USD99542S - Design for a grease gun rack - Google Patents

Design for a grease gun rack Download PDF


Publication number
USD99542S US D99542 S USD99542 S US D99542S
United States
Prior art keywords
grease gun
gun rack
Prior art date
Application number
Arthur Fuller Dean
Original Assignee
Filing date
Publication date




May 5, 1936. N Des. 99,542
GREASE GUN RACK Filed Feb. 10, 1936 E ven Z0? 272167 @cuw.
wygwj 952%:
Patented May 5, 1936 Des,
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE DESIGN FOR A GREASE GUN RACK Arthur Fuller Dean, Winnetka, 111., assignor to Stewart-Warner Corporation, Chicago, 111., a corporation of Virginia Application February 10, 1936, Serial No. 61,067
Term of patent 14 years To all whom it may concern: The drawing is a perspective view of the grease Be it known that I, Arthur Fuller Dean, a citigun rack showing my design. zen of the United States, residing at Winnetka, I claim:
in the county of Cook and State of Illinois, have The ornamental design for a grease gun rack, as invented a new, original, and ornamental Design shown.
for a Grease Gun Rack, of which the following is In witness whereof, I hereunto subscribe my a specification, reference being had to the accomname this 3rd day of February, 1936.
panying drawing, forming part thereof. ARTHUR FULLER DEAN.



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