USD98590S - Design fob a shoe sole - Google Patents

Design fob a shoe sole Download PDF


Publication number
USD98590S US D98590 S USD98590 S US D98590S
United States
Prior art keywords
shoe sole
design fob
Prior art date
Application number
Arthur Greenbaum
Filing date
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Des. 98,590
A. GREENBAUM Feb. 18, 1936.
WiZ'neJJ Patented Feb. 18, 1936 Des.
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE DESIGN FOR A SHOE SOLE Arthur Greenbaum, Beachmont, Mass., assignmto Panther-Panco Rubber Co. Inc., Chelsea, Mass, a corporation of Massachusetts Application December 14, 1935, Serial No. 60,087
Term of patent 14 years To all whom it may concern: In the drawing, Fig. 1 is a plan view of a Be it known that I, Arthur Greenbaum, a citishoe sole showing my new design; and Fig. 2
zen of the United States, residing at Beachmont, is a cross-section on the line 2--2 of Fig. 1.
in the county of Suffolk and Commonwealth of I claim:
Massachusetts, have inventeda new, original, and The ornamental design for a shoe sole subornamental Design for a Shoe Sole, of which stantially as shown.
the following is a specification, reference being had. to the accompanying drawing, forming a, part thereof.



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