents.
  • the bloom color of the new variety is Orange Red on the upper surface of the petals, but Yellow on the reverse surface, whereas the bloom color of Fandango is a medium shade of red, best described as Cherry Red, and the blooms of the new variety are produced in manyflowered clusters, whereas those of this parent are usually produced singly, or occasionally two or three to the stem.
  • the bloom color of my new variety is bi-colored as aforementioned, whereas the bloom color of Pinocchio is best described as Pink-suffused Salmon; the blooms of the new variety are larger in size than those of Pinocchio, measuring from three to four inches in diameter, 4
  • Wilson Wilsons Horticultural Colour Chart
  • Ridgway Robert Ridgways Color Standards and Nomenclature
  • Type Bush; outdoor; seedling; for garden decoration. Class: Hybrid polyantha. Breeding: Seedling.
  • Plant Pat. 1,385 Patented Apr. 26, 1955 Flowers borne: Usually several to stem; in regular, somewhat rounded clusters; on stems of normal strength and medium length.
  • PeduncIe From average length to long; average caliper; erect; moderately smooth; numerous gland-tipped cilia; few prickles. Colorbetween Deep Chrysolite Green, Plate XXXI (Ridgwey) and Absinthe Green, Plate XXXI (Ridgway), overlaid with near Indian Red, Plate XXVII (Ridgway) on side exposed to sun.
  • Opening-Opens up well is not retarded from opening by cold, hot, wet or dry weather.
  • Petalage Semi-double; from 20 to 30 petals, plus 5 to 10 petaloids; arranged regularly.
  • petals being at first cupped, with lateral margins usually refiexed slightly about A of upper portion of the petal, and lateral margins of outer petals often reflexed /2 or more of petal length, with apex sometimes reflected slightly about A; of length of petal, and apex of outer petals sometimes reflexed A; of length of petal; becoming later at maturity fiat-cupped, with lateral margins usually reflexed about A to /3 of upper portion of petal, and lateral margins of outer petals usually reflexed /2 or more of petal length, with apex sometimes reflected or more of petal length.
  • REPRODUCTIVE ORGANS Stamens From average number to many; arranged regularly about pistils. 1O Filaments: From medium length to long; from 8 to mm. in length; most with anthers.
  • Rachis (the supporting stem of the compound leaf).Averagc size. Upper side--grooved; hairy; some stipitate glands on edges. Under side-moderately smooth, but prickly.


April 26, 1955 H. C. SWIM ROSE PLANT Filed Aug. 25, 1954 Plant Pat. 1,385
United States Patent O ROSE PLANT Herbert C. Swim, Ontario, Calif., assignor to Armstrong Nurseries, Ina, Ontario, Califi, a corporation of California Appiication August 23, 1954, Serial No. 451,727
1 Claim. (CI. 47-61) The present invention relates to a new and distinct variety of rose plant of the hybrid polyantha class, which was originated by me by crossing the variety Fandango (Plant Patent No. 894) with the variety Pinocchio (Plant Patent No. 484), the former constituting the seed parent, and the latter constituting the pollen parent.
The primary objective in making this cross was to produce a new rose variety which combines the most desirable characteristics of the parent varieties, thereby attaining a new and desirable combination of characteristics which have never heretofore been available in roses of this class. This objective was fully achieved, as evidenced by the fact that the new variety is particularly characterized by its abundant foliage, as inherited from its parent Fandango, a cluster-blooming habit, inherited from the variety Pinocchio, relatively large blooms approaching the size of the blooms of Fandango, and a distinctive bloom color which is somewhat different from that of both parents, and which in general is Orange Red on the upper surface of the petals, with Yellow on the reverse surface, as transmitted from recessive genes contributed by both parents.
In comparison with its seed parent Fandango, the bloom color of the new variety is Orange Red on the upper surface of the petals, but Yellow on the reverse surface, whereas the bloom color of Fandango is a medium shade of red, best described as Cherry Red, and the blooms of the new variety are produced in manyflowered clusters, whereas those of this parent are usually produced singly, or occasionally two or three to the stem.
As compared with its pollen parent Pinocchio, the bloom color of my new variety is bi-colored as aforementioned, whereas the bloom color of Pinocchio is best described as Pink-suffused Salmon; the blooms of the new variety are larger in size than those of Pinocchio, measuring from three to four inches in diameter, 4
whereas those of Pinocchio measure only approximately two inches in diameter; and the foliage of the new variety is abundant and covers the plant well, where as that of Pinocchio is less abundant and does not cover the plant as completely.
Asexual reproduction of my new variety by budding, as performed at Ontario, California, shows that the foregoing characteristics and distinctions come true to form and are established and transmitted through succeeding propagations.
