USD98593S - Design for a smoking stand - Google Patents

Design for a smoking stand Download PDF


Publication number
USD98593S US D98593 S USD98593 S US D98593S
United States
Prior art keywords
smoking stand
Prior art date
Application number
Wolfgang Hoffmann
Original Assignee
The Howell Company
Filing date
Publication date




Feb. 18, 1936.
n w. HOFFMANN Des. 98,593
SMOKING STAND C Filed Dec. 24, 19:55
UNITED STATES PATENT oFF-ICE DESIGN FOR A SMOKING STAND Wolfgang Hoffmann, Batavia, Ill., assignor to The Howell Company, St. Charles, Ill., a corporation of Illinois Application December 24, 1935, Serial No. 60,257
Term of patent 3% years To a'ZZ whom it may concern: Figure 1 is a side elevation; and
Be it known that I, Wolfgang Hoimann, a citi- Fig. 2 is a View in plan, of a smoking stand eX zen of the Republic of Austria, residing at hibiting my new design. Batavia, in the county of Kane and State of I claim:
Illinois, have invented a new, original, and orna- The ornamental design for a smoking stand, mental Design for a Smoking Stand, of which the as shown.
following is a specification, reference being had WOLFGANG HOFFMANN. to the accompanying drawing, forming a part thereof.



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