USD98912S - Design for a card illuminating - Google Patents

Design for a card illuminating Download PDF


Publication number
USD98912S US D98912 S USD98912 S US D98912S
United States
Prior art keywords
card illuminating
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Application number
Alexander E. Blmnenthal
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, March v17, A. E. BLUMENTHAL Des. 98,912
CARD ILLUMINATING FIXTURE Filed Dec. 24, 1955 ATTORNEY WITNESSES: 5 227 Patented Mar. 17, 1936 Des,
DESIGN FOR A CARD ILLUMINATING FIXTURE Alexander E. Blumenthal, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Application December 24, 1935, Serial No. 60,269
' Term of patent 3% years To all whom it may concern: Fig. 2 is a side view thereof.
Be it known that I, Alexander E Blumenthal, I claim:
a. citizen of the United States, residing at Pitts- The ornamental design for a card. illuminating burgh, in the county of Allegheny and State of fixture substantially as shown. Pennsylvania, have invented a new, original, and In testimony whereof, I have hereunto subornamental Design for Card Illuminating Fixscribed my name this 19th day of December, tures, of which the following is a specification, 1935. reference being had to the accompanying draw- ALEXANDER E. BLUMENTI-IAL. ing, constituting a part hereof.
Fig. 1 is a front view of the card illuminating fixture showing my new design, and



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