The accompanying drawing shows typical specimens of the flowers, foliage and stems of my new variety in different stages of development, and as depicted in color as nearly true as it is reasonably possible to make the same in a color illustration of this character.
The following is a detailed description of the new variety, with color terminology in accordance with Robert F. Wilsons Horticultural Colour Chart (hereinafter abbreviated as Wilson) and Robert Ridgways Color Standards and Nomenclature (hereinafter abbreviated as Ridgway), as indicated:
Type: Bush; outdoor; seedling; for garden decoration. Class: Hybrid polyantha. Breeding: Seedling.
Seed parent-Fandango. Pollen parent-Pinocchio. Propagation: Holds its distinguishing characteristics through succeeding propagations by budding.
FLOWER Locality where grown and observed: Ontario, California.
Plant Pat. 1,385 Patented Apr. 26, 1955 Flowers borne: Usually several to stem; in regular, somewhat rounded clusters; on stems of normal strength and medium length.
Quantity of bloom: Abundant, outdoors.
Continuity: Continuous during growing season.
lgrajgrance: Moderate. Naturespicy.
PeduncIe.From average length to long; average caliper; erect; moderately smooth; numerous gland-tipped cilia; few prickles. Colorbetween Deep Chrysolite Green, Plate XXXI (Ridgwey) and Absinthe Green, Plate XXXI (Ridgway), overlaid with near Indian Red, Plate XXVII (Ridgway) on side exposed to sun.
Before calyx breaks.Size-medium. Form-medium length; from pointed to ovoid; with foliaceous appendages and some gland-tipped cilia on the surface of the bud; usually without much-cut foliaceous parts extending beyond the tip of the bud.
As calyx breaks.Colorbetween Aureolin, Plate 3/ 1, page 3 (Wilson) and Lemon Yellow, Plate 4/2, page 4 (Wilson), heavily overlaid with between Mandarin Red, Plate 17/2, page 17 (Wilson) and Vermillion, Plate 18/2, page 18 (Wilson), and sometimes marked with between Scarlet, Plate 19/1, page 19 (Wilson) and Geranium Lake, Plate 20/1, page 20 (Wilson).
.S'epals.lnner surface has fine, woolly tomentum; margins of alternate sepals lined with fine, w 1 olly tomentum; others lined with gland-tipped c1 121.
As first petal opens.Size-average. Form-medium length; urn-shaped. Color: Outside-between Aureolin, Plate 3/2, page 3 (Wilson) and'Lemon Yellow, Plate 4/ 2, page 4 (Wilson), overlaid with between Mandarin Red, Plate 17/2, page 17 (Wilson) and Vermillion, Plate 18/2, page 18 (Wilson), and sometimes marked with between Geranium Lake, Plate 20/1, page 20 (Wilson) and Carmine, Plate 21/ 1, page 21 (Wilson). Insidebetween Scarlet, Plate 19, page 19 (Wilson) and Geranium Lake, Plate 20/1, page 20 (Wilson); inner surface of outermost petals somtimes fading to between Geranium Lake, Plate 20/2, page 20 (Wilson) and Carmine, Plate 21/1, page 21 (Wilson); small area at base of petal near attachment between Aureolin, Plate 3/1, page 3 (Wilson) and Lemon Yellow, Plate 4/1, page 4 (Wilson).
Opening-Opens up well; is not retarded from opening by cold, hot, wet or dry weather.
Size (when fully open).Large; from 3 inches to 4 inches.
Petalage.Semi-double; from 20 to 30 petals, plus 5 to 10 petaloids; arranged regularly.
F0rm.Flat-cupped at first, but becoming open later; petals being at first cupped, with lateral margins usually refiexed slightly about A of upper portion of the petal, and lateral margins of outer petals often reflexed /2 or more of petal length, with apex sometimes reflected slightly about A; of length of petal, and apex of outer petals sometimes reflexed A; of length of petal; becoming later at maturity fiat-cupped, with lateral margins usually reflexed about A to /3 of upper portion of petal, and lateral margins of outer petals usually reflexed /2 or more of petal length, with apex sometimes reflected or more of petal length.
Textzzre.-From medium to thick; with inside satiny and outside from slightly shiny to satiny.
Slzape.Outside-broadly obovate, with apex flat, and rarely with l or 2 notches. Intermediateobovate, with apex from rounded to flat, and rarely with 1 or 2 notches. Inside-narrowly obovate, with apex rounded, and sometimes with 1 or 2 notches.
