USD99889S - Design for a bicycle head and truss - Google Patents

Design for a bicycle head and truss Download PDF


Publication number
USD99889S US D99889 S USD99889 S US D99889S
United States
Prior art keywords
bicycle head
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Application number
Earl E. Pease
Original Assignee
Battery Patents Corporation
Filing date
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June 2, 1936. 5 PEASE Des. 99,889
BICYCLE HEAD AND TRUSS ROD UN IT Filed March 30, 1956 Patented June 2, 1936 Des,
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE DESIGN FOR A BICYCLE HEAD AND TRUSS ROD UNIT Earl E. Pease, Oak Park, 111., assignor to Battery Patents Corporation, Chicago, 111., a corporation of Illinois Application March 30, 1936, Serial No. 61,849
Term of patent 14 years To all whom it may concern: Fig. 1 is a side elevational view of a bicycle Be it known that I, Earl E. Pease, a citizen head and truss rod unit, showing my new deof the United States, residing at Oak Park, in sign; Fig. 2 is a front elevational view thereof;
the county of Cook and State of Illinois, have and Fig. 3 is a plan view.
invented a new, original, and ornamental Design I claim:
for a. Bicycle Head and Truss Rod Unit, of The ornamental design for a bicycle head and which the following is a specification, reference truss rod unit, as shown.
being had to the accompanying drawing, form- EARL E. PEASE.
ing a part thereof, in which:



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