This description of a newly opened fiower was made Color:
Outside petal.-Outside surfacebetween Aureolin,
Plate 3/ 3, page 3 (Wilson) and Lemon Yellow, Plate 4/3, page 4 (Wilson), overlaid somewhat with between Scarlet, Plate 19/ 2, page 19 (Wilson) and Geranium Lake, Plate 20/3, page 20 (Wilson), and sometimes marked with between Carmine, Plate 21/1, page 21 (Wilson) and Crimson, Plate 22/2, page 22 (Wilson); small area at base of petal near attachment between Aureolin, Plate 3/2, page 3 (Wilson) and Lemon Yellow, Plate 4/ 2, page 4 (Wilson). Inside surface 'between Geranium Lake, Plate 20/ 1, page 20 (Wilson) and Carmine, Plate 21/ 1, page 21 (Wilson); small area at base of petal near attachment between Aureolin, Plate 3/1, page 3 (Wilson) and Lemon Yellow, Plate 4/ 1, page 4 (Wilson).
' small area at base of petal near attachment near Aureolin, Plate 3/2, page 3 (Wilson).
General color effect:
Newly opened fiower.-Between Scarlet, Plate 19/ l,
a page 19 (Wilson) and Geranium Lake, Plate 20/ 2,
Behavior: Drop off cleanly; not particularly affected by cold, hot,. Wet or dry weather. 3
Flower longevity: On bush in garden-4 days in May. Cut roses grown outdoors and kept at living-room temperatures-3 or 4 days in May.
REPRODUCTIVE ORGANS Stamens: From average number to many; arranged regularly about pistils. 1O Filaments: From medium length to long; from 8 to mm. in length; most with anthers.
C0l0r.l3etween Lemon Yellow, Plate 4/1, page 4 (Wilson) and Buttercup Yellow, Plate 5/2, page 5 (Wilson). Authors: From medium to large size; all open approximately at once.
Colon-Upper side-margins between Indian Yellow, Plate 6/2, page 6 (Wilson) and Saffron Yellow, Plate 7/2, page 7 (Wilson); remainder between Aureolin, Plate 3/2, page 3 (Wilson) and Intermediate petal.0utside surfacebetween Au- LemOll Yellow, Plate P g 4 reolin, Plate 3/3, page 3 (Wilson) and Lemon Under sidemargins between Indian Yellow, Yellow, Plate 4/ 3, page 4 (Wilson), overlaid some- Plate 6/2, page 6 (Wilson) and Safiron Yellow, what with between Scarlet, Plate 19/2, page 19 Plate 7/2, page 7 (Wilson); remainder between (Wilson) and Geranium Lake, Plate 20/3, page 20 Aureolin, Plate 3/ 2, page 3 (Wilson) and Lemon (Wilson); small area at base of petal near attach- Yellow, Plate 4/2, page 4 (Wilson).
Inent between Aureolin, Plate 3/2, page 3 (Wil- Pollen: Moderate abundance. son) and Lemon Yellow, Plate 4/ 2, page 4 (Wil- Col0r.Between Buttercup Yellow, Plate 5/ 3, page son). Inside surfacebetween Scarlet, Plate 5 (Wilson) and Indian Yellow, Plate 6/2, page 6 19/ 1, page 19 (Wilson) and Geranium Lake, (Wilson). Plate 20/2, page 20 (Wilson); small area at base Pistils: Average number; approximately 60 in number. 'of petal near attachment between Aureolin, Plate Styles: Moderately even; average length; average caliper; 3/1, page 3 (Wilson) and Lemon Yellow, Plate columnar; from 5 to 8 mm. in length. 4/1, page 4 (Wilson). Color.Between Sap Green, Plate 62/3, page 62 Inner petal.--Outside surfacebetween Aureolin, (Wilson) and Uranium Green, Plate 63/3, page Plate 3/3, page 3 (Wilson) and Lemon Yellow, 63 (Wilson), with upper-Vs of style overlaid Plate 4/ 3, page 4 (Wilson), overlaid somewhat with near Carmine, Plate 21/1, page 21 (Wilson). with between Scarlet, Plate 19/2, page 19 (Wilson) Stigma: Colorbetween Uranium Green, Plate 63/3, and Geranium Lake, Plate 20/ 3, page 20 (Wilpage 63 (Wilson) and Dresden Yellow, Plate 64/3, son); small area at base of petal near attachment page 64 (Wilson). between Aureolin, Plate 3/2, page 3 (Wilson) varies: Usually all enclosed in calyx, but a few proand Lemon Yellow, Plate 4/2, page 4 (Wilson). truding from calyx. Inside surfacebetween Scarlet, Plate 19/ 1, page Hip h globular; 511100111; Walls thick and y- 19 (Wilson) and Geranium Lake, Plate 20/2, Color (mature).-Between Tangerine Orange, Plate page 20 (Wilson); small area at base of petal near 9, page 9 (Wilson) and Orpiment Orange, Plate attachment between Aureolin, Plate 3/1, page 3 10/1, page 10 (Wilson). (Wilson) and Lemon Yellow, Plate 4/1, page 4 Sepals: Permanent; from medium length to long; re- (Wilson). curved. Color.lnsidebetween Biscay Green, Plate XVII This description was made from a rose that was open J (Ridgway) and Bic Green, plate v i for 3 days outdoors in the month of May, at Ontario, Way), masked by whim Woolly tomentum' Cahfomla: sidebetween Biscay Green, Plate XVII (Ridg- Color: way) and Bice Green, Plate XVII (Ridgway).
Outside petal outside surface between Rose H Seeds: Few; medium size; from 2 to 4 in number.
Madder, Plate 23/3, page 23 (Wilson) and Tyrian Rose, Plate 24/3, page 24 (Wilson); small area PLANT at base of petal near attachment near Aureolin, Plate 3/2, page; (Wi2lson). Inside surfacebed Foliage, 22 Y V ease a: teats... ii liilloil; -e i e M to small area at base of petal near attachment near abundan medlum leathfry glossy Aureolin, Plate 3/2 page 3 (Wilson). Lez vfletsr-chape ovoid, with apex acute. Base-- Inside petal.-Outside surface-between Rose Madlound' Margmmslmply senate der, Plate 23/3, page 23 (Wilson) and Tyrian Colon-Mature: Uppen surface-between Forest" Rose, Plate 24/3, page 24 (Wilson); small area clreem Plate XVII (Rldgway) Deep Dun at base of petal near attachment near Aureolin, Yellow'Green (1) Plate XXXH i y);
plate 3/2 page 3 w Inside surface der surfacenear Light Elm Green, Plate X VII between Crimson, Plate 22/2. page 22 (Wilson) gj gg g gg e g ggf gg g ig and Rose Madder Plate 23/2 Page 23 (Wilson), somewhat with near Indian Red, Plate XXVII (Ridgway); under surface between Kildare Green, Plate XXXI (Ridgway) and Absinthe Green, Plate XXX! (Ridgway), overlaid with near Mineral Red, Plate XXVII (Ridgeway).
Rachis (the supporting stem of the compound leaf).Averagc size. Upper side--grooved; hairy; some stipitate glands on edges. Under side-moderately smooth, but prickly.
Stipules.Mediun1 length; medium width; with medium length points turning out at an angle of more than 45".
Disease resistance.-Average resistance to mildew, as compared with other varieties grown under comparable cultural conditions at Ontario, Cali- 5 fornia.
1,885 5 5 Growth: New shts.-Colorbetween Courge Green, Plate Habit.Bushy; upright; much-branched. XVII (Ridgway) and Biscay Green, Plate XVII Gr0wth.--Very vigorous. (Ridgway), heavily overlaid with between Min- Canes-From medium caliper to heavy. eral Red, Plate XXVII (Ridgway) and Indian Main stems.--Colorbetween Oil Green, Plate V Red, Plate XXVI (Ridgway). Large prickles (Ridgway) and Spinach Green, Plate V (Ridgway). Large prickles-many; from medium length to long; hooked slightly downward; with many; from medium length to long; hooked slightly downward; with long, narrow base. Color-near Mineral Red, Plate XXVII (Ridglong, narrow base. Color-between Wood way). Small pricklesseveral. Color-near Brown, Plate XL (Ridgway) and Light Drab, Mineral Red, Plate XXVII (Ridgway). -Iairs Plate XLVI (Ridgway). Small rickles-few. none.
Colornear Wood Brown, Plate XL (Ridgway). I claim:
Brnnches.Color-between Biscay Green, Plate XVII (Ridgway) and Light Elm Green, Plate XVII (Ridgway). Large prickles-many; from medium length to long; hooked slightly down- A new and distinct variety of rose plant of the hybrid polyantha class, substantially as herein shown aid described, characterized particularly as to novelty by its good cluster blooming habit, abundant foliage, relatively large blooms and the distinctive color of its blooms, the ward; with long, narrow base. Colorbetween petals of which have a general color tonality of Orange Cinnamon Brown, Plate XV (Ridgway) and Red on their upper surface and Yellow on their reverse Verona Brown, Plate XXIX (Ridgway). Small surface. prickles-few. Oolor-between Cinnamon Brown, Plate XV (Ridgway) and Verona Brown, Plate XXIX (Ridgway). Hairs-none.
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